International Mother's Day is all about the holiday. International Mother's Day Mother's Day when is celebrated

Let's talk about the holiday in honor of the most important, most important and most necessary person in the life of each of us - our beloved mothers, which was established two decades ago. He has firmly entered our lives, becoming a way of expressing all those warm and bright feelings that we have for our mother. What date is Mother's Day in 2018, when and how did the holiday appear, what traditions accompany it - we will try to tell about this in this article.

The question of what date is Mother's Day in Russia is quite natural. The fact is that this holiday does not have a clearly fixed date on the calendar, and therefore the number on which Mother's Day falls in 2018 must be specified in advance.

In Russia, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday in November.

Holiday in Russia

Mother's Day, beloved by many, took its official place in the national list of holidays in 1998. From this moment begins the countdown of the celebration at the state level. However, in fact, the age of the holiday is not twenty years old, but a dozen more.

The idea of ​​honoring mothers on a single day in our country first came up with Elmira Huseynova, a teacher from Baku, the capital of the then Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. The teacher was the first to offer to express gratitude to mothers - the most important, the most important people in the life of any person. Both schoolchildren and the school administration supported the respected teacher - and in 1988 Mother's Day was celebrated for the first time within the educational institution.

Elvira Huseynova sent her ideas and thoughts about the new, at that time still school, holiday to several periodicals covering the life of educational institutions at once. The innovation was met with great enthusiasm, and soon almost all schools began to celebrate Mother's Day, first in Baku, and then in other cities of the USSR.

A few years later, in the period from 1995 to 1997, that is, until the holiday was given official status, Mother's Day becomes one of the most long-awaited events in school life. Pupils began to prepare for it literally from the first days of the school year, that is, for several months this holiday did not have a clearly defined day, and each school celebrated it in its own way. By the end of November, the children had already prepared a festive program, made gifts for mothers and grandmothers with their own hands, invented poems and signed postcards. In some educational institutions, in honor of the new holiday, a disco was arranged - a fashionable, but little-studied phenomenon in school life at that time, and therefore expected by students with great impatience. Entertaining and educational elements were built into the disco format - contests, tasks, competitions.

In 1998, already in modern Russia, deputies proposed introducing Mother's Day as an official holiday. By presidential decree, this event finally received a specific day - the third Sunday in November.

mother's day today

Since the mid-2000s, Mother's Day in our country has traditionally been celebrated with the action "Mom, I love you." Every year, the scale of the action only increases - first covering the capital and several largest cities, today I express gratitude to mothers in almost every locality of the country. What is the share? Every year, the organizers voice a special theme of the action, devoting it to one or another problem of motherhood. But from year to year, the distribution of postcards remains unchanged, which everyone can give to their mother. The symbol of the action is a blue forget-me-not, a flower that has long symbolized tenderness, care, and love.

Mother's Day is an international holiday

It is worth saying that in November Mother's Day is celebrated only in Russia. In most countries, the celebration falls on May, more often on the second Sunday in May. Topping the list of countries celebrating Mother's Day in late spring is the United States, where it is celebrated at the federal level.

In the United States, the holiday appeared almost a century earlier than in Russia. For the first time, America celebrated Mother's Day in 1907, reborn from Mother's Sunday, a holiday adopted in Great Britain.

Mother's Day is a wonderful touching holiday, which, with its arrival, reminds us that in the life of each of us the most important person is mom. It is the mother who gives the beginning of a new life. Mom surrounds with kindness, tenderness and care. Mom leads the kids along the long road of growing up, supporting, guiding them on the right path and protecting them from troubles. Even as adults, we feel maternal love, we know that mom will always understand, forgive and love no matter what. Therefore, Mother's Day is a great occasion to say "thank you" to our mothers, to give them warm sincere words, to repeat again and again how much we love them. What date is mother's day? Mother's Day in Russia celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November. The Russians began to celebrate this holiday relatively recently. The legislative initiative was born in 1998 in the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The initiative has received broad public support. In the same year, President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin signed Decree No. 120 of January 30, 1998 "On Mother's Day". For the first time, Mother's Day in Russia was celebrated in November 1999. Since that time, the holiday began to gain popularity, gained popular recognition and easily took root in the calendar of Russian holidays. Mother's Day in the world. More than forty countries around the world have established their national holidays in honor of mothers. These holidays have different names, origin stories and places on the calendar. The most widespread internationally was Mother's Day, celebrated on the second Sunday of May. The holiday originated in the United States in 1908, when a young American Anna Jarvis decided to honor the memory of her beloved mother, whom she lost in 1905. In 1908 She created a memorial at St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, WV. Anna's goal was not only to honor her own mother, but to establish a day in honor of all mothers, a day to honor "the man who did more for you than anyone in the world." Anna began to appeal to the authorities with a request to legalize Mother's Day and her initiative was crowned with success. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a decree that henceforth the second Sunday of May is established in the United States as a national holiday, dedicated to all mothers. Unfortunately, the fate of Anna Jarvis herself was not very happy. She had no children of her own, but in the memory of generations she la mother of a holiday dedicated to all mothers. Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan and China. On this page you will find poems and congratulations on Mother's Day, postcards and pictures for the holiday, and you can also send funny audio greetings for moms to mobile phone. See also:


On Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, it's high time to hand out medals to all those who from night to morning can't sleep for a long time.

At first, simply because the little one does not sleep: Then give him milk, Then his neck hurts!

Well, then the mother is waiting for the baby from the party. He may crawl drunk, In his pockets - not a penny!

We grow up, mother grows old. Give her warmth! We want to wish all mothers Patience and love!


Happy Mother's Day Poems for Friend

My dear friend, I congratulate you on Mother's Day, And, without melting admiration, I wish from a pure heart:

Let the children delight you, And give only inspiration. Live and rejoice, loving, Appreciate happy moments!


Moms Hope (Mother's Day Poems)

"To do good? Oh, I'll have time! I'll wait for an opportunity ..." Our mothers always hope That we will be the best.

That we will become the smartest, Heart pure, brave, glorious; Only at breaks noisy And equal talents with Einstein ...

We warmly spent them without measure, Like, what they give is not returned ... So let this mother's holiday All the hopes of mothers come true!


Mother's Day is celebrated today

Mother's Day is celebrated today, And I would devote the whole year to this, I can't fit gratitude into today For a whole heap of mother's worries.

For my mother's tired smile, For the beauty of all our mothers, Not enough words, flowers and congratulations, Centuries, years, and, of course, days.

But now let a special joy Burn in your most beautiful eyes, Accept a gift from us on Mother's Day, Sigh, and, laughing, shout: "Ah!"


Happy Mother's Day

Mommy, dear mother, Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you today, Sincerely, lovingly!

Clearly, you are the best, My dear man! May Mom's and grandmother's age be long and joyful!


Mother's day

My first cry made you happy, For the rest, forgive me. On Mother's Day, I boldly confess to you: You, dear, cannot be found like you.

I want to wish you health and many happy summers. And just like that I also want to remind you that I love you very much!


Today is mother's day

Today is a holiday, mom, Mother's Day, your day! I want to say a lot of good words to you.

I want to smile, Your smile is class! Worried less And made us happy!


happy day of all mothers

Even if in half a century I go around the whole planet, I am more dear than a person, I can’t find it except for my mother.

Mom loves disinterestedly, Knows all my secrets To questions very quickly Finds the right answers.

And today, on a glorious holiday, On a frosty November day, I congratulate my mother on the day of all mothers loving!

May health not fail And slow down the run of the year, May all problems go away, Be always happy!


Congratulations to all mothers

Today is not an easy day, But some kind of golden one, Congratulations to all mothers, And we wish them good health! So that mothers do not grow old, And become younger over the years, To be next to us, Live in happiness and contentment! So that your eyes sparkle with happiness, And so that this day lasts!


Touching Poems for Mother's Day

Everything that happens to us in life, We somehow strangely divide in half: If joy - we celebrate with friends, And with trouble we come to mothers ...

Busy with work and affairs Day after day in a stream of fuss We don't often think about mom, We give her flowers too rarely...

And we carry our illnesses to our mother, And we go to share insults with her, And we draw wrinkles for her ourselves, Forgetting to ask for forgiveness ...

We so rarely hug our mother, We have forgotten how to kiss our mother, Sometimes we forget to call, There is no time to write a letter ...

Well, mom still loves us, No matter what happens, she won’t betray, Forgive everything, forget all insults, Hand, soul, heart - she’ll give everything!

And when you leave your mother, Warmed by her love, You whisper: "I'm sorry for everything, dear, And, please, live longer!"


There is a special day in November

There is a special day in November, When I hasten to tell you: My dear mother! I love you more than anyone! You will forgive everything and understand everything, And you will gently press it to your heart! You are the light of hope, the ray of love, May God always keep you!


From the bottom of my heart, in simple words

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words, Let's talk about mom, friends.

We love her as a good friend, For the fact that we have everything in common with her, For the fact that when we have a hard time, We can cry at our native shoulder.

