A selection of New Year's crafts from corrugated paper. How to make Christmas tree decorations from corrugated paper Crafts for the New Year from corrugated paper

Corrugated paper Christmas tree- this is an interesting craft that preschoolers can do, and some original ideas will be of interest to experienced craftswomen who love working with unusual materials. It only seems at first glance that paper crafts are children's creativity, but, in fact, you can create a beautiful and bright New Year's figurine that will decorate the festive interior of your apartment. It will be easy for children to work with corrugated paper: it is easy to cut it with scissors, if necessary, it can be wrinkled with fingers, give it a wavy shape or fold it like an accordion.

Corrugated Paper Christmas Tree

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper do it yourself is made on a cone-shaped base, so before we move on to the most original ideas for its implementation, we will take a closer look at several options for creating a fairly dense base for making this craft. As a rule, a cone is made using an ordinary white A4 sheet, whatman paper or thicker cardboard. Someone simply twists the sheet into a "bag", like the one in which the seeds were previously poured, and then cuts off the excess, aligning the bottom edge. But you can first cut the workpiece, and then form a cone from it.

In addition to a sheet of suitable material, we still advise you to use whatman paper, since it is both a fairly dense material and bends well, and even preschool children will be easy to work with. Of the tools, we will definitely need scissors, you can also use compasses and a ruler. In most cases, however, needlewomen use plates instead of a compass, tracing them along the contour on the sheet. Of course, in order to draw a contour or draw a line, you should use a sharp simple pencil. To roll and fix the workpiece in the shape of a cone, we will use glue; to work with paper, it will be enough to use PVA glue. Also, the joints can be glued with thin double-sided tape.

On the Internet, you can also find a ready-made blank scheme, which you just need to print on a printer and cut along the contour, however, why waste ink on a printer if you can draw it yourself in a few seconds.

The base can be low and wide with a large base radius or high, then the base radius will be small. Depending on what kind of cone you want to get, you should also cut the workpiece. A high base is obtained by cutting the base in the form of a sector equal to a quarter of a circle. The blank may look like a semicircle, for this you need to circle half of the plate on the cardboard, and then align the edges with a ruler.

A wide cone is cut out according to this principle: a plate must be circled on the sheet, the radius of which will determine the height of the future cone. Next, we need a ruler, with which we need to draw two perpendicular lines passing through the center of the circle. After which you will notice that the circle is divided into four parts. Now with scissors you need to cut a circle along the contour, and cut out one of the sectors - a quarter.

It is always necessary to glue the workpiece with an overlap, smearing the strip on the upper part with glue, then attach it to the bottom and press it with your fingers so that the glue adheres. Or, stick a strip of double-sided tape on the bottom, remove the protective strip and carefully glue the top.

The main part of the base is ready, now we need to decide whether we will fill it or leave it hollow, because corrugated paper christmas tree almost weightless, then you can leave the base empty inside. If you want to fill it, then you can use scraps of newspapers, corrugations, napkins. On this basis, it can also be made from coffee beans or pine scales.

Corrugated paper Christmas tree: master class

Now that the foundation is ready, you can take a closer look at how the corrugated paper tree master class, and you can find the main material for this craft in a stationery store or various needlework supplies. Due to its texture, corrugation allows you to create original ones, while all the techniques presented are so simple and accessible that even a preschooler can handle the craft, and at the same time, this type of creativity will be of interest to adults.

It is not at all necessary to limit yourself to the green color of the corrugations when making such crafts, here you can show your imagination, make it white or gold, blue or red, you can combine various colors or similar shades. Fortunately, for all creative natures, corrugation is presented in stores with a wide range of color palettes.

The easiest option to decorate the base is to use wide strips of corrugated paper. It is necessary to cut the sheet into strips, 5-6 cm wide. Then each strip must be sewn on a sewing machine with a wide stitch so that they can be picked up. If you do not want to use a sewing machine for such a children's craft, then you can do a hand stitch. After sewing the strips with thread, you can pick them up, adding volume to them so that they are easier to stick on later. Now, carefully with your fingers, you should collect the stripes, thanks to the assembly, the Christmas tree will turn out to be fluffy, voluminous, as if she is wearing a cute pleated skirt.

Moving from the very bottom of the cone, you need to stick the strips using a glue gun, with it you will securely fix the strips. You need to glue them in a spiral: your strip is longer than the circumference of the cone, so you glue it along the bottom, and when you get to the junction, shift its top a little and start the next layer, which should cover the first row.

