Why is hcg rising slowly? Slow increase or decrease in hCG levels in the early stages

HCG does not rise during pregnancy

To confirm the onset of pregnancy, not only instrumental, but also laboratory diagnostic methods are used. One of these methods is a blood test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. The so-called hCG is a biological substance of a hormonal nature, which is produced by the female body during pregnancy.

The level of this substance indicates not only the fact of fertilization, but also the success of the pregnancy. A rapid increase in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is observed in the period from 7 to 11 weeks of gestation. After this period, the rate of increase in hCG decreases.

During the first three months of bearing a child, this biological substance affects the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone, which are necessary for the harmonious development of the child in the womb.

Some women experience a phenomenon in which there is no or reduced growth in human chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy.

Whether this condition is an indicator of pathology, and under what deviations hCG does not increase, will be discussed below.

  • 1 Analysis
  • 2 Norms


A laboratory study of blood samples for the level of chorionic gonadotropin makes it possible for gynecologists to determine pregnancy in a period when ultrasound diagnostics does not provide any information. Each gestation period is characterized by its own level of gonadotropin in the blood, therefore, a shift in indicators towards an increase or decrease will indicate the development of a particular pathology of pregnancy.

If hCG does not rise, a woman needs to take a blood and urine test. The study is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. The purpose of this laboratory study allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Exclude ectopic location of the fetus;
  • Monitor the development of pregnancy in dynamics;
  • Detect pregnancy early
  • Determine intrauterine anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • Diagnose malignant neoplasms of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • Timely determine the risk of spontaneous abortion.

In order to eliminate errors in the results of a laboratory study, a gynecologist may prescribe a second analysis for gonadotropin to a woman 7 days after the initial study. An increase in the indicators of this substance by 1.5 two times indicates a probable conception.


For women who are not in position, the normal level of this biological compound is in the range from 0 to 5 mU / ml. If the pregnancy proceeds without features, then the level of chorionic gonadotropin directly depends on its duration.

From the moment of conception to the last terms of gestation, this level increases from 25 mU/ml to 78,000 mU/ml. The statement that if hCG rises, then pregnancy develops is not always true. A rapid increase in hCG levels in the blood of a woman may indicate the development of such pathologies:

  • Bubble skid;
  • Incorrect determination of gestational age;
  • Multiple pregnancy.

Along with a pathological increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, some women experience its abnormal decrease. A similar clinical situation indicates the following deviations:

  • High risk of spontaneous interruption of gestation (miscarriage);
  • Development of the fetus outside the uterine cavity;
  • Retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • Previously incorrect determination of gestational age.

The level of hCG during a non-developing pregnancy (when it fades), as a rule, does not increase, which is of diagnostic value for physicians.

In addition, in the practice of obstetrician-gynecologists, there are situations in which the level of chorionic gonadotropin remains at the same level, provided that fertilization has occurred in the woman's body.

Most often, the reason for the lack of growth of gonadotropin in a woman is a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. The diagnosis of frozen gestation is accompanied by a number of difficulties, since the signs of this condition make themselves felt only a few weeks after the intrauterine death of the embryo.

Determining the level of hCG in a non-developing pregnancy in the early stages is a highly informative method.

If intrauterine fetal fading is suspected, laboratory diagnostics of the hCG level is performed several times, which makes it possible to study the concentration of this biological substance in dynamics.

Despite the fact that the concentration of hCG is individual for each woman, there is a certain digital run-up that corresponds to the normal options in the first trimester of gestation:

  • 2 weeks of gestation - 25-156 mU / ml;
  • 4 weeks of gestation - 1110-31500 mU / ml;
  • 6 weeks of gestation - 23100-151000 mU / ml;
  • 11 weeks of gestation - 20900-291000 mU / ml.

If the actual hCG levels are below the indicated values, then medical specialists suspect an ectopic location of the fetus or its intrauterine fading.


In clinical practice, situations are not excluded in which the child continues to develop against the background of a low level of chorionic gonadotropin.

If the fetus is in the uterine cavity and develops in accordance with the physiological norm, the woman may be prescribed hormone replacement therapy, which includes the injection of hCG.

The drugs from this group include Choriogonin, Pregnil, Profazi and Horagon.