We love her and for the fact that sometimes Become stricter in the wrinkles of the eyes. But it is worth coming with a confession with your head - Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush.

For the fact that always, without concealment and directly, We can entrust our heart to her. And just because she is our mother, We love her dearly and deeply.


Short congratulations on Mother's Day

Mother's Day across the country Today is celebrated, One thing in the world is clear to me - I adore my mother!

She is my favorite, And there is no more beautiful in the world! She has comfort, she has family, I love her for that!


You are mom!

You are mom! Is it a lot or a little? You are mom! Is it happiness or a cross? And it's impossible to start all over again, You pray now for what is:

For crying at night, for milk, diapers, For the first step, for the first words. For all children. For every child. You are mom! And so right!

You are the whole world. You are the rebirth of life. And you would like to hug the whole world. You are mom. Mother! This pleasure No one can take away from you!


Mother's Day - a young holiday

Mother's Day is still a young holiday, But everyone is happy for him, of course, - Everyone who is born under a lucky star, And mothers' care of the heart!

We are on the wild run of the bustle of the city Sometimes we forget about our mother, We hurry, dissolving in the mass of people, Seriously getting carried away with business ...

And my mother is waiting for us and does not sleep at night, Worrying and thinking often - “Oh, how are they there?” - and the heart hurts, And groans, and breaks into pieces ...

I came to visit you on a holiday, Although you can often, of course, - I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, I love you endlessly!


Congratulations on Mother's Day to girlfriends

Let's girls, on Mother's Day, let's do a detailed analysis of life, As with dolls playing in mothers We got the initial experience.

Then in the garden and at school we dared: Raised the boys stubbornly, Surrounded them with care and attention, Trying to replace their own mother.

Then we didn’t have children, but adults “husbands in diapers”. Since then, they have not changed at all, Only our whole family has become larger.

But, without a doubt, children's laughter is a joy, Being a mother is sweeter than anything in the world. And the happiness of a child for a mother is a reward, We have peace in our souls when the children are happy.


mother's day around the world

Today is the best holiday - Mother's Day for all earthlings, The evil clouds have gone away, And the sun smiled at us!

Today, the children of the entire planet are in a hurry with flowers to their mother. Calls and Internet greetings They talk about feelings for mom.

Mother's Day today on the planet! You, do not forget this holiday, children, After all, life gave you a mother into this world And there is no one closer to mother in the world!


Happy Mother's Day from daughter

Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day! There is no you more expensive, more beautiful and dearer! You kept me from any trouble, All that I have, you gave! May you have so much happiness, How many seconds I live, loving my mother!


Today is Mother's Day

Today is my mother's holiday, Mother's Day is again celebrated by the country. I want the troubles to fall asleep forever And never come to the house.

I wish you never to see grief, I will give you all the best Forgive me for all my offenses, After all, I love you very much!


Happy Mother's Day to girlfriend

Friend! Worthy of admiration For the beauty of your mission! Being a Mother is sometimes restless, But the meaning of your nights and days is bright!

Mother's Day is your holiday, congratulations, May life be joyful and easy, I wish you health and success, Smile for future happiness!


Happy Mother's Day to Mom

Dear Mommy, let me hug you! To be cheerful, happy I hasten to wish!

Thank you for your teaching, For all your labors, Your purpose Has given fruit to love!

You are tender, beautiful And your laughter is charming! I congratulate you, dear, today I'm Happy Mother's Day!


Our most important person

Our most important person, You gave us life, In return for this wonderful gift, You did not ask for an award.

On Mother's Day, we hasten to congratulate you with all our heart, Be happy and always be our very own!


The day you became a mother (Happy Mother's Day to a woman)

The day you became a mother, the whole world changed. As if by a light from above, he immediately lit up.

I wish this status In life proudly carry. So that the children only in health, your kindness grew.

Let the pill of boredom be sonorous children's laughter. And in the work of motherhood A great success awaits you.


The word "MAMA"

Even the unintelligent little one says the word "MOM", And forever this word is burning in the soul with a fire!

On this holiday, we congratulate mothers from the bottom of our hearts, May your clear eyes not fade, We wish you love!


Let's celebrate Mother's Day on the 25th!

Let's celebrate Mother's Day! We really need him. Who is closest to all in the world From ancient times to us?

Love is worth striving for! Let the storm pass. We wish you happiness in the house And faith in miracles!!!

November is rich in various holidays and memorable dates, and at the end of this month another rather young, but at the same time very important holiday is expected - Mother's Day. In this article, you will find out when Mother's Day will be in 2020, what is the history of this holiday, how it is celebrated in Russia and other countries.

