Memo "How to teach a child to distinguish colors" for teachers and parents. Early Development: When and How to Start Teaching Colors with a Child Methodology for Teaching Color to Children 2 3 Years Old

Many things that seem elementary to us are comprehended with some effort at a young age, whether it is the first uncertain step or the recognition of colors. No one remembers how this "science" was taught. We seem to have always known that the grass is green, the skies are blue, and the sun is yellow.

However, a child who learns the surrounding reality practically from scratch must somehow remember and realize this. And if some parents rely on the natural course of child development in this problem, others are constantly thinking about how to teach a child to distinguish colors.

Both of them will like simple techniques, techniques, exercises that develop color perception.

Having been born, the child sees the world around him in black and white, perceiving only contrasting lighting - dark or light in the room. Thus, the newborn accurately determines whether it is morning or late evening.

By about three months, the baby begins to perceive bright colors. And the palm here belongs to the red and yellow colors.

A little later, the baby discovers blue and green tones, and by six months, the crumbs are already able to recognize all the main colors of the spectrum, of course, without “impurities” and halftones.

A full-fledged color perception is formed in children up to 7-8 years of age.

It turns out that in the question of interest to us, how to teach a child to distinguish colors, a certain inaccuracy is hidden.

The baby can already do this almost from birth. Therefore, rather, parents need to develop in their children the ability to consciously highlight a particular shade, combine objects by color, and correctly name the desired color.

Why is it so important to develop color perception in children? The need to learn these concepts is not to get ahead of the development of peers. Color, along with the shape and size of objects, are considered to be a kind of standards for the child, on which other useful knowledge is superimposed. And the more information you need, the better your further education will be.

Now that you know how color perception is formed in children of the first year of life, it is necessary to move on to the basic rules for teaching a baby to recognize and name the main tones and shades.

  1. Start learning from an early age. No need to think that a small child cannot remember something if he does not yet know how to talk. To ensure that the information is securely deposited in his head, communicate with the baby during the game, explaining and naming the color of his favorite rattle, train or ball.
  2. "Humanize" classes. If human perception is impartial, then memory much better remembers and retains those images, ideas and facts that are generously “seasoned” with emotions. Why don't you use this memorization feature? Start exploring shades with your favorite childhood toys, fruits and vegetables.
  3. Put it into practice. The child can (and should) apply the acquired knowledge in real life. If you have studied yellow, invite your child to take a yellow apple from the basket. When going for a walk, ask him to bring yellow panties. On the street, you can see yellow flowers or yellow leaves.
  4. Share knowledge with others. The kid needs to be encouraged to tell loved ones about the knowledge gained and new information. Let's say you studied the color red. Invite the baby to call her grandmother and tell about her successes. Or at a personal meeting, let the proud "student" bring her a red towel.
  5. Separate words. No need to say the same thing every time - “blue ball”. For the baby, due to the specifics of thinking, these two words merge and become one “blue ball”. His perception does not yet allow to separate objects and their properties. Therefore, it would be better to say this: “This is a ball. He is blue. And this is a machine. She's also blue.
  6. Don't caress the words. The kid cannot yet correctly assess the correctness of phrases and concepts, so there is no need to mislead him by using diminutive epithets in speech. Blue, yellow and green shades are absolutely not suitable for studying colors.
  7. Do not distort the names of shades. Do not confuse children's perception, calling the blue tone blue, and burgundy or crimson - red. A child older than a year can already distinguish colors in almost the same way as adults. And he does not understand at all why mom applies the same word to different shades. And so that there is no confusion, at the beginning of the educational process, select game accessories that, without any ado, could be called red or blue.

If you are wondering how to teach a child to distinguish colors, then do not forget to remember the features of an early age. Classes with the child should be regular, but at the same time they must be carried out in an unobtrusive manner.

It is important to do without moralizing and turn learning into an exciting game.

