Happy New Year greetings to a stranger. Happy new year wishes in your own words

New Year is a long-awaited and favorite holiday for most families. He is always shrouded in magic, a fairy tale. To please your loved ones on this wonderful holiday, you should choose warm, pleasant and beautiful New Year greetings for them.

It does not matter at all whether congratulations on the New Year will be written in poetry or prose. The main thing is to make them sincere, warm, sincere. The New Year is a holiday that is equally awaited by both adults and children, so congratulations can be prepared for all generations of the family. It will be pleasant to receive it both for kids, and for their parents, and grandparents. By the way, it is important to congratulate not only family members, but also neighbors, work colleagues and even just random passers-by. New Year sometimes brings together complete strangers and returns everyone to childhood.

To effectively congratulate your loved ones on the New Year and Christmas, you can not only write a wish text for them, but also give gifts. It should be noted right away that on a magical holiday, expensive chic presents will not be too appropriate. It is better to choose sets of sweets and other treats for your loved ones, Christmas tree decorations, lights for decorating a room, chocolate figurines, and various products with the symbol of the year. Such gifts will delight people of any age and social status, regardless of their tastes and preferences.

I wish this New Year

Less sadness and worries

More happiness and kindness

Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

To be true friends

And a very friendly family

So that every day is successful

And so that there is enough strength for everything!

Well, let the New Year

Brings more money

Health, peace and love,

So that there is no winter in the heart!

Happy New Year! And I would like to wish everyone that in the coming year the very miracle that we all dream of happens to us. And let everyone have their own, but it is necessarily the most necessary and most important. I wish that we all be alive and healthy, that we do what brings us pleasure. I wish to reach new heights and self-realization. And I also want to wish more joyful moments that will turn into pleasant memories, and meetings with devoted friends and beloved household members.

May a miracle happen in the New Year -

Fires will burn in the soul

And you won't have a whole year

No grief, no sadness.

Let the tree with a bright star

Bring good luck to your house

Love and good health.

May the year be fabulously lucky for you.

Guess to the chiming clock

Your cherished dreams

And let me into your house as soon as possible

Year of joy and kindness.

This year was difficult, there were many problems, failures, setbacks. So let there be more victories in the New Year. May it be filled with joy, smiles and laughter. I wish everyone that any desire comes true, that all goals are achieved. Most importantly, let each of us be happy in the New Year. After all, happiness just includes health, and love, and success. Be happy! Happy New Year!

How to congratulate loved ones on the upcoming holiday in prose

Happy New Year greetings in prose are quite easy to write on your own. You don't need to be a great writer or even have impeccable literacy to do this. It is enough to have a desire to please loved ones.

It’s worth starting with a pleasant beautiful appeal to relatives, and then list the wishes that are relevant to them. You can wish the smallest family members dream toys, success in kindergarten or school, and everyone else - real sincere happiness, good heroic health, fulfillment of all desires and only worthy, pleasant people in whirling.

Wishes can be anything. Sometimes the most unexpected. It all depends on the relationship of the congratulator with loved ones and on many other points.

If the congratulation is written in your own words, it is best to place it on a postcard or a beautifully designed piece of paper. This is worth doing not only so as not to forget the prepared text. A postcard can be handed to relatives, and they will be able to keep it and re-read it from time to time, remembering the pleasant moments of the holiday.

Happy New Year! I wish that next year brings us as many joys as there are days in a year, and that every day gives us a smile and a piece of goodness. May everything that we planned come true: everything that we wanted to start will begin, and what we wanted to finish will end. May next year we all become happier, kinder and more attentive to the people around us, and the world will open new doors for us!

Happy New Year! May this year bring us only the best. May good luck, success and luck accompany us. I wish you all good health, real happiness and good mood. May we always be surrounded by loved ones. And everything that is conceived under the chiming clock will surely come true.

Let this New Year become a fabulous journey for you, where good people will meet, interesting events will take place, which will leave unforgettable impressions. Let your dreams come true, luck will be on your side, health and success will settle in your home. I wish that money flows to you like a river, there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blove, and an ocean of happiness!

Touching New Year's poems

Writing wishes for the New Year holidays in verse is always somewhat more difficult. Such texts usually require at least minimal literary talent from the congratulator. But for help, you can turn to special services that independently select rhymes, synonyms, and also check errors. In this case, the task of the congratulator will be somewhat easier.

Another option is to use a ready-made congratulation that is suitable in all respects, slightly changing it. For example, you can add at the beginning of the text the name of a loved one to whom the wish is addressed.

The main thing is not to choose options among the most popular on the Web. Otherwise, at the holiday, the same congratulations may sound from different family members.

