Is it possible to wash a duvet, woolen or camel blanket in a washing machine, and how to do it right? How to wash a sheepskin blanket? How to wash a wool blanket in a washing machine.

With proper care for the duvet and regular washing of the duvet cover, the need to wash the entire wool blanket may not arise. But if it smells of dampness, serious pollution has appeared on it, then it must be refreshed. However, the question arises, how to wash a blanket made of sheep's wool, is it possible to do this using a washing machine? Let's try to figure it out.

To wash or not to wash?

As it is used, dust settles on this bedding, human sweat is absorbed into the blanket, so sooner or later the woolen product will need to be washed. All these blankets look different, all because they are made using different technologies. And on what method of processing and tailoring was used, the ability of the blanket to endure washing will depend.

The following types of blankets are made from sheep wool:

  • quilted - in such blankets, a woolen fabric is placed in a fabric cover, and then stitched with a special stitch over the entire surface of the blanket. This method of sewing does not allow the wool to stray into lumps. Therefore, manufacturers allow washing not only by hand, but also in a machine;
  • solid-woven - these are blankets, which are a single piece of fabric, strong enough, but not thick. Whole-woven blankets are recommended to be cleaned, in extreme cases, washed by hand;
  • fur blankets are those blankets in which sheep wool fibers are fixed on one or two sides of the fabric, which makes it voluminous and attractively fluffy. It is forbidden to wash such blankets, but you can dry clean them.

Important! To make sure that you can or cannot wash a sheep's blanket, read the label with the symbols. In addition to information about washing, you will also find out if the duvet can be spun, dried and bleached.

Washing rules

You can wash a blanket made of wool either by hand or in an automatic washing machine. If automatic washing is allowed, then check that the blanket fits freely in the drum of your washer. If it is difficult to fit into the machine, then it is better to refuse such washing so as not to overload the equipment. For the best washing result, the machine must have a load of at least 6 kg. And even in this case, it is worth checking whether a double blanket will fit into it.

So, to wash this bedding in an automatic washing machine, you must:

  1. load a blanket
  2. pour gel into the cuvette, designed specifically for washing woolen items;
  3. select a washing program called "Wool", checking that the machine does not heat the water more than 30 degrees;
  4. cut down the spin;
  5. start washing.

Note! If the blanket is large, then the spin cycle must be turned off, since the wet blanket is too heavy, overload or imbalance may occur, the machine will not wring it out.

After stopping the washing machine, you can let the blanket lie down in the drum for several minutes so that some of the water flows into the tank. Then take it out, straighten it and hang it to dry, turning it over during the drying process. It is best to dry outside in the shade, so that direct sunlight does not fall on the product.

If machine washing is prohibited, the blanket must be washed by hand. They do this procedure in the bathroom, gaining a lot of cool water, since a wool blanket absorbs a lot of water, unlike. Hand washing is as follows:

  • a special agent or ordinary shampoo is dissolved in water, whipping the agent well into foam;
  • immerse the product in water and leave it for a few minutes;
  • then they turn it over, gently raise and lower it so that dirt and dust come out of the product into the water, but you should not rub the blanket, otherwise it will lose its shape;
  • then the product is rinsed, changing the water several times;
  • flush the tub and let the water drain out of the woolen product. In this case, the thing should not be squeezed out, strongly wrinkled or twisted;
  • then laid out to dry in a horizontal position and allowed to dry, when the blanket stops dripping, it can be hung on a rope.

Note that this procedure requires physical effort, it is not so easy to lift a wet dress, and even more difficult to hang it. You can save yourself from this work if you hand it over to dry cleaning. There it will be washed and dried without spoiling the appearance.


In some cases, professional dry cleaning can be replaced by home cleaning. Unlike a full wash, it is easier to carry out. To do this, you need to purchase a gel that contains lanolin. We clean the blanket like this:

  1. in a small amount of water, foam the detergent into a thick foam;
  2. apply foam to contaminated areas;
  3. after a couple of minutes, we remove the foam clubs with a clean cloth or sponge;
  4. dry the blanket in the fresh air.

This procedure will remove the stench, as well as pollution. Of course, if you accidentally spilled a mug of coffee, you won’t be able to remove the stain, but it’s quite possible to refresh the blanket in this way.


