Preparing for childbirth: what you need to know and what exercises to do. Preparing for childbirth: what you need to know? Helpful Hints Preparing for Partner Birth

When pregnancy comes to its logical conclusion, every woman begins to experience worries about the upcoming birth. Even those women who have already gone through this process and have children cannot avoid certain fears and questions. After all, each time the birth takes place in its own way, and it is impossible to predict exactly how everything will be in this case. And therefore, from about the thirty-fourth week, it is necessary to start attending courses for pregnant women, passing online seminars on this topic and studying other information posted on forums and various sites. In general, preparation for childbirth should take several weeks. What needs to be included in it is described in this article.

Let's talk about the birth process

Preparing a pregnant woman for childbirth is not always given due attention. Most often, at various courses, women are told about the three stages of the birth process, they are taught breathing exercises and try to reduce the level of fear among primiparas. However, in fact, many pregnant women note that they did not have enough information on how to properly respond to everything that happens to the body and control this process. After all, it is known that those women who take an active part in childbirth go through them more painlessly and have every chance of avoiding breaks.

Therefore, any process of preparing for childbirth should include several important points, which we will consider in the article:

  • setting the date of birth;
  • signs of contractions that have begun;
  • list of things needed for;
  • the need and possibility of anesthesia;
  • three stages of the birth process;
  • pros and cons of partner childbirth;
  • preparation of the cervix for childbirth;
  • selection of courses for pregnant women and maternity hospital.

Of course, expectant mothers have a lot of questions regarding childbirth. Many of them are embarrassed to ask, and therefore experience nervousness and fear. This negatively affects their emotional state and affects the baby. Sometimes such problems even slow down the onset of labor or prevent the process from proceeding naturally. Therefore, every pregnant woman should take it very seriously in preparation for childbirth and be sure to allocate time for this, even if she works until the last days of bearing the crumbs.

Date of birth: calculate the exact day the baby was born

In childbirth preparation courses, specialists only briefly touch on the estimated date when you can expect the onset of labor. But, in fact, this topic worries most pregnant women. As practice shows, the real and estimated date of birth often have significant differences. This causes a lot of fears in women, they are worried that contractions may start unexpectedly, they will not have time to get to the hospital and this will harm the baby. Therefore, expectant mothers begin to fall into two extremes: they insist on hospitalization several weeks in advance, or they are so worried that they provoke premature birth in themselves with such a condition. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to clearly understand when to expect contractions.

So, first of all, the expectant mother should know that the obstetrician installed and the ultrasound examination cannot be considered accurate. A very small percentage of women give birth at this time, but it allows you to navigate in weeks and be ready to leave for the maternity hospital at the right time.

In modern obstetrics, full-term pregnancy is considered from the thirty-seventh to the forty-second week. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this time interval is subject to a certain classification:

  • Early maturity. This category includes children born in the period from the thirty-seventh to the thirty-eighth week and six days. Babies are fully viable and ready to exist outside the mother. In their condition, they are no different from children who were born later.
  • Full delivery. Most newborns delight their mothers with the appearance of thirty-nine to forty weeks and six days. This interval is considered classic and by this time the woman should be fully prepared for the upcoming process.
  • Late term. If your baby has decided to be born at forty-one weeks or forty-one weeks and six days, then do not worry. The baby did not linger inside you at all, he just waited in the wings, which is quite within the norm.
  • Postmaturity. Within forty-two weeks, doctors usually diagnose postmaturity. But for this diagnosis, they conduct a lot of additional examinations to eliminate the error in setting the estimated date of birth.

Based on the information received, preparation for childbirth should be completely completed by the thirty-sixth week. From this period, the pregnant woman should be more often at home or in the circle of close people who will help her in case of contractions. A woman should carry with her everything necessary for admission and a charged cell phone with enough money on her balance to contact relatives.

It is also necessary to have a clear idea that preparation for childbirth consists in moral and informational preparation. In no course should you be given any pills, advise infusions or decoctions for a speedy resolution of the burden. Such interference in natural processes is unacceptable and in almost one hundred percent of cases will lead to a tragic outcome.

What is the first step in preparing for childbirth? What do women need to know by the thirty-sixth week? We will discuss this topic in the section on choosing courses for pregnant women.

We are going to the hospital: we will discuss the harbingers

Information about how childbirth is going usually reassures women. After all, owning it, they know exactly what to expect, and will be able to classify the problem if it occurs.

So, childbirth should be expected in speed if you notice that it has become easier for you to breathe. This is due to the fact that the baby's head descends into the pelvic region and the stomach, as if, is located lower than usual. This can happen two to three weeks before delivery. Sometimes expectant mothers notice that the stomach has dropped just a couple of days before the baby is born. In any case, this fact is the first harbinger of the upcoming birth.

At the same time, vaginal discharge increases. They may have a brownish or pinkish tinge, and are often white. In this way, the mucous plug leaves, which throughout the entire pregnancy prevented the penetration of any infections from the vagina into the uterus.

Often, training contractions become more frequent a couple of weeks before the birth. They differ from real ones in the absence of regularity and almost painlessness. With a change in position, the pain usually goes away and does not occur again.

The harbingers of the upcoming birth include pulling and dull pain in the lower back, slight weight loss within two kilograms and a feeling of pressure in the pubic area. All of the above symptoms indicate that your family will soon be replenished with a baby. However, you should not go to the hospital with such signs, but the following characteristics should make you call the ambulance or your husband to go with him to the birth.

First of all, pay attention to bloody discharge from the vagina and discharge of amniotic fluid. They can move away immediately or flow out gradually, but it is difficult to confuse them with something else. Amniotic fluid should be transparent, small white lumps of primordial lubricant are acceptable. But the greenish or brown color of the liquid is a danger signal. It means that meconium got into the amniotic fluid and the baby risks his life every minute. In this case, it is important to get under the supervision of doctors as soon as possible, warning them by phone about your condition.

