Why children should not be given milk. Cow and goat milk for a child - is it possible to give milk to children? Feeding with cow's milk

It has long been believed that it is very difficult to raise a small child without cow's milk, especially if he is bottle-fed. It is no coincidence that in Soviet times there were kitchens where dairy products for infants were given free of charge. But over time, this statement was called into question, and today pediatricians give different answers to the question, is it possible for children to have cow's milk?

Is it possible to cow's milk for children under one year old?

There comes a time when the baby becomes insufficiently nourished, which he receives from his mother. Complementary foods appear in his diet. Some mothers prefer to give store mixes, others believe that cow's milk is the best complementary food, and are limited only to it. However, such a solution to the question of whether cow's milk is possible for children is by no means the only correct one, and sometimes simply erroneous. This product is very ambiguous, and under certain conditions even dangerous.

  1. If you feed your baby only milk, he will develop iron deficiency anemia. It does not contain iron.
  2. Casein protein can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system and even lead to the formation of stomach ulcers.
  3. This product contains too much, for a small organism, magnesium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. The baby's kidneys may not be able to withstand such a load.
  4. If there is an excess of some minerals in the product, then there are not enough others: iodine, copper, zinc, as well as vitamins E and C. A child who does not receive them in full will subsequently begin to lag behind in development.
  5. In addition, there are no immune cells in the product, and this will adversely affect the child's immune system.
  6. Cow's milk is one of the strongest allergens. The least that can happen to a baby is redness on the skin and itching. In the worst case, Quincke's edema.

Is it necessary to clarify that the answer to the question, is cow's milk possible for children under one year old, can only be a firm "no"? We clarify that it is impossible to give a whole product in its pure form. But you can cook porridge on it, flavor it with tea.

Doctor Komarovsky about milk

Let's ask the famous doctor Komarovsky, is it possible to give cow's milk to a child? He believes that it is possible, moreover, up to 200 grams per day. The doctor assures that this will not affect the work of the digestive tract. Only its surplus can harm the health of the child. However, this applies to any product. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the product and not give the baby too fat milk.

However, if you feed your baby with milk alone, this can adversely affect the development of the skeletal system. It's all about phosphorus, which is 6 times more in cow's milk than in mother's. For its proper metabolism in the body, a large amount of calcium is required. Consequently, the bones of the child will receive less calcium, their development will go unpredictably. The younger the child, the more dangerous for him the lack of calcium. Although the kidneys are able to excrete all phosphorus, pediatricians still advise against taking cow's milk until the age of 2 years. And is it worth the risk if there are balanced infant formulas on sale today.

Is it okay to give cow's milk to children, or is it illegal?

Calm down, dear parents. This product is approved. Yes, it should not be given to infants, but older children need it.

  1. You already know about the high content of minerals, but for children over 1.5 years old, this is a plus, not a minus.
  2. High calorie content makes it an independent full-fledged product that can be consumed for breakfast.
  3. Without this miracle product, many mothers do not think how to treat colds in a baby. In combination with honey, it becomes a good medicine.

Now the answer to the question of whether cow's milk is possible for children becomes unambiguously positive.

When can you give cow's milk to babies?

Of course, not every product is suitable for children. It is necessary to observe certain conditions for its use.

  1. A prerequisite is boiling before use. If this is not done, the risk of developing intestinal diseases, as well as such dangerous diseases as encephalitis, anthrax and others, increases.
  2. Giving your baby milk should be started gradually. The first time it can be only a teaspoon. It is necessary to carefully monitor the body's reaction to lactose, as it is an allergen. Already after the first spoon, if you are allergic to the product, the body may give a reaction. In this case, you need to refuse the product. In the absence of allergies, you can gradually increase the amount.
  3. Whole milk should not be given to a baby for the first time. It is better to give preference to the store, or dilute it with warm water by two-thirds. After a few weeks of taking, you can already dilute by half.
  4. Under no circumstances should you give your child an expired product!

Is it possible for a child to have cow's milk bought in the market? No no and one more time no! Especially if the market is spontaneous, somewhere on the side of the road. It is not known whether the cow that was milked was healthy.

What can replace cow's milk?

This product is a rich source of minerals, protein, fats. And an allergy to it should not be the reason for the complete rejection of its use. Cow's milk can be substituted for goat's milk. There are other sources of the same nutrients.

