Do-it-yourself pencil case roll. Do-it-yourself pencil case: simple ideas on how to make a beautiful and comfortable school or make-up pencil case

In such a pencil case, not only pens with pencils will fit, but also scissors with a square.

You will need:

2 types of fabric (for the outside and for the lining);

Zipper 25 cm long or a little more;

A pair of stationery clips;



Sewing machine and thread.

Work sequence:

1. Cut out 2 pieces of each type of fabric measuring 25x16 cm each.

2. Lay one of the lining pieces face up on your work surface. Lay the zipper face up on top. From above - a detail from the main fabric inside out. Pin with pins, grabbing all layers of fabric and zipper tape, as shown in the photo.

3. Sew.

4. Lay the second piece of lining face up on your work surface. Place the parts with a partially sewn-in zipper on top, as shown in the photo. Then - a detail from the main fabric inside out. Pin the two layers of fabric and the zipper tape between them with pins.

5. Lay out a line.

6. Straighten the details and iron.

7. Run stitches along the zipper.

8. Open the zipper. Fold and chop the parts as shown in the photo. Direct the zipper towards the lining, and the allowances towards the main parts, and secure with clips.

9. Sew along the perimeter, leaving a hole, as shown in the photo above.

10. Cut off the corners, retreating a couple of millimeters from the seam.

11. Turn out the pencil case. To turn the corners well, you can use a stick.

12. Sew up the remaining hole.

13. It remains to fill the lining inside - and you're done. Finally, you can put a name tag on the clasp.

Photo and source:

2. Fabric pencil case with lining and front closure: a master class

Due to the reinforcement with interlining and a zipper in the front, such a pencil case keeps its shape well. Another plus is its capacity. If you want a smaller pencil case, resize the details and use a shorter zipper.

You will need:

2 types of fabric, main and lining (you can also use a patch of a third color to finish the zipper);

Adhesive one-sided interlining;

Zipper length 30 cm or more;

Water-soluble glue (glue stick is suitable);


Sewing machine and thread.

Work sequence:

1. Cut out the details of the pencil case. You need 1 rectangle from the main fabric measuring 30x35 cm, 1 the same rectangle from the lining fabric, 1 the same from non-woven fabric. Also - two rectangles 2.5x7.5 cm.

2. Glue the part from the main fabric with interlining.

3. Fold both small rectangles in half, as shown in the photo, inside out, and secure the folds with an iron.

4. Open the zipper halfway. Glue the rectangles to the ends of the zipper as shown in the photo.

5. Lay the line along the folds of the rectangles, as shown in the photo. Tie at the beginning and end of the stitch.

6. Now glue the rectangles as shown in the photo and cut the zipper tails on both sides.

7. Fold the lining and main fabric pieces face to face and place the zipper between them as shown in the photo. Peel off with pins.

8. Lay a line, stepping back 0.5 cm from the edge.

9. Unscrew the parts, as shown in the photo, and secure with an iron.

10. Wrap the parts, forming a pencil case, fold as shown in the photo, and pin with pins.

11. Lay a line, stepping back from the edge of 0.5 cm, and turn the pencil case inside out.

12. Sew off the seams.

13. Fold the pencil case so that about 2.5 cm remains from the zipper on top, and fix the folds with an iron.

14 . Lay the lines on the sides, stepping back from the edge of 1.5-2 cm, then trim the edges with scissors.

15. Turn the pencil case inside out, straighten the corners well. Lay the side stitches as shown in the photo.

It is difficult to do without a pencil case, if you want the satchel to be in order, the handles lay neatly. It is pleasant for a primary school student to hold in his hands a thing that reminds him of his mother at school. There is a large selection of accessories in stores, but they cost decently and do not always differ in quality. Try your hand at making a pencil case.

