Mechanical aspirator for newborns. Which aspirator for newborns to choose

The body of each newborn with different speed adapts to the new environment. Often, snot in a baby does not necessarily indicate an illness, the nose cannot yet fully clean itself. In order not to provoke complications and facilitate breathing in a child, you can pump out the mucus, but before the procedure, be sure to figure out how to use an aspirator for newborns.

Runny nose in newborns: causes and what to do

The nasal mucosa does not allow harmful bacteria to enter the body, so it is important to always maintain it in proper condition. In the first days, not only snot may appear in the child’s nose, but also crusts that form if the air is too dry in the room. To prevent this from happening, it is important to maintain normal climate indicators in the apartment. Temperature - + 20- + 22 ° С, humidity - 55 - 70%.

As a self-cleaning, there may be a sneeze reflex, in which crusts are also separated. Although the procedure for cleansing the mucous membrane with an aspirator can be considered safe, it is better to use it only in extreme cases.

If mucus is not eliminated in a timely manner, with a large accumulation, it enters the auditory tube and can cause otitis media or inflammatory processes.

Types of aspirators and characteristics

How to use the nasal aspirator for newborns? The principle of operation of a child aspirator is similar to a pump. During operation of the device, internal pressure is created in it, which allows you to eliminate mucus. It is possible to carry out the procedure effectively and painlessly only by observing all the conditions in the instructions.

  1. The cheapest and easiest option for a nasal aspirator is a syringe. It has a silicone tip and a pear. Although its use is considered elementary, the big drawback is the absence of a limiter on the tip, which can increase the risk of injury to the mucosa. The downside is that it is not transparent. To use it, the rubber pear is compressed, the silicone tip “by eye” is inserted into the nasal passage, after which you can slowly unclench the pear, which, together with air, will suck in snot.
  2. Mechanical aspirators consist of a reservoir and a special tube. As a tip, there is a removable filter that draws out the child's snot well and prevents them from entering the adult's mouth. Thanks to the soft, safe tips, injury to the mucosa does not occur. How to use the aspirator correctly so that everything goes well? It is enough just to insert the tip into the baby's nostril to the limiter, and start sucking air into itself with the other tube. With a properly conducted event, the mucus enters a transparent reservoir. It is forbidden to reuse a disposable aspirator; reusable ones must be sterilized after use.
  3. The most expensive, but also effective, are electronic nasal aspirators. They have a number of advantages: the tips are soft silicone, there is a limiter that will not allow you to put it in more than it should be. All parents need to do is just insert the tip into the spout and turn on the device. It sucks not only liquid snot, but also dried crusts. The aspirator's mucus collection container is transparent, which makes it possible to see if the snot has come out. Both the dimensions of the device and the power are small, which will definitely not damage the nasal mucosa. There are not many shortcomings (its performance does not last long, dear), but they sometimes scare away from the acquisition. The functions of electronic aspirators allow you to rinse the nose with boiled or purchased water with sea salt before or after the procedure. More expensive electronic options can play melodies, which simplifies the procedure a bit.
  4. The newest aspirators are vacuum. Many parents are frightened by the fact that a vacuum cleaner hose must be connected to the device for suction. But there is no need to worry, it is easy to use: thanks to a special collector, a vacuum is set - suction with such a nasal aspirator will take only a couple of seconds. Besides the fact that the procedure is fast, it is safe and effective. The only drawback may be the high cost of the device itself.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Since the procedure is carried out with a child in the first months of life, it is imperative to study the instructions on how to use the children's aspirator. Pay attention to the peculiarities of using the type of aspirator that was purchased, its use for cleansing the nose in children of different age categories.

How to prepare?

Before the procedure, it is better to consult with a pediatrician about the advisability of suctioning nozzles and choosing an aspirator. Before using any neonatal aspirator, you must:

  • Removable parts are washed with water, disinfected and dried.
  • It is forbidden to completely wet the body of the nasal aspirator, just wipe it with a slightly damp cloth or napkin.
  • Review all the details for integrity, especially the part that is inserted into the baby's nose. Even a minimal crack can damage the baby's mucous membranes.
  • If there are protective filters, check their presence and quality.
  • Pick up the tip on a nasal aspirator that fits under the child's nostril.
  • Make sure that all the parts are assembled and well fixed, try the performance.

If the newborn forgets about the unpleasant procedure in a minute, then the elders may experience fear after it is carried out.

Before using an aspirator to clean the nose, they need to be mentally prepared for this: tell them how everything will go, so that the child will breathe easier.

The child can even test the device on a doll.

Stages of aspiration

To allay the child's fear of the procedure, it is better to pick him up. Maternal warmth will take away his worries a little.