Such therapeutic measures are necessary in order to preserve the fetus. The standard dosage of the injectable preparation is from 1000 to 3000 IU. During the entire period of hormone replacement therapy, a woman is under the close attention of medical specialists.

In order to avoid irreversible consequences, it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-correction of hCG. In order to control the level of this biological substance, a woman is recommended to register in a antenatal clinic in a timely manner. When diagnosing an ectopic or missed pregnancy, a woman is shown urgent surgical intervention.

Source: https://1ivf.info/ru/other/ne-rastet-hgch

HCG levels during pregnancy: 3 intervals

HCG (or human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that is formed during pregnancy (after 5-6 days from the moment of fertilization). The obstetrician-gynecologist monitors changes in the body of the expectant mother, based on the hCG indicator during pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) allows you to make a conclusion about the presence of pregnancy in the early stages. In cases where the use of ultrasound diagnostics in the early stages is not sufficiently informative, the hCG indicator provides the attending physician with reliable information.

The intensity of the conducted research is determined by the medical worker.

After 7-8 days from the moment of the full introduction of the embryo into the human body, direct fertilization is recorded. From this moment, hCG is produced by the tissue structure. In order to better understand what it is, it is necessary to consider the process of pregnancy in more detail.

It is best to take a blood test for hCG trusting professionals

In the first and second weeks, this hormone supports the corpus luteum. It acts as a source of progesterone and estrogen.

The natural course of pregnancy is possible only with a sufficient concentration of the mentioned hormones in the blood. Simply put, the hCG test allows you to find out how successfully the fetus is developing.

  • The production of progesterone and estrogen during the first trimester of pregnancy occurs before the formation of the natural hormonal level;
  • Chorionic gonadotropin consists of an alpha part and a beta part;
  • The norm for both indicators for each person is strictly individual, so the doctor always considers this indicator in conjunction with the rest;
  • A more accurate result is obtained by examining the beta part;
  • Test strips are used as an express assessment, but they do not allow you to say with 100% certainty whether a woman is pregnant or not;
  • The doctor can determine the high or low hCG hormone in a woman, with maximum accuracy 14 days after the start of pregnancy;
  • In urine, the hCG indicator grows more slowly than in the blood, so the analysis is repeated after a certain time.

HCG is an indicator that allows you to determine the moment of the actual beginning of the process of fetal formation. As long as ultrasound remains not a sufficiently informative diagnostic tool, hCG plays the role of the main provider of information about the health of the expectant mother.

Changes in hCG during early pregnancy

From the moment the embryo begins to form, the indicator increases by 1.5-2 times every 2-3 days. It is extremely rare at the beginning of pregnancy that the increase in dynamics significantly lags behind the above indicator. In this case, an additional examination is carried out.

Its purpose is to analyze the possible risk factors that are present in a pregnant woman. There is also the opposite option - in just 72 hours the standards are exceeded by almost 65-70%.

In such a situation, doctors do not recommend panicking. Do not try to take any medications at home to lower your HCGB levels. First, you need to conduct an examination and give tests that will help determine what “explosive” growth means.

If everything is in order, then a further increase in the indicator is as follows:

  • Once the mark of 1200 mU / ml is reached, the readings increase every 3.5-4 days;
  • The gonad grows every 4.5-5 days from the moment it reaches the mark of 6000 mU / ml;
  • Tracking growth dynamics becomes more difficult as the gestational age increases;
  • In general, we can say that the growth rate of hCG begins to decrease;
  • If several fetuses develop inside a woman, then the indicator grows several times faster than the above algorithm;
  • The ninth week of pregnancy is the time to stop the growth of the hCG indicator;
  • From that moment on, its value falls.

There is an approved dynamics of an increase in hCG in the blood, based on the time factor. In most cases, the calculation is made by the day. At the same time, doctors urge not to panic if hCG is growing quickly or slowly.

Often we are talking about natural processes. A doctor who will prescribe an examination will help to bring more clarity. As the expectant mother reaches the eighth week of pregnancy, the growth of hCG slows down.

After the specified period, the reverse process begins - a drop in the level of hCG.

HCG indicator during pregnancy: norm and deviations

Representatives of the medical community immediately focus on an important aspect. There is no universal scale that says how much hCG a person should have at a particular stage.

Within each organism, there are a large number of factors that affect this indicator to one degree or another.

