New Year's paper cuts on the shoe window. Stencils for windows for the new year

The most popular and practical solution is to make window decorations for the New Year with your own hands. First of all, the idea comes to mind to cut out snowflakes and stencils of a suitable theme from paper.

What is relevant for the 2018 meeting? Of course, the dog that next year will be the mistress. In addition, any motives, one way or another connected with the New Year, winter, Santa Claus, will do. More recently, such decorations were simply called stickers, but today they are called the colorful word “vytynanki”.

In fairness, it should be noted that vytynanki are used not only for the New Year, they are turned to help during the celebration:

  • Halloween;
  • Day of all lovers;
  • March 8;
  • birthday.

Large decorated windows of restaurants and cafes, stained-glass windows of beauty salons and ordinary offices testify to the approach of the New Year. And, of course, every owner wants.

Decorating windows for the New Year with vytynankas is today a separate trend in the handmade technique. A large number of forums, master classes and videos are devoted to this topic.

How masterpieces are created on the windows

How to make vytynanki for the New Year? Window decoration is a creative process in which all family members can take part. As a rule, plain A4 paper is used for the manufacture of stencils. But people with a creative approach choose other materials:

  1. Tracing paper.
  2. Foil.
  3. metallized paper.

Snowmen and snowflakes on the windows are already pretty boring, so it’s better to come up with a whole composition on a winter theme, where the main characters will be Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree, handsome deer, bells, forest animals and gifts.

To create New Year's stencils for windows, you can use pictures on the Internet that you need to print. The master will need a standard set of tools, which includes:

  • sharp manicure scissors (it is better to stock up on two options - with smooth and rounded ends);
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler and patterns;
  • eraser;
  • plasticine glass board or other hard surface that will protect the table from cuts and scratches.

All large parts are cut with a clerical knife, and small elements are cut with scissors.

Advice! You can draw pictures yourself, because not every Internet user has a printer. In extreme cases, you can zoom in and, by attaching a sheet to the screen, simply copy the picture.

Ways to use stencils

Stencils for can be used in different ways.

  1. Stick a cut out figure or a whole composition on glass using laundry soap or a paste made from flour and water.
  2. A negative image can be obtained by applying a stencil moistened with water to the surface of the glass and applying a thick soapy solution around it with a sponge or brush. After removing the stencil, you can correct the pattern with a regular toothpick.
  3. First, the main composition is painted on glass with gouache. When it dries completely, the picture is supplemented with paper protrusions.
  4. From a new sponge for washing dishes and a toothpick, you need to make a brush. Lightly dilute toothpaste with water, which in this situation acts as a paint. When the drawing on the glass dries, it will resemble real snow.
  5. To fix the stencil on the glass, some decorators use thin transparent tape. When creating a large composition, you need to follow some rules. For example, all volumetric details (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, houses, snow-covered glades) are glued below. A flying reindeer team will find a place in the middle of the ensemble closer to the left or right side.

    Here you also need to take into account the direction of movement of the deer. The noses of noble animals should not rest against the frames of the window structure. The remaining elements of the picture (stars, snowflakes, garlands, angels, spruce branches with balls) will be quite appropriate at the very top.

    Advice! It is better for a novice designer to take simple stencils. When a person gains experience, it will be much easier for him to cope with high complexity protrusions. Using materials of different texture and texture (postcards, jewelry), you can create a real work of art.

    Winter landscape with toothpaste on the window

    Decorating windows with bulges for the New Year is a process that can captivate people of all ages. Creating snow patterns on windows using a toothbrush and paste is a fairly simple procedure, but the effect is amazing!

    To implement the idea, you will need the following materials:

  • finished vytynanka;
  • toothpaste (white or blue);
  • Toothbrush;
  • pure water.

To begin with, it is recommended to choose simple stencils (snowflake, candle, angel, Christmas tree). All internal elements with sharp corners are cut with a clerical knife. The vytynanka soaked in plain water or in a soapy solution is applied to the glass, the excess water is blotted with a sponge or soft cloth.

Squeeze out a small strip of toothpaste on a saucer and add a little water. You can stir the mass to a homogeneous consistency with a toothpick. The toothbrush is dipped in the resulting substance, brought to the glued stencil and quickly run with a finger over the bristles - small splashes are obtained, which need to fill all the free space of the window.