For the correct procedure, the aspirator must:

  • It is better to soften the thick mucus that needs to be sucked out by diluting it with a special liquid that contains a solution of sea salt (it can be Aqua Maris, Humer or regular saline). Children's dose (for infants) should not exceed 2 drops in one nostril. If you use self-prepared liquids for instillation, then it is better to make small fresh portions daily, as harmful bacteria quickly start up in them. For children under 3 years old, it is allowed to irrigate the nasal cavity only with drops, at 2-3 years old - with sprays. It is also possible to prepare solutions at home, but in pharmacies the proportions of all components are exactly observed and the risk of mucosal burns after treatment of the nasal cavity is minimal.
  • If you drip into the left nasal passage, the head tilts slightly to the right and vice versa. For instillation, use a clean pipette.
  • After the introduction of some water with a runny nose, the baby should lie down for several minutes, and then provide him with a vertical position.
  • Using a nasal aspirator for parents is simple: insert the tip into the nose, pump out the mucus first from one nostril, then from the second. At the moment of pumping out the nozzles in the nostril, you need to create a vacuum. To do this, place the tip in one, and cover the other with your finger. The position of the baby during the procedure is strictly vertical. Collect mucus depending on the type of aspirator.
  • If the nozzles and filters on the aspirator were disposable, discard them, rinse and disinfect the rest of the structure.

No matter what type of aspirator is used for a runny nose, the tip is held correctly - strictly evenly, it is not allowed to touch the walls of the nose, because this is the first step to damage them and cause bleeding.


The procedure seems simple and harmless, harmless, because the newborn does not take any drugs. But young parents should pay attention to a number of contraindications and restrictions.

  • The child has damaged mucous passages of the nose of various etiologies.
  • Contraindications due to the peculiarities of the structure or pathologies of the nose in a child.
  • Manifestations of allergy to the material from which the handpiece of the device is made.

Frequent use of the device with a cold is not recommended, as this is fraught with a violation of the normal microflora in the newborn's nose. The cavity can quickly dry out. Resort to the procedure only in extreme cases, no more than 3 times a day, without going beyond the security measures.

A mechanical aspirator (nozzle pump) for cleansing the nasal passages in children from Otrivin Baby helps parents of babies remove mucus from the nose during colds or allergic diseases.

Aspirator kit:

  1. Rounded tip that easily penetrates the nasal passage and does not injure it. It is made of transparent plastic, to control the collection of secretions from the nose,
  2. The body in which the mucus collected from the nasal passages is collected. Inside it is a replaceable gasket, which must be changed after each use along with the tip,
  3. 40 cm bendable tube
  4. A mouthpiece through which parents expel mucus from their children's noses.

Components of a mechanical aspirator (nozzle pump) Otrivin baby

It is purchased in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. The pricing policy is different, depending on the region where you live and buy a nozzle pump. The cost does not exceed five hundred rubles.

Photo gallery:

The kit includes a device for cleansing the nasal cavity, and three replaceable tips with filters. Shelf life is not more than five years.

Analogues of the nasal aspirator Otrivin baby

To date, there are many analogues, there is no fundamental difference. The principle of operation of how to use the nozzle pump remains the same. They differ only in brand, packaging and configuration.

We have prepared for your attention about analogues, as well as the most popular models on the market today.

Instructions for use of the Otrivin baby nasal aspirator

The nozzle pump is recommended for use from infancy until the child learns to blow his nose. Before using it, you should consult a pediatrician. If necessary, ask your supervising pediatrician how to properly suck snot with an aspirator. Below is a universal instruction for use.

How to properly use a nozzle pump for newborns?

  1. Before use, it is necessary to mentally prepare the baby for an unpleasant procedure in their opinion

    Make your child feel positive

  2. Two drops of Otrivin baby solution are instilled into each nasal passage. You can also shower the nasal passages with sea water aqualor baby. For children older than 3 months, you can bury the spray.

  3. Lay the baby on its side. Thus, the mucus will flow out faster and it will be more convenient for the parent to fix the baby's head. If the child is already sitting and holding the head, then you can sit on your knees.
  4. Within three minutes, it is necessary to insert the tip into the nasal passage and take a few short breaths, while looking at the discharge in the body and the external condition of the baby

    The process of sucking snot from the nose

  5. If the baby begins to cry, he must be calmed and continue to manipulate the second nostril

    If your child doesn't like it, take a break.

  6. After a single use of the aspirator, it is washed under hot water with baby antibacterial soap to remove viruses and infections from it.

    Use baby soap to wash the aspirator

  7. The replaceable filter is disposable, it is thrown into the trash along with the nozzle.

    Dispose of the replacement head and filter after the procedure.

    Nose suction nozzle is more effective than other types of devices and pear-shaped canisters.

    Replacement tips for the Otrivin baby nasal aspirator

    The nozzles are attached to the central body and inserted into the nasal passage. Viruses and infections are collected on them, which are being fought in the course of treatment. The nozzle together with the filter are changed after each use.

    Photo gallery:

    To replace the three tips that came with the kit, new ones are purchased at pharmacies. The new package contains ten nozzles with filters.

    The cost of such a set does not exceed three hundred rubles. It is not advisable to buy a new one every time, the main thing is to properly care for it after use and remove the collected mucus from it.

    Otrivin baby aspirator contraindications. How often can be used?

    Do not resort to the procedure as unnecessary

    The device has no contraindications and does not harm the health of babies. Its use is recommended as the child's nose is blocked in order to remove mucus, cleanse the nasal passages, and to toilet the nose.

