From wrinkles wheat germ oil. Super Healthy Wheat Germ Oil - Properties and Uses

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


In modern cosmetology, natural, “natural” means for caring for your appearance are becoming more common. The use of vegetable oils for beauty, maintaining health and preserving youth is incredibly effective and useful, which is proved by the huge number of positive reviews from girls and women who regularly use wheat germ cosmetic oil for their faces.

What is wheat germ oil

Wheat is a healthy, essential crop widely used in the food industry to make wheat flour. But that's not the only benefit we get from it. Wheat grain contains a substance that has been mined for a very long time and used for various purposes - wheat germ oil, which is squeezed out of crop cereals by cold pressing.

Application of wheat germ oil for the face

Wheat germ oil is a very valuable product in cosmetology. This remedy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis of the face and neck area, which is confirmed by the rave reviews of women who regularly use this remedy. This vitamin-rich product is very versatile, so it is used in the form of base oils, mixed with other products, or applied undiluted, various masks, creams, applications are prepared, even used to remove makeup.

Valuable composition

Wheat liquid contains substances that the human body does not produce. These are amino acids, fatty acids (in a large abundance of linoleic and oleic). Wheat germ oil for the face contains useful components and vitamins A, E, D, B. Among all vegetable oils, wheat has the largest abundance of tocopherol or vitamin E, which is called the “vitamin of youth”. It also contains selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, iron, manganese and many other trace elements.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil in cosmetology has a lot of advantages. It has cosmetic, healing, healing, regenerating properties:

  • It affects the water-lipid balance of the epidermis, contributes to its normalization, prevents dryness, peeling, treats inflammation, dries out acne.
  • Tightens the oval of the face, helps to maintain its tone.
  • Well enriches the skin, nourishes it, making it silky and soft.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin E, it reduces the process of photoaging of cells, with constant use it smoothes age wrinkles.
  • It has a light bleaching property. Affects age spots, freckles, making them invisible.
  • Improves the complexion, toning and refreshing the skin.
  • Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin. Improves its relief and structure.
  • Helps eliminate stretch marks (stretch marks).
  • Helps eliminate cellulite deposits, as it enhances blood microcirculation.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes sensitive and irritated skin. Gently acts on it to cleanse the skin, prevents the appearance of acne on the face.
  • Helps to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores and prevents the appearance of acne.
  • Exfoliates the keratinized layer of the epidermis, promotes rapid cell renewal.

For the face from wrinkles

With age, more attention is paid to the face, because collagen fibers are weakened, the skin needs constant nutrition and hydration. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles or make them invisible is possible only with regular care. Daily use of sprout extract will help to reduce even deep age-related or mimic wrinkles. Due to the presence of anti-aging antioxidants and vitamins in the composition, it smoothes age-related wrinkles, protects the face from early aging.

For the skin around the eyes

The skin in the eyelid area is sensitive, delicate, does not contain a fatty layer, therefore it is somewhat dry and prone to the appearance of wrinkles or the so-called. goose feet. Cosmetics for skin care must be chosen carefully so as not to harm the thin layer of the epithelium. Special care for the skin in the eyelid area is its constant nutrition and enrichment with vitamins and useful elements. Wheat germ oil for the face has the property of rejuvenating the skin epithelium and moisturizes dry areas of the skin.

Application rules

In order to get a good result when using wheat germ extract, it is important to know how to use it. Otherwise, without knowing the rules, you may not get the desired result or, on the contrary, harm your body. To achieve the maximum result from the healing product, read the reviews and find out the features of use:

  1. Before using wheat germ liquid, it must be checked for allergies. This is especially true for those who are going to apply the product in the eyelid area.
  2. Germ extract has a heavy, viscous consistency, so it is often diluted with vegetable oils, which are lighter in texture. Its use in undiluted, pure form can have an irritating result or even cause a burn.
  3. Before use, warm the mixture well in a water or steam bath. When heated, the beneficial substances become more active and are better absorbed into the epidermis.
  4. When mixing several vegetable oils, it is advisable to use ceramic, glass or wooden utensils instead of metal utensils. When interacting with metal, many useful substances lose their strength.
  5. Oil masks should not be left on the face for more than 20-30 minutes. Otherwise, the procedure may provoke irritation. You can make such masks no more than 1-2 times a week.
  6. The cosmetic mixture should be left on the face for 30 minutes, but no more. It is undesirable to leave it overnight, it can provoke irritation or burns. The exception is the case if you add the mixture to a cream or other cosmetic product.