In this regard, before taking a general blood test, the patient undergoes a specialized examination.

It also happens that the analysis of hCG shows the absence of this hormone in the blood. This may mean that the test was performed too early or indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

In a healthy man and woman, the amount of hCG ranges from 0 to 5. If the indicator exceeds the specified interval by 5 times, then another test is mandatory. This is done at least 72 hours after the previous analysis.

If we talk about the natural course of pregnancy, then the weekly statistics are as follows:

  • From 1 to 2 weeks from the moment of conception, the chorionic index is at the level of 25 to 156;
  • From 4 to 5 - from 1110 to 31500;
  • From 21 to 39 - from 2745 to 79280.

The study of this indicator should take place within one of the international units of measurement. We are talking about honey / ml, U / l, mIU / ml, IU / l, U / I, IU / I.

There is a generally accepted translation scale that allows you to immediately find out what the indicated value means. Speaking about the dynamics of this indicator, the doctor always focuses on the subjectivity of the obtained values.

It all depends on the time of implantation of the egg and the period of its fertilization.

We hand over the analysis: human chorionic gonadotropin, the norm during pregnancy

For most mothers, it is at around 18. In order to correctly interpret the result, the physician will remind you of the importance of choosing the right starting point. The interval is counted from the time of immediate ovulation, but not from the day of the last successful menstruation.

In addition, there are 2 other mandatory rules to follow:

  1. Expectant mothers should not try to independently determine whether their choriogonin is lowered or increased. It is not always possible to accurately form a pregnancy calendar.
  2. The statistical readings of HCG are not the ultimate truth. Each laboratory has a separate list. In this regard, human HCG is examined throughout pregnancy in the same place.

The last recommendation is extremely important. Only by following a particular research methodology and subsequent decoding can it be determined when it is necessary to artificially increase or decrease hCG. If we talk about the timing of the start of the test, then the production of the hormone begins only 14 days after the alleged conception.

Associated factors: the result of hCG during pregnancy

The dynamics of changes in the ratio of hCG to the median, called MOM, is determined by many factors. Hormonal pills, an increased or decreased hCG after a previous pregnancy, an abortion - all this provokes an increase in the indicator to the mark from 28,000 to 50,000 in just a few days.

In any case, no matter what result of a blood test for pregnancy you get, remember that only a qualified doctor can correctly decipher hCG and give the right recommendations.

The doctor must be made aware of the presence of risk factors, for example, after an abortion, it is easy to guess what value will be found.

Not so fast when it comes to the following factors:

  • Recurrence of chorionic carcinoma;
  • The decrease is noted after unsuccessful artificial implantation of the embryo;
  • A similar process may indicate a possible miscarriage;
  • HCG is elevated in the presence of oncological pathologies of the uterus and testicles;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • As doctors' reviews show, early toxicosis is one of the reasons for the change in the indicator;
  • The presence of fetal chromosomal pathology - in this case, in-depth examination helps to understand why HCG is small.

Parents should be aware that a variety of factors are capable of changing the mentioned indicator up or down. Only a doctor has sufficient experience and the necessary equipment in order to objectively assess the health of the expectant mother.

Emergencies: hCG in early pregnancy

In medical practice, there are a number of cases when it is necessary to take emergency measures. This is a direct threat to the life and health of the fetus or the mother herself. As soon as the body begins to produce several times more or less of the hormone, it is necessary to take tests.

Often, the choriotropic index changes under the influence of diabetes mellitus in any form and against the background of taking synthetic gestagens.

In both cases, it is necessary to constantly be observed by a doctor, otherwise a miscarriage cannot be avoided.

In addition to the reasons mentioned, the following can be a reason to ring all the bells:

  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • The body decided to reduce the production of the hormone by more than 50%;
  • During the first week of pregnancy, the indicator rose to 22,000, which indicates placental insufficiency;
  • A sharp decrease to 15,000 during the first week indicates the impending death of the fetus.

Doctor's advice: high levels of hCG in the early stages

The simplest explanation is that pregnancy includes several fetuses. If this is not observed, then the interval should be calculated again with the doctor. Often we are talking about the fact that the patient has a reference indicator. It cannot be considered the ultimate truth, and it should not be completely ignored either.

Only your doctor can tell you how to prepare and when you should take your hCG blood test.

