Christmas decorations on the windows templates. How to decorate windows for the new year

On the eve of the holiday, a thorough preparation for the New Year begins. You need to think through every little thing, from choosing an outfit to decorating your home. New Year's figures on the windows, cut out of paper, will help to give a fabulous atmosphere. This decor option is one of the most popular, as it practically does not require any costs, but it looks just great.

Paper Cutouts: A Brief History of Openwork Beauty

The common name "vytynanka" came to us from Ukraine. In Russia, decorative art is called "clipping" and has been known since ancient Slavic times. Our ancestors for several centuries passed on to new generations the technique of carved paper patterns. The first clay, bast, fabric and leather artifacts depicting figurines on the windows were found as early as the 18th century. They belong to the Trypillia culture (5-3 thousand BC). But there are many disagreements here, since the main part of historians believe that art is younger.

The technique of cutting paper figures originated long before that in China - almost simultaneously with the invention of paper and primitive tools for its processing. The ancient inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom carved gods and mythical creatures, hung them on windows and doors to scare away evil spirits or give more comfort to their home.

This technique came to us only in the middle of the 19th century from Poland and Ukraine. Almost 100 years earlier, the vytynanka “migrated” along with merchants from Persia to Europe. Our ancestors gladly picked up the "cutters", decorating with them not only windows for the holidays, but also the iconostasis, oven, walls, etc. Over time, clippings even began to be used to inform the person looking out the window about:

  • illness of one of the household members;
  • imminent wedding;
  • hostess pregnancy;
  • funerals, etc.

Now vytynanki are widely used for holidays. We can say that each of us at school came across this art, cutting out snowflakes to decorate the class before the New Year. Especially paper figurines are popular in families with children. Young mothers arrange a fabulous atmosphere for their kids in the nursery or living room, developing in them a love for art and folk traditions, imagination and other personal qualities.

Today we will learn how to make original decorations on A4 paper, and also try to download ready-made templates for cutting and print on a printer.

Do-it-yourself vytynanka

To create a real winter fairy tale on the glass surface, you will need the following materials and tools:

First you need to print blanks for cutting on the printer. If you do not have a copier, then enlarge the image to the required size, attach a sheet of paper to the monitor and draw a simple pencil along the contours.

We cut out the outer parts with scissors, and the inner or small parts with a clerical knife, having previously laid the template on a flat wooden surface. Try not to leave black lines from the outline on the paper. The figures will show through on the window, so you need to remove the extra stroke.

White pictures will look more aesthetically pleasing, but if you want to diversify the composition, then some details can be decorated with pencils or paint. Gluing the cutouts is very easy. Dip the brush in warm water and rub the bar of soap. This solution is applied to the workpiece, which must be immediately applied to the glass surface until it is soaked. We press the paper with a sponge and disperse the formed air bubbles with a soft cloth. To remove the vytynanki, you need to wet them with warm water, wait 3-5 minutes so that they are well saturated and scrape off with a knife. If this is done carefully, then some figures can be used next year.

Important! The soap solution must be made thick. Otherwise, the paper may peel off the glass after a couple of days.

We hope that this instruction will help you make a real New Year's masterpiece with your own hands, as well as create a festive atmosphere. And now, we offer a gallery of ready-made templates.

Download window stencils for the New Year 2020 for cutting

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Snowman

These characters are traditional for any New Year's composition. They are able to create a fabulous atmosphere in the children's room. Such figurines will become especially relevant if the children themselves make decorations under your guidance.

New Year is like a new page, a blank sheet of paper! Preparing for the holiday is a pleasant and reverent event. People decorate their homes with New Year's symbols, bringing good luck to the house, creating a festive mood.

A fabulous atmosphere is created by candles, spruce branches, garlands. Also, paper decorations give a special magical charm to the room. To do this, print special paper stencils for the new year, hang them from the ceiling or decorate windows with them. This decor is economical, does not require special expenses, but looks very nice!

New Year 2018 is the year of the dog. Paper figures can be associated with the main symbol of the year or can be common: a Christmas tree, bells, snowmen ... Last year we already laid out a lot of stencils for cutting, this will complement our collection.

History of paper stencils

Even in ancient Slavic times, people made their homes more comfortable. Already in the 18th century, our ancestors decorated the windows with figurines, this is confirmed by the found artifacts with drawings. They carved the gods to scare away evil spirits. "Vytynanki" decorated the iconostasis, the walls of houses, stoves.