5 basic tricks

There are a lot of methods for studying colors, but all of them can be reduced to a few simple tricks. Children's perception allows you to master the six basic colors (red, yellow, blue, green, white and black) as early as 3 years.

  1. informality. This technique does not involve purposeful classes, that is, training can take place in the course of everyday communication. For example, after showing your child what yellow looks like, ask him to count the number of yellow cars that will pass on the road.
  2. Creation. Provide the baby with the necessary materials for creative activity - paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, colored paper or plasticine. After asking the child to choose the color he likes, tell us more about this shade. Then draw together a green balloon, which, unfortunately, will not fly into the sky without a string of the corresponding color. Let the kid himself finish the green thread.
  3. Game activity. Color perception can be trained with the help of various educational toys that help to remember the shade, shapes and sizes. Purchase in specialized children's departments game accessories suitable for your baby - pyramids, mosaics, cubes, coloring books, designers.
  4. Story game. Offer to play in the garage, where the kid can become a truck driver who collects only green cubes and takes them to the “base”. Or try to play "Shop", in which case the child will have to sort vegetables and fruits by color.
  5. Books. Special colorful pictures placed in children's books attract children's attention and develop color perception. The authors of popular books are Olesya Zhukova and Maria Tumanovskaya. Classes in such manuals help to quickly develop fine motor skills and explore the color palette. Zhukova offers to draw with fingers directly on the pages of the book, and Tumanovskaya invites children to study color in parallel with understanding shape and size (for example, M.P. Tumanovskaya, N.A. Tkachenko “Learn counting, color and shape”).

You do not have to use only one of these techniques, they can and should be used in parallel to quickly teach your baby to recognize and name shades. However, do not forget that each toddler is a bright personality that develops at its own pace.

Basic Color Recognition Games

How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Naturally, in the gameplay. The kid loves to play at the age of two and at the age of five, so take advantage of his interest and feel free to start classes. We list only the main games:

  • "Find a color." A big plus is that you do not need to purchase any gaming accessories. If the baby does not name colors yet, offer to look for objects of a certain shade according to the sample.
  • "Sort out." Multi-colored buttons or beads will come in handy. Have your child put the big red buttons in one box and the small red buttons in another. If the beads are the same color, but different shades, ask the baby to lay out in a “shade” row. Just stay close!
  • "Find the mistake." Remove the caps from the felt-tip pens and invite the child to return the “caps” to their place. At a certain point in the game, put the wrong cap on the felt-tip pen so that the baby corrects you.
  • « The fourth extra." Pick up 3 red cards and 1 green. Ask the child to remove the item that seems superfluous to him.
  • "Beads". Cut out circles of different colors from colored cardboard and lay them out on a "thread" that you can draw on a piece of paper. Then invite your child to make exactly the same beads according to your pattern.
  • "Boxes". It is necessary to paste over two small boxes with colored paper, for example, green and blue. Ask your child to put cars and balls of the right color into boxes.
  • "Pyramid". Get a plastic or wooden pyramid with bright rings and invite your child to assemble it according to the size. If the baby is 3-4 years old, ask to pronounce the color of the ring, stringing it on the rod.
  • "Constructor". Play a special game with your child - sorting parts by shade. For example, a house can be red, trees can be made up of green and brown parts, yellow ones are suitable for building a road.
  • "Cards". This method resembles the Doman development system. Prepare several cards from colored cardboard. Demonstrate certain colors to the baby and clearly pronounce their names. By the way, this game can be played already in infancy.
  • "Mosaic". For the baby, you can purchase a special soft mosaic with large details. The child, collecting certain patterns, not only distinguishes the colors of the parts, but also develops fine motor skills at the same time.
  • "Butterflies". You will again need colored cardboard. Cut out three or four flowers and the same number of butterflies. The flowers must be laid out on the table (clearing), and give the “insects” to the baby. Let him plant a blue butterfly on a blue flower, etc. Then you can make the task more difficult by landing a green butterfly on a red flower.
  • "Rainbow". Draw seven rainbow stripes on paper. On the appropriate strip, the child will stick small objects of the appropriate color (paper leaves, buttons, fabric flaps).

