We hint to the guy about sympathy - charm tactics. 3 Ways to Hint a Girl You Like Her - wikiHow Hint a Guy in a Message

I so want men to understand women not just from a half-word, but to catch the embedded meaning between the lines. From such misunderstandings, women are often upset, offended, make scandals, and men still do not understand what is happening.

In a relationship, a couple in love tries to get to know each other (habits, unravel the mood, desires, etc.), including the man learning to understand his woman from the hints made. It is quite another thing that a man purposefully does not want to respond to them or really does not understand where everything is going.

If you're in a long-term relationship, you may not need to hint at all. It is worth telling your spouse directly what you want. Then there will be no resentment, misunderstanding and scandals from scratch.

When the relationship is not yet well-established, it can be embarrassing, uncomfortable and scary to talk about your desires directly, since there is no certainty that you will be understood correctly. In these cases, it is necessary to make careful hints that will help the guy understand the desires of his beloved.

Consider the most popular cases, and give a couple of tips on how to easily name a guy.

A hint of affection

You have been talking together for a long time, but it seems that he does not understand about your sympathy, it is necessary to make it clear to the person. The main hints of sympathy:

  • ask him for help (the man feels needed);
  • casually gently touch him;
  • not be afraid to be shy (blush) with him;
  • talk about a new film that has been released, invite him in the process of communication.

You will find useful information.

hint of a kiss

You have been together for a long time, but he does not kiss you. The thought of this does not leave your head, you don’t want to kiss first and it’s scary, what if he thinks about your promiscuity, etc. In this case, you need to hint, you can choose one of the options you like:

  • flirt all day, make him feel wanted;
  • resort to tactile contact (weaving hands, gently stroking the ear, etc.);
  • look at his lips more often and draw attention to your own (biting, licking);
  • be more often within kissing distance.

You will also find interesting information.

hint of a gift

So you want to get something as a gift from your loved one, but he does not understand this. It is impossible to say directly, his reaction is incomprehensible, it remains to hint:

  • talk about the gift that her friend made, make it clear that she was so lucky;
  • talk about a dream in which you are given what you want, say how happy you were at that moment;
  • tell that during a walk they saw their dream and now you can’t sleep peacefully;
  • constantly unpretentiously mention in communication about the subject of the gift.

A hint of family

Most men are afraid of losing their freedom or changing their lives in an uncertain direction. You need to be able to hint to your man that he is so dear to you that you can even imagine a happy family and a happy old age with him. It is important to feel a man, his mood, try to completely relax him. You need to hint at family relationships very carefully and at the right moment of a romantic mood, so as not to frighten your chosen one.

The art of allusions is a very delicate painstaking work. Women appear in the image of psychologists who foresee the right time, place and circumstances to accomplish their insidious plan. The main thing is not to overdo it in your desires to hint at something, because a man is not so simple, he can easily figure out the plan for his own manipulation and will not allow it anymore.

“The road will be mastered by the walking one” is a phrase that is fair in relation to interpersonal communication of opposite sexes. A handsome young man who does not reciprocate is either shy or indifferent.

There are several types of interpersonal communication available today:

  • Messages in chats, special mobile applications (Skype, Viber);
  • With the use of telephones, SMS messages;
  • Social networks;
  • Through personal contact.

Hints to the guy in the message,

In the absence of acquaintance, it is important in the first message to “hook” the attention of the young man. Start the conversation with a question about the interlocutor's opinion on any occasion: “Hi! I've always wondered if women or men lie more? Happened? Develop the topic further.

When talking with a familiar young man, follow the rules:

  1. Try to keep the mystery. The conversation should be structured in such a way that the guy remotely understands about sympathy.
  2. Avoid intimate, too personal topics (sex, income, parents).
  3. Do not embellish your virtues. They don't like braggarts.
  4. Excessive pessimism, whining are bad qualities for an interlocutor.
  5. Annoyance in correspondence (“Are you silent?”) Will rather repel the young man. A funny story, a link to an interesting video will help start a conversation.
  6. Be interested in the guy's hobbies, look for common among your hobbies, then the conversation will be exciting for both.
  7. Use your intuition. If the guy is silent now, there is a possibility that there are good reasons.
  8. Literacy is valued at all times. Watch for misspelled words.