  1. Allergies to goat's milk are much less common than to cow's milk. But it does not contain folic acid, so it must be given in conjunction with legumes and fish.
  2. Enrichment of cow's milk with lactose will make the product easily digestible. It breaks down complex proteins into simple ones. Lactose is sold in pharmacies, and you can add it to milk at home.
  3. Easily digestible and non-allergenic soy milk. True, it has a lower fat content.
  4. Coconut or almond milk can be a rich source of many beneficial substances. But it must be supplemented with products that are sources of specific fats and proteins.

If we answered the question of whether cow's milk is possible for children, in relation to a whole and diluted product, then there can be no question of including powdered milk in the children's diet. It contains absolutely no nutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of the child's body.

Cow's milk, despite the fact that it has many useful qualities, is not welcomed by modern pediatricians in the diet of babies under three years old.

For its taste and the ability to cook various dishes on its basis, many people love and appreciate milk. However, it should not be given to children under one year old, as it does more harm than good. For babies, breast milk is the best nutritional option. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then it is better to use an adapted infant formula.

Reasons why milk is banned for children under one year old

There are many nutrients in cow's milk, but there are too many of them for the baby. His body is not designed for the load that he experiences due to the use of milk.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky clarifies:“Let's compare human milk and cow's milk. Let's look at calcium first. The amount of calcium in women's milk is 25 mg, and in cow's milk - 120 mg. Further phosphorus: in women's - 13, in cow's - 95. How much more calcium and phosphorus in cow's milk! What is the most important thing for a calf? So that his bones grow faster, so that he grows bigger faster.

Approximately 6 times more calcium and phosphorus than necessary enter the intestines of an infant. Calcium absorption is regulated in a complex way. In order for calcium to be absorbed, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormones, vitamin D, and 2 types of amino acids are needed. They regulate the amount of calcium, and calcium is absorbed as much as necessary. The rest of the calcium is directed towards the priests. Phosphorus is absorbed much more easily. No hormones, no vitamins. At least 1/3 of the amount that enters the intestine is absorbed.

It turns out that calcium is absorbed as much as necessary, and there is much more phosphorus. And the kidney is trying to quickly get rid of excess phosphorus. But the kidney of a small child cannot remove phosphorus while retaining the right amount of calcium. Therefore, a child up to a year old, drinking milk, does not receive calcium, but, on the contrary, removes it from the body. And no matter how much we give vitamin D, the child does not have enough calcium. But it's not forever. After a year, the kidney begins to mature, the possibilities of electrolyte metabolism improve, and milk ceases to be dangerous. And after three years, drink cow's milk as much as you can."

At the same time, in cow's milk is low in iron leading to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Allergist research suggests that drinking cow's milk in the first three months of life dramatically increases the chances of a child becoming allergic to milk and dairy products.

Goat milk is also banned for children under one year old.

From a year old, milk can be introduced into the children's diet, but not more than 1-2 glasses a day. Milk must be boiled before drinking. It is better to give the advantage to special baby milk.

Drink milk wisely and be healthy!

Cow's milk, despite the fact that it has many useful qualities, is not welcomed by modern pediatricians in the diet of babies under three years old.

For its taste and the ability to cook various dishes on its basis, many people love and appreciate milk. However, it should not be given to children under one year old, as it does more harm than good. For babies, breast milk is the best nutritional option. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then it is better to use an adapted infant formula.

Reasons why milk is banned for children under one year old

There are many nutrients in cow's milk, but there are too many of them for the baby. His body is not designed for the load that he experiences due to the use of milk.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky clarifies: “Let's compare human milk and cow's milk. Let's look at calcium first. The amount of calcium in women's milk is 25 mg, and in cow's milk - 120 mg. Further phosphorus: in women's - 13, in cow's - 95. How much more calcium and phosphorus in cow's milk! What is the most important thing for a calf? So that his bones grow faster, so that he grows bigger faster.

Approximately 6 times more calcium and phosphorus than necessary enter the intestines of an infant. Calcium absorption is regulated in a complex way. In order for calcium to be absorbed, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormones, vitamin D, and 2 types of amino acids are needed. They regulate the amount of calcium, and calcium is absorbed as much as necessary. The rest of the calcium is directed towards the priests. Phosphorus is absorbed much more easily. No hormones, no vitamins. At least 1/3 of the amount that enters the intestine is absorbed.