    How many times a day should Otrivin baby be used?

    There is no clear recipe for the number of the procedure, but for the convenience of the baby, the procedure is carried out before feeding and always before bedtime. Thus, the baby will be more willing to eat and sleep better. To avoid drying of the mucous membrane, do not carry out the procedure more than 3 times a day

    Is the Otrivin baby aspirator dangerous?

    It is absolutely safe when used exactly as directed. Do not try to collect sputum from the child's throat or extract the purulent contents of the auricle.

    If the child is overexcited and does not allow the procedure to be carried out, then you should not use force, since in this mood of the baby he will spin. As a result, the risk of touching the nasal mucosa increases and thereby causes nosebleeds in the baby.

    Blood from the nose during suction indicates weak blood vessels of the child or excessive effort of the one who does

    Video how to use the Otrivin baby aspirator for newborns?

With a newborn aspirator, parents take care of their baby's nose. In the first years of life, this device helps to remove mucus that makes breathing difficult. Discharge can be caused by viruses, the common cold, allergies, dry indoor air.

The aspirator is designed to restore nasal breathing. A nose clogged with snot prevents the baby from sleeping, because of a clogged nose, appetite is disturbed. Irritated mucous membranes can cause complications. Greenish or yellow snot is especially dangerous for babies, they can cause otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Inhaling cold air through the mouth, the baby can chill the throat, respiratory organs.

The principle of the device and varieties

To remove viscous secretions, suction devices are used - aspirators. They are of 4 types:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical;
  • vacuum;
  • syringes.

Vacuum device

It looks like a tube, it is connected to a household vacuum cleaner. The kit includes special nozzles, with the help of which a thick secret is removed from the nasal cavity.

Electric nasal

The electronic device has an electric drive. It creates traction of the required strength, its intensity can be adjusted. These devices reduce the likelihood of adult infection, as there is no direct contact between an adult and a child.


A simple device in the form of a tube equipped with 2 nozzles. The mouthpiece is designed for an adult, he takes it into his mouth and draws in air. The second tip is inserted into the child's nostril. The aspirator is equipped with a filter so that the mucus does not get into the adult's mouth.

In the form of a syringe

An ordinary pear that can be bought at a pharmacy. With its help, you can clean the nose of a newborn from the first days after birth. Douches for babies are made of soft material, it does not injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Instrument selection criteria

When choosing a nozzle pump, parents should be guided by certain rules. Aspects they should take into account:

  • the device must be age appropriate;
  • the simplest possible care of the device parts (assembly, disassembly, washing);
  • the kit should have a container for collecting the secret, equipped with a disposable filter;
  • the ability to control the depth of penetration of the tip into the nose;
  • the degree of noise produced by the device.

How to use the neonatal aspirator

The baby aspirator comes with instructions that describe in detail the process of removing mucus. In order not to expose children to re-infection, it is necessary to change nozzles.

Preparatory actions

Before the procedure for cleaning from dried mucus, saline or drugs allowed in infancy are instilled into the nose:

  • "Humer";
  • "Salin";
  • "Marimer".

The child is laid on the back to tilt the head back a little, a towel rolled up with a roller is placed under the neck.

Nose cleansing procedure

Pears are the easiest way to remove snot. It is first compressed so that all the air comes out of it, and only then the tip is inserted into one nostril, the second one can be pressed a little with a finger at this time. Slowly unclenching his hand, the snot is sucked into the pear. The tip is removed, the mucus is squeezed onto a gauze or paper napkin. The cleaned tip is inserted into the second nostril.

Vacuum devices are assembled according to the instructions. The device consists of 2 flasks and a tip, one is attached to the vacuum cleaner. There is a hole on it to adjust the power. To reduce the suction power, it is covered, to increase it is closed. The vacuum cleaner is turned on when the device is assembled and the tip is inserted into the nostril. Vacuum aspirators can be operated manually. One end is freed from the conical tip. Mom takes it in her mouth and pulls the snot out of the baby's nose. After the procedure, the device is disassembled and all parts are sterilized.

The electric aspirator is equipped with a silicone nozzle, it is inserted into the nostril, the device is turned on. The second nostril at this time is covered with the index finger. The baby can be in a sitting position.

Safety precautions when using aspirator

Children do not like nose cleaning procedures, their sudden movements can lead to mucosal injury. If the device is used incorrectly, bleeding is possible due to the fact that the nozzle sticks to the wall of the nose. During the procedure, it is necessary to control the depth of insertion of the tip, do not leave it in the nostril.

Contraindications for use

The use of devices for sucking snot is contraindicated in case of obstruction of the nasal passages, neoplasms in the nasopharynx, frequent bleeding. It is worth purchasing the device only after examining the child by an ENT doctor.

The best brands for newborns

Evaluate which is better, according to the technical parameters and the manufacturer. When buying, price also matters. Approximate prices for the most popular models are shown in the table.

