New Year for the little ones fairy tale scenario. The scenario of the matinee "Christmas tree for the little ones"

The children call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden appears.
Snow Maiden - Hello, friends! Did you recognize me?
Children - ...

Snow Maiden - That's right, I'm a Snow Maiden. And I'm very glad to see you! How you grew up, how smart and beautiful you came to the holiday. Do you know where I came from?
Children - ...

Snow Maiden - I came to you from a magical winter forest, on the edge of which stands my ice house, and around it grow green, fluffy ... what, guys?
Children are ... Christmas trees.

Snow Maiden - Right. Christmas trees in our magical forest grow different, and wide, and thin, and low, and high. Do you want us to turn into Christmas trees from my forest for a few minutes?
Children - ...

Snow Maiden - Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up,
"low" - rather squat and lower your hands,
"wide" - make the circle wider,
"thin" - make the circle narrower. (The game)

Snow Maiden - Well, did you like it? Do you still want to play? (The game "hide your hands from the Snow Maiden", the Snow Maiden "freezes" several children)
(“frozen”) - Oh, guys, you probably didn’t obey your elders, didn’t wear mittens and warm hats on the street. Now we need to disenchant you. Or maybe only ... who, guys?

Snow Maiden - That's right, Grandfather Frost. Let's call him!
The children are called Santa Claus.
Santa Claus - Hello, granddaughter! Hello guys! What happened to you? What happened?

Snegurochka - Grandfather, the guys and I played, and I froze those who dress easily in winter. Help us, unfreeze the guys!
Santa Claus - Well, I will help you, but you promise me to obey your parents and teachers in the coming year. Do you promise?
Children - ...

Santa Claus - Oh, snow, snowstorm and blizzard, help Frost, free the guys!
And now, granddaughter, I think it's time to light this wonderful Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden - Wait, grandfather, first the guys and I will play an interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.
Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,
If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response,
Well, if suddenly it's wrong, feel free to say "No"! (play)

Santa Claus - Well done guys, I see you know how to decorate a Christmas tree! Well, now let's light the magic lights on it! Does everyone remember the spell? (One-two-three, Christmas tree burn!)
Snegurochka - Friends, what songs about the Christmas tree and the New Year do you know?
(sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Santa Claus - I'm tired of something ... I'll sit and rest. And you guys please me with poems and songs, I love listening to children so much! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, give me my bag of gifts!
Snow Maiden (looking for a bag) - Where is he, grandfather? Can't find it...
Santa Claus - Oh, I'm an old fool! Head with a hole! Lost a bag with long-awaited gifts! What are we to do now?
Snow Maiden - Grandfather, or maybe we'll try to look for gifts in a magical forest!
Santa Claus - Come on, granddaughter!
(game "jumping through the magic forest")

Santa Claus - There is no bag anywhere ... Woe to me, woe ...
Snow Maiden - Nothing, grandfather, don't be upset! Guys, let's look into the deer's house, he often walks through the forest, maybe he saw the gifts?
Santa Claus - Or we will meet other animals at the deer, maybe they found my bag ...

("The deer has a big house"
The deer has a big house,
He looks out his window
Bunny runs through the forest
Knocking at his house:
Knock, knock, open the door
There is an evil hunter in the forest,
Bunny, bunny, run
Give me a paw!)

Santa Claus - No, the deer, I see, does not have a bag ...
Snow Maiden - And the bunny didn’t find it ... Grandpa, or maybe the New Year itself found your bag and put it under the Christmas tree? Guys, let's see!
(find bag)

Santa Claus Thank you, New Year, rescued me! Thanks tree!
Now I can give all the guys!
Snow Maiden - Friends, who wants to read poems to Grandfather Frost, sing songs? ..
(read, sing, perhaps a costume contest)

Santa Claus - And now it's time for us, other children are waiting for us ...
Snow Maiden - Yes, it's time for us to leave. Happy New Year guys! Obey your elders and grow up healthy!
Santa Claus - Goodbye!

The scenario of the New Year's party for the younger group "How the Snowman and the Bunny didn't share the carrot."

