Buzova's friend spoke about the reasons for her divorce from Tarasov. Olga Buzova broke up with her husband

More than a year after the breakup and divorce from the famous TV presenter, and now singer Olga Buzova, defensive midfielder of Lokomotiv Moscow and the Russian national football team Tarasov commented on those events for the first time.

The football player gave a joint interview with his new girlfriend and, it seems, the bride, a 23-year-old model, in which he did not completely move away from the topic of his previous relationship.

So, he dispelled rumors that his relationship with Kostenko began even before their marriage with Buzova ended.

“In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I first saw each other in a circle of mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. We didn't talk much, we crossed eyes a couple of times. I found out from friends who this girl is, ”Tarasov said.

Interestingly, Tarasov also met Buzova in a restaurant, and then, in the spring of 2011, he was still married. The football player divorced his first wife, a former gymnast (now Dmitrieva), three months after the start of a relationship with a TV presenter.

Moreover, from his first marriage he had a daughter, Angelina-Anna, who at the time of the divorce was only two years old.

Now Dmitry pays alimony to his ex-wife and regularly sees his daughter, who is now seven years old.

Despite the fact that the topic of a break with Olga Buzova was touched upon in the interview, Tarasov himself did not comment on their separation at length, limiting himself to dry and general phrases.

“I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think for a long time, but if I explode, then irrevocably.

Love has passed, the tomatoes withered. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it does not happen that only one.

Speaking about the beginning of a relationship with Kostenko, the football player noted that he risked trusting a new girlfriend in a difficult period of his life.

“It was really hard for me: two marriages, divorces, a child ... I even had thoughts: “Why continue all this? Maybe it’s better for yourself to live, take a walk? But Nastya made me look at relationships, love differently. I took a chance and trusted her…” – said Tarasov.

Kostenko herself said that she did not immediately let the football player who had gained a scandalous reputation come to her:

“Honestly, at first I was worried and even afraid to contact him, because I didn’t understand what could come of it. I tried several times to end the conversation…”

“Nastya was impregnable, like a fortress, and I can understand her. I knew that anyone who was close to me would pour out a tub of slop. And then there were rumors that I had a harem of mistresses, ”

Indeed, at the beginning of their relationship with the midfielder of Lokomotiv, Kostenko encountered a lot of negative comments from Olga Buzova's fans on social networks, and at first even the model's mother answered these insults.

“I also like the upbringing of Nastya. She is not spoiled, she grew up in a large family. When we started living together, it became clear that we were suitable for each other. Of course, you need to work on any relationship, we try and strive for the ideal, ”Tarasov said about what attracts him to the chosen one.

When asked if the young people were planning a wedding, they replied that they were going, but did not give any specifics.

“We discussed this topic, but we need to thoroughly prepare. We want a big family in the future. We have serious intentions,

Tarasov said.

“I nursed two sisters and a brother. At some point, I realized that I myself did not want to become a mother yet. But, having met Dima, she changed her mind. I see him as the father of my children. Perhaps I will give birth earlier than I planned, but not in the next year, ”added Kostenko.

“In 36 days, what I have been thinking about for the last 5 months will finally happen. The countdown has started,

— wrote the model.

You can find other news and materials on the chronicles, as well as in the groups of the sports department on social networks.

The lovers part after four years of marriage. Sharks of the pen, citing informed friends who wished to remain anonymous, blame the collapse of the family of 30-year-old Buzova and 29-year-old Tarasov on the absence of children. Others believe that Olga is "like Ksenia Borodina", which might not suit the football player.


In an interview with Life.ru, the athlete officially confirmed for the first time that he had broken up with his wife. However, Dmitry refused to disclose the details of the quarrel. "So call her. And I will comment on it right after her," Tarasov promised.

Previously, the couple regularly posted joint photos on Instagram with the touching hashtag #moyama. However, a few weeks ago, the public tenderness of the couple stopped. They began to appear separately. Even, she was supported by a close friend, not her husband. And Tarasova, mother consoled. Buzova, however, was not seen next to the ill football player.

