I'm tired of my husband's lies about what to do with the advice of a psychologist. What to do if the husband constantly lies

How to recognize male lies? What are the signs of a man cheating? It is a woman's nature to doubt men. And this is not surprising. After all, guys often win women's hearts in a not entirely honest way: they exaggerate their merits, are silent about their shortcomings, have affairs with several women at the same time, say flattering but dishonest compliments, charm and bewitch ladies with their charms - in general, they do everything just to get their way. .

Agree, girls usually do not spend 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with their beloved. And since you can't be with him 24/7, how can you be 100% sure of him? It's okay to sometimes doubt your boyfriend's honesty and loyalty. Especially if he gives good reasons for this.

So, how to understand what you are dealing with - with male lies or truthfulness? How to determine if a husband is lying or is clean in front of you, like a baby?

A man lies: 5 signs of a man's lies

Visual signs when a man is lying:

  • exaggerated, widened look, somewhat raised eyebrows as if in surprise and always slightly open mouth, slightly lowered lower jaw (a state of defense and readiness for a retaliatory attack).

What to do in such a situation? You can ask him why he is lying to you - they say, even without his false excuses, you know very well that he is dishonest and dishonest with you, that you can see in his eyes that he is lying - and does not blush. This tactic may or may not work.

Of course, the easiest way is to ask the guy if he is honest? But a rare liar admits his lie, and if he confesses, it is only in order to hide an even greater deception.

Most often, men admit to lying when they are usually honest - then they are disgusted by the situation of deliberate deception and they try to quickly tell everything as it is, even if it is unprofitable for them.

And an inveterate liar, even lying on another naked woman, will never admit to his wife that he is cheating on her - he will always deny any insinuations against him. Moreover, in response, she will boil, get angry and accuse the woman of all mortal sins, incl. in what he himself is guilty of, for example, in treason.

If your husband in your presence often deceives other people, cheats, or did it according to him only in the past, but you feel that he continues to play now, then you should seriously think about the need to part with him.

If a loved one just decorates reality from time to time for no apparent reason, talk heart to heart with him, find out why he does this, and only then decide what to do.

But do not suffer from paranoia for no reason - read the following 5 signs of the most common and common male lies, which in their totality and in the case of frequent repetition are sure symptoms of male deception and uncleanliness with you.

  1. His stories don't match. Ask the guy about the situation you are interested in and listen carefully to the details. After a while, ask a couple of clarifying questions. Then go back to this situation again and gently ask him to tell you about it again, everything in order. If at first he said that he spent the evening with classmates, and in another story his work colleagues appear, and in the third - a familiar businessman, then this should alert. Inveterate liars usually tell a slightly different story each time - his stories change in some detail each time. If the husband is lying, then he can be followed to find out the truth. Or you can call several of his friends and colleagues with whom you personally know to clarify inconsistencies. But be prepared that they can be prepared in advance by your man for this interrogation and will also lie.
  2. Does not look directly into the eyes or stares too long and intently. Psychologists assure that if a person does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, then he is hiding something. Of course, this can also come from great modesty, for example, this is often found in adolescents. But still, if a man does not look into his eyes when he explains this or that event, then he most likely “sculpts an excuse”, i.e. trying to deceive a woman. But self-confident gigolos and womanizers know this secret very well - and when they lie, they usually look into the eyes of a girl, but at the same time their eyes are too wide, because. they have to make some psychological efforts to lie and look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Therefore, they have too open and staring eyes - such a hypercompensating male lie.
  3. Omits details. Experienced deceivers know that the easiest way to catch them is on the details, small inconsistencies in the story. Therefore, they deliberately do not report the nuances of the incident, but talk about what happened in the most general terms. When a man is honest, he usually gives many different specific details that explain this or that event. And when a guy lies and deliberately deceives, he can generally talk about everything on top, and only mention 1-2 bright details in order to give credibility to his story and avoid deeper questions. How to deal with such behavior? Ask more questions that will shed some light on the picture and move him from generalities to nuances.
  4. A man has lied before or lies to other people. If a guy deceived another girl before you, cheated on her, then the same fate is likely to await you. If a man in your presence deceives other people, deliberately misleads partners, is dishonest in relations with colleagues, weaves intrigues at work, then expect the same attitude towards yourself. You may not pay attention to the fact that he tells his partner that he has already left for another city to solve the problem, although he himself is in bed with you and has not gone anywhere, but it is precisely such a “small” lie of a man that is an indicator of his general deceit and dishonesty : if he is deceitful in small things, then in large matters he will lie in black.
  5. Your female intuition tells you that the guy is lying. If your sixth sense tells you that your beloved husband is lying, that he is deceiving you, then this is very bad. After all, most likely intuition does not lie - this time. And secondly, even if your intuition is wrong, it means that you do not trust this man ... and therefore do not love him. That is, if you don’t want to part with him, but you don’t trust him, then you don’t feel love for him, but ... love addiction. What to do? Talk heart to heart with a man, try to eliminate the cause of distrust, delve into yourself, identify the problem, do everything possible to solve it - and consider all possible options for further developments.

