Subscribe for helpful tips. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues Happy New Year of the rooster organization

Colleagues, this New Year,
I wish you great heights
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily
To row her with a shovel,
Corporate events were more
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let it be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praised us!

We spend half our lives at work
And now the team is almost family.
We share both sorrows and worries,
Deciding everything together during the day.

And day by day the weeks go by
And here we are on the threshold of the New Year.
Colleagues, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you only joyful efforts!

So that the year that comes is generous to you,
In work - harmony, and in the house so that - comfort,
Good luck to be a fair wind
Income keeps growing.

Simple human happiness
Without sorrows, sorrows and worries.
Let love cover with an avalanche of passion,
And miracles happen in the New Year!

My dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish that in the new year everything starts in a new way: so that there are new successes in activities, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All good and good!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Happy life without worries
Easy work without barriers,
Huge bonuses and salaries.

So that Monday does not scare
The chief did not scold much,
And to work, like a holiday,
So that everyone runs with joy!

Happy New Year to all our friendly team.
May good luck accompany you, the positive will not leave.
So that work can be argued, so that families have comfort!
Lest you forget: you are welcome here in the morning.
All success and health, light, joy, kindness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

I wish the new year
Brought good luck and income
So that a crowd of customers come to us
And they carried money in bags.

Let the team be friendly
And full of initiatives
He worked tirelessly
And crushed the competition!

May comfort await you all at home,
Hard work reward.
Love, health and kindness,
And may life be generous to you!

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vivacity, luck!

May comfort always reign in the house,
And the soul knows no grief!
New Year's holiday fireworks
Let's raise the bar!

May a glorious New Year
Good luck will come to your house
I congratulate you, colleagues,
And I wish you success!

Let work be a joy
In every case - clarity of plans.
At home - peace, tranquility, comfort,
May you be loved and protected!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Congratulations to the team!
Be happy like children
Forget all the negativity.

I wish this holiday
You note from the heart,
To be cool at night
And in the morning everyone is cheerful.

May your dreams come true
And the problems will go away.
There was a reason to smile
Not only on a fabulous night.

And happiness reigned in the family,
The house is happy and comfortable.
I wish you a holiday
Where they love and wait for you.

After going to work
Resting, gaining strength.
And to the working year,
Everyone started with enthusiasm.

We can mix up our affairs,
To be on the carpet at the authorities,
At work, as if drinking in the forest:
They gave a tree - you cut it, and that's it!
We are the most important workers here,
And at lunch, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And we are not expected
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

Until 1492 in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1. Then, due to various circumstances, the significant date shifted to September 1. And only in 1700, with the light hand of the reformer Tsar Peter I, the holiday began to be celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. The tradition took root and has survived to this day. And today, on the last day of December, children and adults are immersed in a joyful whirlpool of fun and are happy to gather around the Christmas tree, waiting for the arrival of the beloved New Year.

A bright, optimistic atmosphere reigns not only in homes, but also in offices, shops, banks, shopping centers, enterprises and organizations. Employees convey cheerful, funny congratulations on the New Year 2017 to colleagues in verse, address official words of congratulations in prose to management and give each other colorful thematic cards with the kindest, most sincere and touching wishes of peace, happiness and prosperity in the coming 2017 Year of the Rooster .

Beautiful congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 to colleagues in verse

You can congratulate your colleagues on the upcoming New Year 2017 in an extraordinary and original way with beautiful, touching poems. Here, both short congratulations from a couple of couplets and long lyrical poems dedicated to the arrival of the new year and related events will be appropriate. The rhymed lines of congratulations must be memorized very well, and then recited aloud in front of the whole team. The most suitable moment for this is the beginning of a corporate party on the occasion of the coming of the year of the Rooster, when all the colleagues present are just sitting down at the festive table.

If the event takes place in the office, you can simply go to the center of the room and read a beautiful and inspirational congratulation in verse loudly with expression. When the celebration is celebrated in a restaurant, it is worth agreeing with the presenter and at the right moment go up to the stage to the microphone in order to greet colleagues from there with bright, memorable rhymes.

After the verse is read, do not rush and immediately leave the stage. It is better to linger for 2-3 minutes and in your own words once again congratulate colleagues on the upcoming year of the Rooster and wish them all the best. Such a "lyrical digression" will dilute the formality of the situation and give the holiday a touch of humanity. The more pleasant words and sincere congratulations sound from the stage, the warmer the atmosphere in the team will become, and colleagues will begin to treat each other more friendly and cordially.

