Birthday wishes for aunt. Free birthday greetings for aunt download

On this festive day, beloved aunt, I want to wish you to be forever young and prosper today, tomorrow, always. Outside your window, let there always be a beautiful landscape, let the people in your life be kind and understanding. And, of course, happiness. You deserve lasting happiness that will ignite faith in your heart for a better future. I love you, be happy on your birthday.

On your birthday, I hasten to wish you peace in your soul, love in your heart and positive thoughts in your head. Let reliable friends surround you and give you only the best. I want you and me to be friends who only decorate each other's life and destiny.

My dear and beloved aunt. I am so happy that you are in my life, so I hasten to be one of the first to congratulate you on this holiday. You are like a second mother to me, who helps solve problems, gives wise advice and never judges. Therefore, I wish you to meet the same good people in your life, work brings pleasure and a lot of money. May your husband and children always protect you, and you feel needed and loved next to them.

On the day you were born, I would like to wish you health, longevity and pleasant moments in the circle of loved ones. Never regret what happened before and keep that twinkle in your eyes that speaks of a craving for life and adventure. Live to the fullest and know that you are always welcome and remembered at home.

On your birthday, accept congratulations from your beloved niece. My dear aunt, open the door for me. I brought you joy and many sunny days. Just believe - everything is possible and be more cheerful now.

Usually an aunt is considered a second mother and a close friend in a person's life, she must be valued, respected and loved. Therefore, on the aunt's birthday, it is important not only to congratulate her and give a suitable gift, but also to show her emotions and feelings. By the way, it’s not enough just to wish your aunt standard words about good health and family happiness, it’s important to choose the congratulation that she will definitely like. First of all, it is worth considering the aesthetic side of congratulatory words, because they must match in meaning and be consonant, and also pay attention to the choice of wishes, which can be pronounced both from a nephew or niece, and from the whole family.

In wishes, you can mention the beauty of your aunt, her success in her career, for example, and what she did for you personally, bringing up from the cradle and instilling certain qualities of character.

Dear aunt,
Today, on my birthday,
I wish you
Good luck and luck.
Let things work out
All issues are resolved
May all your problems
Evaporate instantly.
For you to be cheerful
Joking and laughing
And good luck to you
smiled more,
So that everything you want
Fate gave you
To be the happiest
You were in the world.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you today, aunty,
I want to wish my dear, loving you from the bottom of my heart,
Stay young and don't count the years
Be cheerful, positive, never lose heart!
Be loved, and happy, and always healthy,
Do not be sad, and do not be sad, and do not sour ever!

Do not betray with words
What does your heart want to wish you?
But I can wish
With the help of lines from the heart:
For the angels to keep you
Protected from all adversity
Fate always gave a chance
Avoid the pain of sorrow
Health, happiness, beauty,
And fulfillment of desires.
On your birthday, aunt, you,
Accept many recognitions!

Aunt is the best in the world!
You are funny and smart!
You will always come to the rescue!
I really care about you!
I want on your birthday
Wish a lot
Happiness, joy, patience,
Be loved, flourish!
May your whole life sparkle
Only white stripes!
And let the sun warm
Only spring warmth!

Dear my aunt,
You are beautiful as always
You are kind, sweet, beautiful,
And, as always, fun!
On your beautiful birthday
I only wish good
To make your life wonderful
Was amazing!

Happy Birthday
Our aunt!
Let you
Everything will be class.
Love, health and good luck
We want to wish today.
So that in life there
Only happiness
Prosperity in the house
Peace in the soul.
And let the sun
You shine brighter
And may it be a happy day.
May you always
Bypasses grief
And the heart will be young
Sea smiles, mountains gifts,
And live at least a hundred years!

On my dear aunt's birthday
From the bottom of my heart I want to say
I'm more caring, more beautiful
Never find!
I want you to smile
You are today and always
To always shine with happiness
Those kind eyes!

Happy birthday, dear aunt.
May fate bring a lot of happiness.
I sincerely wish you
So that luck goes with you on the road.

Let there be less grief
And more joy, health.
Only the best experiences in life
With joy, care and love!

Dear my aunt,
Happy Birthday,
I wish you all your dreams
Rapid implementation.

Let life be just a sweet bun
Treats every day
Let them be for the better
There are only changes in life.

I wish you a fabulous life
From fate - big gifts,
Let every new day be
Light, joyful and bright.