What date is mother's day in 2020 in Russia

In the Russian Federation, this holiday has a floating date, as it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This, of course, is not very convenient, and many people forget such an important and symbolic day (and the holiday itself was approved not so long ago).

By the way, it is worth distinguishing between International Mother's Day and our Russian version. The thing is that in many countries the holiday in honor of mothers is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, that is, in Russia they celebrate much later.

  • Celebrated on the second Sunday in May: USA, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Australia, Turkey, Belgium, Brazil, Japan, Italy, Cyprus, Estonia, Ukraine.
  • Mother's Day is celebrated on October 14 in Belarus, March 3 in Georgia, April 7 in Armenia, March 21 in Egypt, May 26 in Poland, and May 9 in Greece. And in Sweden and France, mothers are congratulated on the last Sunday of May.

As you can see, the spread of dates is quite large, here it is no longer like with International Women's Day. It is quite possible that in the distant future a more general, unifying holiday in honor of all mothers will be formed.

The essence and history of the holiday

For almost everyone, the closest, most beloved, most dear person is their own mother. Becoming a mother, a woman takes on a huge responsibility, she begins to show great care, patience, love, and even makes self-sacrifice for the sake of her own children.

Without mothers, there would be no all these generations and, in fact, the history of mankind. Society understands the importance of the role of the mother, and therefore creates special holidays that help draw attention to the position of mothers in our world.

The veneration of a woman-mother is rooted in ancient Greece, there was even a whole cult of the mother. Various rituals were performed in honor of Cybele, Rhea and other goddesses who can be associated with motherhood and fertility.

In 18th and 19th century Britain there was a so-called "Mother's Sunday" celebrated on the second Sunday. In fact, this is the closest prototype of the modern mother's holiday, only with a certain religious connotation.

Since the 19th century, there have been various initiatives in the United States, proposals have been put forward to set aside a specific day for honoring mothers, so that all this happens at the official level. The state of Virginia was the first to respond, where in 1910 Mother's Day was recognized as an official holiday. And in 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson established that the second Sunday in May would be a national holiday during which all American mothers would be honored.

Then, following the United States, other countries also began to introduce a similar holiday, and many took the same date as the basis - the second Sunday of May. So, in fact, the International Mother's Day was formed, and now we'll talk about our Russian version of this holiday.

In Russia, "Mother's Day" was officially established only in 1998. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. The purpose of the holiday is to support the tradition of caring for women, to strengthen family foundations, and to increase the social significance of motherhood.

As for the USSR, the first holiday with the name "Mother's Day" in the Soviet space was held on October 30, 1988 at school 228 in Baku. The author of this event was Elmira Javadovna Huseynova, a teacher of literature and the Russian language. Further, the baton was picked up by other schools of different republics of the USSR, so the holiday gradually became nationwide, but so far without official recognition.

How Mother's Day is Celebrated

As it was written above, for the first time, Mother's Day in the USSR began to be celebrated in schools, and therefore, schools and kindergartens are still a kind of "festival center".

  • Various skits, singing, poetry readings, funny and not very performances are arranged. There are also exhibitions of various handicrafts, drawings and other works of art.
  • At home, in the family circle, feasts are usually arranged, where they try to gather as many relatives as possible. And in these moments, a special connection between generations is felt, a feeling of gratitude and unity arises.
  • At the state level, various concerts, processions, actions, as well as awards for particularly distinguished mothers are also held. In general, it's a bit like even a teacher's day.

With age, having plunged into a sea of ​​troubles, it is not worth forgetting those who gave us life.

Of course, there are different situations that are not very good, and even some women cannot be called mothers, but in this case it remains only to show by example what a family should be like, and what kind of relationship between mother and child should be.

Be sure to congratulate your mothers, and, of course, pay attention to them not only during this holiday (which not everyone is aware of yet), but as often as possible. After all, years go by, and suddenly a moment may come when it will be too late to say all those words that we have been putting off all our lives for later.

Natalia Mamyrina
Mothers Day. history of the holiday

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. This word hides a special energy, every sound in it is saturated with warmth, tenderness and endless love. Mom is a wise adviser and reliable friend. Mom is the best healer of our spiritual wounds and insults. Mom is an assistant in all our endeavors. Mom is a faithful guardian angel who vigilantly takes care of our happiness and well-being. And in this world, and, most likely, in the other world.