Despite the fact that wheat germ liquid contains an abundance of vitamins and valuable elements, it, like other products, has its own contraindications for use. In order not to harm your body, you need to be careful when using any cosmetic product. In the presence of the following contraindications, it is better to refrain from using the product:

  • with individual intolerance or allergies;
  • with inflammation, acne;
  • burns, scratches, or wounds that are still bleeding;
  • after salon procedures (facial cleansing, chemical peeling);
  • if there are postoperative sutures.

Application methods

There are many ways to use wheat liquid. You can make scrubs, various masks, applications from it. This product is mixed with various cosmetics: creams, lotions, shampoos. It is also combined with various cosmetic and essential products or used as an auxiliary for cleansing from decorative cosmetics.

Best homemade face mask recipes

The most common and effective method of using this product is a homemade face mask. Nourishing, moisturizing, drying face masks are an affordable and budgetary way of skin care, which is equal in effectiveness to salon procedures. The active components of the mixtures are different - honey, clay, essential oils, vitamins, hyaluronic serums, etc. The components of the mask should be selected based on the type of skin.

For aging skin

  • 1 st. l. wheat germ oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ether of peach or apricot kernels;
  • 2 drops of orange ether (can be replaced with mint or sandalwood).
  1. Mix the mixture in one bowl.
  2. Lightly heat in a water or steam bath.
  3. Apply with a light massage on the face.
  4. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse. Repeat application 1-2 times a week.
  • 1 st. l. rice flour;
  • 50 mg warm green tea;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp wheat germ oil.
  1. Pour hot tea over flour.
  2. Mix into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Apply to face.
  4. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

For problem skin

  • 1 st. l. clay (blue, yellow, white);
  • 1 tsp wheat germ oils;
  • 1 tsp mixtures of sea buckthorn or wild rose.
  1. Dissolve clay in warm water.
  2. Add the rest of the components.
  3. Mix everything into a homogeneous slurry.
  4. After application, wait 20-30 minutes for the mask to dry, then wash off the mask with water. Repeat 1 time per week.

Wheat is our life, a complete food, nutritious and satisfying. But this cereal is amazing not only for its dominant positions in the world of cooking. Wheat germs give the most unique oil in terms of its constituent components and effects. The history of its creation goes far into the past. Today, this healing oily yellow liquid with a pleasant aroma is one of the most popular, effective remedies in modern cosmetology.

Amazing composition

Wheat germ oil for the face just magically affects the skin. It has a huge amount of antioxidants that effectively inhibit the appearance of age-related changes, a powerful anti-aging effect, and stimulate metabolic processes. In addition to antioxidants, the miracle extract contains many other useful substances.

Component Effect on the skin
Fatty acid restoration of damaged tissues, strong protection against negative factors, improvement of blood circulation processes, promote healing of various skin injuries (cuts, abrasions, wounds)
Amino acids enhance the formation of elastin, collagen, smooth the epidermis, remove wrinkles, exfoliate, remove dead, unnecessary skin particles
vitamins regenerating, whitening, anti-aging, therapeutic anti-inflammatory properties, puffiness removal, noticeably raises skin turgor
Allantoin elimination of inflammatory processes, antioxidant properties, increase in elasticity, general tone, improvement of the color of the epidermis
Minerals deep cleansing, moisturizing, oxygenation, soothing, bactericidal properties, elimination of toxins, anti-cellulite effect

Wheat germ oil for the face instantly acts on the epidermis at the cellular, deepest level, penetrating into its most hidden structures. The result of the action of a unique pomace becomes visible after the first procedures.

Who is the miracle cure for?

The amazing properties of the healing substrate make it very effective to use wheat germ oil for the face of almost everyone, with any type of skin.

  • Restores dry, moisturizes, relieves wrinkles, desiccation,.
  • Normal will give the necessary prevention to prevent the appearance of age-related changes.
  • Fatty get rid of shine, narrow enlarged pores, deeply cleanse and renew.
  • Fading will give strength for a full recovery.
  • Problem will help relieve inflammation, irritation.

Oil perfectly helps to treat various skin diseases: acne, eczema, dermatosis, psoriasis. It is non-allergenic and very gently, delicately affects the epidermis.

Application of wheat germ oil for the face

Wheat pomace has a rather heavy consistency, therefore, for facial skin care, it is most effective to use it in a diluted form (or as part of various care products). It is diluted with other oils, lighter (, or) in a 1x3 consistency (where 1 is an oily pomace from wheat germ). A mixture of oils can be applied to the skin in its pure form instead of the usual, caring agent, keep for half an hour.

Facial products and masks

  • Miracle eye cream

Mix 3 parts germinal substrate with 2 parts rose water. Apply the mixture in a thin layer and with light movements “slap” the composition into the skin.