Hanging a vytynanka on the window, people informed their neighbors about what happened in their house: about a wedding, the birth of a child, a funeral.

Nowadays, stencils decorate the windows of schools, kindergartens in the new year. We have compiled for you a selection of stencils and templates for cutting them.

How to stick drawings on the windows for the new year?

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • printed drawing;
  • soap white;
  • sponge;
  • wide brush;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • board (or other surface on which you can cut);

Print the drawing in the format you need. Cut with scissors below the outline. It is desirable not to capture black lines - they will shine through. Cut out the inner parts with a clerical knife, placing a sheet on the board.

You can also stick white figures, but you can paint them with paints or pencils.

Bring warm water, dip your brush into it and rub it on a bar of soap. The solution should be thick. It is applied to the back of the paper. The drawing must immediately be glued to the glass.

How to remove paper drawings from windows?

Wet a rag with warm water, attach to the paper, hold until it gets wet. Carefully scrape off the paper with a knife.

Dog stencil templates

You can see how to decorate a window for the New Year 2018 with your own hands from the photo, stencils will help turn any idea into reality. This celebration is one of the most long-awaited. In order for the holiday to be successful and bring a lot of positive emotions, preparatory activities should be started in advance.

It is important to decide on the decor of the house. In addition to the usual Christmas toys and garlands, you can make interesting decorations on your own. Most often, windows are left without attention, and in vain. Thanks to imagination, you can come up with an original decor and focus on the window.

2018 will be ruled by the Yellow Dog. When choosing jewelry, you should focus on this character. This will allow good luck, prosperity and prosperity to enter the house.

Paper decorations are the most common. Templates are especially popular - it is enough to print them, cut them out, and attach them to the window.

Window stencils

Most often, stencils of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, snowflakes, sleighs with deer, bells, garlands are chosen to decorate windows. You can also cut out a beautiful number - 2018.

Window decor with bulges

Vytynanka are figures cut out of white paper. How to decorate a window for the New Year 2018 in this way with your own hands is of interest to many (see photo of stencils).

To make patterns, you need to prepare the following materials: paper, stationery knife, soap solution.

With the help of a template, any idea can be transferred to paper. Then carefully cut out the pattern with a knife and attach it to the window.

Stencil for a window in the form of a house

Pictures are best attached with soapy water.

To prepare it, you need to put 1⁄4 part of a bar of soap in a glass of water, stir well. Once the mixture becomes thick, you can proceed to further work. Apply glue to paper with a brush, stick to glass.

To get an unusual effect, you need to sprinkle the picture on top with artificial snow.

paper stars

Paper stars can be of different shades, in any case, they will be associated with the holiday. Large crafts look especially advantageous. They can be combined with smaller details.

To work, you will need the following: thick colored paper, scissors, glue.

Window decoration for the New Year 2018

Execution process:

  1. Take colored paper, cut out a square.
  2. Fold the shape in half twice.
  3. Expand the sheet, fold it diagonally.
  4. From opposite sides, make 4 cuts, forming the ends of the star.
  5. Such blanks will require 2 pieces.
  6. After they need to be glued together.
  7. The result is an eight-pointed star.
  8. It must be attached to a thread and hung from the eaves.


Surprise boxes

It would seem that you can come up with something new to decorate windows? However, there are an incredible amount of original design ideas! Surprise boxes look original and interesting. The easiest way to make them is to take a matchbox. Next, you need to glue it with beautiful paper and tie it with a ribbon. Such boxes can be hung from the eaves.

To make the finished souvenir with a surprise, inside you can put a dragee or something else at your discretion.

Christmas stickers

The most common option to decorate a window for the New Year 2018 with your own hands is to use ready-made stencils, the photo shows how to do this.

Stickers stick well to glass. In addition, the stores offer a huge range of goods. Bright and colorful drawings attract special attention.

Christmas stencils

Reindeer and Santa Claus at the window

Jars with flowers and sweets

Plant jars look amazing, they make the decor more fresh and interesting. Exotic compositions will appeal to flower lovers. In addition, they do not require special care, and will last for many years. Live balls can be attached to a painted white branch, and hung from the eaves.

Such jars can be filled with nuts and sweets.