To wash such a blanket, you can use only special tools. They usually contain lanolin in their composition - a substance that preserves the structure of wool fibers. Here are some popular remedies:

  • Henkel's Wool Care is a wool washing liquid that allows you to keep soft and airy, easily rinsed out.
  • Wool Care by Miele is a wool wash balm from a well-known manufacturer of washing machines. It prevents wool fibers from rolling, and is effective for washing in cold water.
  • Villus is an inexpensive Russian-made liquid product, suitable for hand washing, as well as washing in an automatic machine.
  • AlmaWin is a concentrated herbal remedy. It is suitable not only for washing a woolen blanket, but also for delicate clothes.
  • Domal - laundry balm with lanolin.


In conclusion, the instructions for washing a sheepskin blanket, we will formulate a few rules that you need to remember when caring for your favorite blanket.

Any blanket requires periodic cleaning, and products made from sheep's wool are no exception. They can and should be washed. If you do everything carefully and according to the instructions, then such a blanket will not lose its appearance and quality, continuing to please you with its comfort and warmth.

Can sheep wool blankets be washed?

The easiest way to find out how to wash any item is to look at the icons on the label. The only pity is that they are not always reliable: some manufacturers write that only dry or dry cleaning is suitable. This is due to the fact that they want to protect themselves and exclude user claims if the blanket shrinks as a result of wet washing.

So, in fact, all blankets filled with sheep wool are perfectly washed, representing a fabric cover stitched up and down. They differ in the types of fabric and the density of the filler. The thinnest ones have a density of 150 g / m2, and the standard ones are filled twice as densely. They are considered universal. The heaviest and densest are made with 400 g/m2 stuffing.

There are separate models in which the wool is not inside, but outside. They are used as blankets, without duvet covers. Consequently, they get dirty much faster due to constant contact with skin, dust, etc.

Detergents for washing blankets made of sheep wool

The best laundry detergent is one that is made for wool and contains lanolin. Usually these formulations are liquid. You can use regular powder and conditioner, but this is not the most reliable choice.

Here are a number of suitable products that you can purchase at home improvement stores:

  • Weasel "Wool and Silk"
  • "Vanish Oxy Action"
  • Balm for wool «Frosch»
  • "Villus"
  • Gel «Meine Liebe»
  • Dalli Woll Balsam
If washed by hand, you can use a mild hair shampoo or baby soap, liquid or solid.

Washing a sheepskin blanket in the washing machine

For such items, only a gentle wash is suitable, but if your machine allows, select a mode for woolen items.

Be sure to check at what temperature your washing machine is washing clothes. Some machines have a pre-set temperature of 40°C for these modes. If this is the case, such washing will have to be abandoned, otherwise the wool will sit down and crumple. In this case, choose a short wash at 30°C. Spin should be set to 600 rpm.

Such a wash is a guarantee that the blanket will not shrink, and the filler will not turn into lumps.

Instructions for hand washing lambswool blankets

Hand washing is a good option to freshen up a duvet, but be warned that this is not an easy task - the wool will become very heavy when wet, and the product will turn out to be unbearable. If you are not afraid of such labor, then wash in this order:
  1. Fill the tub with water. In the basin, it is not possible to wash the blanket well. Water should be thirty degrees.
  2. Sprinkle or pour on the cleaning agent. Stir it well in water so that it dissolves completely.
  3. Dip the blanket in the resulting cleaning solution and leave to soak for 40 minutes. Lay the entire product evenly in the bath.
  4. Now lift the blanket a few times and dip it back. Don't rub it! It is also impossible to squeeze such a thing.
  5. Move the wet blanket to the far side of the bathroom and flush the water. Then dial a clean one. And again several times raise and lower it. After that, drain the water again and collect fresh water. Rinse again. Repeat these sets 4 times.
  6. Drain the water and wait for the main water to drain from the blanket. Do not press it under any circumstances.
  7. After that, lay the product out to dry. This is the hardest part because wool blankets should not be hung out to dry after being hand washed. Choose a place and cover it with towels, lay out a washed blanket on top.
  8. When the blanket is dry enough and slightly damp, hang it on a dryer or a line to dry. Periodically, you need to smooth the blanket with your hands and stretch it a little around the edges. So, it will take on its original form.
You can not dry such things on the battery or in direct sunlight. It is very important that it dries out in a day. If the humidity remains longer, an unpleasant musty smell will appear.

Do not leave the blanket under running water. Firstly, it can disrupt the uniformity of the filler. Secondly, the flowing tap water is not so clean, so the jet may leave yellow stains on the fabric.

Sometimes after washing the wool curls tighter. This is a natural process that indicates that the filler is of high quality. It will gradually loosen up.