Panova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU "Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.
Material Description: this scenario is designed for younger preschoolers, and can also be useful for educators who want to spend a New Year's party for kids in a fun and interesting way. The script includes songs, dances, theatrical performance of adults and so on.
Target: holding a memorable matinee for kids and their parents.
Tasks: create a cheerful, joyful, festive mood, create conditions for demonstrating the talents of their children to parents.

Holiday progress:

What kind of guest came to us?
So elegant and slim
How the toys shine on her ...
Here's an icicle of ice
And on the very top -
Five-winged star!
This is our Christmas tree
Prickly needle!
Around the Christmas tree, kids,
We will go slowly.
Hey guest! Hey tree!
How good is that!
It will be a lot of fun at the holiday with us.
And we will sing a song about the Christmas tree now!
Performing song "Yolochka"(children sit on chairs).
A sad Snowman without a nose - a carrot - enters the hall.

Snowman: Hello guys, did you see the oblique? He took my nose from me and ran away from the forest.
The bunny did not come to us
And did not bring carrots,
Frost will come to us now,
A new nose will find you!
He is a magician and a joker -
You will make a nose.
Snowman: (mournfully):
I don't want a new nose
I'm looking for my carrot.
Snowman, don't be sad
And look at the tree.
With us there is no time to be bored,
Let's have fun playing!
Game "Catch the snowflakes"(paper snowflakes fly out of the "cloud").
We had fun playing
And now I rejoice:
After all, today appeared
I have so many friends! (shows with hands.)
Snow crunches very loudly
Someone is in a hurry to the Christmas tree!
Fast music sounds, the Hare runs into the hall.

I am a cheerful bunny, jumping bunny!
You didn't come here in vain...
Hello my friends!
I'm early this morning
Brought forty news
What do you guys have a Christmas tree
There is a decorated one.
I made my way to kindergarten
Through the fields and through the forests
And on the Christmas tree, miracle tree,
I want to see myself!
With us, bunny, stay
Have fun and have fun
After all, today is the New Year,
Everyone dances and sings!
I would stay right now.
Isn't there among you
weird snowman,
He is a little angry now.
You bunny, calm down
And don't be afraid of the Snowman.
Look how good
Baby kids!
Join us in a circle
Smile quickly.
Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
What do I see? Snowman!
Is he sleeping soundly?
(Starts to brag.)
They say that bunnies are cowards and smarties.
You do not believe me, I'm not a coward! I'm not afraid of anyone
No bear, no fox. I am the bravest in the forest!
Snowman, open your eyes
I call you to fight!
I am a brave man, not a coward!
Snowman (wakes up):
Aaaa, gotcha, braggart!
You shouldn't scare me.
Catch me first!
Fast music sounds, the Snowman is chasing the Hare. Children stomp their feet, disturbing them.
Wow, I'm tired, I can't.
I'd rather sit down and rest.
Well, I'm all the kids
I'm turning into bunnies now!
Music sounds, the Hare blows on the guys, the children put on bunny hats.
Well, bunnies, run out,
Take a walk in the meadow.
Game "Catch us, Snowman".
You can't fight on holidays.
Make peace, friends!
After all, today all the people
Celebrates the New Year!
The hare and the snowman are hugging. The hare gives a carrot.
We will, we will be friends
Let's, let's live peacefully.
Snow Maiden (pulls out a bell):
I am a Snow Maiden girl,
I came to you for a holiday
magic bell
I brought it with me.
(Rings a bell.)
Ding dong, ding dong! -
Bell ringing is heard.
The bell sings
Snowflake is calling.
Snowflakes sisters,
Fly to me.
Let's spin
In the silence of the night
"Dance of the Snowflakes"
Snow Maiden:
And where is Santa Claus?
Let's call him out loud.
Let's say together: "Santa Claus! Whoa! Aw!"
Children and the Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus! Whoa! Whoa!
Father Frost:
- Aw! Whoa! I'm coming!
Hello kids,
Girls and boys.
Happy New Year
And I wish you health!
- And why is your Christmas tree not burning, not sparkling with lights? Not in order! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, bring me my magic wand ... Come closer to the Christmas tree. (Children go to the tree.)
- Magic wand, touch the twigs,
Christmas tree-beauty, light up for the guys.
The tree lights up.
- We blow on the Christmas tree like this, like this.
And the Christmas tree went out like this, like this.
Children blow on the Christmas tree, it goes out.
"Clap, clap, speak
Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn! (children clapping).
- And the heels will be stamped, and the lights will be lit.
Children stomp, the tree lights up.
“One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire !!!
Snow Maiden:
We hurried to you from the forest,
To catch the carnival
And they put surprises (shakes bag)
to give to you today.
Father Frost:
You cheered me up
But it's time for us to go home
Wait, there's a ball in the bag, (pulls a ball out of the bag)
Where will he lead us?
Everyone follows Santa Claus and finds a chest with the inscription "Treasure" under the tree.
Father Frost:
I'll open the chest now
Here is a surprise for you and me.
Here are the gifts for the kids
For girls and boys.
Presenter: Guys, let's say "Thank you" to Santa Claus together and give him a song.
The song "Little Christmas Tree" is performed.
Father Frost:
Well, friends, you need to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Snow Maiden:
Both adults and kids!


