Report on ecology in the senior group. Report on environmental education in the preparatory group Report on ecology in the garden

"Formation of the principles of ecological culture among preschoolers through familiarization with the flora and fauna of the Baikal region"

Relevance The problem we raise is that the ecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, an ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.
In accordance with (FSES), not only federal, but also national-regional components are included.
Each territory (region) is characterized by:
features of its origin (the result of an earthquake, the movement of glaciers, etc.)
spatial location (mainland, peninsula, island; area, population density, etc.)
climate; Flora and fauna;
natural resources: subsoil, water, forest, etc.
variety of natural phenomena.
Considering the problem of regionalization of education, it seems important to us to proceed from the fact that:
a region is a historically established way of life common to some territories, a community of people living in the territory and possessing the consciousness of the subject of historical action;
regionalization is the process of increasing the institutional status of a territory.
In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed. Love for nature, the skills of caring for it, for all living things. Annual diagnostics reveals that children are practically unfamiliar with the flora of our region. Of trees and shrubs, they call spruce, birch, pine. Units indicate birds, animals, insects living in forests living next to us. In this regard, it becomes necessary to show the child the features of the relationship between man and nature on the examples of the region in which he lives.
At the beginning of the work, I set a goal for myself:
to acquaint preschool children with the flora and fauna of the local region;
to attach to ecological culture;
teach to perceive nature holistically;
understand the available essential relationships between living organisms;
treats all living things humanely.
study of methodological literature on this issue;
determination of the possibility of positive use of work on environmental education of children;
systematization of methods, techniques and didactic material on the use of the regional component in the work of the educator;
determination of the effectiveness of the proposed developments.
To do this, I studied and analyzed literary and methodological sources: Sudarchikova S.F. “General \V issues of regionalization of preschool education”, Irkutsk, 2003; V.A. Gorbunova, L.A. Misharina “Indicative regional program of knowledge about plants”, “Familiarization of preschool children with the fauna of the Baikal region” - Irkutsk, 2002, 2003.
In accordance with this, I have built a system of pedagogical interaction with children, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard:
organizational learning
Joint activity of an adult and a child
Independent ecological activity of children
Joint activities of the educator and children

Diagnosis of environmental education
Observations on excursions, walks
Teacher's stories, reading children's fiction
Conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics
Consideration of didactic pictures, illustrations about nature
Based on the results of the diagnostics, the result showed that the section of the regional component is sinking.

