New Year's scenarios. For the little ones

Svetlana Gorlova
The scenario of the New Year's party "Christmas tree for the little ones."

Completed by: Gorlova Svetlana Viktorovna MBDOU Kindergarten No. 76 "Fidgets", Zlatoust.

Children freely enter the hall with Santa Claus, examine the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: A merry winter brought us a holiday,

The green tree came to visit us.

Let's get closer to the tree.

Let's look at everything above and below.

How many toys are on it.

Cones, stars, crackers.

We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Very long, a whole year.

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance.

Round dance "Little Christmas tree"(children sit down).

Father Frost: Oh, guys, we didn’t manage to wake our Christmas tree with a song, let’s wake it up with bells.

Playing the bells

Father Frost: Not in order, guys, our Christmas tree is not burning, but I know the magic words: " Well, Christmas tree, wake up, wake up and smile, at one, two, three Christmas tree you shine!"

Father Frost: Guys, let's play with our Christmas tree, blow on the lights.

Christmas tree game(blow-go out, clap-burn).

Father Frost:

Our Christmas tree woke up

All the guys smiled!

We will approach the Christmas tree

Let's sing a song about her.

The song "Glitter on the Christmas tree beads"

Father Frost: Here is my magic bag, and in it, what lies in it. Who is it?

Children: Snowman!

(Transformation of a toy-Snowman into a living Snowman).

(to the music, a snowman enters the hall, carries the Masha doll on a sled and sings).

Song Masha Masha

Mashenka - Masha,

Our doll.

I sat in the sleigh,

Rolled down the hill.


Hello Santa Claus, hello kids.

I, guys, are a snowman!

I'm used to the snow, the cold!

You blind me cleverly.

Instead of a nose, a carrot

I'm not a simple snowman

And cheerful, mischievous.

Father Frost: SnowballsWhere are your magic snowballs?

Snowman: Brought, brought (takes snowballs and distributes to children).

Father Frost: Let's dance with snowballs.

Dance with snowballs


And now kids, it's time to play!

I'll throw snowballs high

Snowballs will fly far.

And the guys will collect snowballs

And they will bring it back to me.

Game "Collect snowballs"

Santa Claus: I will blow a magical breeze and we will rest on the chairs.

Snowman:I will pass near the Christmas tree,

And I'll look under the tree.

Who sits under the tree

And wiggles his ears?

(looks under the tree)

And under the tree is a hare.

And under the tree is white.

He sits under the tree

And wiggles his ears.

Song "Hare"

Father Frost: And now I will turn you all into hares. (Children turn into bunnies).

Game Bunnies and Foxes

1.On the forest lawn

Bunnies ran away.

Here are some bunnies

Jumping bunnies! (Children jump)

2.Bunnies sit in a circle

They dig a spine with a paw.

Here are some bunnies

Jumping bunnies! (digging with a paw)

3.Suddenly a forest runs

red sister,

Looking for where the bunnies are

Jumping bunnies!

(a snowman runs with a fox, the children cover their faces with their hands)

(children open their faces and run to the chairs)

Snowman: Thank you Santa Claus for bringing us the Christmas tree. Let's make Santa Claus happy, sing a song about him.

Song "Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Pleased Santa Claus, well done! Are you guys afraid of Frost?

Children: No.

Father Frost: What if the hands get cold?

Snowman: We'll clap.

Father Frost: And if the legs freeze?

Snowman: We will sink.

Father Frost: To keep everyone warm

Start dancing quickly.

Dance "Yes-yes-yes"(children sit down)

Snowman: Grandpa, did you bring gifts for the guys?

Father Frost: Of course he did. Here it is - a big candy!

(treat children)

Surprise Big Candy Moment

The song "Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus"(dance around the Christmas tree).

Children, together with Santa Claus and the Snowman, go to the group.

The scenario of the New Year's party for the younger group "How the Snowman and the Bunny didn't share the carrot."

Panova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU "Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.
Material Description: this scenario is designed for younger preschoolers, and can also be useful for educators who want to spend a New Year's party for kids in a fun and interesting way. The script includes songs, dances, theatrical performance of adults and so on.
Target: holding a memorable matinee for kids and their parents.
Tasks: create a cheerful, joyful, festive mood, create conditions for demonstrating the talents of their children to parents.