Who lost a glove?

1 junior group

The hall is festively decorated. Under the branches of the Christmas tree are small bright mittens. The teacher and children enter the hall, they are met by the Snow Maiden, everyone stands near the Christmas tree.


Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden . Hello guys! How elegant you are ... And I am the Snow Maiden waiting for you for the holiday. Come closer and look at the tree.

A wonderful winter brought us a holiday,

The green Christmas tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

Let's take a look at the toys guys -

They hang everywhere to the very top!

They examine the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree and name them.


We invited the Christmas tree to visit,

What an elegant Christmas tree in our hall!

How beautiful she is with a silver star!

Good for us, Christmas tree, have fun with you!

Snow Maiden.

Our Christmas tree is fluffy,

And slim and green

Just something with lights

It does not burn with us!


We'll fix the mess

Let's make the fires burn!

Let's say out loud: "One, two, three -

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Children (together with adults).

One two Three -

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

The lights don't light up.

Snow Maiden.

Nothing works: The lights don't light up!


Come on, girls and boys, we will threaten the Christmas tree with a finger(threaten with finger)

And now we all clap(clap hands)

And let's all stomp our feet(stomp).

The lights don't light up.

Snow Maiden.

Nothing works:

The lights don't light up!


What? How so?

It doesn't work, no way!

Light the lights on the tree

We tried - all to no avail!

Snow Maiden.

We did everything wrong!


Tell me, how?

Snow Maiden.

And do not stomp, and do not clap,

And do not threaten with a finger,

We just need our Christmas tree

Ask very quietly.


Christmas tree-beauty, play with us,

Christmas tree-beauty, light up with lights!

Let's say together: "One, two, three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!

Children (together with adults).

One two Three! Our Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the tree are lit up.


It worked, it worked:

Our tree is lit up!

Everyone clap their hands.

Snow Maiden.

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

Children together and adults sing the song "Yolochka".

The host notices a mitten lying under the Christmas tree, picks it up.


Oh look guys

What lies under the tree!


Here's another... (Picks up gloves from the floor)

And there are only three under the tree!

Come on, kids


Maybe yours? So take it!

The presenter goes around all the children and adults, showing the find, but no one recognizes his mitten.

Who danced at the Christmas tree -

Lost your mitten?

A bunny comes out: on one of his paws there is a mitten, on the other paw there is no mitten.

Snow Maiden.

This bunny danced here

Lost my mitten!

The presenter approaches the bunny, puts a mitten on his paw, and sits him down by the Christmas tree.


Oh, really, it's a bunny mitten!

Get a mitten

Don't lose her again!

And let's, kids, sing a song for a bunny! Listen, bunny!

Children and presenters sing the song "Bunny" and perform movements).


