Congratulations on Medic's Day - a large selection. Congratulations on the day of the physician Congratulations on the day of the medical worker by profession

On the third Sunday of June, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Medical Worker. This year the holiday falls on June 17th.

On this day, health workers celebrate their professional holiday.

On the Day of the Medical Worker, it is customary to congratulate doctors on their holiday. We have collected the best greetings for you.

People in white coats ... bow to you,
For sleepless nights, works.
For the lives saved once,
For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and very much needed by everyone,
After all, without you, a person is nowhere.
May earthly blessings come to you,
Trouble is on the side!

Health workers, angels of God,
Many lives are in your hands.
May the Lord grant you health
Happiness, joy, all the best!

There is no more honorable work in the world,
Nobler and more important!
A life saver is a paramedic
He heals ordinary people.

I wish you good health,
Strong nerves, a lot of strength,
personal happiness, good luck,
Faith, courage, love!

Who proudly bears the title of physician,
He deserved respect.
Let the sun shine brighter in life
There is enough strength for everything.

Let the profession bring
Prosperity, joy and success.
Let all questions be resolved
Bosses appreciate it the most!

The work of a physician is always
Was and is in high esteem
Thank you for your kindness
What are you bringing to people?

We wish you happiness and love
Good patients.
So that your life is full
Only good moments!

Today we congratulate everyone
Who bears the name of a health worker.
May success accompany you
More carefree thoughts.

For mercy, kindness,
For a sensitive, big heart
We wish you always luck
And there was no grief in life!

Medicine is your calling for centuries,
Let your eye be accurate, and firm - hand,
Let all diseases and sorrows run away,
You are on guard of health day and night!

To you, doctors, whose gift is marked from above,
To whom the missing pulse under thin skin
Feel again, hear the breath -
Any awards becomes more expensive

Hearts are beating excitedly every minute
For the lives returned "thank you!",
Success, strength, patience in a difficult matter,
And in your family - happiness and smiles!

May your heart, which worries about every patient, be filled with happiness, may your eyes, in which compassion always lives, shine with joy, and may your soul be illuminated with rays of calmness. Happy Medic Day!

From the heart on a June Sunday afternoon
I send you words of gratitude with excitement,
Let the happiness syndrome progress
Will force luck, love and luck.

Do you keep the Hippocratic Oath?
And day after day you conquer the disease,
You can forget about everything in the world
To bring sparkle in the eyes and return joy!

And on this summer day without delay
Accept the words of love and admiration,
Let good, luck and dream
You are accompanied through the years!

Happy Medic Day! May there be billions of bouquets and beautiful words filled with gratitude from saved people in your life. I wish you an inexhaustible well of inspiration and an inexhaustible stream of energy and health!

Snow-white robe, kindness of lovely eyes,
I congratulate you today on your holiday,
You save everyone from diseases and troubles,
So live in health and happiness for a hundred years!

May the Lord keep at work
And always gives you strength
Although you brought many back to life,
But things are still unfinished!

Looking forward to your help
in homes and hospitals.
Thank you for our health
You, angels in white coats!

Congratulations! We wish you smiles from cured patients, respect from colleagues and a decent salary! Combine tenderness and severity depending on the circumstances, fight for human lives, not forgetting to guard your health as well.

Happy Medical Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart -
Good luck to you, good luck and happiness in the family!
I wish you to heal the sick without problems,
Be successful in life in every article!

You give health to everyone
Relieving us of problems.
We wish you a holiday,
And in the life of sorrows do not know

May your work always be appreciated
And good news is just waiting
There will be fewer patients
More happy moments.

Dear medical worker! I wish you incredibly great self-confidence, faith in miracles, enduring health, decent pay for your hard but vital work.

Happy Medic's Day, congratulations,
I wish you good, love, patience,
Let the sun smile at you from the top
And may goodness return to you a hundredfold,
The Hippocratic oath will be good,
that you once gave.

