Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage.

It is difficult to find a woman who does not want a child. Sooner or later, every girl thinks that it's time for her to give birth to her baby. Today, miscarriages are very common in women. It is difficult to say exactly why this is happening.

Many women believe that they are absolutely healthy and are horrified when their pregnancy abruptly breaks down. Today we will talk about how to get pregnant after a miscarriage and when to do it.

Why does a miscarriage happen?

There are a lot of different opinions on this issue. Some gynecologists claim that the reason for this is ecology, bad habits, a very fast and impulsive lifestyle. Others are sure that this is natural selection and this sometimes happens to many.

Of course, if you take a woman who loves to drink, smoke and neglect a normal lifestyle, then these explanations are quite logical, but very often there are situations when such a tragedy occurs in an absolutely healthy couple, and then few people can say why it is with them this happened.

What awaits the female body after a miscarriage?

Of course, for any girl this is a very big stress. Losing your child is very difficult and the main thing is to come to your senses and move on with your life. We figured out the cause of the miscarriage a little, but the main thing is not why it happened, but what are the expected consequences after it.

A miscarriage is considered a natural overlap of pregnancy that occurs without any medical intervention.

Despite the exact period of miscarriage, you must understand that this is a huge stress for the body, especially in terms of hormones. After a woman becomes pregnant, her body completely changes, and with a sharp interruption, very big changes occur, with which the body is very difficult to cope. This will affect not only the general state of health, but also the work of the ovaries.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Had a miscarriage 2 months ago. When can you get pregnant again?

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

How to give birth after a miscarriage

how to get pregnant after miscarriage

In addition, after a miscarriage, most likely, you will need to do scraping, since very often some particles remain inside the woman, and if not cleaned, this can result in inflammation, which will lead to very serious consequences. During scraping, the mucous membrane is damaged, and this is also very bad.

It is also worth noting that usually a miscarriage is accompanied by profuse bleeding, and the loss of a large amount of blood is also not good. After such a loss of blood, the body also needs a long time to recover.

When can you get pregnant again?

Many are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage. In fact, you can get pregnant literally the next month, since a miscarriage will be considered the beginning of the next cycle and in a couple of weeks there will be ovulation. But, despite this, doctors do not recommend starting fertilization immediately after a miscarriage.

Of course, many couples think that the sooner they can get pregnant again, the sooner they switch over and forget about the current situation. But doctors strongly advise against doing so. If you look from a moral point of view, then, of course, it will be much easier for a woman, but from a physiological point of view, it’s the other way around.

If after a miscarriage you become pregnant after three months, then in most cases you endure a healthy baby and give birth safely. But if pregnancy occurs immediately after a miscarriage, there is a very high probability that the miscarriage will happen again, so you should not rush. The body must rest, recuperate, and only after that it is worth planning a child.

Many doctors argue that the less time has passed since a miscarriage, the greater the risk that it will happen again. To be fair enough, it takes one year for the female body to fully rest, so the most ideal solution is to plan a child 12 months after the miscarriage.

What tests should be done after a miscarriage?

After the woman comes to her senses, after what happened, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination in order to figure out what was the cause of the miscarriage. If the existing problem is not eliminated, the situation may repeat itself even after 12 months.

First of all, doctors must send the embryo itself for examination. This is necessary in order to determine whether he was viable. Also, during this examination, doctors will see if there were any pathologies and abnormalities in the embryo from the norm.

Next, the woman will have to undergo a series of tests that can show if the mother had any infections at the time of pregnancy. There are some infections that cause a miscarriage, and if they are found in a woman's body, they should be treated so that the miscarriage does not happen again.

Also very often the cause of miscarriage is an insufficient amount of hormones.

Therefore, it will be necessary to undergo several tests for sex hormones, and in case of incorrect indicators, it will be necessary to correct the hormonal background of the woman. In addition to all the above examinations, it will be necessary to do an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound will show if the woman has problems with the uterus and tubes, it will also be possible to see if there are partitions in the uterus, as well as endometrial indicators.

How to carry a healthy baby after a miscarriage?

After a woman becomes pregnant again, you need to be very careful from the very beginning of pregnancy. First, it is desirable to completely exclude any physical activity on the body. Any stressful situations can also have a very detrimental effect on the health of the mother and child. You need to spend as much time as possible in the open air and be less in places with a large number of people, so as not to catch any infection.