So, moving in a spiral, you will reach the very top. When one strip ends, it is necessary to glue another to it and continue to fix its upper edge on a cone-shaped base.

The top will turn out to be “naked”, so it needs to be decorated. The easiest option is to cut an asterisk from cardboard, grease it with glue and sprinkle with sparkles. It is necessary to cut out two parts of the same size, gluing them together, in the middle you need to place a wooden skewer, toothpick or cotton swab tube. Then the star must be inserted into the tip of the base, and the top can also be decorated with rain.

Corrugated paper tree craft almost finished, it can only be decorated with sparkles, for this, apply a little PVA glue to the ends of each strip with a brush, and then sprinkle with sparkles.

How to make a crepe paper Christmas tree

You might like another option, how to make a crepe paper christmas tree together with the child. It will take you more than 30 minutes to complete such a craft, and both you and your child will enjoy the creative process. You will entrust the child with one of the main parts of the process - folding the corrugations into an accordion.

To make your own Christmas tree out of crepe paper, we do not need a cone-shaped base, we will collect it from individual elements on a wooden skewer. A barbecue stick or kebab stick is installed in a small glass. To fix it, we can use mounting foam or gypsum, which we use for topiary. You can fix the skewer in a container with sand or cereals. If you have a miniature candlestick on hand, you can insert a skewer directly into the wax. Then you need to put on the skewer all the layers that will form our fluffy beauty. This will be the decoration of the New Year's exhibition of children's work at school or kindergarten.

Corrugated paper Christmas tree

In addition to corrugations, we will also need scissors, a ruler and a stapler, as we have already said, a wooden stick and a glass. First we need to cut off two rectangles: their size is 25x20 cm. This will be the lowest layer of our craft, respectively, this is the size of the largest rectangle. Then each rectangle must be folded with an accordion so that the width of the strip is about 2 cm. It is necessary to fold in different directions alternately: first we bend outward, then inward. As a result, we got an accordion strip, the width of which is 2 cm. Now, on each side of this strip, we need to cut off the edges to get a sharp triangle tip. What will be the result corrugated paper tree, photo you will be prompted, so carefully follow our master class.

This strip must be bent in half and fastened with a stapler, and as a result we have a semicircle. Then, according to the same principle, it is necessary to prepare the second semicircle. The finished two blanks must also be fastened with a stapler, and the middle should be strengthened with a double thread and tie a knot on the back side.

To make it beautiful do-it-yourself corrugated paper tree, in total you need to prepare eight round blanks, all of different diameters. If we got the lowest blank with a diameter of 25 cm, then the top one is only 5 cm. The width of the accordion also gradually decreases, so the lowest strip was 2 cm wide, and the top one will be 5 mm. The compression can be carried out by eye, it is not necessary to make accurate measurements.

When all eight round blanks are ready, they must be strung on a skewer: the largest on the bottom, the smallest on top. The crown can also be decorated with an asterisk.

Craft: corrugated paper Christmas tree

You can find many more interesting ideas, how bright and beautiful it turns out corrugated paper tree, video and photo master classes will become your main assistants when working with new material.

Corrugation can also be used to create. A real work of art will be a spruce twig with sharp needles and dense cones, which can also be created using sheets of brown and green corrugated paper.

corrugated paper

Corrugated paper is one type of so-called ornamental paper. Compared to ordinary paper, it appeared relatively recently. The first mention of corrugated paper goes back to 1856 in Great Britain, where it was used as a lining for hats. Today, the paper industry produces a huge range of corrugated (or crinkled) papers of different grades, the scope of which has become much wider than the original. Depending on the size of the corrugations, there are simply corrugated and crepe paper. Crepe is distinguished by a small corrugation pattern and is just perfect for children's creativity. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. The children love the gorgeous colors and enjoy working with it in their art classes. This is an excellent decorative and ornamental material that allows you to create decorations, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes that can be a great gift for the holiday.

New Year

They say under New Year,
What you don't want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!

In anticipation of the holiday - the fuss and pleasant chores of making gifts and greeting cards, inventing and sewing costumes for the carnival, decorating the interior and the New Year's table, creating new Christmas decorations ...

FROM New Year , friends! May all your wishes come true!

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

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New Year's decorations are integral attributes of the festival, which are treated with trepidation not only by small children, but also by many adults. Thanks to such paraphernalia, a special atmosphere reigns in the house and the expectation of a miracle that must certainly happen on New Year's Eve. We will look at some interesting ideas for creating beautiful Christmas toys that are made quickly, but at the same time look just as good as store-bought options.