Regular contractions also become an occasion to immediately go to the maternity hospital. They always go on increasing, gradually reducing the intervals to ten minutes. If you notice that the pain is getting stronger, then it's time to go to the hospital. However, before that, be sure to do an intimate haircut and a cleansing enema. Of course, the last procedure is also done in the maternity hospital, but many women are embarrassed by strangers and prefer to carry out all the manipulations at home. It is noteworthy that in the preparation courses for childbirth, many experts say that you can refuse an enema. However, midwives always note that such a solution is fraught with problems during attempts. Since the baby presses on the intestines during passage through the birth canal, all its contents in the process may involuntarily come out. Therefore, this delicate issue should be resolved in favor of an enema.

Packing a bag for the hospital

Any woman who has attended childbirth preparation courses knows pretty well what to take with her. However, it should be borne in mind that the list of things must be checked against the one located in the hospital where you plan to give birth. Each institution has the right to impose certain restrictions, so in this section we will provide a fairly generalized list of things needed in a hospital.

Naturally, the most important documents for pregnant women are documents. They need to be put in a separate file and always carried with you. You will need a passport, an exchange card, a health insurance policy, a pension insurance card, a birth certificate, and a service agreement concluded with a medical institution. The last papers are needed if you have agreed on paid childbirth.

For yourself, you should put washable slippers, a comfortable bathrobe, a pair of nightgowns or pajamas in your bag. After giving birth, women will need bra liners, highly absorbent pads, disposable underpants, and body care products. Don't forget your shower accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Put the children's things in a separate bag. The baby will need diapers, several sets of clothes, cotton pads and sticks, powder (at the discretion of the mother), socks, a hat and anti-scratch mittens on the handles.

Making a decision about anesthesia

All women dream of childbirth without pain. But, unfortunately, this natural process cannot take place without pain. However, at the moment there are a number of techniques to reduce discomfort. They are divided into non-drug and pharmacological.

The first is always told in some detail in prenatal schools. These include massage of certain points on the body, hypnosis, meditation, self-hypnosis, acupuncture and others. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the most effective method of anesthesia for you. However, keep in mind that you need to work it out for several months, otherwise in a stressful situation you will forget about everything that you were taught in the courses.

There are quite a few pharmacological methods to anesthetize childbirth. But obstetricians and ordinary women often argue about them. Despite the fact that the effect of the drugs used on the body of the expectant mother and baby is well studied, it is believed that the introduction of drugs has a negative effect on labor activity. Often, doctors write that the use of medications that reduce sensitivity causes various injuries and provokes numerous tears during attempts. Therefore, in any case, the decision always remains with the obstetricians who take birth. Only they can administer this or that drug to you, but if you refuse to insist, it’s still not worth it - specialists are responsible for you and the health of the newborn.

How is childbirth going?

The expectant mother should be fully aware of what lies ahead for her during the birth process. It is best that she takes an active part in everything that happens. This is the key to a successful resolution of the burden and successful cooperation with doctors. They argue that trained women behave more calmly and confidently. They listen carefully to midwives and follow all their recommendations. Therefore, we will consider all three stages of childbirth and talk about what will happen at each of them.

First stage

The contraction period is the first and longest. Women giving birth for the first time note that it lasts up to twelve hours. The next time this stage is reduced to seven to ten hours. During this time, the cervix dilates and prepares to let the baby through. The preparation of the cervix for childbirth occurs gradually to exclude ruptures and other injuries. The slower this happens, the more likely it is that the birth will be successful. Contractions at the first stage become more and more frequent. Initially, they last no more than twenty seconds and occur after fifteen minutes. As the cervix opens, they go every minute and last up to sixty seconds.

Second phase

Attempts become the second stage of childbirth. Its duration depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman and how she will follow the recommendations of obstetricians. Keep in mind that the pushing period can last up to two hours. However, all this time the baby will lack oxygen, and therefore it is necessary to help him to be born. Attempts are an involuntary contraction of the muscles, which allows you to literally push the crumbs out. A woman can and should control these contractions. At this stage, she needs to listen carefully to the doctors and push or hold back when necessary.

This period does not end with the birth of a baby, because the female body must still reject the placenta. This process usually stretches for thirty minutes, and the doctor who came out carefully examines it so that not a single piece remains inside, which can lead to an inflammatory process and bleeding in the future.

Third stage

At the third stage of childbirth, the woman is examined for ruptures, checking and carrying out manipulations with the baby. About two hours after birth, the mother spends under the supervision of doctors and with a dropper. If everything is in order, then the woman will be transferred to another department, where a baby will be brought to her in a few hours.

The truth about partnerships

One can argue endlessly about their necessity, but if we are talking about preparing for childbirth, then it is better for a pregnant woman to go through it with some close person. It has been proven that in a stressful situation, which, undoubtedly, is childbirth, a woman is well influenced by the presence of a loved one. In addition, a partner can not only help a woman in labor, but also partly control the actions of doctors. Unfortunately, they are not always professionals in their field, and the presence of an adequate person in the delivery room can be fatal.

However, I would like to note that you should not insist on partner childbirth with your husband if he does not want it. This decision must be voluntary and mutual, otherwise your man will experience serious stress and will not be able to help you. In such situations, you can take your mother, girlfriend, or any other person in whom you are confident with you.

Preparing for childbirth: what to do

Childbirth is not only a serious emotional stress, but also a physical burden on the body. If you are well prepared for it, then it is likely that everything will go well, and the recovery process will not take much time. Not the last role in the resolution of the burden is the preparation of the uterus for childbirth. You can learn about the methods and exercises that contribute to this in courses for pregnant women. Typically, a gymnastics complex combines yoga, Kegel exercises and stretching. However, do not practice at home. Remember that such physical activity should be supervised by specialists. Otherwise, you may go into premature labor. Preparing the cervix is ​​a long process. It takes at least three months.

If you are afraid of tears and care about the elasticity of tissues, then be sure to purchase oil to prepare for childbirth and massage the perineum with it. Starting from the thirty-sixth week, this is done daily. The procedure usually involves dipping your fingers into oil and slowly stretching the back of your vagina. The process can be accompanied by pressure and last about ten minutes. Judging by the reviews, women highly appreciate Weleda oil to prepare for childbirth. It is sterile, softens tissues and increases their elasticity. Oil "Weleda" (to prepare for childbirth) does not cause allergies and can later be used as a regular care product.