"Otrivin baby"

In terms of ease of use, safety, the Otrivin baby mechanical aspirator can be put in one of the first places. It is equipped with 3 removable nozzles, a mouthpiece, a container for collecting mucus. Its safety has been confirmed by clinical trials. Mucus is removed perfectly, re-entry into the nasal cavity is excluded, air circulates in one direction. The device can be used to wash the nose.

Country of origin Hungary. The nozzle pump is powered by a conventional household vacuum cleaner. Nose cleaning is fast and efficient. The nozzles are soft, the body is made of high-strength plastic. The transparent tube of the device allows you to control the process.

pigeon baby

The device is approved for use from birth. The aspirator is made of polypropylene and silicone. The mucus is collected in a vial. A nozzle is inserted into the nose of the child, the adult sucks the mucus through a tube.

Nasal aspirator Nosefrida

The comfortable nasal aspirator is made in Sweden. To protect the tube from mucus, hygienic filters are included. The round shape of the tip eliminates mucosal damage. The cleaning procedure takes little time thanks to the large mucus collection tank. You can use the model from 3 months.

The mechanical device is made in France, made of soft material. A short tube reduces the time for clearing the nose of snot to a minimum. The tube is easily cleared of mucus using the supplied brush.

"Aqua Maris"

Equipped with super soft nozzles (4 pcs.) with a filter, when they are replaced, the aspirator can be used repeatedly. There is a hygienic plastic case for storing the device.

Coclean New

The appliance is made in Korea. It begins to be used when the child is one month old. This is a novelty, it is used as a nozzle pump and for spraying. The device is equipped with several nozzles (narrow tip, spray nozzle) and a built-in battery.


The device is electric, can be powered by batteries, there is a power button. The device is highly hygienic, it does not need to be washed. The tip is changed before each procedure. All parts are made of soft plastic, they do not injure the nasal mucosa. The nozzle pump can be put into operation from 3 months.


The device has a convenient shape, can be easily disassembled and washed. The material is durable, it is a flexible, soft plastic. The shape of the tip is anatomical, it provides high-quality mucus removal. To adjust the power, the device is equipped with a foam rubber filter.

happy baby

The mechanism of action is vacuum. Efficient and fast mucus removal is provided by a convenient nozzle. There are disposable nozzles on sale, their use increases the degree of hygiene of the cleaning procedure. Maintenance of the device is simple. There is little time for disassembly, washing. Any model of aspirator is designed to clean the nose from liquid mucus. They do not remove the dried secret.

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Children's aspirators. Types and overview of nasal aspirators (nozzle pumps)

Until the age of 3, children still do not know how to free their nose from mucus on their own, and the common cold turns into a living hell with various complications: chronic runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media and other infectious inflammations of the internal organs. The baby's nose fills with mucus, it becomes difficult for him to breathe. This changes his normal lifestyle, because with a stuffy nose, the child cannot breathe properly and cries; he stops eating, sleeps badly. That is why, with a runny nose, they need the help of adults who, armed with a nasal aspirator (nozzle pump), will wash the children's nose and remove the irritating substances that caused the discharge. The use of a nasal aspirator eliminates snot much faster and more effectively without damaging the nasal mucosa and thereby facilitates breathing, and the baby's well-being improves. The child recovers faster. Types of nasal aspirators 1. Nasal syringe aspirator. The simplest nasal aspirator is a rubber "pear" (enema, syringe), the smallest size. Some syringes are made with soft silicone nozzles so as not to injure the delicate tissues of the nasal mucosa and a wide tip that prevents too deep penetration into the nasal passage. The principle of operation of the aspirator-syringe is that the “pear” must be squeezed to release air from it, then insert the tip into the child’s nostril (while the second one should be closed) and, gently unclenching the syringe, pump out the secretions. This procedure is not particularly pleasant, and the baby may protest. But he may have an incentive to master the handkerchief. 2. Mechanical nasal aspirator. Mechanical aspirators (tubes) are also commercially available - they remove mucous impurities from a child's nose with the help of a mother's mouth. The principle of operation of the aspirator-tube is that by inserting the end of the tube into the child's nostril, the mother herself can regulate the force of retraction, since the other end of the tube leads to a special reservoir, from which the mother blows air. This type of apirator is more effective and less traumatic than the previous one. 3. Electronic nasal aspirator. The principle of operation of the electronic aspirator - the mother needs to bring the tip to the nostril and press the button. Some electronic aspirators, in addition to suction, also have an aerosol function - moisturizing and washing the nasal cavity. 4. Vacuum aspirator (nozzle pump) connected to a vacuum cleaner. Suction of mucus occurs with a vacuum cleaner. See below for more details (aspirator Ariana, aspirator Benny). You can use the aspirator several times a day - before feeding and at bedtime. If the discharge is thick and difficult to remove, it is recommended to drip a special saline solution into the nose before using the aspirator. A weak saline solution cleanses the child's sinuses, thins the discharge well, does not dry the nasal mucosa, is not addictive and allows daily use, helping to restore healthy breathing. For washing the nose, they most often use: - saline (saline), aka spray "Salin", "Aqua Maris", "Marimer"; - decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus); - you can use any mineral water, as well as a solution of sea salt. Saline is easy to prepare yourself 9 gr. (1 tsp) edible salt per 1 liter. boiled water, soda solution is also prepared. Overview of nasal aspirators presented on the Ukrainian market Nasal aspirator with a soft nozzle (pear, enema, douche) It is used not only during illness, but also as a daily hygiene product, for example, after a bath. The soft nozzle gently, without injuring the child's nostrils and nasal mucosa, sucks out the mucus. Complies with European CE environmental standards. Can be washed with hot soapy water, do not boil. Individual packing. The baby aspirator is a rubber balloon with a soft silicone tip; the bottle has a large enough capacity. After each use, the aspirator should be thoroughly washed in warm soapy water; The silicone tip can be easily removed from the balloon. The price is approximately 6-20 UAH. Nozzle pump for children Ariana (Babyvac Arianna)

