Gifts from money: Money shirt, pants and dress. How to make origami paper pants

Origami clothes is one of the most popular paper origami. If you do not know how to make origami clothes, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of origami clothes was taken by one of our site users. He made clothes in the form of dresses from colorful paper. It turned out nice and neat. If you have photos of the origami you have collected, send them to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Assembly diagram

Below is a scheme for assembling origami clothes from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling origami clothes will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make origami clothes quickly and without peeping into the diagram.

Videos master class

Assembling origami clothes for beginners can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query "origami clothes video" on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about origami clothes, which clearly show the steps for assembling clothes. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions on how to make origami clothes.

If you decide to make a whole set of origami clothes, watch this video tutorial in which the master collects costumes from banknotes:

But in this video, the master collects origami of this type of clothing, like a football uniform:


Since ancient times, clothing has been used not just as a cover for the body, but also had a certain symbolic meaning. In the Middle Ages, for example, striking examples of the symbolic meaning of certain forms of clothing are the rigid rules of medieval estates or Spanish monarchs.

A traditional gift for March 8 for a mother or grandmother from a child is a handmade card. In this article, we will teach you how to make origami dresses that you can use to decorate postcards for March 8th. A postcard decorated with an origami paper dress looks original and spectacular. To learn how to make an origami dress with your own hands, you need to read the detailed instructions with step-by-step photos below. It should be recognized that the craft of a paper dress is quite difficult to manufacture; preschool children cannot cope with it. In order to make an origami dress out of paper with your own hands, you will need a sheet of colored square paper. It’s good if it’s not ordinary paper, but special scrapbooking paper with an interesting print. Origami dresses made of paper with a floral print look especially impressive. We draw your attention to the fact that paper for a paper dress should be thin enough to be easy to fold, and so that the finished craft from it does not look rough and bulky.

1. So, we begin to fold the origami paper dress. Take a sheet of colored square paper.

2. Fold a piece of paper in half with the colored side facing out.

3, Unfold the paper, then fold the sides to the center crease.

4, Unfold the paper again. You should get a square divided into 4 equal parts.

5. We continue to fold the origami dress with our own hands. Now, in turn, fold each side crease towards the center crease.

6. Here is what you should get as a result.

7. Now bend your origami dress blank in half, stepping back from the top edge a little less than a centimeter.

9. This is what your paper dress blank should look like from the back.

10. Turn it over. Now from the lower, longer part of the workpiece we will make a skirt for an origami dress.

11. To open the folds on the skirt of a paper dress, first pull the right inner corner to the side to the maximum. Hold the fold with your index finger at the top middle.

12. Do the same on the other side. Note that you need to straighten the folds of the origami dress as far as possible.

13. Now we begin to make out the neckline. Bend the top corners at a right angle down as shown in the photo.

14. Now fold back the resulting collar and turn the blank for the future origami dress upside down. Now the most difficult moment ... Pull back the top layer of the workpiece and at the same time open the "pockets" resulting from the previous step. Straighten and smooth them.

15. This is how your blank paper dress should look like as a result of all these complex paper manipulations.

16. Now we bend in turn the sides of the top of the origami dress.

17. Please note that along with the top of the dress, the sides of the skirt will also be folded in.

18. We bend the other side. Note that both the top of the origami dress and the skirt should be folded in the same distance. A paper dress should be symmetrical.

19. It remains to make the sleeves of an origami paper dress. To do this, bend the upper corners of the dress to the maximum on the back side. This is what your paper dress should look like at the end from the back.

20. And this is his front view. You can decorate the dress with rhinestones, sequins, ribbons or decorative braid. After that, it remains only to stick it on a greeting card.

On you will find a very detailed and accessible origami dress video, however, in English.

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Origami figurines are becoming popular as interior decor items. Complex structures that decorate the room give it comfort and a touch of magic. Many people think that creating paper silhouettes requires special skills and abilities. But this is not so, because every master gradually learned this art using schemes.

If you decide to try to fold the paper figures yourself, do not hesitate, you will succeed. It is advisable to start with light schemes in order to understand origami technology, and then you can proceed to more constructive models.

DIY paper origami: step-by-step instructions for assembling a lily

The most common origami is the technique of making flowers. Paper flowers can be made from a single sheet or from modules. At the initial stage, it is better to try to build a lily by adding paths from one sheet:

  1. Fold the square horizontally, then vertically. Straighten the sheet.
  2. Fold the corners to the middle, fix.
  3. Fold the corners of the resulting rhombus again towards the center, you get a square.
  4. Turn the workpiece over and bend the corners to the center.
  5. Tuck the ends of the corners and fix.
  6. Turn the blank inside out, gently spreading the petals.
  7. Open other petals.
  8. Make leaves under the lily to make the flower more spectacular.

To accurately perform all the operations and see how each folding occurs, you can watch a video about do-it-yourself paper origami at the end of the article. The wizard will show which folds need to be fixed, straightened and how to turn the blanks.

You can decorate the made flower as an applique and hang it on the wall. You can give a child for his toy garden. For children, there are many models that will interest them. Volumetric origami will attract the attention of children and they themselves will want to participate in folding the figures.

We also attach a video on the same topic.

Paper clothes

Fold a square of colored paper horizontally, then vertically. In this case, it is better to use thin paper to make it easier to fold.

Unfold the sheet and place it inside out in front of you. Fold according to the lines in the photo:

Turn the piece over. Fold the future dress, as in the image.

Flip over and pull the sides.

At the top, turn off the edge by 2 cm. This will be the neckline of the dress, so we adjust it the way you intended.

Once you've made the cutout, fold diagonally back half an inch from the center.

Fold, leveling to the center, according to the photo.

Flatten the bottom corners.

