Can a child immediately go without crawling. Does the baby need to crawl? Little couch potato: when it's time to crawl

At what age should a baby start crawling? What to do if the baby does not want to crawl? Is it worth it to worry and somehow help him? And in what cases to contact a specialist?

In the modern world, it is customary to somewhat underestimate the skill of crawling, to treat it as a secondary and optional. Although crawling is one of the most important motor skills in the development of the first year of life.

Does the baby need to crawl

In the process of crawling, the child develops spatial orientation skills. And then, in turn, the ability to write correctly and beautifully, and success in geometry, and much more will depend on it. Interhemispheric connections that are formed in the first year of life will serve the baby all his life.

Development of the first year of life

Child development is a very individual matter. But still there are norms that doctors are guided by.

  • at 1-2 months the baby should start to hold his head
  • at 3-4 months - begin to roll over from back to stomach
  • at 4–5 - turn from stomach to back
  • at 5-6 months - learn to pull the legs to the stomach in the position on the stomach, get on all fours
  • at 6-7 months - start rocking on all fours, sit down and crawl about.

If your baby is 8 months old and not crawling, it may be worth helping him.

Why is the baby not crawling?

Crawling is a difficult skill for which the baby is prepared literally from birth. You need to have a strong back, good abs, easy to turn and get on all fours. You have to move your arms and legs at the same time, follow the target with both eyes and avoid sudden obstacles.

If the baby is healthy and during scheduled examinations at 1 and 3 months, the orthopedist and neurologist did not find developmental abnormalities, you can safely wait 7–7.5 months and not worry: children differ from each other in temperament and personal dexterity, endurance, courage, perseverance and can pretty much overtake each other in certain skills. If even at 8 months your child is in no hurry to crawl, then you should look for the reason.

Most often we are talking about babies born with hypoxia. Also, the cause may be a slight desynchronization of the movements of the hands (the reason sometimes lies in the microtrauma of the cervical region) or legs (the reason may be, for example, a slight asymmetry of the pelvis). With this, as a rule, osteopathic doctors do an excellent job in one or two sessions. Ordinary health-improving gymnastics also helps well, but only if adults do it with the baby every day.

How to help your baby finally crawl

The best is a special massage and gymnastics according to age. It is absolutely not necessary to turn to expensive specialists, in most cases, daily classes two or three times a day for 10-15 minutes are enough.

  1. We strengthen the handles
    Choose the moment when the baby is in a good mood, and start gymnastics.
    The child lies on its back. Gently spread his arms to the side, bring the straight arms together, crossing them on the chest: alternately either the left or the right handle on top. Let the baby hold on to the fingers of an adult during the exercise. Repeat 4-8 times.
  2. We strengthen the legs
    The child lies on its back. Carefully take it by the shins, bend and unbend the right, then the left leg, and then both legs together. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
    The child lies on its back. Take the baby by the shins so that your thumbs lie on his shins, and the rest of your fingers are on the baby's kneecaps. Straighten the child's legs and lift them vertically up, hold in this position for 1-2 seconds, and then slowly lower them down. Repeat 6-8 times.
  3. Learn to crawl
    The child lies on his stomach. Place your hands on the baby's heels. With an energetic, but at the same time careful movement, bend his legs and press them with your heels to the buttocks. The baby will be in the "frog" position. As a rule, after this, the child pushes off from the hands of an adult and crawls on its own. Just make sure that your exercises do not cause obvious discomfort to the crumbs. When the child gets used to the exercise, start bending the legs alternately, stimulating the baby's "cross" crawling skill. Do 3-4 repetitions.
  4. We strengthen the press
    The child lies on its back. Let him grab onto your index fingers so that the baby clings to your hands on his own and literally "hangs" on your fingers. Spread the baby's arms wide to the sides and, pulling slightly, help to sit down. Repeat 2-3 times.
    The child lies on his stomach, his legs rest against the adult. An adult puts his thumbs into the baby's palms so that the baby clenched his fists, and with the rest of his fingers supports the baby's wrists. Then he raises his arms through the sides up and helps him kneel. Repeat 2-3 times.
  5. We strengthen the back
    The child lies on his stomach. And you stroke, rub, "saw", pinch, tap the muscles along his spine - the latissimus dorsi and buttock muscles. This fun massage should begin and end with gentle strokes. Repeat each movement 3-5 times. Such exercises will surely bear fruit!