It turns out that calcium is absorbed as much as necessary, and there is much more phosphorus. And the kidney is trying to quickly get rid of excess phosphorus. But the kidney of a small child cannot remove phosphorus while retaining the right amount of calcium. Therefore, a child up to a year old, drinking milk, does not receive calcium, but, on the contrary, removes it from the body. And no matter how much we give vitamin D, the child does not have enough calcium. But it's not forever. After a year, the kidney begins to mature, the possibilities of electrolyte metabolism improve, and milk ceases to be dangerous. And after three years, drink cow's milk as much as you can."

At the same time, there is little iron in cow's milk, which threatens the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Allergist research suggests that drinking cow's milk in the first three months of life dramatically increases the chances of a child becoming allergic to milk and dairy products.

Goat milk is also banned for children under one year old. From a year old, milk can be introduced into the children's diet, but not more than 1-2 glasses a day. Milk must be boiled before drinking. It is better to give the advantage to special baby milk. Drink milk wisely and be healthy!

When compiling the diet of a small child, very often mothers, due to inexperience, do not adhere to very important rules. For example, very often a mother is afraid that her baby will remain hungry due to the small amount of milk that is produced. Sometimes the mother simply seeks to "feed" the baby, believing that this way he will grow faster. As a result, not knowing what can be given to the baby, his diet will unnecessarily be “diversified” with products that he does not need at all.

First of all, it is important to realize the following truth: if the mother breastfeeds the baby correctly, then the baby will have enough of such feeding. However not all modern mothers practice. Therefore, many inexperienced women often ask more experienced mothers whether it is possible to give cow's milk to a child, whether fermented milk products are useful for children under one year old, etc. Below we will discuss whether goat and cow's milk is useful for children of different ages and when it is worth starting to give his kids.

Should I give my baby cow's milk?

Until now, scientists are conducting various studies, trying to give a clearer answer to the question of when it is possible to give milk to a child. Understanding when to give cow's milk to a baby, and when to give goat's milk to a baby, requires a clear understanding of its health effects in infants and older children. If we analyze the research data, then attention should be paid to some important points that, to some extent, explain to children at what age it is advisable to give milk, and what kind of milk can be given to a child up to a year old.

It contains a wide variety of trace elements and macronutrients . It contains calcium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, and the amount of these elements in it is about three times greater than in the chest. And in this case, we are not talking about how cow's milk is useful for breastfeeding. After all, an excess of these elements in the body is no less harmful than their deficiency.

In infancy, the child's excretory function is not yet set up as necessary. And when too much protein and minerals enter the baby's body, the load on the imperfect excretory system and on the body as a whole increases significantly.

In addition, due to the increased work of the kidneys, more fluid is excreted from a small body than it should. As a result, the child feels thirsty, cries, and the mother again gives him cow's milk, which further aggravates his condition.

There is very little in the milk that a cow gives gland , and this type of iron is not absorbed by the child's body. As a result, the lack of this element leads to the development iron deficiency anemia . During the period of active development of the body, iron is very important for the production of and.

The lack of the necessary enzymes in the baby

The age at which cow's milk can be given to a child is also determined from the position that the baby does not have the necessary ones in the body. Such enzymes are absent until at least two years of age. That is why the baby often happens in such cases. By the way, sometimes the enzyme necessary for the digestion of milk is absent in a person throughout his life.

At the same time, during breastfeeding, the digestion process proceeds normally, since the baby’s body has the necessary enzymes for this. The baby's body easily absorbs mother's milk, while cow's amino acids are foreign to a small organism, and a very large load is required for their breakdown. Therefore, cow's milk is not so useful for babies. From what age to give it, parents need to think carefully.

Aggressive effect of protein

Casein is the protein in cow's milk. Its molecules are large, they damage the wall and intestinal mucosa. This leads not only to injury to the wall, but also to the release into the blood histamine , which provokes the development of allergic reactions. As a result, the baby can be diagnosed hemocolitis . But bleeding due to damage to the delicate walls of the intestine with regular manifestation leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the manifestation iron deficiency anemia .

If the baby will drink cow's milk constantly, then ulcers may form on the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, bleeding may occur. Therefore, the question of how many months you can give this product to children is not too correct, because it is better not to give it to a baby under a year old at all.