Dry cleaning wool blankets

Now there are many modern tools that allow you to clean stains without washing. They can clean things up locally:
  1. Lay out the blanket on a flat surface, you can do this on the floor.
  2. Take a clean new sponge, you can use the usual one for washing dishes.
  3. Prepare a solution of a concentrated product and shake or stir it until foam. The foam should be very thick.
  4. Take the foam on a sponge and apply to the blanket. Starting from one corner, brush in horizontal stripes to the other edge. Do not rub, but gently remove dirt.

This method is excellent for removing any stains from woolen items. They become much cleaner and fresher. For deep cleansing of all the accumulated dirt, dry cleaning is not suitable, it only removes surface contaminants. Normal washing is much more effective.

If there is absolutely no desire to bother and waste your time, it is better to contact professionals. They will clean the blanket or blanket well and dry thoroughly. Surprisingly, most dry cleaners will simply wash and dry your item. In fact, the same thing can be done at home in a conventional washing machine.

The most important thing in cleaning any woolen products is accuracy. With the right approach, this wonderful product will serve for decades. Woolen blankets are capricious in care, but their wonderful properties more than cover this drawback.

Woolen products are of high quality, have good appearance and thermal insulation properties. But, it is known that such things are difficult to wash, especially when it comes to processing in a machine.

Today, you can buy high-quality woolen products using online stores. An excellent choice for a purchase would be the site

Washing rules

If you have purchased a wool blanket and this is your first time washing it, there are a few rules that you need to know first to help you through the process. First you need to perform the correct calculation, namely, to determine whether the machine is capable of processing such a bulky product.

It should be understood that when in contact with water, the blanket becomes heavier, which creates a rather serious load. If the washing machine is designed for a large volume, then you can put a woolen product in it.

If the blanket is intended for a double bed, it must first be folded correctly. Woolen blankets are recommended to be twisted with a snail.

The next important point is temperature and mode. In this matter, the following points should be taken into account:

  • water temperature for wool - no more than 30 degrees;
  • 400-500 spins are enough for processing;
  • for washing it is worth choosing a delicate mode.

Regarding the last point, it must be said that not all devices are equipped with a similar function. But, in the presence of a delicate mode, the product retains its softness and original appearance.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of detergent. For the treatment of the blanket, it is best to use a liquid composition designed specifically for wool.

If this is your first time using your washing machine to process a wool blanket, here are some helpful tips along the way:

  • for bulky products, it is best to use a double or triple spin at high speeds;
  • if there is a large amount of dirt on the blanket, it is recommended to wash it first;
  • to preserve the properties of a woolen product, gels are used.

Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Liquid products when processing a woolen product are poured directly into the washing machine, onto a blanket.

Wash wool blankets properly, then they will last a long time, while maintaining their high quality.

Good to know

Long fibers of natural sheep's wool are formed in the process of growth into natural curls and form a three-dimensional textured layer of many air pockets. The structure of the canvases predetermines a set of qualitative characteristics of the material: air permeability, thermal insulation, hygroscopicity, antistatic, self-cleaning ability, hypoallergenicity, odor neutralization.

Categories of sheep wool blankets: washing or dry cleaning

Wool processing technologies for the manufacture of solid fabrics are different, therefore, not every blanket easily tolerates wet cleaning. We figure out whether all categories of sheep wool blankets can be washed in a washing machine or by hand.

  • Whole-woven canvases with a strong dense weave are cleaned by dry methods or by hand washing.
  • fur a sheepskin blanket can hardly be washed by conventional methods. A one-sided or two-sided layer of fur is cleaned with a dry powder or a special composition for fur fabric.
  • Quilted products are the least capricious. Bedspreads with a filling wool composition can be safely sent to the drum of a washing machine or washed by hand.

Note to the owner:

When buying bedding made of sheep wool, it is necessary to take into account the density of the fabric. For the warm season, a product with a weight-to-density ratio of 150 g/m 2 is suitable; all-weather products are considered to be dense products of more than 300 g/m 2.

Dry cleaning sheepskin blanket

Contacting a professional service will be expensive, and the cleaning process itself will not take much time and effort.

  • Position the blanket with the fur up and apply the cleaning compound: dry foam or fur powder;
  • Brush with a sparse bristle of medium hardness, comb the hairs, then replace the tool with a soft fluffy brush and clean out the remnants of the product;

Before the procedure, it is advisable to air the fur blanket in the fresh air for 5 hours and knock out the product, removing settled dust and dirt.

