DIY paper turtle craft. Master class "Sea turtle made of paper

The turtle has long been the personification of wisdom and longevity. According to Chinese beliefs, this animal should be in every home as a talisman. In this master class, you will learn how to make a funny and cute animal from the materials that are in almost every home. Everyone can make a turtle with their own hands, you just need to apply a little patience and self-confidence.

This wise animal will not only decorate the interior or your garden, but will also protect your home from adversity.

We make a do-it-yourself crocheted turtle in the master class

In order to crochet a turtle, you will need: yarn of various colors, crochet hook No. 2.5, synthetic winterizer for stuffing, buttons or pebbles for an eye, thick fabric, glue.

First, we start knitting the head of a turtle. To do this, you need to tie a ring of 4 air loops, and start a circle of 6 single crochets. We continue to knit in a circle, adding 6 single crochets each time in a row. So you should knit 8 rows. Next, we knit simply with a column of 11 rows without a crochet. In the 20th row, 9 and 10 loops are knitted together. 21 rows are simply knitted. In the 22nd row, you should knit together every 7th and 8th loop together. 23 row is also just knit. In the 24th row we knit together every 6th and 7th loop. 25 and 26 rows are also simply knitted.

We turn to knitting an animal shell. To do this, we also knit a ring of 4 air loops and knit 8 single crochets and continue to knit in a circle. Each row we add 8 columns without a crochet. Thus, we knit to the desired diameter of the shell. You can use several colors of yarn if you wish.

We turn to the collection of our turtle. Sew the head, paws and shell together. We sew the desired diameter of dense fabric to the shell around the entire perimeter and leave a small hole. We fill it with padding polyester and sew up the hole. Then glue on the turtle's eyes. If desired, it can be decorated with bows and ribbons, embroider a mouth, nose and even eyes.

From cones.

A turtle from cones can be made in two ways. The simplest example of making a turtle is to take a bump and use plasticine to make a head, paws, tail.

More complex manufacturing - we take the required number of cones and fasten them together in the form of a tortoise shell using wire or fishing line. We make the head by attaching the bumps with wire to a small piece of thicker wire or plastic tube. We fasten the head and shell together. That's all! For greater effect, the turtle can be varnished.

From tires.

A very cute turtle for your garden can be made from ordinary old tires. Here you can see a photo of the finished work.

We will need:

1) 2 old tires,

2) paints,

3) brush,

4) bottle,

7) screwdriver.

We take the tire and cut it into 4 equal parts - these will be the future legs of the turtle. Next, at each leg, on one side, we cut off everything except the tire tread, thereby leaving the mount for the legs. In the other tire, we make 2 incisions on each side for attaching the legs, and 1 incision for attaching the head and tail. We insert pieces of tires into the holes and fix them from the wrong side with screws. We make the tail from the scraps left over from the first tire, the bottle will serve as the head, and we also insert it into the slot and fasten it to the tire. Then paint the turtle in any color you like, let it dry.

A gypsum turtle will also fit very well into the landscape of the site. A cute garden figure will adequately take its place on your site.

From felt.

A cute animal made of felt can become both a needle bed and a toy for a child or even a pillow.

For work we need:

1) brown and green felt,

2) thread and needle,

3) synthetic winterizer,

4) cardboard,

5) beads for the eyes.

To begin with, we make a pattern or print a sample in the desired size, presented in this photo.

The first detail is the turtle's body, 1 copy of green felt. The second detail is the tortoise shell of 6 brown pieces. The third detail is the turtle's head. 2 green details. The fourth detail is the legs of a turtle 4 copies. Fifth detail - ponytail 1 detail.

To begin with, we sew six parts of the tortoise shell together with a seam “over the edge”. It turns out a large cup. Then, with the same seam, we sew together two parts of the head on one side. After we sew to the first part - the body of the turtle, the head and paws and turn them inside out. We stuff the stitched parts of the turtle with synthetic winterizer. Sew the shell to the body of the turtle, leaving a few centimeters unsewn for stuffing. Cut out a circle from cardboard a little smaller than the resulting turtle shell. We insert the cardboard inside and stuff the toys with padding polyester. Then, with a hidden seam, we sew up the opening for stuffing. And in conclusion, we sew the eyes of the bead to the head of the turtle. If desired, the turtle can be decorated with fish and stars, and you get a sea turtle.