When the white mass dries, the stencils are removed by prying them with the tip of a knife. As a result of such activities, an amazingly beautiful snow-covered landscape looms on the wall.

Creative ideas for the holiday

What else can you think of window decoration for the New Year? Stencils are not the only solution, there are other equally entertaining and attractive decorations.

This method is the easiest and is suitable for very busy people, as well as people who are not prone to creativity. You can decorate windows with ready-made stencils, which are sold in a wide range on New Year's Eve in hypermarkets and stores specializing in decorations.

These stickers are very easy to stick on glass and other smooth surfaces. You can decorate the entire window with a finished composition, or you can decorate only a small part, for example, corners. When the holiday is over and the emotions associated with it subside, the stencils are quickly removed, and not even a trace remains on the glass.

Similar stickers depicting New Year's characters and decorations can be made independently.

To work, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Picture.
  2. transparent file.
  3. Polymeric universal adhesive.

The sheet with the picture must be attached to the file and glue should be applied along the contours of the image. It will take about 10 hours for the glue to dry completely. After this time, the finished polymer sketch can be removed from the file. There will be no difficulty here, you just need to pry off the hardened substance by one edge and pull it slightly. The result was a pattern with a convex relief. To fix on the wall, you only need to moisten the smooth side of the sticker with water.

Garlands of paper, cotton and light bulbs

If for some reason the idea of ​​​​sticking protrusions on windows does not work, you can decorate window openings with all kinds of garlands - both purchased and. The main thing is that the pendant is beautifully fixed and in harmony with the rest of the jewelry.

To make a cheap but pretty garland, you need a fishing line or nylon thread, white cotton wool. First you need to roll a large number of cotton balls, and then string them on a fishing line, leaving a small gap and a knot between each.

There are two ways to create a joyful festive atmosphere in the house: visit a supermarket or New Year's fair to stock up on ready-made decor, or decorate the interior with window applications, paper toys and hand-made compositions. The most successful is considered a compromise, in which factory garlands, candles and balls are complemented by unique handicraft garlands, toys and crafts.

Natural composition of dry branches

For making homemade crafts or painting on glass, various materials are used that are easy to find in the bathroom or in the kitchen: toothpaste, soap bars, starch or flour for paste, adhesive tape. Toothpaste can be easily replaced with white gouache, but it has been used for a long time and willingly because of its suitable properties: even dried-up Aquafresh or Silka is wonderfully washed off with clean water, and it also has a slight pleasant smell.

If there are no real balls, you can always draw them

In addition to adhesives and coloring compounds, everything that can be found in a children's corner, a school table or in a box with New Year's accessories is used:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • multi-colored foil;
  • glass beads and beads;
  • beads and sequins;
  • old Christmas toys;
  • pieces of fabric, yarn and leather;
  • wooden and metal parts;
  • tinsel;
  • chains, etc.

The choice of material depends on the craft. For example, beautiful window decorations for the New Year are made from ordinary white paper. These are primarily snowflakes, Christmas trees and origami themed toys. Thick cardboard is useful when making stencils or templates for drawings on glass, and strips of colored paper are useful for a fun garland chain that can decorate a window opening.

Paper Christmas trees and stars - traditional New Year's figures on the window

Permanent home "helpers" are usually used as tools:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • sewing needles (with a set of threads);
  • brushes of all sizes;
  • sponges;
  • toothbrushes;
  • wire cutters, etc.

Almost all of the listed tools and materials can be found at home, and if some are missing, they can be easily purchased at the store, spending a very modest amount.

How to decorate a window for the New Year

Usually, not one specific place in the apartment is decorated, but all or some rooms, so the design of windows for the New Year should be in harmony with the decoration of the rest of the interior. This is expressed in the selection of the same shades, repetitive motifs, patterns, ornaments. Some like the white and gold festive colors, others like the abundance of red, and still others like the combination of blue with a silver tint. It is better to start preparing when the main style is already selected and the palette is defined.