How to sew a pencil case with your own hands

Making a fun, beautiful school pencil case is easy, even if you don't own a sewing machine. There are a huge number of interesting ideas that not only mothers, but also girls can implement. For many crafts, you don’t even need a pattern - they have a simple manufacturing technology. You can make a pencil case using:

  • cutting materials;
  • felt;
  • old jeans;
  • tubes from paper towels;
  • patchwork;
  • Crochet.

High school students who can sew on a sewing machine can tailor an unusual cosmetic bag based on the scheme. The craft will be fastened with a lock, fixed with a contact tape or tied with a bow. To decorate the accessory use:

  • elegant braid;
  • embroidery;
  • applications;
  • buttons;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • decorative flowers, butterflies.

How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands on a sewing machine? You can, using patterns, make crafts in the form of some animal, for example, a fish or a cat, but this will require certain skills. This is within the power of mothers or high school students, and it is better to watch the video master class in advance. A very simple and unusual case can be sewn using a fabric with a funny children's pattern.

You need to start manufacturing with the selection of material. You will need 2 pieces of fabric of different colors measuring 35x35 cm. To make:

  • fold the blanks inside out;
  • Sew all sides, leaving 4 cm unsewn;
  • turn out;
  • sew the remaining space by hand;
  • iron;
  • put the workpiece smart side down;
  • fold the edge from the bottom by 15 cm;
  • pin with pins;
  • draw vertical lines with chalk on the bent part after 2.5 cm;
  • sew along the markup and edges;
  • sew on one side a double-folded tape 24 cm long;
  • roll up, tie a bow.

Do-it-yourself felt pencil case

Very original pencil cases can be made of felt. To work, you need a ruler, a clerical knife, a bar of soap. How to make a pencil case for school with your own hands without a pattern? For example, try doing something like this:

For the manufacture of:

  • take a piece of felt;
  • measure the height of the workpiece 30 cm;
  • the length will depend on the number of pencils you want to put, plus 5 cm from each edge;
  • cut out the rectangle.

Pencils will be inserted into the weave of the strips. To execute cells:

  1. draw horizontal lines with soap from above after 5 cm;
  2. draw 2 strips, stepping back from the sides by 5 cm;
  3. cut with a clerical knife horizontal lines, between two vertical ones;
  4. mark the height of the middle on one side;
  5. take an elegant braid or ribbon;
  6. fold in half and sew along the mark;
  7. insert pencils;
  8. twist into a roll;
  9. tie a bow.

Girls who own a needle can sew a pencil case for school out of felt with their own hands. Using the same technology, you can prepare a case for glasses as a gift to your grandmother. Example:

For this you need:

  • take 2 pieces of material of a different color;
  • cut one 30x6 cm in size (you can take any width);
  • the second - 20x6 cm;
  • put on top of each other;
  • sew over the edge with threads;
  • cut a large part along the radius;
  • sheathe the remaining edges with the same seam;
  • decorate with appliqué, smart button or beads.

Do-it-yourself jeans pencil case

Old jeans are in any wardrobe of a thrifty hostess. How to sew a pencil case for the school with your own hands from the remnants of this material? You can do something like this:

Prepare the fabric - a square with a side of 26 cm, a zipper 25 cm long. For manufacturing you need:

  • bend the edge of the material on the front side by 1 cm;
  • sew one side of the zipper;
  • repeat the operation for the opposite edge of the fabric;
  • turn the workpiece to the wrong side.

Following actions:

  1. fold so that the lock is located in the middle of the product, fasten with pins;
  2. sew side seams;
  3. put the product vertically so that a platform appears below;
  4. place the side seam in the middle - corners are formed on both sides;
  5. they need to be swept and stitched to form a volume;
  6. turn out.

to school with lightning

Sew to school an original pencil case that fastens with a zipper - and more than one:

For manufacturing, you will need 12 multi-colored locks, but the more you take, the larger the internal volume will be. To make this craft:

  • sew together all the zippers in sequence;
  • fold the resulting cylinder in half, measure its width - this will be the diameter of the bottom;
  • cut out two circles with this size;
  • cut with an allowance of 15 mm;
  • turn the workpiece inside out;
  • sew first one bottom, and then the other.