Increased risk of allergies

Many studies confirm that babies up to a year old develop this product quite often. So, according to the results of some studies, allergic manifestations to it in babies up to a year developed in a quarter of cases. Based on these results, nutritionists consider cow's milk to be one of the most allergenic foods. At the same time, parents should understand that if allergic manifestations are not observed immediately after taking it, this does not mean that they will not exist at all. After all, an allergy can manifest itself when a large amount of an allergen accumulates in the body. After that, unpleasant manifestations can be very violent.

It is important to note that dairy products contain less protein and lactose so they are less allergenic. Accordingly, they are introduced into the children's diet earlier.

Can a breastfeeding mother drink milk?

Interestingly, there are still disputes about this. Doctors clearly say that in the first month of a baby's life, a nursing mother should not drink it. As for the next months, there are different opinions on this matter. Some experts say that you can drink it in small portions and at the same time dilute half with tea or porridge. At the same time, milk should be introduced into the diet in small portions, carefully observing the reaction of the child.

Many other scientists argue that milk is good for mom, as it saturates her body and the baby's body with calcium, which is very important when bones form and grow.

There is also an opinion that it is this product consumed by the mother that causes colic in the child. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce more neutral sour-milk dishes into the diet.

But the interdependence of cow's milk consumption and increased lactation is nothing more than a myth. After all, the consumption of any warm liquid before feeding can give the same effect, increasing the production of mother's milk.

Many argue that goat's milk for babies is much healthier than cow's. Reviews about this are often found on the net, and in them mothers tell how to give goat's milk during breastfeeding, how porridge is prepared with goat's milk for babies, etc.

But in fact, it also contains foreign proteins, as well as casein , requiring special enzymes and energy for its absorption.

When answering the question of whether goat milk can be given to infants, it should be taken into account that it contains a large amount of fat, which is undesirable for infants. It is better not to give it to children under one year of age with a weight deficit, after two years they begin to give it gradually and very carefully. The measure must be observed for older children.

The amount of milk sugar in goat's milk is lower than in cow's. Therefore, it is often recommended to children suffering from lactase deficiency . But in this case, we are not talking about supplementary feeding during breastfeeding, but about children 2-3 years old.

The amount of microelements and vitamins in goat's milk is higher. But it is important to consider that most vitamins are destroyed already at 80C. Therefore, after pasteurization or boiling, this product is no longer so useful. If the baby drinks goat's milk, whether to boil it or not is not an easy question.

The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to boil is definitely positive when it comes to small children. After all, no matter how much parents want to provide their babies with useful substances, there is always a risk that pathogenic microorganisms will be contained in an unprocessed product. Therefore, for those who are interested in whether it is possible to boil goat's milk, it is better to do it anyway.

In goat, the amount of phosphorus and calcium is higher than in cow. However, for those who believe that goat's milk for children is ideal for prevention, there is something else to consider. The fact is that calcium is practically not absorbed by the body without. But phosphorus, on the contrary, is absorbed very easily and quickly. To remove the excess mineral, the baby's kidneys work with increased stress. This increases the risk of development. But after the child reaches the age of 3, this product really helps to strengthen the skeletal system, provided that the baby drinks it in moderation. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how to drink goat's milk properly.

Should I give goat's milk to babies under one year old?

Many mothers, in spite of everything, are interested in: is it possible to introduce goat milk for babies as early as possible, at what age should this be done? However, in this case, you need to be conscious and listen to the recommendations of specialists, and not ask the question of how many months you can give your baby goat's milk, to the same inexperienced mothers.

Indeed, in this product, as mentioned above, there are a lot of minerals, casein proteins, a large amount triglycerides . As a result, it is absorbed by the body very poorly, which is confirmed by lumps in the child's feces.

Based on all these factors, we draw an unambiguous conclusion: children should not be given goat's milk until two years old, and, as many people think, it is not a suitable alternative to cow's milk. But after the child reaches 2 years of age, provided that he is not allergic to cow's milk, goat and sour-milk products from it, you can try to introduce it into the diet.

If a child is fed this product, over time he may develop anemia . Megaloblastic anemia is possible if the baby is fed exclusively with milk, as a result of which there is a lack of blood-forming vitamins in the body. The number is gradually decreasing hemoglobin changing size and shape erythrocytes , and the functioning of all organs is disrupted.