Decorations with cones

Such simple decor elements will help create a magical atmosphere in the house. Decoration does not require a lot of material and time. It is enough to take the cones, attach them to the threads and hang them along the window.

Stencil - Santa Claus

Toothpaste decorations

Paste is a versatile material for window painting. With its help, you can create various compositions, transfer even the craziest ideas to glass.

The creative process will bring a lot of fun - both adults and kids will be happy to take part in it.

Snowflakes with toothpaste on the window

Materials that will be required:

  • Toothbrush;
  • plate;
  • water;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • the cloth;
  • toothpaste;
  • paper.

Execution process:

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the drawings. To do this, you should download New Year's stencils on the Internet. Most often, these are spruces, bells, holiday characters, penguins, snowmen. You can choose anything.
  2. Print the drawings on paper, carefully cut with scissors.
  3. If the drawing has small details, they need to be shaded. This will allow you to properly cut patterns.
  4. Take water in a plate, immerse the drawing in it for a few minutes. You can also wet the paper with a damp sponge.
  5. Glue the blank to the window, blot the pattern with a dry cloth.
  6. Start preparing toothpaste. Squeeze a small amount into a bowl, dilute with water. You should get a mass resembling liquid sour cream.
  7. Take a brush, lower it into the prepared solution, shake it.
  8. Run your finger over the brush to spray the stencil.
  9. After the paste dries, you can remove the template from the window, the winter pattern is ready.

Decorating a window with a brush

If you have artistic skills, you can paint the window. To do this, you need to make a brush. Take a piece of foam rubber, twist it, wrap it with tape. To work, you need several brushes of different sizes, with their help you can create both small and larger elements.

Christmas window decoration

Squeeze the paste into a bowl, dip the brush, you can start creating. Snowmen, Christmas decorations, spruce branches look interesting on the glasses. As soon as the paste dries, you need to take a toothpick and draw all the details - these can be the eyes of a snowman, dots on the balls, needles on the branches.

If you do not want to work with pasta, you can also use gouache, artificial snow.

Stencil for the number "2018" on the window

In this way, you will be able to create incredible works and decorate windows at your discretion. Each idea will be original, will be able to attract everyone's attention.

Fairytale city

Using stencils, you can create a whole city, how to decorate a window for the New Year 2018 with your own hands is shown in the photo.

Such a composition will look harmonious, help create a festive mood. In addition, the craft will bring a magical atmosphere to the house.

Stencils for windows 2018

Materials that will be required for work:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • garland with small light bulbs.

Execution process:

  1. Select the necessary templates on the Internet, which can be either single buildings or entire cities. It all depends on personal wishes.
  2. Print templates on paper. For convenience, you can transfer the drawings to cardboard.
  3. Cut large pieces with a knife, small pieces with scissors. It is best to give preference to simpler buildings. Particular attention should be paid to houses with windows. It is necessary to cut out the details carefully, the appearance of the entire composition depends on this.
  4. Glue the houses together in such a way that a rectangle is obtained. Small buildings should be placed in front, skyscrapers should be installed in the back.
  5. Set the craft on the windowsill, place the garland inside.
  6. The composition becomes especially attractive at night. The city seems to come alive. This craft will not go unnoticed. Bright lights will make the atmosphere truly magical.

Beautiful stencil for the New Year 2018 for the window

Multi-colored glaze will act as decoration. Such elements are easily attached to the eaves, snowflakes and three-dimensional stars will help to complete the work.

Decorations with candles

To decorate a room and the whole house, you can use different materials. Candles look incomparable, they are all associated with warmth and homeliness.

You can easily create a fabulous atmosphere in the house, the main thing is to show imagination and a little inspiration.

For work, you need to prepare the following: candles, cones, artificial moss, Christmas balls, paper, glasses.

  1. Take paper cups. It is best if they are without patterns. If this is not possible, you can pay attention to glasses with a geometric pattern.
  2. Roll paper into wads. They should be tight.
  3. Place a long candle in the center of the glass, fill the free space with paper wads.
  4. Lay artificial moss, New Year's toys on top.
  5. Put the candles on the windowsill, light the garland, lay the cones.

Stencil on the window - dog

Original decoration with candles

Candles can be used in a variety of ways. In any case, the composition will be original and interesting. First you need to prepare the following materials: glass glasses, small branches, water, tablet candles.

