Do I need a booster for a child of 9 years. Can a child be transported in the front seat in a booster seat?

On July 10, 2017 (still in force), new rules for transporting children in a car came into force in Russia.

Amendments to the rules for transporting children are contained in Government Decree No. 761, which was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on June 28, 2017.
Main changes:

Only car seats are now allowed to transport children (the term "other devices" is excluded from the SDA)

Children from 7 to 12 years old can be carried in the back seat both in a car seat and fastened with regular seat belts

Children under 7 years old can only be transported in a car seat, without exception

In the front seat of a car, children under 12 years of age can only be transported in a car seat

Children under the age of 7 are not allowed to be left alone in the car

In 2007, our country introduced liability for the absence or malfunction of a child car seat, the fine was 500 rubles.
Starting from 09/01/2013 and up to the present day, for non-compliance with safety rules (Article 12.23, part 3) while transporting children, the driver will be required to pay a fine in the amount of 3 thousand rubles.

Transportation of children SDA 22.9 traffic rules of 06/28/2017 N 761

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, “the carriage of children under 7 years old in the back seat and up to 12 years old in the front seat is carried out in vehicles equipped with seat belts using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow you to fasten the child with using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle.

Thus, in our country, small children can travel in "car seats", car seats and boosters - seats without a back. The age and build of the child must correspond to the particular model of the child car seat.

According to the traffic rules, the car seat must have an intact frame without internal and external damage. Dents and cracks that violate the integrity of the seat are excluded. The straps of the car seat belts and car seats cannot be frayed and worn out, and the locks and mechanisms must be in good condition.

The Car Seat Act allows the attachment of a child car seat using the Isofix system or on a special base (belt or Isofix). Devices for transporting children are certified according to established rules.


According to the traffic rules, a child car seat is installed on the back seat of the car. According to statistics, the seats in the middle of the rear seat and behind the driver are considered the safest. A child under 12 cannot ride in the front passenger seat. The exception is infants who are transported in car seats fixed against the direction of the car. In this case, the front airbags must be disabled.

If there is a car seat in the cabin, but the baby is not transported in it - for example, his mother holds him, this is still considered an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles. Premature and low birth weight babies should not be carried on their hands, but in adapted "car seats", which have an almost completely horizontal position and are equipped with a soft insert for newborns.

Fans of auto travel in different countries: In Germany, if there is no child seat in the car, you will have to pay a fine of 40 euros. In Italy, the amount of the penalty is 71 euros, and in France - 90. The highest fines are noted in the United States. If you don't have a child seat, you can be fined up to $500.

Video transporting children in a car SDA 2019

Filming in our store, NTV channel, program "Main Road "

Baby Boosters are one of the favorite child restraint systems for parents. Light, compact and inexpensive, they allow you to update models without significant damage to the family budget, as well as move around the city with the youngest members of the family without any problems. However, due to the recent change in legislation and the appearance on the forums of car enthusiasts of stories about fines for using boosters, there is a wary attitude towards this car accessory. Added fuel to the fire, including information circulated by the media about a planned ban on these products from January 2017. This issue was raised in a large number of television programs and broadcasts.

The article is devoted to the study of the use of boosters for transporting children in a car in the realities of current Russian legislation.

The rules of the road are part of the regulatory legal framework of the Russian Federation, which is regularly subject to adjustments. So, for a relatively short period since 2017, the legislator twice touched on the topic of how to transport children, both individually and en masse.

The issue of moving children in vehicles using special restraint systems was amended by Government Decree No. 761, adopted in June 2017 and entered into force in July, which introduced a number of amendments to Section 22 of the SDA. The same document regulates from what age a booster can be used, and until what age a chair or infant carrier should be used.

What you need to know about the current rules of transportation:

  • in the front seat of the car, a passenger under the age of eleven years can only be in the presence of additional. restraint devices or systems;
  • in the back seat, the age category from seven to eleven years old inclusive is transported both with the help of additional fastening with belts, and with the use of seats;
  • regardless of the position in the cabin, passengers under the age of seven travel exclusively using car seats.

In addition, there is an official statutory prohibition on the presence of a child under the age of seven in vehicles without adult supervision. It is worth paying attention to this, since the law does not indicate the time of the possible absence of an adult.

Any, even a five-minute stay in the car of a child of a younger age group without supervision, if it is recorded by a representative of the law, will be regarded as leaving in danger. This threatens with a substantial fine or imprisonment, or forced labor.