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends,
And I wish that we lived
Friendly, like one family.

Let luck be near
Together with us all year
The salary will increase
And let our income grow.

So that we are one team
We walked confidently forward.
The New Year is at the start
Gives good luck to everyone.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if in the old something did not come true,
We do not lower the bar of desires,
To tighten up Santa Claus.

Let the coming year turn out well,
The curve grows upward on the graph,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life - without turmoil and interference.

I wish you growth and growth
Less delays and problems
Complex issues are easy to solve.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness, peace to all!

Cool short congratulations to colleagues Happy New Year 2017

In friendly and close-knit work teams, there is a tradition of merrily, cool and brightly congratulating work colleagues on the New Year. Employees find short holiday quatrains with congratulations in advance, learn them by heart, and on the eve of a significant day, they read them aloud to each other at corporate parties, parties or cozy friendly gatherings. In peppy rhymed lines of congratulations, colleagues recall the significant events of the outgoing year, welcome the coming year of the Rooster and wish their colleagues the fulfillment of the most fantastic dreams, loyalty from management, good salaries in rubles, and even better in hard currency, rapid career growth, iron health, strong nerves, satisfied customers and mutual understanding in the family.

Cheerful short congratulations are not only recited aloud, but also written on colorful themed postcards and, together with small New Year's souvenirs, are presented to each employee of a company, firm or organization, from the technician to the general director. Such pleasant ways of congratulating the New Year are always highly valued and remain in the memory of every person for a long time.

Festive wall newspapers are decorated with short poetic congratulations on the New Year, which then decorate the offices of colleagues and recreation areas. This design creates a joyful atmosphere in the most serious institutions, cheers up and sets the staff in a cheerful, optimistic mood.

Our fun, friendly team
I congratulate you on this New Year!
Let us be accompanied by positive
And enjoy stable income!

I wish you prosperity, success,
Health is very strong, prosperity.
Carriage of smiles, joy and laughter.
May everything always be in order for you!

Happy New Year!
May there be a lot of luck
Let the bad not disturb
Let good things come.
Let the year be wonderful
Wonderful, kind, very cool.

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends.
This year we have not worked in vain -
He brought us good seedlings.
So let's forget the troubles.

Let's step into the New Year with a pure heart,
Let's say wishes:
May it be calm, stable
And in finance always abundant!

Official New Year's greetings from the management for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster to colleagues in prose

On the eve of the New Year, enterprises, offices, organizations and other labor collectives must hold solemn gatherings, at which executives turn to subordinates and colleagues with official New Year's greetings in prose. Welcoming words sound weighty, solid and respectful. In them, the directors, deputies and heads of departments of factories, factories, commercial companies, large corporations, banks, private firms, offices, shopping centers, schools and kindergartens congratulate the staff on the coming New Year and thank them for their responsible attitude to their duties, high efficiency and timely completion of assigned tasks. Such phrases pour like balm on the hearts of workers, because every person is pleased to know that his efforts are not in vain and do not go unnoticed by the authorities.

To dilute officialdom, congratulations on the upcoming year of the Rooster in prose are supplemented with beautiful, kind, sincere and touching wishes for good health, family happiness, life's blessings, a successful career and a high salary. Perhaps there is not too much originality in these words, however, they are always pleasant to hear for any person, regardless of age, character and social status. The most important thing is to recite congratulations sincerely and with expression, so that each colleague present feels the warmth emanating from the phrases and feels in his heart the attentive attitude towards himself from the leading apparatus. This will benefit the entire team and make relationships within it more open, cordial and trusting.

Dear colleagues, I am happy to congratulate all of you on the upcoming New Year holidays! I wish you great fun today, relax, chat in an informal setting. May the friendly atmosphere prevailing here now remain unchanged during working hours. I believe that our close-knit team will show excellent results in the coming year and achieve new heights. I wish all those present interesting work, mutual understanding between managers and subordinates, income growth (both for the company as a whole and personal), and, of course, happiness, health and prosperity!

I want to start my speech with gratitude. Thank you all for your active, sometimes selfless work, for the many interesting ideas, for helping the company move forward, grow and develop. I believe that our main wealth is the team. Here everyone is in his place, everyone is a pro in his field. I wish you all prosperity, inspiration, new interesting ideas, bold plans! Let life be happy, work - beloved, mood - wonderful! Happy New Year to you!