Nika selflessly crawls. The year will soon turn, and she is still on four ... All her peers are already walking, Masha, out, running with might and main. And this one... Unhappy thoughts made Nika's mother turn to an orthopedist. And he said: - You need to rejoice, mommy! You will be stronger and healthier. It develops according to age, there are no deviations!

What is crawling?

Do you think that a child is crawling when he is running on all fours? You are wrong. This concept is much broader.

Download a table with indicators of the physical development of children under 1 year old, and be sure that the baby is developing according to the norms!

The first signs of crawling can already be seen at 3-5 months when the baby, lying on his stomach, raises his head, tries to push off with his legs, and with his hands, as it were, rakes a blanket or diaper under him. He can move literally by centimeters, but we can state the beginning of the crawling stage. And if something is of interest to him ahead, then he can crawl up to half a meter!

Further more. At 4-6 months the baby begins to actively master crawling in a plastunsky way. Lying on his stomach, he rises on his forearms and rearranges them one by one forward. Then he pulls up the body, helping with his legs still lying on the surface (just resting on them). Thus, some children already move even a few meters, if the situation (space and mother) allows.

From five months some babies begin to crawl smartly on all fours. Before that, they master the "rocking chair" - they get on all fours and swing back and forth. Then there are options. Some children:

  • start moving backwards;
  • move sideways;
  • move forward in a manner reminiscent of frog jumping - first he throws both arms forward, and then jumps simultaneously with his legs.

A little later, almost all children begin to crawl in the traditional way, on all fours, gradually increasing speed and dexterity.

Why is crawling so important for a child's development?

Crawling develops in a child:

  • muscle strength;
  • ligament apparatus;
  • motility;
  • coordination;
  • balance;
  • interneuronal connections.

It forms the correct curves of the spine and ensures the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, it is crawling that actively develops interhemispheric connections, which contributes to quick learning and good memory.

But what if the child immediately begins to walk, skipping the stage of crawling?

Parents are waiting for their baby to go and in every possible way stimulate him to this: they lead by the handles, praise, support. Children learn well and as soon as they have the slightest opportunity to walk, they delight their parents with their first independent steps. It’s good when the baby is thin, underweight. If a well-fed butuz takes the first steps without crawling, the consequences appear quickly. The legs bend under the weight of the body. It's just that muscles and ligaments that are not properly trained cannot keep the legs in the correct position. It's not just the limbs that are affected. The architectonics of the entire spinal column is disturbed. And here you are, early problems with the musculoskeletal system are guaranteed.

The second danger is that some interneuronal connections do not have time to ripen, which, according to neurologists, results in those very minimal brain dysfunctions that subsequently prevent children from studying calmly and learning the educational material well.

How to teach a child to crawl?

Up to 7-8 months, you should not specifically teach. Just put a bright attractive toy in front of the baby while laying it on the tummy. He will try to get it, straining all his muscles. And this is what is needed. Of course, gymnastics by age, massage and swimming should also be in the life of an infant of this period.

At 7-8 months, if the baby does not crawl on his own, help him :

  • make a “leash” from a large scarf, stretch two ends under the armpits and one between the legs, grab the ends and lift the baby so that he can touch with his arms and legs - delight is guaranteed and crawling training is also;
  • put the baby with your tummy on a large ball - roll;
  • praise, kiss, encourage.

As soon as the crawling mechanism becomes clear to the child and the muscles get stronger, he will crawl.

And if the child did not crawl, but he went right away?

There are no dogmas in medicine. If your child went without the stage of active crawling, this is his right. However, in this case, he will definitely get his own during outdoor games. Remember - at 3-4 years old and even at preschool age, many children's games are associated with crawling. Moms do not have time to darn tights on their knees or buy new ones. Do not scold the baby - he needs it. Such game crawling will successfully replace the “developers” for the baby, as it has a multicomponent effect and is more useful in every way than sitting still in the office in the company of an unfamiliar aunt.

And further

Walkers and jumpers are evil. A child without harm to his health can be in them for no more than five minutes a day, and even then more than once. These devices disrupt the normal position of muscles and joints, impede blood circulation, and interfere with the formation of normal walking and crawling skills.