Sanctions for improper transportation of small passengers are also contained in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Article 12.19 establishes liability in the form of a fine of 500 rubles.

What is a booster for transporting children? It is an elastic cushion with small armrests and a design that provides attachment to the main seat of the car. When comparing a booster with a full-fledged child car seat, you can easily see that, as a rule, there is no backrest in it, that is, a booster is a car “semi-seat”.

The product is intended for passengers whose weight starts from 15 kilograms and does not exceed 36 kilograms, and whose height is at least 120 centimeters. If the child has already entered the age when you can use the booster, but his height and weight are less than average for the corresponding age group, it is better to think about the further use of the car seat.

Regarding the car seat, the booster is a less safe device, its main purpose is to optimally position the small passenger relative to the car. The belts are designed for the dimensions of an adult, fastening a baby with them can easily create a dangerous situation when the belt passes not through the chest, but through the neck. This is precisely the problem that the booster is designed to solve, it allows you to put the child as high as necessary, avoiding unnecessary risk when riding.

The booster is smaller than a chair, which simplifies transportation and increases mobility. It is easy and quick to install in the car, so it is often used by parents when there is a need to travel by taxi with children. The truncated view also affects the cost of the item.

It should be remembered that a booster can be used when transporting children under the age of seven. Among other things, you should focus on the dimensions of the child. However, in terms of safety characteristics, the booster loses to the chair.

What is a booster for how many years it can be used figured out. Now you should understand how to choose it.

There are two major categories of boosters - with and without backs. The product with a back is a high chair that is inserted into the "adult" chair and securely fastened to it. The backless booster is a kind of pillow with armrests, which is also attached to the car seat, but the back of the child is held on the surface of the original car seat by straps.

Since Russian legislation allows the use of this type of restraint for transporting children in the age group of 7 years, then the backless model is more popular. It is compact and will provide the necessary protection for the child. In addition, children of this age group no longer need additional back support.

The product has such characteristics as the material of the frame and the material of the skin. The frame is often made of metal and plastic, which allows you to choose between a heavier but stronger structure or a lighter one.

In any case, the upholstery fabric is used durable and soft, but preference should be given to upholstery made from natural breathable materials. This will serve as an excellent prevention of skin irritations, especially in the hot summer period.

Buying a booster:

  1. Be sure to take your child with you. This will not only make it easier to choose a chair, but also help to make a purchase that will please the baby. In addition, choosing a chair "by eye", you can make a mistake with the size.
  2. Give preference to models with armrests. This seemingly insignificant detail will greatly simplify the movement of the child. The armrests will keep the sleeping baby in place and give the necessary support to the hands, if on the way he likes to play games on his smartphone or assemble a puzzle.
  3. Choose a chair "for growth." We are not talking about choosing a model that is significantly larger in size than the child needs, but it is worth leaving some margin, taking into account the rapid growth of children and ease of placement. Moreover, sitting “close-to-mouth” is simply uncomfortable and impractical.
  4. Learn how to secure the chair. The question of how many ways you can fix the seat remains open and the choice of a specific mounting system remains with the preferences of the driver. It will also depend on how this system is suitable for the car model. Mounting systems available on the market usually reflect the regional affiliation of the vehicle manufacturer. In American models, the Latch system is the most common. She uses straps with carabiners to connect the car seat to the car seat attachment located on the sides of the child seat. The Isofix system is more common in Europe and is fastened with metal brackets, and therefore requires appropriate equipment from the car interior. In addition to those indicated, there are also local fastening systems, for example, Top Tether “anchor” fasteners are more typical for car seats.
  5. Carefully inspect the structure, putting a child in it, ask him about the sensations. A high-quality product should not be deformed under its weight, compress the baby or cause him discomfort.
  6. Discuss when buying questions about the return of the purchase. If defects in the fasteners or insufficient height of the booster are revealed during operation, it should be returned. Be sure to check the strap of the seat belt - in the correct position, it passes exactly through the chest and thigh. Displacement of the belt is dangerous.

Currently, there are no current GOSTs regarding the characteristics of seats and other devices for the movement of children in a car. Buy a product that complies with the European standard ECE 44.