In addition, you should be very careful about your diet. It is best to give up harmful products that adversely affect human health, since everything that the mother eats goes to the child. You need to carefully study the composition of each product, and avoid those products that include chemicals, dyes, flavor enhancers. The entire diet of a pregnant woman should be properly balanced and have a sufficient amount of vitamin for both mother and baby. It is also worth keeping track of calories so as not to gain excess weight.

It is very important to be ready for a new pregnancy after a miscarriage, and this applies not only to physical health. Do not be afraid that the situation will happen again and you will lose the child. On the contrary, try to think only about the good and enjoy every day of pregnancy. The baby feels everything that the mother feels, so rejoice and smile more.

The loss of a child is very hard to bear psychologically for both parents. But for a woman, it is also a great physical stress. After a miscarriage, before planning a new pregnancy, you need to undergo treatment to eliminate the risk of a recurrence of such a situation in the future. When is the best time to get pregnant again?

What happens in a woman's body after a miscarriage?

Many women who have had a spontaneous abortion are concerned about how to get pregnant after a miscarriage. After all, most of them, despite the absence of health problems, cannot become pregnant.

It is necessary to treat your health after a miscarriage with increased attention, especially when a woman managed to get pregnant again. After all, after a miscarriage, the body becomes vulnerable and the situation can repeat itself. The risk of recurrent miscarriage increases if the cause of the previous loss of the child is not corrected.

Spontaneous abortion can occur under the influence of factors such as:

  • sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes;
  • fetal malformations that are incompatible with his life, in this case, the mother's body itself expels the embryo;
  • abortions in the past, operations on the uterus, its deformation or adhesions;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • chronic diseases that lead to metabolic disorders and obesity.

After a miscarriage, a huge hormonal surge occurs in a woman's body, which can lead to problems with the ovaries and other organs.

When the egg is not completely released on its own and doctors have to do curettage, damage to the uterine mucosa can occur. In the future, this affects the ability to become pregnant, because the damaged endometrium is not always able to hold a new fetal egg.

After what period can you give birth?

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? Definitely yes. If a miscarriage occurs early in pregnancy, for example, before 6 weeks, then you can get pregnant within a month. But is it worth the haste?

First you need to undergo an examination and eliminate all possible causes of miscarriage, and then start planning pregnancy.

Women who have suffered a miscarriage at a later date are advised to refrain from a possible pregnancy for more than 6 weeks for six months. You need to wait until the body recovers and gains strength. After all, spontaneous abortion, like pregnancy, is a huge shake-up for the body.

In some cases, three months after the incident, a woman successfully manages to become pregnant and bear a healthy child.

Very often, young couples after the loss of a child try to give birth to a child as soon as possible. Thus, they try to cope with their stress. In this case, pregnancy may either not occur, or a repeated miscarriage may occur.

Important! Pregnancy in the first month after a miscarriage, which occurred at a later date, has a 70% chance of ending in the loss of a child. The question of when it is better to plan a pregnancy can be answered in such a way that the more time passes after a miscarriage, the higher the likelihood of having a baby.

Doctors advise to start trying to conceive only a year after the loss of a child. During this time, a woman needs to take care of her health, namely to be examined and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage and reduce the likelihood of losing a child? It is necessary to determine the cause of the previous miscarriage and undergo the following types of examinations:

  1. Get tested for hormones. An excess of male hormones can cause the loss of a child.
  2. Take an analysis of thyroid and adrenal hormones. For the onset of pregnancy and bearing a child, there should be no dysfunction of hormones.
  3. Examination for urinary and venereal infections. If they are found, there can be no talk of any conception until both spouses undergo treatment.
  4. Ultrasound of the genital organs. With the help of this computer diagnostic method, you can see the condition of the endometrium, the presence of neoplasms and diseases of the appendages.

Also, do not forget about the examination by a gynecologist.

What should I do to get pregnant again?

Some women manage to get pregnant quickly after a miscarriage, but even in this case, pregnancy must be treated very carefully. You should not risk the life of the unborn baby, so you need to follow these recommendations:

A woman before conception must be ready not only physically, but also psychologically. These two factors affect both the likelihood of pregnancy and the ability to give birth to a healthy child. You need to focus on your health and lifestyle as much as possible, in this case it will be possible to quickly conceive a child.

A miscarriage is one of the most painful and unpleasant situations that can only happen to a woman. Many women, after suffering a spontaneous abortion, become depressed, they have thoughts that they will never be able to have children, and so on. Some women are afraid of a possible pregnancy, and some, on the contrary, seek to get pregnant as soon as possible after a miscarriage. Is this step justified and what is the danger of a pregnancy that occurs immediately after a miscarriage? Or maybe you should listen to the recommendations of doctors and postpone a new pregnancy for a while?