Video how to wash a blanket made of natural wool

Washing at home

When choosing a washing method, it is necessary to focus on the size of the product and the category. Having been saturated with moisture, the canvas becomes heavier, you should take this fact into account and do not wash bedding weighing more than 3 kg in a machine designed for a maximum load of 5 kg.

Wet washing more than once a month contributes to the violation of the structure of the fibers, which leads to rapid wear of the material. The natural filler has the ability to self-clean, thanks to the animal wax lanolin and the breathability of the canvas. Wool fiber absorbs moisture, but at the same time neutralizes unpleasant odors of sweat. With regular preventive ventilation, the products remain clean and fresh for a long time without washing. The optimal frequency of full washing for a blanket is 1 time in 5 months.

Good to know

Unlike down products, such blankets do not contain carcinogens and toxins in the fibers. Shearing sheep does not cause stress in animals, therefore, of all varieties of natural fillers, sheep blankets are the cleanest and do not cause allergies.

Automatic washing

Washing a lambswool duvet in the washing machine makes the hard work of cleaning bulky bedding easier, eliminating the associated problems:

How to wash a sheep wool blanket in automatic mode:

  • Set the universal temperature for wool to 30 °;
  • Optimum mode: "Wool", in the absence, you can use the modes "Hand wash 30", "Delicate fabrics".
  • Detergent: shavings of laundry soap to remove stains instead of chlorine stain removers; liquid gel for fur or wool.
  • Spin at 500 rpm;
  • Rinse: 2 cycles.
  • Warning!

    Products made of fine-wool merino wool, due to the less practicality of the material, cannot be washed. Merino wool is only dry-cleaned at home or dry-cleaned.

    Sometimes among the information from manufacturers on the labels there are icons about the prohibition of washing in automatic mode. If the fabric was not made from fine-fleeced fiber, then it is not necessary to follow the care instructions, it is enough to exclude spinning from the program and place the blanket in a special protective polyester cover.


    In some cases, when the blanket weighs more than the volume covered by the machine or simply does not fit in the compartment, you have to wash the products by hand. Washing by hand can be facilitated by using the little household secrets:

    • Before washing, a sheep wool blanket is soaked for half an hour in an vinegar solution with the addition of lemon juice (30 ml of vinegar, 10 ml of juice per 10 liters of water). The color characteristics of the fabric from such pre-treatment will improve, the wool will become softer and more pleasant to the touch.
    • In the process of hand washing a seamless fabric, spinning and grouting of stains are excluded. Leave the blanket to soak in a soapy solution (50 g of laundry soap 72% per 20 liters of water), then rinse and let the water drain on its own.
    • Stains on the quilt cover can be removed locally before washing.
    • To maintain the ability to self-cleaning, it is better to choose a detergent with the addition of lanolin.

    Dry products with natural filling or whole-woven blankets on a horizontal surface, in order to avoid deformation of the woolen material when hanging. A blanket measuring 1.8 * 1 m at room temperature dries completely in about a day. In total, the wet wash procedure takes 1.5 - 2 days; to speed up the process, it is more convenient to wash blankets in the warm season.

    Washing of woolen products should be delicate and gentle, and the means should be special, as this is a valuable natural material that requires special care. There are different ways to clean wool blankets, the choice depends on the type (open wool or filled, quilted). I will describe all these methods.

    Determine the type of your blanket

    Having decided to wash the blanket on your own, study the label. Such products are:

    • with open hair: winter (double), summer and blankets;
    • quilted, cassette with filler: cashmere (kashmir goat down), camel and sheep (merino) wool.

    Based on the type, choose a washing method. These products are excellent in dry cleaning, but they can be washed with your own hands.

    Cleaning duvets with open wool

    Sheep wool is an environmentally friendly, natural fiber with unique advantages. Wool blankets are warm and comfortable. They provide comfort, but require careful care. And the developers of modern programs for washing units have provided optimal washing conditions for them.

    Method 1 - machine wash

    The optimal water temperature, washing mode, drying conditions are indicated on the label. If there is no tag, then the icon on the washing machine, indicating the washing of woolen items, guarantees their perfect and safe cleaning.

    8 rules of quality process:

    1. Consider drum capacity. About whether it is possible to wash a woolen blanket in a typewriter, its characteristics will tell you. If the machine is designed for 5 kg, it can easily handle it.
    2. Use a mesh bag. Be sure to place the product in a washing net or duvet cover. Then the hair fibers will not clog the filter.