But the answer to the question whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have goat's milk is similar to the recommendations for cow's. It is not necessary to introduce it immediately after the birth of the child, it must be done gradually, monitoring the condition of the baby.

Of course, if the child has grown up, and he is already 4-5 years old, he can be given goat and cow milk in reasonable quantities. Of course, provided that the baby has never had an allergic appearance to it. But still, the dose of 400 g per day should not be exceeded.

But if the baby is only a year old, then it is too early to practice the introduction of this product into the diet. And even at two years old, when the necessary enzymes are already in the body, you should not immediately give milk to babies in glasses. After all, the most important rule is that everything must be done slowly and gradually.

Moms who are wondering when milk porridge can be introduced to babies should take into account that up to two years old porridge should be made on water, with the addition of an artificial mixture or breast milk.

And if it is not recommended to introduce milk porridges for children under one year old, then closer to two years old, the child can already gradually begin to give milk porridges.

What is the best milk for babies?

In the context of discussing the harm and benefits of dairy products for children, the question arises of what kind of milk is better to buy for a child - pasteurized “store” or natural, “from a cow”.

Arguing about which baby milk is better, some experts argue that the pasteurized product completely loses all its beneficial properties. And if it has a long shelf life, then this means that the product is completely useless.

However, it is important to consider that during pasteurization, mainly pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. Indeed, for instant pasteurization, it is heated to 90 degrees, and in other modes, milk is subjected to even lower temperatures.

But drinking it raw is very dangerous, since it can contain any kind of microorganisms. In addition, an animal can be a carrier of a number of infectious diseases that are asymptomatic in it, but milk can be contagious for humans. And therefore, the consumption of a raw product is always a risk of infection, tick-borne encephalitis , brucellosis etc. Therefore, it is necessary to boil raw milk.

However, pasteurized also should not be considered completely safe and healthy. In some regions, animals are given to protect against epidemics, which subsequently enter the milk. Also, many animals are treated with antibiotics for inflammatory processes in the mammary glands that develop against the background of the use of synthetic hormones to increase productivity.

Accordingly, consuming such a product constantly, the baby receives certain doses of the antibiotic, which subsequently leads to the development of resistance to antibacterial agents. In addition, antibiotics generally negatively affect the state of the body.

Those who ask whether it is necessary to boil pasteurized milk should know that boiling is not necessary in this case. After all, antibiotics in this way "withdraw" will not succeed. And the remaining beneficial substances will be destroyed by boiling. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to boil pasteurized milk for a child is negative.

By the way, some women who practice pumping also ask if breast milk can be boiled. The answer is similar: the product will lose its beneficial properties after boiling, so it should not be boiled.

On the net, you can also find recommendations that children should be given whole milk. What it is - not everyone knows. Whole milk is a product that is not subjected to any processing, only straining after milking. However, given what whole milk means, this product should not be given to children. After all, the fat content in it is too high, and the lack of cleaning is fraught with the risk of infection with dangerous diseases.

What diseases can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of raw milk?

If milk is not boiled, then the risk of contracting many dangerous diseases increases significantly. Likely to be infected with:

  • extrapulmonary forms tuberculosis ;
  • toxic infections;
  • , provoked by a lymphotropic virus;
  • streptococcal and staphylococcal;
  • a number of severe infections brucellosis , anthrax, foot and mouth disease;
  • Q fever ;
  • arbovirus tick-borne encephalitis .

Several centuries ago, children were not fed cow's milk. If the mother could not feed the child, then she turned to the nurse for help. According to historical data, cow's milk began to be given to babies only in the eighteenth century.

However, now women do not need to practice this way of feeding. After all, there are a lot of special adapted mixtures containing exactly those substances that the baby needs. Of course, ideally, the newborn should be fully breastfed. But if for some reason this is not possible, you should choose a suitable mixture for feeding.

Potential harm of milk for adults and children

Many studies have been devoted specifically to the topic of the effect of this product on the health of children and adults. According to the results of such studies, scientists have found a link between the consumption of large amounts of dairy products and the development of certain types of cancer in men and women.

If a person eats too much dairy products, then the level of galactose in the body exceeds the potential of the enzymes that break it down. This leads to an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer among women.

Also, excessive consumption of dairy is associated with the development prostate cancer .