Miscarriage and its causes

A miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion for up to 28 weeks, and according to new data up to 22 weeks (a child at this time can already survive outside the mother's womb with special equipment). On this basis, miscarriages are early, that is, those that occurred before 14 weeks, and late - in the period from 14 to 28 weeks.

By the way, miscarriages also include missed pregnancy. They say about a missed pregnancy when the fetus died in utero, and the uterus for some reason could not push it out (missed miscarriage).

Reasons for miscarriage:

  • genetic and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus (in this case, nature itself is in a hurry to get rid of the unviable little man);
  • acute infectious diseases of the mother (flu, rubella, chickenpox and others);
  • severe chronic genital and extragenital diseases of a woman;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • pregnancy against the background of an intrauterine device;
  • immunological reasons;
  • taking certain medications (glucocorticoids, anticonvulsants, antibiotics);
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (incompetence of the cervix);
  • hard physical work.

Why are doctors against pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage?

Many women who become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage receive a certain portion of reproaches, dissatisfaction, and sometimes even threats from the doctor in the antenatal clinic. As women write on the forums, they say that doctors do not understand anything about how they want to have a baby. Well, where are they?

And gynecologists swear not out of their malice, but out of fear for the woman's health and her pregnancy. In such a short time (usually this month - two after a miscarriage), the body has not yet had time to recover, gain strength before the next pregnancy.

As you know, during pregnancy there is a strong hormonal restructuring, and a sudden termination of pregnancy leads to hormonal disruptions. So, against the background of an unsteady hormonal balance, the risk of repeated spontaneous abortion is very high.

In addition, miscarriages are often accompanied by massive blood loss, which leads to the development of posthemorrhagic anemia, and a pregnancy that develops against the background of a lack of hemoglobin will not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, which is fraught with a lag in the fetus in growth and development. The possibility of ectopic pregnancy (infections, chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages) is not excluded.

Also, during this period - from the day of a miscarriage to a new pregnancy - a woman simply does not have time to undergo the necessary examination to find out the cause of the abortion and, if possible, eliminate it.

What to do?

If it really happened, and a woman accidentally or accidentally became pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, you should not be upset in the first place, especially if the pregnancy is desired. Pregnancy after its previous spontaneous termination must be maintained, whether it is desired or not. Each new abortion reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant again and bearing a healthy baby.

First of all, with the onset of pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, it is necessary to limit physical activity and weight lifting (as they say, do not lift anything heavier than a spoon).

Secondly, the diet should be dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables, and as soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she should immediately start taking folic acid (prevention of neural tube defects). The doctor in the antenatal clinic will recommend preventive therapy (possibly in a hospital) in order to maintain the pregnancy.

You should not refuse hospitalization, because the first task of a woman is to maintain and endure pregnancy. Preventive treatment includes antispasmodic drugs that relax the muscle tone of the uterus (no-shpa, spazgan, papaverine).

A drug such as Magne-B6 is very effective. It contains magnesium, which has an antispasmodic effect, and vitamin B6, which serves as a conductor of magnesium into the cell. Hormonal preparations (progesterone analogues) Duphaston and Utrozhestan are also prescribed (both for enteral administration and for insertion into the vagina). Courses of preventive therapy for the entire pregnancy are carried out repeatedly, at critical times: 6-8 weeks, 10-12 weeks, 14-16, 18-20, 22-24 and so on.

Anna Sozinova

Unfortunately, miscarriage today is a fairly common occurrence. The weakened health of women, neglect of their well-being, the accelerated rhythm of life, the deplorable environmental situation - all this greatly affects the statistics of miscarriages.

Losing a child, even at an early stage, is a great stress, and it can be extremely difficult for both mother and father to survive it. Many have to turn to a psychologist for help in order to accept a new situation, and find the strength to live on, and, most importantly, to try to conceive and bear a child again.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage requires increased attention. In the end, a miscarriage is not only psychological, but also physiological stress.

Miscarriage and its consequences

A miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy under the influence of the state of the fetus and the mother's body, without intervention from doctors. The reasons for miscarriage are very different. More about miscarriage

Now the consequences of a miscarriage are much more important. No matter how long the pregnancy is terminated, your body is waiting for a real hormonal storm. The hormonal background changes even more dramatically than at the beginning of pregnancy, which cannot but affect the state of the body, the functioning of the ovaries and other organs.