Happy birthday aunt
You success in your work,
And good luck in business
And space in dreams.
unearthly beauty,
And a mountain of wealth.
In the house of light, heat,
And in the soul of a spark.
In the eyes of a joyful light,
And the absence of trouble.
From friends of understanding,
From family adoration.
Very happy life
And always be loved.

Congratulations on this holiday
Happy Birthday to You!
Aunt, dear, dear,
My aunt is the best!
I wish you happiness
And health for years!
Be as kind and sweet
And caring always!

Dove aunt,
mother's sister,
Just like mommy
You laugh out loud.
Rejoice in the holiday
You are expecting guests.
Nephews will come
From different areas.
You are like a second mother to us.
Hello everyone, welcome.
What's wrong, say everything directly,
You scold and forgive.
Happy Birthday dear!
We wish you many years.

Our dear aunt
Happy Birthday to You!
You are one of us
We love you!

What's wrong, you will help everyone,
Shelter and warm.
It's impossible to live without you
If it hurts, you'll regret it.

You work all day like a bee
What not to take, you can do everything.
May love, luck, happiness
Life always brings you!

My beautiful aunt
I wish you well
And congratulating you today,
I give these words!

I wish you health, patience,
Do not fade, so that beauty,
And always be in the mood
So that longing does not touch you!

So that troubles are forgotten, and the past,
It remains to be behind
To always remain young
And to make dreams come true!

Aunt, my dear! Happy birthday!
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart!
Let the holiday cheer up
And the gifts will be very nice!

Try very hard to be happy
Chasing your worries away!
Optimist, stay the same
Younger from year to year and good!

Congratulations, aunty, on your birthday,
And I wish you a holiday in life every day!
Stay feminine - just a feast for the eyes,
So that even a shadow does not touch sadness!

I wish you happiness, joy, health,
And always only good, good news!
Let relatives surround with sincere love,
Embodiments of the best of all your ideas!

My dear aunt, congratulations, you are the best in the world! I can trust you with all my secrets and I know that you will never be angry with me. May your home be comfortable and your heart happy! How I want you to always remain so young, perky, I wish that any road is easy for you, and the weather is good.

For frankness, let relatives forgive,
But I will turn to my aunt on my birthday:
It's great that I have you
What a good example you set for me.

You are a very wise, sensitive person,
Able to warm the soul of anyone.
You are the pride for friends and colleagues,
There aren't many people like you.

Let time flow swiftly into the distance,
Your soul is not subject to him.
Let your flight be high
Your happiness will be simple and eternal!

We wish you, dear aunt,
Succeed in everything
At home, at work,
So that the house is full of smiles.

Wealth itself to go into the hands,
Relatives were always there
About grief, sadness and separation,
For you to forget forever.

And on this very beautiful day,
May everything that you wanted come true
Let wings grow today
So that you reach your dreams.

It's good when there is an aunt - a close person, so similar to her mother. Therefore, it is so easy to wish you with all sincerity real female happiness, warmth, love and prosperity. Be happy not only on this day, please us with a good mood at every meeting. And let there be as many of these meetings as possible.

Happy Birthday! May everything that you dream about before going to bed come true. I wish you a sea of ​​love and an ocean of smiles today. Let all bad things be forgotten faster, and happy moments be imprinted in memory and heart forever. Sunny days and clear skies to you.

Today you look simply charming. And it's not just that. Today is your day, your holiday. You are the sweetest, most tender and charming aunt in the world. There are few people like you. Always support, give advice. Thanks for being you!

On your holiday, I really want to wish a number of faithful and reliable friends, loving relatives and friends. Health to you physical and mental. May there always be room for magic in life. Let every moment you live be special and unforgettable!

Happy birthday dear aunt! I want to wish you an interesting and eventful life. Never be sad, smile more often. Warm your family and friends with your warmth, they really need it. Health to you and long life.

Sweet, funny, smart and beautiful. It's all about you, our aunt. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a good mood, enjoy every day. May your clear eyes not know tears, and your soul sorrows and anxieties. May optimism and hope always live in your heart.

Always young-
my aunt
My role model
From the first day.

You are the best
Beautiful, kind
Always respond
Smiling, caring.

I wish you
On this joyful day
Always be happy.
Good luck everywhere
In your beautiful life!

From a pure heart, keeping joy,
Congratulations, my aunt!