I wish you peace and good

Love, warmth!

May this New Year

Success and joy will bring!

Let the New Year open the doors

In the world of magic, care, faith.

And all good things begin!

Good luck let you smile!

May the New Year be good

And open the door to a fairy tale

And will certainly bring

All the best with you.

I wish you all this year

Live in love and happiness

Do not know sadness and worries

And other bad weather.

The clock will strike twelve times

And suddenly a miracle will happen!

May all dreams come true

Joy will knock on the house.

May the New Year bring joy

The warmth of hearts, the love of relatives.

May every day be sweet to you.

Less days of cold, evil.

I wish you happiness full heap,

Let life play with colors.

Fun, joy, enthusiasm!

Let weekdays become fairy tales.

Let luck not recede

Let kindness surround

Let the New Year not offend you

And will always be generous to you.

New Year is a magical holiday

Day of miracles and celebrations.

In your house we wish

The cup is always full!

It's time for fairy tales

May there be a mountain of miracles

We wish you a lot of happiness

Light, peace and kindness!

On a magical night by the Christmas tree

Let's guess, as always,

To keep everyone healthy

And loved forever!

Short wishes in your own words

Today, many have universal short wishes in their own words on Christmas tree decorations. Such a congratulation looks very original and unusual.

This can be done both independently, using a marker and sparkles, and with the help of professionals. Various gift-making studios will create an individual balloon from scratch and publish the lines chosen by the customer on it.

Interestingly, on the balls for the Christmas tree, you can also place photos of your loved ones. A wonderful gift would be a set of Christmas decorations, complemented by the personal wishes of the congratulator and a common beautiful picture of the whole family.

Short wishes in your own words are perfect for wishing your child a Happy New Year. Small texts will be easier for the baby to listen to and understand, especially if the child is under 5 years old. It is advisable to make congratulations for children fun and interesting. For example, on the theme of popular fairy tales or cartoons. Wish the boy to be strong, like Superman or Spider-Man, and the girl to be beautiful and gentle, like a princess from her favorite cartoon.

Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring only good events, bright moments in life, happiness, the fulfillment of all hopes and goals.

Happy New Year! Let this year you will find only joy, health and good luck! May it be the year of fulfillment of desires and the realization of all plans! May this year give everyone as many happy days and happy meetings as possible!

Happy New Year! I sincerely wish bright moments in life, only pleasant impressions, great prosperity in the house, harmony in the family, luck in all matters and, of course, pure and sincere love!

Cool congratulations in honor of the year of the yellow earthen pig

2019 will be the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig. You can associate your congratulations and even gifts with this symbol. For example, you can prepare a thematic text, as well as cool souvenirs with a picture of a pig. It is believed that such gifts for the New Year will bring happiness and good luck to a person.

Gifts with wishes can be made even with your own hands. For example, you can decorate ordinary plain cups or plates in an original way, make a flower vase, various textiles, photo frames, beautiful wall panels, decorate ready-made watches, etc. Each gift should have a symbol of the coming year - a pig.

To make New Year's greetings to friends memorable for a long time and cheer up on a holiday, you can turn your performance into a cool scene. A themed costume is perfect for this purpose - the symbol of the year, Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden.

Of course, it is easier to read one general wish for everyone. But personal ones sound much more original and pleasant. Let the character of the scene, one at a time, take out postcards with pleasant words written on them for each person present from the bag or chest. Wishes can be supplemented with small pleasant presents.

A fairy tale knocks on the door

Snow falls on the ground

The miracle will finally happen

And the New Year will come.

May he be kind, warm,

Let the light of happiness sparkle

May there be many ups and downs in it,

A lot of joy, victories!

Laughter, love, success, luck

Let Santa Claus give

A bag of dollars to boot

And a bouquet of hundreds of roses!

Let the holiday bring fun

Joy to days and sweetness to dreams,

Hello, warmth, luck!

Happy New Year! Happiness to you!

The time has come when everyone can

Dream about new plans

think something carefully

Yes, think of everything under the tree.

I am glad to congratulate you on the New Year!

And late this evening

You Santa Claus let in passing

Give happiness and warmth.

A herd of deer will come running to you

They will bring gifts.

Rivers of goodness and delight to you,

Let comfort reign in you.

Happiness, joy and fun

Let the New Year give!

And good luck let under the tree

It will bring you more.

Let him put it under his pillow

Pud of warmth and kindness,

And quietly hide in the palm

A dream come true.

Out of love and inspiration

Let him weave a simple wreath

And tie quietly

Lucky for you, a knot.