Arianna's lineup has been replenished with a unique device - a nasal aspirator for children. The new device is designed for the little ones: it will quickly clear the nose in case of a runny nose and a cold. Arianna's new Magic Nasal Aspirator is ideal for home use. In a few seconds, the suction nozzle will clear the spout of secretions. After use, the device can be easily disassembled and washed. Suction of secretions cannot damage the nasal mucosa. The device itself selects the required power of work. Before the procedure, it is desirable to moisten the nose. The process itself must be carried out with pauses of a few seconds until the discharge comes out. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, until the child is completely cured. Discharges are removed efficiently and without discomfort. Is the suction with the vacuum cleaner too harsh? No, because the instrument is not used with true vacuum power. The device itself regulates the necessary power of operation, thus achieving a vacuum of continuous suction, which allows the suction of nasal secretions from deep channels. The process itself must be carried out with pauses of a few seconds, while the secretions come out, continuous suction can last up to 30 seconds. Is it painful to use a nasal aspirator powered by a room vacuum cleaner? Does it create discomfort? Painful - no way. Babies generally don't like it when they try to clean their nose, and using our device is no more frustrating than others. Is it possible for babies? If nasal breathing becomes difficult or the infant's nose is blocked, it is very important to use a nasal aspirator, because the newborn cannot yet breathe through the mouth, and therefore sleeps poorly and suckles at the breast. How often can a nasal aspirator be used? Any time a child has difficulty breathing or needs to blow their nose. No, exactly the same as with normal blowing. Is it necessary to use a home vacuum cleaner? It is impossible to completely remove secretions from the nasal passages with weak suction. The developers of the aspirator (children's nozzle pump) took into account the safety of use for a child from birth. The aspirator is equipped with a top flask with double swirl technology, which makes it ABSOLUTELY SAFE to connect it to your home vacuum cleaner. Will the child be afraid of the vacuum aspirator? Children behave differently: some are afraid at the beginning, then get used to the suction procedure using a nasal aspirator, others calmly perceive it as a toy from the very beginning. In any case, it is recommended to use this device only under supervision and in the presence of an adult. Is this procedure sterile enough? A nasal aspirator does not have to be sterile, just as a saliva aspirator in dental offices is not sterile. After use, the device can be easily disassembled. It is enough to sterilize by boiling the tip of the device "A", which comes into direct contact with the child's nose, the rest of the device is simply washed well with a warm solution of detergent, then rinsed well with running water. Tip: A nasal aspirator that connects to a home vacuum cleaner is recommended for use with heavy (thick or not) secretions. Excessive use of the nasal aspirator may contribute to increased discharge. Local drug treatment should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. The price is approximately 170-200 UAH.

Marimer nasal aspirator

Aspirator tube for newborns. Made in France. The price is approximately 230-260 UAH.

Children's nasal aspirator Narhinel

The new device is designed for the little ones: it will quickly clear the nose in case of a runny nose and a cold. The nasal aspirator is ideal for home use. In a few seconds, the aspirator will clear the spout of secretions. Complete set (1-aspirator, 2-reusable nozzles with filters). An additional 10 filter attachments are sold separately. 1. Attach the replacement tip to the aspirator body 2. Insert the tip into one of the child's nasal passages. 3. Gently draw in air through your mouth with even breaths through the mouthpiece ... Gradually increase the force of suction until the mucus collects in a transparent tank. Continue sk for complete clearing of the nostril. Inside the tank, a special filter keeps the mucus out of the nose. 4. Repeat the procedure for the other nasal passage. 5. Discard the used tip to avoid re-infection. 6. Aspirator with nozzles does not require special temperature storage conditions. The aspirator should be kept out of the reach of children, as the product contains small parts. The price is approximately 130-270 UAH.

Nasal aspirator for children WC-150 (12 melodies) (B.Well)

The Electronic Nasal Aspirator is designed for greater safety, it is easy to handle and compact for use at home and on the go. Mucus is collected in the transparent part of the nasal aspirator, where its amount can be seen. The soft nozzle does not irritate the mucous membrane of the child's nose, and the special shape prevents it from penetrating deep into the nose. The aspirator is comfortable to hold and use. To distract the child, it is possible to turn on the music. 12 well-known children's melodies are stored in the aspirator's memory. With the sounds of beautiful music, the child will feel more comfortable. Size: 15 cm high. 2 batteries included. The price is approximately 380-440 UAH.