Execution sequence:

  1. Take the branches, break them off slightly.
  2. Put the fragments in a glass, pour water.
  3. Place candles carefully.
  4. An unusual candlestick is ready, you can place it on the windowsill and enjoy the work done.

How to beautifully decorate a window for the New Year 2018 with your own hands, you can look at the photo, stencils allow you to create real masterpieces. Ideas are so diverse that it can be very difficult to choose one.

Snowman on the window - stencil

window stencils

First of all, you need to think over the overall design, create decorations, and you can start decorating the window. Every detail matters: festive decor will help cheer you up, make the atmosphere fabulous.

New Year's Eve will be magical and will be remembered for many years.

Undoubtedly, for each of us, the New Year is the most long-awaited and brightest holiday. The flickering of multi-colored garlands on the streets, the smell of a Christmas tree, tangerine and the taste of Olivier became harbingers of a magical moment. But, perhaps, we ourselves create the most amazing festive atmosphere on the eve of the holiday. Especially in the moments of decorating the Christmas tree and the house, decorating with multi-colored garlands, tinsel, New Year's wreaths and thematic templates.

The symbol of 2020 is the White Metal Rat. Below you will find templates depicting this cute animal.

What patterns to cut on the windows for the New Year 2020?

Oddly enough, but recently it is pictures - patterns that have become especially popular among the usual decorations. However, it is not surprising. These templates for the new year 2020 are wonderful paper window cutouts that are quite easy and simple to create with your own hands. In this article, you will find and be able to print the most original and incredible pictures - templates that will bring a fairy tale to your home, as if descended from the pages of your favorite books.

Children can also be involved in this pre-holiday craft, who will gladly take part in creating decorations for the home for the celebration.

Templates for cutting on the window can be made on various topics, namely:

  • winter landscapes;
  • snowflakes;
  • bells;
  • angels;
  • figurines of Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden;
  • animals;
  • snowmen;
  • characters from fairy tales or cartoons;
  • ancient castles and cute houses;
  • symbol of the coming year - Rats or Mice

In order to make templates for cutting on the window for the new year 2020, you will not need special skills and a lot of time.

You can draw a picture - a template for cutting out on a window yourself as one figure, or a whole composition. The main thing in this skill is to clearly see the final result of the work and the location of the shadows. And, at the same time, a figure should be cut out of a sheet of paper so that one edge remains intact. So let's get started!

Templates with the symbol of the year 2020 - Rat and Mice

According to the Eastern calendar, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2020 is the White Metal Rat. Uncomplicated pictures of this cute animal will help you attract well-being and good luck to your home. You can draw a rat or mouse yourself or choose and print the templates below.

And, using a color printer, you can print such templates. The size of the image is also pretty easy to do by changing the settings.

To simulate these drawings, you should prepare components such as:

  • templates;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting pad;
  • scissors for manicure;
  • stationery knife.

First, you should print the template - on plain or colored paper, and then cut it out. At the moment of cutting out small details in the figure, it is necessary to press quite strongly on the blade of a clerical knife, while the movements themselves must be neat and scrupulous. Remember to use a cutting board while you work. Just put it under the template - and create further. You can get rid of larger parts with nail scissors. Now ready-made templates - you can stick on windows, doors and other pieces of furniture, thereby giving a festive decor to the house.

Fragile, snow-white snowflakes are considered an exquisite decoration not only for home interiors, but also for offices, schools and kindergartens. To create a winter blizzard indoors, templates will help you - snowflakes for cutting on the window, which you can download or print. Although each of us was taught to create snowflakes from childhood, we still recall how the process of creating future queens of New Year's Eve takes place. So, to get started, prepare the following materials:

  • sheet of paper and templates;
  • construction knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting board;
  • a piece of soap;
  • artistic brush;
  • a piece of cloth;
  • sponge.

Now you should print the templates on the printer. If you don't have this technique, it doesn't matter. Take a sheet of paper and attach it to the computer monitor, circle the picture along the contour. Using standard browser tools or image viewers, you can resize the template. Then take the scissors and carefully cut the workpiece from the outside. After that, with the help of a clerical knife, you can start modeling the internal figures of snowflakes according to your taste and skill. Be sure to carefully remove all dark outlines. Then take a glass of warm water and dip a brush into it, and rub it over the soap. Next, grease the surface of the snowflake and gently press it against the glass with a sponge. Remove any air bubbles with a piece of cloth. That's all, beautiful snowflakes are ready.