For colleagues and boss

If a person spends a lot of time throughout the year with his colleagues and superiors, they should also be pleased with pleasant congratulations on the holiday. It happens that there is absolutely no time to prepare for the celebration. Then it will be enough to give colleagues a small New Year's souvenir and say a few nice words. For example: “I wish you exclusively all the best, bright, beautiful in the coming year!”.

For the boss, you can prepare a general congratulation from all employees. If there are no decorations in the office, then a small Christmas tree with balls and lights will be a great gift. It will probably be used every year in the future.

If some colleagues of the congratulator remain at the workplace on a holiday, you can leave a small box of treats for them in a secret place.

The location of the gift will be relevant to report right at midnight during the exchange of wishes by phone.

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish you great awards and merit, confident aspirations and victories, promising ideas and deeds, bold decisions and actions, successful starts and successful days. May this year be fruitful for all of you in terms of work and happy in terms of life.

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every business. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and good luck, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

You lead our team

And guide us wisely.

We congratulate you on the New Year!

May he please you with income,

Bright success, prosperity,

May all wishes come true

So that at work and in the family

You have always been in charge.

We wish you very strong nerves,

Ideas are always great.

Let the coming New Year

It will only bring you happiness.

Happy New Year to you! You are an example for every subordinate, you are a truly wonderful person. I want to wish patience, high achievements, wisdom, good spirits, strength, satisfaction and stability. May prosperity reign in your family. Happy holiday!

New Year can be safely called a holiday of good mood. On this day, everyone from young to old has fun. Of course, you can’t do without beautiful wishes and congratulations for your loved ones. It can be poetry or prose lines. Their genre is also completely unimportant. The main thing is that every word comes from the heart of the congratulator.

In the New Year, we believe in a fairy tale.
Happiness and magic to you!
The holiday will be New Year's
Full of games and mischief.

New Year's Eve Miracle
Every day is getting closer to us.
With upcoming fun
We send congratulations to you!

And distinctly chimes
At night they will strike 12 times.
All hardships and misfortunes
In the future they will leave!

Happy New Year to you, Happy New Year,
Welcome to us as soon as possible to everyone.
I wish you great happiness
Let all adversity, bad weather disappear.
Be successful, be successful
Super cool, tender, savory!

On the street white white
So the holiday is coming soon
I congratulate you on him
Happy New Year!

I wish the new year
Brought many accomplishments
You did not know worries, worries,
And only great happiness.

A short

The chimes will strike 12 soon,
Big changes await us in the new year.
May he bring you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bluck,
Good luck, love and experience.

Remember, you dreamed of turning mountains,
There were darkness, lots of plans?
I'm for something - for the fact that very soon
The New Year is upon us again!

Congratulations! He's not far off
We'll greet you with fireworks
I wish you to cope with business,
To celebrate with a light heart!

Let there be time to please
Not once the outgoing year,
Let hope in the soul of a good fairy,
Expect the best flutter.

Our New Year is on its way...
Who will tell us what to expect?
What promises us this meeting,
Warmed by anticipation...

How do we make it through
What will we find in a year?
Will we meet Santa Claus,
And parting words from the forecast?

We'll soon find out
In the meantime, congratulations
With this fabulous phenomenon
New Year's show!

Congratulations on the most important
The holiday is not far away,
New Year - so glorious
And beloved children.

Let prosperity enter the house
Health will follow.
Happiness will come to every home
And luck will run.

To an angel in the New Year
Covered with a hand from trouble,
And all sorrows bypass
The river flowed away from you.

Let it be the brightest
And get rid of the hassle -
Having prepared gifts for everyone,
The New Year is coming!

May it only bring joy
Laughter, fun, kindness,
Will answer all questions
Both love and beauty!

By leaps and bounds
The New Year is upon us!
We all watch the clock
The pendulum will strike midnight!

Let everyone this night
Sincerely believe in a miracle
Just make a wish:
Here it is, knocking on the door!

So let this holiday
Bring a lot of good
So that everything in the world
Life was happy!

Winters cold start
There was a soft knock on the door.
And finally a new year
Coming soon for the holidays.

So let's wish friends
Good luck and peace.
To health, dear face
To your body quickly penetrated.

To a happy wave
You were all covered.
So that the currency tends to the house
And my heart beat with love.

Another year has gone by.
Every something very good,
I found it for myself this year.
Let the coming year bring everyone
Joy in the house, love in the heart,
The light of hope that never fades
Let us shine again and again!

Happy New Year. Let the anticipation of magic and happiness be sweet and kind, let the heart sincerely wait for good miracles and desired gifts. I wish you to live beautifully in the new year, love faithfully, not need anything and enjoy your life.