Bow to you and glory, paramedic!
You, like a soldier, have been on the battlefield all your life,
Attacks of diseases reflecting hundreds,
Bring us relief from pain.

So always win! Know no mistakes.
Let them shine for you as a reward
Healthy people thousands of smiles,
And fate pours love and joy into the veins!

Happy holiday, dear medical workers! Without your pure hearts, caring hands, understanding eyes, it is difficult to imagine our health and peace of mind. We wish you harmony in your soul and thoughts, in relationships and feelings.

Happy Medical Worker's Day! I wish your hopes and dreams come true. So that the joy of doing what you love brings inspiration and incentive. So that every working day is a step towards professional growth and development. Be happy, healthy and successful!

Congratulations on your professional holiday. Your profession is everyday work that brings goodness, care and light, allowing people to become healthy again. We wish you to achieve significant results in medicine, success, friendly patients, cheerfulness and optimism.

Congratulations on the holiday of all doctors. I wish you that your white coat and the smell of medicines will scare away all diseases, not only from you, but also from all your relatives and friends. Be always healthy, enjoy life, and may there be an inexhaustible multitude of reasons for joy. Give people health, and let your kindness return to you with a seething stream of gratitude. Success in everything, well-being in life and long, long years of professional activity.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live fulfilling lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker and wish you great success in your noble and necessary work. I wish you the respect and love of colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not cool down, but always be sympathetic and hot!

Happy Medical Day, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of my own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude of people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

Congratulations on the day of the medical worker. A person wearing a white coat is not in vain associated with purity and salvation, with pain relief and first aid. May every day please you with grateful reviews of people who have turned to you for help, may there be a team of like-minded people and true friends nearby. Be healthy and full of strength!

Happy Medic Day! Your profession saves people's lives, so I wish that fate generously rewards you with a loving family, true friends, and a friendly team. May the care that you give to people return to you doubly. Let the goals be realized, there will be harmony and joy in the soul!

Dear doctors, professionals in their field, Happy Holidays! Let invaluable, noble work be generously rewarded, patients obediently follow the instructions, and relatives never use your services. Be happy, kept by heaven, always cheerful and cheerful. Thank you for your help, knowledge, faith, hope, patience, saving lives, maintaining health!

Happiness, peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
unlimited luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients
And health to you,
Lots of happy moments
And all the best. Hooray for doctors!

More summer heat
Emotions, feelings of spring,
Less cold, winter blues,
Sad autumn days!

Health, happiness and kindness,
Cheerful patients.
Happy Medic Day to you, cheers!
One hundred percent success.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live fulfilling lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker and wish you great success in your noble and necessary work. I wish you the respect and love of colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not cool down, but always be sympathetic and hot!

Happy Medic Day!
May dreams come true
Let prosperity come
And let life be happier.

And let the work argue
Not afraid of fatigue
Let life add health
And more patience!

Happy Medic's Day, we congratulate
And with all our heart we wish you:
Happiness, joyful moments,
Love, smiles of patients,
In the family of health, understanding,
In all your endeavors,
To be appreciated at work
And you were always respected!

Happy Medic's Day congratulations
And I wish you good health
So that the forces do not leave
You at the most responsible hour.

To be respected and appreciated.
And yes, you believe in yourself.
The joy of life is undeniable
And a healthy life should be.

It must also have luck.
Expectations, hopes, dreams,
So that there is no pain and crying,
To warm you with happiness rays.

health workers of the country,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Happy professional day
We wish you happiness in it.

Sincere patience to you,
Fighting mood.
To keep everyone healthy
To dispel all quarrels.

We wish you understanding
And in a career of prosperity.
respect, kindness,
Happiness, cheerfulness, love.

Happy professional day, congratulations,
Dear Our Doctors,
We wish you good health
Happiness in life, peace and kindness!

We always appreciate your concern,
We can't do without you
Doing the right job,
You are sure to save our lives!