Children with increased nutrition begin to crawl and walk later, simply because it is harder for them to do this than for thinner peers. Not scary.

A crawling baby moves quickly and is instantly interested in everything that comes across its path. Especially - unknown, for example: dirty shoes, a dog bowl, sockets, a slop bucket. Therefore, as soon as the baby began to take the first steps on all fours, you need to organize a safe space for him. Close: sockets with plugs, cabinet doors - with locks, shoes - put out the door. The floors will have to be washed a couple of times a day and the carpets will also be vacuumed.

Leaving the baby out of sight is not worth it - the risk of injury to him is very high.

My daughter at 9 months pulled off the tablecloth with dishes from the table. After that, we completely abandoned the tablecloth for several years. Have you had any curiosities associated with the crawling of a child?

Mothers closely monitor the correct development of the baby and are very worried if the child later begins to hold his head, sit down, get up. A special pride for a young mother is the development of the baby with some advance or even "jumping" some stages, for example, when the baby, without crawling, immediately began to walk. But is it really that good? This was shared with us by the head of the Center for Psychodiagnostics and Psychocorrection at the Institute of Psychological Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Russian State Medical University Tatyana Germanovna Goryacheva.

Little couch potato: when is it time to crawl?

Crawling helps to stretch the ligaments of the wrists and hands, which is necessary for the development of fine motor skills of babies.

According to Russian medical standards, which are based on many years of observations and scientific research, with timely development, the child begins to crawl about 6-7 months, sometimes later. But some babies do not even have time to make an attempt to crawl, as parents put them in walkers, believing that the crawling stage can be skipped. Someone thinks that it will be better for the intellectual and physical development of the child, and some mothers are simply too lazy to clean the floors every day. And the child, having not learned to crawl, begins to walk. However, not only walkers are "to blame" for the fact that more and more children start walking early, without having time to crawl. Sometimes the reason may lie in a different plane. In the mid-90s, scientists around the world, including Russian doctors, began to strongly recommend that parents put their babies to sleep on their backs in order to prevent sudden infant death syndrome. As a result, the number of child deaths decreased by 50 percent! It was a huge victory for pediatricians and parents in the fight against early childhood mortality. But it also led to other consequences: since mothers began to be afraid to lay their children on their tummy not only during sleep, but also during wakefulness, the development of children's motor functions slowed down. Indeed, in order to crawl on all fours, the child needs to use both arms and legs, the muscles of which must be sufficiently trained. And how can a child train these muscles if he constantly lies on his back in a crib, sleeps with his mother in a "kangaroo", in a crib or in an arena? No way. And when the mother nevertheless remembers that, due to constant lying on her back, the back of the baby's head can become flat, and turns the child on her stomach, the baby starts crying in a minute, because he is not used to this position, it is hard and unpleasant for him. And mom immediately turns him back on his back.

Is there a difference? Should I learn to crawl?

No sane parent will forcibly force their baby to lie on his stomach when the baby is indignant and screaming. But it is still necessary to gradually accustom the baby to lying on the tummy. After all, the crawling period is very important for the development of subcortical structures of the brain. Minimal brain dysfunctions, which are now diagnosed in many children after difficult births and birth injuries, are partially compensated during the crawling period.

In addition, crawling helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system, train the arms, wrists, elbows and shoulders. As a result, children who crawled for at least a couple of months are more physically developed and stronger compared to babies who skip this stage. And their fine motor skills are better developed, since crawling helps stretch the ligaments of the wrists and hands, which is necessary for the development of fine motor skills. It will be easier for such children to learn how to hold a pencil or a spoon in their hand, and in the future to master writing and drawing.

Also important, crawling promotes the development of bilateral coordination. Our brain consists of two hemispheres: the right is responsible for the functions of the left side of the body, and the left - for the activities of the right. When a child crawls, active coordinated work takes place between the two hemispheres. Toddlers are better at controlling their bodies and orienting themselves in space.

Unfortunately, not all children independently fill in the gaps in their own development. It happens that a smart, developed child, unexpectedly for everyone, hardly learns to read and write, making many mistakes. At the same time, the kid really wants to study for one five, but he simply does not succeed. If a child has problems with studies, it is necessary to consult with a neuropsychologist, who may prescribe a course of rehabilitation classes for the child. This is a system of special physical and intellectual exercises that help develop certain parts of the brain. Such remedial courses are held today in many specialized centers. The attitude of parents is important, they must believe in their baby, cheer him up, help him, and then the child will really be able to overcome all difficulties.