Just a few hours ago, the host of the reality show "Dom-2" hinted at problems in family life. The teleblonde published a poem dedicated to resentment, sadness and disappointment from the inattention of the protagonist of the work.

"You know... Angels get tired one day... From someone's lies... betrayal and pain... From the promises you make, You don't have the will to keep... From petty humiliating insults , From bitter tears that are hidden behind a smile, From long waiting in silence, Which torments with terrible torture... They suddenly understand - they are NOT NEEDED.... He did not wait for them, to whom they were sent... And the wings that are wounded, sick - They were in trouble in vain substituted ... EVERYTHING was in vain - like a sentence to death ... And having folded its wings - the Angel disappears ... And only then, you will understand that you are alone ... There is no more Angel .... Nobody covers ... "- wrote Buzova.

Subscribers concluded that Olga is the same angel. who no longer "covers" Dmitry Tarasov. "And now Tarasov should have been noted for greater irony", "Olechka! Everything passes, this too will pass! Forgive me, dear, but this Galyanovsk cattle and your little finger is not worth it! Forget, like a bad dream and go further to your dream! And she you have, I believe! you will have everything! You are a wonderful person! because we see how your girls from the project, your girlfriends, your relatives love you for your kind heart! And God will definitely reward you! And now he took you away, albeit belatedly , but took away. Happiness is Olya and you will definitely find it! "," Dima really wanted children, according to rumors ... Olya really wants fame ... somehow it doesn’t fit. In life, we all face a choice! They seem to be their own done!", "I sincerely hope that everything is fine with my husband!" - this is how concerned fans of the TV star reacted.

Sister Olga, designer Anna Buzova also spoke out. She posted a message on Instagram with words of support for the TV presenter. “Something I completely fell out of the insta-world, maybe it’s for the best ... There is so much dirt here that not everyone can bear,” Anna was horrified. #if only not to break loose #if only not to answer #ignore to the last #hands off #but you can't #hold on #can't hold on".

Marriage Olga Buzova(30) and football player Dmitry Tarasov(29) . And not only for the public, but also for Olya herself, who even wrote the book " The price of happiness”, in which she talked about how to save relationships in marriage. But her advice didn't seem to help.

A week ago, that Buzova and Tarasov were not going as smoothly as they would like: for three weeks, Olga did not post photos jointly with her husband on social networks, and a little later she ended up in the hospital. And in such a difficult time, only her sister Anna supported the TV star.

Then Tarasov ended up in the clinic. Olya did not come to visit her husband. Everything seemed more than strange, and tonight Buzova posted a photo in a white dress on Instagram and signed it: “You know, the Angels one day get tired of someone's lies, betrayal and pain. From promises, those that you give, which you do not have enough will to keep... From petty humiliating insults, from bitter tears that are hidden behind a smile, from long expectations in silence, which torments you with terrible torture. They suddenly realize that they are not needed. He did not wait for them, to whom they were sent. And the wings that are wounded, sick - they substituted in vain in trouble. All in vain - like a death sentence. And with wings folded, the angel disappears. And only then, you will understand that you are alone. There is no more Angel, no one covers ... "

Myself Dima commented on the situation when I contacted him life.ru: “Olya loves to comment on everything, so call her. And I will comment on it right after it.”

We sincerely hope that the couple will overcome all the problems.

Buzova and Tarasov are getting divorced! Is it true or another duck of social networks, the media and the defendants themselves? How to distinguish truth from fiction? Why did the latest news of the presented nature become available to millions of Olga Buzova's subscribers and ordinary people? As you know, there is no smoke without fire, and the divorce process between the couple may actually come. But there are two versions of what is happening, so the fans are divided into two camps - some believe in divorce, others in the star's pregnancy.