  • For eyelash growth

Remove makeup, rinse your face with comfortable, warm water. A few drops of undiluted miracle oil with a brush, gently apply to the eyelashes. After a few days, the eyelashes will become noticeably thicker, longer and brighter.

  • For lips

Apply a thin layer of undiluted wheat oil on the lips. It effectively eliminates peeling, heals seizures and cracks. Wheat substrate protects lips from severe frost and wind.

  • As an aid

Add it to your usual creams, 3-4 drops (based on one serving for application to the skin).

  • In the form of compresses for deep hydration

Mix 3 drops of wheat oil with orange, shea, mint, sandalwood essential oils (1 drop each). Soak a paper towel with the mixture and apply on your face for a quarter of an hour. It is not necessary to wash off the remnants of the healing mixture - let the skin absorb all the healing substances.

  • For clarification(against freckles, age spots)

Mix oily wheat liquid (15 ml) with lemon, grapefruit or juniper esters (1 drop each). Wet a cotton pad with the composition and apply it on problem areas. Perform the procedure twice a day for half an hour. The effect will be obvious after 5 days.

  • For shiny skin

To treat problematic, oily skin, mix wheat germ oil with lavender or cedar (take 2 drops of each type). Moisten a cotton pad and apply to the inflammatory areas for 25 minutes every day.

  • Against peeling

Lubricate flaky skin areas with a mixture of oily wheat extract (7 ml) with essential oils of lemon balm, rose (1 drop each). Withered areas, lubricate the composition several times daily.

  • Restorative from skin fatigue

A face mask with wheat germ oil from ground oatmeal (20 g), warm milk (15 ml) and wheat miracle remedy (7 ml) will help restore health to a tired dermis. Apply the composition on the face for 25 minutes.

An amazing oily miracle extract, a healing gift of nature, wheat oil for the face will return your face to a youthful, radiant, youthful and healthy look in just a few procedures.

Beauty to you!

The use of natural products in facial skin care is popular among modern girls who want their skin to be not only beautiful, but also healthy. One of the cosmetics donated by nature is wheat germ oil, which is not without reason called the oil of beauty and youth.

Composition and benefits for the face

Since the time of the Stone Age, mankind has been cultivating wheat to meet its nutritional needs, but the healing power of wheat germs was only discussed in the 16th century. The secret is that the maximum of useful substances is accumulated in the embryo: this is how nature made sure that the small germ had enough “strength” to turn into an adult plant. Over time, people learned to get oil from wheat germ, useful for both health and beauty, however, these concepts are inseparable.

In the composition of the product:

  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, D);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9);
  • amino acids (valine, tryptophan, leucitine, methonine, etc.);
  • minerals (selenium, manganese, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, iodine, etc.);
  • allantoin;
  • octacosanol;
  • squalene

Wheat germ contains the maximum amount of nutrients and is used as a raw material for the production of valuable oil.

Vitamins A and E, squalene, allantoin, octacosanol are antioxidants that provide a pronounced anti-aging effect of the oil. It is thanks to these elements that it is possible to slow down the aging process with regular use of the product in facial care.

In addition to the lifting effect, oil:

  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • provides cleansing of the epidermis from deep contaminants;
  • saturates cells with nutrients;
  • moisturizes and softens the skin;
  • has a brightening effect;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory properties;
  • restores skin tone and elasticity;
  • activates blood microcirculation.

Thanks to these properties, a valuable product can be used in regular facial care to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. The oil will also help:

  • even out complexion;
  • smooth fine wrinkles;
  • forget about dryness and peeling;
  • cleanse pores;
  • get rid of acne, blackheads, purulent formations, inflammatory rashes and traces of them, scars;
  • make age spots and freckles less noticeable;
  • take care of the delicate skin around the eyes;
  • repair chapped, chapped lips.

Freckles are “kisses of the sun”, but some girls dream of making them less noticeable, wheat germ oil is to help

How to choose

Before you include oil in your skincare routine, you should take care of purchasing a quality product. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • production method - only through cold pressing a product is made that contains the maximum amount of nutrients, while during hot processing most of the biologically active components are lost;
  • degree of purification - if the product has been refined, there are practically no elements left in it that can have a healing effect both on the skin and on the body as a whole;
  • packaging - when purchasing oil packaged in dark glass containers, you can be sure that it has retained its healing power;
  • consistency - good oil is quite thick, dense, slightly viscous;
  • color - from brown to light amber;
  • smell - rich, with herbal notes;
  • manufacturer - judging by the reviews, the product manufactured under the brands: MiKo, Zeitun, STYX, Wheat Germ Oil, Cuccio Naturale has proven itself well.