Scientists also refute the previously widespread thesis that milk is useful for prevention.


There are a number of other studies, based on the results of which we can draw the following conclusion: milk is good for children and adults in moderation. Any excesses in the diet are undesirable, and infants should receive either mother's milk or an adapted mixture. If mothers have questions, for example, at what age can a baby be given this or that mixture, “Theme” milk, all of them can be asked to the pediatrician.

Traditionally, milk is considered a healthy product rich in nutrients. Following the advice of the older generation, many parents try to give it to their babies as early as possible or even replace breastfeeding with them. But children's doctors around the world warn that milk is categorically not suitable for feeding young children.

Milk for children: is it possible for babies and at what age to introduce it into the diet

If a few decades ago, milk was recommended to be given to children as the main product of complementary foods, and in some cases as a complete alternative to breastfeeding, today the opinion of pediatricians has changed dramatically. World Health Organization experts warn parents that animal milk should not be given to children in the first year of life.

The best option for feeding the baby is the mother's breast. Such nutrition contains all the vitamins and substances necessary for the full development, and is also completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs. If a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby, doctors recommend switching to an adapted infant formula made from cow or goat milk.

In the manufacture of adapted mixtures from milk, an excess amount of calcium and phosphorus is removed in order to unload the kidneys. Protein molecules that are large enough are crushed for better absorption by the child's enzyme system.

Doctors draw attention to the fact that it is impossible to completely refuse the use of dairy products: infants are introduced into the diet of kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt.

The introduction of cow's or goat's milk into the diet of children under the age of twelve months does not bring any benefit. And its negative impact on the body can lead to serious health complications in the future.

When can a baby be given cow's milk - video

After a year, special baby milk can be introduced into the baby's diet, which has undergone the necessary processing, has quality certificates, and most importantly - is intended for children of this particular age. But even if the child assimilates the product well, it is strictly forbidden to give them crumbs in unlimited quantities. Children's gastroenterologists recommend using whole milk only as part of cereals, and prefer kefir or yogurt as a drink.

Whole milk can be introduced into the diet in the fourth year of life, but only if it is previously boiled or pasteurized.

How much milk per day can be given to children at different ages - table

Goat milk protein almost never causes an allergic reaction in babies. But its high fat content (much higher than cow's) does not provide for a large amount of consumption of this drink.

In the body of a newborn, special enzymes are produced that are able to quickly break down milk protein (including breast milk protein). However, as they grow older, when the baby begins to eat solid food, their number decreases. And a child who drank a fairly large amount of milk at 4–6 years old will no longer be able to do this at 11 years old: it will be difficult for the digestive system to cope with such an amount of protein. This situation is considered normal and does not require treatment.

Is it possible to give children a store-bought product

Despite the fact that store-bought milk is pasteurized, it is not adapted to the immature digestive system. That is why it is impossible to give it to children under three years old. For babies, a special baby drink is suitable:

  • it uses the highest quality milk;
  • it undergoes an ultra-pasteurization procedure, during which pathogenic bacteria are destroyed;
  • the fat content of such milk corresponds to the ability of the child's body to absorb it;
  • the risk of allergic reactions is minimized.

Baby milk from different manufacturers - photo gallery

The manufacturer recommends giving this milk to children from 8 months, but on the recommendation of pediatricians, it is better to do this after the first birthday (as part of cereals)
The package with Agusha baby milk is marked “from 8 months”, although according to the recommendations of pediatricians at this age it is still too early to introduce it. The box indicates that Tyoma baby milk can be given to children starting from 8 months, but at this time the baby’s digestive tract ready for such a product Bellakt baby milk, despite the manufacturer's recommendation, should not be introduced into the diet before a year

Benefit and harm

Dairy products are indispensable in the diet of a child: they contain a large supply of vitamins and nutrients that a growing body needs. However, the early introduction of this drink into the menu, as well as its use in large quantities, can lead to a negative reaction of the body.

The whole truth about cow's milk: Dr. Komarovsky's opinion - video

Cow's milk contains many times more calcium and phosphorus than breast milk. But due to the immaturity of the child's body, the metabolism of these substances is disturbed: phosphorus, not fully absorbed, removes calcium. It turns out that the more cow's milk a child drinks, the less the mineral necessary for growth and strengthening of bones gets to him.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that after three years there is no need to limit the amount of milk (if the child is healthy, active and has no digestive disorders). Under the same conditions, its fat content does not matter.