Mastering the space

Starting from the very first months, you should try to spread the baby on the tummy more often. First for 5-10 minutes several times a day, gradually increasing the time. Try sitting on the bed and placing the baby in your lap, or laying him on his tummy on the changing table before changing. The baby will learn to hold his head, later he will begin to lean on his hands and rise, making it more and more confident from time to time. If the child is stubborn, put him on your chest so he can look around without raising his head high. You can also put a rolled towel under the baby's chest and arms. Next to the baby, you can place a couple of bright toys for which he will reach. If the child already easily reaches the rattle they like, move the favorite toy away so that the baby tries to crawl towards it. Of course, you should not be zealous and bring the baby to tears - after all, the first "creeps" may not turn out right away.

When the baby is 5-6 months old, you can spread a large blanket on the floor so that the baby can explore new horizons. By limiting the child's space with a playpen or a crib, the mother thereby deprives him of the opportunity to explore the world. Are you preparing lunch? Spread a blanket in the kitchen as well, and give the child a saucepan with a lid as an object of study.

If the baby loves to crawl, it is very good for his development.

There are many useful exercises. For example, taking the child under the armpits, the mother can alternately put one leg on the floor, and then the other, and begin to slowly lower the baby, prompting him to lean on his hands. When the baby thus got on all fours, gently hold the crumbs under the chest: you should not let him go at all. Let the child stand a little in this position, and the mother can slightly rock him back and forth. Or you can try exercises on a large gymnastic ball: put the baby on his tummy and gently rock the ball from side to side, so that the baby's legs occasionally touch the floor. Light gymnastics also helps to quickly master the crawling technique: the mother must bend and unbend the child's legs, first alternately, and then simultaneously. When the baby already knows how to hold his head well, lying on his stomach, you can take him by the heels and vigorously bend both legs 3-4 times. Or you can just tickle children's heels.

The child did not crawl. The train left?

Babies who skip crawling may have some difficulty reading and writing at an older age.

It is quite obvious that if a child has jumped over some stage of development, it is impossible to return this moment. But you should not despair. The child's brain is incredibly plastic and receptive until the age of 9-10 years, and during this period it is quite possible to carry out a correction that will make up for the developmental deficit. By the way, many children, even without any remedial classes at the age of 2-3 years, "catch up" themselves, actively crawling on the floor during the game. If you notice that a child during the game spends a lot of time lying down and crawling on the floor, in no case should you pull him up, calling for order and demanding to take a vertical position. It is better to lay a carpet on the floor and let him play as he likes - most likely, your child simply did not “crawl” at one time and now fills in the existing gap. And it is very, very important for him to do this.

Comment on the article "Does a child need to crawl?"

In general, we are against walkers, the child should do everything in due time, when his skeleton and muscles are ready for this. And the remote control became an incentive for us to crawl, we really liked it, better than toys.

27.02.2013 14:11:15,

in many countries, all these jumpers are banned, because. lead to orthopedic problems of varying severity. IMHO, these toys are not for kids who don't need them, but for their conceited parents. Well, what will get away from you if the child goes a month later, but ITSELF and CORRECTLY? Neighbors / girlfriends / relatives peck? After all, the child does not do a favor to that uncle, but HIS first step.
IMHO, you can intervene at all stages of the development of a child, you can teach everything, even the alphabet in a year (even a monkey can be taught to play the piano). I understand that it is impossible not to compare your child with peers and not to try to "surpass competitors", but, by constantly and obsessively interfering, you can cut down on the root the independence and initiative of the child, his self-sufficiency and cheerfulness :(

16.12.2009 14:45:58,

Very useful article!
I was worried when my second child in the first days at all! I couldn’t lie on my back - I crouched and cried - but the doctors recommend it! I decided not to bathe and put my daughter to sleep on her tummy. It turned out she did the right thing. According to the latest medical trends, sleeping on your stomach is considered healthier for your baby. 5 years ago (when the first child was born) - children were almost forcibly laid on their backs.
The trends change, but you and your children and unnecessary experiences remain. I would like less categoricalness in the recommendations of pedators.

16.12.2009 14:18:16,

Total 9 messages .

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