How to hint to a guy that I like him

Social media is a popular communication tool. The recommendations described above are valid for communication on VKontakte.

Remember, the chosen one can be at the computer with a friend, brother. Too obvious a hint of sympathy can confuse a young man. An interesting, neutral message is the best way to start a conversation.

Use the popular Vkontakte tool - gifts. Successfully comment on the photos on the page of the chosen one, making a compliment that favorably emphasizes the dignity.

For some girls, the “mysterious stranger” tactic is suitable. Having written to the chosen one from an outside account, unobtrusively, interestingly drag them into a conversation. The task is to systematically intrigue the young man, causing a desire to meet and make an appointment. The tactic works well with guys with a romantic streak. Remember, hints for men are often incomprehensible. It's better to be straight forward.

How to Hint a Guy in a -Message

The absolute advantage of SMS correspondence is a great guarantee of the absence of prying eyes. Hint subtly. Banal SMS "Hi. How are things?" make the interlocutor think about why he is interesting to you. When you get a simple, one-word "OK" response, continue the conversation. Don't despair if you don't get an answer. Perhaps the money on the balance of the phone has run out, the battery has run out, or the young man is just busy.

Courageous girls should try to write SMS with a clear hint and a little understatement: “For some reason, you are in my thoughts all day ...”.

Different ways to let a guy know that a girl likes him

Interest is expressed in many ways:

  • Be an attentive interlocutor, learn to listen to the guy without interrupting.
  • Give a sincere smile to your chosen one more often.
  • Be moderately interested in the young man's personal life (hobbies, favorite dishes, pets). Try to talk about yourself so that the conversation is two-way.
  • Laugh at the jokes of the chosen one, learn to "flirt" them.
  • At the beginning of communication, try to agree with the guy, otherwise he may negatively perceive your discontent.
  • Maintain a spirit of competition. Find out the favorite sport of the chosen one, view competitions together.
  • Give and receive gifts. Let them be small, but made from a pure soul.

How to show your sympathy to a guy at school

School is a place where communication takes place through personal contact. Make the most of your free time. At breaks, try to be close to the young man.

Offer to help with the test. Communicating, be direct, smiling, sweet. Inadvertently lightly touch the guy with your hair or bag. Catch the eye, smile, invite after class in a cafe, just chat. Do not refuse the guy's offers to take him home. When speaking, be cheerful and sincere.

Experts have established several signs that betray a man's sympathy for a woman:

Language of the body

Frequent tilts (turns) of the body towards the girl indicate the interest of the young man.


A shy man quickly takes his eyes off a pretty woman. Self-confident - tries to catch the eye, holding for a while.


In a company, when talking about other young men, men try to prove their superiority in order to present themselves favorably in the eyes of the girl they like.


Light, unobtrusive touches clearly signal sympathy.

Behavior with other girls

Some men flirt with girls to make them jealous. The chosen one constantly monitors the reaction. If you leave the premises, then the cessation of flirting will be proof of this.

Friends of the chosen one

Approaching a group of friends, it can be noted that they begin to play a trick on a pretty girl friend. Or directly interested in her sympathy for him.


Frequent banter with a girl indicates sympathy for her. Only on condition that the young man does not behave this way with others.

Confessing your feelings is a difficult decision for many girls. The initiative often in practice saves promising relationships. Be sincere. The chosen one will definitely reciprocate.

act -

He is yours -

love show -

Life is full of clues. Without them, we would not only be uninteresting, but even uncomfortable, because a sign is a direct indication of important, but hidden information. Moreover, it can concern not only feelings, but also many other areas. How to make a hint based on the category?

How to hint a guy about feelings for him?