Educational standards say that a three-year-old child should already recognize and name six primary colors. It is necessary to strive for these norms, but without much fanaticism.

It is important to teach the child during the game, while commenting on their own actions and finish the lesson when the baby starts to get tired or lose interest. These tips will help you teach your baby to navigate our colorful world.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

In this section, you will find guides and cards for learning colors with your baby, starting at two years old.

Poems about colors with pictures

Puzzle cards "Learning colors"

Print the puzzles, cut into 4 parts. Invite your child to assemble puzzles to make a rectangle of the same color.

Visual cards "Learn to mix colors"

First encounter with color

First of all, the child must memorize the primary colors: red, yellow, blue and green. It is necessary to teach the baby to distinguish colors consistently and gradually.

Red color

Find red items

Look at the pictures with your child. Name them. Slowly find red items in the pictures. Then, together with the child, look for red objects around: at home, on the street. And only when the baby will clearly find and name objects of red color, you can move on to yellow.


Learning to distinguish red and yellow colors

Ask the child to show an object of a certain color in the pictures, for example: - Show a red pencil. Now show the yellow pencil, etc. Explain to the baby why the chicken is drawn only in yellow.

Green color

Learning to distinguish red, yellow and green colors

Ask the child: “Show me what is red in the picture? Find what's green. Choose what's yellow." Offer your child a more difficult version of the game. Pointing to the picture, ask: “What tomato? What is a pear? ”, Encouraging the child to pronounce the names of flowers.

Blue colour

Learning to distinguish between green and blue colors

Ask the child: “Show me what is blue. Find everything green.

Learning to distinguish between red, yellow, green and blue colors

Ask the child: “Point and name what is red. What is blue? What's green? What is yellow? Tell me what color the cube is. What color is the scoop?

Sort into boxes

Look at the pictures with your child. Ask to find red, green, blue and yellow boxes. Draw the child's attention to the objects in the frame. They need to be put away. Ask the kid: “Where do you think we will put the bow?” If the child shows correctly (red bow in a red box), take a pencil and connect the bow and box together with a line. If the task causes difficulty, show the baby a bow and ask: “Where is the same box?”

Choose clothes for dolls

Tell the child, "Let's help the dolls get dressed." Draw the baby's attention to the doll with the red bow and ask: "What coat do you think this doll will wear?" Connect the doll and coat of the corresponding color with a pencil. Thus, "put on" coats, boots and hats for all dolls.

By the first 2 - 3 months of life, a child begins to distinguish red. This is due to the fact that cones (special elements of the retina of the eye) that are sensitive to the long-wavelength part of the light spectrum are the first to start working.

At 1 year old, a baby can distinguish 3 simple colors - red, yellow, blue and 1 complex - green. However, it is still difficult to check what exactly a one-year-old peanut sees. In each case, everything depends on the development of speech and thinking.

It is actively worth starting to study colors with a 1-year-old baby, but children can remember and distinguish only from 2 to 3 years old, when an active cognitive interest appears.

How to teach a child to distinguish colors?

There are many ways to teach a child about colors.

  • for kids 2 years and younger, the lesson should be carried out unobtrusively, in a playful way, stopping at the first sign of fatigue, switching attention. It is worth using for training objects that have one or another required color;
  • at 3 years old, when interest in fairy tales awakens, and vocabulary and spatial thinking grows, it is worth reading and telling stories, poems and works, dwelling on the description, trying not to deviate from the main plot. For example: the dress on the princess was pink, a green Christmas tree grew near the house, the wind dispelled the blue cloud;
  • at 4 years old, try to have the child tell something and try to describe it in a specific color. To do this, ask him leading questions.

6 ways to learn colors with a child

Method number 1."Awakening Creativity"

We learn to distinguish colors with the help of paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens and pencils. You can start training in 1 - 2 years. The paint must be non-toxic and wash well.

