Why memory is important to people. Composition "Does a person need memory?"

Rosa Fayzullina
Why is memory needed? Abstract of a lesson on the development of arbitrary memory of children

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction to the situation.

Didactic tasks: motivate children for inclusion in play activities.

The teacher collects children around you.

Do you love fairy tales?

Can you name your favorite characters?

All responses are heard children, after which the teacher makes a riddle.

Self-confident, though clumsy,

And by nature he is a big nerd,

Come on, guess him,

He is known to everyone by the name of ....


Guys, Dunno came to us today. Dunno appears on the interactive whiteboard.

Hello guys! Znayka told me that you tell poems well. I was asked to learn a poem at school, but I can’t do it. Here listen. He tries to tell, but he cannot remember all the words in the poem.

Poem from an electronic textbook. Krontik learns to listen and reason. Chapter 15. A. Konyashov "Where did the soap go?"

Where did it go?

Until recently, it was

And suddenly it disappeared


We washed cups with soap,

Plates and shirts.

We washed spoons, knives and ladles with soap.

Oh how it loved

Wash the ink off your face

Wash off the paint from the palms,

And clay, and putty,

And plasticine, and even

Wash off soot marks.

Learn how to memorize a poem.

Tell me what need make the poem easy to learn.

Do you guys want to help Dunno?

And can you?

Can you repeat the poem?

You don't know either.

What have to do to better remember?

All responses are heard children, after which the teacher brings total:

If not develop your memory, you will have to spend a lot of time preparing lessons and repeating. Any information is easier to remember if you present it in the form of some kind of image or drawings. Remember: Imagination can help you remember new information. There are people whom work requires to keep in memory big numbers. Do you know what their secret is? They actively use their imagination. For them, each figure is a certain image. It can be objects, animals, flowers. For example, a figure eight is a tumbler, a unit is a branch, a two is a bird, and a six is ​​a castle. Some even make up mental sentences with these images. For example, you need to remember the number - 222-18-00. Can you think of following: three birds sitting on a branch noticed a tumbler chewing two dryers.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

2.1. The game "Guess the Pictogram".

1) Update the idea of ​​a pictogram (a pictogram is a simplified drawing that denotes some action or event).

2) Form an idea about the icon.

There are six different colored pictures on the interactive whiteboard, and their symbols are presented below in black and white. You have to choose a picture with a symbol for each color picture.

3. Difficulty in the situation.

3.1 Work in the electronic textbook. The game "Encrypt the word"

Didactic tasks:

1) Create a motivational situation to form an idea of ​​how need depict the given word or phrase as a pictogram.

2) To form an experience under the guidance of an educator of fixing the difficulty, understanding its causes and the experience of goal setting.

The teacher tells:

Dunno came from school. And he began to learn a poem, but it is very difficult for him to remember a poem.

Show Dunno how to easily memorize a poem with the help of pictograms.

Children understand correctly, but I explain. Train the ability to depict a given word or phrase with a picture or symbol.

3) Form at children experience in e-books.

Instruction: Now I will pronounce you words and phrases, and you must “encrypt” it with a picture, symbol or sign.

material for the task. A word or phrase is read out, which the children must “encrypt”, that is, designate the words with some sign or concise pattern. Words are read out with an interval of 15-20 s. so that all the children have time to draw a sketch. After this task, play a game, and then the children should reproduce words and phrases.

Words to remember:

3. Village.

4. Big city.

5. The sun is shining.

6. Delicious pie.

7. The phone is ringing.

8. Hot tea.

9. Cheerful holiday.

10. Soon to school.

11. Angry dog.

12. It's raining outside.

And now we will play a game where need be very careful.

Now we will decide that when I name animals and animals, then you you will stomp, when the fruit then clap 2 times, and if any inanimate object, then raise the left hand. Deal. Let's start our game.

After the game please children take their seats and play encrypted drawings. Making sense (total) lessons.

Didactic tasks: to form the primary experience of understanding their activities, constructive relationship to difficulty.

The teacher collects children around you.

Could we help Dunno?

We taught Dunno to memorize a poem, because we learned to encrypt words and sentences with pictograms.

The teacher praises children for that that they were attentive and diligent and were able to help Dunno.

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Have you ever wondered what an amazing property our brain has - memory? If a child pricks his finger with a rose thorn, then next time he will carefully approach in a rose. If the child has touched a hot cup, he will now pay attention to the cups and check their temperature in advance. If the doctor checked the child's throat, which caused discomfort, then after that the child meets all the doctors with a roar. He remembered that an aunt in a white coat could cause trouble.