    1. Gel for wool products. Only the gel solution actively removes dirt, and the powder will have to be washed off with an additional rinse.

    Prefer gel to powder - it is easier to rinse out.

    1. Special laundry balls. In the washing machine, along with a blanket, you need to put a few tennis balls. Then they fluff the product and prevent the formation of lumps.

    1. Only low temperatures. 30-40 degree water will not damage the material.
    2. Set the minimum number of turns. It should be programmed for a delicate wash with a minimum of speed, or put the “wool” indicator.
    3. Thorough rinse. The rinsing procedure should be repeated twice so that the product is completely washed out.

    The "rinse" program usually runs at 1000 rpm, which is unacceptable here. It is better to set the “wool” again, but no longer pour the gel, but only the conditioner into the rinse compartment. So in 30-40 minutes any gel or powder will be completely washed out.

    1. Even drying. It is better to lay the blanket on a table to dry, although it can be hung on several parallel clotheslines. After drying, it must be shaken, then the pile will again become fluffy. Lumps formed in some places during drying must be fluffed.

    Method 2 - hand wash

    Brush the stain gently from the edges to its center so as not to increase the boundaries of contamination. Then gently remove the foam with water.

    For washing by hand, there are universal tips:

    • Pour 2/3 bath water 30 degrees.
    • Immerse the blanket, folded across 2-3 times (crumpled is washed unevenly).
    • Let it soak for 15 minutes without your participation.
    • Dilute detergent with water special for woolen items and pour the solution evenly over the surface of the blanket.

    • Slightly crease and turn the product over, but do not lift it, so as not to deform.
    • Open the bathtub drain so that the water leaves, while lightly pressing the blanket to the bottom of the tub, this is the only way to wring out the water.

    • rinse out be sure to change the water 2-3 times.

    When washing, do not rub or twist a blanket made of sheep's yarn - it will stretch unevenly, as well as use bleaches and dyes.

    • To enhance elasticity products on the last rinse in cool water, pour in a spoonful of wine vinegar.
    • From yellowing wool will relieve a spoonful of lemon juice, followed by washing out this remedy with another rinse.

    • Blanket wringing by hand in a terry sheet without twisting is safe.
    • Drying is recommended products when ventilated and in a dry room.

    Ventilation and lavender bags guarantee safe storage of wool and longevity of such things. Lavender repels moths.

    Method 3 - wet cleaning

    Now about how to clean sheep wool at home. Natural sheepskin bedspreads usually do not require washing.

    Caring for a product with open wool:

    • vacuum cleaner;
    • shake well;
    • air on the balcony to remove the smell;
    • in winter, a sheepskin blanket can be cleaned with frosty fresh snow.

    In order to avoid loss of beautiful appearance and fluffiness, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the necessary conditions for cleaning. Minor dirt will be removed by hand washing:

    • Dilute the special cleaner with lanolin with warm water.
    • Whip to a rich foam.

    • Clean the product only with foam, not liquid. In this case, do not rub the dirt, but remove it with a sponge from the surface.
    • Turn the damp blanket over several times while drying. If the wool has gone curls, it means that it is of the highest quality.

    Use the same techniques for a wadded product, since it is impossible to wash a wadded blanket - the filler will crumple. But its wet cleaning is possible.

    Washing quilts

    A quilted or cassette thing is very voluminous, and when wet, it also increases its weight many times over. Therefore, if this blanket still fits in the washing machine, then when wet, its excessive weight can break the mechanism.

    Features of hand washing

    Wash sequence:

    • Dust off quilted lambswool blankets with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Of course, you will need cleaning products specifically for wool. After all, ordinary powders are washed out with difficulty. They are aggressive and can deform the natural structure of the fibers.
    • It is also important to know at what temperature to wash the blanket. It should not exceed 40 degrees.
    • After half an hour, if necessary, you can replace the washing solution.
    • It is better to rinse the item by hand three times.
    • Be sure to air dry. Ideally under the sun.

    If you plan to replace the coating material, it will be useful for you to learn how to clean sheep's wool at home. Wash a small amount of it in the bath in washing nets. And rinsing and drying is similar to caring for a quilt. In conclusion - fluff the wool with your hands.


    Now you know how to properly clean any wool blanket. The proposed methods will restore the beauty and novelty of the product and ensure a long service life. Check out the video in this article - here are the instructions for cleaning woolen products. If you have a question - ask in the comments!