Feel sorry for the bunny

We need to warm up the bunny.

Let's play with a hare

Let's jump and jump.

Come out, kids

And jump from the heart!

After the game, the children go to their places.

presenter (shows the second mitten).

I wonder whose mitten is this?

Who else danced here

Lost your mitten?

A bear comes out: on one of his paws there is a mitten, on the other paw there is no mitten.

Snow Maiden.

This bear danced here, Lost his mitten.

The presenter approaches the bear, puts a mitten on his paw.


Oh, really, it's a bear's mitten! Get a mitten, Don't lose it again! Look, guys, at the bear!The presenter puts the bear on a barrel under the tree. Snow Maiden.

As he put on his mitten, the bear immediately began to snore. Is it possible, bear, to sleep?

We want to play with you! Come on, guys, let's try to wake up the bear.

Let's sing to him our song about the couch potato.


the presenter shows the third mitten.

Leading. Look, kids, what a beautiful mitten! Who lost her?

AT the rider comes out from behind the Christmas tree, leading Santa Claus by the hand.

Snow Maiden.

Here Grandfather Frost danced, lost his mitten.

Leading. Hello Dedushka Moroz! We are very glad to see you at our holiday!

Father Frost. Hello kids! Hello adults! And I'm glad to meet you!(Children.) How elegant and beautiful you all are today!

Leading. Of course, beautiful! After all, we have a Christmas tree holiday!

Father Frost.

Yes, the Christmas tree is so wonderful, fluffy!

And how many different toys on it!

(Turns away from the Christmas tree and looks at the children.)

Hanging here are ten balls and twenty-five lanterns, eight gold cones, Six blue icicles. There are also exactly six birds. Yes, do not count everything!

Snow Maiden. How did you know that?

Father Frost.

I decorated the tree myself(looks around)

Lost my mitten!

presenter (shows a mitten). Isn't this one?

Father Frost . (Joyfully). This one! Found my glove!(Suitable for the presenter?)


A mitten to pick up

You must dance for us.

Father Frost.

I will dance from the heart

With you kids!

Come on, "Russian"


Play more fun!

Santa Claus, children, educators perform

Leading. Oh, Santa Claus, is it really time for us to say goodbye?

Father Frost. Don't worry kids! I'm not going anywhere yet.

I love to dance very much

And I also love to play!

Leading. Our kids love to play too! Our favorite game is hide and seek.

Snow Maiden. And I love to play hide and seek!

Leading. Then turn away, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, and our guys will hide from you.

Snow Maiden. Okay, we agree.

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus approach the Christmas tree, turn away from the guys. Children squat down. Adults cover them with a transparent white cloth.

Snow Maiden.

One, two, three, four, five -

We're going to look for the guys.

(They walk around the hall.)

Snow Maiden.

I walk, I walk, I walk

I can't find guys.

Father Frost.

I'll go for the Christmas tree -

Maybe I'll find the guys there?

The Snow Maiden goes behind the Christmas tree, the adults remove the fabric - the children get to their feet. The Snow Maiden is back.

Snow Maiden (not seeing the guys).

I went around the whole tree

But I didn't find the kids.

Leading. And we are here! You couldn't find us.

Now the kids will close their eyes, and you hide. We will look for you.

Father Frost. Good! Try to find us now, guys. Close your eyes with your palms, and we will hide.

Children close their eyes. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus are hiding behind the Christmas tree.

Leading. One, two, three, four, five - we're going to look!

Adults and children walk around the hall, search, find, take out from behind the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Well done kids! And how could you find me so quickly? Now let's try to find Santa's gifts. I know they're hidden around here somewhere. Can we find them?

Children and educators. We can!

The Snow Maiden, children and teachers walk around the hall, looking for gifts from Santa Claus. Here the Snow Maiden discovers under the Christmas tree a huge bag of Santa Claus, it contains gifts for kids.

Snow Maiden. Look what I found! It's Grandpa's bag! How heavy! It seems that something lies in it ... I wonder what it could be?(Looks into the bag.)Yes, there are gifts for the kids! So Santa Claus - where did he hide the gifts! And we found them!