Happy New Year to you!
Let the frosty and snowy winter
Love warms the soul, and adversity,
You are always bypassed!
Be happy, be loved
Be loyal, be friendly!
After all, everyone needs
Know that we are important to someone!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you a sweet anticipation of real happiness, a grandiose bright future and increased new successes. And let, while the new year is on the way, a cheerful holiday is already beginning in your house, delicious treats are being prepared and the lights of good hopes are burning.

A wonderful holiday is coming
It smells of pine needles and resin,
Up fireworks launches,
Shines with elegant tinsel!
May the New Year be successful
Good luck, happiness will bring
It goes on smoothly and easily!
May every day of the year be lucky!

Santa Claus is on his way, which means the New Year is just around the corner. With coming! I wish this year to be better than the previous one in everything, I wish that loud crackers, bright lights, cheerful smiles, magical moments of the long-awaited New Year's Eve leave pleasant memories and a huge supply of inspiration for the whole year!

I hasten to congratulate you - after all, soon the New Year!
Countless worries and new adventures...
Every New Year brings with it
And the joy of new meetings,
And the pain of goodbyes
And the sadness of forgiveness.
I want you to laugh and be sad
Dream - and may your dreams come true! -
So that you can remember and forgive
The one who wrote you a wish...

With coming! Happy New Year! We wish you to start this year from a new leaf, let go of all grievances and omissions in the old year, and go to meet new sincere feelings. Let all your dreams come true, but for this you need to work hard. So that Santa Claus does not deprive him of a gift, and this New Year's Eve was celebrated in the company of the people dearest to your heart.

Snowflakes flying in the air
We are approaching the new year.
And happiness is in the air
Your smile is tenderly waiting.
So with the coming and New!
May you be beautiful, no doubt
But still, I want an angel
And henceforth kept you from troubles.
May the New Year be what we expect
We are in a couple of days
Make your life comfortable
Both for you and for your friends.
Let the card account soar
Career, like a grader rushing.
And women's happiness, of course,
Let him live in your house.

Happy New Year. On the eve of the holiday, I wish you to leave all unnecessary troubles and empty worries, get rid of all trifles and insults. Let a delicious table be set, let a brilliant outfit await for the holiday, let a cheerful New Year's mood creep into your soul, let new happiness and joy move forward at your address.

The New Year is coming, it is close,
All the people rejoice -
Jokes, songs and surprises
And, of course, a round dance.
Bright on New Year's Eve
Miracles come again
Christmas tree, sweets, gifts,
Happiness, joy and love!
All around native people,
Many women and men
Let there be more this year
Us for the joy of reasons!
He's already knocking on the door
Pour a full glass
To believe in friendship more
And love even more!
Be happier and free
Achieve, win
And from New Year's Eve
Just like in childhood, waiting for a miracle!

Let the upcoming New Year not crush anything, but only step on the buttons for the fulfillment of desires. Let New Year's Eve find you at a chic table and in the company of wonderful people. I wish you to have time to think of the most cherished and find a wonderful gift under the tree. Happy holiday!

Friends, it's New Year's Eve
Forget all sorrows
And grief days, and days of worries,
Where did you lose the joy
But don't forget the clear days
Cheerful light-winged,
Golden hours, so dear to the heart,
And old sincere friends
Live new in the New Year
Away from old dreams
And everything that does not give happiness
And only gives birth to desire!
Still in this New Year
Love songs sweetness
Love jokes, games, joy
And old sincere friends
Friends! Meet the New Year
In the circle of relatives, loved ones
Let it flow for you, friends,
Like a happy childhood dream
But in the middle of Petropol's undertakings
Don't forget your favorite books
Old music chords
And old sincere friends!

Happy New Year. I wish that Santa Claus’s sleigh is already warming up and ready to rush to your address, that the new year will set foot on the threshold, illuminating the house with bright hope and a good dream, that great happiness will stomp along with the holiday and true luck will fly.

The New Year is coming!
Even adults are waiting for a fairy tale.
And - as in childhood - we wonder
We expect from heaven.
Let roses pave your way
Thoughts will be pure.
Let Santa Claus sing
Your mature dreams!

Happy New Year. This joyful and kind holiday is already on the threshold, which means that soon Santa Claus will knock on the door and bring wonderful gifts. I wish you to celebrate the New Year beautifully and happily, I wish you great luck and great luck in any business, I wish you incredible stories and magical adventures on a beautiful New Year's Eve.

Congratulations on the upcoming!
I wish you happiness and great luck -
To admire the sky
They could always from cozy cottages.
To smile more often
So that all wishes come true
You an angel and a guiding star -
In the new coming year.