Holiday progress:

What kind of guest came to us?
So elegant and slim
How the toys shine on her ...
Here's an icicle of ice
And on the very top -
Five-winged star!
This is our Christmas tree
Prickly needle!
Around the Christmas tree, kids,
We will go slowly.
Hey guest! Hey tree!
How good is that!
It will be a lot of fun at the holiday with us.
And we will sing a song about the Christmas tree now!
Performing song "Yolochka"(children sit on chairs).
A sad Snowman without a nose - a carrot - enters the hall.

Snowman: Hello guys, did you see the oblique? He took my nose from me and ran away from the forest.
The bunny did not come to us
And did not bring carrots,
Frost will come to us now,
A new nose will find you!
He is a magician and a joker -
You will make a nose.
Snowman: (mournfully):
I don't want a new nose
I'm looking for my carrot.
Snowman, don't be sad
And look at the tree.
With us there is no time to be bored,
Let's have fun playing!
Game "Catch the snowflakes"(paper snowflakes fly out of the "cloud").
We had fun playing
And now I rejoice:
After all, today appeared
I have so many friends! (shows with hands.)
Snow crunches very loudly
Someone is in a hurry to the Christmas tree!
Fast music sounds, the Hare runs into the hall.

I am a cheerful bunny, jumping bunny!
You didn't come here in vain...
Hello my friends!
I'm early this morning
Brought forty news
What do you guys have a Christmas tree
There is a decorated one.
I made my way to kindergarten
Through the fields and through the forests
And on the Christmas tree, miracle tree,
I want to see myself!
With us, bunny, stay
Have fun and have fun
After all, today is the New Year,
Everyone dances and sings!
I would stay right now.
Isn't there among you
weird snowman,
He is a little angry now.
You bunny, calm down
And don't be afraid of the Snowman.
Look how good
Baby kids!
Join us in a circle
Smile quickly.
Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
What do I see? Snowman!
Is he sleeping soundly?
(Starts to brag.)
They say that bunnies are cowards and smarties.
You do not believe me, I'm not a coward! I'm not afraid of anyone
No bear, no fox. I am the bravest in the forest!
Snowman, open your eyes
I call you to fight!
I am a brave man, not a coward!
Snowman (wakes up):
Aaaa, gotcha, braggart!
You shouldn't scare me.
Catch me first!
Fast music sounds, the Snowman is chasing the Hare. Children stomp their feet, disturbing them.
Wow, I'm tired, I can't.
I'd rather sit down and rest.
Well, I'm all the kids
I'm turning into bunnies now!
Music sounds, the Hare blows on the guys, the children put on bunny hats.
Well, bunnies, run out,
Take a walk in the meadow.
Game "Catch us, Snowman".
You can't fight on holidays.
Make peace, friends!
After all, today all the people
Celebrates the New Year!
The hare and the snowman are hugging. The hare gives a carrot.
We will, we will be friends
Let's, let's live peacefully.
Snow Maiden (pulls out a bell):
I am a Snow Maiden girl,
I came to you for a holiday
magic bell
I brought it with me.
(Rings a bell.)
Ding dong, ding dong! -
Bell ringing is heard.
The bell sings
Snowflake is calling.
Snowflakes sisters,
Fly to me.
Let's spin
In the silence of the night
"Dance of the Snowflakes"
Snow Maiden:
And where is Santa Claus?
Let's call him out loud.
Let's say together: "Santa Claus! Whoa! Aw!"
Children and the Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus! Whoa! Whoa!
Father Frost:
- Aw! Whoa! I'm coming!
Hello kids,
Girls and boys.
Happy New Year
And I wish you health!
- And why is your Christmas tree not burning, not sparkling with lights? Not in order! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, bring me my magic wand ... Come closer to the Christmas tree. (Children go to the tree.)
- Magic wand, touch the twigs,
Christmas tree-beauty, light up for the guys.
The tree lights up.
- We blow on the Christmas tree like this, like this.
And the Christmas tree went out like this, like this.
Children blow on the Christmas tree, it goes out.
"Clap, clap, speak
Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn! (children clapping).
- And the heels will be stamped, and the lights will be lit.
Children stomp, the tree lights up.
“One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire !!!
Snow Maiden:
We hurried to you from the forest,
To catch the carnival
And they put surprises (shakes bag)
to give to you today.
Father Frost:
You cheered me up
But it's time for us to go home
Wait, there's a ball in the bag, (pulls a ball out of the bag)
Where will he lead us?
Everyone follows Santa Claus and finds a chest with the inscription "Treasure" under the tree.
Father Frost:
I'll open the chest now
Here is a surprise for you and me.
Here are the gifts for the kids
For girls and boys.
Presenter: Guys, let's say "Thank you" to Santa Claus together and give him a song.
The song "Little Christmas Tree" is performed.
Father Frost:
Well, friends, you need to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Snow Maiden:
Both adults and kids!