Nasal aspirator NoseFrida

NoseFrida was developed by otolaryngologists to meet all hygiene and safety requirements for both children and users. The nasal aspirator does not irritate the child's sensitive nasal mucosa. Recommended by Swedish pediatricians. Used with special hygienic filters. The NoseFrida hygiene filters used in the aspirator prevent the possibility of transmission of infection from the child to the user. The aspirator in the set consists of: a tube with a nozzle in which a hygienic one is inserted on one side and a red nozzle (oral part) on the other. The shape of the main tube (which is connected to the nozzle in which the filter is installed) prevents any contact with the nasal mucosa even when the child makes a sudden movement. Aspirator cleaning. Wash NoseFrida after each use with soap and warm water. Rinse and let dry. Replace hygiene filter. The price is approximately 180-220 UAH.

Children's nasal aspirator Otrivin baby

Otrivin Baby - nasal aspirator for children (newborns, infants and young children) - a special device used for the common cold and rhinitis in children and designed to remove mucous secretions from the nose that disturb the child, as well as for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity. Mode of application. Attach the replacement nozzle to the aspirator body. Insert the tip into one of the child's nasal passages. Gently draw in air through your mouth with even breaths through the mouthpiece. Repeat the procedure for the other nasal passage To avoid re-infection, the used nozzle should be discarded. The aspirator with nozzles does not require special temperature storage conditions. The aspirator should be kept out of the reach of children, as the product contains small parts. Shelf life is 5 years, the expiration date is indicated on the packaging. Replaceable nozzles in the amount of 10 pieces are sold separately for the nasal aspirator Manufacturer: Novartis Consumer Health / Novartis, Switzerland Price approximately 190-240 UAH.

Children's nasal aspirator Benny

How to use: Attach the bell-shaped end of the tube to the inner tube of the vacuum cleaner. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and adjust the required suction force with the vacuum modulator of the vacuum cleaner. Attach the end of the tube to your nose. Due to the vacuum effect, the slime will move into the canister. With breaks of 30 seconds, suction can be repeated several times. Do not leave the child unattended. Removes mucus with a constant, stable pressure of 0.02 bar, regardless of the suction power of the vacuum cleaner. The price is approximately 160-190 UAH.

Aspirator for children "Elephant"

The aspirator is designed to suction mucus from the nose in children. Scope of application - dignity. hygiene in preschool, medical institutions, as well as at home. Preparation for use at home: Wipe the tip with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then rinse with running water and rinse with boiled water. Disinfect the aspirator balloon by boiling in water for at least 30 minutes, then rinse with boiled water. In the future, rinse the bottle with warm water. Preparation for use in medical institutions: Before the first use, rinse the balloon and handpiece with warm water. Sterilize the handpiece by completely immersing it in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution for 6 hours at room temperature, then rinsing with distilled water. Disinfect the aspirator balloon by boiling in distilled water for (30+5) minutes, then rinse with distilled water. Application: A transparent tip is introduced into the nasal cavity, while squeezing an elastic balloon to create a vacuum and suck out the mucus. Note: The design of the tip prevents mucus from entering the balloon. Storage: Children's aspirator is stored at room temperature. The price is approximately 10-15 UAH.

Nuby Nasal Aspirator

Ingredients: soft pear, nose cleaner (Purtex), ear cleaner (silicone), Purtex soft tip is safe for baby's nose and ear. The suction procedure is simple and effective. To implement it, you need to press the pear and place the tip opposite the child's nostrils. By slowly releasing the pear, you gently expel the mucus. Clean the handpiece after each procedure. Care: Before and after use, the aspirator should be thoroughly washed with warm soapy water and dried. Attention: Do not squeeze the bulb if the tip is in the area of ​​the child's nostrils. The external ear canal can be cleaned with a special ear tip. The nozzle easily puts on a pear of an aspirator. After changing the nozzle, press the aspirator, bring it to the child's ear and gently release. This method of cleaning babies' ears is the only medically approved method. Caution: Do not squeeze the aspirator bulb in front of the child's ear. Do not use swabs to clean the ear canal. Do not leave your child unattended while using this or a similar baby care accessory. The product is made of safe, durable, non-toxic materials: plastic, polypropylene, elastomer, silicone. The price is approximately 140-190 UAH.

Nasal aspirator ATOPITA

Invented by a rhinologist. The double tube prevents nasal secretions from entering the mother's mouth, even if the baby is lying down. The ends of the device, placed in the mouth and nose, are made of bactericidal material, which ensures their hygienic qualities. The tip of the tube in contact with the child's nose is round and does not penetrate deep into the nose, so it does not damage the mucous membrane when the child moves. Recommended for use for both infants and adults. How to use: Place the mouthpiece in the mouth, insert the special end into the child's nostril and suck, adjusting the force. If liquid secretions pour out of the nose a little or are sucked in with air, then insert the end deeper into the baby's nose. The discharge will come out easier if you remove the dried discharge with cotton (cotton swab) soaked in baby oil. Rinse: Dismantle the instrument and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Storage order: Dry the device, assemble and put in a special case. Do not use with suppuration or the presence of wounds in the nose. Increased absorption can cause mucosal damage and sometimes lead to bleeding. If you have frequent nosebleeds, see a doctor (rhinologist). Use only for suction of secretions from the nose. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf-life Unlimited. Manufacturer: Pigeon Corporation, Japan. The price is approximately 130-150 UAH.