To work on the use of the regional component in the preschool educational institution, the developing environment was enriched. Conditions for environmental education have been created in the group: a developing environment, a fund of methodological, visual and illustrative materials. To create and improve the developing environment in the family and ensure adequate interaction between adults and children, she worked with parents. Parents took an active part in creating and enriching the developing environment. Questioning was conducted, parent-teacher meetings on this topic Participated in the action "Let's keep Baikal clean" Great importance was given to the selection of local history material for working with children. With the help of teachers and parents, illustrations were selected that introduce children to the flora and fauna of the Irkutsk region. The illustrations were made into the albums “Birds of our region”, “Animals of the Irkutsk region”, “Trees and shrubs”, “Mushrooms and berries”, etc.
The preschool educational institution has issued a “Red Book”, which introduces children to protected plants and animals of the Irkutsk region. Acquaintance with the nature of the native land is carried out through excursions, on walks, during observations.
- Observation is the leading method of ecological education. Cognition in the process of observation of the morphological and functional characteristics of living beings, their relationship with the environment, the diversity of species, the processes of growth and development of plants and animals. Observations in everyday life are the leading form of introducing children to the natural environment. Observation requirements. Cycles of observations of natural objects: determining the content of individual observations, building their sequence, planning. Development of observation cycles for the inhabitants of a corner of nature, seasonal phenomena, the growth and development of plants and animals in the green zone of the kindergarten.
- Organization and conduct of experimental work with natural objects of the native land, modernizing activities with them. Observation of changes in natural objects, tracking and discussion of their relationships with the environment. - Calendars of nature and their role in environmental education. Weekly methodology for familiarizing preschoolers with seasonal natural phenomena; calendar work. Fixing the growth and development of plants in the calendar. Winter feeding of birds, its environmental significance. Calendar of observations of wintering birds and work with them. A "Tourist Day" is held, in which kindergarten specialists and parents take an active part. Children not only observe the phenomena and objects of nature in a natural setting, but also participate in fun games and competitions. Together with their children, parents take part in environmental festivals and competitions that are held in kindergarten (“Miracles from autumn beds”, “Garden on the window”, “Floristy”, etc.). - Walks, excursions, hiking with children in nature, their role in environmental education. Acquaintance of children with a forest, a river, a pond, a lake, a meadow, a glade, as ecosystems. Organization of observations of plants and animals in their natural habitat; tracing relationships, food chains in communities of living organisms. In the corner of nature, a collection of fruits and seeds, saw cuts of trees and shrubs of local species was collected, a herbarium was made. Natural zones have been identified that introduce children not only to animals from different continents, but also to the inhabitants of their native forest. Children reinforce all the knowledge gained through specially made didactic games “Visiting the forest”, “Who is the spruce friends with”, “Who lives in the forest”, “Rules of conduct in the forest”, etc. In the preparatory group where our practical work was carried out, in a corner of nature there is a large variety of plants in pots. In addition, a panel with a herbarium decorated by educators hangs on the wall, where plants that grow in the Baikal region are selected. So, a corner of nature provides an opportunity for continuous systematic work to familiarize children with nature, including the nature of the Baikal region. We consider a panel with a herbarium created by educators to be a valuable find, where some of the plants of the Baikal region are dried, in particular branches of wild rosemary, willow, pine, poppy inflorescences, locusts, snowdrops and other plants. Individual work with children is carried out in their free time from classes and walks. With great interest, children are engaged in the studio "Magic chest", they help children learn the rituals of the peoples of Siberia, fairy tales, games, songs; write stories, introduce the inhabitants of our forests. We read to the children the following poems by N. Bromley "our home is our home, our common home", S. Byvaltseva “I love my land”, N. Nikitina “Siberia”: “Why is the fall of leaves in autumn?” , "What do the winds smell like?" , "Spring chores", excerpts from the work "Four-story taiga", reading M. Sergeev's fairy tales "Once upon a time" and "Glorious Sea Baikal" etc. Acquaintance with the magazine "Sibiryachek"
After reading each work, a conversation was held with the children, where we asked the children questions about the content of the poem or story, about the features of describing the nature of the Native Land. Drawing up a model of the Irkutsk region, guessing riddles about the Baikal region. Watching videos "The well" of the planet, looking at the globe, maps of the Irkutsk region. , viewing albums about Baikal, listening to audio recordings of “wave noise”, “wind noise”, “birdsong”, etc., creating a photo exhibition, compiling food chains, playing various didactic games. games, KVN, quizzes, art drawing.
A lot of work is being done to familiarize children with the fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia. Ecological fairy tales develop children's interest and ideas about nature, wildlife, the wealth of their native land, its sights, and people's activities. Their use in the educational process allows you to unobtrusively carry out environmental education of preschoolers. With the children we prepared an exhibition of drawings on the topic “Baikal Tales”, a theatrical performance “Bad Nut”.

Analysis of the results of experimental work
Preschool natural history aims to form an elementary system of knowledge about animate and inanimate nature (the ability to distinguish between "living", "non-living"), some essential features of plants and animals as living organisms, the influence of environmental factors on their life, the interaction of plants and animals in the conditions of an ecosystem (forest, meadow, field, etc.), the relationship between man and nature; leading children to understand and establish various connections and dependencies available for this age that exist in nature.
An important component of testing knowledge, skills and abilities is diagnostics, which determines the individual psychological characteristics of a person in order to assess their condition and predict further development. The diagnostic procedure consists of collecting pedagogical diagnostic information and making a diagnosis for subsequent recommendations. You can get the necessary information in the conditions of an educational institution, as well as with a brief examination using a number of techniques, such as conversations, a series of game tasks, a test, etc.
In accordance with the criteria for evaluating answers, I find out the level of knowledge of preschoolers about the natural environment, the formation of skills to establish various connections, relationships between objects and natural phenomena, the interaction of man and nature. In the final diagnostics, the guys showed a high level of knowledge of the regional component.
In 2011, at the regional seminar “Introducing Nature to Preschoolers”, she gave an open event “Birds of our region”.
In 2012, at the cluster RMO, she presented her work experience

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution kindergarten No. 25 "Daisy"

town Mundybash

Ecology report

Senior teacher:

Lyasina A.N.


We all have one planet -
There is no other like it in the world!