Elena Shevtsova

To the music, children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.


Hello, holiday tree!

We have been waiting for you all year.

We are at the tree New Year's,

We lead a friendly round dance.

1 child:

Christmas tree lights up.

It’s good for us to meet friends at the Christmas tree.

2 child:

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle Christmas tree with golden lights!

Happy New Year congratulations dear guests.

3 child:

Christmas tree - kind beauty.

We like to have fun by the Christmas tree!

presenter: - This is Grandfather Frost brought a Christmas tree to the children. Let's sing our Christmas tree song.


At the end, sit on chairs.

presenter: something is not joyful, our Christmas tree does not burn with multi-colored lights ... What should we do? Who knows?

Children: Light up the lights.

presenter: But how do we light them?

Children: you need to call Santa Claus.

presenter: and that's true. Let's all call Santa Claus together now.

The children are called Santa Claus.

Snowman runs in: (with suitcase)

Oh oh oh! Santa Claus won't come! (crying) Baba Yaga bewitched him! There will be no holiday! Oh oh oh!

presenter: how so? How will it not? Snowman, honey, don't cry, explain to us what happened.

Snowman: oh, trouble, trouble. We went to you holiday with Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Everything around is white-white,

There was a lot of snow.

Swallowed birch, spruce,

Even a hare hole.

Suddenly, Yaga flies with a broom

And conjures on the go.

In the mortar, the snow covers everything,

Santa Claus won't let you.

Snow swirled, storm

Look, there's a suitcase. (shows suitcase)

Nothing is visible around

The forest is covered with snow...

Barely got out of the snowdrift

And I found my way to you.

Help me friends

We can't live without grandpa.

presenter: Snowman, what did you bring in your suitcase?

Snowman: I don't know, let's see together

presenter: guys, let's see what the Snowman has in his suitcase?

Children: Yes!

open the suitcase (at this time the laughter of Baba Yaga is heard). and in it are the figurine of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

snowman gasp: bewitched, as is bewitched.

presenter: Wow, what a Baba Yaga! Wanted to ruin the holiday! It is necessary to save Grandfather, it is necessary to rescue Frost! Guys, can we help? YES! We will destroy any witchcraft with our fun!

Snowman: Well, I don't know... it will work or not.

At this time, the host puts the figures under the Christmas tree, or on a chair next to the door.

presenter: Now we will check.

Let's play the most winter game - Snowballs!


The game is played by a snowman

Snowman: Something Santa Claus - you can't hear it! Did not help…

presenter: Snowman, let's ask the guys to sing a song about Santa Claus. Shall we ask?

Snowman: guys, please help me to disenchant Santa Claus.

SONG "Herringbone" music And sl. Veresokina.

Performed by children middle group

Snowman: (upset) eh, that doesn't help...

presenter: Snowman, don't be sad, now the girls are 2nd the younger group will dance cheerful, a magical dance, I think Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will definitely like it.

DANCE DOLLS (girls junior group)

Snowman: (looks at figurines) Eh, again it does not work ....

Leading So early yet! After all, we haven’t even danced the cheerful, fervent dance of Letka-enka. He will definitely help!

SNOWMAN: we would have a mischievous dance, instantly dealt with Yaga

presenter: and we have such a dance. Now girls the middle group will dance"Letka-enka". Girls, get out.

DANCE "LETKA-ENKA" (girls middle group)

Girls sit on chairs

Sounds like magic music

Snowman: Seems witchcraft is starting to disappear! Guys, let's break the spell of Baba Yaga. We close our eyes, do not peep .... loudly stomp our feet, stomp, stomp. Well done. Now they all blew together ... so, the spell of witchcraft is breaking. And now all together, together, we call Santa Claus. Father Frost. (At this moment, the presenter quietly removes the figures, and the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear in the hall).

Father Frost: Here I am! The spell of Baba Yaga has fallen! Thank you for your help!

Hello, my dears.

Hello my pretty ones!

Oh, how elegant you are

All ruddy yes okay.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus.

Your guest New Year.

Don't hide your nose from me

I am kind today!

Why isn't your Christmas tree on fire?

presenter: Let's fix this!

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, help the guys light the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree stands and does not burn with lights!

We now clap our hands. Say together: one two Three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

And now we're stomping our feet. Say unanimously: one two Three!

Our tree is on fire!

One, two, three - Christmas tree burn!