In babies, freshly squeezed beet or berry juice can be used as a dye. It is safe, but stains from it are difficult to remove.

Initially, the parent will have to draw.

  • clearly and clearly pronounce what color you draw;
  • allow the child to draw a couple of lines or completely paint over a sheet of paper;
  • make sure that the child does not eat paints, felt-tip pens or pencils;
  • do not start learning the next color until the baby begins to confidently name the previous one.

Wax pencils are used with caution, as children often gnaw them, scratch them with their nails and try to put them in their ears or nose.

Method number 2."Finishing the picture"

The study of colors is passive. This method is used in children over 4 years old, as certain mental skills are required. It is necessary to draw a picture in which something is missing. For example, the sun - rays, a hare - an ear, a hedgehog - needles.

The child is offered several pencils. The essence of the task is for the kid to distinguish colors and choose the right one to complete the drawing. As you get older, the picture becomes more complex with more details.

Method number 3.

A modern teaching method that allows parents not to bother their heads too much. It will help to learn colors and check previously studied material. Combines everything with songs, poems and riddles.

Usually, at least 1 light filter is built into each toy, the main purpose of which is to attract the attention of the child.

Be sure to read the instructions carefully before use. Take an interest in the material from which the light filter and the toy itself are made.

The age recommended for modes in which we study colors ranges on average from 1.5 to 2 years, although it can be used by older children. In the case of the presence of small parts and collapsible structures, those who are already 3 years old are allowed to play with an interactive toy.

Method number 4."Sorting"

The method is good for children 3 - 4 years old. It is necessary to ask the baby to arrange all his toys into several sorting piles depending on the color. If the child is small, then the first time, or even two, the parent will carry out an example of sorting by color.

Do not worry, children learn quickly enough, and they even like this type of sorting. Another item that kids love to sort is scraps of fabric. So-called sorter toys are currently popular, which help to learn colors and shapes.

Ask the child playing with them additional questions, specify what color this or that element that needs to be inserted should be.

Method number 5."Color Day"

Children at 4 years old love to play on the color day. The essence of the method is to find objects of a certain color during the day. In the morning you demonstrate the color, during the day the child in your presence tries to find, see and show the object of the color that you have thought of.

Summarize at the end of the day. You can come up with a reward system. The method is good because it develops mindfulness and allows you to occupy the child.

Method number 6

The method is good for mothers using slings, ergo backpacks, or walking with a child in their arms. Mom tells the baby everything that she sees herself, actively describing the color of objects or phenomena that she sees, attracting the attention of the baby.

It is believed that although they begin to study colors at a more conscious age, certain semantic bundles are formed in the child’s memory, allowing them to speed up the learning process in the future.

Diseases in which it is impossible to learn colors with a child

It is worth remembering that if a child at 4 years old does not distinguish colors, cannot remember what seems elementary, wants to learn, but cannot recognize one, two or even three colors, do not scold him, but consult an ophthalmologist.

There is a hereditary disease of color blindness, in which color recognition is impaired, so such a developmental activity, how to teach a child to distinguish colors, will have to be left for a while.

Using the Rabkin tables, and then a certain light filter, the doctor can establish a violation of sensitivity to 1, 2 or even all 3 primary colors. It is impossible to cure the anomaly at this stage of the development of medicine. However, for children and adults, glasses with specially made lenses that work as a light filter have been proposed.

Glasses are made specially, depending on the existing violation of sensitivity. The light filter can be red, blue, green, and also combining both 2 and 3 shades.

Every loving parent strives to ensure that from the very first days of his baby's life, to invest in him all the best and most valuable of what he himself possesses. And if there are usually no problems with choosing good and high-quality things for a child, then the issues of pedagogy and education for many parents are important and urgent. This is especially true for those mothers and fathers who have become such for the first time. The questions that interest them may be very different, but they all boil down to one thing: what and how to do in order to transfer the knowledge necessary for him to the baby and teach him this or that skill. Let's look at some principles that have been successfully applied by other parents for more than a dozen years, and try to figure out how to teach a child to distinguish colors.