Choose courses and maternity hospital

Today, women can choose the institution in which they plan to give birth. Do not refuse this opportunity and read reviews on the forums, visit the maternity hospital and learn about its rules, and also talk with doctors. It is better if you already know people to take delivery. This provides a special level of emotional stability and a feeling of peace.

There are also quite a few courses for pregnant women. They have different orientations and accents, so the choice always remains with the woman. However, keep in mind that a good childbirth school should include the following points in its program:

  • breathing techniques;
  • study of the stages of childbirth;
  • methods of pain relief by massage and other methods;
  • features of newborn care;
  • differences between normal and pathological births.

It is important that information about the upcoming birth is as complete and useful as possible, then the pregnancy will end safely.

Good day, dear readers! Today I decided to talk with you about how to prepare yourself for childbirth. And I want to start with motivation!

I’ll tell you a story that a friend once told me: when her pregnancy was approaching 39 weeks, her water broke. After calling an ambulance, she calmly walked around the apartment and breathed, and after 2.5 hours after the first contractions she held the baby in her arms and smiled.

Now this friend tells everyone how to prepare for childbirth. And the main rule that she conveys to everyone and everything: "the main thing is calmness." But why exactly? I agree, it is important to mentally set yourself up. But physical fitness also plays an important role.

On the other hand, my friend's pelvis is narrow, the birth is the first, but at the same time she gave birth easily and without breaks. I began to study the information and re-read the numerous reviews of women in labor. It turns out that you can really prepare yourself for childbirth.

I want to start with the main thing: it is important to set yourself up mentally. Our mothers are very fond of one phrase: "I gave birth, and you will give birth." And in the maternity hospital they constantly joke: “not a single woman has left us pregnant yet.” Therefore, as soon as you find out about your situation, and decide to give birth, know that it is inevitable. And it doesn’t matter if you are scared, difficult or painful - you will still give birth!

Since the outcome is clear - you will have to go to the hospital, it is important to start setting yourself up for a good outcome of childbirth in advance.

In general, too many stories have been written about how difficult it is to endure pain during contractions and attempts. And these stories instill fear in a woman, instead of “sowing” in her soul a “grain” of hope for an easy birth.

But it is fear that is the “first provocateur” of pain, because it is he who:

  • affects the organs involved in the process of childbirth;
  • disrupts the balance of muscle functions;
  • impairs blood circulation;
  • causes tension in the body.

Therefore, you need to try to remain calm and not panic. Fear only harms the natural process of birth. Stiffness and stupor provokes the body to respond - pain. But it is with her that we have to fight, right? Relax! And breathe.

2. Rule two: breathe - do not breathe

We all know that during contractions and attempts it is very important to breathe. But how to breathe correctly so that it really helps?

In fact, techniques have long been created that help a woman focus on childbirth. One of the main principles is the breathing technique. Moreover, this skill can be learned at home on your own.

However, there are some nuances here:

  • breathing exercises should be carried out systematically;
  • classes should begin as early as the 20th week of pregnancy;
  • You need to learn a few different breathing techniques.

By the way, learning the art of breathing during pregnancy helps the expectant mother cope with shortness of breath, eliminate heartburn and keep muscles in good shape. But during the birth itself, proper breathing can protect a woman from perineal tears and the use of medications (which can harm a woman in labor or a newborn).

2.1. Breathing exercises during pregnancy

In order to master the breathing technique “perfectly well”, it is important to start exercising as early as possible. Daily training will help you master the technique to perfection and apply it during contractions and attempts. It is breathing exercises that will help you reduce pain during labor.

Before starting a workout, be sure to take a comfortable position for you - this is already the key to success. You can also turn on your favorite music (or better, calm, so that your baby feels comfortable too). Imagine how oxygen enters your body and "enriches" every cell in your child's body.

Practice the following techniques:

  1. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (inhale calmly, pull your lips slightly forward when exiting; try to breathe with your stomach);
  2. Inhale for a count of 3, exhale for a count of 5 (gradually increase the intervals, inhale for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 7);
  3. Breathe like a dog through your nose or mouth, whichever way you like;
  4. Breathe rhythmically (inhale for a count of 5, hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale also for a count of 5; learn to hold your breath for as long as possible).

Six weeks before your due date, increase your workouts to half an hour a day. Repeat different techniques, learn to breathe in different positions. It is important that your body remembers the state of calmness during breathing, this will help you endure contractions and attempts.

If during the training you feel dizzy or tired, stop training for a while. After the condition returns to normal, continue training.

2.2. Practicing breathing during contractions

As soon as labor begins, start breathing. Breathing should be calm, according to the principle: inhale at a count of 3 through the nose, exhale at a count of 5 through the mouth (intervals can be increased).

We know very well that with the course of childbirth, the intervals between contractions decrease, and the contraction itself lasts longer. If you feel that contractions have become more frequent and appear every 30 seconds, start breathing like a dog. Frequent contractions are a sign of cervical dilatation. You are on the right track.

By the way, if dog breathing doesn't work for you, you can try breathing like this:

  1. Rapid breathing (inhale - nose, exit - mouth);
  2. Rhythmic breathing through the mouth (open your mouth, as if you are saying “A” and inhale the air, while exhaling, narrow your lips a little, as if you want to say “O”);
  3. Breathing through your nose (you can also breathe through your mouth if that's the method that relaxes you the most).

Here it is very important to monitor your well-being. With rapid breathing, you may begin to feel dizzy, and if slight dizziness helps you relax, then “clouding of reason” may “play” not in your favor.

2.3. Practicing breathing while pushing

During the period of contractions, the child went through the birth canal, and now, during the attempts, you have to help your baby be born. It is at this stage that you will need the ability to hold your breath more than ever!

The midwife will supervise the birth process. Breathe in and hold your breath:

  1. Do not start pushing without the “team” of the midwife, even if there is a desire it will be beyond your strength - the child may suffocate;
  2. Inhale slowly, not abruptly.

If you have practiced the breathing technique during pregnancy, you will be able to easily withstand attempts.

Usually 2-7 attempts are enough. This period must be endured.

Here you can watch a video about breathing during childbirth:

And another video about proper breathing:

3. Rule three: movement is life

Special yoga for pregnant women and classes in the pool are also very useful. Not only will you feel much easier, but you will also be in the company of the same pregnant women, where you can discuss the most interesting questions.