Try making a lined pencil case for school. If you choose elegant material, beautiful decor - you can sew a cosmetic bag using this technology:

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of lining and main fabric measuring 26x13 cm each:
  • lightning - 25 cm.

You need to sew like this:

  1. fold the main and lining material right side out;
  2. on the long side, bend 1 cm inward;
  3. iron;
  4. put a lock between the fabrics, baste;
  5. flash;
  6. repeat the operations for the other two pieces of material.

Further tailoring technology consists of the following operations:

  1. fold the main fabric with the right sides;
  2. baste, stitch from 3 sides;
  3. unzip;
  4. fold the lining in the same way, sweep;
  5. stitch, leaving 4 cm not stitched;
  6. unscrew the product through the hole;
  7. sew up the open seam by hand;
  8. put the lining inside.

Do-it-yourself fabric pencil case without a fastener

A very simple case-pouch can be sewn for a school by a girl - even without a sewing machine:

For decoration, use embroidery, appliqués, decorative flowers, buttons. To get the job done, you should:

  1. take a piece of matter measuring 30x15 cm;
  2. fold in half, wrong side out;
  3. sew 2 seams - long and short;
  4. fold over 1.5 cm;
  5. tuck the edge 0.5 cm;
  6. stitch, leaving 1 cm unsewn;
  7. turn out;
  8. stretch the string.

Video: how to make a pencil case with your own hands

A pencil case is a useful thing if you need to organize your workspace. Pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers and other necessary items are not scattered on the table and are not lost in the bag.

And school pencil cases are just as necessary for children as notebooks or a diary.

But those sold in stores are often too bulky, with ugly monotonous patterns (pencil cases for girls - with pink fairies, for boys - gloomy dark blue cars, and there are almost no alternatives!), And some of them are sometimes dangerous. - Poorly made plastic edges or a protruding tip of the fishing line can be scratched.

An attempt to buy such a necessary thing at school turns into torment. But you can sew one yourself with the help of the videos presented in this article - it will take quite a bit of time, soft fabric will never cause scratches, and the choice of its color is up to you.

How to make an original pencil case with your own hands? In this step by step photo tutorial you will see that it only takes five steps.

You will need:

- a piece of canvas (18 x 7 cm);

- three multi-colored cuts of the same fabric - you can take any, for example, linen:

  • the first of them is 18 x 4.8 cm;
  • the second - 17 x 5 cm;
  • third - 17 x 5.8 cm;

- lining fabric - 17 x 18.5 cm (if the lining is not always visible, this still does not mean that it should be boring and one-color, a good thing is beautiful from all sides);

- a piece of batting 17 x 18.5 cm;

- zipper at least 17 cm long;

- measuring tape;

- safety pins;

- sewing machine.

The finished pencil case, as in the photo, according to this instruction should turn out to be 9 x 17 cm in size. Please read all instructions carefully before you start cutting. Even a children's pencil case with their own hands cannot be sewn without careful measurements.

We make a children's pencil case for the school with our own hands: a step-by-step description

So, we begin to sew our own school pencil case for pens, pencils and other office supplies.

1. First we create the outer part - this is the most creative moment. Lay out the colored pieces of fabric and canvas next to each other - this is how your pencil case will look from the outside (see photo). Then sew along all the pieces with an open seam.

2. Place a piece of fabric next to it, intended for lining. The stitched fabric on the "outer" side should be exactly the same size as the lining. Line them up and pin them together, then sew along one side.

3. Turn the sewn fabric inside out and attach the zipper so that the clasp is on the right and the zipper itself is completely hidden by the fabric (see photo). The stripes on the fabric should be perpendicular to the zipper. Fasten with pins, and then sew on a typewriter through all three resulting layers (fabric, lining, zipper - on its “right” side, when viewed from the side of the lock).