Don't destroy the Earth, people!
We will not have another Earth!

The works of teachers who studied the processes of familiarizing children with the objective world and nature in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries (E.N. Vodovozova, E.L. Likheeva, K.D. Ushinsky and others .) - Their research largely determined the nature of modern scientific research that studies the influence of familiarization with the outside world on the mental development of a child (L. Zenger, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, etc.).

The ecological consciousness of the child gradually rises to a higher level, if an interest is created, an attitude to the perception of nature, activities affect the feelings of the child, cause empathy. It is important that the child can evaluate the behavior of a person in nature, express his judgment, opinion, as well as understand and accept the position of another. Approximately at 4-5 years of age, elements of the child's ecological consciousness begin to come to light more clearly: interest in nature, in certain types of activities, emotional reactions, deeper assessments of behavior in nature.

Familiarization of younger children with nature should begin with the immediate environment.

In the group room, it is necessary to create conditions for the initial acquaintance of children with nature: with the help of toys, pictures, they are introduced to domestic and wild animals; learn to recognize these animals and their young.

Together with the teacher, children can feed the birds and watch how they peck at grains; on a walk or from the window of a group room, watch the birds that fly to the site. During the observation, children observe the structure of birds, their habits.

In older groups, knowledge about nature is deepened and concretized about the living conditions of plants and animals; about plants (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants; indoor plants).

You should also introduce preschoolers to the vegetative propagation of indoor plants (cuttings, leaves, mustaches).

Children should be introduced to eco-positive and eco-negative human behavior in nature, to cultivate curiosity and observation, to form environmentally correct behavior in nature.

When introducing children to insects, children are introduced to their movements (fly, jump, crawl), call the characteristic sounds of insects (buzz, chirp). They also introduce the breeding cycle of butterflies (lay eggs on plants, caterpillars appear from them, pupae from caterpillars, butterflies from pupae).

Watching wildlife, children notice the structure of plants; watching them grow and develop.

It is advisable to consolidate the knowledge of children in didactic games: "Edible-inedible", "Wonderful bag". And also to consolidate knowledge in role-playing games: "Dining Room", "Feed the doll to the Light", etc.

In everyday life, the teacher organizes observations of plants in a corner of nature, involving younger children in the implementation of individual assignments. Children 6-7 years old are on duty on their own.

In autumn, children should be involved in collecting autumn leaves. In winter, children can help adults shovel snow to tree trunks, shake snow off bushes. In the spring, children should be involved in feasible work - planting onions, transplanting indoor plants. In summer, children loosen flower beds, watering flower beds and beds in the garden. To do this, adults create all possible conditions both in group rooms and on walking grounds:

Of particular importance is the evaluation of the activities of children, who can analyze the performance of their actions and the actions of their comrades.

In environmental education and upbringing of children, labor assessment is of great importance. The task of the educator is to direct the children to a positive assessment, although it is necessary to emphasize the shortcomings, if any, in the work. To assess the result of labor activity, children are introduced to proverbs and sayings.

Artistic work helps to consolidate a humane attitude towards nature - work with natural material, where children of older preschool age create figures of people, animals and birds from acorns, cones, leaves and other materials, conveying the expressiveness of the image, creating general compositions “Forest Glade”, “ Fairy tale characters, etc.

It is also necessary to deepen the emotionally friendly attitude of children to living beings in the process of communicating with them, to develop interest in their native land, to form ideas about the environmental problems of the village in which children live; to cultivate respect for the work of rural residents.

Of great importance is the reading of fiction by such authors as: E. Blaginina "Two greedy bear cubs", M. Gorky "Sparrow", K. Chukovsky "Cockroach", D. Samoilov "The baby elephant has a birthday", I. Bunin "Leaf fall", Ya. Akim "First Snow", A. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn", A. Fet "Mom, look out the window" and many others.

Also, knowledge is acquired through GCD and experimentation, where children in independent activities comprehend the relationships in the surrounding reality.

Nature reacts in a peculiar way to the forcible intrusion of man into its territory: various species of animals and plants are rapidly disappearing on the planet, and the vacated places are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens; Recently, an increase in allergic and neuropsychiatric diseases has been characteristic, and the number of children with congenital anomalies is growing.

For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. And you need to start with the smallest. It is at preschool age that the assimilation of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: it meets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes you stop, look, think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

Love for nature begins with the knowledge of its inhabitants, and we hope that by educating preschoolers a humane attitude towards everything living and inanimate, we will help save our planet in the future.