Why can't you lie down all the time? Yes, because in the absence of movement, the muscles atrophy, the ligaments become less elastic, and then no breathing and calmness will save you from surgical intervention. So don't be lazy! And no matter how difficult it is for you to “move your belly”, move!

I know girls who hate walking! Well, go outside just to get some fresh air, and instead of walking, dance at home in front of a mirror. In fact, doctors recommend “dancing with your hips” more often. Turn on rhythmic music and repeat the movements:

  • make circular movements with the pelvis (in physical education classes, such an exercise was included in the warm-up);
  • move your hips back and forth and from left to right;
  • draw a figure eight with your hips.

Such easy dances cheer up and help the pelvic bones “disperse”.

Moreover, an active position during pregnancy, in principle, has a positive effect on the female body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • contributes to the favorable development of the fetus;
  • strengthens the respiratory system;
  • accustoms the body to physical activity;
  • reduces the risk of complications during childbirth;
  • helps to recover faster after childbirth.

By the way, many obstetricians agree to freedom of movement, during contractions you can take any comfortable position and move your hips, which will help the child go through the birth canal as soon as possible.

4. Rule Four: Relaxation

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to learn how to relax, and one of the best ways to relax is massage.

Currently, there are special massage courses. The advantage of these trainings is that the training is carried out on special couches (yes, on those on which the contractions of the woman in labor will be transferred in the future).

However, the passage of such courses is not at all necessary and you can learn massage techniques at home.

Massage should be done gently, without intense pressure, avoiding the abdomen. But during contractions, doctors can allow you to rub and knead the lumbar.

A good massage is that it relieves swelling, eliminates lumbar pain, relieves muscle tension, activates blood circulation and promotes oxygen supply to the child. Moreover, it helps to relax and uplifts the mood.

And here you can watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky about preparing for childbirth:

In general, you can prepare for childbirth! The main desire. If my article was useful to you, recommend it to your friends. And subscribe to my updates, I have something to tell. Bye Bye!

The period of pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for a woman, not only in the physical, but also in the psychological aspect. Throughout all 9 months she copes with various ailments, often visits a doctor and at the same time she should not forget about her family. With the approach of childbirth, a woman begins to worry about the fear of a new stage in her life. This time must be spent with benefit both for yourself and for the unborn child. How to prepare your body for childbirth, we will analyze in this article!

How to properly prepare for childbirth

Anxiety and fear accompanies almost every woman throughout pregnancy and to a greater extent in the later stages. This phenomenon is normal, especially for those who are going to become a mother for the first time. Even though childbirth is a natural process, it is very complex and responsible. In order for it to be as safe as possible for both the woman and the baby, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

Preparation for childbirth consists of several parts that are equally important for the proper course of pregnancy and for the upcoming process of childbirth. The expectant mother should know how each stage goes, the correct response to them, as well as the consequences of any reactions. Therefore, a woman needs to prepare for childbirth both physically and psychologically, as well as learn breathing techniques.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Usually the most difficult time for a woman is the expectation of her first child. During this period, the expectant mother feels psychological discomfort. It manifests itself as follows:

  • Instability of the emotional background associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Revision of life values. This is due to the psychological processes of waiting for a new status and responsibility for the baby.
  • Fears and phobias associated with childbirth. Expectant mothers are afraid of pain during contractions, unprofessionalism of medical staff, ignorance of newborn care and other issues.

Some experiences of a woman are justified, but some of them arise due to excessive suspiciousness. To maintain psychological balance, a pregnant woman should learn to isolate real reasons for fear from the total number of worries. It is for this that preliminary psychological preparation for childbirth is needed.

Help to cope with the psychological problems of preparing for childbirth:

  1. Birth preparation courses where a woman will not only have a good time, but will also be able to say goodbye to the myths about pregnancy and childbirth that cause anxiety. At the same time, you can choose courses with a specific focus, for example, in preparation for natural childbirth, childbirth in water, etc. It is best to attend courses for both parents, as well as providing training in practical skills for caring for an infant.
  2. Reading books and articles on the psychological preparation for childbirth and on problems associated with the course of pregnancy. Thanks to them, you can learn the correct behavior during childbirth, as well as breathing techniques.
  3. A positive attitude will help you avoid panic in difficult situations. Hobbies, outdoor walks, good music will help for this.
  4. Visualization and autotraining. In difficult moments, such motivation as the birth of a healthy child will help. To date, you can choose the appropriate psychological technique associated with concentration or, conversely, relaxation and stress relief. You can choose the right one yourself or consult with a specialist.

The most common fear in pregnant women is the fear of the birth process itself. Such anxiety is associated with a fear of severe pain, as well as with the unknown. You can calm yourself down by the fact that almost all women go through this and endure pain. The less experiences, the easier the process of childbirth.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Throughout pregnancy, a woman needs to physically prepare for childbirth, which will help the body cope with the load in their process. To do this, you should perform a set of general strengthening exercises. You can sign up for special courses for pregnant women, where classes will be held together with a trainer, or you can do gymnastics on your own at home.

In late pregnancy, you need to know postures that help improve blood circulation in the lower torso, as well as reduce pain. One of these body positions: feet brought together rise as close to the body as possible. This position increases blood circulation in the lower body and improves pelvic flexibility, which is very beneficial for childbirth.

For pain in the lower extremities or a feeling of fatigue, it is useful to lie on your back, raising your legs above the level of the body. This helps not only to relax, but also to take the child the correct position in the uterus. Another way to change the position of the child is the pose on all fours. In this position, blood flow to the internal organs increases, as the pressure of the fetus decreases. It also contributes to the coup of the child.

It is useful to do half-squats. To do this, you need to stand at a distance of 60 cm from the wall and squat with a straight back in such a way as if there is an invisible chair. Half squats are repeated 20 times.

If a woman plans to breastfeed a baby, then it is necessary to prepare the nipples for this process, especially if they are flat. To do this, from the 28th week, a massage is carried out, while you need to grab the nipple with your thumb and forefinger and thus make retracting rubbing movements.