The New Year is coming. This is another new chance for each of us. A chance to correct old mistakes, start life from scratch, forgive insults and let go of negativity. I want to wish everyone ease, patience, peace, family happiness and material well-being! Be sincere, responsive and friendly! Remember that good always comes back and conquers evil. May all your goodness return to you in the coming year and overcome the difficulties and hardships of life! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Let the blizzards with their round dance
Yards are covered with whiteness
Fun for all kids.
May good luck, fun and laughter
Fill us all everywhere!
And anxiety, resentment and sadness
Let them stay behind!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! May it bring you so much joy that it does not fit in your heart, so much money that it does not fit in your wallet, and such peace that makes you live and enjoy! May your most cherished dreams come true in the coming year, may there be no insults and disappointments, but only smiles, inspiration, the greatest successes and the highest achievements both in work and in your personal life!

Happy New Year, friends!
Let them fly like crazy years
Only we wish you not to be sad at all,
And pour champagne for the New Year!
Let your old grievances go away
And wishes always come true
May good luck and joy find you
And let the guiding star shine!

Happy New Year! In the coming year, I want to wish you as many happy, memorable events as possible. To make dreams come true, new peaks were conquered with unshakable determination, and every morning was accompanied by a crazy desire to live and smile sincerely!

Happy New Year!
Let it be amazing:
Generous, fertile, sincere
And rich in finances.
Let the plan come true
The bad will be forgotten
Happiness, joy will multiply ...
May the puzzles be successful!

4 sms - 221 characters

Right on the threshold
The New Year is coming soon!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
I wish you the best.
Let dreams come true
And let the bright beauty
Brings happiness and love
This is the best New Year!

3 sms - 176 characters

Happy New Year
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let him bring only good to you,
The magic of the brightest moments,
Happiness, joy, luck, health,
Miracles and inspiration in everything.

3 sms - 192 characters

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, which is just at the door
knock. May he bring with him warmth and joy, happiness and
peace, good luck and good, hope and kindness, love and success, health and
prosperity, luck and fun.

4 sms - 219 characters

New Year is coming
May he bring happiness
Clink of glasses, laughter, fun,
Jokes ringing necklace,
Fulfillment of desires,
One hundred banquets and festivities,
Diamonds and cars.
Long life, so hundred years!

3 sms - 190 characters

The New Year will come soon.
We want to wish you
Joy to have a sea
And good luck ocean.
May all sadness and sorrow
Are left behind
So that you celebrate the New Year
In peace, happiness and love!

3 sms - 184 characters

The New Year is coming.
May he bring happiness
And also a wagon of luck
The wagon of success will give in change.
Let him give you money
And let it be by your side
Sea of ​​peace and kindness
Blessings, love, luck, warmth.

3 sms - 191 characters

Happy New Year,
Happy New Happiness!
Let adversity go away from life
And they will take bad weather with them!
Let joy settle in the house
And wealth will call with it!
Just a little more to wait -
How the chimes will strike twelve!

4 sms - 240 characters

The New Year is fast approaching us
The old one is moving backwards!
Let a miracle happen to us
Everyone is happy about miracles!
In the coming, let happiness
Everyone will come to the heart
Life will become more beautiful
In this bright New Year!

4 sms - 214 characters

Congratulations and best wishes:
The best days of the year.
Lots of happiness and fun
And awards for work!
May success accompany
And laughter is everywhere!

short sms happy new year

"Champagne in a glass"
The champagne in the glass sparkled
I want to wish you a New Year
So that only the best happens in life,
And do not be sad, and do not know sorrows.