Father Frost.

Well done kids!

Adults distribute New Year's gifts to children.

Educators thank the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus for the gifts. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus congratulate all the children on the New Year, say goodbye and leave.

Children and adults leave the hall.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children of the first junior group

Author of the work: Shadrina Elena Yurievna, music director
Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 1393, Moscow

New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children 2-3 years old
Create a joyful, festive mood for kids
Develop children's emotional responsiveness,
Encourage active participation in the celebration
Host, Snow Maiden, Parsley, Fox, Snowman.
Holiday progress:
The Leader enters the room.
Leading: New Year's holiday
Knocking at our door,
invites to the tree
Have fun everyone.
The painted sledge
Hurry up and sit down
And to meet winter
Ride with the wind.

Song-game "Sled" music by Sauko

Leading: So the Christmas tree is beauty
Eyes pop up.
Come closer to the tree
Check out all the toys.

Christmas tree inspection

Leading: Happy New Year,
Let the fun come to us!
I wish you happiness
To all children and guests.
Play music louder
Start your round dance

Round dance "That's what a Christmas tree" music by Petrova

The children take their seats. The leader approaches the tree.
Leading: Look, kids
What weighs on a branch.
The host removes the bell from the branch.
Leading: Let's ring the bell
What will we see.
The leader rings the bell.
Leading: Hear the snow crunches
Someone is rushing over here.
The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Song "Song of the Snow Maiden"

Snow Maiden: Hello kids,
Girls and boys.
I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold.
Santa Claus chose a name for me.
What is my name, friends?
Children: Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: I see you are not lazy
And worked hard
Your tree is just amazing.
So elegant and beautiful.
Leading: Only there are no lights on it.
You burn them quickly.
Snow Maiden: I'll reveal a big secret:
Repeat after me:
Clap, clap, say:
Our Christmas tree - burn!
Children clap, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.
Snow Maiden: If you need to repay
Lights on the tree.
Then let's blow together
On pine needles.
Children blow, lights go out

The game "Game with lights".

Snow Maiden: To light the fire again
Let's say: "Christmas tree, burn!"
Leading: We have a lot of fun
At your holiday
And a song about a Christmas tree
Now we will sing to you

Song "Yolka" music by Ivannikov

Snow Maiden: To make it more fun
We are waiting for guests for the holiday
Let's ring the bell
And invite guests
Ding-dum, ding-dum!
Come visit us.
Petrushka enters the hall.
Parsley: Hello! Here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I hastened to visit you.
Decided to wear a cap.
And in honor of the holiday
You have a gift from me.
Parsley distributes rattles to children.
Parsley: With rattle babies
Dance from the heart

Dance "Dance with rattles" music by Petrova

Parsley: And now, it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Petrushka leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dum, ding-dum!
Come visit us.
Lisa enters the room.
Fox: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
Today is the New Year's holiday,
I won't cheat.
I am with forest hares
I'd rather play.
And in honor of the holiday
You have a gift from me.
The fox gives the children hats of bunnies.
Leading: There were guys here
And all the hares became.
Come on, bunnies, come out
And dance at the Christmas tree.

Dance-game "Fox and Hares" music by Filippenko

Fox: Don't be scared bunnies
I won't eat you
I'm kind today,
Kind at all.
You clap your hands
I'll dance a little.

Dance "Dance of the Fox" Russian folk melody

Fox: And now, it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
The fox leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dum, ding-dum!
Come visit us.
A snowman enters the hall.
Snowman: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
I'm not a simple snowman
Curious, mischievous.
I want to know what guys
Working in winter?
Leading: One, two, three, four, five
We love to play in the snow
Snowman: To you in honor of the holiday
There is a gift from me.
This little red bag
Full of little snowballs.
Come on guys, come on
Take the snow soon.
One, two, three, four, five.
We will play snowballs.

Dance-game "Game of snowballs" music by Vikhareva.