There is a generally accepted technique that allows, with a minimum error, to determine the reasons for the increase in the indicator:

  • Exclude multiple pregnancy;
  • Eliminate pathological changes in systems and organs;
  • Make sure there is no toxicosis;
  • Check if the patient has a hereditary predisposition.

The result of hCG during pregnancy (video)

In medical practice, the level of hCG is used to collect reliable information about the dynamics of fetal development. The first test is carried out 14 days after the alleged fertilization. Each subsequent study is carried out in the same laboratory as the previous one. In case of a significant difference between the obtained result and the reference one, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) typically doubles every 48-72 hours during the early stages of pregnancy until levels are above 6000 mIU/mL. An increase of more than 60% after 48 hours is considered normal, but less than 53% is abnormal. Although slower growth alone does not indicate pregnancy loss, it is difficult to say about a decrease in hCG levels.

The concentration of this hormone in the blood is usually measured at intervals of 48-72 hours (2-3 days) to determine the development of pregnancy in the earliest stages. Usually these tests are carried out at a time when ultrasound cannot yet determine the viability of the fetus.

The slow rate of increase or decrease in hCG levels during the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy indicates the death of the trophoblast (cells in the outer layer of the embryo) and may indicate an ectopic or non-viable intrauterine pregnancy.

How accurate is the hCG level in determining a normal pregnancy?

The level of this hormone in the blood is a sufficient indicator to determine the viability of the fetus only until it exceeds 6000 mIU and / or until the period of 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. Later, it is already necessary to undergo an additional ultrasound examination to determine the presence. After that, there is no need to check the course of pregnancy with an analysis for hCG, as the famous American professor, MD, obstetrician-gynecologist Amos Grunebaum says.

One Canadian study in 2007 also showed that after hCG levels exceed 5000 mIU (or 5-6 weeks of pregnancy), this indicator should not be relied upon as a reliable determinant of the viability of pregnancy and in the first trimester.

Simply put, after 5-7 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound becomes the best tool for getting information about how the pregnancy is progressing and is much more accurate than hCG numbers.

Slow rise in hCG

Unlike a drop in hCG levels (when the new test result is less than the previous one), a slow rise is not so obvious about the problem.

The doctor compares changes in hCG values ​​to established expected curves, which can help him determine how the pregnancy is progressing and if further action is needed. But there are many limitations to estimating the growth rate of this hormone, and by itself, this indicator should never be used to draw conclusions - symptoms or signs of pregnancy should also be taken into account.

Reasons for the slow rise

A slow increase in hCG levels may be due to:

  • normal pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • or his .

Only a doctor can determine which of these is more likely in each individual case.

What is the lowest acceptable rate of hCG rise?

A study in 2006 showed and in 2012 confirmed that an increase of at least 35% in 48 hours could be the minimum increase in a normal early pregnancy. Therefore, assumptions about the non-viability of the embryo, even if during the first month after conception, hCG increases at a rate of less than 53% within 48 hours, cannot always be correct.

How often does hCG rise slowly in a normal pregnancy?

Although a slow increase in the hCG doubling time may be a possible sign of a miscarriage or a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, this is not always the case. According to the American Pregnancy Association, about 15% of viable pregnancies may have a slower hCG doubling time.

Decreased hCG levels

If there is not an increase, but a downward trend in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in early pregnancy, it becomes clear that the embryo is not able to develop normally. In this case, intervention options or surveillance tactics may be considered. If the hCG level drops by less than 35-50% in 48 hours (see the table below), then this may indicate the presence of a trophoblast (the outer layer of the embryo - ed.) or development. In this case, examination and intervention are necessary for the final diagnosis.

Expected minimum percentage decrease in hCG in a non-viable pregnancy:

Initial hCG level (mIU / ml) Percent down after 2 days Percent down after 4 days Percent down after 7 days
250 35% 52% 66%
500 38% 59% 74%
1000 42% 64% 79%
1500 44% 67% 82%
2000 46% 68% 83%
2500 47% 70% 84%
3000 48% 70% 85%
4000 49% 72% 86%
5000 50% 73% 87%

More about this table (click)

  • The table above shows how hCG levels should decrease in a non-viable pregnancy. These are data from a study conducted in 2014. The previous similar analysis by scientists was carried out in 2004, and there the minimum level of hCG decrease was lower, although for a period of 7 days it practically leveled off. The reason for this difference is the use of updated statistical methods and a more diverse population in a newer study.
  • The confidence interval here is 95%. That is, this means that only in 5% of women after the loss of pregnancy, the level of hCG will fall more slowly than shown in the table.
  • A slower decrease in hCG than the threshold values ​​in the table may indicate the presence of a remaining trophoblast or an ectopic pregnancy.