Paper templates - Christmas balls

New Year's paper balls can serve not only as a decoration for a green beauty, but also for the interior. After all, inside a simple template you can place a special, magical world where fairy tale and magic reign. It will not be difficult to print templates - balls for the new year 2020, but they should be cut out very carefully. The main thing is to prepare all the necessary components and start creating holiday balls, namely:

  • construction knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting board;
  • sequins;
  • sequins.

Making unique jewelry is quite simple, the main thing is desire and inspiration. To get started, print out templates or draw a ball in the shape you want to bring to life. Then take scissors and cut out all the small details, if any, from the ball template. Then you can cut out the shape along the contour. Now you can decorate this figure to your taste with multi-colored sequins or sequins. And, all New Year's, bright balls are ready to decorate your room. You just have to attach them either with dry glue or with double-sided tape and thereby pleasantly surprise your household and guests.

Fairy tales and cartoon characters will fill your home with joy and dip you into the wonderful memories of your childhood, and perhaps help you feel like a child again. Templates - you can download or draw pictures, then print and cut them out. This business will not take much time, but the process of creating paper cartoon figures will please not only children, but also adults. It remains only to prepare all the necessary materials such as:

  • sheets of colored or white paper and templates;
  • construction knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting board;

Print out the template you like. Cut it out with scissors. Then put the picture on a cutting board and carefully cut out all the small details with a construction knife. Now you can start decorating windows or doors. You can use either soapy water or double sided tape or glue stick.

These cute images of everyone's favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons will always make everyone smile.

Templates for the New Year 2020 - Santa Claus with his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Of course, what is the New Year without the main characters - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? That's right, nowhere without them. Templates - drawings with these characters can be very diverse. Everything depends on your wishes. They can become participants in a whole plot composition, for example, dance around the Christmas tree, distribute gifts, play with forest animals, rejoice and dance, or just stand.

During the manufacture of these templates, you will not have any particular difficulties. All you need is a little of your time and the following components:

  • sheets of white paper and templates;
  • whatman;
  • construction knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting board;
  • a piece of soap;
  • artistic brush;
  • a piece of cloth;
  • sponge
  • glue stick or double sided tape.

Before you start needlework, download and print the templates you like for the new year 2020 to cut out on the window.

Carefully cut out the images using scissors. For smaller details, you can use a construction knife. Do all work on a cutting board. Glue the finished figures to the glass with a soapy solution. We remind you that it is necessary to apply it on the surface of the picture with a brush. If you want to decorate wooden surfaces or walls, then in this case, use double-sided tape.

To create a real festive, New Year's performance on the windows in the form of rushing sleighs through snowdrifts drawn by deer, you will need large sheets of paper, for example, drawing paper, or you can make up various templates - pictures - panels.

With such funny characters - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, you can decorate your home. These templates are sure to grab the attention of all your guests and bring joy and fun to everyone around.

Templates - bells for the new year 2020 for cutting on the window are not difficult to make. All you need is to prepare tools such as:

  • sheets of white or colored paper;
  • templates;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting pad;
  • scissors for manicure;
  • stationery knife.

Now everything, as noted earlier, download and print the template - a picture. Then, using scissors, cut and attach to any surface.

To make your bells sparkle and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort on New Year's Eve, they can be decorated with sparkles or multi-colored sequins. And, holiday bells are ready.

Window templates - Christmas tree

Of course, in the New Year you can not do without the main green - beauty. Here you will find the most original and excellent patterns - Christmas trees for the new year 2020 for cutting on the window. Making them is easy. After all, the figures are symmetrical, so you don’t have to work on them for a long time. Prepare all the necessary tools and get to work:

  • a sheet of colored paper and templates;
  • construction knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • cutting board;
  • glue stick or double-sided tape;
  • sequins,
  • small figurines of balls.

Download and print the templates on colored or white paper and carefully cut out the pictures using scissors. After that, with the help of a clerical knife, you can start modeling the internal figures of the Christmas tree. Be sure to carefully remove all dark outlines. Now you can decorate your beauty with bright sparkles or attach balloon figures to her. You can also cut the rain and smear the image with a thin layer of glue, sprinkle on its surface. That's all, you just have to stick it on the glass or any other piece of furniture. In this case, you can use a soap solution. As noted earlier, you will need to take a glass of warm water and dip the brush into it, and rub it over the soap. Next, grease the surface of the Christmas tree and gently press it against the glass with a sponge. Remove any air bubbles with a piece of cloth. And, the Christmas tree is ready.