During the year, our guys cleared walking areas, planted mini-gardens on window sills, and watched the development of plants.

Teachers showed various theatrical performances on ecology, held entertainment, painted flower beds, and decorated plots.

The campaigns "Feed the birds", "Tree for the Veteran" were also held.

Next year we will continue to work with children on environmental education.

Storchak Hope

AT work with preschoolers on environmental education and learning, we used an integrated approach that involves the relationship of research activities, music, fine arts, physical culture, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching television, excursions, as well as organizing children's independent activities, i.e. greening various activities for the child.

Thus, almost every topic ecology reinforced by various activities, and grain by grain, a humane attitude towards nature is laid in children's hearts.

At present, thanks to television, computers and books, children learn more about a variety of objects and natural phenomena, they have different questions about the world around them. Therefore, we tried to combine different forms and methods environmental education of children on the one hand, to answer the questions of interest to children and satisfy their curiosity. On the other hand, to ensure that they acquire the necessary knowledge. Moreover, we see the main goal not in the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the child, but in introducing children to systematic and creative activity. To organize interesting mental activity, we were helped by non-traditional forms and methods - multimedia presentations, slides, video clips, ecological fairy tales, etc.. d.

Basic knowledge about nature ecological children learn in the classroom.

The classes were built on the principles of developmental education and aimed at developing the child's personality as a whole (the ability to compare and generalize one's own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding nature, as well as to improve the speech of preschoolers, their thinking, creativity, culture of feelings.

Priority in learning is given not to simple memorization and not mechanical reproduction of knowledge but understanding and assessing what is happening, joint practical activities teacher and children.

One of the most important conditions for solving problems ecological education, in our opinion, is the organization of a developing subject environments.

In our group there is both a traditional corner of nature and a corner of experimentation.

the main feature of a corner of nature is its close proximity to children which allows you to organize various activities throughout the school year. In our corner of nature collected a lot of different indoor plants. Children get acquainted with the specific needs of plants in different climatic zones, learn to find the essential signs of their adaptation to life, and determine how to care for them.

When organizing plant care activities, we focus on the need to take care of them, help them, we explain to children that we need to take care of plants not for ourselves, but for them: they are alive and need our care. And also in the corner of nature there is a weather calendar with diagrams of images of weather phenomena.

The Experimentation Corner is a new element of our developmental environments. In it, children conduct a variety of research activities, including independent ones. In the corner there are various flasks, test tubes, books, encyclopedias. For experiments, we use waste, in particular, packaging materials of various sizes and forms: cups of varying degrees of transparency, plastic spoons for bulk materials, cocktail tubes, filter paper. The laboratory stores natural materials intended for various research: sand, clay, stones, plant seeds, cones, mosses, pieces of tree bark. For research in the laboratory and on walks there is a magnifying glass. There is also a microscope, thermometers (for measuring air and water temperature, large and small magnets, bowls and other containers of different sizes, rulers, ropes and cords of different lengths for measurements, kits for playing with water, etc.

We compiled a card file of children's experiments with objects "inanimate nature" on blocks:

"The Amazing Properties of Water";

"Invisible Air";

"His Majesty the Fire";

"Miracles underfoot";

"Magic Magnet"

In our group organized gaming corner: here children play desktop-printed, role-playing, didactic and other educational environmental games. There is a library, which contains cognitive, artistic, popular science children's literature. In this part ecological corner children read, consider illustrations about nature, conduct conversations, discuss what they have read.

Level ecological development of children is largely determined by the degree ecological the literacy of their parents. Therefore, education in the field of environmental protection is of no small importance. environments. To this end, we designed the appropriate stands, held consultations, excursions, meetings. Parents are active, help us, they respond to any requests. So, for example, dads take part in the manufacture of bird feeders, which the children and I hang in the winter on the territory of the kindergarten. And mothers actively participated in the exhibition "autumn, winter fantasy". In their works they reflected the themes nature: these are landscapes, animals, flowers, birds.

Interviews were held with children topic: "Help the Birds in Winter", targeted walks, observations of the behavior of birds flying to the feeders, reading fiction on the topic, acquaintance with folk signs related to the behavior of birds, an exhibition of drawings, environmental education work with parents.