4. "Separate" the fabric into the lining and the outer part. Bend each of them so that the free edge touches the other, unsewn edge of the zipper - respectively, on both sides. Fasten with pins, and then sew on a typewriter (all three layers again). You should get an open cylinder of fabric with a zipper.

5. Open the zipper and turn your pencil case inside out. Lay it so that there is the same amount of fabric to the right and left of the zipper, pin the open ends of this “cylinder” with pins. Overlock or zigzag on a typewriter, be sure to flash the zipper tape.

Cut off the excess part of the zipper, if there is one (the end without a lock; it is on this side, if you did everything correctly, that an extra piece of tape should remain - in the event that, of course, if it was originally longer than 17 cm).

Since the pencil case is made of fabric without any frame, it is flat and takes up exactly as much space as the things lying in it take up. But it can also be quite roomy. The perfect item for a school backpack!

Video: how to make a pencil case with your own hands

Have you always wanted to have in your portfolio things that you will not find in other comrades? You don't like it when someone has the exact same thing? Like to have original school supplies? Then these ideas are exactly what you need!

A pencil case is an irreplaceable thing not only at school or college. Pencil cases are also used by adults at work. If you want to pick up a pencil case in the store to your taste and color, but, unfortunately, this was not the case. Then make it yourself!

In this article, we will offer you several options for creating a pencil case with your own hands with a detailed description and instructions. You don't even have to overpay, because you will have almost all the materials at hand! A thing made with your own hands will always delight you, you will definitely be proud of yourself, because the result will pleasantly surprise you. So let's get started!

Cylinder-case from toilet bushings

Toilet roll case? Do not be surprised, because the materials are not important to us. The result will be an original pencil case, which will not give out for anything what it is actually made of. For this pencil case you will need:

  • 2 toilet sleeves,
  • the cloth,
  • zip lock,
  • scissors,
  • needle and thread,
  • stationery knife.


  • Prepare the bushings. We cut one sleeve neatly and evenly in half.
  • Attach the second cut off part of the sleeve for now with tape.
  • We circle the bottom of the future pencil case. The bottom of the pencil case should be made of durable cardboard. There should be two cardboard circles.
  • We do the exact same action on the fabric that you want to choose. It can be absolutely anything. There should also be two fabric circles.
  • Now we take our cylinder and wrap it in fabric with the front side inward, making reserves around the edges.
  • Mark on the fabric where the two sleeves will join. It is in this place that you need to carefully sew a zipper.
  • Mark the line where you will need to sew the fabric and start sewing the case for the pencil case
  • Then unscrew the cover, take the cylinder and separate from it the part of the cylinder glued with adhesive tape, which will be the cover. Sew a zipper to the lid so that when you open it, it freely leans back and easily closes the future pencil case.
  • Now sew 2 cardboard circles to the pencil case, to which fabric circles are already sewn in advance.
  • Remove the cover again, turn it right side out and you can put it back on, enjoying the result. The original cylindrical pencil case is ready!

You can glue the cover to the pencil case. So the fabric will not go anywhere.

Delicate felt pencil case

This is a truly original pencil case that will appeal to delicate natures. The pencil case is made of felt, thanks to which it is pleasant to touch it. And the way to store school supplies here is very different from ordinary pencil cases.

For a felt pencil case you will need:

  • felt fabric,
  • silk Ribbon,
  • scissors,
  • hot glue.

Cut out a rectangular piece of felt. The required size is determined by the height of your accessories. To do this, it will be enough to lay them out on the fabric. Apply hot glue between the laid out accessories. Keep in mind that you need to leave a margin for each item. Fold the bottom of the fabric over so it looks like you've covered your school supplies with a blanket. Now take out the accessories and decorate the future pencil case with silk ribbon, also gluing it with hot glue.

Then turn the pencil case over and stick a long silk ribbon with which we will tie our pencil case. Our cute pencil case is ready! Put all the accessories back into the pencil case, waiting for the glue to dry completely. Wrap the pencil case in a tube and tie it in a bow.