Snowman: One two Three
Collect snowballs in a bag.
Children put snowballs in a bag.
Snowman: Are you afraid of the cold?
Children: No.
Leading: We are not afraid of threats.
And we are not afraid of frost.
If it's cold to walk.
Let's dance merrily.
We will warm the arms and legs.
This is where we get warmer.

Dance "We are not afraid of frost" music by Smirnova

Snowman: That's how nice we danced
Oh, I'm afraid I'm melting now.
Looks like it's time for me
Goodbye, kids!
The snowman leaves.
Snow Maiden: We had a lot of fun
And for this Santa Claus
A cart has sent you gifts.
The host opens the curtain, and there is a sled with boxes.
Snow Maiden: We'll take a look at the boxes.
And we'll get gifts
Distribution of gifts.

Here is the New Year's Eve
It's time for us to finish.
Snow Maiden:
We wish you good health
We wish you kids.
Leading: Don't worry, smile
Always listen to your mom.
Snow Maiden: And so funny
Stay forever.
Together: Happy New Year!

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the hall. Under her 5 boxes from small to large (three boxes white with a red bow, two boxes red with white bow

Each of them has attributes for dancing.

Girls in white dresses with a red belt, boys - a white shirt, a red bow tie, a red cap.

Attributes : white sultans according to the number of girls, red mittens according to the number of children, foam plastic snowballs with a diameter of at least 12cm

Children enter the hall holding hands and enter into round dance:

"Christmas tree, balls, crackers"

1 Lead:

We are starting a children's ball

Cheerful, noisy carnival

In the program of our song, dance,

Of course, Santa Claus will come!

And with the Snow Maiden at the Christmas tree,

He will join us in a round dance.

Everything is ready, the children are assembled,

Let's start the holiday!


What kind of guest came to us?

So elegant and slim

All in toys, all in needles,

This is a festive…

Children: Yolka

1 Child :

Hello, forest tree, silvery, thick,

You grew up under the sun and came to us for a holiday!

2 Child:

You came to the joy of the children, we will celebrate the New Year with you,

Let's sing a song together, let's go dancing fun!

A song is being performed"Christmas tree" (beads shine on the Christmas tree)

1 Lead:

Our tree is a wonder for everyone: and slender, and great.

Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar.

(Children sit down)

1 Lead:

Every time for the new year

The story is coming to us.

Along the snowy paths

There is a fairy tale invisible.

Exactly at midnight (ding-ding-dong)

You will hear a quiet sound.

This fairy tale entered the house

Hush, here she is.

To the music "Song of the Snow Maiden"

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden :

Hello my friends! I congratulate all of you

Happy new year, happy new year,new snowy weather!

Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year to you guys!

I am a Snow Maiden! Are you glad to see me?

I came from a good fairy tale

Today there will be games, dances!

2 Lead:

Snow Maiden, look what miracles, eyes widen

Under the fluffy tree boxes are worth

Bright, shiny with a surprise for the kids.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, do you like surprises?

I to I’ll go to the box and I’ll say magic words.

Takes a small box

`Ene-bene, three, two, one! Open up for us!`

Here magic bell.

He gives smiles, laughter.

happy new year bell

Congratulations to all-all-all!

Let's play with him.

Get in a circle, I'll give you a bell, that's what it is. here is my call

(rings the bell as the children organize for the dance)

The game "with bells"(1 box)

The teacher sings:

The kids are running around, funny kids.

They run, they frolic, they can't play enough.

(children run on toes to the music in all directions, waving their arms)

The teacher rings the bell pronounces:

1. The bell rang, he ordered to wave his hands.

2. The bell rang, he ordered to stomp his legs.

3. The bell rang, he ordered everyone to spin.

4. The bell rang, ordered to dance merrily.

(children follow the text)

2 Lead: (takes a box , shows the Snow Maiden)

Here the box is different, and the stuffing is naughty,

Hurry up and let's play the game!

Snow Maiden :

I know what kids love

Skis, sleds and skates.

And, of course, everything in the world

They love to play...


Put on gloves

We will now frolic.

Is everyone ready, kids?

The game starts.