Paper decoration options

Paper is a flexible and lightweight material from which you can create both simple and very complex designs. Thanks to a wide variety of colors and paper weights, you can create a huge number of original and bright New Year's accessories with your own hands without any serious financial costs.

So, what can a person who has never done crafts before do?

A wide variety of variations in the execution of idle accessories, which will be discussed further, will allow you to choose the optimal execution technique in terms of complexity. Therefore, even if you have never done crafts, you will certainly succeed in many of the master classes considered.

Creating a Christmas tree

To create New Year's decorations from cardboard or colored paper with your own hands, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time on the process. Many people limit themselves to buying products only because they do not want to spend their time creating crafts.

In fact, this is a very exciting and unusual activity, from which you can get additional pleasure and, as a result, enjoy the result of your own work.

To make a small Christmas tree, which can easily be placed not only at home, but also at work, we need the following materials:

Product creation process:

  • First you need to make a template for the future Christmas tree. To do this, draw it on cardboard, observing symmetry;
  • We transfer the contour to a piece of cardboard and cut out two identical blanks;
  • We bend both blanks vertically and glue them together to make a voluminous Christmas tree;
  • In addition, we decorate the toy with rhinestones and a decorative small star that will imitate Christmas tree decorations.

Christmas lanterns

Creating original decorations from multi-colored paper for a room with your own hands will not take much time and at the same time you will be able to save a lot on purchasing rather boring traditional accessories.

To make cute and unusual lanterns that you can simply hang in the room as an additional decoration, we will take the following materials:

  • multi-colored paper;
  • scissors and glue;
  • needle and thread.

Product creation process:

As you can see, making colored paper decorations with your own hands is very easy. For example, it will take no more than an hour to create about 10 such lanterns. But thanks to such cute New Year's elements, you will already be able to create the right New Year's atmosphere in the room.

How to make snow?

Snow is the most important attribute, without which a perfect New Year will not work. However, the weather does not always spoil us with snow-covered streets on New Year's Eve. A little "correct" the mood will allow artificial snow, which can be poured under the Christmas tree. Such decoration will certainly delight children and create a truly festive atmosphere in the house.

To make a snowball yourself, we need the following materials:

  • paper towels or napkins;
  • a piece of soap;
  • grater.

Decoration process:

Master Class. colorful ice cream

Corrugated paper crafts look very attractive and elegant. Therefore, we will consider a rather simple master class in which we will learn how to make simple decorations from colored corrugated paper with our own hands.

For this we need to take:

  • thick cardboard (for creating baskets);
  • multi-colored corrugated paper;
  • scissors and pva.

Product creation process:

Original New Year's crafts can be glued together in just half an hour. In addition, children can be involved in the process, who will be happy to help you create cute jewelry.

colorful balls

You can also use homemade Christmas decorations to decorate the room. For example, beautiful and unusual garlands are obtained from paper balls, which can easily be fixed on a curtain, door or wall.

So, to make balls, we take the following materials:

  • multi-colored paper;
  • stationery stapler;
  • pva and scissors;
  • thin wire.

Product creation process:

Ordinary wine glasses can also be taken as templates for DIY paper Christmas decorations. In this case, you just get large balls.

New Year is a special holiday, which is always prepared in advance. If you have not yet purchased beautiful paper decorations for the Christmas tree, our master classes will allow you to create them yourself with minimal time spent on the process itself. Happy crafting and Happy Holidays!

In winter, educational institutions usually hold thematic exhibitions, events for which children prepare crafts. Therefore, many parents think about original ideas for the creative process. An excellent option would be New Year's crafts made of corrugated paper with your own hands. Children of all ages will master working with this material; specific tools are not needed for creativity.

Corrugated balls

Such unusual decorations can be made for the Christmas tree and different rooms. To do this, you need to make a lot of roses from corrugated paper of different colors. First you need to cut a large number of paper strips about 20 cm long and about 2 cm wide. Each such blank should be carefully assembled into an accordion and twisted with a thread.

Next, you need to attach the roses to the base. It is advisable to do this with a glue gun. You can buy a ready-made base in the store or make a ball of thread yourself. Let the child decorate the finished product with various beads. You can attach a ribbon to make it convenient to hang the ball on the Christmas tree.