Why is hCG rising slowly? This is a frequently asked question among women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone produced by the embryonic organ of a woman during the period of bearing a child, it is one of the leading indicators of its presence and successful flow. Up to 7-11 weeks, its growth occurs rapidly, then slows down. In the first 3 months, chorionic gonadotropin causes the production of progesterone and estrogen - hormones necessary for the successful development of pregnancy.

Establishing the level of gonadotropin during pregnancy

An analysis of the degree of content of chorionic gonadotropin allows you to establish the presence of pregnancy at a time when an ultrasound examination cannot yet give results. Stimulation of the production of progesterone and estrogen by chorionic gonadotropin continues until the woman's embryonic organ (placenta) begins to produce and form the hormonal background on its own. HCG is made up of an alpha unit and a beta unit. Of these, the beta unit is unique in its composition, which makes it possible to use it in tests to determine pregnancy. An analysis of the amount of beta-gonadotropin in the blood makes it possible to determine the presence of pregnancy after 14 days.

A drop in the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood during pregnancy or a decrease in its growth rate indicate a spontaneous miscarriage or the development of a fetus outside the uterus.

The presence of elevated levels of gonadotropin in men, as well as non-pregnant women, is an alarming signal. At best, this is an incorrectly performed analysis, at worst, the beginning of the development of oncological tumors in the body.

Tests for hCG hormone

To determine the presence of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, a woman needs to pass urine and blood for analysis. The analysis is done in the morning and on an empty stomach. When scheduling an analysis for another time, it must be remembered that at least 5 hours must pass between the meal and the procedure.

In terms of reliability, a blood test comes first, the most inaccurate method is a pregnancy test, although it is popular among women. Why is a hormone analysis prescribed? Gynecologists do this in order to:

  • diagnose early pregnancy;
  • monitor the development of pregnancy;
  • exclude the development of the fetus outside the uterus;
  • identify pathologies in the development of the child;
  • detect fetal fading in time;
  • establish the risk of miscarriage;
  • diagnose malignant tumors.

For the diagnosis of testicular tumors, such an analysis is also prescribed for men.

Often a gynecologist asks to do a second blood test with an interval of one week in the same laboratory. This is done to accurately establish pregnancy or eliminate errors in the analysis. With an increase in the level of gonadotropin by 1.5-2 times, we can say that the woman is pregnant. If its level has not increased or decreased, then there is no pregnancy. You need to know that the norms and accuracy of determining the level of human chorionic gonadotropin are different in all laboratories.

For men, as well as women who are not in a position, the content of gonadotropin is in the range from 0 to 5 mU / ml (international units per 1 ml).

In the normal course of pregnancy, the content of gonadotropin is directly dependent on its term, from conception to the last weeks of the term, it increases from 25 mU / ml to 78,000 mU / ml. During the first trimester, the level of hCG increases several thousand times, then the sharp increase in the number of hormones stops and occurs slowly. The change in the level of gonadotropin is purely individual for each woman, there are no rigid limits. During the period of bearing a baby, there is an increase or decrease in the level of hCG.

The content of gonadotropin in the blood increases too quickly in case of:

  • incorrect determination of the term (the term is longer than expected);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • cystic drift.

HCG rises too slowly if:

  • there was an error in determining the deadline (the deadline is less than expected);
  • delay in fetal development;
  • the fetus develops outside the uterus;
  • fetal fading occurred;
  • there is a risk of miscarriage.

Are incorrect results possible?

The possibility of obtaining incorrect results in a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin is not excluded. Such conclusions are called false positive or false negative.

The first case in which there is no pregnancy, but the result is positive, is very rare.

An incorrect negative result (the analysis does not confirm a pregnancy) is possible if the rules are violated when donating blood, if the gestational age is incorrectly determined, if ovulation is late and, in exceptional circumstances, an ectopic pregnancy.