And in our life we ​​have to remember a lot. We remember some of it unconsciously, but most of it we remember on purpose, because we need to know it.

Remember school? How much do you have to memorize every day! Can we and our children do it?

I once read such a comment “Parents need to know about the wonderful property of children, especially in smaller ones, - mechanical memory is called, well, maybe about its development, who has it bad))). Read about it and go to sleep peacefully)))” (the spelling of the author has been preserved).

You can sleep well, of course. Only now neither the memory nor this will get better.

I agree with the author of the comment only that we have mechanical memory. And, probably, everyone remembers how they memorized the multiplication table or rules at school. Remember? This was memorization with the help of mechanical memory. How long do you remember this information afterwards? Of course, this is all individual and depends on many factors, and on the characteristics of memory, and on the quality of memorization, and on the repetition of material. But still.

Mechanical memory is the ability to remember information as it is, without the formation of logical connections. This type of memory is not the basis of intelligence and relies on the mechanical repetition of material: words, numbers, actions. Repeated repetition of the memorized material (in the form of re-reading, viewing or repeating movements) is the main method of mechanical learning. When you need to remember, the material is remembered "word for word" and minor changes in the context, conditions of reproduction will greatly complicate recall.

Mechanical memory is inherent in us from birth. We can develop and train it, because we also need it in the process of life, but the main emphasis should still be on other types of memory.

The most efficient is logical memory. In this case, memorization occurs with the formation of logical connections, analogies between individual concepts. When memorizing, information is compared, generalized, analyzed, systematized, and most importantly, understanding occurs.

According to the laws of memory, meaningful information is remembered not just better, but 9 times better (according to the German psychologist, memory researcher G. Ebbinghaus). And we remember meaningfully when we use logical and associative memory.

Logical memory, unlike mechanical memory, is aimed at memorizing not the external form, but the very meaning of the material being studied.

Logical memory involves the preliminary work of thinking: educational material, which is subject to logical memorization, is analyzed, divided into its constituent parts, among which the most important and essential are distinguished.

Logical memory cannot be based only on the analysis of the material, its understanding. She needs to repeat the learned material. Repetitions are a necessary part of the process of logical memorization, since without them the acquired knowledge is not fixed in memory.

Do you need to train your memory? Undoubtedly. Moreover, it is worth training any memory, because we need mechanical memory no less than logical memory. But special emphasis should be placed on the development of memorization techniques. In our age of information, mnemonics also provide invaluable help in memorizing any material. Knowing and applying memorization techniques, we significantly speed up and facilitate the memorization process. And this is also important.

If a child learns to memorize a rule or a poem quickly, then this will not be a super difficult task for him and homework will be done quickly. You just have to learn how to do it.

And another question arises: How? How to repeat the training material to do it quickly, but with the maximum result.

Yes, we remember the well-known phrase “Repetition is the mother of learning” from school. Only here it can be repeated in different ways. How do you repeat material?

You may have heard such recommendations - read the rule 5 times and remember it, write down the vocabulary word 20 times and learn it. Have you heard? These recommendations are based on mechanical memory. And if we just memorized a rule or a poem, then this extra repetition will help, but not much. And sometimes it can hurt.

But there are other ways to repeat the material.

We will talk more about how to learn and repeat the material at the webinar "How to remember to remember". If you have a schoolchild or even a preschooler, you will get a lot of useful things for yourself. Register to receive a link to the webinar.

And in the comments, write what memory do you use most often when memorizing school material with your child?

Why should you improve your memory?

Ridiculous question, you say. After all, everyone knows what a good memory is. However, many people perceive their memory as extremely simplistic, and therefore do not understand how its development affects other abilities.

Their logic boils down to the following arguments: Will the ability to memorize improve? But I still remember everything I need. I have already fully adapted to my abilities, phone numbers are stored in a cell phone, if you need something more complicated, you can write it down.

Since memory problems have already been somehow resolved, there is no need to waste time on it. In the end, the main thing is not memory, but thinking, intelligence, the ability to process information.

Most people think that by improving their memory they will make a camera or a tape recorder out of their head, and they see no other advantages.

But the development of memory is not only memory, but also thinking, imagination, attention, and much more, without which effective mental activity of a person is unthinkable.

So, what does a person achieve by training memory?

1. Attention

The need to control the course of one's thoughts, constant concentration on the objects of memorization leads to an improvement in attention. As a result, it becomes easier for a person to focus on current affairs and problems, his life becomes much more organized, less influenced by interference.