When milk is boiled, the vitamins contained in it are destroyed. Nevertheless, it does not cease to be useful: it is a source of calcium, phosphorus and protein.

cow or goat

Cow's milk is more popular, although doctors insist that it is goat's milk that is considered hypoallergenic and more beneficial. However, this product has a very specific smell and taste, so most children simply do not like it. If the baby does not have an allergy to cow's milk protein, as well as digestive problems, parents can be calm and continue to give it.

The benefits and harms of cow's milk - table

pros Minuses
A high content of calcium and phosphorus, which affects the strength of bones and teeth, the health of hair and skin.Strong allergen.
A large amount of protein, important for the development of the muscular system.Digestion problems are possible (hardly perceived by the body).
The content of vitamins and useful trace elements that help strengthen the immune system and give energy.A large amount of calcium and phosphorus (has an enormous burden on the kidneys, which the body of a child under 1 year old cannot cope with).
Relief of cold symptoms.Low in iron (therefore not suitable for replacing breast milk or formula).

If a baby is allergic to cow's milk, doctors recommend replacing it with goat's milk. The protein of this product practically does not cause allergies (except for children with individual sensitivity to lactose). For babies up to three years old, there are specially designed mixtures based on goat's milk. According to experts, they are considered more useful and safer.

The benefits and harms of goat milk - table

pros Minuses
The high content of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, B vitamins has a positive effect on the growing body, contributing to the harmonious physical and mental development of the child.In rare cases, it may cause an allergic reaction.
It does not cause allergies, so it can be used by children who do not perceive cow's milk protein.It has a big load on the kidneys (if you give it milk before reaching 12 months of age).
Goat milk fats are easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, so they do not cause digestive problems.
It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Benefits of goat milk - video

Where to begin

Doctors advise goat's milk to be the first to be introduced into the diet. If the baby did not like it, in no case should you force him to drink - it is better to try cow's. For children after a year, milk is introduced starting with one teaspoon. At the same time, it must be diluted with water (1 part milk and 2 parts water). During the day, it is important to observe the reaction of the child: if the baby does not bother the stomach, his stool is normal, there are no manifestations of allergies on the body, you can continue. The next it is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1. If the body perceives the new product well, further milk can be given undiluted.

Gradually, the amount of milk is increased, but you should not let your child drink more than the recommended portion. Doctors warn that the smaller the baby, the higher the load on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Preference should be given to low-fat foods (2.5-3.2%). If parents have opted for whole cow or goat milk, it should not be consumed unboiled.

How to choose

Some mothers prefer the natural whole milk that is sold on farms, others consider the pasteurized product to be the best. Pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists agree that store-bought milk is more suitable: it is specially adapted for a small organism. When choosing such a drink, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • manufacturer (better if he is well known);
  • expiration date (in a quality product, it does not exceed ten days, and under no circumstances should expired milk be given to a baby);
  • composition (without preservatives, dyes and other unsafe substances. If there is no information about the composition on the packaging at all, it is better not to buy such a product);
  • age mark;
  • fat content (it should not be higher than 3.2%, but a low-fat product is also not suitable for baby food);
  • enriched composition (some manufacturers add vitamins and trace elements to milk that a child needs at a certain age. Such a product is very useful for children).

It is impossible to buy whole milk on the market that does not have safety and quality certificates. In a fresh product, there may be bacteria that have a negative effect on the child's body. If the temperature is not observed, milk can lead to food poisoning.

After opening the package, you must strictly follow the recommendations for the time and place of storage of the product, which are indicated by the manufacturer.

Use of milk as medicine

Milk is not only a nutritious product that is good for children, but also an effective remedy for the treatment of certain diseases.

Homemade recipes with cough milk

Milk envelops the mucous membrane of the larynx, relieves inflammation, thins the mucus and promotes its excretion. Combined with certain foods (honey, onion, banana), it is a useful home remedy.

With honey and propolis tincture

If the child is more than three years old, he can prepare a healthy mixture: heat 200 ml of milk, add 1 teaspoon of honey (in the absence of allergies), mix thoroughly. This drink is recommended to drink warm before bedtime.