After opening the bottle with oil, store the product for no more than 6–12 months in the refrigerator door, tightly closing the lid after each use.

How to make at home

Getting pure wheat germ oil at home is possible only with a special, powerful press. But first you need to get hold of the embryos. How to do it?

  1. Wheat for sprouting (sold in a pharmacy), rinse.
  2. Fill with clean, filtered water so that the liquid just hides the grains.
  3. Cover with gauze and put the container in a warm, dark place. Change water several times a day.
  4. After 3–5 days, sprouts will appear - the wheat is ready for making butter.

If there is no press, only an oil extract can be made at home:

  1. grind the germinated grains with a coffee grinder;
  2. pour any unrefined vegetable oil (5 tablespoons per 2 tablespoons of raw materials);
  3. insist a week in a dark place;
  4. filter.

A coffee grinder is a useful tool that will help grind germinated wheat to make a healthy oil extract from it.

An oil extract has less pronounced properties than pure oil, so if there is no press, it is more rational to purchase an industrially manufactured product.

Contraindications and precautions

External use of oil in facial care is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, before using the product, you need to check the reaction of the skin to it. Apply a small amount of oil to the area behind the ear and wait a day. If any undesirable manifestations (redness, irritation, peeling, etc.) are not found, the product can be used.

If the oil is used in combination with other ingredients, it is worth considering the contraindications of each component in the mixture.

Due to the thick, dense texture in its pure form, the product can only be applied pointwise.

With caution, the oil is used for oily skin of the face: improper use is fraught with aggravation of the problem.

With rosacea, dermatological diseases, skin lesions, extensive rashes, during the rehabilitation period after surgical operations and salon cosmetic procedures, oil can be used only after consulting a doctor.

How to use in face care

There are many options for incorporating wheat germ oil into facial care, let's look at the most common and effective ones.

To feel the full benefit of the product for the skin of the face and not harm its health, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • regularity - you need to take care of beauty constantly, and not from time to time, you should not hope that a one-time use of the product will provide a good result;
  • taking into account individual characteristics - it is necessary to select a suitable remedy, based on the type and needs of the skin, existing problems;
  • compliance with dosages - adhering to the proportions recommended in recipes, you can protect the skin from the unpleasant consequences of improper use of oil;
  • attention to yourself - if any undesirable manifestations occur during the use of wheat germ oil, you should stop using the product and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Before using oil in facial care, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, especially if you have skin problems.

Many skin problems, such as acne and bruises under the eyes, are a manifestation of systemic diseases, improper functioning of internal organs, a consequence of unhealthy habits (smoking, alcoholism, a sedentary lifestyle, etc.). In these cases, the oil may improve the appearance of the face, but the effect will be short-lived. Until the true cause of "trouble" with the skin is eliminated.

In its purest form

Undiluted wheat germ oil can only be applied topically with a Q-tip. The procedure is usually carried out 1-2 times a day. This method is appropriate for a small number of rashes (pimples, blackheads, pustules, etc.), freckles or age spots, small wrinkles.

Undiluted wheat germ oil can be used as a nourishing balm to repair chapped, chapped lips. To enhance the effect, the ingredient is mixed in equal proportions with liquid honey.

If the oil is to be applied all over the face or over large areas, it should always be used in combination with other ingredients.

Oil blends

Oil mixtures are a universal tool that can be used in supportive care, and to solve any problems that wheat germ oil can handle. Additional components allow you to make the texture of the product less dense and achieve an additional or enhanced effect.


Thick wheat germ oil is usually diluted with lighter oils (almond, peach, sesame, grape seed, etc.) in a ratio of 1 to 2 to 1 to 10. The exact proportions are selected individually: the oilier the skin, the lower the concentration of heavy oil should be. The mixture is prepared on a steam bath so that the components included in its composition are better combined.

Oil made from wheat sprouts can also be combined with thick oils (linseed, olive) and even hard oils (coconut, shea, jojoba, cocoa). In this case, a mixture of heavy oils is heated on a steam bath, and then diluted with a less dense oil in a ratio of 1 to 10.

For the preparation of mixtures, you need to use unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils.

To enhance the effect, the prepared product can be enriched with essential oil (1-2 drops per 2 tablespoons of the mixture), in which case the product should not be applied to the area around the eyes. The table below will help you choose the right essential oil.