Sometimes just white is enough

Paper decorations

If there is no experience in preparing for the holiday or there is not enough free time, we offer the simplest and most advantageous option - decorating windows for the New Year from sheets of paper, white or colored. Even kids who have barely learned to hold scissors in their hands are happy to cut out snowflakes. A simple but effective procurement scheme is usually used:

This is how a sheet of paper is folded to cut a 6-angled snowflake

You can come up with hundreds of beautiful openwork patterns by experimenting with trimming the edges of the workpiece. More experienced fans of preparing for the New Year have their own “branded” schemes, and beginners can borrow ready-made templates for a start:

To cut a realistic snowflake, you need to try

Complex schemes, but they are worth it

Original options for 8-, 6- and 4-corner snowflakes

Having cut out a large number of snowflakes of different sizes and shapes, you can glue them to the glass using a paste or soapy solution in different ways:

In the form of a Christmas tree and in a chaotic manner

Paper is also suitable for making flat or three-dimensional compositions from houses, winter trees, animals, fairy-tale characters.

New Year's industrial landscape on the windowsill and city sketches on glass

Drawings on templates and stencils

To facilitate the hard work of amateur decorators, they came up with templates and stencils. Ready-made sets of New Year's themes can be purchased at the store or downloaded from the Internet, and then printed out and used for the New Year to transfer images to windows.

Christmas story on the night window

How are templates different from stencils? The templates are outlined, and then the drawing is painted or left in its original form. Stencils are usually used immediately for painting, although you can also circle along the inner contour.

Spray technique using a stencil

There is a mirror on the photo instructions, but the same steps are performed to transfer it to the window glass.

We cut out a snowflake from paper (the contours of a house, animal, tree).

We glue a snowflake on the window with a soapy solution. You can also use ordinary water, because after painting the stencil will immediately have to be peeled off.

We dilute the toothpaste with a small amount of water, but so that it does not drain, but remains a little thick. We take a toothbrush and dip it in the prepared solution.

With your finger, we remove the bristles of the brush and sharply release it so that the spray purposefully falls in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stencil. It looks beautiful when there are more splashes in the center, and they dissipate along the edges.

Carefully peel off the paper stencil, trying not to smear the splashes.

It turned out a light New Year's image of a snowflake. To decorate a window with similar patterns, you will need quite a bit: half a tube of toothpaste, an old toothbrush and stencil paper.

When working with stencils, instead of a brush, you can use a sponge for washing dishes. We cut off a piece of soft foam rubber, roll it into a roll, tie it with thread or tape to make a kind of “brush”. Then we blot the cutouts on the stencil.

Sponge technique

A few more funny stencils and templates for windows for the New Year:

Decorative pendants and garlands

It is customary to hang garlands everywhere: on the Christmas tree, on the walls, under the ceiling. They decorate houses outside, decorate trees in the garden and small architectural forms in the yard. For windows, this is also a suitable decoration, because a curtain rod is successfully used as a mounting point.

Garland of artificial greenery with cones and snowflakes suspended on threads

A garland can be made from anything, in fact, these are various objects suspended on a thread or ribbon. Traditionally, flags, light New Year's balls, stars, bead or glass beads are strung on a thick thread or strong lace. Children love to make lanterns or caps out of colored paper and attach them to a thread mixed with snowflakes and pieces of cotton wool to represent snow.

Luxurious natural composition on the background of homemade garlands

Instead of long garlands, you can use a laconic but sophisticated decor - New Year's pendants made of Christmas tree decorations, tinsel and glass beads.

Christmas ball pendants on satin ribbons and sparkling gold and silver garland

Stars on the kitchen window, unexpected citrus decoration, hearts, dolls

DIY window sill decorations

To make the window truly beautiful for the New Year, traditionally decorate not only glass, but also window sills. The fantasy of winter holiday lovers knows no bounds: along with the usual Christmas trees, Snow Maidens and Santa Clauses, natural compositions of branches and moss, romantic arrangements with candles, snow-covered dollhouses appear.

Remember the magic snow globe, inside which, with a slight shake, a real snowfall begins? It is difficult to make such a toy with your own hands, but we will consider how to decorate a window sill for the New Year using ordinary glass jars. Behind the glass, as in that ball, there is a small winter fairy-tale world with houses, forest animals and Christmas trees.

New Year's gifts under tin lids

There are two options for the design of compositions in banks:

  • at the bottom of the jar, closed with a lid;
  • on the lid of an inverted jar.