How great it is to get together with the whole team in such a friendly, informal atmosphere. I am happy to see smiles on faces, hear laughter, playful conversations. I wish everyone to have fun and dance today, let the holiday be bright and joyful. In the coming New Year, I wish you all prosperity, well-being, financial stability. May those wishes that you make under the chimes come true. May your families be happy, may your projects be successful, may your work be a joy. I wish you health, love, harmony and good mood!

Happy New Year 2017 to colleagues at work - beautiful cards for the year of the Rooster

And official congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 to colleagues in prose, and cool wishes on the holiday to fellow workers in verse, it is appropriate not only to recite aloud, but also to write on colorful thematic postcards. Then such cute New Year's souvenirs, along with small presents, can be given to all employees who are at the workplace, and congratulations can be supplemented with the most sincere, kind and touching wishes of health, happiness, mutual understanding, early career growth and other life blessings. To make the sign of attention look more personal, a poetic or prose text of congratulations should be written by hand and a few individual words should be added for each person. After all, working in the same team, people get to know each other well and can easily guess who will like what wishes and congratulations more.

On holidays, in no case should you leave without congratulations those colleagues who, for health reasons or other personal reasons, are absent from the workplace. For them, too, you need to sign colorful, bright New Year's cards and send them by regular mail or send them to your phone in the form of MMS messages. If employees have pages on popular social networks, you can post New Year's cards there and supplement them with sincere, kind congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and sincere wishes. Absent workers will be very pleased to see such a greeting and read a few touching, sincere phrases. It will immediately become clear that colleagues truly value their colleagues and remember them not only when they need to print important documents or calm a capricious client.

» New Year's greetings on the upcoming 2017 to colleagues

New Year's greetings to colleagues in prose - congratulations in your own words

Congratulations on the New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and kindness, sincere love and joy, good luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

Congratulations on the New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish you all a wonderful mood and cheerfulness of the body, constant good luck in business and great success, great ideas and brilliant prospects, personal happiness and significant victories in life.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! Let our dreams come true and all tasks set can be easily solved. Let difficulties bypass our friendly team, and let the career ladder become a runway. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you high and rapid growth in your career, great and indestructible success in work, honest and fruitful cooperation, understanding and respect in the team, prosperity and well-being at home, New Year's happiness and true love in your personal life.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. May this year be incredibly successful and profitable for each of you. Let every working day please you with the results of hard work and significant career advancement. Let the activity know no obstacles and problems, and let life be filled with goodness and happiness.

Dear colleagues, colleagues, colleagues! We have done a good job in the outgoing year, we have outlined a lot of plans for the coming 12 months. Let all your plans come true and be implemented as successfully as possible. Health to you, your families, your loved ones and relatives. And to our enterprise - prosperity and prosperity. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year dear colleagues! May this year, like a breath of fresh inspiration, bring you many ideas, suggestions, may every step and undertaking on your part be crowned with success. We wish you healthy stubbornness, inexhaustible energy, endless enthusiasm and, of course, financial well-being, as an assessment of your worthy work.

Colleagues, this year was full of pleasant surprises, significant achievements, as well as minor disappointments. But we have remained unshakable and stubborn in winning new awards for our work. I wish us all that with the change of the date on the calendar, in our life, too, all the changes will be only for the better! Professional growth to us, new strategically important partners and successful contracts. The contribution of each of you is invaluable in our difficult work. Congratulations and best wishes for the New Year!

My dear colleagues, may this New Year knock on your door like a fairy tale and your life be filled with miracles. May fate bring you more and more new gifts every day and spoil you with unexpected, and most importantly, pleasant surprises. I wish good luck to accompany you in everything - both in your personal life and, of course, in your professional endeavors. Feel free to step towards the new, make incredible discoveries and fate will certainly thank you for your courage!

And so another year of work ends. Long-awaited holidays are ahead. I wish you good holidays, happy new year. May the New Year bring you good luck in business, in your personal life and good financial well-being. You truly deserve it!

New Year greetings to colleagues

At work - success, and at home - comfort,
May everything in your life be very cool.
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, an Armani suit!
And let there be as much money as winter snow,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart, colleague!
All that is listed, let him bring
New 20... year!

May the New Year bring stability
Growing income, salary bonuses.
Let everything be a bundle at your house,
And at work - just in chocolate.
I wish you all happiness and love,
Champagne sparkling in a glass.
Wishes for you to make
And so that they all become a reality.

Colleagues, the New Year is coming,
Accept congratulations.
And may you have the whole year
Excellent mood!
May you be lucky
Let fate smile
Good luck floats in your hands,
And all dreams come true!