2. Thinking

The development of memory also improves thinking due to the fact that you constantly have to work with mental objects, come up with associations connecting them. As a result, associative thinking develops - responsible for generalization and abstraction and visual-figurative - the use of which helps a holistic perception of reality and intuitive problem solving.

Well, of course, just the very ability to memorize helps thinking. If all the necessary facts are at hand, then in the process of thinking there is less need to linger on solving secondary problems, after obtaining the necessary information. It's no secret: until you find the information you need, you'll forget why you need it. Especially if you are looking for it using the Internet, along the way you come across so many interesting things that the search process turns out to be “more important” than the result, and when you find what you are looking for, you already forget how it all began.

3. Imagination and creativity

The associations invented by the mnemonist are often unusual and absurd. By linking objects, you have to create the incredible. Some time after the start of classes, you can notice that when solving your problems, you begin to use methods that previously seemed too non-standard. And unsolvable problems suddenly get a simple and elegant solution.

4. Protecting the human brain from age-related changes

What we don't use, we lose. This is clearly seen in the example of human physical abilities. No matter how good physical shape you are, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not give your body physical activity, then after a while the muscles will atrophy and become flabby, shortness of breath will appear, and a bunch of other problems associated with the heart, pressure, etc. If you lead an active lifestyle, take long walks, go to the pool or gym, then health problems can be avoided.

The same applies to the mental capabilities of the organism. It is widely believed that with age, the mental abilities of a person deteriorate. Research shows that this is often the case. But the deterioration of human abilities is not so irreversible.

If you continue to use your brain, give it a load, then its condition will at least not worsen. Brain deterioration can be prevented by solving crossword puzzles or logical problems. By performing memory development exercises, you can also prevent the deterioration of mental abilities - memory, concentration, thinking, and so on.

As you and I can see, the development of memory helps not only memory, but also contributes to the harmonious development of other human abilities. You can learn all this and more at the “School of Speed ​​Reading and Information Management Vasilyeva L.L.”

The cognitive and creative abilities of a person, as well as the implementation of higher mental functions, are impossible without the use of memory. In everyday life, we constantly perceive, analyze and remember a huge amount of information. Is it necessary and why to train memory? After all, there is Google, directories, books, notebooks. But everything is not so simple.

Memory is not only the highest function of the brain, but also a powerful physiological mechanism for maintaining physical and mental health.

The brain of an adult human weighs about one and a half kilograms. With a body weight of 75 kg. it's only 2%. But the brain consumes energy and oxygen in the amount of 20-25% of the total energy consumption of the body. The main fuel of brain cells is glucose. Glucose is most intensively consumed by the cerebral cortex, especially during intellectual and creative activity. Such a high level of energy exchange in the neurons of the brain is ensured by increased blood supply; in a minute, up to a liter of blood enters the brain.

memory and stroke

Transient ischemic attacks also develop with cerebrovascular accidents. But why is it broken? One of the reasons for impaired blood supply to the brain is a decrease in the neurons' need for oxygen and glucose when memory and imagination are not involved. There is no need for sufficient blood supply to the brain, and blood vessels lose their elasticity, their lumen decreases, and they simply cannot provide blood flow to the brain in the required volumes. A pathological vicious circle arises: memory loss leads to a decrease in the blood supply to the brain, and a decrease in blood supply further impairs memory.

Why should you develop your memory?

Memory- one of the mental functions and types of human mental activity, designed to store, accumulate and reproduce information.

The ability to store information about the events of the external world and the reactions of the body for a long time and use it repeatedly in the sphere of consciousness to organize subsequent activities (Wikipedia).

According to statistics, memory problems worry every third inhabitant of the earth. Moreover, memory impairment is characteristic of all ages.

Why should you improve your memory?
Ridiculous question, you say. After all, everyone knows what a good memory is. However, many people perceive their memory as extremely simplistic, and therefore do not understand how its development affects other abilities. Their logic boils down to the following arguments:

Will the ability to remember improve? But I still remember everything I need. I have already fully adapted to my abilities, phone numbers are stored in a cell phone, if something more complicated is needed, you can write it down. Since memory problems have already been somehow resolved, there is no need to waste time on it. In the end, the main thing is not memory, but thinking, intelligence, the ability to process information.

Most people think that by improving their memory they will make a camera or a tape recorder out of their head, and they see no other advantages.
But the development of memory is not only memory, but also thinking, imagination, attention, and much more, without which effective mental activity of a person is unthinkable.

So, What does a person achieve by training memory?

1. Attention. The need to control the course of one's thoughts, constant concentration on the objects of memorization leads to an improvement in attention. As a result, it becomes easier for a person to focus on current affairs and problems, his life becomes much more organized, less influenced by interference.