Our gratitude is boundless
And a big thank you from all of us
And may everything be fine with you,
And filled with happiness every hour!

Medicine - honor and glory!
The work is huge and difficult.
Where lava boils troubles,
You rush into battle without fear.

How many lives have been saved
How many colds have been cured!
Day and night, wherever you call,
"Aibolites" will always come.

On this holiday, we are grateful to you
Kind words will bring a bouquet.
You heal any wounds,
You will find answers to questions.

Be happy and loved!
May success accompany you!
And in a profession, protected by God,
Strength, good luck to you!

May for each of our diseases
The recipe is easy to find.
Prosperity to you, good songs!
Live well for hundreds of years!

Health worker, congratulations,
On this holiday - only yours,
We sincerely wish you
A lot of happiness for the soul.

So that work is a joy,
To rest in the south,
Bad things - so that it does not happen,
Well, money in hand!

There are many professions in the world
Everyone is important in their own way
But those who save the sick.
There really is no price.

Saints, wizards, gods?
The same people as us.
Yes, a feat is within the power of a few,
They are the pride of our country.

Your day, medical worker,
Marked on the calendar
And a life without grief and pain
We owe you personally!

Medical workers accept their professional congratulations twice a year: in Medical Worker's Day , which, according to a long tradition in the CIS countries, is celebrated on the third Sunday of June , and in international day of the doctor which is celebrated on the first Monday in October .
We unconditionally trust the doctors and thank them for their help. And even though saving lives is a medical duty and profession, their tireless selfless work deserves more.
In difficult moments of life, the layman seeks help from his relatives and friends. But sometimes, to solve global problems, especially those related to health, the advice of an amateur is not enough, and we rush to the doctor. After all, this is the only person who will always find a way out of a difficult situation and tell you how to maintain health, and sometimes life. Therefore, the doctor deservedly accepts the words of gratitude that will sound on the third Sunday of June and on the first Monday of October.
Probably, everyone has a person whom they want to congratulate on this day. So wish them all the bright and good in the most beautiful form!
Most of the health workers will be at their workplaces on their professional holiday, so colleagues, relatives and friends usually choose funny and short congratulations to doctors so as not to distract too much from work, and at least for a few minutes to cheer up with original wishes and postcards.

The white coat people are the brotherhood of the Hippocratic Oath!

Doctors are people who spend nights reading textbooks, losing
at the same time your health, in order to help you acquire it later.

Happy Medic's Day, I hasten to congratulate you
And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
To save other people's lives,
You treated yours better!

Congratulations to healthcare workers today!
Happiness to you, love, hope, faith and kindness!
To make your mood excellent,
Carry joy in your heart through all the years!

Medical worker is not a profession, but a vocation!

Our dear doctors, nurses, paramedics and orderlies! Congratulations on your professional holiday! On Medical Worker's Day, we would like to wish you never break the Hippocratic Oath, never deviate from the principles of good luck, happiness and prosperity! Be healthy, successful, energetic doctors! May your salary grow exponentially, and the number of grateful patients never decrease!

Happy Medic's Day!
I wish happiness only to hurt,
Passionate love to be infected,
From a fiery passion to heal!
Let humor be your pill
From all problems and all adversity!
I'm inflamed by wealth
I wish you a whole year!

Honored and always will be
All our doctors and doctors!
Treat us every day, every hour
And saved the lives of many of us!
The medical profession is very important
The medical profession is very difficult.
But still they are on guard of health:
Our doctors, doctors and doctors!

The only person everyone listens to
with an open mouth is a dentist.

To all of you who take the Hippocratic Oath
Gave fidelity before God,
Who is faithful to her in life,
Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics!
Bow and midwives low,
From your hands we came into the world!
Have a wonderful and long life
In the bosom of mother earth!

I wish you on Medic's Day
No syringe, no probe!
Glory to the beautiful warriors
Medical Front!

All doctors without exception
I wish you a good mood
Pure thoughts, white coats
And, of course, a decent salary!