Lovely women! Trust your men - and let them never give you a reason to doubt their loyalty and honesty.

>>What to do if a man is lying

What to do if a man is cheating? What if the husband is lying?

This article, titled " ", we will complete the topic on male deception. It is the end of the previous articles: "" and "".

Understanding the reasons for male deception and finding out that he really is lying to you is only half the battle. Indeed, for many women it is not a secret that their husbands are dishonest with them. But they accept these lies because they don't know what to do if the husband constantly lies.

Often a woman herself pushes a man to deceive

Often a woman, by her behavior, herself pushes a man to deceive. If he likes to watch over a man, to extort from him: where was he? why was it half an hour late? who called? Who are you writing to? and make scandals even for a minor reason, then the man will lie to her. And he will do it, in order to.

And this way of deception is laid in people from childhood. First, the boys deceive moms, dads and teachers at school in order to avoid punishment. When, he continues to deceive his wife, who, like his mother, scolds him for any wrongdoing.

What to do if a man deceives you in this way? Well, here the answer is obvious. If a man lies to you because he is afraid to tell the truth, then make sure that he is not afraid to tell you it. Be open with him, trust your husband, support him, talk to him, interest him.

Your goal is to make sure that you are not afraid to tell the truth and make up a lie instead, and want to tell you what happened. And I would tell you this regularly, every evening in the evenings. You need to communicate more often and it will become a habit. This is a simple one that works very effectively and protects against many omissions. Dear women, remember that a man should not be afraid of talking to you, he should want and be willing to communicate with you.

Why does a woman often accept male deceit?

It often happens that a woman knows that a man is deceiving her, but she does not know what to do. This happens in cases where a woman is afraid to accept the truth and prefers a lie to her, in which she sees at least some hope for herself. After all, the truth, as you know, is often bitter. And instead of the bitter, but the truth, a woman accepts a sweet, but a lie from a man in the family.

The following is a case that happened in one of the couples. In this family and secretly met with her. They were connected with their wife by children and a common business and, therefore,. But his wife began to notice more and more often, but he did not confess, he said that he had no one.

This situation continued for quite some time. The husband lied to his wife and she did not know what to do about it. The woman loved him and did not want this situation to become. Then she decided to bring her husband "to clean water" and, thereby, force him to stop contact with another woman.

And, although the man hid his connections on the side, but his wife, over time, picked up enough evidence to show him that she knew everything. Then she presented them to him. The man realized that there was simply no point in lying any further. He carefully looked at his wife and said: "You're right, I've been in love with another woman for a long time."

After this conversation, he already stopped hiding his relationship on the side. The man began to sleep in a separate bedroom, called his mistress from his room and talked to her, no longer hiding from his wife. And his wife began to worry even more. She did not want to divorce, but with her husband they became, in fact, strangers.