For such a pencil case, you can pick up felt of different colors, you can decorate it not only with silk ribbon, but also with braid, buttons and other decorations.

Pencil case in a notebook

This simple tip is for those who don't want to carry a pencil case with them. This method is great for students!

For this handy trick, you'll need:

  • ring notebook,
  • elastic,
  • hot glue.


  • Open your notebook. We will place the pencil case on a hard cover.
  • Now think about what supplies you will take with you. Cut elastic bands to fit the width of your accessories.
  • Glue the elastic to the cover.

To keep the accessories firmly in the rubber bands, stretch them, and then glue.

  • Now you can put each accessory in its place.

Here is a tricky way to simplify your study days. Now you have more space in your bag.

Original zipper case

You definitely haven’t seen such a pencil case with your comrades, and it’s unlikely to be found in a store. First of all, surprise yourself with such an unusual result and be sure that your surroundings will notice and appreciate your unique pencil case.

For such an original pencil case you will need:

  • zippers of different colors of the same size,
  • thread and needle,
  • scissors.


  • Lay out all the zippers on the table.

Arrange the zippers so that the colors do not repeat. So the pencil case will turn out more colorful and unique.

  • Now sew all the zippers together so that you get a single piece of fabric with zippers.
  • Now turn the zippers right side down and sew the edges together to form a barrel.
  • Now from this barrel we will make a beautiful and colorful candy. To do this, open at least one zipper so that you can turn the pencil case inside out.
  • Now we sew the pencil case on the sides and turn it inside out. Our original, colorful and very beautiful pencil case is ready!

As you can see, making such an original, beautiful and unusual pencil case turned out to be easy! Such a pencil case will fit as a pencil case. Absolutely anyone will be happy with such a pencil case!

Pencil case in your favorite fabric

Surely everyone has any blouse, T-shirt, napkin. Well, what if, due to some unpleasant incident, your favorite thing has deteriorated, for example, you burned it and put an indelible stain on it. Of course, it will be a pity to throw away your favorite thing. You have a chance to breathe new life into it and turn it into another useful thing. We suggest you make a pencil case that you will take with you every day, and your favorite thing will remain in your memory and will always delight you.

Sewing a pencil case out of fabric is very simple. For this you will need:

  • facial fabric (your favorite),
  • plain fabric for lining,
  • zip lock,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle,
  • pins.


  • Prepare two fabric flaps: for the front of your favorite fabric and for the lining.
  • Sew a zipper between these two fabrics. Don't forget to turn the fabric right side down towards each other. We do this procedure with two sides of the zipper.
  • Now you definitely need to open the zipper, otherwise you will not be able to turn out the pencil case. Now you need to join the two sides by carefully stitching them with a machine stitch.
  • We twist. Our pencil case is ready!

Here's another idea for you and another proof that sometimes you don't need to overpay even for things like a pencil case, when you can make it for free, in just half an hour!

You can diversify this idea using different fabrics. You can even sew a pencil case using the patchwork technique. Nobody will have such a pencil case!

An original and reliable pencil case from an unnecessary disk box

The name itself already sounds quite tempting. Indeed, if you have an unnecessary disk box lying around, then why not try to implement this idea and make such a pencil case? A very interesting idea too!

So, for such an unusual pencil case you will need:

  • disc box,
  • piece of fabric
  • wide band,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle.


  • We cut out a rectangle from the fabric, which will be equal to the width of the right side of the box from the disk. We cut off the elastic band of the same width.
  • The cut off elastic must be sewn in the middle to a rectangle of fabric. This design will hold our pencils in the pencil case.
  • Then, on the elastic itself, we mark the cases according to the size of our accessories. After, according to our marks, we begin to sew the elastic to the fabric so that we finally have pockets.
  • Now this design can be safely glued to the right side of the box.