My dear aunt
Accept congratulations from me.
Let happiness not pass by
So that your life is beautiful
Let youth not leave you
It just adds more power.

Today I wish my aunt
It's great to keep things going
At home, in family life, at work,
May your soul be forever young.

So that the beauty looks from the mirror
On you and in a year, and in five,
And after a hundred the body was beautiful,
So that you do not get tired of surprising the world.

On this festive day, I wish you, aunt, the tenderness of a spring dawn, the warmth of a summer afternoon, the gold of an autumn sunset, the calmness of a winter night. Let life spin you in a bright round dance.

Happy birthday, dear aunt!
Good angel, guardian and friend.
You are a good example at work
And an adviser for best friends.
I trust you with secrets
And for this I appreciate and praise.
Happy birthday to you, dear!
I love you very much.

Let old age not come to your soul,
May the family give you care and warmth,
Don't let your loved one let you down
May you be happy aunt, in spite of everyone!
May your smile be happy
Let your soul be a free bird
Let no sorrows and doubts torment you,
My dear, happy birthday!

Celebrating my dear aunt
Your small holiday
I congratulate you too, dear,
With such an important date!
I wish you happiness for many years
Loyal, reliable friends.
In family life - good weather
And grateful children.

Each of us has a family
Grandfathers, grandmothers, godfathers,
And aunt, the main adviser in everything,
Today, in honor of you, we sing songs.
You are the only one with us, our dear aunt,
Friendly, kind, just golden,
May your glorious birthday
It will give you a sea of ​​vivid impressions.

The sun smiles cheerfully in the sky,
Rays of goodness to the earth, sending,
All congratulations and flowers to you today,
May good luck meet you on this day.
Dear aunt, you are my close relative,
Your soul is open to good
May your birthday please you
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.

There are aunts very different,
But in the whole world you will not find
So caring, so kind.
Such a hospitable aunt!
Her smile is like sparks
Goodness and affection radiates,
And on this day warmly and sincerely
I wish my aunt happiness!
All companies decoration
In our and foreign land ..
Happy Birthday
My dear aunt!
Equally close to me with my mother,
Left a trace in fate.
The beautiful life itself
I want you to live!!!

Aunt, my dear! Happy birthday!
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart!
Let the holiday cheer up
And the gifts will be very nice!

Try very hard to be happy
Chasing your worries away!
Optimist, stay the same
Younger from year to year and good!

Congratulations, aunty, on your birthday,
And I wish you a holiday in life every day!
Stay feminine - just a feast for the eyes,
So that even a shadow does not touch sadness!

I wish you happiness, joy, health,
And always only good, good news!
Let relatives surround with sincere love,
Embodiments of the best of all your ideas!

My dear aunt, congratulations, you are the best in the world! I can trust you with all my secrets and I know that you will never be angry with me. May your home be comfortable and your heart happy! How I want you to always remain so young, perky, I wish that any road is easy for you, and the weather is good.

For frankness, let relatives forgive,
But I will turn to my aunt on my birthday:
It's great that I have you
What a good example you set for me.

You are a very wise, sensitive person,
Able to warm the soul of anyone.
You are the pride for friends and colleagues,
There aren't many people like you.

Let time flow swiftly into the distance,
Your soul is not subject to him.
Let your flight be high
Your happiness will be simple and eternal!

We wish you, dear aunt,
Succeed in everything
At home, at work,
So that the house is full of smiles.

Wealth itself to go into the hands,
Relatives were always there
About grief, sadness and separation,
For you to forget forever.

And on this very beautiful day,
May everything that you wanted come true
Let wings grow today
So that you reach your dreams.

It's good when there is an aunt - a close person, so similar to her mother. Therefore, it is so easy to wish you with all sincerity real female happiness, warmth, love and prosperity. Be happy not only on this day, please us with a good mood at every meeting. And let there be as many of these meetings as possible.

You can come up with a text for congratulating your aunt on your birthday yourself. If you are a creative person, you know how to write poetry or beautiful speeches in prose, you have a chance to come up with such happy birthday greetings for your aunt that she will like. If you are not confident in your abilities - welcome to our site. We have many congratulations, including aunt's birthday.

My dear aunt how good you are
On this bright anniversary
So the soul sings!
You are beautiful and stubborn
And a little proud
Be irresistible
Be kind, irreplaceable.
Happiness and warmth to you
And springs in your destiny.
Strength, health, and success
Infectious laughter.
There is a lot of feast and a mountain
Aunt dearest

Be always so happy
Mischievous, Wonderful, Sweet,
Happy Birthday,
Love, Health, Happiness and Luck!!!