This page provides attractive window stencils for the New Year of the Dog 2018 in A4 format. They can be easily printed. Then, using scissors, cut out and make beautiful windows. We want to talk more about the nuances: how to correctly cut out the template and how to attach them to the windows.

  • Templates for New Year 2018
  • New Year templates 2018
  • How to make a template?

Templates for the New Year of the Dog 2018 and what it is

Templates for New Year 2018

Snowflakes will serve as classic vytynanki as a New Year's decoration. Some may be surprised by this. Yes, it is the usual snowflakes that children in kindergarten can already make with scissors and paper at hand that also belong to this type of creativity. Of course, if a child cuts out a snowflake, it will be a cute, but too simple decoration.

But a snowflake that reminds us of winter, and which is cut out for a long time (using "secrets"), will look different. The thing is that you need to make snowflakes according to the rules. They concern only the process when a piece of paper must be folded. And you can cut snowflakes the way you want. A snowflake must always be a hexagon. That's why when the sheet is folded 6 times, equal segments are obtained. The snowflake, as a result of the cutting process, will turn out perfect.

You need to do this: fold a paper sheet diagonally. On the bent part, mark where the center is. After that, from this central line, the left and right ends are wrapped towards the middle in such a way as to make a triangle with sharp ends. Fold it in half again from the main corner. This is how the foundations for the implementation of creative ideas turned out.

It has become a good tradition for many years to decorate the windows in the house with New Year's stencils. Those characters that we used to associate with the New Year holidays should definitely become the heroes of paper plastic. This is the Snow Maiden, and Santa Claus, and the Snowman.

Now you can buy gel stickers for windows, chic tinsel, paintings on the walls. Today, it has also become fashionable to revive the decorations for the New Year theme at home. All family members usually take part in this process. It's both entertaining and fun. It may happen that handmade crafts will not have clear lines and an impeccable symmetrical contour, but what warm energy they will fill the home with.

After all, a piece of the soul of the household is invested in them! Coziness and warmth begin to be felt already when the family first gathered at the table on a frosty winter evening to make snowflakes. Look together what stencils for cutting out the window for the New Year of the Dog 2018 in A4 format are provided on our website.

New Year templates 2018

Why not cut and hang stencils? Templates are not complex elements of decorations for New Year's celebrations, using which they transfer patterns to window glass. You can also decorate the surface of a mirror or a postcard, business card, gift tag. Another option is to decorate dishes and wine glasses.

When you create templates, you can realize all your imagination. There are no restrictions! Forward to creativity! The process of creating templates can be an exciting game for both children and parents.

How to make a template?

You will not need to spend a lot of time and effort to make this decorative element. The main thing is to arm yourself with patience and be careful. This is especially important when it comes to templates that have small details and complex elements.

Need to prepare:

1. Sheet of paper.
2. Manicure scissors.
3. Knife. Suitable stationery or mock-up.
4. Tweezers.
5. A bar of soap.
6. Adhesive tape (double-sided).
7. Wooden board, piece of plywood or linoleum (thin).

Once you have prepared everything, you will need to follow these steps, step by step:

1. Select and print the images you like.

2. It is necessary to carefully, slowly, cut out the pattern along the contour. The main contours will help you navigate. Here you should use scissors. With their help, you can cut out a figure very quickly. If you have to work with small details, you can’t do without a clerical knife.

Pre-printing is placed on plywood, or on a mat specially designed for cutting, or on some other surface. The main thing is that it should not be a pity to damage (scratch). When the cutting stage is completed, it is necessary to separate the smallest details using tweezers.

3. It is necessary to come up with a plot of the composition in advance. What will she be? On the window they should find places for themselves: Santa Claus, and the Snowman, and the Bunny, and the Deer. Details need to be painted.

4. Using a solution of soap, it will be possible to glue each figure if it is small in size. When voluminous panels are suitable for fixing, double-sided tape is a great option.

We offer you to get acquainted with a huge number of various stencils for cutting on the window for the New Year of the Dog 2018 in A4 format. You can choose, print, cut and bring into your home a wonderful winter mood that matches the New Year holidays!