Table - choose an essential oil

skin type/problemEssential oils
Dry and normal skin
  • Myrtle;
  • sandalwood;
  • jasmine;
  • pink tree;
  • carrot seeds;
  • roman chamomile.
Chapped, flaky skin
Oily, problematic skin
  • Tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • bergamot;
  • grapefruit;
  • carnation;
  • patchouli;
  • ylang-ylang.
aging skin
  • Rose;
  • pink tree;
  • vetiver;
  • neroli;
  • geranium;
  • jasmine;
  • ylang-ylang.
Acne, inflammation, pustules, acne and traces of them
  • Tea tree;
  • pink tree;
  • lavender;
  • lemon;
  • orange.
Scars, scars
  • Tea tree;
  • rosemary;
  • pink tree;
  • camphor;
  • orange;
  • lavender.
  • Lavender;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • rosemary;
  • patchouli;
  • tea tree.
Freckles and age spots
  • Lemon;
  • lime;
  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • tea tree;
  • vanilla;
  • sandalwood;
  • rosemary;
  • mint;
  • carrot seeds;
  • eucalyptus.

Lavender essential oil enhances the anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of wheat germ oil to help fight acne and wrinkles


There are 3 ways to use oil blends:

  • Nutritious cream. 2-3 hours before bedtime, rub the composition between the palms and apply on the face, after 15-20 minutes, blot the unabsorbed product with a dry cloth. For dry skin, repeat every other day, for normal and oily skin - 1-2 times a week.
  • Mask. On clean, dry skin, apply the mixture heated in a steam bath for 20-30 minutes, wash with warm, running water. Repeat for dry and normal skin once a week, for oily skin - once every 2-4 weeks.
  • Compress. In a piece of gauze, make holes for the eyes and mouth, moisten the cloth in the mixture heated in a steam bath and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes, wash with warm water. Use the procedure once a week for dry and normal skin, once every 2-4 weeks for oily skin.

Video: beautician on how to use oils in facial care


Any homemade mask can be enriched with wheat germ oil by adding 0.5-1 tablespoon of the ingredient to 2 tablespoons of the base. And you can use ready-made recipes.

The compositions are applied to clean, dry skin of the face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with running water. To prepare them, it is necessary to heat the oil on a steam bath and combine with the rest of the ingredients. The full course includes at least 8-10 procedures, but after 15-17 sessions it is recommended to take a break for 1-2 months.

For dry and normal skin

Masks are applied once a week, for the purpose of prevention, it is enough to resort to them once every 2-4 weeks. Recipes:

  • 2 teaspoons of oil, a teaspoon of honey, 3 g of perga and 6 g of rice flour;
  • 2 tablespoons mashed mango, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and the same amount of grape seed oil, a teaspoon of pink clay;
  • mashed avocado and natural yogurt (one tablespoon each), a teaspoon of oil.

For oily skin

Oil masks for oily skin must contain a drying component, in which case they can be used once every 1-2 weeks. Examples:

  • beaten egg white, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, a teaspoon of crushed oatmeal, 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang oil;
  • a tablespoon of blue clay, diluted with water to the consistency of gruel, a teaspoon of oil;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped tomato puree, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of oil.

If essential oil is added to the mask, it must first be diluted in vegetable oil, and only then mixed into the total mass.

To solve existing problems

Targeted masks will help to solve the existing problems of the skin of the face, if you resort to them once a week. Proven Recipes:

  • Acne, excessive oiliness of the skin. Crush 2 tablets of ascorutin, mix the powder with a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and 7 g of yellow clay. Apply to the face for 1-2 minutes a towel moistened with hot water, apply the mixture with massaging movements. Wash off with running water after 15-20 minutes.
  • Acne. Dilute a tablespoon of yellow clay with water to a paste, stir in beaten egg white, a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and the same amount of wheat germ oil. Apply for 10-15 minutes.
  • Enlarged pores. Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with hot milk, leave for 15-20 minutes. Mix "porridge" with beaten egg white, honey and butter (one teaspoon each). Apply for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm milk, then wash with running water.
  • Freckles and age spots. Mix finely chopped cucumber, a teaspoon of oil and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Apply for 20-30 minutes.
  • Aging skin. Mix a tablespoon of rice flour with a tablespoon of green tea, mix in a teaspoon each of olive oil and wheat germ oil. Leave on face for 20-30 minutes, rinse with running water.
  • Dark circles under the eyes, crow's feet. Grind raw potatoes of medium size on a fine grater, mix with a teaspoon of oil and a teaspoon of fresh parsley juice. Put the composition on two small pieces of gauze, tie the edges and put the "bags" on the eyes for 15-20 minutes, wash with warm water.


The compositions are applied along the massage lines with rubbing movements on slightly moistened skin, after 2-3 minutes they are washed off with warm running water. To resort to the procedure no more than once every 1-2 weeks. To prepare a scrub, you need to mix the listed components, below are 3 recipes:

  • a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal, a tablespoon of warm milk, a teaspoon of butter;
  • a tablespoon of coffee grounds, a tablespoon of almond oil, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil;
  • a tablespoon of crushed walnuts, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of butter, a tablespoon of milk.