Children and parents learned that feeders can be made from a variety of materials. materials: from packages from under dairy products; from plastic bottles, reinforced upside down, so that the grain gradually spills onto the stand. Feeders must be kept clean so as not to become a source of disease.

We have organized environmental project"Garden on the windowsill" in which the children of our groups as well as parents. Target project: to form children's knowledge of how to care for plants in indoor conditions, to form in children consciously - the correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects, bring up respect for your work.

We purchased seeds, land, containers, prepared inventory. Picked up an artistic literature: poems, riddles, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, stories, games, illustrations on the topic. Planted a vegetable garden

Considered the seeds (onions, cucumbers, peas, wheat, dill, parsley, beans). Together with the children, they planted seeds, watched the growth of plants, conducted experiments, experiments. Installed connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - man. In the process of research, the children got acquainted with fiction about vegetables: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles. We looked at illustrations and paintings. Conducted classes, didactic games, conversations. The children took care of the plants (watering, loosening, picking, top dressing) .

Conducted an analysis and summarized the results obtained in the process of research activities of children. Organized an exhibition of drawings "From seed to sprout", "Vegetables from our garden", "Our garden", where the children presented their drawings to their parents, prepared and told a story about how they grew onions, dill, cucumber seedlings, etc. on their windowsill in group. We held a competition "Guess the name of the vegetable". Parents together with their children presented homework - grown onions and a story about how he grew up, how they looked after him.

As a result of project activities in children middle group MBDOU DS No. 23"Chamomile" formed ideas about how to grow ratenii. What factors are necessary for their development how: heat, soil, water, sunlight, air. Children learned to grow seedlings from seeds, learned to distinguish vegetable seeds, consolidated their knowledge of vegetable crops, children had a desire to grow plants from seeds themselves

Self-education report on the topic

"Environmental education of preschoolers"

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature with all your heart:

Surprise, learn, love!

We want the earth to flourish

And grew like flowers, kids,

So that for them the ecology becomes

Not science, but part of the soul!

Nowadays, when the world is on the verge of ecological disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the pressing problems of our time. To save nature on the planet, we need educated people. Her fate will depend on them. Everyone was once a child. That is why the role of preschool educational institutions is so great. After all, the first foundations of ecological culture are laid in preschool childhood.

The natural world is amazing and beautiful. However, not everyone is able to see this beauty; a variety of colors, shapes, a variety of colors of the sky, leaves, water ... the ability to “look” and “see”, “listen” and “hear” does not develop by itself, is not given from birth in finished form, but is brought up. Nature is an endless source of emotional states, an unquenchable desire to know. Therefore, in my work I pay great attention to the environmental education of children.

The goal of environmental education in my work with preschoolers is to form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists, to give environmental knowledge, to teach children to be merciful, to love and protect nature (land, water, air, flora, fauna), in a businesslike way, which means to carefully manage its wealth.


The development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with the norms of behavior in nature, in society.

Education of ethical and aesthetic feelings, development of emotions by means of nature.

Formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills of an ecological nature in preschool children.

Ways of implementation:

Creation of conditions, greening of the developing environment, software.

Increasing the environmental awareness of teachers, their professionalism in the field of environmental education.

Updating the content, forms and methods of working with children in accordance with the programs used. Introduction of a regional component.

Ensuring direct communication of children with wildlife, involvement in active environmental activities.

Environmental education of parents, promotion of environmental knowledge.

Start date of work on the topic: September 2013

End date of work on the topic: May 2015

Expected result:

Increasing the ecological culture of pupils and their parents;

Reassessment of pedagogical values, one's professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process;

-in the education of environmentalists;

Creative activity of pupils;

Introduction of new technologies of education, training, development.

As a result of the work done:

The children had a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

A consciously correct attitude to objects and phenomena of nature has been formed;

Formed the beginning of the ecological culture of children;

Children receive practical knowledge on nature protection;

Children's speech skills develop;

Children learn to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions.

The main directions of my work are the formation of a subject-developing environment, interaction and co-creation with children and parents.

The developing subject-spatial environment should ensure the maximum realization of the educational potential of space and materials. Working on the development of the subject environment, we strive to make it as rich, multifunctional, accessible and safe as possible. According to these requirements, a corner of nature has been designed in the group, which introduces children to indoor plants, wild and domestic animals, weather observations and much more. An important role in the environmental education of preschool children is played by practical, research activities. For this, an experimentation corner was designed with a set of materials for experiments, a card file of didactic games and walks.