On the day of purchase, find an opportunity to install a chair and ride with your child, so you can quickly identify potential design flaws and return the purchase if in practice the selected product turned out to be not as good as expected. On the Internet, it is easy to find reviews on certain models presented on the websites of manufacturers and online stores, ratings of these devices, compiled according to various indicators. In addition, there are many videos that explain in detail what to look for when going to buy a chair.

Every thing has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when planning the purchase of an accessory, you should carefully read them and draw conclusions for yourself about the justification for such a purchase.

You can buy a retention system, like any other thing, both in online and offline stores. The main thing here is to approach the issue in a balanced and critical way. Stores provide information about all the parameters of the product, as well as detailed photos of the chair and fixtures, if necessary, they will bring the purchase to a convenient place for the buyer.

If we talk about boosters, then we can make the following comparative table:

If we talk in detail about these evaluation parameters, then the minus of the product is definitely a lower level of safety relative to car seats. However, it must be recognized that seating an adult with a five-point fixation will itself be a problem.

The disadvantages of the model include the need to constantly monitor the location of the seat belt. Children grow quickly, and a shift in the position of the belt relative to the chest is fraught with injuries even with a minor accident or just sudden braking. The height of the booster should be adjusted if it is found that the belt position line has changed, which means that a new product will be repeatedly purchased.

If the main routes of travel with a child in a car are “for children”, and the young passenger is in the car only for a short time on the way to school, a clinic or a children's section, which, moreover, coincides with periods of difficult traffic in the city, when the traffic flow is traditionally low then the need for a car seat is called into question.

The positive aspects of the booster follow from its simplified design: it can easily fit into any, including the most compact car model, move to another car, has a low price, and is also convenient for the child himself, as it gives him the opportunity to move more relaxed.

Boosters are made in a variety of designs. It’s easier to persuade a little fidget to move into a seat with your favorite characters: Smeshariki, Disney cartoon characters.

There is now a huge selection of armchairs on the market with a variety of designs that will please the eyes of not only children, but also adults: from the most concise and discreet, to super-bright and decorated with drawings.

What can be used besides boosters?

It should be noted that the requirements for the restraint system are based primarily on the age, dimensions of the child and its location in the car.

Seat belt adapters are prohibited.

In practice, disputes often arise with representatives of the traffic police about whether it is possible to transport a child in a booster in the front seat of a car.

In case of questions from authorized persons, one should refer to clause 22.9 of the SDA, which allows such an opportunity using) ”. If the law enforcement officer is overly vigilant, you can carry the instructions for the booster in the cabin, which indicates that this is a special restraint device.

When deciding on the place that a child will take in the cabin, it should be borne in mind that the rear seats are considered the safest: directly behind the driver (rear left or rear right seats, respectively, for left-hand and right-hand models) and the rear center seat. When placing a child in the front seat, or installing an infant carrier there, the airbags must be turned off - they can seriously injure.

The visual resemblance of boosters to pillows leads some parents to try to use this method of transporting babies. This cannot be done, as this is primarily a matter of children's health. It is prohibited by law to transport children without specialized means of restraint. In case of urgent need, it is better to call a taxi with the appropriate interior equipment.

The possibility of using the FEST system is controversial, the judicial practice on which is extremely ambiguous. On the one hand, there is an extensive practice of court decisions in favor of traffic police inspectors who fined parents for finding children in a salon with fixation by such a system. On the other hand, by a decision of February 16, 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation canceled all decisions of courts of a similar nature in relation to case 45-AD17-1 (bringing to responsibility under part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). However, it should be borne in mind that judicial precedent is not a decisive factor in disputes with representatives of the law.

Not so long ago - . And today there will be a note about children and traffic rules.

The question popped up suddenly. We carry the eldest in the back seat on a booster, because it has not been possible to fit in a child seat for a couple of years. But the other day - I had to fold both backs of the rear seat, and the older one had nowhere to go. In the sense — the place is left only in the front. The question naturally arose — is it possible to carry it on a booster in the front seat. The fact that children can be transported there in principle, and even those who are not yet 12 years old - I knew for a long time, and paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules confirms this:

22.9. Transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraints .

But whether it is possible to use a booster for this was not clear.