This example is very significant. And many women, in similar or other situations, know the truth, but accept, instead of it, "comforting" lies from the man. Indeed, such a truth often means that the relationship is over.

What to do so that a man does not cheat?

1. Well, for starters, start with yourself. In general, overcoming any difficulties should start with yourself. With changes in myself. If you bully your husband every day about his frequent gatherings with friends, then understand that before marrying you, they also gathered and sat together. They are also a part of his life and he knows them longer than you, perhaps with many more "sitting on the potty". Such friends cannot simply be deleted from life.

Yes, you are now also a part of his life, yes, even the main and closest one. But your task is not to replace everything else with yourself (it’s impossible anyway), but to harmoniously integrate into his life and take the most honorable place in it, without infringing (well, not completely infringing) other interests.

2. No need to arrange daily "interrogations with addiction" like his strict mother. If he does not want to tell or share any events, let him know that you are not a stranger. That you are interested in everything that happens to him, and that you want to listen to him. Again, for this, you need to change yourself and after a while, not immediately, your husband will begin to change.

3. Start. And if it seems to you that it is impossible to trust him, because he lies all the time, think about it, because he, too, therefore lies, that, in many cases, he does not know. If mutual trust is returned to the family, then they will get better, and lies and deceit will disappear, it will become much less.

4. Consider whether any lie is evil. After all, you yourself, for sure, resort to some kind of female tricks and tricks, but this is also a kind of deception. In general, the concept of "deception" is very broad. Deception are jokes and various tricks. No matter how they say that the trick is sleight of hand and no deception. Betrayal is also a lie. But between these types of deceit, you can not put an equal sign.

Also in family life, not every deceit is an evil to which one must react negatively. Many situations can be treated with a joke and irony. Very often, men know what women want to hear from them. Therefore, they say what the fair sex needs. After all, women love with their ears. Women love both compliments and beautiful words, even if they understand that a man is exaggerating.

Imagine this situation: a woman asks a man: "Do you like Angelina Jolly?" or "Would you like to have sex with other women?" or: "I gained 6kg, is it very noticeable?". In general, why do women ask such questions? After all, they themselves know the answer to them. But, nevertheless, they ask because they want to hear things that are pleasant for themselves, they are waiting for support from men. And men also feel this subtly and tell women what they expect to hear.

Therefore, accept compliments from men, it is quite natural. Even if you see that a man is clearly cunning and flattering you, you don’t have to tell him: “You’re lying, you scoundrel,” or “You’re lying again.” Better smile and hug him, because he wants to please you.

Dear, our beautiful women, remember that men, most often, lie not to offend or anger you. And situations are different. Perhaps your man met his childhood best friend, whom he had not seen for more than 10 years and, therefore, came home late. And I didn't warn you because I was afraid of your harsh opinion and scandal on the phone. And, perhaps, he, however, had a mistress. Then it's a different matter. After all, deceit is a deceit and it will be wrong to react to any cunning of a man in the same way.

What to do if the husband constantly lies? How to deal with pathological lies, is it possible to change the behavior of your partner once and for all? This article contains various recommendations of psychologists and useful tips.

Destructive attitude

Emotionally destructive relationships cannot lead to anything good. It is impossible to build a joint future and family with a person who constantly lies to you. The only thing a woman can do in this situation is to ask herself what is really going on. If a husband lies constantly, especially for many years, and does not even try to repent, then he probably does not need help with his problem.

In this case, you need to change not the partner, but your attitude towards him. Yes, no woman likes to live with a husband who constantly cheats. But is it possible to remain calm and feel happy if the partner does not even see problems in his behavior? If you don't like playing detective or mommy to catch him in a lie, then it's time to think about taking extreme measures. The fact that he doesn't want to change or work on his problem will only frustrate and depress you. So what to do if the husband is constantly lying?