Corrugated paper wreath

This element of decor is now very popular, it is used to decorate entrance doors, walls in rooms. Those who are looking for ideas for crafts from corrugated paper for the New Year should try. First, you need to prepare a cardboard base. It is necessary to glue strips of green paper on it, you can also attach bright ribbons, pieces of fabric.

Corrugated Paper Gifts from the Forest

Try to make wonderful forest crafts with your child:

You can also look at other ideas for New Year's crafts from corrugated paper.

Creative activity will be a wonderful option for family leisure. In addition, working on themed decorations will help create a festive mood.

New Year's toys made of corrugated paper will give each product its own special look. For some reason, this material is not very common for creating New Year's crafts, but in vain. Paper of this type pleases the eye with bright positive colors, it is inexpensive and, in the presence of understandable master classes, allows you to create excellent masterpieces with your own hands.

The important advantages of corrugated paper for creating Christmas decorations are noted above, but first of all, one extremely important point stands out - ease of manufacture and a beautiful appearance as a result.

DIY Christmas decorations from corrugated paper

Herringbone No. 1

Depending on whether you put the Christmas tree on the table or hang it on the Christmas tree itself, the size of the craft is different. But the main stages of work here are clear and simple, it doesn’t matter what the size of the Christmas tree will be in the end.

Important! Corrugated cardboard among professionals is also called crepe paper. This material differs in texture and thickness. The material has a characteristic waviness, thanks to which corrugated cardboard toys keep their shape perfectly and can be used for New Year's decor for several years in a row.

In this master class, we propose to make a small Christmas tree with our own hands from the material in question, which will become an effective and stylish toy for a large New Year's tree.

What you need for work:
* Corrugated paper of any color.
* Paper disposable (not used) plates or just cardboard.
* Double sided tape.
* Glue (you can use a stapler instead of glue).
* Tinsel and other decorative elements for a mini Christmas tree.

Initially, the basis of the future Christmas tree is made - this is a cone. To make it, you need a clean paper plate or just a sheet of cardboard, connect the cone with tape (stapler). After that, make the bottom of the product even with scissors so that the tree can stand stably if necessary.

Next, you need to prepare spruce branches, but they do not have to be green for this toy, choose a specific color at your discretion and remember that the New Year's time is magical and unusual, so the tree can be at least orange, at least some other. It will be necessary to roll several strips into thin tubes, cover them with a cone using glue or double-sided tape. Now the Christmas tree needs to be decorated using tinsel, sparkles or other decor.

Herringbone No. 2

In the manufacture of this toy, the initial composition of materials and tools is almost the same. But the method of attaching corrugated paper to the cone is different. However, first things first.

What you need for work:
* A sheet of cardboard from which to make the initial cone.
* Corrugated paper in herringbone color.
* Glue, needle and thread.
* Scissors, sequins and other decor.

Make a cone using the same technology that is described in this material. Corrugated paper needs to be twisted. To do this, stitch strips four centimeters wide along one edge with a thread and leave tips of ten centimeters on both sides. After that, pull off the paper by the threads so that it becomes an accordion.

Next, glue the wavy strip of paper in a cone in a circle, evenly applying glue. You can decorate the tree with sparkles, ribbons and beads, and be sure to attach a star to its top. You can also make a themed one for the New Year.


Christmas decorations made of corrugated paper in the shape of a snowflake will be beautiful and stylish. To work, in addition to the paper itself, you need scissors and glue, cardboard, and a pencil. Initially, the base is being prepared, for this, according to a pre-prepared and self-selected template, cut out a beautiful snowflake from cardboard.

Now make a lot of small squares from corrugated paper. Apply glue to the snowflake and glue the paper squares tightly, pressing them one to one. You need to glue in the center of each square, and at the same time try to bend the edges up as much as possible. Here are the options for crafts for the New Year.

Corrugated paper balls look incredibly elegant. For work, you will also need threads and scissors. First, cut out four squares from A4 paper, choose the size yourself, given that the diameter of the ball is ultimately equal to the length of the side of the square. Now lay the leaves in an even pile and fold the accordion. The ends of the accordion can be further trimmed, but you can not do this.

To get Christmas balls from this pile, you need to tie the ball with a thread in the center and unfold the sheets of paper, giving the crafts the shape of a ball. The more sheets of corrugated paper are initially folded, the more magnificent the ball will turn out.

As you can see in the photo and video in this material, corrugated paper toys for the New Year and Christmas turn out to be exquisite, stylish and beautiful. You just need to show a little patience and accuracy, so that later you can enjoy amazing crafts.