If you suspect an erroneous result in both cases, the gynecologist recommends taking the tests again.

In addition, the content of gonadotropin in the blood is affected by drugs used to treat infertility and containing this hormone (Horagon, Pregnil). Before testing, it is necessary to warn laboratory workers about taking such drugs. Other drugs do not affect the level of hCG in the blood.

Changes in hCG levels during pathological pregnancy

An increase in the amount of gonadotropin in the blood during an ectopic pregnancy is not as stable as in a normal one. In the first week, while the egg develops outside the uterus (ovary or fallopian tube), its level rises. But already from the second month there is a decrease in the amount of the hormone. Comparing the test results with the norm, it is possible to diagnose the pathological nature of pregnancy. As a rule, deviations from normal indicators are noticeable already from the middle of the third month.

There are cases when the fetus stops its development in the uterus and dies. This is a frozen pregnancy. At a very early stage, the heartbeat is not yet audible and is not determined by ultrasound. It is possible to identify pathology only by the level of gonadotropin in the blood. In most cases, fading occurs in the first 3 months. With a frozen pregnancy, the growth of the uterus continues, but the level of gonadotropin does not increase, but gradually decreases.

Pathologies also include pregnancy with two or more fetuses. The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • heredity (there was a similar case in the family of one of the parents);
  • maturation of several follicles or one, but containing several eggs;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • conception at a late age;
  • in vitro fertilization.

The level of gonadotropin when carrying two or more embryos is necessarily higher than during a normally developing pregnancy with one fetus.

Typically, hCG levels for multiple pregnancies are at least 2 times higher than the content of chorionic gonadotropin in a singleton.

Age-related changes in a woman's body, caused by the cessation of the menstrual cycle, also lead to a slow increase in human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. For women during menopause, a level of 14 mU / ml is considered the norm.

After an abortion or loss of a child as a result of a miscarriage, the level of gonadotropin remains slightly above normal for several days. After 1.5 months, it approaches the norm.

Hello Elena Viktorovna! I have a difficult situation. There was endometrial polypropylene, successfully removed and took duphaston for more than 6 months, the long-awaited delay has come. The last menstruation was 08/29/2016, 10/17/2016 passed hCG, the doctor said the result was negative and the tests did not show all this time and did not show after. I was referred to a family planning center. On 10/28/2016 I was at a reception at this center, during the examination they immediately did a transvaginal ultrasound and the doctor said don’t worry, menstruation will come now. On this day, a rash had already begun on the forehead and mainly in the temporal part of the forehead - transparent watery pimples in a large amount, and after each meal I felt very sick, but without vomiting, I already lost two kilos in ten days, then the nausea went away, and with her, the appearance of acne disappeared. But now, a week after the visit to the family planning center, there are no periods and no, I decide to drink duphaston, because before that the attending physician said that when you get pregnant, you will take it continuously for several months. The second week has passed since the last examination, and on November 11th and 12th she begins to smear, the discharge is brown, the pain sensations are slight on the lower right. On Sunday the 13th, blood bleeds like during menstruation, but only in a smaller number of times twice (but in general I have abundant and the cycle has leveled off with difaston up to 28 days, and the duration of the days themselves is 4) the next day the bleeding decreases and seems to stop , to which I sigh with relief and pray to God that everything works out and the pregnancy is preserved. 14 in the morning I see that there were brown discharges at night, I try not to heat up, I go to work. And already at work, the following also happens in the morning: I feel a splash and a splash of fluid from me - blood, I put on a gasket, I am in shock, I try not to hysteria, and within 2-3 hours, bleeding and pieces up to 4 cm in size by 1.5-2 cm , so there were about 5-6 pieces during this time and the bleeding subsided by the evening, today we can already say it doesn’t drip, but the sensations both yesterday and today in the lower abdomen are as if the muscles were in good shape after training, although there were no physical loads at all. Tomorrow I have a scheduled appointment with my doctor, as the family planning center has scheduled a lot of tests for both hormones and smears. Why didn’t I immediately run to the doctor, but would they accept me, because the pregnancy was not diagnosed? Yes, and I began to come to myself only today, before that I didn’t think anything. Q: Was you pregnant? What happened is a miscarriage? And for what reasons could not establish whether there is a pregnancy or not? Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your answer, I want to clarify the situation for myself and see what my doctor can tell me.