I congratulate my mother on the New Year,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you well
And never be discouraged
And meet this day with a smile! "Husband"
In the New Year, I wish my husband
So I want health and good luck,
To not be discouraged
To become only richer! "Son"
Snowflakes are spinning, flying,
He is in a hurry to enter into his rights -
Happy New Year to my son
And I want to wish you good luck. "I wish you good health in the New Year"
I wish you good health in the New Year
More happiness, kindness,
And celebrate this day with love
May he fulfill all his dreams. "Let dreams come true!"
Happy New Year, new life!
Let dreams come true!
And fate, becoming not harsh,
Gives a sea of ​​kindness! "There will be happiness without limit"
May it always be in the New Year,
Brightening up the everyday routine,
There will be happiness without limit
So that the soul sings with delight! "Snowball"
Happy New Year to everyone
Happiness, joy bag.
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart
January first snowball! "Champagne open"
Shooter knock just around the corner,
And the champagne is open.
Everyone who is dear is next to us,
And the bad is forgotten! "Calendar leaf is flying"
Flying calendar sheet
The last sign of December.
January is knocking at our door
Open the door for him! "Pape"
I want New Year's Eve
Wish dad with love
So that you are happy today
And everyone tried to keep up! "To my beloved wife"
To my beloved and dear wife
I wish you a lot of happiness in the new year
So that you always remain
Wonderful, and, of course, real! "Beloved Sister"
My beloved sister
The best thing happened today
I wish you a holiday, not melting -
Let the dream come true! "Brother"
my sibling
I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy New Year dear,
Let love come to you! "Daughters"
New Year's Eve
I want a daughter
Mine became happy
And stay beautiful! "Beloved"
Beloved, happy new year,
I wish you good and joy
Let every moment portend good luck
And happiness in this life comes! "I wish you my beloved joy"
I wish you my beloved joy
With all my heart I congratulate you today,
Let me come to you today, in the new year,
Good luck will come! "Beautiful holiday"
Lovely New Year's Eve
Of course, he visited us all -
I wish you joy today
Kindness, patience and strength! "I wish you a New Year's holiday"
I wish you a New Year's holiday
More loyal friends
And there are many good deeds
And a lot of creative ideas! "Happy New Year, Hurray!"
Let the New Year be with you
Brings a lot of happiness
It's time for the table
Happy New Year, Hurrah! "New Year"
New Year comes into its own,
May luck await you everywhere
I wish you good health
May you be lucky in all matters! "Don't be afraid to dream"
I want to tell you in the New Year -
Never be afraid to dream
May everything come true for you
And only good things will happen! "Happy New Year Dad"
Happy New Year dear dad
I wish you with all my heart
To make you smile more
And he always stayed healthy! "Brother"
Happy New Year to my brother
I want to wish you good health
So that you live, not knowing troubles,
He knew how to work, but also to rest. "I wish happiness to my beloved"
I wish my beloved happiness
On a wonderful holiday, on a new year,
Hope, joy and passion,
Let only the best come! "New Year"
New Year ... He gives a lot of happiness
For those who are looking forward to the holidays.
I wish you true love
May good luck guide you in life! "Cheerful New Year"
Merry New Year
May it bring good luck
Happiness gives and love
So that the soul sings again! "Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year! In life, let
Sadness will disappear forever
Let happiness come soon
And the soul will bloom again! "Dreams"
Let all dreams come true
When the clock strikes twelve
Then everyone will be already on "you",
And everyone will be nineteen years old! "Snow is spinning outside the window"
Snow swirling outside the window
People fussing everywhere
So to celebrate the New Year,
That he will definitely not be forgotten! "Happy New Year Mommy"
Happy New Year, mother dear!
The snow is spinning non-stop
I wish you many years
In life - amazing victories! "Gene"
Beloved wife in the New Year
I wish you a lot of joy
From problems and worries
I'll deliver - I promise! "I wish my husband happiness"
I wish my husband happiness
On New Year's Day with all my heart,
I congratulate you today
Let success come big! "Sister"
I wish my sister a Happy New Year
Let luck await you
Lucky in love, lucky in business
Live with a smile on your lips! "Congratulations to my son"
The new year has finally come
I congratulate my son with all my heart,
You sit down quickly at the table -
I wish you good luck and happiness. “I wish my daughter a Happy New Year”
I wish my daughter a New Year -
May you always be lucky
Always stay beautiful
Men smile more often! "My beloved"
I wish you my beloved joy
I congratulate you on the New Year
Always remain so tender
And only for me, baby, smile. "Happy New Year"
Here are the snowflakes in a round dance
Outside the window they are already flying
Happy New Year
All girls and boys! "I want to wish you good health"
I want to wish you health
Always rely on God
And celebrate the New Year like this,
To remember and smile! "Today is a holiday in the whole world"
Today is a holiday in the whole world, -
Adults and children know that.
So let this New Year
Brings you only the best.


Short congratulations on the New Year

May the New Year be wonderful
Happy, full of kindness!
May joy come with him
And dreams come true!
May the holiday be bright and beautiful,
Cheerful, kind, joyful for everyone!
And the New Year will be happy
And bring good luck and success!

The minutes are running fast
In the flow of festive worries!
Where happiness is endless
May the New Year bring you!
Again the holiday lights candles,
Bright sparklers!
We wish on New Year's Eve
You health, happiness and love!

Let the heart beat often
Waiting for miracles!
After all, on the New Year to you happiness
Quietly descend from heaven!
Let's drink to our happiness
For the laughter of friends, for the New Year!
So that in the new - there were no bad weather!
So that without falling, only taking off!

Dear brother, congratulations!
I wish you in the New Year
Be healthy, be rich!
And good to row with a shovel!
Dad, I send you, my dear,
Happy New Year!
So that you are always young
So that you do not know the troubles and pain!