Moreover, the forums were full of messages - ranging from innocent ones, such as "I got a fine of 3 thousand for transporting a child in a booster in the front seat", and to angry accusatory ones, and having nothing to do with the issue under consideration - such as "the issue of the safety of my own children stands disproportionately above the questions of the “legal plane”, “Don’t you really feel sorry for your child” and “what is more important to you - the life and safety of YOUR child, or saving a few lousy rubles ???”. The second category of people is surprising, because. the question is asked not on the topic: is it worth it or not to carry children under 12 years old in the front seat in a booster. It is clear that, other things being equal, it is necessary to plant back. The question is whether it is legal to transport children in the front seat using a booster if it is not possible to put them in the back.

In other words, is the booster a special child restraint, or is it only devices equipped with their own belts? In order to find out, it was useful to study legal practice. And here's what I dug up.

Of course, the traffic cops for the most part argue that the first part of the paragraph from paragraph 22.9 of the SDA, namely:

should be carried out with using child restraints corresponding to the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts provided by the design of the vehicle

claims that the booster is precisely other means , which allows you to fasten a child using seat belts, and not a child restraint at all, so it cannot be installed in the front seat. To this one can only answer that they did not read GOST R 41.44-2005 (uniform provisions concerning restraints for children in motor vehicles) very carefully. Because if they read it carefully, they would understand that another means is, for example, a special fastening that allows you to lower an adult seat belt from a child's neck to chest level. And the booster is just a kind of child seat, similar to those child seats that do not have their own belts, are designed for already adult children, and are fastened together with the child with an ordinary belt, i.e. this is the 3rd group from 22 to 36 kg, and often -.

However, the explanation of this fact reaches the consciousness of individual representatives of the traffic police poorly, and then you have to go to court. And here, fortunately, the court is not based on the hysterical cries of some individuals in the forums, but on industry standards. And the court rulings say the following - yes, boosters are child restraints, if this is confirmed by the instructions

and the corresponding certificate, which the court requests from the sellers (it is clear that the driver is not required to have a copy of it and carry it with him). In order not to be unfounded, I post the decisions of the courts that I scooped up on the appropriate forum:

It should be noted that this is not the only precedent, just a month ago - the court again sided with the car owner, who was illegally punished for putting his child in a booster in the front seat.

In general, the result is:

1) Of course, if possible, you need to put the child in the back.

2) If there is no possibility, then you can put him in a booster in the front seat. But. Remember that this can only be done in case of an emergency and unforeseen situation - you have to go, but there are no other options. This should not become the rule. That's why:

a) Be extremely careful and careful on the road.

b) If there is an airbag, turn it off. It is your facial bones of the skull that are strong and will withstand a blow from a turnip against a pillow, although the nose, of course, will still be broken. And the child will be much worse off.

c) Move the seat in which the child is sitting - as far back as possible.

d) Be prepared that no matter what, the traffic police will by all means write you a fine for this. They also have a plan, and nowhere to go. In this case, print out court decisions, for example - this

or the photo above, let the representative of the traffic police get acquainted with them in advance, preferably using a voice recorder, and tell them that you will then go to court, then for reimbursement of the costs that you incur due to the fact that instead of work you will have to attend court meeting, and then to the prosecutor's office, with a complaint that despite the fact that you warned them in advance and convincingly that this was not an offense, they exceeded their official powers and wrote out a protocol. Let it be better to catch those who carry children in their arms. If it doesn’t help, take a picture of the child in the booster, the booster itself, write in the protocol that putting the child in the booster was based on the manufacturer’s instructions and earlier court decisions. Further, if you feel the strength to defend yourself on your own, appeal to all of the above in court. If not, contact them, they will tell you how to behave, but for the money they will also give a defender.

And may common sense help you. If they are not guided, then neither you nor your child will be saved even by the best chair in the back seat.

Upd. In 2018, the rules for transporting children from 7 to 11 years old (inclusive) in the car have changed a bit. Now as soon as the child turned 7 years old, you can not use the booster at all at the back (if the child is large), its use is necessary only in the front seat (including using it instead of a child car seat - everything is also possible if it corresponds to the weight and height of the child - and these are almost all boosters, even ). As soon as you are 12 years old, you can also ride in the front seat without a booster.

For kids under 7 years old- everything remains the same: if the instructions for your booster say that it belongs to - that's it, you can use it from the back and front from 3 years old. Children can be transported in them in accordance with the classification - weighing from 15 to 36 kg (boosters are group II / III child car seats that do not have a back - a quote from Igor Mikhailushkin, head of the traffic safety propaganda department of the UGIBDD in the Nizhny Novgorod region). If only the third - sorry, no, see the previous paragraph.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on child restraints and systems that can be used in accordance with traffic rules in 2019.