Both options are equally popular, but the second - with an inverted jar - is more often used if the vessel is too deep and it is difficult to reach the bottom. Arranging items on the lid is much easier.

Figurines under a glass jar

Brief instructions for making crafts from inverted cans:

  • we find several different-sized glass jars with screw-on lids;
  • lay the inverted lids upside down;
  • we place miniature figures of animals, snowmen, people, as well as Christmas trees, houses, etc. on the covers;
  • we twist the jars, checking whether the figures fit in size;
  • if the composition is successful, open the jars and glue the selected items.

Then we finally twist the jars - the original decorations for the New Year for the windowsill are ready!

From the same glass jars you can make beautiful candlesticks. We paint the glass walls by hand with paints that do not emit harmful substances when heated, and we place small candles inside the vessels. We decorate the upper part with bells, mini-garlands, tinsel.

Magic lights for the window sill

Candlesticks with cones

New Year in glasses

Unusual and at the same time natural compositions are obtained from natural materials: cones, twigs of coniferous and deciduous trees, moss, acorns, dry grass, snags, etc. They are perfectly combined with artificial snow, serve as an excellent background for miniature figurines of bullfinches, deer, hares , cubs.

"Trees" from dry branches

From the dried branches, you can build a snow-covered "tree" and fix it in a jar or vase. To revive the picture, we plant bullfinches, tits or woodpeckers on the branches. But since the tree is New Year's, and therefore magical, anything you want can grow on it: gingerbread cookies and sugar gingerbread, golden beads and small Christmas balls, key chains with photos of relatives and just satin bows.

Just bumps growing from little chocks

The composition can be made much brighter if the glass vase is replaced with a gilded bottle, and the twigs, along with the decorations hung on it, are covered with sparkles. The easiest option is to buy decorative hairspray, silver or gold, and carefully work each branch.

Both golden balls and red berries look festive

When we decorate the window sill for the New Year with our own hands, we always try to bring something personal, individual, so home-made compositions look warmer, homely and family.

Candles and illumination

Twinkling lights are a must-have component of both a fun and mysterious winter holiday. Even simple white pictures on the windows for the New Year look different if they are illuminated with multi-colored garlands or candles. If the window frame made of Christmas tree or pine branches is enlivened with sparkling illumination, it will look much brighter and more positive.

The theme of lanterns-candlesticks is interestingly beaten

To make candles look more status and solemn, they are placed in bronze or crystal candlesticks and decorated with tinsel, “rain” or beads. But there are many options when you can create a cozy and romantic atmosphere even without pretentious candlesticks.

Candlestick "house", which can be made with your own hands from a sheet of plywood and an exquisite vintage arrangement

Options for installing candles on the windowsill

Electric garlands are the most spectacular New Year's entourage. Neon, white, multi-colored lights turn even the most boring atmosphere into a festive one. Often thin threads of electric garlands decorate the Christmas tree, and also hang them along the walls or under the ceiling. They look no less advantageous as a decor for windows and window sills.

Illumination of the winter composition on the windowsill

Star pendants and a glowing branch in a vase

Christmas windows as part of interior design

When decorating a room for the New Year, one must adhere to the rule of proportionality. If you decide to decorate both a chest of drawers, and a window, and a table in the center of the room, and even install a Christmas tree, then you need to do this very carefully. A large number of bright decorations turns a light festive atmosphere into a booth and quickly gets bored. Sometimes a simple design of window panes is enough.

Snowflakes with toothpaste instead of frosty patterns

You can create an unobtrusive festive background using the same flickering electric garlands hung at different points in the room.

Illumination of the room with electric garlands

Sometimes one barely noticeable stroke reminds of the upcoming celebration.

Christmas tree paper round dance

With New Year's decor, even the winter landscape becomes cozier and warmer.

Window to the terrace

With the help of festive decoration, you can emphasize the style of the room.

Christmas gamma in country style

Video: how to decorate windows for the New Year

Decorating windows for the New Year is useful, interesting and pleasant. If you devote several evenings to this creative activity, then by the holiday the interior of the room will magically change: snowflakes will appear on the glasses, and fabulous compositions from home crafts will appear on the windowsills.