When interacting with children, I use various forms of work. But a special place is occupied by experimentation - in each experiment the reason for the observed phenomenon is revealed, the children are led to certain judgments and conclusions. During the experiments, knowledge about the properties and qualities of natural objects (about the properties of snow, water, plants, their changes, etc.) is refined. Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation, mental activity.

Books helped us a lot in our work on ecology. These are Suteev's tales about plants and animals, the stories of V. Bianka and M. Prishvin, "Alyonushka's tales" by Mamin - Sibiryak D.N., stories by N. Charushin and V Permyak, as well as Georgy Skrebitsky. The demonstration material of Svetlana Nikolaevna Vohrintseva, Lyudmila Borisovna Fesyukova, Natalya Nikolaevna Kondratieva, notes by Olga Alekseevna Voronkevich and other authors help in the work.

To improve the quality of my work, I include health-saving technologies. Their goal is to provide the child with the opportunity to improve health, to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle.

The leading activity of preschool children is play. Therefore, I actively use gaming technologies. They are closely related to all aspects of the educational and educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

Technologies of project activity

Their goal: the development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Information and Communication Technologies

Through multimedia presentations, travel games are brighter. Movements, sound, animation attract the attention of the child for a long time, have a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children.

Competitions of children's drawings "Seasons", "The world through the eyes of children", "How I spent the summer", "Leaf fall", "Winter-winter", "The snow is melting, the meadow came to life" were held. Or such a competition "The best crafts made from natural material." Children try at home to involve their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers in making crafts. The following work was also carried out:

1. GCD on the topic: "The nature of our region"; "The animal world of our region; "Trees and shrubs, flowers of our kindergarten."

2. Conversations with children "Getting acquainted with the Red Book"

3. Action "Feeding trough for birds"

Making feeders by parents

4. Action: "Garbage does not suit the earth"

Ecological subbotnik

6. Action "House for the starling"

7. Spring Week of Kindness

8. Action "Plant a tree or a flower"

9. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "What autumn has brought us"

10. Sinichkin day (Day of the meeting of wintering birds)

11. Ecological game "Mysteries of Nature"

13. Watching videos "How people protect nature"

14. Project "Sorceress Winter"

Working with parents.

Parents are full participants in the educational process. Understanding this, I try to actively include the families of my pupils in the educational process. Only by relying on the family, by joint efforts, it is possible to bring up an environmentally literate person. In working with parents in the direction of environmental education of children, I use both traditional forms of work (parent meetings, consultations, conversations), and non-traditional ones (business games, round tables, discussions).

I work continuously with parents, I pay great attention to the joint activities of children and adults (environmental actions, entertainment, exhibitions, joint projects). Such forms of work give parents the opportunity to get to know their children better.

As a result of my work on environmental education was the implementation of the project "Kapitoshka" on the topic "The water cycle in nature." This is an educational, research, long-term project.

The participants in this project activity were pupils of the middle group - educators - parents.

The goal is to systematize children's knowledge about water, its purpose and use.

Tasks: Clarify and consolidate the existing knowledge of children about water and its properties. To acquaint children with the properties of water in practice - through experiments.

Analyzing the results of the project activities, we can conclude: children's knowledge about water and its properties has expanded, children have become better oriented in the environment; increased interest in learning. Children have a steady interest in creative, search and research activities; skills of independent creative thinking are formed.

Parents are also involved in the project activities. Through the developed memos and recommendations, they learned about the activities carried out in the group and at home consolidated the knowledge gained by the children in the preschool educational institution.

Our joint creative activity takes place under the motto:

Develop, play, create!

Let it be a rule for us:

"Today didn't work.

Definitely going to be tomorrow

You just have to want! »

Cooperation with the families of children in the environmental direction, jointly organized events not only helped to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also brought into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child. Only by joint efforts can we solve the main task - to educate an environmentally literate person.

I would like to believe that love for the native nature will remain in the hearts of my pupils for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

Vera Proshunina
Report on environmental education in the preparatory group

Ecological education of preschoolers»

Analytical preparatory"B" groups for 2016-2017 academic year

Proshunina Vera Semyonovna, educator first qualification category

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution

Pavlovsky kindergarten №7

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature for everyone heart:

Surprise, learn, love!