Let colleagues New Year
It will bring us all a salary -
More so that more often.
So that they themselves wash mugs, cups,
Computers didn't freeze
The authorities so as not to shout,
So that everyone is happy with a colleague, friend ...
Salary - in the second round!
And from work - pleasures,
Good contentment to you everywhere,
Free route, shopping discounts,
So that life is like a fairy tale, the world is like dope.
To be proud of your family
Warmth, comfort. Happy New Year!

May happiness come to you all
On a wonderful New Year's holiday!
I want to wish you, colleagues,
In the career ladder of success,
Only a big income for everyone,
Good health, steel!
May every moment and every hour
Only joy awaits you in life!

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year
I sincerely, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!
Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let health be strong
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!
I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of ​​light
And many great successes!

I congratulate all colleagues
Happy New Year and wish
So that work does not torment,
Gave pleasure.
optimism and positivity
Let him join the team.
To increase salaries
And more often issued -
Three or four times a month.
Well, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not bustle,
How loved you all loved,
Vacation was given on time ...
Well, about five times a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Happiness will give, love and blessings.
May you be promoted
And throw gifts!

Congratulations on the upcoming!
From the bottom of our hearts we want to wish everyone
So that there is no sadness in life,
So that you can succeed everywhere.
So that what is planned in the plan comes true,
To have money in your pocket.
So that you meet a fun year
Among friends and pleasant troubles!

New Year is an occasion to congratulate
Everyone who believes in him is waiting for a miracle.
May it bring a lot of joy
New Year to you when it comes!
May it give you new goals
Many different, desired victories.
Let it be everything that you so wanted.
Live without tears, without sorrows and troubles!

The year went by so fast
There were so many things in it
May you all in the new year
Successes and victories await!
In my heart I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute
In the family - mutual understanding,
In a career - only prosperity.
There is a lot of health, steel is stronger,
So that all dreams suddenly come true.
I wish you true friends
And fruitful, bright days!

Happy New Year 2018 to colleagues in prose

My dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish that in the new year everything starts in a new way: so that there are new successes in activities, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All good and good!

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

My dear colleagues, I want to sincerely and with great respect congratulate you on the New Year! I would like to wish you career growth, new successes and prosperity, the achievement of more and more new goals. And I also want to wish each of you good health, self-confidence, creative inspiration and love in all its manifestations.

Dear colleagues! Here comes the New Year! You all did a great job, and now it's time to celebrate the magical New Year's holiday. I wish each of you simple eternal happiness, because without it the world becomes gray. Health to you and your loved ones. New original ideas and grandiose career advancements. Let our wonderful team become even more friendly and together we are not afraid of any heights. Happy New Year!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I want to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and true prosperity, high prosperity and unchanging good luck. May the New Year's Eve fulfill the desire of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish you a happy and kind, successful and bright year. May everyone in it be healthy and loved, may great victories and brave achievements await us.

Let the old year be remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life goes well and easily. Let the work in the new year be a joy, and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. Let this year start successfully and beautifully. Let everyone be very lucky from the first days. May hard work and zeal for work always be appreciated and have its reward. May each of us have our own victories and further advancement in our activities, and may life give happiness and love to everyone. I wish you all happy holidays and wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you a lot of joy and laughter, smiles, sincerity and kindness! May your homes be filled with happiness and prosperity. Be healthy, always in a great mood, and may all the most secret dreams come true in the New Year! Happy holiday, friends!

Dear colleagues! Great luck to be with you in one, friendly team, and, daily, jointly and amicably solve new, even difficult tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish health to you and those who are dear to you, so that success accompanies everything planned, and the most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unthinkable way!

New Year's greetings are not in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year my dear colleagues! And I wish you always a stable income, big bonuses, long paid holidays. So that work is always a joy, so that there is mutual understanding at work and so that the boss is a little kinder!

Dear colleagues! Happy New Year. I wish all of us to remain as friendly and cheerful. I wish you a festive mood, never know about grief, depression and sadness. I wish you great strength, tremendous success and, of course, an increase in salary.

Dear Colleagues. May the New Year bring with it new successes, both at work and beyond. Let any conflicts be settled easily and not forcibly, and moreover, bring worthy results.

Dear Colleagues, the New Year is just around the corner, and with it the long-awaited weekend. I wish them to be unforgettable, so that new impressions and positive emotions are over the edge. May the New Year bring good luck, profit and success to each of us.