You can pre-learn self-massage. Special courses will help you find out the location of anesthesia points to influence them during childbirth.

Before childbirth, it is useful to do exercises for the perineum to prevent it from tearing during childbirth. This may be the well-known Kegel exercise or some others:

  • Stand sideways to the back of a chair, leaning on it with your hands. Raise your leg up as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.
  • Get on knees joined together. Slowly roll back, sitting on your heels.
  • Walk in single file around the house.
  • Sit cross-legged in front of you.
  • Sit down slowly on legs wide apart. Stay in this position for a few seconds and bounce. Get up slowly and relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Try to do more household chores while squatting.

Breathing exercises to prepare for childbirth

A pregnant woman should know that in the first stage of childbirth it is necessary to be relaxed and calm. The relaxed walls of the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor do not resist, which helps the baby to gently pass through the birth canal for each uterine contraction. With tension, the circular muscles of the uterus contract, which leads it to increased work. Because of this, less oxygen enters the uterine tissue, which leads to increased pain during contractions.

To reduce pain, you need to learn how to rest in between contractions. To do this, starting from 20 weeks, you can begin to master relaxing auto-training. These exercises should be done daily.

For this, a comfortable position is taken lying down or sitting in a chair, quiet music is turned on. With your eyes closed, you need to move on to calm breathing. Inhalation is carried out through the nose, while the stomach is slightly inflated, exhalation through the mouth, with it the stomach is deflated. The exhalation must be calm and slightly longer than the inhalation. During such a training, you need to imagine the unborn child, you can even mentally talk to him.

Proper breathing during childbirth can help ensure that there is no need for medical intervention.

Contractions at the beginning of the birth process are weak and infrequent, so at this time there is no need for special breathing. With increased pain, you need to choose a comfortable sitting position with legs spread. The more a woman can relax, the better it will open the cervix.

In this case, you need to count: inhalation is done at the expense of 3 with inflating the stomach, exhalation - at the expense of 7 with deflating the stomach. Such breathing continues for a minute, during which time with this account it will be possible to take 6 breaths and exhalations.

Over time, the contractions will become more frequent and lengthen in time, the intervals between them will be reduced, and the pain will increase. Breathing should be even deeper and slower. Inhalation is carried out at the expense of 3, exhalation - at the expense of 10. For a minute, 4 such inhalations and exhalations will be obtained. Such breathing must be trained in advance. In order to make such a long exhalation, you should train gradually.

  1. The first stage of labor ends with the full opening of the cervix, while contractions occur after 20-30 seconds and last about 2 minutes, the pain is severe. During this period, frequent shallow breathing is suitable. When exercising, you can breathe in quickly through your nose and also quickly exhale through your mouth. You can also breathe only through the nose or only through the mouth. It is necessary to breathe in this way for a minute, while slight dizziness may occur.
  2. For the second stage of labor, a woman needs to practice holding her breath. During childbirth, you will have to not only hold your breath for up to half a minute, but also push. During training, you need to inhale sharply and deeply through your mouth, hold your breath, open your mouth a little and slightly strain your perineum, after which a calm exhalation is made through your mouth. Breathing for attempts should be trained gradually, starting with holding the air for 10 seconds and subsequently reaching up to 30 seconds. In total, 3 such approaches are performed.

In preparation for childbirth in late pregnancy, breathing exercises should be carried out daily for 20-30 minutes.

Preparing for childbirth: procedure

After the contractions have begun, it is necessary to act in accordance with the following plan:

startedcramping pains - it is necessary to compare 3 contractions in a row and the duration of the intervals between them. If the intervals between contractions do not have the same time interval of no more than 10 minutes, they are training. In the case of irregular contractions with long intervals and in the absence of pain, a reasonable solution would be to stay at home and wait until the interval between contractions decreases. You should continue your usual lifestyle: eat, go for walks, get enough sleep, take a bath, collect packages for the hospital. During contractions, practice proper breathing.

Verification of documents- an identity card and its photocopy, a medical insurance policy and a photocopy of the policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate (if any), a VHI policy (in the case of paid childbirth).

Experienced pregnant women begin to prepare in advance for childbirth. But women who are going to become mothers for the first time are a little confused and do not quite understand what they need to do.

Step by step preparation

When to prepare for childbirth? The preparatory process for the birth of a baby is recommended to begin during pregnancy. The sooner a woman begins to mentally tune in to delivery, the easier it will be to master the rest of the upcoming process.

How to prepare yourself for childbirth

  • pay attention to the physical condition of the body;
  • learn how to breathe properly during contractions;
  • master the methods of psychological preparation;
  • additional incentive;
  • collect a bag with things and documents that will be needed in the hospital.

If the timing of the birth of a child is delayed, a woman can prepare for natural childbirth by stimulating the process. Harbingers will tell the future mother about the readiness of the baby - the separation and exit of the mucous plug, the discharge of water, painful cramping sensations in the lower abdomen.

But these are not yet signs of real contractions, but evidence that the child has sank lower - into the upper pelvic region and begins to slowly put pressure on the cervix. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, you should not panic when contractions appear - perhaps they are false.

It is necessary to go to the hospital when the cramping pains take on a progressively increasing character. Between the first spasms and natural childbirth, there is time to go to the hospital without haste.

Stages of childbirth:

  1. the period of opening the pharynx of the uterus, which lasts several hours;
  2. transitional stage, when the uterus is fully opened; it lasts from 15 to 60 minutes;
  3. period of exile, or advancement through the birth canal.

At the first birth, the third stage takes at least an hour, since the muscles of the uterus are not elastic enough for the procedure. In women who give birth again, the birth of a child occurs faster (sometimes even rapidly).

The period of exile, which lasted for 2 or more hours, is a threat to the life of the baby. The woman in labor is cut in the perineum to widen the passage for the baby's head, or special devices (vacuum extraction or forceps) are used to forcefully remove the newborn.

Sometimes they resort to caesarean section. If the operation is planned, the woman is placed in the hospital in advance to prepare for the upcoming procedure. The same applies to situations where several children are expected to appear at once. As for partner childbirth, here preparation is needed not only for the mother, but also for the future father (primarily psychological).