The optimal age for teaching a child to distinguish colors is from 2 to 5 years.

Principles of formation of color perception functions in a child

Before proceeding with the study of practical tips and techniques, parents need to familiarize themselves with some of the features of the development of visual functions in children. This will help you use the acquired knowledge in the right way.

So, the child's ability to focus on any object appears at the age of 2-3 months. Usually the first thing the baby learns to distinguish is the mother's breast. This is due to the fact that at this age the color perception of the child's eye is adjusted in such a way that the child can clearly see the mother's nipple. The colors that he can distinguish in the period from 2 to 6 months are in the wave range of a wide spectrum: red, pink, brown. The ability to distinguish the colors of the short wave, blue and green, appears in him closer to the seventh month of life, and a full-fledged color perception is formed in a child by the age of eight.

Now that we know the basic principles of shaping children's perception of the color palette, we can begin to study the recommendations and advice from more experienced parents.

  • Teach from an early age. Don't underestimate children's learning abilities. Even if a child cannot speak yet, this does not mean that he is not able to understand or remember something. If you regularly communicate with your baby and tell him what color, for example, his favorite rattle, this is sure to be deposited in his head. And in the future, when he can consciously build different words, it will be easier for you to explain the difference between one or another color;
  • Link new knowledge to emotions. Human memory is arranged in such a way that we best remember pictures, vivid images and emotions. No wonder they say: a person will remember not what you did for him, but what you made him feel. Use this technique in teaching children. For example, start learning colors from your favorite fruit;
  • Practical use. New knowledge should be immediately used by the child. If you have learned something new with your baby, try to make sure that he begins to apply it in life. We learned the color red, which means that when you are going to go outside, ask him to bring you his red jacket. The more often you encourage your child to apply what you have recently learned, the more it will be remembered;
  • Encourage your child to share what they have learned with others. After you have learned a new number or color, have your child call grandparents and tell them about it. This principle works very effectively in conjunction with practical application. For example, dad came home from work in the evening and went to wash his hands before eating - let the baby give him a yellow towel;
  • Speak in different phrases. Always pronounce the color in a different context so that the child does not perceive it as one word: this is a red ball, a red ball, this is a ball, it is red, etc .;
  • Avoid petty words (blue, red);
  • Take it easy with shades - all light green, pink and blue shades are best left for later;
  • Don't start learning a new color until your child has mastered the previous one! (we start with red, and then we get acquainted with yellow, green, blue).

Although this article is about how to teach a child to distinguish colors, the principles outlined above apply not only to this. Using them, you can learn both letters and numbers. Below we will look at some effective techniques that will help parents in teaching their children the color palette.

Five Methods

There are a huge number of all kinds of ways using which you can teach a child to distinguish six colors (red, blue, yellow, green, white and black) already at the age of three (red, blue, yellow, green, white and black), and more. But if you delve into their essence, then almost all of them come down to five simple pedagogical techniques. We will talk about them below.