Dear Colleagues! First of all, I would like to wish you success in your work, rapid career growth and that work does not turn into a routine routine, that there is an element of celebration in it. Let this year be a turning point, the most memorable and the most fruitful. Happy holiday!

Friends, employees, colleagues today I want to congratulate you! May the New Year bring understanding, success and joy into your life. May the snowy winter please you with good, and good luck hurry to visit you. Always appreciate and respect each other when preparing references or making reports. Love jokes, joy - and your life will be more fun!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! We have worked hard in the past year, so I wish us all good luck, luck and inspiration in the coming year. I also want to wish you rapid career growth and that this year will give you all exceptionally positive impressions and emotions. Happy holiday!

Happy New Year, colleagues, I congratulate you! I wish you in the New Year to your salary - a salary multiplied for the coming year, so that the management appreciates your work and thanks you for your work with a good bonus. I wish that the work was not a burden, but colossal achievements, a career ladder and success in all matters! And in your family, let there be comfort, warmth and grace for the whole coming year!

Happy New Year!
I wish to receive gifts under the Christmas tree: a magic wand that will fulfill all desires; reward for fruitful work, diligence; a scattering of diamonds from friends, love, luck, confidence, family, victories.

The outgoing year is about to close the doors behind it. We have not worked in vain in the last days of the outgoing year and have collected for him a whole bag of unresolved problems, unpretentious disputes, unresolved strife, let him take everything away with him. New Year to us to appear at night. New plans, projects, dreams, new meetings and new us. Happiness, love to all for long days, Happy holiday to all, my dears!

New Year's greetings in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year colleagues
My congratulations,
You success in your work,
Of course I do!
To new heights
You have achieved everything
And the salaries are huge.
To receive!
And to bring
work pleasure,
And the houses were joy
Health and tranquility!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Health, happiness, joy in everything,
Good luck, I wish you a lot of money.
Let adversity be nothing.
Let the coming year bring us
A lot of success in life and good,
Let all troubles go away as soon as possible
And friendship never goes away!

We worked, plowed -
Tired, we are tired!
Thank God New Year
It will come to us in a few days.
While we're looking forward to
New Year's temptations
We will be with you New Year
We mark ahead.
I wish you colleagues
So that, like smart strategists,
You are the troubles that you have known
Buried deep in the snow.
And for the New Year now
For happiness to knock on the door
Not giving sadness a chance
Not then and not now.

I wish you happiness in the New Year
Joyful events and love,
Happy life without bad weather
Pleasant gifts from fate
Good luck in job,
Good luck on your personal
Always be in fashion
decent salary,
May everything come true for you
And let it be forever
Happy New Year,
Dear colleagues!

Well, colleagues, let's congratulate each other.
While outside the window is a New Year's blizzard,
And the hands of the clock have not yet closed,
Everyone smiled at once.
On "two" - reached for the cherished dream.
To the one in the subconscious, there, in the depths.
At "three" - everyone drank a sip of wine,
So that life is ideal, luxurious!
And all on "four", "five", "six", "seven" and "eight"
We will ask Santa Claus for gifts,
And "nine" and "ten" then already let
Disperse all the darkness, all sorrows and sadness.
So that this coming year, the coming one,
Was the most beautiful for everyone, the best!

What do you wish for the New Year?
Live pleasantly, without hassle,
enjoy every day
And be successful in everything.
I won't repeat myself
But I won't forget my colleagues
Wish career growth
And in income - only growth.
Lots of happy days
Faithful, sincere friends.
Well, so that Santa Claus
They took us to the Canaries!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if in the old something did not come true,
We do not lower the bar of desires,
To tighten up Santa Claus.
Let the coming year turn out well,
The curve grows upward on the graph,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life - without turmoil and interference.
I wish you growth and growth
Less delays and problems
Complex issues are easy to solve.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness, peace to all!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Sea of ​​happiness and good luck
A year so that the whole passed without crying.
For fortune to smile
And the career progressed.
To have more rest
Troubles and sorrows did not know.
So that all plans come true
And the pockets filled up.
What would Santa Claus
I brought gifts for you all!

We wish you recognition in the New Year,
Profitable ways in business,
And in every area - prosperity.
And only good news!
And the bank account is always decent,
Career takeoff to the very top,
And the team is optimistic,
And faith in tomorrow's success!