Oat flakes in the Wheat Germ Oil Scrub act as exfoliating particles that gently cleanse the skin of impurities.

With dermatological diseases, a large number of acne, rashes, inflammation, pustules, rosacea, excessively thin and sensitive skin, the use of a scrub is contraindicated, since such a procedure can only aggravate the problem.

Means for the skin around the eyes

The mixtures are applied to the skin around the eyes with fingertips with patting movements in the direction of the massage lines. Do the procedure 2-3 hours before going to bed, blotting the unabsorbed product with a dry cloth 15-20 minutes after application, otherwise you can wake up with swelling in the morning. You can take note of the following compositions, for the preparation of which you need to mix the listed ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, 1-2 drops of vitamins A and E;
  • 3 teaspoons of almond oil, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil;
  • peach, almond, sesame oils (one teaspoon each), a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, 1-2 drops of liquid vitamin A.

The delicate skin around the eyes may react with flaking and redness to the use of nourishing products. In this case, you should stop using the product and look for another option.

Enrichment of purchased funds

Some sources recommend adding oil to creams and gels for the face and around the eyes of industrial production: half a teaspoon (or a little less) of a natural ingredient is enough for a tablespoon of the product. Enrich in this way can only be a single dose of the product immediately before use.

Purchased cream can be enriched with wheat germ oil, but only if the composition of the product is natural

However, some cosmetologists advise resorting to this option of using a natural component only for purchased drugs with a natural composition. Otherwise, you need to take into account the unforeseen reaction of the oil with the chemicals contained in the store product.

Video: experience of using wheat germ oil in facial care

Wheat is a cereal crop that is rich in nutrients and trace elements. Not only a huge variety of foodstuffs is obtained from it, but also oils rich in fatty acids and vitamins. It has been proven that sprouted grains and their sprouts contain many times more amino acids and tannins than ordinary wheat.


Wheat germ oil is used both externally and internally. As cosmetologists explain, the extract gives an excellent effect when used on both dry and problematic dermis. It promotes the elasticity of the epidermis and improves its general condition. With frequent use, the skin is rejuvenated and glows from within.

Vitamin composition of the oil:

  • vitamins A, E, D- when complementary, they literally have a healing effect: they stop the development of skin diseases, improve the overall appearance. Vitamin E prevents premature aging and improves metabolic processes inside the skin;
  • niacin(or vitamin PP) - has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage;
  • B vitamins– normalize fat and water-salt balance, eliminate peeling and smooth out small irregularities of the dermis;
  • allantoin compounds- regenerates damaged tissues, eliminates stretch marks and other skin irregularities (for example, scars). They also have a mild analgesic and softening effect;
  • amino acids - participate in the formation of building fibers of collagen and elastin. Improve the overall tone of the epidermis. In addition, amino acid molecules capture moisture from the surface, deliver it to the deep layers and keep it inside. Eliminate dryness and sagging, slightly tighten the dermis;
  • mineral compounds (phosphorides, potassium, calcium citrate, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and copper) - a set of nutrients that prevent skin diseases (pimples, acne), remove toxins, restore the natural protection of the skin and improve complexion. Thanks to calcium, rapid cell regeneration occurs, and with the help of potassium, edema disappears. Iron improves blood circulation in the body, saturating the skin with oxygen.

General Benefits of Wheat Germ Substrate:

  • antiseptic;
  • drainage;
  • regenerating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • cleansing.

Sprouted wheat oil can be used for complex treatment. It is suitable for all types of dermis - for withering, oily, dry and lost elasticity.

Wheat germ extract is useful for the dermis of the face:

  • renews the epithelium - restores its functions;
  • improves the general condition and normalizes the work of any type of skin;
  • softens;
  • nourishes;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • refreshes the epidermis, promotes its rejuvenation;
  • fights germs and inflammation;
  • regenerates - heals minor injuries, wounds and bruises;
  • eliminates skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis and others);
  • gives tone;
  • restores the delicate skin of the eyelids;
  • treats dry and damaged lips.

The benefits of applying the oil can be reflected in the entire skin. For example, using oil in the basis of compresses or massage, you can eliminate skin laxity, narrow pores and smooth out bumps. Wheat germ ether is also used for problems with dehydration of the dermis.

The oil acts as a general tonic: the skin is cleansed of toxins, the production of collagen fibers is stimulated, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened.

The tool can rid the dermis of stagnant fluid and eliminate puffiness, remove peeling and irritation of sensitive skin. The oil is indicated for use for pregnant girls: it prevents skin aging, improves its elasticity and tone. In this case, it is applied in its pure form to the skin. Also, the product prevents small rashes and evens out the tone.