Physical hardening of the body

To make it easier for the child to be born, the expectant mother must prepare herself physically for the upcoming procedure. This will make the body more resilient, ensuring the normal course of delivery.

Physical preparation for childbirth

  • therapeutic exercises for pregnant women;
  • hardening;
  • massage procedures;
  • mastering postures to ease contractions.

Every woman who attends the School of Expectant Mothers is given physical exercises that her mother can do at home. In addition, a pregnant woman needs to be active and often walk in the fresh air.

Gymnastics. If before that a woman went in for sports, you can continue training, but in a more gentle mode, stopping physical activity a month before giving birth. It is recommended to visit the pool during gestation. Swimming makes the muscles of the buttocks, perineum, legs more elastic.

Massage. Massage of the lower abdomen and perineum will help prepare for the first birth. Light kneading actions will relieve tension from the muscles, bring the uterus out of tone. It is necessary to massage the lower back, on which there is a special load in the last trimester. Massage relieves swelling of the legs.

Poses. Preparation for childbirth includes the correct behavior of a woman during labor. She will have to master several poses to choose a comfortable position at each stage. It is easier to cope with cramping pains in a standing position, and some prefer to move at this time.

It is more convenient for someone to lean against a wall or a partner standing nearby, other pregnant women squat or get on all fours. You can sit on a chair facing the back, while spreading your legs.

A pregnant woman should master the ability to walk in single file and sit properly on squats from the first trimester. And the “butterfly” and “lotus” poses are also a good way to relax. It is not advisable to take a horizontal position on the back - this will limit the flow of blood to the child. In extreme cases, it is allowed to lie on your side, this will help to gather strength.

Proper breathing allows you to self-anesthetize, which should not be fast and strong. It is easier to endure contractions of women who know how to relax and be distracted from the negative.

Preparation in the last weeks

It happens that with severe stress, all knowledge, in the process of preparing for childbirth, fly out of my head. The woman panics, which negatively affects the psychological state. Therefore, it is necessary to fix everything with practice, which includes breathing exercises, the ability to relieve pain and the ability to stimulate labor to speed up the process. The body itself must react reflexively to a situation that is difficult for a pregnant woman to control.

Breathing exercises:

  • chest breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
  • diaphragm (with protrusion of the abdomen) - deep breath 3 seconds, pause, exhale 5 seconds, pause again;
  • rhythmically - inhale and exhale for 5 seconds, delay for 3 seconds;
  • "dog-like" - rapid breathing (usually with tongue hanging out), standing on all fours.

The last exercise helps to relieve severe pain of frequent contractions. Rhythmic breathing is used together with labor pains.

A woman in a hospital, with unbearably strong contractions, is given an anesthetic injection. At home, you have to rely on your own strength and apply massage to special points on the body.

Massage to relieve pain during contractions:

  • stroking movements of the abdomen from the center to the sides;
  • slight kneading of the lower back;
  • slight pressure on the pits above the buttocks;
  • pressure on the lateral bones of the pelvis;
  • massaging the area on the palms between the index and thumb.

Acupressure. If you press on the points above the ankle on the inside of the lower leg, then you can not only ease the contractions, but also speed up the opening of the neck. This will prepare you for an easy delivery.

Food. When contractions begin, some women lose their appetite, while others, on the contrary, want to eat. Do not deny yourself this desire - light snacks contribute to the restoration of strength that will be needed during childbirth. You need to drink plenty of fluids, while not forgetting to empty your bladder often.

Nipple stimulation. Closer to the time of the appearance of the baby, women prepare for childbirth by stimulating the breasts with their hands and the nipples with a bath towel. Good contrast showers, air baths and rubbing the nipples with ice cubes from herbal decoctions.

By scrolling and pulling the nipples with your fingers, a pregnant woman provokes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates childbirth. Therefore, the procedures should not be carried out in advance, only immediately before the date of birth of the child.

Last stage

It is necessary to physically prepare for childbirth in the last days, not only in order to minimize the pain, but also to try to avoid perineal tears. The labia and vagina are massaged with oils to make the skin softer, more elastic and stretchable.

How to prepare for childbirth:

  1. use prostaglandins;
  2. use a Foley catheter;
  3. introduce kelp.

Bladder puncture. A gentle method is the drug prostaglandin, produced in the form of a gel or suppositories. The drug is injected into the vagina and, in rare cases, into the cervix. The medicine does not penetrate into the amniotic sac, but contributes to its rupture. If this does not happen, then the midwife opens the bladder.

Prenatal processing. It is worth taking care of the hygiene of the intimate area by shaving off the hair, they not only interfere during childbirth, but can also become a source of infection. At the maternity hospital, pregnant women are shaved (this is a standard procedure), but it is better to prepare yourself at home.

The process of the birth of a child can be fast, and the woman simply does not have time to shave. If it is inconvenient for the expectant mother to perform the hygiene procedure herself, it is recommended to entrust her husband. It is not enough just to prepare for the birth of a child, you need to ensure that the contractions do not subside or do not last too long. Sometimes medical intervention is needed to induce delivery.

Foley catheter. With contraindications to medical stimulants, a Foley catheter made of silicone is used. With this device, a woman will walk for several hours until the birth enters the final phase.

The most popular in recent years is the use of algae to stimulate labor. The effect is observed already 3 hours after the introduction of kelp into the cervix. The stick, increasing in size, begins to put pressure on the walls, contributing to the opening of the pharynx. In parallel, kelp excite the muscles of the birth canal, and also activate the production of oxytocins.

Psycho-emotional mood

Emotional mood for the natural passage of childbirth is another way to properly prepare yourself for the appearance of the baby. The more conscious a woman is about upcoming contractions, the easier it is to cope with pain.

You need to mentally adjust yourself throughout your pregnancy, but the last hours before childbirth are important. This is where auto-training courses will help. Knowing what to prepare for, it is easier for a woman to do without medical anesthesia.

Contact with the beautiful will allow you to tune in to a positive perception of the upcoming birth. Psychologists recommend listening to relaxing music, contemplating beautiful pictures or drawing them yourself. Similar methods of self-preparation for childbirth are practiced all over the world.