  1. informal learning. The essence of this method is to teach the child in the process of everyday communication. For example, on the way to the park or kindergarten, the kid is offered to count together the green cars that will pass by him. Naturally, before this, the parent must show the baby what the green color looks like. The effectiveness of this method lies in the fact that the child is given complete freedom of action, no one limits him in anything. He can do whatever he wants along the way, the main thing is not to forget to count the green cars. By the way, the number of counted cars also does not matter: ten drove, and counted only two - well done!
  2. Creativity. At this stage, you will need to make sure that the child has paints, pencils, felt-tip pens or plasticine. Ask the baby to choose the color that he likes the most, and tell what color it is. Let it be blue. Invite your child to draw something together, such as a blue circle. Say it's a blue balloon that doesn't have a string, and if you don't finish it, the balloon will fly into the sky. Ask the little one what color the lace should be if the ball is blue. The same can be done with plasticine. We also read:
  3. Use of toys. In specialized stores for children, a huge number of educational toys are sold that help memorize numbers, letters and colors. The most productive of them for memorizing colors are ring pyramids, puzzles and constructors.
  4. Interactive books. Their effectiveness lies in large colorful pictures that attract the attention of the child. As a rule, such manuals offer all kinds of tasks, performing which the child simultaneously participates in an exciting game, develops fine motor skills of fingers and learns the color palette. For example, in the book of Anna Goncharova, the kid is offered to learn colors in poetic form, and in the manual of Olesya Zhukova, the little one can draw right in the book with his fingers.
  5. Story games. Come up with simple games in which the child could use their senses. For example, take two multi-colored balls and make houses of the same colors for them. Painted boxes or sand buckets can serve as houses. Put the balls in the corresponding houses. After all, get them out of there and tell the baby that they went for a walk. Suddenly, a wolf appears from somewhere and wants to eat the balloons. They urgently need to be rescued! Tell the child that each balloon must be quickly returned to its house, otherwise the wolf will eat them. The essence of such a game is to evoke emotions, empathy and sympathy in the baby. This activates additional parts of the brain and will help you remember the right colors even better.

Using these techniques in their various variations will help achieve good results in the shortest possible time, but remember, each child is individual. All babies develop differently, and in no case can you compare them with each other. If it seems to you that your baby is not learning as fast as other children, there is no need to panic and get upset.

Learning by playing

It is known that children learn faster through play. The study of flowers is no exception. Therefore, if you want to teach your child to distinguish colors, we recommend using games.

  • Find a color. At the initial stage of the study, while the child still cannot name colors, you can invite him to find objects of a certain color according to the pattern you have shown. It is important to first choose objects of the same shade. To do this, you can use cubes, details of a mosaic or designer;
  • Sort by flowers. To do this, you can use buttons or bright beads. Invite the child to put, for example, large blue buttons in one box, and small blue ones in the other. If there are buttons of different shades of the same color, then you can ask the baby to lay them out in a row from the lightest to the darkest;
  • Confusion. For the game we need multi-colored pens. Adults remove caps from them and offer the child to help choose the right caps for certain pens. During the game, you can intentionally choose the wrong cap - the baby will definitely correct you;
  • Cap. Make hats out of multi-colored cardboard and lay them out in front of the child. An adult tells a rhyme: “I’m going, I’m going to visit on a horse in a yellow hat!” - at the same time, the child must choose a cap of the desired color and put it on his head;
  • Find an extra. Among the four balls, 3 must be of the same color and 1 of the other. The child needs to find a ball that is different in color from the others;
  • Merry beads. Make circles of different colors out of colored paper or cardboard. Prepare a bead template and invite the baby to fold his beads according to the pattern you suggested;
  • Arrange the balls correctly. An adult pours colorful balls on the floor and puts several boxes. A ball of a certain color is placed in each of the boxes. The child needs to collect the balls and put them in the appropriate boxes.

For learning to be successful, always comment on your actions, end the game as soon as the child shows the first signs of fatigue or loss of interest. And do not forget to praise the baby for each achievement, and then teaching the child to distinguish colors will not be difficult for you.

Toys to help your child learn to distinguish colors

"Hooray. Rainbow". This game is for kids 2-3 years old. The kid needs to correctly, picking them up by color, arrange the pictures according to the rainbow.

The game "Halfs of a flower" is also intended for children 2-3 years old. It develops a holistic perception of color. The child needs to match the halves of the flowers by color. You can download pictures on a color printer and cut them.

The video provides recommendations for teaching children with mental retardation to distinguish colors. Working with a child at home can be quite successful and get amazing results. Systematic creative activities have a beneficial effect on the development of attention, imagination, memory of the child, fine motor skills, thinking, speech, help to develop faster, catching up, and sometimes even ahead of peers with whom such classes were not conducted.