To make it less boring inside such a pencil case, you can put a white sheet of paper on the left side. There are just special fasteners. On this sheet, you can paint pens or leave various notes for yourself. You can also decorate the outside of the box with your own design.

Velvet pencil case from the box

Everyone will definitely find unnecessary boxes. No penalty? Use the box, and you won't have to overpay at all! Making such a pencil case is easy!

For this idea you will need:

  • rectangular box that holds school supplies,
  • decorative velvet or velvet paper, velvet fabric,
  • scissors,
  • glue.


  • Wrap your box in fabric and measure the cut lines. If there is no fabric, then you can use cardboard with a velvet surface.
  • Cut off the required amount of fabric, and then glue it onto the box.

That's all! Two easy points and an exquisite pencil case is ready!

If you already have a velvet box, for example, from jewelry, then you don’t need to do anything, just take out the excess and that’s it. And if you don’t have velvet, then you can use felt. It is as soft as velvet. And if there is no felt, then any other fabric will do. Special fabrics for decorative works on an adhesive basis are sold. Very convenient and efficient!

Leather pencil case: stylish and original

If you are a creative person and do not want to use ordinary and boring pencil cases, then this idea is definitely for you!

For a leather pencil case you will need:

  • rectangular piece of leather
  • stationery knife,
  • ruler,
  • braid or silk fabric.


  • First of all, we measure the required size of the leather flap. It should be cut evenly and neatly into a rectangular or square shape.
  • With a clerical knife we ​​make vertical and horizontal cuts in a checkerboard pattern. To make the cuts even and neat, be sure to use a ruler.
  • On top of the flap in the middle, we sew two strips of braid or silk fabric.
  • We pierce our pens and pencils into the holes, wrap and tie the pencil case into a bow. Our original and very interesting leather pencil case is ready!

To make the pencil case look prettier, use a wide braid or ribbon to make the bow voluminous. There is no need to overload the pencil case with various decorations. Braid is enough, because leather is a rather strict and elegant material. You can use leather of different colors if you wish.

Interesting and funny pencil case in the form of a cat

Do you really like cute things? Do you want cute little things to please you in the classroom? Then this pencil case should definitely be created by those who love cute things like a cat pencil case. Perhaps you just love cats, but there was no pencil case in the store in the form of a cute cat. Do not be upset, because such a cute pencil case can be made with your own hands!

To make this cute cat pencil case you will need:

  • the cloth,
  • scissors,
  • needle and thread,
  • zipper for lock.


  • First you need to prepare blanks. These are ears, nose, body and so on. See sample.
  • Then we mark these blanks on the fabric and cut them out.

To make the pencil case look original and interesting in a toga, combine different fabrics in color.

  • Sew a zipper between the body parts. Do not forget that we turn the fabric face down.
  • Now we sew the details of the cat's muzzle, we sew the ears to the muzzle.

For simplicity, you need to attach the ears immediately when you start sewing on the muzzle. This will make it easier and faster.

  • Now you can turn the pencil case inside out and add a nose, eyes and antennae to the cat.

You can use unnecessary buttons as eyes for your cat, and you can simply draw the antennae with a black felt-tip pen.

Here we have such a cute and charming pencil case in the form of a cat! In fact, if you try, you can make pencil cases in the form of different animals, for example, in the form of a dog, mouse, snake, panda and other animals! Then the pencil cases can be changed every day and surprise others, and most importantly, please yourself.

Denim pencil case with pockets

It doesn't matter what season it is in the yard, but we wear jeans all year round. Although a lot of time has passed since the creation of the first denim trousers, jeans are still in trend and are simply indispensable in a modern wardrobe. No matter how sad it is, jeans wear out quickly, and sometimes it’s a pity to throw them away. This is where thoughts come to mind about what can be made from denim. In this article, we get acquainted with the ideas of creating a pencil case with our own hands, so jeans will be very useful here.