For children over 5 years old, a cough remedy can be prepared with the addition of propolis - no more than 1-2 drops of 20% aqueous tincture per 200 ml of milk. Take also warm at night.

Honey is not added to hot milk - in this case, all its beneficial properties disappear.

With mineral water

For this recipe, it is better to use salt water, for example, Borjomi or Essentuki: 100 ml of milk must be heated to a warm temperature, add 100 ml of mineral water to it. The resulting product is thoroughly mixed and drunk before meals three times a day. This recipe is suitable for children after three years, since sparkling water and mineral composition is not designed for a younger age.

With onion

The onion milk recipe is very effective for dry coughs, but children often do not want to drink this mixture due to the smell and peculiar taste. Therefore, this combination can be offered to a child over five years old (but you should not force him to drink). To prepare the onion, peel and cut into rings, put in a container and pour 500 ml of milk, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. The finished drink is stored in the refrigerator, and you need to take it warm before meals, one teaspoon 5-6 times a day.

with banana

Milk with a banana, unlike the recipe with onions, kids usually drink with pleasure. In addition, this sweet fruit has a low allergenicity. For 200 ml of milk, one crushed fruit is needed. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and given to the child in a warm form, dividing the cocktail into three portions. For children over three years old, you can add sugar, honey or 1 teaspoon of cocoa.

Sage and soda

You need to know that popular folk recipes with sage or soda are not suitable for treating children. Sage has a large number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to give it to babies under 5 years old, as well as with problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland, individual intolerance. Baking soda has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Milk with oats for asthma

If the child suffers from this respiratory disease, you can prepare a milk-based remedy with the addition of oats. This cereal plant contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, and it also has a good effect on asthma. For 250 g of oats, you need to take 1 liter of milk. The resulting mixture is aged in a water bath for about three hours, after which the drink must be filtered. Such milk is drunk warm half an hour before meals. The decoction is taken three times a day, and the portion is calculated depending on the age of the child.

For the fight against worms: milk with garlic and an enema

Individual reaction

Each body, especially children, reacts differently to new products. Sometimes milk can cause negative reactions.

Indigestion and constipation

Often, babies suffer from a violation of the digestive system, one of the manifestations of which is constipation: the child cannot go to the toilet, experiences pain in the intestines. Milk can strengthen the stomach and provoke a delay in defecation. More often, this effect occurs in young children, since their enzyme system cannot digest the protein. Because of this, it envelops the mucous membrane with a dense layer and prevents the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. This process, in turn, reduces peristalsis. At an older age, when the child's gastrointestinal tract is ready to drink milk, constipation may occur due to the large amount of product drunk.

Even goat's milk, which is much easier for the body to digest, can cause constipation.

To eliminate this delicate problem, first of all, you need to completely remove milk from the baby’s diet. The menu should include more fresh vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in fiber. If such a diet does not help, you will need to use medications that the doctor will recommend.


Children are more susceptible to poisoning, whose body is sensitive to the ingestion of pathogenic microbes into the gastrointestinal tract. Often such violations occur when parents buy milk from the market or other places where there is no guarantee of product quality. Non-compliance with hygiene measures during milking and improper storage are most often the cause of a malfunction in the digestive system. Store products can also be poisoned, although much less often.

In children, the symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain and spasms in the stomach and intestines;
  • diarrhea and frequent urge to defecate;
  • temperature rise.

At the first symptoms of poisoning, you need to call an ambulance: the child's body is quickly dehydrated, and intoxication is very dangerous for babies. Treatment is aimed at restoring water and electrolyte balance, destroying pathogenic bacteria and removing toxins.


The most common problem parents face when introducing milk is protein allergy. It may appear as follows:

  • skin rashes (urticaria, dermatitis, diathesis);
  • Quincke's edema (local edema of the mucous membranes and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which occurs suddenly and rapidly develops);
  • severe vomiting;
  • frequent regurgitation in infants;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach pain, colic in infants;
  • rhinitis and cough;
  • bronchial asthma (milk cannot cause disease, but with a genetic predisposition, an allergic reaction to this product becomes a trigger).

Pediatricians also recommend paying attention to the presence of lactose intolerance in parents. If it is present, it is impossible to offer milk to a child under three years old, since individual sensitivity can be inherited. This also applies to children whose mother or father suffer from diabetes. The introduction of milk at an early age can provoke the development of this disease.