Let me remind you that from July 12, 2017, the next edition of the rules of the road, considered in. The rules exclude the possibility of using other means when transporting children.

In this regard, drivers have questions about how to determine whether their devices are child restraints from the point of view of traffic rules. Basically, this question concerns the so-called boosters and fast adapters.

Let's consider this question in more detail:

Classification of devices for transporting children

Consider the most popular types of devices shown in the figure above:

  • cradle- it is intended for transportation of children in lying position.
  • Baby chair- it is intended for transportation of children sitting. It is a full-fledged seat equipped with seat belts for the child. This design allows you to securely fix the child. The seat also protects the child from the side.
  • Booster- represents directly a seat, without a back. Raises the child relative to the seat in the car and allows you to fasten the child with a standard seat belt.
  • Adapter(most often from the company FEST) - is a triangular pad that is installed on standard seat belts. Allows you to move the upper part of the belt away from the child's neck.

In this article, we will not go into details of which devices are better for protecting a child. This topic deserves a separate discussion.

The main question for today is which of the listed devices are child restraints. allowed to transport children? Is it possible to use boosters and triangles when transporting children and will this not entail a fine?

What child restraints are allowed by the traffic police?

If in the car each child occupied a separate place on which there was no belt, then there would be no violation.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon, and if a child 1.4 is fastened with an adapter (above indicated in the article), will this be a violation? Thank you!

Daria, hello.

In a family where they are used to traveling by car, transporting a baby is a separate item of necessary security measures and expenses. The fact is that, according to the law, it is forbidden to transport a baby up to a certain age and weight without a restraint device. As the child grows, it is necessary to change the car seat to another or booster. The pricing policy of the latest invention brings it to a leading position in the ranking of budget devices for the safe driving of children in a car.

A booster is a type of restraint in the form of a seat with small armrests, but without a supporting back and headrest. The purpose of the design is to lift the small passenger, and then the regular seat belt will not pinch his neck (which happens if the child is transported simply in a car seat).

What the law says

According to the traffic rules version of 2017, children who have not reached the age of 12 must move in a car in a special restraint device that is suitable for age and height and weight.

It is interesting. Article 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the transportation of children without special restraints is punishable by a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

At the same time, any home-made pillows and linings are not included in the recommended devices for transporting small passengers. In other words, the child-safety vehicle design must be certified and meet or exceed federal or state standards for transportation.

Rules for using the booster depending on the height, weight in kilograms and age of the child

Like other types of devices designed to carry small passengers, it has clear parameters for use according to the age, height and weight of the child. To understand the features of its use, it is worth first understanding the categories of restraints:

  • 0 - car seats for newborns and infants up to six months. Designed for body weight up to 10 kg;
  • 0+ - autocarriers for babies up to a year old. Designed for body weight up to 13 kg;
  • 1 - car seats used from one and a half to 3 years. Withstand a body weight of 9–18 kg;
  • 2 - devices for preschoolers from 3 to 7 years old with a weight of 15 to 25 kg;
  • 3 - products for children aged 6–12 years, weighing from 22 to 36 kg.

You can sometimes hear about models with a back, but in fact such products are group 2/3 car seats, which, if necessary, are transformed by removing the back.

Booster in comparison with other restraints (frame and frameless car seat, FEST)

For long trips, the most suitable and comfortable restraint would be a frame car seat. It also ranks first in terms of safety. All other restraint options do not provide side protection for the head and body.

If we talk about a frameless car seat and FEST, then the first device showed its unreliability during independent tests (the belts with which the child is fastened break at the time of the collision), and the second leads to abdominal injuries (the belt raised by the adapter does not pass through the reeds, but the passenger’s stomach ) and does not protect against the diving effect.

Some parents install both a booster and a FEST. Such reinsurance is not a violation, but it does not have any particular expediency.