Divorce between spouses

The latest news today is about the possible collapse of the union. But everything started so well - a chic wedding, constant declarations of love, extravagant actions of the spouses in order to impress their lover. Fans admired the couple and some carelessness of both spouses - Dmitry Tarasov, like Olga Buzova, is a lover of joking and fooling around, which complemented the couple. But Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are getting divorced - how is it?

There was no official confirmation from the spouses about the divorce., so fans only gossip amid rumors and speculation. Olya never mentioned that she was divorcing Tarasov, but she stopped posting joint photos on Instagram, although she had previously done this daily. A few days ago, the star lamented that she and her husband were forced to see each other rarely due to constant employment at work. But this did not prevent the newlyweds from proving their love at a distance, which was witnessed by hundreds of witnesses and admiring glances.

Dmitry Tarasov himself is accused of constant spree, including in company with girls of easy virtue. There was a rumor that Dmitry personally told someone about his intention to divorce his wife. This was not confirmed, and journalists do not pursue the couple, asking relevant questions about the situation in the family. However, it is now difficult to catch them together - either the matter is in employment, or in the unwillingness to spend time together.

The couple is waiting for replenishment

Pregnancy was attributed to Olga repeatedly - the reason for this was the words in the girl's interview about the desire to have a child. In addition, the girl regularly posts pictures on Instagram, so subscribers can track her figure exactly. So, a significant rounding of the abdomen was noticed, and in one of the photos, Olga's friend put her hand on her stomach, which is usually done when there are three in the picture.

Buzova and Tarasov are getting divorced: others noticed Olga's depressed state. You can see her tearful eyes, and the girl has posted pictures with droppers more than once, demonstrating her painful condition. Recently, Olga Buzova was forced to spend half the night on a drip, and her sister Anna supported her at a difficult moment. What caused the need to consult a doctor - the reason is unknown. But perhaps this is not a disorder about the divorce process, but rather, the elimination of the consequences of toxicosis. Pregnancy can explain Olga's red eyes, her bad mood, and her lethargic state.

As for Dmitry's adventures, this can be regarded as the machinations of envious people and rejected fans. The rumor was dismissed by the girl, so maybe she herself dreamed of giving birth from a famous football player? But after learning about the pregnancy of the star, she realized that she could not bring her plan to the end.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are getting divorced or not - time will tell. Quarrels and misunderstandings happen in every family, but usually they do not become public, unlike star couples. It is not surprising if a pregnant woman's hormones are naughty, as a result of which she has become more demanding of her husband and touchy at his absence near her. The lack of new photos from secular parties alone can also be explained by the reluctance to advertise their interesting position.

final decision

Despite numerous rumors and gossip, the hopes and investigations of the fans, the couple nevertheless divorced. The reasons for the divorce at the beginning of the whole story were not specified, but Tarasov and Buzova poured a lot of dirt on each other. It was because of these reasons that the public wondered. Initially, everyone believed that the couple just had a fight. Why didn't matter. Tarasov and his friends accused Olga of excessive sexual promiscuity and alcohol abuse. Olga, in turn, did not comment on the situation. But when the true reason for the divorce from Tarasov was revealed, Olga "indulged in all serious things."

It turns out that Tarasov cheated on Buzova! Moreover, the betrayal turned out to be not a fleeting affair, but a rather long and promising romance. This time, Anastasia Kostenko, the winner of the Miss Russia 2014 contest, acted as a homemaker. The girl is charming and sweet, but still has not commented on her romance with Tarasov.

For what reason, Buzova is divorcing Tarasov, it became clear. But despite the fact that the couple have already divorced, most fans hope for reconciliation - after all, with whom Dmitry is now is unknown. From the latest video about the footballer, it is known that he is now living with a girl. Dmitry does not represent her, and does not advertise his new relationship at all. It remains only to believe that this sweet girl "appeared" in the life of a football player after a divorce. And if so, then maybe the celebrities will still come to their senses and get back together?