Beautiful day in the yard
The sun shines brightly.
Your birthday has come -
Accept gifts!

Aunt, can't find you
This world is better
In the middle of a cloudy day
You are our bright light!

You have been with us since childhood
Like a second mother
We congratulate you
Desirable on this day!

Let settle in the soul
Forever spring
Imperceptibly let them flow
In the distance your years!

Be young all the time
joyful, cheerful,
And, of course, happy
Cheerful and healthy!

Let your kindness
Multiply over the years
Light the way for the world
Be with us all the time!

And let's repeat again
With joyful confusion:
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy birthday!!!

I want to be loved TETE
Both romantic and practical!
Great success at work!
Great happiness in your personal life!
I wish you happy weather!
I want sunshine!
Be on the latest "squeaks" of fashion
Always dressed to the nines!
Let them never tire
Cleaning, washing, cooking, frying!
Let them be pleasantly surprised
All congratulations and gifts!

My dear aunt!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to wish you joy
And good mood!
So that in your family you have peace and quiet,
To have an hour to dream every day.
So that you live like in a beautiful dream,
And that you are happy every day.

Let my toast be simple and modest,
Let there be no pompous phrases.
From all relatives, from all acquaintances
I want to wish for you
Be charming and gentle
Beloved and desired to be.
Let the comfort in the house be the same,
It's so hard to keep it!

Let your husband please you with care,
Let the children give you attention
Let everything go like clockwork
And every day will be great!
Let the pans and pots
Do not spoil your mood!
Let jokes go around
Always like this birthday!

Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything
And I'll tell you without hiding anything
What is not in the whole world, nowhere, better than an aunt,
Than my dear aunt, my dear.
I want to congratulate you on your birthday
Wish you health and happiness.
Nowhere else can you find such an aunt,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

Always young-
my aunt
My role model
From the first day.

You are the best
Beautiful, kind
Always respond
Smiling, caring.

I wish you
On this joyful day
Always be happy.
Good luck everywhere
In your beautiful life!

From a pure heart, keeping joy,
Congratulations, my aunt!

happy birthday wishes for aunt

Congratulations dear aunt
On this day, beautiful with all my heart,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy
Stay like this always
Good-natured, wise and beautiful,
And don't be afraid of any barriers
May the Lord give you strength
And the spring garden blooms in my soul!

My dear aunt
Happy personal holiday to you!
let me wish you
Happy to live and love
Always stay young
No matter how many years
Meet with sadness less often
You are a good light for all of us.

Our aunt is not more wonderful,
There is no prettier hostess
Feed everyone, chat,
From her worries, everyone melts.
Aunt, aunt, don't get old
Year by year younger
Always be so happy
We are always bored with you!

All of the aunt create an idol,
Myriads of odes are written to aunts;
Here I am, keeping up with the world:
My aunt is the best of aunts!
And today on a major note,
With a verse I go day-to-day:
Happy birthday, dear aunt!
Always be so beautiful!

Today, aunt, is your birthday!
I want to wish you good mood
So that this festive landscape today,
Didn't leave you even for a moment!

I want to wish flowers in my soul,
So that you always admire beauty!
And the most tender, warmest words,
So that sadness never succumbs!

At beloved aunt's
It's my birthday today!
We all came to the holiday
In a good mood!
We wish you
Health and good luck!
We firmly, aunt, know
What do you mean to all of us!

My aunt, like a mother, takes care of me,
He does not spare himself a second in his labors.
I sometimes want to hug my aunt,
After all, love for her cannot be expressed in songs, poems.
I wish you on the lips of eternal joy,
And in the eyes - lights to light your days.
Stay loved, aunt, until old age,
And accept and appreciate the gifts of fate.

Happy birthday, aunt! Guests, noise, feast,
Congratulations toasts, vanity ...
Let your heart be filled to the brim with love
May a bright dream live in it!

Let the years pass without showering with snow,
And your eyes light up with a smile!
May the sky be clear above you
And native voices sound around!

How to choose beautiful birthday greetings for aunt? It is not so difficult if you have the right style, inspiration and at least an average vocabulary. In beautiful congratulations on the aunt's birthday, there should be not only literacy, but also literature. Aunt birthday girl, these wishes should not only be pleasant, but also interesting to read (listen to). In our age of electronic gadgets, a rare book can be an excellent gift for the holiday. And the original congratulations will be written on the crust of this book. Congratulating your aunt in this way will be easier if you read the congratulatory section below.