To create a denim pencil case you will need:

  • unwanted jeans,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle or sewing machine
  • braid or any fabric tape,
  • optional extra fabric for the inside of the pencil case.


  • First, measure out the required size of a denim patch so that all your pens and pencils can fit in it. We choose the length more at the flap, since we will bend the lower part of the fabric.
  • Then place the fold over the bottom of the fabric. It is this part that will be the pocket for pencils. You can immediately lay out all the pencils in the flap, or you can make markings and start stitching the compartments for each pencil.
  • Sew two fabric ribbons on the side.
  • Place all of your pencils in each compartment, wrap your denim pencil case in a tube, and tie the ribbons into a bow.

So that the front side of the denim is not visible inside the pencil case, any fabric can be sewn on before marking the pencil compartments. It will be even more beautiful and original.

Here is such an interesting, and most importantly, useful pencil case made from old denim trousers. This pencil case looks stylish and fashionable!

Summing up

Here are some interesting ones we have collected for you in this article. Now you can choose for yourself the most suitable method and idea for creating a pencil case with your own hands. As you can see, the material is not so important, because the main thing is the result!

Now you know some interesting ideas and ways to update your school supplies, make them original and unusual. In stores, sometimes there is no such pencil case that you liked at first sight. If you are faced with such a problem, feel free to start creating your pencil case.

In addition, a hand-made thing will please you more than a thing bought in a store. And if you feel sorry for parting with your favorite things, then you can give them a second life and make something new and really useful out of them!

"School supplies" - parents know how relevant this topic is not only at the beginning of the school year, but throughout the year. This is especially true for younger students. Pens, notebooks, pencils, pencil cases - all this is often lost in children, breaks and becomes unusable. How to sew a pencil case with your own hands in such a way as to surprise and please your child - we know the answer to this question. We hope that you will choose from several product options - the most interesting and fashionable.

It is not difficult to sew a pencil case with your own hands, you can take any material - coarse calico, velveteen, satin, felt, felt, denim, and so on. Even bright socks will do - you can make a cool pencil case Cat out of them. Pencil cases must have a lining, and some have a synthetic winterizer or interlining.

The second option is a product with an Owl application. The third interesting stationery pencil case is. You will find the fourth pencil case Bunny at the end of this article.

The quickest and most budget-friendly option for a school pencil case is a cool pencil case made from brightly colored socks. The brighter you take the socks, the more interesting the pencil case will turn out. You can make such an interesting little thing with hot glue or a needle and thread. If you decide that you will sew the pencil case, and not glue it, this will certainly be a more reliable option than glue. The pencil case pattern here is very simple: from one sock we make the pencil case itself, and from the other - the Cat's head, paws, ears and tail.

For work you will need:

  1. Terry or fleece socks (it is better to take an adult size).
  2. Zipper 20 cm.
  3. A piece of fabric for lining - length - 21 cm, width - 20 cm.
  4. Glue gun or thread with a needle (optional).
  5. Ribbon for a bow.
  6. Ruler, scissors.
  7. Sintepon or cotton wool for stuffing small parts.

First of all, we make a stitched lining for the Cat. To do this, we bend a piece of fabric prepared for lining in half. Estimating the length: sets of pens and pencils should be shorter than the length of the lining.

Then glue with hot glue or sew the zipper to the lining. The zipper looks up.

We take the ends of the thread and tighten them harder into a knot. Unzip the zipper and set aside the lining. Let's do the cutting.

We begin to cut the pencil case. We take a ruler, apply it to the beginning of the sock, measure 20 cm and cut it off, as in the photo. The bottom of the sock will go to the pencil case itself, and the top to the paws.

Then we cut 18 cm without cutting to the end. Next, we will connect the lining with the main part of the pencil case for the school.

We lay out the finished lining inside the main part. Sew or glue, connecting the lining and the main part.

The cut edge must be collected by hand and tighten the thread, tying a knot. In this place will be the head of the Cat.