On the eve of the winter holidays, you always want to somehow decorate in a special way. house. Paper window decorations for the New Year and stencils 2018 reflect the latest trends in interior decoration - the rejection of Christmas trees in favor of interior decorations.

We decorate the window for the New Year.

Today, more and more people support the idea of ​​​​refusing to cut down living forest beauties. Paper decor for windows and homemade decorations in every room are in fashion.

It is the original decorations on the windows created by oneself with the help of plain paper and scissors that attract admiring glances from both passers-by and guests of the house.

What is needed for paper window decor?

Skillfully made stickers for glasses give a special winter flavor, even if the windows are slushy. Patterned windows create a special Christmas and New Year atmosphere. If there is no skill in making the simplest snowflakes and traditional bulges, use ready-made stencils or templates.

This is a real flight of your imagination, there are no strict rules, the main thing is that the result pleases you and brings joy.

Vytynanki belong to the traditional crafts of the Slavs living in Poland, Ukraine and Romania. They have been in widespread use since paper became available in the 19th century. Initially, openwork paper images were symmetrical, mainly floral ornaments.

There are many ideas for decorating windows.

Further, folk art developed, genre scenes from folk life and fantasy patterns were added. Later they came up with polyhedrons and three-dimensional forms used as Christmas and new Year decoration . In Europe, the most common are 6-sided and 8-sided snowflakes which are easiest to fold and cut.

Snowflake stencils for New Year's window decoration.

To make simple jewelry that even a child can handle, you will need:

  • Small scissors with sharp ends;
  • White office paper A4;
  • Templates.

It doesn't have to be limited to snowflakes. You can write “2018” in patterned numbers on the window or build a whole landscape with Christmas trees, houses and lanterns, complemented by lighting from garlands. This decor is based on protrusion It is pleasant to consider not only in the apartment, but also from the street.

The decor will give you the most pleasant sensations and increase the degree of mood during the holidays.

To decorate windows and window sills, there are many simple but amazing ideas that can give a magical mood.

For template paper window decorations you can use not only A4 sheets, but everything that can be folded and cut with scissors. Suitable for work:

  • Thin cardboard or whatman paper;
  • Foil from chocolate;
  • Remains of light wallpaper;
  • Thick toilet paper;
  • Colored covers from notebooks;
  • Beautiful paper from wrapping flowers and gifts;
  • Thin tissue and crinkled paper.

Beautifully decorated windows will not go unnoticed by guests and relatives who come to you for a holiday.

If there is not enough imagination, use ready-made examples vytynanok and stencils 2018, designed by designers and decorators.

What theme to choose for paper decorations on windows?

Paper window decor for the New Year is not limited to the simplest snowflakes.

  1. One of the latest trends is whole Christmas and New Year stories. For example, the tops of trees in a winter forest with flying deer and Santa's sleigh.
  2. Winter is a string of holidays, including Christmas, New Year and Old New Year, St. Nicholas Day and Epiphany. One general theme or winter picture will do, such as reindeer or the moon and stars.

    The novelty of this year is a plot stencil for windows.

  3. Among the fashion trends is a paper template on the window with the symbol of the year, before it was the Rooster, now the Dog. Funny faces can be cut out templates.
  4. The inscription "2018" can be done digitally or lay out the numbers with openwork snowflakes. Another option is to spray diluted toothpaste under the stencil (there will be an explanation).

    Examples of a beautiful vytynanka for the New Year theme of 2018.

  5. Any drawing is laid out from small snowflakes today. If there are no traditional curtains on the window in the kitchen or on the balcony, they can be replaced by paper decor in the form of parted curtains with pickups. General glass design can complement any winter picture, the same symbol of the year or a house with smoke.
  6. A popular winter symbol is deer, which can be made in any form, even laid out with snowflakes. No less interesting is the “family plot”, where there is a mother with a deer and a father with picturesque branching horns.

    A little patience - and fabulous little animals, snowmen and Santa Clauses will settle on your windows!

  7. The traditional New Year and Christmas symbol is the Christmas tree. Vytynanka can be done in the traditional way, symmetrical pattern. fashionable stencils 2018 – winter fluffy beauty in the form of a cone of snowflakes, stars, balls, gifts, bows and other attributes that are used to decorate a Christmas tree in home . Also suitable for window plots vytynanki in the form of Christmas tree branches with balls and tinsel.