We want the earth to flourish

And grew like flowers, kids,

So that for them ecology has become

Not science, but part of the soul!

2016-2017 was declared the year ecology.

These days when the world is on the brink environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the pressing problems of our time. To save nature on the planet, we need educated people. Her fate will depend on them. Everyone was once a child. That is why the role of preschool educational institutions is so great. After all, the first fundamentals ecological cultures are established in early childhood.

The natural world is amazing and beautiful. However, not everyone is able to see this beauty; a variety of colors, shapes, a variety of colors of the sky, leaves, water ... the ability "watch" and "see", "listen" and "hear" does not develop by itself, is not given ready-made from birth, but brought up. Nature is an endless source of emotional states, an unquenchable desire to know. Therefore, in my work I pay great attention environmental education of children.

aim environmental education in our work with preschoolers is the formation of a positive attitude towards nature, educate environmentalists, to give ecological knowledge, to teach children to be merciful, to love and protect nature (land, water, air, flora, fauna, in a businesslike way, which means to carefully manage its wealth.


The development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with the norms of behavior in nature, in society.

Upbringing ethical and aesthetic feelings, the development of emotions by means of nature.

Formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills ecological character in preschool children.

Ways of implementation:

Creating the conditions greening the development environment, software.

Raise ecological literacy of teachers, their professionalism in the field environmental education.

Updating the content, forms and methods of working with children in accordance with the programs used. Introduction of a regional component.

Ensuring direct communication of children with wildlife, involvement in active environmental activities.

ecological parent education, promotion environmental knowledge.

Estimated result:

Raise ecological culture of pupils and their parents;

Reassessment of pedagogical values, one's professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process;

- upbringing of environmentalists;

creative activity pupils;

Introduction of new technologies education, training, development.

As a result of the work:

The children had a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

A consciously correct attitude to objects and phenomena of nature has been formed;

Starts formed ecological culture of children;

Children receive practical knowledge on nature protection;

Children's speech skills develop;

Children learn to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions.

The main directions of my work are the formation of a subject-developing environment, interaction and co-creation with children and parents.

The developing subject-spatial environment should ensure the maximum realization of the educational potential of space and materials. Working on the development of the subject environment, we strive to make it as rich, multifunctional, accessible and safe as possible. According to these requirements, group a corner of nature is designed, which introduces children to indoor plants, wild and domestic animals, weather observations and much more. big role in ecological The education of preschoolers is played by practical, research activities. For this, an experimentation corner was designed with a set of materials for experiments, a card file of didactic games and walks.

When interacting with children, we use various forms of work. But a special place is occupied by experimentation - in each experiment the reason for the observed phenomenon is revealed, the children are led to certain judgments and conclusions. During the experiments, knowledge about the properties and qualities of objects of nature is clarified. (about the properties of snow, water, plants, their changes, etc.). Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation, mental activity.

Great help with work ecology helped us books. These are Suteev's tales about plants and animals, stories by V. Bianki and M. Prishvin, "Alyonushka's Tales" Mamin - Sibiryak D.N., stories by N. Charushin and V. Permyak, as well as Georgy Skrebitsky. .Poems by Russian poets about autumn (A. S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Pleshcheev.)

V. Chaplin "Zoo Pets", poets about spring (verses about spring)

Help in the work of demonstration material. To improve the quality of our work, we include health-saving technologies. Their goal is to provide the child with the opportunity to improve health, to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle.

Brief description of activities carried out with children. (2016 - 2017)

During the year in senior group events were held with children according to the annual thematic plan:

Evenings of riddles (puzzles) on topics: "Animals", "Human", "What are these birds?", "Winter's Tale".

Quizzes "Animals", "Bird Connoisseurs" ,"Winter has come".

Successfully completed thematic days: "Earth Day", "Bird Day"

District competition "Garden on the window"

Stock:"Let's help our feathered friends", Regional action for the Victory Day

"Let's decorate the earth with flowers" "Let's save all life on earth"

Holidays. Traditions. "Autumn" environmental focus, "Health Day" on the environmental theme.