Next, we make patterns for the head, paws, ears and tail. To do this, you need to take a ruler, measure 9 cm from the second toe and cut it off. This will be the head. Next, we need to cut off 4 more 9/9 cm rectangles - these are the paws, 1 10/9 cm rectangle is the tail, and 4 triangles with a base of 5 cm are the ears of the Cat.

We stuff the Cat's head with padding polyester, cotton wool, or just finely chopped scraps of fabric. We sew 4 paws along, slightly rounding at the end, on the wrong side. We twist on the face. The raw edges are carefully pulled together and sewn together.

We also make out the head: we tighten, sew and make out the muzzle - we sew on buttons, beads or pieces of felt instead of eyes. We embroider mustaches with threads.

Then we glue or sew the front and hind legs to the main part. We sew the details of the ears, sew to the head.

Only after that we sew or glue the Cat's head to his body. That's all, the sewn pencil case is ready. It remains only to tie a ribbon around the cat's neck.

We sew a pencil case with one compartment and with appliqué. This master class is more serious and more difficult than the previous one. However, if desired, in one or two evenings it is quite possible to master this interesting work. Transfer the Owl pattern to paper, and then to the fabric. We will sew a pencil case according to a simple pattern, all the required sizes will be indicated. In this work, for the desired volume, it is desirable to use a synthetic winterizer.

If you don’t have a padding polyester, it’s okay, buy viscose napkins at the hardware store, they may well replace the padding polyester.

For work you will need:

  1. Main fabric - 2 pieces of blue color - 26/8 cm, 1 piece of blue color - 26/10 cm.
  2. Sintepon or napkin - 27/27 cm.
  3. Lining - 27/27 cm.
  4. For finishing strips from the main fabric: 2 pcs. - 13/3 cm., 2 pcs. - 6/10 cm.
  5. Patches for application.
  6. Scissors, needle, thread.
  7. Sewing machine (optional).
  8. 2 buttons for the eyes.
  9. Ruler, pencil.
  10. Lightning - not less than 28 cm (iron slider is desirable)

Let's start with patterns: cut the fabric according to the indicated dimensions. We got 3 strips: 26/8 cm, 26/10 cm, 26/8 cm. We must sew them, folding them with the right sides inward.

After that, take a ruler and a pencil and draw the same squares on the fabric. Next, we cut out the parts of the application, according to the pattern.

It is better to take a brighter material for Owl applique: this way the owl will not merge with the main fabric.

We apply the synthetic winterizer to the main part and quilt the main part of the product by machine or manually.

From above we adjust the application, sew on the buttons-eyes.

After we quilted the main fabric and synthetic winterizer, we got this blank. Next, we apply the zipper to the edge of the long side, we cut it off with pins, we put the lining on top, we cut it off.

And we grind this “pie”, stepping back from the edge by 0.8 mm-1 cm.

This is how we begin to connect all 3 fabrics and the zipper.

We turn the blank on the front and sew the finishing line 0.3 mm. from the seam.

Then we take our blank and fold it in half so that one half of the lightning meets the other half. We put a lining on top, we chop off with pins.

And sew, stepping back from the edge of 1 cm.

We cut out 2 "tongues" 6/10 cm for decoration. We grind them along the length, turn them out and insert them into the middle from one side and the other. The “tail” should stick out by 1 cm. We chip with pins.

To decorate the seams, we take 4 facings 13/3 cm cut out by us. We put it on the side and sew it on 1 cm.

Turn over to the other side, bend the free edge of the facing and sew a seam into a seam. They took a ruler and a pencil, marked from the corners 2 and 2 cm, drew a square. We draw a square on all 4 corners of the pencil case. We must connect these corners, giving the product volume.

Sew all 4 corners of the product, cut off excess material, decorate with the remaining two facings. Turn out on the face. Here is such a case in the form of a pencil case should turn out in the end.

On the video: how to sew a pencil case. You can look in more detail if something is not clear in the master class.