The extract is used for beriberi to nourish the epithelium with useful components. With aging skin - it gives softness and maintains oxygen exchange in tissues. With mimic wrinkles, deep regeneration and restoration of collagen fibers occurs. The wheat germ substrate also fights rough skin areas, moisturizing and nourishing them. Dryness on the lips is eliminated after a few applications of oil.

For oily skin type, in masks based on germ extract, it is necessary to add peach, almond or apricot concentrate - such a compound will give a real boost of energy, deeply nourish the dermis and make it matte (due to the restoration of water-salt balance). With dry and dehydrated epidermis, wheat germ extract should be mixed with burdock, coconut or jojoba oil. In this case, the protective functions and natural protection of the epithelium are restored, due to which peeling and tightness disappear.

More about the benefits of wheat germ oil in the next video.

Features of choice

When choosing an oil, you should remember that it comes in several types.

Extract can be obtained by cold and warm pressing. The latter option is practically not used at the present time, since all useful substances are lost in this case. Such oil practically does not give positive results when used.

Cold pressing is most often used for the extraction of cosmetic and edible oils. It is better to give preference to him, since all the nutrients and trace elements in the composition are preserved.

Wheat germ extract can be found:

  • in capsules for oral administration- in this case, the oil is applied daily, several tablets before meals. It is a biologically active food supplement and is used for the complex treatment of both skin and internal diseases;
  • in its purest form. It should be remembered that there can be two types of oil: food and cosmetic. The first can be taken orally as capsules, used for dressing dishes and salads. The second must be applied only to the skin, used in masks, body wraps and creams;
  • on the air. This type of oil has a high concentration of active substances, so it should not be used in its pure form. Wheat germ essential oil is used in cosmetology to improve the nutritional properties of essential oils.

When choosing a product, you need to evaluate the packaging, shelf life and consistency. Since the substance has a heavy structure (due to unsaturated fats), its consistency is viscous, viscous. As a rule, yellow or amber color, without impurities. Cosmetic oil has a slight vegetable smell, and essential oil is transparent, with a pronounced aroma.

For oily skin types, the extract should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with peach and olive oil. And for dry and damaged - with grape seed oil, burdock or avocado.


  • allergic reactions. To check the body for allergies, you need to grind a drop of oil on the skin of your wrist or elbow. If redness, itching or irritation occurs, the oil should not be used;
  • individual intolerance.

Application and recipes

The oil is versatile - it can be used to create your own beauty recipes. Wheat germ remedy in cosmetology is used as the basis of care products, masks and compresses for facial skin. Sometimes it can be used for a deep lifting effect.

Rejuvenating mask

Wheat germ extract must be mixed with sour cream (the proportions should be the same), then wait a few minutes and apply on the face. Leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. The effect of such a mask is immediately visible: the dermis is hydrated, looks fresh and rested. According to reviews, this method helps to smooth fine wrinkles and prevent premature aging of the epidermis.

Compress for the skin of the eyelids

For a miraculous composition that eliminates dark circles under the eyes, you will need to mix in the same amount the main oil of wheat, jojoba and add the liquid from several capsules of vitamin E. After that, gently drive the mixture into the dermis with your fingertips, and after half an hour, it can be removed with a damp cloth. It is best to massage before bed or apply the product all night. The epidermis relaxes, regenerating functions are activated, and the nutritional components act on the deep layers.

Concentrate for epithelium tone

In order to tighten the oval of the face, it is necessary to apply a special mask every two days. You will need wheat germ substrate (15 ml) mixed with mint, sandalwood and lemon ether (one drop each). The mixture must be distributed on a napkin or cotton swab and applied to the face for 25 minutes - so the components will moisturize the dermis as much as possible. After the time has elapsed, the napkin must be removed, but it is not worth rinsing off the remnants of the product.

Compress for inflamed skin

To remove inflammation and minor skin lesions, doctors recommend making the following mixture: add a drop of cedar, clove or lavender ether to the wheat germ substrate (15 ml). Use the product as a mask, or instead of a cream.

Pigmentation removal mask

If you need to even out the complexion, you should use an unusual but effective recipe on your face: mix a teaspoon of essential oil with lemon, juniper and bergamot ether - just one drop each. According to reviews, regular use gives amazing results. It is necessary to wipe the face with the product several times a week, for 15 minutes.

Wheat grains throughout the history of mankind were valued more than gold. The recipe for making oil from natural raw materials has been known for a long time; the medicinal product has become widely used in medicine and cooking. And for the fair sex, facial care was much more important, wheat germ became the raw material for the production of an ideal cosmetic product.