Mom, Happy Year of the Monkey!
Happiness, my dear!
Let everything be smooth in life
We love you very much!
Sister, Happy New Year!
Let there be happiness in life!
Love, kindness, health,
And do not be sad in vain!

May the New Year bring joy
May he fulfill his wishes
Health, happiness brings to the house,
Everything in life is changing for the better!
Let there be a good New Year
Let him not know worries and troubles!
More sunny weather
And in the soul and in the heart - May!

May the New Year be in the radiance of the snow
Come with goodness and joy
Fulfill dreams, hopes
And bring a lot of happiness!
Let Santa Claus give
A bag of fun, happiness,
Goodness and laughter round dance
And the best New Year ever!

Round dance around the Christmas tree, candles and gifts ...
Let the coming New Year be noisy, bright!
May fate give you your lucky chance
So that the fabulous Sesame opens the door for you!
Let the New Year's ringing be crystal
Adds life to voiced notes.
Let the year be carefree
And a miracle will enter every home!

In the New Year it is impossible without songs,
In songs everything is fate and life.
New Year is always wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!
I wish you a New Year
Prosperity, peace and love,
Warmth and good health
So that everything comes true, what you want.

But someone came - someone quietly calls,
Three white horses at the door
It's exactly midnight on the clock - then the New Year has come.
Pour champagne into glasses!

Short congratulations on the New Year 2019 in prose

Happy New Year! May this year bring a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year! May it bring to your home exceptionally good and
happiness, luck and health. May your life improve in the new year
in many times.

Happy New Year. May everything you dream of come true, and the year
will bring pleasant surprises, peace of mind, stability,
loyalty, luck, happiness and success.

Happy New Year and I wish, of course, that everyone in the family
were healthy, so that rays of happiness spilled into the house, so that this year
brought good luck and drove away all bad weather.

In the New Year, I sincerely wish you good health, strong strength,
good luck, undoubted happiness, incredible miracle and life

Happy New Year and wish you incredible happiness and great
good luck, a beautiful life and unquenchable love, extraordinary miracles and
magical moments.

Happy New Year! I wish this year was the time
only good news, excellent good health and
boundless happiness!

Let everything turn out in the new year, come true, warm, realized,
shines, pleases and brings every day a reason to smile. FROM

I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you with all my heart a great accomplishment
miracle and magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck on
whole year.

May the New Year bring us a wagon of kindness, warmth and laughter. Let
joy fills the house. Career is on the rise. Personal life gives
inspiration and harmony. Love, fulfillment of desires and many new
colorful impressions!

In the New Year, I wish kindness, warmth, income and profit, health,
creativity and knowledge, realization and ascents, conquest of peaks,
smiles, joy, beautiful and fateful accomplishments!

Happy New Year, I wish you to be a happy and successful person in it, to give love to relatives and joy to others.

So that the New Year gives you the opportunity not to miss your chance and reach the limit of all dreams.

Happy New Year. And on this wonderful and magical holiday
I wish you to find a bag of health, a box of happiness, a box of good luck under the Christmas tree,
package of luck and a jar of sweet mood.

Happy New Year! Let all grievances, failures, disappointments remain in
the outgoing year, and the coming year will meet everyone with a smile,
fulfilling innermost desires under the chiming clock.

Happy New Year SMS

Everything will happen, you have to believe!
All dreams will come true!
Open doors boldly
In the year of prosperity, kindness!
With the coming miracle!
The best time is waiting for you!
May the whole year be successful.
Happy New Year to you, cheers!

In the coming year
I hasten to congratulate you.
I want to wish good
Lots of happiness and warmth.
We love everyone and hug
And, of course, we wish
To this new year
Learned to live without worries!

Congratulations on the upcoming.
May the New Year bring good.
Let the snowflake resentment melt
And love will remain in the heart.
Let understanding reign in families,
Children bring joy and happiness.
Let everyone give attention to each other
In the coming new year!
All luck, happiness, prosperity,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream.
May all your wishes come true.
In the house - peace, goodness, beauty!

The year goes by and after it
Following comes a new one -
Peaceful, bright, mischievous,
Joyful, cheerful.
He will step to our threshold,
Will sprinkle with snow
New days gives a turn,
Kind and good.
Let the year that is in such a hurry
There will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Let good luck promise you
Will take away bad weather.
Give hope, give health,
Adds faith.
The best year will be
The year that is coming!

Let a magical, bewitching fairy tale
Knock on your door New Year
And paint your whole life with bright paint,
Protects from sadness, adversity.
May the year be filled with happiness
It will bring joy and comfort to your home.
May fate take away all bad weather,
We wish you wonderful moments!