2. Thinking. The development of memory also improves thinking due to the fact that you constantly have to work with mental objects, come up with associations connecting them. As a result, associative thinking develops - responsible for generalization and abstraction and visual-figurative - the use of which helps a holistic perception of reality and intuitive problem solving. Well, of course, just the very ability to memorize helps thinking. If all the necessary facts are at hand, then in the process of thinking there is less need to linger on solving secondary problems, after obtaining the necessary information. It's no secret: until you find the information you need, you'll forget why you need it. Especially if you are looking for it using the Internet - along the way you come across so many interesting things that the search process turns out to be “more important” than the result, and when you find what you are looking for, you already forget how it all began.

3. Imagination and creative activity. The associations invented by the mnemonist are often unusual and absurd. By linking objects, you have to create the incredible. Some time after the start of classes, you can notice that when solving your problems, you begin to use methods that previously seemed too non-standard. And unsolvable problems suddenly get a simple and elegant solution.

4. Protection of the human brain from age-related changes. What we don't use, we lose. This is clearly seen in the example of human physical abilities. No matter how good physical shape you are, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not give your body physical activity, then after a while the muscles will atrophy and become flabby, shortness of breath will appear, and a bunch of other problems associated with the heart, pressure, etc. If you lead an active lifestyle, take long walks, go to the pool or gym, then health problems can be avoided. The same applies to the mental capabilities of the organism. It is widely believed that with age, the mental abilities of a person deteriorate. Research shows that this is often the case. But the deterioration of human abilities is not so irreversible. If you continue to use your brain, give it a load, then its condition will at least not worsen. Brain deterioration can be prevented by solving crossword puzzles or logical problems. By performing memory development exercises, you can also prevent the deterioration of mental abilities - memory, concentration, thinking, etc.

As you can see, the development of memory helps not only memory, but also contributes to the harmonious development of other human abilities.

What kind of memory will we develop?

Saying the phrase "I have a bad memory" people often mean completely different things. For some, this is the inability to remember phone numbers, for others, people's faces. Some struggle with absent-mindedness - constantly forgetting keys and documents, missing appointments, etc. And there are people for whom a good memory is an opportunity to quickly learn a large amount of information for the exam. Having figured out what exactly you need, you will be able to save a lot of time and effort.

Depending on what kind of memory you are going to develop, there are three ways to develop memory. Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Memory for events or household memory. The name is rather conditional, it allows you to separate the methods of memorization, and which are used mainly in everyday life and come down to “not forgetting something”. You may forget to take your keys when you leave the house because someone interrupted you with a phone call just before leaving. You can forget to go to the store passing by it, thinking about something of your own. You can forget documents simply because you forgot. You can forget your cell phone in a cafe.
In books or articles on the Internet, quite often there are techniques for developing this type of memory. I recommend one book that is almost entirely devoted to this type of memorization - The Language of Memory by Douglas Herman and Michael Grunberg. Most of the book describes situations in which two memory experts kept forgetting something. An interesting book, with a description of a large number of facts from life.

2. Memory as a mental function. What is often called natural memory. This method includes performing exercises for the development of attention and memory proper, breathing control, organizing a diet to improve one's mental abilities.
I must say that although individual elements of this method of memorization are quite common, but in a systematic form it is only in one source - Ivan Ivanovich Poloneichik's audio course “Principles and methods of memory development”. The development of this type of memory allows you to remember a variety of information without much effort.

3. Mnemonics or artificial memory. Probably the oldest and most effective way of remembering. How about memorizing a few thousand digits, like the digits of pi? Or remember, close to the test, the contents of a thick book filled with a bunch of facts, information, numerical data? Or a list of laws, the meaning of which can be difficult to understand when reading?
Mnemonics, mobilizing the possibilities of thinking, attention, imagination, allows you to remember all this. Although, of course, to master it, it takes time to perform memory exercises and regular training. And the biggest paradox is that by mastering and using mnemonics, your memory does not improve. The use of mnemonics allows you to memorize, but does not develop memory.

So, these are the three main methods of memory development. Which one is better? It is hard to say. It is better to approach from the other end - what do you need from your memory? What are you missing at the moment? In solving what problems your own memory prevents you from solving. Think about it and the answer will appear on the surface.

In the meantime, I offer you an exercise to train your memory:

For many adults, poor memory becomes a real stumbling block: memory problems, forgetfulness, inattention, etc. What can we say about the elderly, whose problems with the vessels of the brain are often reflected in memory.
Memory training exercises help to quickly solve this problem.

Develop your memory and be healthy and happy!