Christmas tree lighting

Santa Claus: Well done! Light up the tree! Now you can play!


Father Frost: Oh, and tired! Oh, and it's hot!

presenter: And you, Grandpa, sit down! And the guys read poetry to you.


Father Frost: well done guys, so many good poems were told

presenter: Grandfather Frost, and our guys also prepared a dance especially for you. now guys the younger group will perform a dance"Friendly Guys"

DANCE "FRIENDLY GUYS" sl. and music. L. Nekrasova (second junior group)

Father Frost: well done, wonderful dance, did you like it, Snegurochka? YES.

presenter: And guys middle group prepared a gift for you Grandfather Frost and for your granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.


Santa Claus: good, all your dancing is good. And now honest people, get into a round dance.


Father Frost: Thank you guys, they sang, danced, had fun. I really liked you.

It's getting quieter in our room

Melting fast time of miracles

Goodbye, I'll tell the kids

I return to my fairy forest.

Snow Maiden and Snowman: Grandfather Frost, you forgot something! Present!

Father Frost: Oh, gifts! Well, of course! Here they are! (shows a small bag)

presenter: But this is a very small bag! It does not include gifts!

Father Frost:

you forgot the whole secret

That I am a magical grandfather.

I'll strike with a staff, and here -

Our gift will grow.

Then he takes out a bag of the same color with gifts from under the tree.

Presentation of gifts.

Santa Claus, Snowman, Snow Maiden say goodbye, leave

Well, it's time for us

Disperse home.

Santa Claus will visit us again in a year!

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Scenario New Year's party for the second junior group "Hello, New Year!" Under the New Year's music, the children enter the hall. Presenter: Congratulations on the New Year And with all our hearts we wish you Joy, health to you - And great, and.

Children enter the music hall to the music, line up around the Christmas tree.

Child: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

We have come to you.

Lights are funny

You quickly light it up.

The trees are lit up with lights.

Educator: The lights are sparkling all around,

We will start round dances.

The song "Our Christmas Tree"

Educator: The Christmas tree looks at the guys,

And they want to dance.

Clap, clap, clap (kids clap)

Let's clap our hands

Yes, let's stomp our feet. (children stomp their feet).

Dance "Chok da Chok"

Educator: Sit down soon, guys,

Today the animals came to us.

Children sit on chairs, bunnies come out to the music.

Hares: 1. We are bunnies, not cowards,

They came to your Christmas tree.

2. We are bunnies - playful,

They brought the children a dance.

3. You clap now

We will dance for you.

Rabbit dance.

Educator: Bunnies, bunnies, wait,

You are not in a hurry to run away.

With rattles for you

Let's dance now.

Song-dance "Dance with a rattle". After the dance, the children put the rattle under the Christmas tree and sit on the chairs.

Educator: Someone sings a song,

He comes to visit us here.

Heard: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Who are these guys?

The children answer.

Cockerel (child): I'm mischievous cockerel,

I wake up with the dawn

I call my song

I sing loudly.


Educator: Oh, yes, Petya, well done!

Oh, yes, Petya, daring!

Get up near the Christmas tree

Sing along with us!

The song "The long-awaited New Year" (dance around the Christmas tree).

Educator: Look, kids:

Who is visiting us?

Children: Bears!

Bears: 1. I am a cheerful Bear,

I walk through the forest.

With gray bears

I'm friends with bunnies.

2. I don't offend

Little animals.

All of them are with me

They want to dance.

Bear dance.

Educator: You bears, take a rest,

Sit with us.

Everyone takes their seats.

Educator: We are on holiday Santa Claus

He brought a miracle tree.

Here he comes here

After all, today is the New Year!

Santa Claus comes to the music.

Santa Claus: The road was far,

My legs are tired.

I'll sit for a while

I'll take a look at the kids.

Educator: Sit, rest,

Yes, look at us.

We will read poetry to you

We will bring you joy.

  1. 1. Kind Santa Claus

He brought the Christmas tree to us here,

To us for the New Year

They danced with her!

Educator: Ah, magic snowflakes, fly out as soon as possible.

Spin around, dance

Near your Christmas tree.

Dance "Snowflakes"

Santa Claus: Well done guys!

Let's hold hands tighter

Together we will stand in a round dance,

And a cheerful sonorous song

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

"Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus"

Educator: Santa Claus, but we will not let you out.

Santa Claus: I'll freeze you now!

Freeze game!

Educator: Good Santa Claus,

You brought us gifts.

Santa Claus: Oh, I seem to have lost my magic key, where is it? Not under the tree, not under the chairs, not behind the guys.