Happy New Year to those
Who works with me daily.
Common work and our common success
We are united for sure!
May this year bring good things,
Everyone who works in the same team.
May it bring health and wealth
And in the service of new concessions.
Let the new year give
All health, joy and ... premiums.
May it bring many smiles
And with the bosses of the best relations!

Congratulations on the topic

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Short funny SMS congratulations on the New Year Happy New Year. I wish you happiness, joy. Let health be strong, Purse - for money ...

Short birthday greetings to a colleague

Short birthday greetings to a woman colleague On a birthday without flattery Congratulations to the one with whom We go to work together, We share trouble!...

New Year's toasts and congratulations

New Year's toasts 2018 New Year is always the expectation of some fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. Let all...

Response to congratulations to colleagues at work

Words of gratitude to colleagues at work From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, I thank you! I say, you for your help and support. In life, I thank you. Always in difficult times...

In good, close-knit teams, relationships develop as in a team, where each player is important, and the boss is more likely to be perceived as a commander, rather than a “higher mind” or “supervisor”. Often such teams arrange picnics, corporate parties for various reasons, and the New Year stands in a special place. colleagues and in prose, this is a wonderful gift in which you can express gratitude for a good team and fruitful cooperation.

On the eve of the New Year, people prepare not only gifts for relatives, they also think about colleagues, especially at this crazy New Year's Eve time, when in just a couple of remaining weeks it is necessary to carry out decisive checks, prepare reports and collect data for the annual report.

The bosses are already thinking about plans for the next year, and employees dream of quickly finishing the mountain of accumulated cases in order to meet 2020 with a clear conscience. Members of the team can spend the New Year separately, but this does not interfere with congratulating all partners on the New Year in prose.

Even a few written or spoken words can leave a warm aftertaste and give pleasant emotions. A few words, this is not much, the main attention given to partners in prose. Why in prose? Well, few people are strong in versification, and composing gibberish is an empty business. It is better to express it in a more convenient, textual form, because the meaning of what was said is not lost from this. In addition to colleagues, any employee can calmly congratulate the boss, why not?

Congratulations examples

Dear, dear colleagues! I decided to write you a few lines with warm wishes. May the New Year become a life-changing one for you in terms of career prospects, may new, unprecedented horizons open before our company! We are a strong, close-knit team, we are not afraid of crises, and complex tasks only encourage us to move forward! Colleagues, thanks to you I felt like a part of a real team and immensely happy! My wish for all partners is that your desires, whatever they may be, come true. Definitely in the coming year 2020!

Well, soon our organization will move from 2019 to 2020. What will it be like for everyone? Of course, exciting, because the unknown always gives reason to be afraid of something. Colleagues! Do not be afraid of change, believe that together we are able to cope with any difficulty. Years go by, and we develop further! I wish you all the main thing - faith in your plans, dreams and health. Let this New Year's greeting to colleagues and in prose become for you only the first of a chain of pleasant surprises that the Rat will certainly give, bursting into our lives with the advent of 2020. May your paths to personal and career success be clear and even, and all troubles be resolved. May all the most promising and even fantastic plans come true! Be brave and strong, because it is to such people that the Rat gives his blessing. Let the holidays give everyone the desired rest, new strength.

Congratulations on the New Year and colleagues in prose often refer to wishes for either success or prosperity. These are semi-official appeals, because quite working relations are established between colleagues, sometimes turning into friendly ones. It is impossible to write something more personal here, so as not to hurt someone's feelings. However, such restrictions cannot reduce the warmth and sincerity of wishes. After all, work occupies an important place in the life of every person, especially if he sincerely believes in his success, he likes it. Of course, careerists and simple hard workers want to achieve more, to see new heights on their way. Why not wish it? After all, a strong team achieves success through new achievements of its members.

Dear colleagues, all our wonderful team. I want to express my deep, sincere gratitude for everything, you warmly accepted and taught me a lot, shared your experience, sparing no effort to sit with me, gently pointing out mistakes and supporting me. The time that has passed with you is remembered with warmth and gratitude. I just want all the wonderful people around me to achieve their goals, to avoid difficulties! May all stones and false turns on the path disappear, and all forks be provided with clear signs. Go straight, feel the right direction, go only forward and up! You are wonderful people, real masters of your craft, I am really glad to be here as a full member of a great team. Health, eyes shining with happiness, strength! Don't give up, even if it seems like you can't. Any dark evening ends and the Sun peeps through. You just have to wait for the end. I want 2020 to be not just the beginning of a new period for everyone, but a real start for career growth, the opening of new tempting prospects! More joyful events, more pleasant excitement! Colleagues, let's look to the future boldly!