"The cure for disease is mercy" ( Seneca).

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live fulfilling lives and very often just save lives. I congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker and wish you great success in your noble and necessary work. I wish you love and respect from colleagues and patients, long life, good health, warmth and simple human happiness! Let your hearts not cool down, but always be sympathetic and hot!

Scalpel, syringe, bandages and cotton
Live in your head...
Medic! Congratulations, however!
And let the bandages wait!

To doctors today - our congratulations:
Joy, success and luck in business!
And also - career, happiness in personal life,
Eat caviar for you, not hospital bread!

Congratulations to all those who are faithful to the Hippocratic Oath!

Today is your Holiday, today is your Day,
Medical workers!
From the bottom of our hearts, we repeat more than once:
You are dear and loved to us!
Let your hard work be paid
Worthy and valuable reward,
And people for the help of caring hands
You will always be grateful!
Scientific discoveries and new ideas,
Health for many years!
Warmth and attention in your beloved family!
We wish you successful work!

You took the Hippocratic Oath:
Help all the people in the world...
And this is the best reward
Congratulations to doctors today!
May God give you happiness and health,
And many, many more powers
So that every day of your work
He brought happiness to all people!

Without doctors we are nowhere:
We go to them when trouble
We trust them with our lives
We respect their work!
Congratulations to doctors today!
We wish them health and happiness!
Let everything be great in life:
Both at work and in private!

The best medicine is a smile!

Dear our irreplaceable medical workers! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to others! On this Day, we wish you joy, happiness, great love and a piece of that great health that you generously give to us. May your families on this holiday see your smile and sincere pleasure from the nationwide recognition of your merits!

Everywhere - iodine, floors - in green,
All decanters are in moonshine,
Scalpels, bandages fly -
These are doctors walking!!!

Let a smile heal
healing energy,
Congratulations dear doctor
From the bottom of my heart, happy doctor's day!

Citizens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, according to a long tradition, celebrate Medical Worker's Day annually on the third Sunday of June.

For the first time, the professional day of a medical worker was discussed back in the 70s of the last century. The question of fixing a fixed date for the holiday of doctors and nurses was considered repeatedly.

However, only in 1980, at a regular meeting of the Supreme Council, a decision was made to honor medical workers at the all-Union level. By a special decree of the Presidium, from now on, the Day of the Medic was decided to be celebrated on the third Sunday of the first month of summer. And until 1991, this holiday was regularly celebrated throughout the USSR.

Beautiful congratulations on Medic's Day in verse

In an informal setting, rhyming wishes will be very good. They can even be funny.

I wish health workers
Warm up with love and tea
On this holiday that is given to us from God,
And so that a smooth road
Led forward at a leisurely pace.
A cardiogram with a zigzag
I wish you nice patients
And very happy times.
I also want to live with a smile
Health would not be unsteady,
There would be frequent gratitude,
Tachycardia, so only from happiness!

Happy Medic Day! I shout "hooray"!
Do not worry, gentlemen,
After all, today you again care -
On your day, be on duty at work,
But, nothing, because this work
All patients are waiting again.
And I want to fall in love
And only change for the better.
After all, this life prolongs laughter,
So have fun for everyone!

Can't imagine without your hands
The whole world, and help in it.
I hasten to congratulate you on the day of the doctor
And wish for more:
So that your heart does not hurt
And the head was not spinning
After all, you are the creators of a holy cause,
And you are always praised for that!

A health worker is also a person,
He teaches lessons with children in the evenings,
And among the heaps of terrible filing cabinets
He torments thoughts about cleaning the house.
And he chooses the recipe,
Such that there is now in cooking,
And then pokes at the phone,
To know: was the cat even fed?
And so I wish on this day
So that a paramedic in a white coat
Suddenly I remembered what laziness is,
And how he loves beds ...