In addition, if after a miscarriage it was necessary to perform curettage, damage to the mucous membrane occurs. The injured endometrium cannot always accept a new fetal egg, and even more so, it is not always able to hold it.

A miscarriage may be accompanied by heavy bleeding. Blood loss is also an unpleasant situation that requires a long rehabilitation.

When can you give birth?

Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? If you put the question from the side of physiology, then, of course, you can. And literally in the first month. The fact is that the day when the miscarriage occurred is also the beginning of the next cycle. Accordingly, in 2-3 weeks the next ovulation will occur - this is the answer to a simple question, when can you get pregnant after a miscarriage. Another thing, is it worth the haste?

Many couples think that the sooner they have a baby, the sooner they will cope with the consequences of the current situation. In fact this is not true. Of course, when carrying a new child, you will not remember the tragedy that has already happened. However, everything has its own nuances.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, and specifically after 3 months, may well be successful. Pregnancy a month after an early miscarriage is highly likely to end in a miscarriage again. In general, the trend is this: the less time has passed since the miscarriage, the greater the risk of a recurrence of the situation.

When can I plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage? It is believed that the female body takes about a year to fully recover. At this time, it is worth rescheduling new attempts to conceive a child. What to do during this year? Trust me, that's enough.

Examinations after a miscarriage

First of all, it is necessary to undergo several serious examinations, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of what happened. In particular, doctors will definitely send an embryo for examination in order to determine whether it was originally viable, whether it had any pathologies and developmental abnormalities. If possible, the cause of deviations is also determined.

Only after that, the doctors will take up the mother. First of all, it will be checked for various infections and complications after them. Untreated infections quite often cause miscarriage. If any are found, they will need to be treated.

The next step is a sex analysis. hormones . Often the cause of a miscarriage is an excess of certain hormones. If in your case the reason was precisely this, then they will work with the hormonal background.

Will definitely take place and ultrasound . The ovaries, adnexa, fallopian tubes, the uterus itself and its inner mucous layer are carefully examined. Bends of the uterus, the presence of partitions in it, endometrial insufficiency - all this could provoke a miscarriage

What should be given up?

In the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits . And if in any other case it is still more of a recommendation, then in this case it is a requirement. Smoking and alcohol weaken the eggs and sperm, which means it reduces the chance of pregnancy and makes the embryo less viable.

It is necessary to minimize and taking medication . Talk to your doctor and decide which medications to stop and which to reduce the dosage. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage is a serious and lengthy undertaking. Do not neglect the little things.

What to do to bear a child after a miscarriage?

How to keep a pregnancy after a miscarriage? She must be treated with great care. No physical loads, stress, infections . Do not disregard the advice of a doctor. And in no case do not hide from him any features of your well-being.

In any female body there is a hormonal surge. The hormonal background changes too much and quickly, and this negatively affects the functioning of the ovaries, other organs and the whole body as a whole.

If you start bleeding profusely, you need a long one.

If, after a miscarriage, you were scraped, you have a damaged mucous membrane. The likelihood that the injured endometrium will be able to accept and hold a new fetal egg is very small.

Can you get pregnant again after a miscarriage

It is possible and necessary to get pregnant after a miscarriage. The only question is when exactly the time will come for a new pregnancy.

You can get pregnant in the first month after the interruption. The day you have a miscarriage is the first day of your next cycle. In two or three weeks there will be the next one, then again. But it's really not worth it.

Do not rush to make a new attempt in order to forget an unpleasant situation. In order for this time to end with the birth of a healthy baby, you will have to wait.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

A pregnancy that occurs a month after the miscarriage is likely to end abruptly again. After three months, the chances of having a baby are significantly increased. But ideally, the female body will need a year to fully recover.

During this year you will have time to pass all the necessary examinations. Doctors must find out the cause of the miscarriage, for this they will send the embryo for research. Perhaps he initially had deviations or pathologies and was not viable.

You will be checked for various infections and will be tested for sex hormones. If it turns out that the cause of the miscarriage was an untreated wound infection, you will be prescribed treatment, if it is an excess of hormones, then the doctors will work on your hormonal levels.

To conceive a child after a miscarriage, it is necessary not only to conduct a complete examination, but also to abandon addictions. Alcohol and nicotine reduce the chance of getting pregnant, they make sperm and eggs weak.

Eat right, avoid stress and heavy physical exertion. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor, tell him about all the changes in your health.