My dear, dear colleagues. Guys, girls, let the upcoming holiday be the beginning of a wonderful, fruitful year for you. I want to congratulate everyone, hug them tightly and wish only good, bright. The Rat is coming, he hates monotonous, gray days, so get ready for a whirlpool of events. Let them be only good for our friendly, wonderful team, and let the difficulties be quickly resolved. Of course, life cannot consist only of good moments, there are thunderclouds, sometimes lightning flashes in our sky. Dont be upset. After any storm, the clouds dissipate, purity is felt in the air, the Sun peeps through again. So let any trouble for you pass and end like a thunderstorm. Leave all the problems and worries with the outgoing 2018.

Colleagues, I hope you have already written your letters for Santa Claus? After all, he will give everyone who has led a fruitful, good life all year! We worked hard, solved everything, even complex and intricate tasks, we are ready to relax. Let the holidays be successful for you, the rest will return the lost strength. Let your eyes sparkle with new ideas again, and the Rat will give you good luck for their implementation. Colleagues, I believe that with the advent of 2020, new, hitherto unknown prospects will open before us, I wish you all to take advantage of the opportunities provided and not lose your luck! The Rat loves brave, hardworking and honest people, so he will certainly help our team to reach new heights! May harmony, love and peace always reign at home, your loved ones support your undertakings, your bosses please you with big bonuses, and falling asleep, you dreamed of a new day! Colleagues, let's make every effort to make 2020 a truly fruitful and successful year for all of us!

M We have worked hard and will have a good rest.
We practically live at our work.
And on New Year's Eve I want to wish you
There are five salaries of millions and vacation pay per year.

I wish my colleagues more weekends,
Logically believing that there are very few of them,
Feasts and fun at noisy celebrations,
And mornings without a hangover, and clarity in the eyes!

AT New Year to my colleagues
Much to be desired:
To have less work
To not get up early.

To get a bonus more often
The team was awarded
To happen every day
Small but positive.

For us to work together
Because we have one goal.
To be released in the summer
All of us together to the south.


L any job is up to us,
We just radiate positivity.
Everyone has a "need" and a "want"
And together we are a great team.

Everyone has their own home, their own family,
But we spend a lot of time together.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday.
Employees, colleagues, Happy New Year!


P the mouth of happiness will come to you all

I want to wish you, colleagues,
In the career ladder of success,
Only a big income for everyone,
Good health, steel!
May every moment and every hour
Only joy awaits you in life!


To Allegy, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, weekends,
Praise - all at once
To make everything easy
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
It's like being in a resort!


P the mouth of the New Year will enter your house
Alluring bright light.
May your dreams come true
Let there be no fuss.
And seeing off the old year,
Get rid of all the hassle.
Leave behind all sorrows
All the troubles, everything that was silent about ...
Don't be afraid of new beginnings!
Don't be afraid to get creative!
After all, the New Year is like a clean slate,
And you are the only soloist
Those songs that you have to sing.
After all, the New Year is about to burst!
And there will be dancing, dancing ...
And you will find yourself in that fairy tale
Which will change everything.
For the New Year! Let it come!


FROM Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends,
And I wish that we lived
Friendly, like one family.

Let luck be near
Together with us all year
The salary will increase
And let our income grow.

So that we are one team
We walked confidently forward.
The New Year is at the start
Gives good luck to everyone.


At we have a common job,
It's a common concern.
The holiday is also ours for everyone.
Let success accompany!

Happy New Year, colleagues!
Bright success awaits you.
Don't be sick, don't be sad
Have fun and joke!

To argue work
Only pleasant care
To wait for you in life
Bright so that fate was!

Have fun on this holiday
And various gifts
I sincerely wish everyone.
I congratulate you, colleagues!


At Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year! I wish you to feel confident, calm and stable! May your family and friends be healthy. Happiness, positive, kindness and success!


FROM Happy New Year!
This year I wish you
So that wealth and good luck
Were with you at the same time
And health and luck
They flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Career growth brought you
And the Snow Maiden with her
Made a big profit!


AT from what I want to say, people:
Hurry to visit us in the New Year!
I wish you all the luck
Good pay, lots of bonuses.
So that the boss only admires us
And never carped!
Let in the family and at work
Happiness awaits us, not worries.
May a miracle come to us soon
On a wonderful New Year's holiday!


AND I wish that this night
Work has gone into the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
A glass of champagne and a cake!