Let the blue sea rage
Let the earth spin faster.
I congratulate you on your birth
Respecting and loving you.

Aunt you are extraordinary.
Your love can warm
Your heart is huge
You know how to inspire.

Let the rays of sunlight
lift your spirits,
I wish you a fair wind
Be the happiest on earth.

Make plans, dream and smile.
Believe that beauty saves the world
Try to become better
Be precious like a sapphire!

I wish the sky is blue
I want the golden sun.
I wish peace in the whole world.
You have grown older now.

Don't just be upset
I want to smile more often
You, aunt, I know best
I appreciate and respect you.

Let the new frontier become interesting.
You must reach new heights
I want to travel the world
See more amazing beauties.

I wish you to stay good and beautiful,
Do not accumulate resentment in your heart,
I want to communicate with you more often
Find new friends all the time!

There are no identical people
You are an amazing and unique person.
Happiness, aunt, I wish you
May your age be happy.

Let the stars fall into your palms
And the sun warms you
All these congratulations to you
I send love.

And I want to be desired
Thrive and never give up
Live well, enjoy life
And try never to be discouraged.

Meet close people more often
Invite your family and friends
Never doubt your luck
And become more fun every day!

Tenderness of forget-me-nots, beauty roses,
The brightness of dahlias, simplicity of daisies, -
My modest bouquet, aunt, accept,
Let me remind you of my love.

Good health, so that over the edge,
Let the hot May rage in the soul,
Happiness and smiles, friendly family.
Happy birthday, aunt! I love you.

Dear aunt on her birthday -
Only the best impressions.
Life is sweeter than jam.
Wonderful moments.

Much joy and happiness
Kindness, health for the future,
intoxicated mood,
No bumps are dear to you.

I wish you only good luck
And, of course, beauty.
Congratulations - for our dear.
Let dreams come true!

Happy birthday dear aunt
So much to wish you!
Be healthy, beautiful, loved!
Enjoy life and dream!

May the years give you strength
And not the sadness of past days.
The future will only be happy
And life itself is better, more fun!

As a friend, you understand
And close to me like a sister
Like a mother caress,
My dear aunt!

On this glorious birthday
I will give a simple bouquet.
To light up on the cheeks
Your blush is golden.

I want to enjoy life
Happiness of women in fate,
Don't get sick and don't need
Never, with anyone, nowhere!

To be charming and beautiful,
Today, aunt, I wish you
What would health, love and prosperity
They ran everywhere in your footsteps.

Don't close your heart to joy
And if luck knocks on your house,
You open wide all the doors,
Deeds, worries removed for later.

Life is beautiful, so learn to laugh
For sadness, do not dare to look for a reason,
Learn to enjoy life to the fullest
And spread positivity to everyone around!

The best aunt in the world
Given to me by fate
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
On your birthday, your wonderful.

Everyone brings flowers, gifts,
This day is just for you
And congratulations to everyone
I would like to add on my own:

Be happy and beautiful
You are always like this day
So that even in a hundred years,
Bloomed and smelled like lilacs,

Bypassed to the side
All adversity and trouble
Young to be a body
And young at heart.

Let the years fly ahead
I will gladly say:
Let them rejuvenate you
Happy birthday, aunt!

Happiness, light, love, kindness
Let them come into life
So that you are lucky in everything,
Days, weeks, years!

You are the best aunt in the world
And a kind, bright man,
May strength, good luck and health
Enough for you for a century.

I wish you joy, prosperity,
Responsive people around
In everything success and order,
Without troubles and bitterness of parting.

Dear my aunt,
Happy Birthday to You,
I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Hugging and loving.

Let there always be enough
Money, happiness, and love,
And health - certainly
And good luck ahead.

I wish joy
Without knocking, she entered the door,
Life is beautiful and wonderful
The main thing is you believe in it!

Happy birthday dear aunt!
I wish you health
You are young and bloom
In spite of these stupid years.

May luck always be near
Let dreams take shape
And let him keep with an all-seeing look
You Almighty night and day.

Let the magician in a funny helicopter
Eskimo will give you a hundred pieces!
Happy birthday dear aunt!
Happy birthday, my faithful friend!