Is there a solution to this problem?

If the husband constantly lies even on trifles, then this is an alarming bell. Without knowing the nature of lying, it is impossible to understand why your partner does this. And if consultations do not help, then this habit will sooner or later begin to destroy the marriage.

Depending on the nature of his lies, you may be asking yourself why you put yourself at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, for example. Such questions may seem harsh and painful, but only in this way will you be able to confront your husband.

Communication is an important part of a happy marriage.

If you notice that your husband is constantly lying, then try to talk to him and discuss this problem. This may seem like a banal and stupid method that clearly does not work. However, this way you can find out at least an approximate reason for his pathological lies.

If the partner refuses to listen, the nature of the relationship will change. This does not mean that you will have to divorce him, but the trust will be broken. This practice is hard, but if you want to have a healthy relationship, you have to come to terms with the truth and reality. Remember that the only person you can change is yourself. You can help yourself with wisdom and fortitude, and not with fear and disappointment.

After talking with your husband, you need to pay attention to his behavior. Has he stopped lying or is he hiding something more carefully from you now? Does he seek to change his behavior and is he ready to work on pathological lies? Does he continue to ignore the problem and act like nothing happened?

Contacting a specialist

Many women wonder why their husband constantly lies. Psychologists note: craving to deceive can become an addiction and is treated only with the help of special therapies. Even if it looks like some people enjoy their lies, they really don't. Sometimes they simply cannot stop themselves and suffer not only from lies, but also from the pain that they cause to others.

In psychiatry, the craving for pathological lies is defined as Munchausen's syndrome. Do not rush to get a divorce if you notice that your husband is lying all the time. What to do in this case? Try to analyze his behavior and find the root of the lie. Perhaps the main reason for lying is mental or emotional trauma received in childhood. This applies not only to men, but also to women.

Humiliation, insult from parents and peers, brothers and sisters can lead to pseudology. Constant criticism, an attempt to assert oneself at the expense of small children, rejection in society and the first unsuccessful relationship. Everything that adversely affects the fragile psyche can cause emotional shock, which provokes a craving for lies. A woman getting married may not even suspect that she has chosen a partner prone to pseudology.

Why are they lying?

Husband lies constantly on trifles, deceives and obviously hides something? After the conversation, it is important to understand why he does this. If you are still sure that the root of the problem lies in the partner's past, then it's time to act. And first of all, you need to understand why the husband constantly lies on trifles and is prone to pseudology.

If it's all about mental and emotional trauma that has remained unhealed since childhood, then your partner is probably unconsciously creating an illusory world around him, much better than in his childhood. Pay attention to what his lies are based on: does he embellish events, add non-existent facts, does he seek to distinguish himself in any story and make him a significant figure, is he offended if someone refutes his lies, especially when in public?

Many psychologists believe that it is impossible to cure pseudology. The reason is simple: a pathological liar is simply not able to survive in the real world, because for so many years he has painstakingly collected his illusory world piece by piece and pebbles. But some therapies still allow you to help a person realize his problem and start working on it. No drugs or clinical trial is prescribed. As a rule, several sessions of visiting a psychologist are enough to find out the reason for the lies and the desire to change.

Be prepared for any turn of events

A man's behavior is determined by two different but very powerful emotions: attachment and sexual desire (it is important to see the difference between love, sex and deep sympathy). In all likelihood, your husband cannot imagine his life without his wife. He paints himself a picture of comfort with the woman who bore him two children. But at the same time, he is driven by sexual desire, which is a powerful motivator (sex drive).

These two fundamental emotions pull people in opposite directions: today the husband is with you, and tomorrow - with a new woman. Unfortunately, in a marriage it can be difficult to maintain a passionate and sexually exciting relationship over time. According to statistics, couples have the hottest and most mind-blowing intimate relationship in the first couple of years that they are together. Gradually, sex becomes a rare pleasure. This does not mean that intimacy is completely absent in marriage years later, but the fact remains: the passion and intensity of sexual intercourse disappear with time.