Pigeon Baby Nose Aspirator

Usage: Sterilize with boiling water. A jar for collecting mucus cannot be sterilized with boiling water. Fix the baby's head, press the tip tightly to the baby's nose, keep the edge of the tip slightly higher than the jar. The junction of the hose and the base of the handpiece should be turned up and slightly towards you. Start slowly, adjusting the force, suck. Shelf-life Unlimited. Product composition: polypropylene, silicone, hydrogenated styrene copolymer. Manufacturer: Pigeon Corporation, Japan. The price is approximately 130-150 UAH.

Aspirator for children with soft suction Bebe Confort

The Bebe Confort children's aspirator allows you to clear a clogged nose of a child and remove all internal secretions without pain. Consists of a handpiece, a mucus reservoir and a parallel tube. The silicone tip is inserted into the child's nose. At the same time, the mother draws in air through a parallel tube, and the mucus enters the reservoir at the bottom of the aspirator. The baby's nasal cavity is cleaned quickly and effectively. Designed for babies over 3 months old. The size and shape of the nozzles are made taking into account the anatomy of the child at this age. The nozzles are made of soft silicone and are safe for your baby's nose. The shape and size of the nozzles correspond to the anatomy of the nose of a child of this age. They are made of soft silicone and do not injure the mucous membrane of the child. Producer: Bebe Confort (France) Price approximately 110-150 UAH.

Aspirator Goemar "Physiomer Physiomer" for the nose

Composition: soft nozzle; mucus obstruction; filter for disposable use; suction tube; tip; 5 filters for single use. The Physiomer® Infant Nasal Aspirator is a gentle, effective and fast way to relieve your child of nasal congestion. The soft nozzle of the aspirator is specially designed for a small and sensitive baby nose. The transparent material from which the aspirator is made allows you to see and control the amount of mucus removed from your baby's nose. Disposable filters guarantee clean and hygienic use. How to use: Rinse the Physiomer® nasal aspirator before use. Lay your child on their back in a comfortable position. Insert the soft tip of the nasal aspirator into the child's nostril and inhale through the suction tube. The mucus will collect in the hygienic sealed filter and will not leak out of the suction tube. Repeat the procedure with the second nostril. Gently lift the child up so that the remaining mucus flows out of the nose. Wipe your nose with a clean cloth. After each use, rinse the nasal aspirator with warm water and dry it well. Change the filter after each use. The price is approximately 125-158 UAH.

Anatomical Suavinex nasal aspirator

It is used to more conveniently remove nasal discharge, clean the nose of infants and young children who do not yet know how to blow their own noses. High-quality anatomical nozzle pump made in Spain. The aspirator is designed to easily and safely remove mucus from a baby's nose. It can be used for infants, for whom it is especially important to establish free breathing through the nose. The price is approximately 110-140 UAH.

Children's aspirator Tigex

It is used in children from 0 to 24 months. Allows you to easily clear your baby's nose. The flexible tip will protect the child from damage. The non-slip shape allows the aspirator to be used with one hand. Easy to use and wash. Can be completely disassembled. The tip can be sterilized. The price is approximately 110-150 UAH.

Nasal aspirator nozzle pump Chicco Nasonet

Very effective nasal aspirator. A soft plastic "bottle" that is inserted into the child's nose, the tube goes into the mother's mouth. In this way, much more snot is sucked out than with a simple aspirator. You can adjust the suction power. There is a foam filter inside the ¨bottle¨, so the pumped liquid accumulates in the bottle, does not go back and is not absorbed by mother's mouth. Producer: Chicco (Italy). The price is approximately 120-150 UAH.

Chicco aspirator Chicco nasal aspirator (+ NASONET drops included)

Chicco aspirator Chicco nasal aspirator (+ NASONET drops included) Aspirator to remove mucus from a child's nose. The kit includes two bottles of physiological sterile sodium solution, completely ready for injection into the spout. Producer: Chicco (Italy). The price is approximately 110-140 UAH.