Benefits of wheat oil for skin

  1. Acceleration of skin regeneration;
  2. Preservation of firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  3. Prevention of age-related changes;
  4. Protection against ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes;
  5. Moisturizing, rejuvenation and nutrition;
  6. In the complex treatment of dermatological diseases.

Thick consistency with a bright smell of wheat grains contains:

  • fatty acid glycerides;
  • Constellation of B vitamins;
  • Carotene;
  • Lecithin;
  • Tocopherol.

Applying wheat germ oil to the face

They create home care products based on or in combination with wheat germ oil for the face. You can also enrich ready-made shampoos, balms, lotions, scrubs, peels, emulsions, the main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage, 15 drops are enough for 10 ml.

For face and whole body massage, wheat oil can be used in combination with peach, grape, apricot, almond oil. In the cold season, it is used as a lip balm, makeup base, moisturizing gel. To protect the delicate skin of the hands from drying out, apply a few drops after cleansing with soap.

Ancient healers knew how to use oil from venous formations on the face. Distribute a small amount of a natural product in a thin layer, then you can steam the dermis and carry out any cosmetic procedures - massages, scrubbing, peeling, acupuncture.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Indications and contraindications

Best Homemade Wheat Oil Face Mask Recipes

Wrinkle Germ Oil Mask

Result: the light structure of germ oil is effective against wrinkles in the delicate skin of the eyelids and mouth area. Stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis, the restoration of membrane cell structures homemade face masks.


  • 17 drops of wheat oil;
  • 5 sprigs of parsley;
  • potato.

Preparation and method of application: peel the raw root crop, bring to uniformity on a combine. Add base oil and chopped herbs, mix well. Remove the make-up with a micellar product, lie down, close your eyes, distribute the anti-aging composition over the entire surface of the eyelids and mouth area. After 20 minutes, remove the remnants of the mass, moisten the dermis pointwise with a gel with hyaluronic acid.

Acne Germ Oil Mask

Result: cleansing and light moisturizing, mandatory procedures for oily skin at home. You can cure acne that has already arisen, you can normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands on your own, thanks to natural components.


  • 15 drops of wheat oil;
  • 2 tablets of ascorutin;
  • 7 gr. yellow clay.

Preparation and method of application: crush vitamin C tablets, mix well with natural sorbent, add moisturizing oil. Steam the surface of the dermis for about three minutes with a hot towel, apply a therapeutic cleansing mass in a circular motion along the lines of lymph movement. Finish manipulations after twenty minutes, washing with water and lemongrass oil.

Mask with wheat germ oil and honey

Result: maximum nutrition and toning provide natural recipes for the skin. Based on healing oil and bee products, effective face masks activate blood circulation, improve the color and structure of the epidermis. For sensitive, allergic-prone dermis, it is first necessary to test the composition so as not to cause harm.


  • 20 drops of wheat germ oil;
  • 12 gr. meadow honey or acacia;
  • 3 gr. bee bread;
  • 6 gr. rice flour.

Preparation and method of application: turn the cereal into flour in a coffee grinder or purchase it ready-made. Add cosmetic oil, pollen and honey, cleanse the dermis with a thermal remedy. Spread evenly with a plastic spatula. Finish the procedure after half an hour, washing off with rosehip broth with rosewood oil.

Mask with wheat germ oil and olive oil

Result: wheat oil for the skin as part of the best mask recipes enriches cells with vitamins, minerals, organic acids. Will give beauty, youth and radiance natural procedure, universal for all types of dermis. For aging skin, conduct a cycle of 15 sessions.


  • 18 drops of wheat oil;
  • 8 drops of olive oil;

Preparation and method of application: crush pressed algae, add wheat oil and olives, dilute with distilled water. Remove the make-up with a decoction of plantain, apply the composition from the bottom up with a wide cosmetic brush. End the procedure after forty minutes of active action.

Mask with wheat germ and grape seed oil

Result: prevents dehydration and vitamin deficiency of the dermis - a recipe for dry skin, which is easily implemented with your own hands. Base oils are quickly absorbed without clogging pores, restore oxygen respiration of cells.


  • 8 drops of wheat oil;
  • 8 drops of grape oil;
  • 6 gr. pink clay.

Preparation and method of application: peel the fragrant fruit from the skin, bring the pulp to uniformity on a combine. Add clay and base oils, mix well. Steam the dermis with a decoction of chamomile, spread the composition with a three-millimeter layer with a cosmetic spatula. After 40 minutes, remove the rest of the mass with mineral water and bergamot oil.

Video Recipe: Wheatgerm Oil Skin Care at Home