We wish you under the chiming clock,
Holding a glass of champagne in my hand
A cherished desire to make a wish
Wish all your loved ones a lot of happiness,
Greet the coming year with a smile
Live it without hardships and hardships,
Look for moments of happiness and kindness,
May life be full of joy...
And in anticipation of a moment of magic
We would like to congratulate you!

Coming to us very soon
Good, clean New Year,
And turn the page
To know in advance:
There will be sun, it will be hot
There will be summer and spring
And gifts under the Christmas tree
Life will present itself!
Lots of happiness and good luck
And a lot of health to everyone
To solve all problems
And there were no problems!
May dreams come true
And your soul sings
A whole year to admire -
Life is like a song, good!

Stepping on the heels of the old
New, young and cheerful year.
In it, let everything be smooth,
May he bring you happiness.
For work, let him bring success,
For the family - love and warmth.
Let it erase sadness, flaws with a snowball
And fulfill the most cherished dream.

There is little left before the magical holiday:
So much to do, so much to say.
Take your time, chase away the hustle and bustle
And think about what you can wish your family.
Soon the garland will flash, and the candles will be lit,
Friends and family will gather at the table.
In the meantime, miracles are rushing to us on a troika.
Happy new year and happiness to you!

In the coming year, we wish you:
Go ahead to your dreams
Good luck filling your cozy home,
So that everything goes well!
Health is always to be excellent,
And happiness reigned with you without fail,
Smiles and joy illuminated your face,
Has been in your life always to chic!

Woman Friend Girlfriend Beloved Beloved Parents Dad Mom Colleagues Happy New Year

A merry New Year rushes towards us with a light tread,
Holds luck by the hand and leads us to success,
He has a lot of good in store, so that's enough for everyone,
And let him doubly reward the talented and courageous.

I wish with all my heart that the year be happy,
To correct all the mistakes and solve the problems,
So that happiness smiles daily, every hour,
And love to inspire and lead you to victories!

On a lush Christmas tree, the ball will swing,
And "bom-beam-bom" the clock will strike.
The stormy fun will begin
New Year will burst into your house!

Seeing off the outgoing year,
Thanks for all the good things.
Forward with invigorating hope
And look with bright joy!

New year, I know it will be accurate,
At 12 exactly arrive.
Let him become very pleasant
Give new success!

Let comfort be added to life
Love will only grow more beautiful.
And in the brilliance of bright fireworks
The soul will sing with happiness!

I wish on the eve of the new year to get rid of everything outdated and unnecessary. Get the bad thoughts out of your head to make room for great ideas. Expel ailments from the body, opening the way to health and longevity. Clear the space of negativity to prepare space for happiness and love! With coming!

congratulations on the upcoming
From the bottom of my heart I want
May all that you dream of
You will be on the shoulder.

Let ideas come true
Let the money stick to your hands
The chiming clock will announce the start
Long-awaited miracles!

Both in the house and in the soul - light and clean,
After all, the holiday is here!
So let under the tree, bright and fluffy,
Everyone will find gifts for themselves!

Counting down to midnight,
Put on your most festive outfit
Let the loud fireworks go up
And the champagne corks will fly!

I wish you to be happy
Everything else is just rubbish
May all the dreams that you hid in yourself
Races will start to come true!

On the eve of the New Year, I wish your heart to be filled with joyful hopes, so that you have enough strength, health, inspiration to solve all problems and leave problems in the outgoing year, may the New Year rush to you with a wind of change, with new happiness and optimism, with wonderful surprises, great mood and unforgettable pleasant moments!

Congratulations on the coming year
I wholeheartedly today you!
Let it be just amazing
And brings joy every hour!

May you succeed in everything in life!
Like children, believe in miracles!
And let it never end
You all have a color bar!

A magical holiday is coming
Beckons us with lights
We are waiting for miracles, different surprises,
Sincere and warm phrases.

May the coming year, New
Your plans will be realized
Give you faith, a healthy spirit,
Cheerfulness, strength will strengthen.

Let him rush with luck
With the wind of good changes,
With a new purpose and task,
Laziness and sadness will take in return.

May it fill you with love
Joyful radiance of the eyes,
All desires will be fulfilled
Let happiness cover you!

Happy New Year! As soon as he crosses the threshold of our house, everything will be completely new. I wish you new happiness, new money, new luck and new successful projects in the new year! Let only relatives, loved ones and friends remain old in the new year!

Winter has decorated your house,
She hung garlands in it,
She covered the floor with a carpet of snow,
Fluffed up the downy feather.

After all, the New Year is in a hurry to visit,
Happiness flies with him,
And you will meet him soon
Open your soul for happiness.

Alina Ogonyok