Photo exhibition "Nature and animals of the Voronezh region"

educators and children took part in design competitions groups by the beginning of the school year, groups for the new year, in the competition of autumn crafts "Autumn round dance". District competition "Garden on the window"

In the course of the activities carried out, positive results:

1. Positive dynamics in success pupils with whom individual work was carried out in educational areas.

2. Parents are actively involved in life groups and kindergarten; attend classes and other events with the participation of children, fill out questionnaires based on the results

The leading activity of preschool children is play. Therefore, we actively use gaming technologies. They are closely connected with all parties educational and educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

Technologies of project activity

Their purpose: development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Information and Communication Technologies

Through multimedia presentations, travel games are brighter. Movements, sound, animation attract the attention of the child for a long time, have a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children.

Children's drawing competitions were held "Seasons", "The world through the eyes of children", "How I spent summer", "Leaf fall", "Zimushka - winter", "The snow is melting, the meadow came to life". Or some kind of competition "The best craft made from natural material". Children try at home to involve their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers in making crafts. There was also the following Work:

Analytical classes

1. GCD by topic: "The nature of our region"; "The animal world of our region;" Trees and shrubs, flowers of our kindergarten ".. Ivan Surikov "Winter"

Conversations with children:

1."Getting acquainted with the Red Book"

3. Promotion "Feeder for birdie"

Making feeders by parents

4. Promotion: "Garbage does not suit the earth"

Ecological subbotnik

5. Exhibition of drawings "Earth is our common home" (for Earth Day)

6. Promotion "House for the starling"

7. Spring Week of Kindness

9. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials What did autumn bring us?

10. Sinichkin day (Day of the meeting of wintering birds (Walk)

11. ecological game"Mysteries of Nature"

13. Watch videos How do people protect nature?

Working with parents.

Parents are full participants in the educational process. Understanding this, I try to actively include my families in the educational process. pupils. Only relying on the family, by joint efforts is possible. Working with parents environmental education children used both traditional forms of work (parent-teacher meetings, consultations, conversations, and non-traditional (business games, round table, discussions).

Work with parents was carried out continuously, I pay great attention to the joint activities of children and adults (environmental actions, entertainment, exhibitions, joint projects). Such forms of work give parents the opportunity to get to know their children better.

As a result of work on environmental education was the implementation of the project "Cultural field plants on our site". This is an educational, research, long-term project. Terms of implementation - (May-October)

The participants in this project were pupils of the senior group - educators - parents.

Relevance of the project topic: the project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated field plants of the Pavlovsk region, how to care for plants, and understanding the importance of vegetables in human life. All work on the project was carried out in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the VII type program.

Objective of the project: creating conditions stimulating interest in research activities, revealing the creative and intellectual potential of preschoolers with special educational needs, involving children in practical activities for growing cultivated garden plants in the Southern Urals.


1. Learn how to properly care for plants.

2. Give a visual representation to children about the need for light, heat, moisture, soil for plant growth.

3. Develop children's cognitive and creative abilities.

4. Create conditions for the participation of parents in the educational process.

5. To form consciously - the right attitude to the nature of the native land, to human labor.

project idea: create a garden on the kindergarten site. Get a harvest of field plants grown by preschoolers themselves.

The goal is to systematize children's knowledge about plants, their purpose and use.

Tasks: Clarify and consolidate the existing knowledge of children about water and its properties. To acquaint children with the properties of water in practice - through experiments.

Analyzing the results of the project activities carried out, it is possible to make conclusion: children's knowledge of water and its properties has expanded, children have become better oriented in the environment; increased interest in learning. Children have a steady interest in creative, search and research activities; skills of independent creative thinking are formed.

Parents are also involved in the project activities. Through the developed memos and recommendations, they learned about the ongoing group events and at home consolidated the knowledge gained by children in the preschool educational institution.

Our joint creative activity takes place under motto:

Develop, play, create!

Let it be for us rule:

"Today didn't work.

Definitely going to be tomorrow

You just have to want it!"

In the afternoon, activities were implemented in cultural practices. So in "Creative workshop" next Work:

Making eco-friendly crafts -


1."Caterpillars in a Pear" (corrugated models).

2."Our merry garden that just doesn't grow here" (production of fruits and vegetables from salt dough).

3. "Dahlias" voluminous application

1."Autumn Fantasies" (from natural material)

2."Baby elephant" (from natural material)

3. "Swan" (from natural material).

1."Rowan" (quilling, origami).

Collaboration with families of children environmental direction, joint organized events not only helped to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also introduced into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child. Only by joint efforts can we solve the main problem - raise an environmentally literate person.

I want to believe that love for my native nature will remain in my hearts. pupils for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.