From rubber bands.

No less funny and interesting toy turtle tortilla keychain will be made from rubber bands for weaving bracelets. And kids will love this fun and exciting way to spend their time making a funny turtle. And a cute keychain will turn out if you weave a turtle from beads. Here you can see a photo of the finished work.

A rubber band turtle can be woven both using a loom and using a hook. Weaving is quite difficult, and a person without weaving experience is unlikely to cope with such a task the first time. It is better not to read such a master class, but to watch where, in addition to the story about weaving, you can see all the weaving with your own eyes and not get confused in the pattern. You can watch a video on weaving a turtle from rubber bands at the end of the article.

From polymer clay.

A cute polymer clay craft can decorate a desktop or can be gifted to someone as a small token of appreciation.

To do this, you will need: green and white polymer clay, water, a brush, a toothpick, a small ball and beads.

First, we sculpt the turtle's head. We take equal parts of white and green clay and knead them to a uniform light green color. Roll into a ball and pull it out in the form of a drop. Using a toothpick, we make indentations for the eyes, draw a mouth and nose. We insert into the beads in the recesses. Next, we make paws from 4 small balls, also light green. We roll a ball out of green clay and with the help of a ball we make a recess in the form of a turtle shell and leave it to dry. We attach the head and paws to the shell, make a flat circle for the turtle's belly and attach it to the shell with a brush and water. We make a flagellum from green clay and attach it to the shell as a border. At the end, we make spots of light green clay along the shell and let the figure dry.

From plastic bottles.

An equally funny turtle for your child will turn out from a plastic bottle. It is done very quickly and easily. Even a child will cope. We take a plastic bottle, cut off the bottom of it, that's what we need. Cut out a turtle from a foam napkin. We sew the napkin and the bottle together, as shown in the photo.

We cut a hole for coins from the bottom and a small piggy bank or box is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of this master class on making a turtle with our own hands from improvised materials, we picked up a video that will be a good addition to the articles written above.

The voluminous paper turtle consists of a simple flat body and an imposing shell made from circles of colored paper. It’s not at all difficult to make a craft, because the main part of the work is cutting out circles from paper.

Materials used:

  • Double-sided colored cardboard;
  • Double-sided colored paper;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors, compasses, felt-tip pens, glue stick.

Volumetric paper turtle step by step

We make a shell

At the first stage, you need to make a beautiful voluminous shell. It consists of 12 circles. Cut them out of paper. You can make the shell multi-colored and cut out circles of two or more colors, one-color is also beautiful. The diameter of the circle is arbitrary, but I don’t recommend doing less than 2 cm, since the turtle will turn out to be very small, and the work itself will be more difficult.

Fold the circle in half.

Then again to make a quarter. At the top of one of the sides (where shown as a cross), spread glue and glue the sides. Gluing only in the upper part will provide a beautiful opening of the shell from below.

Make such quarters from all 12 circles.

Now they need to be glued together, but in a certain form and order. Look at the quarter. If you put it on the surface at a right angle, the lower part will seem to bifurcate. It is in this position that you need to glue all the quarters: single corners to single corners, and bifurcated parts to the same ones. Glue also needs to be applied only in the upper part, where it is shown by a cross.

Glue all quarters together, alternating colors if you also have more than one.

Then apply glue to the last sides and complete the circle. You will get a beautiful voluminous shell.

Exactly the same technique is used in , and .

We make the body of a turtle

Cut out a circle from cardboard, the diameter of which is equal to the circles on the shell. Also cut three strips from the same cardboard, two identical for the paws, and the third is slightly thicker, from which the head will be. Also, cut out two circles for the eyes from white paper and draw a pupil in the middle with a felt-tip pen.

Glue two thin strips crosswise onto the cardboard circle.