    Each window will become a real picture that you can look at for hours.

  8. For Christmas, the theme of Angels is also widely applicable - with trumpets in long clothes with wings. Neutral plot - cones, candles, stars (4,5,6,8,12-sided) and bells.
  9. The New Year's list of symbols will be incomplete without Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman with a scarf. But you can take Bunny, Squirrel, Chanterelle and other characters of the "Mitten".

    There is a fantasy - cut out the heroes of the Ice Age and your favorite children's cartoons on a winter theme, the main thing is that they are recognizable and bring joy.

How to stick paper decor on windows?

Anyone who has tried to glue snowflakes on glass knows that it is not so easy - heavy stencils slide off before drying.

Paper snowflakes glued to the window.

If window decorations sculpt on glue, its remains are then difficult to remove from the window, the remains create a very untidy look. Thin paper adheres well when wet. But too thin stencils are torn when trying to move. Office paper is not so thin, it almost does not tear and molds well.

You can stick a cut out figure or a whole composition on glass using laundry soap or a paste made from flour and water.

If the cut out snowflake is rubbed on one side with a bar of wet soap and immediately applied to the glass, lightly pressing down with a dry soft towel, it will come out neatly.

This decor will last until spring, after which the openwork patterns are easy to remove and wash the glass.

If you wish to add window decorations fragments from other materials, it is carefully applied with glue over paper fixed with soap. But it is better to do this in a day, when the paper with soapy water is completely dry.A more reliable option is to boil a liquid flour paste or dilute wallpaper glue.

What decor with paper can be used on windows?

White paper patterns on the window glass are beautiful in themselves, especially against the backdrop of the city at night. But in some cases, winter scenes can be supplemented with decorations from additional materials.

For a novice designer, it is better to take simple ideas for decor.


1. Fine cut foil Depicts sparkling snow, "lights", Christmas decorations on the decor
2. Colored paper crumb from old magazines Suitable for creating colored blocks or delimiting individual blocks
3. The remains of Christmas tree tinsel and "rain" For mini-plots on the theme of Christmas tree decorations, "lights" and
4. Styrofoam crumb Applicable in all "snowy" scenes
5. torn toilet paper Depicts falling snow well in plot pictures, fills in the gaps
6. Fragments of cellophane and thin plastic To give volume to flat plot pictures on window decorations
7. Small pieces of cotton "Snow" option, looks good on paper drawings with branches and balls
8. shredded yarn For the "clothes" of the characters
9. colored paper For Christmas decorations, the eyes of the characters.

All the elements listed in the table can be used for three-dimensional, color and iridescent pictures on glass. We remind you that they are pre-applied on a paper base, it is desirable that it dry well.

Small cuts can be typed and applied with a dry brush on a base smeared with glue or sprayed by blowing off from the palm of your hand.

Window garlands of volumetric snowflakes and stencils

If the idea with paper on glasses at home don't really like it, use hanging fairy lights and winter decor in the form of thread curtains.

If the idea of ​​gluing protrusions on windows for some reason does not fit, you can decorate window openings with all kinds of garlands.

Suitable as a base:

  • Thick thread No. 10 or No. 20 (not sewing No. 40, it breaks);
  • Thick fishing line;
  • Nylon thread;
  • Durable synthetic yarn in white or blue.

On the selected base, you can string small paper stencils and small pieces of cotton to fix them so that they do not slip. Threads with pictures hung instead of curtains (or in the center) will be rotated by warm air flows from heating radiators.

Such window decorations create a special "fabulous" atmosphere.

This option is not suitable for those who have cats - they really like light "moving" fairy lights near the window. From such a decor, only shreds will soon remain. If animals and children do not show a desire to break the "magic strings", you can use this winter window decor . The elements are simply pierced in 2-3 places with a needle with a strong thread, after each image they pick up a little cotton wool or tie a knot (you can get confused).

First you need to roll a large number of cotton balls, and then string them on a fishing line, leaving a small gap and a knot between each.