Coolidge effect

For some people, the passion and intensity of sex is extremely important and rewarding, and can sometimes be addictive. And in order to experience these pleasant sensations over and over again, it is necessary to constantly maintain sexual contact. Often, men prefer new experiences rather than change sexual relationships while in marriage. This phenomenon is called the Coolidge effect.

As the story goes, American President John Calvin Coolidge Jr. and his wife visited the farm. The first lady noted that a rooster can trample hens all day, while constantly changing individuals. Although it will be difficult to admit, because it goes against popular morality, the variety of sexual partners can be very pleasant.

When people are confronted with these two strong emotions (attachment and sexual desire), they often do what your husband does: lie and cheat. Some are simply not able to live with one partner throughout their lives. And since people now exist in an age where the concept of love and intimacy is idealized, relationships become even more difficult. Now everyone wants their marriage to be full of passion, intimacy and unconditional love.

So what to do?

You are probably wondering: will the husband change? Probably not. If a partner can get rid of petty lies on his own or with the help of a psychologist, then it is unlikely that he will get a new experience from cravings.

However, only you yourself can understand whether it will be better to live without a husband further or not. Be prepared for the fact that a polygamous person cannot abruptly accept monogamy. It may take years to realize the lack of desire to have different sexual partners.

Signs of a pathological liar

Husband constantly lies, but you do not know how to expose him in a lie? Try to be attentive in conversations with him, learn to remember the details of his stories and stories.

Notice the scale of his lies. It is small (fleeting) and global (carefully thought out). A person who is prone to pseudology is always trying to become a “professional” in every business. He can come up with stories about himself that you probably never even heard of before. Of course, when you are in a company, new information about a partner can surprise and discourage. Asking your husband the logical question of why he didn't tell the story sooner can lead to excuses.

Signs of a pathological liar:

  • This man is always confused in his "testimony". Today he can say one thing, and tomorrow - another. If you make a remark, you will probably be offended.
  • A person who is prone to pseudology often behaves secretly and withdrawn. He has very few friends and relatives, because they do not fit into the picture of an ideal world.
  • Such people behave stiffly, but when the opportunity arises, they become absolute masters in any field. Most of all, they prefer to give advice, sometimes not even suspecting that there is little truth and reality in them.
  • A pathological liar knows how to invent new facts on the go. You may not even notice that you received another portion of lies.

How to deal with pseudology

If the husband constantly lies, hides money, tells fables, but at the same time you are sure that he really has problems, then you can help him in this way:

  1. Try to record dialogues - on a voice recorder or in a notepad. But the first option is much more effective, because the partner can react extremely violently to the letter, considering it a deception and staging.
  2. Always ask why the man lied to you, why he did it, and what was his purpose.
  3. What to do if the husband constantly lies? Try to expose his lies, even if he tries to get out of the situation. Be prepared for the fact that you can become guilty because you do not trust your husband.

the main task

Do not build an illusory world around you. Understand that if a man lies to you, then sooner or later it will begin to destroy the marriage. How can you trust a person who is not sure of his own words? Where is the guarantee that his pathological lies will not develop into something serious?

In most cases, people who are prone to pseudology can take on large amounts of debt, constantly inventing various diseases and critical life situations that do not really exist.


Now you know what to do when your husband is constantly cheating and lying even on trifles. Only the liar himself can curb the desire to constantly deceive, and his relatives can only understand, accept and forgive. But not all women are ready to continue to live side by side with a man who does not even try to fight his problem, does not repent and does not realize the gravity of the situation.

A man who knows how to lie (and there are quite a few of them) is quite difficult to convict of lying. Surely he did not come to you from the monastery, where there was not a single girl on whom you could hone your skills. Before you, he had such pretty ones who believed in a man with a sweet heart. So he realized that such things easily get away with it, and does not think about the consequences.