Then fold the strip in half and glue the ends together. Some semblance of a thick loop will turn out. Glue it between the two paw stripes and press down a little.

Apply glue within the circle with paws and glue the volume shell to it.

If necessary, make the paws shorter and draw patterns on them, glue eyes to the head, draw a smile. Volumetric paper turtle is ready.

Reptiles such as turtles have mastered the planet for many millions of years ago. At this time, there are more than 300 species that can live both in water and on land. Some types of turtles serve as food for humans, but there are also those that are poisonous and dangerous.

However, our paper turtle looks very cute and friendly. You can pick it up without any problem.

A tiny shell, created from strips of different widths and lengths, has a voluminous appearance. Different shades of green only improved the look of the craft.

Necessary materials:

  • double-sided paper in green tones;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Stages of making a turtle:

1. To make the base of the tortoise shell, draw a medium-sized circle on a dark green piece of paper.

2. We cut out the base for the shell along the contour in the form of a circle of medium diameter.

  • 30 x 1 cm;
  • 20 x 1.5 cm;
  • 15 x 2 cm;
  • 12 x 2.5 cm;
  • 8 x 3 cm.

4. We connect the ends of the longest strip and attach the finished element to the base of the shell along its outer edge.

5. Now we connect the short ends of each strip separately and get paper rings of different diameters and heights. Now, depending on the diameter, we attach all the rings one by one. So we end up with a voluminous shell of a green turtle.

6. Let's create the head and paws in a simple way. To do this, cut out circles of different diameters, depending on the purpose. For example, for the head of a turtle we will make a larger diameter of the circle, but for the paws we will make it smaller. All two pairs of legs will be the same size.

7. Glue the head and legs to the back of the shell.

8. Now you can draw the muzzle of the turtle and the outline of the legs with a black marker.

So a cute turtle made of colored paper with a voluminous shell is ready, which consists of strips of different lengths and widths. Green is great for summer-themed crafts, but for turtles, warm yellows and browns can be used to give a natural touch to the torso and shell.

This time we will analyze it step by step, with a child. Models (there will be two in total) are easy to perform, which means they are available for assembly by children. As you know, origami only benefits our children. Fine motor skills develop, memory and attention are trained.

Every child has creativity. Reveal it by offering to make a funny turtle, one of the proposed methods, or two at once. This does not require a lot of time and consumables. You just need to prepare:

  • thick colored paper in the shape of a square, 20x20 cm or 15x15 cm in size;
  • scissors;
  • eye marker.

How to make a paper turtle - the first assembly method

Bend the square of the chosen color in half diagonally so that the opposite sides and corners meet. Place the resulting triangle in front of you with the top down.

Point the side ends down so that they meet in the middle and get a double diamond.

Now bend the bottom ends up, making a longitudinal fold in the middle.

Bend the tips to the sides at an angle - these are the front legs of the future turtle.

For the hind legs, make an incision to the middle in the lower triangle. It goes right in the middle. Cut only the top layer of paper. Bend the ends from the middle to the edges along an oblique line so that they are symmetrical.

We form the head. To do this, bend the top end and bend forward again to make an accordion fold.

The final moment is the fold of the side corners inward. Turn the craft over. Draw the eyes. The origami turtle is ready!

Nothing complicated, but how much joy for the child. There are reasons for new games. In addition to this marine life, collect or to play the underwater world.

Turtle the second way

The second assembly method is a bit more complicated. You will need to make more folds to form the front legs. If before that we made a sea turtle, now we will try to assemble a large one.

Start in the same way as last time, until a double rhombus is formed from the square.

Bend them in the opposite direction, that is, towards each other. In this case, the adjacent sides of each triangle are connected. It will turn out as in the photo.

Bend part of the triangles to the sides again and bend the outer tips. The front paws are ready.

We form the hind limbs in the same way as in the first version of the turtle - we cut the lower triangle to the center and bend the sides outward.

Define the head by folding the upper protruding triangle like an accordion. Bend the sides of your torso toward the center so that the corners meet.

On the tail, make many small incisions and curl the tips down. Turn the big turtle over and draw the eyes. That's all!

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