Suitable as a winter decor stencils 2018:

  • Dogs;
  • deer;
  • Snowmen;
  • Asterisks;
  • Snowflakes;
  • Bows;
  • cones;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Bells;
  • Openwork 6-sided.

You can make paper window decorations with your own hands and involve the whole family in this exciting process.

Alternatively, the same elements can be used to decorate the Christmas tree and hanging garlands. The same pattern is suitable for different rooms - glued to glass window decorations or feast decor. Today, many people use a Christmas wreath or ikebana with Christmas tree branches - economically and environmentally.

Lights in spruce branches look very romantic and festive.

For those who have mastered voluminous snowflakes or spherical polyhedrons, interior designers recommend placing them in the form of a hanging window decor . Such snowflakes are heavy, so they are placed one by one on a thread or fishing line, lining up in a row or a chaotic pattern near the window..

Stencil drawings from spraying with toothpaste

Paper decorations on windows for the New Year can be replaced with stencils , which are temporarily applied to spray a white base. Everyone can at home find leftover toothpaste or a box of old toothpowder. Their advantage over gouache and watercolor is that they do not roll on glass.

With a thick paste on this basis, you can even draw "frosty patterns" and falling snow.

To make stencil decorations on glasses, thick paper is used only at the beginning, it is removed after spraying. You will need several multi-faceted paper snowflakes with large-mesh patterns. They are alternately slightly moistened and applied to the glass.To apply white "pollen", white toothpaste is diluted (you can add a little blue or blue gouache).

An old or unwanted toothbrush is dipped into this paste and sprinkled with a pile along the edges of the snowflake and into the pattern slot in the middle.

In the manufacture of snowflakes and vytynanok all family members can participate in any winter plot, especially schoolchildren like it. Connect everyone to an exciting application - one or two evenings, and paper window decorations for the new year will be ready. Use your own imagination and our stencils designed by professionals.

They will be fashionable not only in 2018, but also in the future.

VIDEO: Options for New Year's window decor.

Cutting out beautiful patterns from paper is called vytynanka. This type of art has been known since ancient times and still makes an indelible impression.

The eve of the New Year holidays is always troublesome and at the same time joyful time. If there are children in the family, then this is the time of a fairy tale, when the most cherished dreams and desires come true. The festive mood arises already during the decoration of your home. And if earlier they were limited to what they pasted on the windows, now many have fallen in love with ready-made templates for cutting.

The easiest way to decorate for the New Year 2019 is stencils for windows made of paper (otherwise - vytynanka), which can be printed, cut out and decorated with them for the holiday. By the way, they can decorate not only windows, but also mirrors.

Vytynanki are amazingly elegant openwork paper pictures that fill the rooms with the atmosphere of a fairy tale and resemble illustrations of magic books that we loved to read on winter holidays as a child. In fact, a vytynanka is a silhouette figure that is cut out of ordinary office paper for printing, colored paper for creativity, or thin sheets of cardboard.

Vytynanka pictures allow you to create incredible compositions, because they can not only be used separately, but combined into a single panel illustration, which will include animals, Christmas trees, cozy houses, fairy-tale castles and heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Well, New Year's vytynanki are, of course, also Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Santa, snowmen, deer and other characters that we associate with this bright holiday.

You can use vytynankas with almost no restrictions - they can be attached to the surfaces of mirrors or cabinet doors, create panel paintings on the wall of a room, hang them on chandeliers, cornices or ropes of a festive spruce. All members of your family will like such homemade art, because what could be more pleasant on winter evenings than joint creativity and the creation of a themed decor? Well, we will tell you how to prepare for the manufacture of vytynanok, and throw a lot of extraordinary ideas!

How to make a vytynanka?

To create an unusual and fabulous decoration, you need to show ingenuity and imagination. If there is no mood to invent something, then interesting patterns and unusual compositions can be found on the Internet.

Having picked up Pigs of vytynanka suitable for 2019, with which you can decorate the windows of kindergartens, schools, cafes, shops, and other institutions, creative people create a festive mood for others and passers-by. Fairy-tale characters created by the artist's imagination look at the world around from the windows. Moreover, the size of the image and its shape can vary significantly.

Making vytynanki is not difficult, because for this you don’t even need to have any unusual skills! All that is required from the participants in the creative process is a little patience and a set consisting of the items listed below.