If a man said that he would come home from work at seven, but it turned out that his seven hours are equal to your ten in the evening, then something is wrong. Well, it's delayed. Well, I met a friend. So what? Nothing if he warned you about it. Such a man is indifferent to the feelings of his beloved woman, he considers himself practically free.

He gets confused

A person who constantly lies to someone often forgets all the details of his story. And on such trifles it is very easy to catch him! True, not immediately, but a little later. If a conversation has caused you doubts, do not focus on it right away. It is better to return to this conversation a little later - maybe in a couple of days or a week. If any inaccuracies or differences with the previous version pop up in his words, then most likely the man is deceiving. If this is not an isolated case, then you should think about whether you need such a liar-liar-liar?

He is in no mood to discuss important issues

If a man is constantly not in the mood, busy, or has a headache / butt / finger in order to discuss with you his future life, feelings, or elementary plans for the weekend, everything suggests that the man is simply not interested in continuing these same relationships. And when a woman is not important to a man, he will lie to her. Maybe unconsciously, in small things, but it will definitely happen. If only because he does not want to let a woman close to him.


He manipulates feelings

If a man is lying and realizes that they do not believe him, he will begin to try with all his might to arouse shame in a woman for this disbelief. This will help him buy time and even distract the woman from the subject of the dispute.

It can be easily understood that a man is trying to manipulate a woman. For example, he will be offended by saying: “Don’t you believe me, darling?” Or he will try to cause fear of losing the relationship: “If you don’t believe me, that’s your problem. I don't need a woman around who doesn't trust."

He is actively gesturing

Even when we deceive other people, we cannot deceive ourselves. And our body responds with gestures, nervousness or insecurity at the moment when a person begins to lie.

A woman is not a lie detector, but we are still able to see something. For example, a man crosses his arms over his chest - most likely, he chose this method of self-defense for himself. And if he scratches the tip of his nose, it is because during the deception the nerves are irritated, and there are quite a lot of them on the nose. Also, during a lie, blood pressure rises, which causes a feeling of stuffiness and fever. In this case, the man will certainly begin to fiddle with buttons or straighten his T-shirt, referring to the heat.

Men deceive women - a topic as eternal as "is there any other life in the universe." One thing is clear: if a man is lying, then something does not suit him.

The difference between male and female lies

Strong relationships cannot exist without trust. Men and women can neglect it and deceive half, but they act differently.

The American psychologist Paul Ekman in his book “Psychology of Lies” singles out such a type of lie as “telling the truth in the form of deception”. Imagine a situation. A husband comes home from work and finds his wife chatting merrily on the phone. Seeing the faithful, she is embarrassed and abruptly stops the conversation. “Who were you talking to?” he asks. "With lover! What is female curiosity? the wife answers. The husband, feeling embarrassed, jokes back and does not take it seriously. The woman did speak to her lover, but escaped suspicion. Men are not capable of such twists and turns. They lie as openly as if they were telling the truth.

What does a lie give a man

Subconsciously, a man feels that “having told the truth, he will lose his friendship,” and lies. By deceiving, he profits.

  1. Seduces women. Having deceived the chosen one in the style of “I love, I’ll buy a locomotive, I’ll get a star from the sky,” a man gets a woman ready for anything. And the expression “if a man lies, he loves and does not want to lose”, “unties” his hands, or his mouth.
  2. Enlists support and loyalty. “Darling, I didn't mean to upset you, but all my money was stolen from me. Don't worry, I'll think of something, ”the wife hears and continues to do housework and hope for the best, considering that she was lucky with her husband.
  3. Gets home comforts. From childhood, the boy understands that his mother should not be disturbed. "It's better to hide the deuce." “In the yard we read books, not jumped from garages.” “If something happens to my mother, I will be left without dinner.” A man transfers this knowledge into adulthood.
  4. Feels superior. It is pleasant for anyone to realize that he is the best, strong, dexterous and smart. “I graduated from the Faculty of Economics and I have my own business,” the man lies, noticing admiration in the eyes of a woman. In fact, he is a loader at the factory, but the main thing is that the goal has been achieved.