Fold the product in half, matching the marks in the picture.

Bend so that the top of the dress is tucked into the bottom.

Bend, as in the picture, forming a waist. Do this on the bottom.

Under such a dress, you can cut out a cardboard man and come up with a fun game for your baby. Or build a store for a child where he will sell paper clothes. See the video for more details.

DIY paper origami: step by step instructions for assembling a butterfly

Bend the square diagonally and horizontally. Expand the sheet. Bend all corners to the center. Straighten the sheet. Fold the sides towards the center.

Bend the top and bottom edges to the middle, aligning along the horizontal fold line.

Inside, grab the corners and form a trapezoid from each rectangle.

Grasp the middle of the upper part and straighten the triangle up.

Fold back the entire top. Now the trapezoid should be on top, and the triangle should be on the bottom.

Bend the workpiece in half vertically.

Unscrew the top layer of paper. You've got a moth.

Such butterflies can please not only a child, but also an adult. You can make decorations for any celebration and hang paper moths around the perimeter of the room, which will give the room originality and nationality.

A simple do-it-yourself paper box

  1. Bend the square sheet well in all directions: horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
  2. Connect the corners of the square in the center.
  3. Turn back two corners.
  4. Bend perpendicular to the plane, curved sides.
  5. Tuck adjacent edges, forming a corner between them inward.
  6. Lock all corners.

The box can be made for a child to put their sweets in, or it can be used as a gift box if you put a soft toy or decoration in it. So your gift will become more valuable for the addressee, because you spent your time and energy on packaging. Believe me, such a box will not go anywhere and will be kept, reminding you of you.

Print Thank you, great lesson +1

Every man should have at least one set of a classic suit that can be worn for a holiday or other important event. So we suggest you make a men's suit out of paper that will embellish a postcard, invitation or your paper doll.

  • Two single-sided sheets of paper 12 x 12 cm.

Step by step photo lesson:

From the first square sheet, fold the jacket. If you want it to be black, then lay the sheet on the work surface with the white side down. To do this, we bend our sheet twice to obtain two auxiliary lines.

Now fold the sides to the vertical fold line. Our square is not white, black.

We reveal.

We turn over. We bend a small strip down from above by 0.5 cm.

Turn over the craft again and bend the sides to the center. So already we have a white collar.

Once again, bend the sides to the center line.

Bend the sides to the middle.

We turn over.

Fold the sides in half to the first vertical fold line.

Fold the bottom side up. Create a fold line and unfold. Bend the sides a little.

We fold in half and the shoulders together in the sleeves are ready, like the origami jacket itself.

Let's move on to the pants. We place a square sheet with the black side down. Fold the right side to the left in half.

Open and fold the sides towards the center. However, they will be placed slightly at a slight slope.

Fold the sides towards the center.

We divide the entire length of the workpiece into two parts. Then we take the upper part and again visually divide it equally. At this point, fold the paper down.

Turn over and get ready-made trousers. We substitute them for the jacket and get a ready-made black and white paper origami suit in a classic style.

Video lesson

Gifts from money: Money shirt, pants and dress | Fiesta


As you know, money is the best gift, almost everyone will agree with this. But just to give money is very commonplace, and it is unlikely that such a gift will be remembered. Therefore, money must be given in original ways, so we turn on the fantasy.

There are already several ideas on the site on how to do this:

Consider a new way of giving, we will make an origami shirt out of money with our own hands. By the way, you can make such a shirt, just put it in your wallet, as a souvenir "Money Shirt".

How to make gifts out of money?

I must say right away that folding money with a shirt the first time is not so simple. But if you practice on a simple sheet of paper, then everything will work out. Although I immediately folded my money shirt from 5000 bills the first time.

Here's what happened.

Diagrams, instructions and videos.

For the first time, it is ideal to fold dollar bills, as they have the proportions we need 6.14 by 2.61 inches.

Simple shirt made of money.

We watch the video instruction, diagram and repeat.


I hope everything worked out for you.

Money shirt with tie.

Now let's complicate the task a little and try to fold a shirt with a tie.

Trousers made of money.

For those who have a taste for a money shirt, you can also fold trousers. You will get a suit. As you can see, the pants are very easy to fold.

How to apply?

If you also make a dress and put the whole composition in a beautiful frame, you get a full-fledged gift for a wedding or birthday.

Money dress.

Let's make a dress, an example in the video.

I hope you like this original and valuable gift. Imagine and surprise your loved ones!

For lovers of romance:

Emelya origami - origami assembly diagram step by step

Now we will make a character who rode a stove. Emelya origami is done like this: Prepare from yellow paper, painted on one side, 2 squares measuring 10 x 10 cm (head, legs), from paper of any color 1 rectangle measuring 5.5 x 3.5 cm (hat), 1 square 9 x 9 cm (sheepskin coat), 2 squares measuring 6 x 6 cm (arms), 1 dark-colored square measuring 13 x 13 cm (pants). Fold the head, hat, sheepskin coat and arms using the origami Ivan Tsarevich figurine folding patterns. Bend the legs of a square with a side of 10 cm diagonally. Place the triangle right angle up.

1. Lower right angle (one layer of paper).

2. Lift the two bottom corners from the middle of the bottom side.

3. Bend the resulting triangles.

4. Turn the part over to the other side.

5. Open the "pockets".

6. Bend the corners, and then fold the part in half.

7. Bend the corner into the part.

8. Check the result. Pants From a dark square, fold a triangle, then fold it in half.

9. Raise the bottom corners.

10. Bend the part in half.

11. Bend the corner from the side of the fold inward. Bend the bottom corners slightly away from you.

12. Check the result. Put your pants on your feet. Glue the details.

13. Connect all the details, draw the eyes. Emelya origami is ready.