To create a New Year's picture you will need:

  • sharp utility knife
  • sheets of thick paper or thin cardboard;
  • scissors with thin and sharp blades;
  • plywood sheet or kitchen cutting board of a suitable size (it is even more convenient to use a breadboard mat that restores the surface after cutting);
  • a simple pencil, eraser and ruler;
  • a roll of adhesive tape with two adhesive sides or a solution of soap for glass surfaces;
  • tweezers.

If everything you need is ready, then you can proceed to the most interesting thing - creating stencils for windows. The work ahead is painstaking, but the creative process is always exciting. New Year's window stencils will be dedicated to traditional subjects and 2019 Year of the Pig.

It's important to know! For those who are professionally engaged in this type of creativity, they produce a special set of tools that includes everything you need: from scalpels to a metal ruler. If you like creating stencils, then you can order such a set.

Stencil or Template Technique

To decorate windows for the new year, print a stencil on paper using a printer. You can translate a drawing across a computer screen by attaching a sheet to it and creating the desired size. If desired and artistic abilities, it is easy to create a drawing yourself. Further actions:

Preparing a soap solution is simple: the soap is diluted in a small amount of water, and the paper figure is dipped into the solution and carefully applied to the glass. You can stick paper stencils with transparent tape, cutting it into small pieces.

Another way to work with a template:

Pictures on paper windows look advantageous when there are garlands, tinsel and rain around, complementing the fabulous picture of the New Year's house. If you are just learning the stencil technique, work according to a simpler scheme, where there are few small details. Let it be not so openwork and complex, but it is done neatly and efficiently. When there is more experience, it will turn out to cut out more interesting stories.

For the decor of a chandelier or cornice, 3D protrusions, consisting of several symmetrical elements, are perfect. It can be voluminous Christmas trees and snowflakes. They can be fastened with tape and hung on strings.

Creating New Year's compositions for 2019 from stencils

Among the fairy-tale characters, choose the most beloved: stencils of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various animals. The use of Christmas decorations will create a general harmonious background: these are balls, bells, snowflakes. Use numbers to cut. The silhouette of a cute pig and the numbers will come in handy for the New Year 2019.

Vytynanki come from China. The first samples are associated with the appearance of paper. The Chinese have achieved a special skill in this technique. They created paper dragons, flowers, birds. And the creation of gods and spirits played a religious and ritual role.

When creating compositions, there are a number of points to consider:

  1. Large and heavy stencils (Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snowy landscapes) should preferably be placed in the lower third of the window.
  2. It is better to fix a flying cart with Santa Claus and gifts in its middle part: on the left or on the right. Then there will be a feeling that the wagon is really flying.
  3. The upper part of the composition will be decorated with angels, snowflakes, Christmas decorations and twigs.

When you follow these simple rules, you will get a wonderful winter landscape. You can do this kind of art with the whole family. For everyone there is something to their liking. And the youngest children in the family can cut out simple paper stencils, developing fine motor skills and creative thinking. In addition, perseverance and patience are formed.

New Year's decorations cut out of paper can be placed everywhere: on mirrors, walls, a Christmas tree. Everywhere they will be in place, everywhere they will complement the interior, creating a special holiday atmosphere.

To plunge into the world of childhood, the world of fabulous images and fantastic creatures, you just need to take paper and scissors and start creating your New Year's masterpiece. Openwork and airy figures will remind you that the magical New Year of the Boar is ahead.

Below is a selection of New Year's stencils (vytynanok) for the New Year of the Pig 2019: each picture can be enlarged and printed in A4 or larger.

Snowflake stencils for cutting

New Year pictures

Symbol of 2019 - Pig

Openwork paper pigs are a great solution for raising the New Year's mood.

A creative pig on glass will make anyone looking at it smile.


This is how you can decorate windows with the help of New Year's protrusions:

You can do the "vytynanka" vice versa. It is necessary to cut out the internal template and paint over its cavity.

Use artificial snow to apply a white spray. In this way, you can create templates that are connected in meaning.

It will turn out a fabulous “vytynanka” made of artificial snow, with meaning, grouped into an interesting plot.

Engage in paper cutting creativity, decorate your home for the New Year, create openwork compositions on the windows. Merry creativity to you!