When a man constantly lies - this is a syndrome of pathological lies. He makes up stories for no reason in order to increase the significance for others. Scientists from California examined the brains of pathological liars and found that they have less gray matter - neurons, and more nerve fibers than normal people.

Another type of “bad” lie is that a man lies and cheats. He does not want to be deprived of comforts, but seeks thrills. Or dissatisfied with family life and looking for comfort on the side.

Causes and signs of male lies

“Honey, I’m so tired at work today, they handed in a report,” the man assures. You already know from a girlfriend: he was sitting in a bar with employees an hour ago. And you decide how to behave: throw a scandal or get away with it. Make it clear that you know everything, but do not start quarrels. It is more difficult to determine that a man is lying in situations where the truth is unknown. Male behavior depends on the reason for lying.

self defense

“You have no idea what I went through! Almost had an accident!” he exclaims, arriving 3 hours late for his date. And there is the smell of beer. Outright lies offend a woman, but a man has his own goals:

  • trying to get rid of guilt;
  • does not want to admit where he was;
  • afraid of your reaction.

Signs of a lie:

  • gets confused in details;
  • actively gestures;
  • presses on pity;
  • nervous.

How to react:

  1. Don't focus.
  2. Analyze behavior. Perhaps you are acting like an angry mother with a naughty child.
  3. Be loyal and distinguish a trifle from a serious offense.

The psychology of relationships is as follows - the stronger the sanctions for drinking beer, the more likely the repetition of lies in the future.


In public, a man behaves as if he is a Hollywood star. Alone, calm and quiet.

The reasons:

  • low self-esteem;
  • boredom in a relationship
  • lack of attention.


  • colorful turns of speech;
  • boasting;
  • proud look.

How to react:

  1. Control yourself. Scandals won't fix it.
  2. Turn the boast into a joke. In a conversation about politics, he declares that even Putin agrees with him. Say: “yes, just yesterday we talked on Skype.” And amuse the guests, and bring the hero down from heaven.


For the hundredth time he promises to fix the closet door, and for the hundredth time he forgets, and so on in everything. He feeds you empty promises like you feed him breakfast.

The reasons:

  • irresponsibility;
  • the habit of getting away with everything.

How to react:

  1. Don't throw tantrums.
  2. Clearly explain your position.
  3. Be guided by the principle: forgot to buy groceries - go hungry.


Appeals with the phrases “you know better, dear” and “you are my smartest”. In the end, the woman decides everything herself.

The reasons:

  • laziness;
  • manipulating you.

How to react:

  1. Ask him for help, pretend that without him you won’t even open a bottle.
  2. Let him feel important.
  3. Give compliments.


His problems are always known from others. He lies that everything is fine and you feel unwanted.

The reasons:

  • unsuccessful experience;
  • fear of being seen as a failure.

How to react:

  1. Make it clear that his problems are your problems.
  2. Support the man in everything.


Male infidelity is easy to suspect. He:

  • often late from work;
  • gets confused in stories;
  • moves away from the topic of living together;
  • tries to shame you for not trusting;
  • does not make eye contact during interrogations;
  • pronounces words clearly
  • tugging at the neck, hands and nose.

How to react:

  1. If you notice one of the signs, this is not a reason to accuse a man of treason. Control yourself.
  2. Decide if you need to know the truth. Can you continue to live with this person if the betrayal is confirmed.
  3. Either forgive or look for someone else. Forgiving, be prepared - betrayer once, betray again.

Men tend not to tell the whole truth, they omit details. A woman needs to know everything and in detail. Hence the misunderstanding. Do not scold a man for trifles, and there will be less lies in a relationship.