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations on your professional holiday. Your profession is everyday work that brings goodness, care and light, allowing people to become healthy again. We wish you to achieve significant results in medicine, success, friendly patients, cheerfulness and optimism.

Happy Medical Day, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of my own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude of people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

Happy Medic Day! Your profession saves people's lives, so I wish that fate generously rewards you with a loving family, true friends, and a friendly team. May the care that you give to people return to you doubly. Let the goals be realized, there will be harmony and joy in the soul!

Congratulations on the holiday of all doctors. I wish you that your white coat and the smell of medicines will scare away all diseases, not only from you, but also from all your relatives and friends. Be always healthy, enjoy life, and may there be an inexhaustible multitude of reasons for joy. Give people health, and let your kindness return to you with a seething stream of gratitude. Success in everything, well-being in life and long, long years of professional activity.

Roll up your sleeves, it's time to celebrate. I congratulate you doctors on the holiday of the profession. Put aside, stethoscope and enema, and take a stack not for medical purposes, but for the sake of raising the festive mood. I wish everyone good health, so that no one suddenly turns out to be a patient of their own colleagues. And I also wish you fewer patients, more salaries and permanent well-being.

You give good to people
Let it come back to you.
You are simple health workers,
But people are just golden.

Happy Medic Day to all of you now,
In your work you know the class,
And let everything go smoothly at home,
Let health be in order!

medical worker,
Like an angel keeps us
Health is improving
We are not allowed to get sick.

And on this wonderful holiday
I want to wish you
Saving someone else's life
Don't forget yourself.

Congratulations on the holiday of all doctors! I wish you that your white coat and the smell of medicines will scare away all diseases, not only from you, but also from all your relatives and friends. Be always healthy, enjoy life, and may there be an inexhaustible multitude of reasons for joy. Give people health, and let your kindness return to you with a stormy stream of gratitude. Success in everything, well-being in life and long, long years of professional activity!

There are many doctors in the world
But I confess - you are from God!
To you, a good doctor,
I will take care of all ailments.

Taking the Hippocratic Oath
And faithful to her very holy,
Feel free to treat diseases
There is no better profession.

I want to wish you
Avoid all diseases
And good health, strong
All of us to please steadily.

Your hands are golden
A lot of people were healed.
My bow to the ground to you.
Happy Professional Day!

Your work cannot be measured,
Sometimes it's so difficult for you.
You - all desires of fulfillment!

May only happiness surround
Let there be no bad weather.
Let the salary be decent
Work will be calm!

We congratulate today
Medical team.
We wish you happiness and love.
And in everything - only positive!

Doctors and nurses
Both nurses and doctors
We respect and appreciate you
You know how to heal.

Your work is difficult, but useful,
And he is respected.
Save your optimism
you for many years.

On Medic's Day, we sincerely wish:
Let gratitude flow like a river to you,
And even for many more years
This work remains the best.

We wish to cope once or twice
With any problem, no matter what happens,
So that in your life more than 10 times
Goodness, love and happiness appeared.

Doctors are always respected
After all, your work matters!
How would we all live without you
If you didn't treat us?
We want to wish you
Heal others, but do not get sick,
In a career, only success,
Work clearly, without flaws,
More happy moments
And grateful patients!

Happy Medical Worker's Day,
Today we will congratulate you.
Good health, excellent,
And happiness, we wish you.

So that you do not know sorrow and anxiety,
We wish you easy life paths.
Good luck, prosperity and patience
Good and great vibes.

Happy Medical Day today!
Thanks for the hard work.
May happiness fill your heart
Let loved ones at home, relatives always wait.

Energy, health, inspiration,
Let the body radiate cheerfulness like a fountain.
Let the mood be good
Love, warmth, good wishes to you!

People in white coats
Congratulations today
Patience, strength, health
We wish doctors

Let the change be easy
grateful work,
Patient smile
Wide, radiant!

May the Hippocratic Oath
It won't lose its meaning.
For those who are our lives
Saves day and night!