Educator: Here it is your key Santa Claus hanging on the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus opens a chest with gifts.

Santa Claus: A difficult time has come,

Say goodbye, kids!

Educator: Come on, children, goodbye,

We will say together: "Goodbye"!

olga rice
Scenario New Year's holiday for the little ones

New Year's Eve for the little ones.

To the music, children enter the hall, examine the Christmas tree, stand in a circle

What the holiday is coming to us?

The New Year is upon us!

At New Year's Christmas trees green needles

And from top to bottom - beautiful toys,

Balls, magic lanterns hang on branches,

And beads, and snowflakes, and blue ice floes,

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow...

We will sing a song to our Christmas tree!

round dance « little Christmas tree» .

Oh, guys, look what a beautiful bell is hanging on our Christmas tree! Probably this bell magic: if you call them - to us on holiday fabulous guests will come. Children: Yes!

The host rings the bell and the Snow Maiden enters.

Hello my friends!

Came to you holiday i.

I will play with you.

Songs to sing and dance.

Look at us guys holiday the Snow Maiden came - the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost!

Dear Snow Maiden!

Do us such a favor

For the tree to light up.

Flashed, played

It shone with lights!

Light up with bright lights, green beauty,

Illuminate our faces with your radiant light!

The kids really like your bright toys.

Green, fluffy, burn, burn, burn!

The lights on the tree are lit.

Christmas tree game:

If you need to extinguish the lights on the Christmas tree,

Then we will blow together on coniferous needles.

Children blow on the Christmas tree, the lights go out.

I will reveal a big secret: repeat all for me:

“As the heels stomp, the lights will light up!”

Children stomp, the lights on the Christmas tree light up. 2-3 times (sat down)

Snow Maiden:

Guys, look how beautiful snowflakes are on our Christmas tree.

Snowflakes fly

And show me your dance.

Snowflake dance

Snow Maiden.

Well, my friends, to make it more fun, shall we invite more guests?

I see you have a magic bell. May I call the next guest? (ringing a bell). Bunny appears on the screen.

Hello guys!

I ran to you from the forest

On crisp snow.

I'm very afraid of Chanterelles,

Sly red-haired sister.

Don't be afraid, Bunny, calm down, coward!

We have on holiday all the guys are kind, funny, no one will offend you.

Well, I'm staying with you, I'm not afraid of the guys!

I will play with you, sing songs and dance. Can?

Of course, Bunny, stay! How pretty, white, fluffy you are! Do you want us to dance for you?

Bunny. I will be very glad.

dance "Bunnies"

How fun, how fun, how joyful all around!

And today we are all friends on let's call a holiday!

The Snow Maiden rings a bell. Fox appears.

presenter: Oh, you sly cheat! I decided to catch our bunnies too!

What are you, what are you! I came to play with you.

I heard from the wolf

And little rabbits

That Christmas tree holiday

Today the guys.

I, Lisonka - sister,

Proud of my tail

Came to have some fun

On the big holiday.

Guys, let's sing a song for Chanterelle!

We will stand near the Christmas tree, we will start our round dance,

Happy New Year to everyone, let's sing a song together.

Children perform "Christmas tree"

Snow. I wonder who else the magic bell will bring to visit us?

The Snow Maiden rings a bell. Bear comes out.

Guys, who knows me?

I am Mishka, I missed you.

I am furry, clubfoot,

Slept sweetly in the winter in the forest.

But heard the laughter of children

And got up quickly.

Tired of sleeping in a den, I want to walk my legs!

The bear wants to dance

The bear wants to play!

"Rattle Dance".

Well done boys. But someone on our holiday is missing.

Probably Santa Claus.

We need to call him.

My name is Santa Claus

Santa Claus comes out to the music, says hello

Surprised by the Christmas tree, smart guys.

Happy New Year to all I congratulate

I wish you joy and happiness

Festive fun pleasures

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone.

Snow. Santa Claus, we are already waiting for you. Dance with the guys.

D. M. Of course with pleasure

Dance: All the guys are dressed up

Vedas. Sit grandfather, listen to poetry.

1reb: Hello New Year's holiday

Christmas tree and winter holiday

2reb: All your friends today

We will invite you to the tree.

3reb: This New Year's holiday

We waited impatiently.

Snow. D.M., but do you have a hundred in your bag?

D.M. And now in just right

There are gifts for you

I will untie my bag

Everything that is there I will show

They distribute treats together with the Snow Maiden, say goodbye and leave.

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