Gallery: types and photos of child restraints

FEST is designed to properly fix regular seat belts, but it does not provide the required level of protection. Booster is convenient to use for short trips, including in a taxi. Frameless car seats are a choice in favor of saving, but at the expense of safety
The car seat on the frame is the most secure restraint

Video: crash test booster, car seats and other devices

How to choose a booster for a child

Having decided to buy a booster, it is necessary to take into account the maximum nuances of choice so that the purchase will serve faithfully for several years. To do this, pay attention to important parameters:

  • fastening method;
  • the material from which the product is made;
  • passenger comfort level.
  • Mounting methods in the car

    The booster in the car can be fixed in 2 ways, depending on the model of the device:

  • regular seat belts;
  • Isofix system.
  • Regular seat belts: instructions

    In this case, the small passenger himself performs the role of the device lock.


  • We put the restraint on the car seat.
  • We plant the child.
  • We draw the lower tape of the standard belt under the armrests of the booster along the legs of the child.
  • We fix the body of the child to the back of the seat with a diagonal belt.
  • We check that the belt does not pass over the neck of the passenger.
  • Video: how to properly install a booster in a car

    Isofix system to fix the device in the cabin

    If the car has isofix hinges, then you should choose a booster with the same type of installation. In this case, the rigidity and reliability of the grip of the holding device is ensured by fastening to the car body. In addition, seat belts provide additional protection and fixation.

    Installing the booster on the seat with Isofix is ​​very simple: you need to insert the guide products into the brackets located between the backrest and the rear seat cushions until they click.

    Latch is the American analogue of the European isofix. The difference of this type of installation is that instead of guides, fastening with straps to the brackets is used.

    Isofix system provides a more rigid fixation of the device

    What is the "pillow" made of: material that manufacturers can use

  • Pressed foam. For the price, these models compare favorably with the rest. Many parents tend to choose this type of booster also because it is light, that is, you can easily take it with you on a trip in a taxi. However, sometimes during an accident, such a structure breaks down, which, of course, will not protect the baby from injury.
  • Plastic frame. Provides a fairly high protection in emergency situations, not too heavy, the price is not much different from the foam ones.
  • Metal frame. These products have only two drawbacks in comparison with others - a lot of weight and a relatively high cost.
  • The safety class of the booster depends on the material of manufacture. The highest is for fixtures on a metal frame, the smallest is for foam plastic ones. But in any case, all parts for an increased level of protection should have soft lining so that the child is not injured because of them.

    Child comfort

    To assess which booster is more comfortable, it is recommended to take a child with you, because the products differ in width, length and height. The baby should be soft, comfortable, and even in a voluminous winter jacket. From the same position, the fabric with which the device is sheathed is also considered. Opt for breathable material so that the passenger does not get too hot in summer. Removable covers are ideal.

    If you expect more or less long-distance travel, then it may make sense to pay attention to models with additions (for example, coasters for glasses, a table). But often such improvements create more difficulties on the road - the child wants to use all the possibilities, and doing it awkwardly provokes the appearance of stains in the car interior.

    Most manufacturers provide a retractable cup holder so that it can be hidden in the case if necessary.

    Most parents leave positive feedback about boosters, noting that the child is very comfortable riding in them.

    We have a booster. I fasten it in the center with a central belt, the cross fits well, it does not pinch my neck, like an adult. Fixes perfectly, sharp turns do not even move. It is convenient because it does not hinder the movement of the child, and there are armrests.


    Booster Operating Rules

    When buying and installing a booster, it is necessary to take into account the basic rules and features of its use.

    Where to put: front or back seat

    The booster can be placed on the front or back seat of the car always in the direction of travel. However, in practice, quite often inspectors of the road patrol service, taking advantage of the ignorance of citizens, fine for installing a restraint next to the driver. In this case, you need to refer to chapter 22.9 of the SDA, which describes possible options for placing devices for transporting children, among which boosters are also declared.

    However, the safest location for any type of restraint for transporting a toddler is in the center of the rear seat. It is there that your child will be maximally protected from a side impact, as well as in a head-on collision, when the driver, reflexively obeying the instinct of self-preservation, will turn the steering wheel in such a way as to protect himself.

    If you fix the booster on the seat next to the driver, then turn off the airbags on that side, as they can work and injure the child during heavy braking.

    Video: side impact booster crash test

    Features of use: how to fasten and transport a passenger with maximum safety

    There are two ways to fasten a child, depending on his weight:

  • the lumbar belt passes under both armrests of the booster, and the shoulder belt only on one side if the baby weighs between 15–25 kg;
  • the lumbar belt passes under both armrests of the booster, and the shoulder belt is located on top of one of them if the passenger's body weight reaches 22 kg.