Get to know his surroundings. Such a step will help not only to find out the opinion about you, but also to get closer. To do this, arouse the sympathy of the environment, make a positive impression, make friends with the guy's sister (if any), his cousins, mother, aunts, grandmother, so that they tell him about such a good girl like you.

Make eye contact more often. But it should look unobtrusive, even "accidentally". At the same time, look just perfect every time so that he singles you out and remembers you. A beautiful stranger will leave an indelible mark on his memory, touching his feelings.

Find out where he goes. And then go there yourself. Sign up for a library, a gym, or any other club, even rock climbing. So he will understand that you are incredibly close and that you have certain emotions for him if you risked such a serious step.

Flirt with him. When meeting, do not look away, look longer into the eyes and only then immediately turn away. Play with eyeballs. Brush off the “shrunken” fluff on his shoulder, if you are in the same company with him, “inadvertently” touch your palm, “accidentally” step on your foot, blush when he appears.

Radiate positivity. Express complacency with all your appearance: rays of tenderness and love should come from you, which he will certainly feel. Do not talk about other guys in his presence and do not gossip. Give a mini gift for any holiday with a card that hints at affection. Create a spiritual atmosphere around, thank him more often for the slightest help and provide assistance yourself.

Admire his photo in social networks. Find out where his accounts are and also register, actively put likes / classes. Send messages about his beautiful eyes, beefy torso and noble heart, compared to a modern knight.

Write romantic poems or notes. But only without tears and suffering, but in a positive way, bright, joyful, optimistic. Demonstrate love of life and a cheerful disposition - only to him, and not to others, so that he does not think anything bad about you. And don't impose.

How to hint at a kiss?

How to suggest a date?

Unobtrusive and original. For example, tie a light paper box with an airplane or just a cardboard airplane with an inscription like “launch me”, “catch me” or something else, depending on your imagination, to the ball. It will look like a nice present and will not offend in case of refusal.

Confess in poetry. Quite an unusual way to hint at a date. Using this method, you can offer to meet via SMS, a profile message, a regular note, or use a classic postcard for any suitable holiday. But you can also quote aloud (especially if a guy offers a date to a girl).

Hint directly. For example, offer to discuss this topic in the light of other couples or ask how events would have unfolded if Romeo had not asked Juliet out on a date. You can ask questions with even more transparent hints.

Invite yourself. And such a turn of events today is quite likely, especially if the young man is shy or always busy with important matters and cannot be distracted by other problems. So send him! Let me know that you are not indifferent and after so many years of acquaintance, you are ready to arrange a meeting yourself.

Write in a personal. A similar alignment helps out if you know each other through the Internet. Let him know that you are ready to go on an introductory date with him, appointing a place and an hour.

Be inviting and fun. When you see him, do not be shy, but behave intriguingly and joyfully. Try to hook the guy with a pleasant character, smile, optimism, so that he feels very comfortable in your company and wants to meet again.

Get interested in yourself. Be not like everyone else, but original and boring. Hit a person so that he shows interest and does not want to leave. Before that, analyze what makes you stand out the most: a beautiful face, humor, intelligence, figure.

How to hint a guy about your sympathy?

Make a hint

Make a hint

throw pebbles into the garden, throw a pebble into the garden, throw a pebble into the garden, give a feeling

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

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    hint- ▲ utterance deliberate, implicit allusion to whom that deliberately veiled utterance (hidden #. subtle #. transparent #. make #. understood #). hint (transparently #). with a hint. roundness. equivalence. doesn't speak directly. Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    - (inosk.) make trouble, scandal Cf. The mother (of little Peter, the son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich), of course, took the side of the child (to whom the father gave a small slap) ... at a meeting with the tsar, she made him, as they say now, a scene, that is ... ...

    - (innocent joking) a threat to beat (a hint of food fricassèe minced meat boiled in a saucepan) Cf. Sentir de loin la fricassée to anticipate the trouble that threatens the invitee. Brantome. Captains étrangers. 2, p. 177. This word hints at ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

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