Grantley Dick-Read. A doctor with many years of experience is sure that the pain during labor would not be so strong if the woman in labor did not panic. The psycho-emotional state taken under control will immediately reduce physical stress. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to learn auto-training.

Lamaza. This technique is based on Pavlov's teachings on reflexes. When preparing for childbirth, it is necessary to master the breathing exercises perfectly and be able to relax on a subconscious level. The actions brought to the mechanism will make childbirth and the hours preceding the process more comfortable.

Robert Bradley Schools. This implies partnership participation not only during the appearance of a newborn, but also for the entire period of gestation. A pregnant woman listens sensitively to changes in the body, mentally tuning in to the upcoming delivery. This helps her to concentrate on the main point in time and consciously control the whole process. The support of a partner will give strength and confidence.

Sheila Kitsinger. The author of the technique invites a woman to reconsider the perception of the situation and evaluate childbirth as a new stage in personal development. The realization that pregnancy is not a hindrance in the usual rhythm of social and sexual life increases one's own self-esteem. This gives self-confidence, the practice of breathing techniques, massage, hardening.

Michel Auden. The concept suggests trusting nature and your own intuition. The only thing that will depend on a woman is to learn to be liberated. Emotions play a big role, which should be positive. Pregnancy will be filled with positive thanks to the opportunity to learn hidden talents (drawing, singing, dancing).

Hypno childbirth. Self-hypnosis, the ability to meditate, hypnosis is akin to the teachings of yogis. Mastering the technique of self-hypnosis begins in the first weeks of pregnancy. This will allow you to perceive the situation only in a positive way. But mastering hypnosis on your own will be difficult, as you will need a practitioner.

Things in the hospital

The closer the baby's birth date, the more attention is paid to the practical side of the preparation. The expectant mother chooses a hospital and an obstetrician who will deliver the baby. When negotiating with a doctor about a separate room, a woman discusses the terms of partnership participation.

What to take with you to the hospital:

  • exchange card of a pregnant woman;
  • the passport;
  • clothes for yourself, the baby and in the delivery room;
  • personal hygiene products.

Usually, pregnant women are given a list of what they need to take with them to the maternity ward at the antenatal clinic. This allows you to quickly and properly prepare for childbirth.

In this case, it is desirable to distribute things in 2-3 bags. One will contain documents and everything that is required in the delivery room, the other will contain what the mother and baby will need during their stay in the hospital. If everything fits into one bag, then things of prime necessity are placed on top.

It is worth discussing in advance with the doctor whether it is possible to be in your nightgown in the delivery room, what to cook from clothes in the first place for the child, and what the partner should be wearing. Useful during childbirth and toiletries.

When choosing underwear, they buy special bras for nursing, they will need at least 2 pieces. Briefs should be large, close-fitting and comfortable for padding. All things are selected only from natural materials - no synthetics.

For the baby, a package for newborns is prepared. Usually first-aid kits are sold already equipped with everything you need. But the mother can separately purchase diapers, undershirts, hats, sliders in the amount indicated in the list issued to the woman. Do not forget about baby hygiene products.

Prepared childbirth helps a woman feel confident in the last stage of pregnancy. By starting to tune in in advance at the time of the birth of the child, the expectant mother will be able to master the techniques and techniques that contribute to an easy outcome. The ability to control the entire upcoming process is the key to a happy birth.

What you need to do and know so as not to worry during pregnancy.

Preparing for childbirth is not only the choice of a maternity hospital and the color of a baby bed. Even if there are no complications, all pregnancies proceed in their own way, and almost every one poses questions to a woman that she had not thought about before. The obstetrician-gynecologist of the Chaika clinic, Lyudmila Radetskaya, has compiled instructions on what is important to remember during pregnancy.

Get vaccinated

If there are no contraindications, pregnant women should be vaccinated against influenza. It is safe at any time and is especially true if the pregnancy takes place in October-May. It is useful to vaccinate relatives who will be in contact with the newborn against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. These vaccines should not be given to pregnant women, so try to catch them in advance.

Know what's allowed

Many women refuse coffee during this period - supposedly the drink provokes the risk of miscarriage. Their suffering is unfounded: there are no studies that unequivocally prove the connection between coffee and miscarriages. The American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers 350 ml of coffee a day to be a safe "norm" for pregnant women.

For most women - if there are no complications - traveling before 36 weeks is also safe. The optimal period for them is the period of 14-28 weeks. But if the pregnancy is complicated or it is multiple, it is better to refrain from traveling.

If the gynecologist observing you has not stipulated this separately, you can have sex throughout your pregnancy. However, for some women, intimacy can cause inconvenience or discomfort for a certain period of time.

Don't be afraid of late pregnancy

If pregnancy occurs after the age of 35, there are indeed certain risks for both mother and child - for example, an increased risk of gestational diabetes and associated hypertension, miscarriage and macrosomia (the fetus is large). The risks of congenital diseases in a child associated with chromosome defects are also increasing.

To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is worth undergoing a thorough examination at the planning stage of pregnancy. It is important to eat right and take folic acid - at least a month before pregnancy and then throughout its duration. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the baby. Remember to avoid excessive weight gain, smoking, alcohol and exposure to harmful substances.

Get tested for beta-streptococcus before childbirth

At 35–37 weeks of gestation, a sample of material from the genital tract should be taken for beta-streptococcus. These bacteria can be passed to the baby and cause pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections. In Russia, pregnant women are not always sent for this analysis, but in vain. If it is positive, a doctor can administer antibiotics to the woman during labor and greatly reduce the risk of passing the infection to the baby.

In addition, not so long ago, a non-invasive prenatal test (or free DNA test) appeared in Russia. This screening test detects certain chromosomal disorders in the baby, as a small amount of the baby's DNA circulates in the mother's blood. The information content of the test is about 99%, but if it is positive, it still needs to be confirmed through diagnostic tests - amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy. Such testing is especially relevant for women over 35 years old, and it can be performed starting from the 10th week.