A common dance is being performed"Snowballs". (2 box)

Snow Maiden : Well done, my friends, I am happy with the holiday.

(Children sit on chairs)

Snow Maiden :

Guys, do you know

What holiday is coming up?

Children in chorus:

New Year!

Snow Maiden :

And what is the new year, does anyone know?

The game "what is new year"

What is New Year?

Round dance around the Christmas tree?


Laughter, fun, dancing?


Feeling like a fairy tale?


And gifts under the tree?


And when it's hot outside?


Are the candles blown out on the cake?


Santa Claus, when is he coming?


And brings you gifts?


1 Lead:

Well done boys! Everyone said it right!

Snow Maiden:

And this wonderful box , knows how to dance deftly.

See what's in store for you now!

(sultans for snowflakes)

1 Lead:

Snowflakes fly to us, they want to dance.

Snow Maiden : Snowflakes fly here as soon as possible. Let's make your guests happy.

Performing the dance of the snowflakes(3 box)


1 presenter : Guys, you hear, tick-tock, yes tick-tock. What's this?

2 Lead:

I'll go to the box I'll take a look at what lies there.

(looks, gets)

This is a clock.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, this watch is not simple, but magical, New Year's!

How to strike 12 times,

So that hour will appear

Our beloved Santa Claus!

Will bring gifts!

2 Lead:

Oh-oh-oh, but the clock does not go! What to do now! Now the New Year will not come, and there will be no holiday, no gifts ...

Snow Maiden :

Wait, we will try to fix the clock ourselves, we need to wind it up!

The game "Watch" is being played.

Children are divided into two halves. One half, at the command of the Snow Maiden, says"Tick", the other - "So" . First, the Snow Maiden commands randomly - tick, tick, so, tick, so, so, so, tick, etc. And then, repeating after the Snow Maiden, the children show how they turn the keys and repair the clock.

Thereafter "time goes right"- tick, tick, tick, tick. The game ends with the striking of the clock.


Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost :

Hello my friends!

I searched the whole city.

Finally found you!

I traveled for a long time, are you all waiting for me?

(children answer)

Greetings to all viewers - your parents!

(waving to parents)

And you, my dear, obedient and mischievous!

(turns to tree)

Oh, yes, the tree, it’s just a miracle, how elegant and beautiful!

I have been in all the gardens - I have never seen a better Christmas tree!

To make the Christmas tree burst into flames, I will use words:

“Surprise us with beauty, Christmas tree, light the fires!”.

The tree does not light up.

Father Frost :

What? (runs around the tree)

Father Frost :

Come on, tree, smile!

Come on, tree, wake up!

Come on, tree. one two Three,

Light of joy, burn!

The tree does not light up.

Father Frost :

Something does not work out, and the Christmas tree does not light up with us.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, all together let's say:

One two Three

Shine Christmas tree!

Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Father Frost :

Start the round dance!

After all, that's what the New Year is for!

A round dance is being performed_______________________________

Father Frost :

I, guys, are an old grandfather, I, guys, are many years old!

But, as I come to the Christmas tree, I immediately start the games!

Who wants to play, well, it's time for us to start!

Dance-game "Santa Claus-pink cheeks"

Father Frost : Very fun to play.

And they weren't tired at all.

Everyone now command ladies:

"Hurry up!"

Who will respect Grandpa

And tell him poetry?

Children read poetry

Father Frost :

Well, thank you, friends!

They amused me.

Snow Maiden :

Grandpa is the only one leftmagic box, soooo big. We won't be able to open it without you.

Father Frost :

And I'll go up to the box, I'll say magic words

And you clap your hands and stomp your feet

Says the magic words:

"Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Staff, staff help, put everything in order!

Snow Maiden :

What lies in the big box what will make the kids happy?

Santa Claus brings gifts.

Snow Maiden :

These are gifts for our kids!

distribute gifts to children.

Father Frost : Well, that's all, we must say goodbye

Goodbye, kids, Happy New Year to everyone, everyone!

Santa Claus says goodbye and leaves.