“Colors can be compared to vitamins that a child needs for growth and development”
(B. A. Bazyma)

If you want to teach a child to distinguish colors, it is worth understanding the features of children's perception in order to properly organize the learning process and not demand the impossible from the child. So…

Age features of color perception

  • Newborns see the world in black and white.

Display black and white ornaments and geometric shapes.

  • At 4-5 months, the child can recognize the primary colors of the spectrum.

Show him pure shades, without impurities and color transitions. At this age, the baby sees red shades better, and begin acquaintance with color from them.

  • By the 7th month, the child has the ability to distinguish the colors of the short-wavelength part of the spectrum (green, blue).
  • Children learn to distinguish and remember colors through associations.

The child perceives color in unity with the object and the word. For example, "yellow" is a lemon or the sun. If you show the baby a picture where the sun is green, you will confuse him. To the question "What is it?" he may not be able to answer.

  • A full-fledged color perception is formed in a child by the age of eight.

The sense of color can be developed. Start learning colors with basics, and then add shades.

  • Anomalies of color perception in children occur with approximately the same frequency as in adults.

If you notice any deviations, consult a doctor.

  • Color preferences change with age.

Children love color, react to it, play with it. Acquaintance with color helps them to cognize the world around them, develops observation, thinking, enriches speech. Children of different ages have different color preferences. This should be taken into account when decorating the interior of a children's room, buying clothes, etc.

How to teach colors with a child at 1-2 years old

Is it possible to teach colors to a child if he still cannot speak?

Not only possible, but necessary! The child is able to understand and remember what you will tell and show him. And he will be able to repeat the words later, when he learns to speak, while it is enough that he can point to the desired color or object with his finger. In the future, when he can consciously build phrases, he will easily be able to explain the difference between one or another color.

What color to start with?

  • According to teachers, it is necessary to start training with red and yellow.
  • Start learning colors from your favorite fruit. If a child loves orange, he will easily remember the color orange.
  • You can play with plasticine or colored dough and name the child colors. By touching plasticine, contacting with it, the child will quickly remember one or another color.
  • Offer pencils and felt-tip pens for drawing, naming what color they are. Use these names as often as possible: "Give me a red pencil, please", "Let's cap the blue felt-tip pen."

  • Of the toys for memorizing colors, pyramids, cubes, large designer parts, molds, multi-colored dishes, large mosaics, etc. are well suited.

  • Voice colors and actions with colored objects more often: “The bear likes to drink from a RED cup, the Masha doll likes a GREEN dress.”
  • Learn colors while walking. “We are walking on green grass”, “we look at what a blue sky!”, “Here is dad's black car.”
  • Compare this or that color with objects familiar to the baby. “The spatula is as red as your hat”, “This bucket is as green as a cucumber.”

How to teach colors with a child at 3-4 years old

  • Include educational cartoons that clearly name the colors of different objects.
  • If you allow your child to play computer games, pick up those where you need to collect or break objects by color.
  • Play color constructor by creating shapes of certain colors and naming them.

  • Offer to sort items by color.

The younger the child, the fewer items for sorting should be offered to him.

  • Make your own didactic games.

  • Come up with "color fairy tales". For example: "Once upon a time there was a handkerchief. Once he fell into a cup of red compote and turned red himself.
  • Say the names of colors in different contexts: “This is a red ball”, “Red ball”, “This is a ball, it is red”, etc. Refuse diminutive words (blue, red).
  • Let your child play with food and items in the kitchen. Everything can be touched and even eaten! But first you need to decompose into piles in accordance with the color. For example, a lemon, a banana and a plate are yellow, a pepper, a tomato and a saucepan are red, etc.
  • Play the game "Cap". Make caps out of multi-colored cardboard. Tell a rhyme, and let the child choose the right hat: “I’m going, I’m going to visit on a horse in a yellow (any color) hat.”
  • Play the game "Find the extra". Take 2-3 items of the same color and one completely different. Invite the child to exclude an object that differs from the rest in color.