Time to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist

A woman should be observed by a doctor throughout her pregnancy, but especially carefully monitor the regularity of examinations from 21 weeks. From the second half of pregnancy, the risk of preeclampsia increases - a complication that poses a danger to both the fetus (the risk of premature birth) and the mother (the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and kidney pathology). The main symptoms of preeclampsia are swelling of the face and hands, severe persistent headache, blurred vision or flickering of "flies" before the eyes, pain in the upper abdomen or in the shoulder area, nausea and vomiting in the second half of pregnancy, respiratory failure. Preeclampsia occurs in 2–8% of pregnancies. Its causes are not exactly known, but doctors successfully diagnose this complication. If blood pressure is high and there is protein in the urine, the doctor may recommend more frequent visits and tests or refer the woman to a hospital. If symptoms are ignored, preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia (or seizures), which can lead to death of the mother and fetus.

Do ultrasound and CTG

Ultrasound allows you to track the height and weight of the child and find deviations in the early stages. From the second half of pregnancy, women perform another method of ultrasound diagnostics - dopplerometry, a study of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, umbilical cord and uterus. Another study that allows you to judge the condition of the fetus is cardiotocography (CTG). The condition of the fetus is assessed by measuring the baby's heart rate in response to his movements and uterine contractions. The study is carried out in a sitting or lying position. Two sensors are fixed on the woman's stomach, which monitor the fetal heartbeat and the contractile activity of the uterus. CTG is also carried out directly during childbirth in order to assess the condition of the child, the frequency and intensity of contractions.

go study

It is worth enrolling in the school of expectant mothers. They will talk about changes in a woman's body during pregnancy, caring for herself and a newborn, proper nutrition and breastfeeding, and explain how family life will change with the advent of a child. They will also teach relaxing breathing skills and methods to reduce pain during labor and childbirth. In the absence of contraindications during childbirth, a woman is recommended to be active. You can walk, bend over, look for comfortable positions. In the supine position, as a rule, the pain is worse. During contractions, you need to try to relax and breathe with your “belly”. Schools are attended both alone and with a partner so that the future father understands how to support a woman during childbirth and how to care for a newborn. This is especially true if a man wants to be present at the birth.

Deal with cord blood

Cord blood contains stem cells that can be used in transplantation, treatment of oncological and hematological diseases, diseases of the immune system. Stored stem cells are also suitable for the treatment of close relatives, especially siblings. Now you can take cord blood in any maternity hospital. To do this, before giving birth, you must conclude an agreement with a company that provides such services. When the birth begins, you need to call them and ask them to come to the maternity hospital to take the biomaterial. The collection of blood after cutting off the umbilical cord usually takes no more than ten minutes, and in cryochambers with liquid nitrogen it is stored almost indefinitely.

Do not worry

Only 4% of women give birth on the expected date (PDD). Most often, childbirth occurs at a period of 40 weeks, plus or minus 4-5 days. If the birth did not start in the PDR, doctors take the condition of the fetus and the expectant mother under control: usually, CTG is prescribed to her every few days. Pregnancy, which lasts 41-42 weeks and is not accompanied by a violation of the condition of the fetus, is called prolonged. You should not panic: each pregnancy proceeds in its own way and its completion depends on many factors. Discuss with your doctor how you can speed up the birth. There are several options for preparing the birth canal - from manual detachment of the membranes from the cervix to the introduction of special preparations. If this is necessary, the obstetrician-gynecologist will choose the appropriate option.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, false contractions may occur. To distinguish them from the real ones, pay attention to the regularity. With true contractions, the breaks between them are gradually reduced, and the intensity increases. False contractions usually remain unchanged and gradually stop. True contractions most often occur in the lower back and move to the lower abdomen. False are felt only in the lower abdomen. Real childbirth, as a rule, precedes the prolapse of the abdomen (the head of the child descends to the entrance to the small pelvis) and the discharge of the mucous plug (an increase in mucous secretions from the genital tract due to the expansion of the cervix).

Know what kinds are

Even if during pregnancy a woman was preparing for a natural birth, at the last moment she may need a caesarean section. In Russia, it is usually done only for medical reasons, in 18-28% of cases. In the US, the proportion of caesarean sections is higher at 32%. Two years ago, Brazil became the record holder for the number of such operations - 56% of all newborns. And this despite the fact that, according to WHO recommendations, such an operation should be resorted to only in 15% of cases.

Indications for surgery may arise at any time. The most common are multiple pregnancies, weakness of labor, hypoxia, or abnormal fetal position (eg, breech presentation). In modern conditions, caesarean section is a safe and fast operation. Subsequent births can take place through the natural birth canal, but this issue should be discussed with the doctor in advance. Everything will depend on the condition of the uterine scar, the presentation of the child and the nature of labor.

The benefits of natural childbirth include a faster recovery period, less chance of infectious complications, and less blood loss. In three rare cases, doctors use auxiliary instruments - obstetric forceps and a vacuum extractor. The first is if the child's head has stopped moving through the birth canal, although the attempts last for a long time. The second is if the woman is physically tired and she has no strength left to push. The third is if her medical condition (for example, cardiovascular disease) does not allow her to push effectively.

Obstetric forceps are now rarely applied, and the modern vacuum extractor has soft and elastic latex parts. This is a safe auxiliary method for weak attempts, when the baby's head is already very close to the exit. The risks are minimal: damage to the soft tissues of a woman and the skin of a newborn. In extremely rare cases, damage to the nerve bundles on the child's head or neck.

Choose an anesthesia method

Pain relief helps to endure contractions and strains more easily. Each woman has her own threshold of pain sensitivity, and each in her own way feels pain during childbirth. Now there is no reason to endure intense pain during childbirth. Moreover, severe pain can provoke an increase in blood pressure, weaken labor and fetal progress.

There are several types of anesthesia: intravenous, epidural and sacral anesthesia. When choosing a method, the doctor evaluates the benefits and risks of each option. Epidural anesthesia is safe, but labor can be delayed. The sacral is usually used when instrumental delivery is needed. Intravenous anesthesia is an option when pain cannot be relieved in other ways. This type of anesthesia can affect the child's condition: the mother's circulatory system is directly connected with the fetal circulatory system, and some types of drugs can inhibit its respiratory or cardiac function.

Know when childbirth really ends

The birth of a child and its first cry is the main event of childbirth. But the process itself does not end there. Ahead is still the separation of the placenta and the birth of the placenta. And only after that comes the early postpartum period.