Let it be near, this New Year,
Faith and luck walk
The health of loved ones, and in addition,
Events, best, turnover.

I also want creativity
More laughter, more positive,
Emotions, lightness, freedom ...
Let the income grow to heaven!


P Happy New Year
Let everything go smoothly
Happiness to you for the whole year,
Better life - no hassle!

Let luck wander around
You, caressing with a gentle look
And, will fulfill all desires -
For worthy efforts!

May you all be lucky all year,
Happiness is just waiting for you
Tenderness, sincerity, smiles,
Without any mistake!


To allegy, this New Year,
I wish you great heights
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily
To row her with a shovel,
Corporate events were more
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let it be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praised us!


P the new year will bring good luck,
Stability and income is immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks submit.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of desires of various kinds.
May you have very happy days.
And a variety of impressions for you!


H new year is a reason to congratulate
Everyone who believes in him is waiting for a miracle.
May it bring a lot of joy
New Year to you when it comes!

May it give you new goals
Many different, desired victories.
Let it be everything that you so wanted.
Live without tears, without sorrows and troubles!


FROM today is our working day,
But the heart asks for celebration
After all, the hour of the magical night is near!
From happiness - around the head!

Best gifts to you, colleagues,
And money - a full wallet.
And be lucky forever
Get excited about life.

Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full speed.
Miracles are bright for you,
Good luck on all fronts!


To Allegy, the New Year is coming,
Accept congratulations.
And may you have the whole year
Excellent mood!

May you be lucky
Let fate smile
Good luck floats in your hands,
And all dreams come true!


To Allegy, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly round dance
You are often surrounded
Love, luck, happiness!

Huge salaries for everyone
Growing and immodest
Success indecent
And a great vacation!


P May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!


AT from and we worked for a year,
The holiday is now waiting for us.
May your house be filled with goodness
Happiness, joy, warmth.
I wish you a fabulous weekend,
Colleagues, Happy New Year!


H new year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vivacity, luck!

May comfort always reign in the house,
And the soul knows no grief!
New Year's holiday fireworks
Let's raise the bar!


P we can confuse our affairs,
To be on the carpet at the authorities,
At work, as if drinking in the forest:
They gave a tree - you cut it, and that's it!
We are the most important workers here,
And at lunch, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And we are not expected
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.


P mouth in the coming year
Good luck will wink at you all,
Let troubles bypass you
Let your income grow steadily!

Let dreams come true
And let there be no sad days.
There is more warmth in the hearts
And in the house - festive lights!


FROM I'm going to wish you a Happy New Year
I sincerely, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let health be strong
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of ​​light
And many great successes!


H and work, like a holiday,
We rush from year to year.
A bunch of things, big and important,
And a crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish everyone success
And diligence in work,
To avoid interference
To be lucky always, everywhere.

To increase wages
The family was strong enough.
Happy New Year
Our entire team!


G one flew by so fast
There were so many things in it
May you all in the new year
Successes and victories await!

In my heart I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute
In the family - mutual understanding,
In a career - only prosperity.

There is a lot of health, steel is stronger,
So that all dreams suddenly come true.
I wish you true friends
And fruitful, bright days!


P lanam our performance
Let the New Year give
And give us patience
If things are unfinished.

Let, colleagues, work for you
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!


To the team is native and friendly,
You need to be congratulated now
Happy New Year! And wish...
Where would I start?

Without embellishment I will say, friends,
I love our team.
Joke, don't joke,
Here our paths converged.

Wishes you do not count.
Congratulating you is an honor.
May the new year bring
Lots of happy worries.

Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May love and health be.
And success will not forget you.

Let Santa Claus give everyone
Lots of fun things to do
Let the whole year be not sad,
Quite the contrary!


AT congratulations to all my colleagues
Happy New Year and wish
So that work does not torment,
Gave pleasure.
optimism and positivity
Let him join the team.
To increase salaries
And more often issued -
Three or four times a month.
Well, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not bustle,
How loved you all loved,
Vacation was given on time ...
Well, about five times a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Happiness will give, love and blessings.
May you be promoted
And throw gifts!


At dear colleagues! Happy New Year. May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. Easy working days and hot pleasant holidays. Let all failures and hardships remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and in the new one there will be only ups and downs!


P mouth brings you the New Year
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!


FROM Happy New Year to all our friendly team.
May good luck accompany you, the positive will not leave.
So that work can be argued, so that families have comfort!
Lest you forget: you are welcome here in the morning.
All success and health, light, joy, kindness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!