Story international mother day

Mothers Day is a great universal holiday, which occupies a special niche in the calendar of solemn dates. Special holiday in honor of mother earth fertility goddess Persephone celebrated even in ancient Greece. mother's day first began to celebrate in England, in the XVII century. This tradition has not disappeared even today. Until now, on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, the British honor mothers. IN THE USA Mothers Day appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson signed a decree that the second Sunday in May is a national mothers day USA. The initiative was supported by many European and Eastern countries. Since the beginning of the 1930s, the second Sunday in May has been the official International Mothers Day.

History of Mother's Day in Russia

Official mother's day holiday appeared in Russia recently. Until 1998, our dear mothers, like all Russian women, had only one public holiday - March 8. The initiator of the establishment of the Day mothers The State Duma Committee on Women, Youth and Family Affairs spoke. On January 30, 1998, Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin signed a decree on celebration on the last Sunday of November of the All-Russian Day mothers. Why for maternal day, this date was chosen - it is not clear. Most likely others "free" places in the Russian calendar festive There were no dates at the time.

With the initiative of establishing the Day mothers State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The text of the Decree is very short.: “In order to increase the social significance maternity I decree:

1. Install holiday - Mother's Day and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November.

2. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.”

But thanks to him Russian mothers received their official holiday. It is impossible to argue that this holiday - holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. Becoming mother,a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love, care, patience and self-sacrifice

Traditions of the Day mothers

Over the years Mothers Day became one of the favorite Russian holidays. Every year on the last Sunday of November, it is customary to congratulate not only mothers, but also pregnant women. In recent years, it has become a good tradition to honor and award in honor of holiday of mothers of many children and mothers who take on the upbringing of orphans. Another good custom, borrowed from the American maternal day - pin a carnation to clothes. Colored, if the mother is alive, and white, if she is no longer in this world.

Mom will never be replaced by anyone. Probably, no matter how many warm and kind words we say to our mothers, it still won't be enough. Take care, love and respect your mothers, do everything so that they can be proud of you, share with them all their joys and troubles, call them not only on weekends, but every God day. Be sure to sincerely and tenderly congratulate them on the last Sunday of November, present poems, gifts, flowers and sweets. Be with them this day and take care of all their household chores. If you are far away, just call your mother in the morning at holiday and say: “Happiness to you, my dear, beloved and only mother! I know that sometimes it is very difficult for you with me. But believe me, I appreciate everyone day which I can spend next to you and every moment when I can look into your kind, intelligent and loving eyes.

New holiday - Mother's Day- gradually enters Russian houses. And that's great: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous. Especially beautiful and unforgettable are various events dedicated to this Day in preschool and educational institutions, where children give their mothers not only kind words and smiles, but many handmade gifts and specially prepared concert numbers.

Mother's Day is the most tender holiday, created to remember the most important person, the mother, who deserves attention every day of the year.


Since 1988, thanks to the proposal of the Committee on the Rights of Women, Family and Youth of the State Duma, this holiday has appeared in our country. Mother's Day was adopted by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

It is interesting:

  • Tribute to the hard work of the mother was paid, starting from antiquity, where mother cults existed. This formed the basis of the modern festival. In ancient Greece, the mother of all gods, Gaia, was revered, while the Romans revered Cybele.
  • During the Middle Ages, the role of mother was highly respected. So in the UK, Mother's Sunday was held, on which children who worked away from their parents were allowed to visit their families, which happened once a year.
  • In the United States, the appearance of this holiday is associated with the death of Mary Jarvis, who greatly influenced her daughter. After her mother's death, she wrote to the Senate proposing an official Mother's Day, and it was formally recognized in 1910.

Mother's Day is considered international, despite the fact that in all countries (and there are more than 23 of them), it takes place under different dates.

The first holiday called "Mother's Day" was held in Baku. During the school holiday concert, Elmira Javadovna Huseynova, a teacher of Russian literature and language, suggested that the school students hold it every year. The proposal was picked up by many newspapers, as well as schools in Russia.

Although Mother's Day is a relatively new holiday for our country, despite this, it enjoys respect and reverence.


In each of the countries, of course, it is traditionally customary to give flowers to mothers, but in the USA and Australia they pin carnations on clothes, depending on the color of which, they pay tribute to living or departed mothers. In Russia, the symbol of Mother's Day has become the forget-me-not, which, according to ancient beliefs, has the ability to remind of forgotten loved ones.

Characteristic of Mother's Day is the action "Mom, I love you!", within which various events are held. In addition, festive concerts are held in public institutions, such as kindergartens or schools, where children delight their parents, as well as the organization of mass concerts with the participation of stars.

In many areas, the leadership encourages heroine mothers with medals, certificates, and cash rewards.