Aspirator special, 3 in 1 Bebe Confort "Nasal Kit"

Can be used from birth. The size and shape of the nozzles are made taking into account the anatomy of the child's nose. 1 nozzle. Designed for washing the nose of babies from 0 to 5 years. Spraying saline solution with a light touch 2 nozzles. The aspirator is suitable for babies from 0 to 9 months. Accurate suction of mucus from the nose of the newborn by pulling the piston 3 nozzle. Children's aspirator for babies from 10 months. Hygienic: can be disassembled and washed. Storage case included. Producer: Bebe Confort (France) Price approximately 140-180 UAH

Aspirator and syringe in the children's set "Malyatko"

The aspirator is designed to suction mucus from the nose in children. Scope of application - dignity. hygiene in preschool, medical institutions, as well as at home. The aspirator has no contraindications for use. Preparation for use at home: wipe the tip with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then rinse with running water and rinse with boiled water. Disinfect the aspirator balloon by boiling in water for at least 30 minutes, then rinse with boiled water. In the future, rinse the bottle with warm water. A transparent tip is inserted into the nasal cavity or tightly attached to it, while squeezing an elastic balloon to create a vacuum and suck out the mucus. The design of the tip prevents mucus from entering the balloon. The price is approximately 5-15 UAH

When a newborn has a runny nose, do not rush to buy drops - use a nasal aspirator. Rules for using the device. Review of the best brands.

Runny nose is a common occurrence in infants. It is provoked not only by an infection, an allergy or a cold. Discharge from the nose also appears as an adaptive reaction of a small organism to new conditions of existence. And the growth of crusts can be a consequence of dry air in the room. But in any case, the baby is uncomfortable: the nose is clogged, it is impossible to eat and sleep. The baby is worried, crying and naughty.

But do not rush to run to the pharmacy for saving drops - the newborn does not need extra medicines. Use a nasal aspirator - it will be a real salvation in a difficult situation.

What it is?

Children under the age of 2 cannot blow their nose on their own. The mucous secret, accumulating in the nose, thickens and becomes a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. In addition, a baby with a stuffy nose begins to breathe through the mouth, opening infections and cold air directly into the throat. There is a need to help the baby get rid of snot. How to do it?

Not so long ago, pediatricians advised young parents to clean the crusts of a newborn with a cotton turunda soaked in oil. It had to be inserted into the baby's nasal passage, scrolled and abruptly removed. The painful procedure frightened the baby, caused severe discomfort, and sometimes injured the delicate mucous membrane. Today, the need for such executions has disappeared: modern mothers use nasal aspirators - special devices that allow you to quickly, efficiently and painlessly remove accumulated mucus in a small nose. In the people, they are capaciously and accurately called nozzle pumps.

Everything ingenious is simple. The same can be said about the mechanism of action of these medical devices, which are actually pumps:

  1. A vacuum is formed in the aspirator, the tip of which is inserted into the nostril.
  2. The resulting pressure difference pushes the mucus out of the nasal cavity.
  3. As a result, the nozzles fall into a special reservoir, freeing the respiratory passages.

I must say that these devices will be useful not only for babies. They can be used by people of any age prone to otitis media. After all, blowing your nose for this category of patients is categorically contraindicated, since in this case mucus can get into the auditory tube and cause inflammation.

What to choose?

“Do you want manual or electronic?” - with such a question, a pharmacist can drive even the most experienced parents into a dead end. Indeed, the choice of nasal aspirators today is great. They differ in appearance, design complexity and price. How to choose the most suitable option for the baby? What to pay attention to? Let's figure it out.

mechanical type

It is a long, transparent, flexible tube. One of its ends is equipped with a soft rounded nozzle designed for insertion into the baby's nasal cavity. The other one ends with a mouthpiece, which the adult takes into his mouth and draws in air. The resulting pressure drop pushes the mucus into the tube, and then into a special reservoir, where it accumulates, since the replaceable protective filter does not allow the liquid secret to move further along the aspirator.

The mechanical design has many "pluses":

  • specially provided limiters control the depth of insertion of the apparatus into the baby's nose;
  • the soft material of the tips protects the mucosa from injury;
  • pumping out the secret is quick and painless;
  • an adult can adjust the strength and speed of aspiration;
  • a transparent tube makes it possible to track the quantity and quality of the pumped out mucus;
  • low, within 200 rubles, the price makes the device affordable.

But there are some "cons":

  • a thick and deep-seated secret cannot be cleaned with such an apparatus;
  • there is always a risk of adult infection, as bacteria and viruses can enter the oral cavity;
  • after each procedure, the device requires mandatory thorough washing and boiling.
  • protective filters are disposable and must be replaced before each use of the aspirator. They, and in some models also interchangeable tips, will have to be bought separately;

Electronic type

This device consists of a tip with a soft nozzle, a transparent container for the accumulation of mucus and a comfortable handle, which has a built-in miniature motor that creates a vacuum and batteries. The design is activated by a simple push of a button.

What is good about the electronic version of the aspirator:

  • effective in use, continuous exposure perfectly cleans the baby's nose;
  • a transparent container makes it possible to track how much liquid secretion comes out;
  • allows not only to treat rhinitis, but also to carry out its prevention, thanks to the additional function of washing and irrigating the mucous membranes;
  • funny melodies that sound during manipulations turn a serious procedure into a game, relaxing the child;
  • this electrical device works mainly on batteries, which allows you to take it with you even for a walk;
  • low power protects against damage to the mucous membrane and injuries of the nasal cavity.

I must say that such a mechanism is not cheap: from 1200 rubles. In addition to the high price, it makes you think about the expediency of the acquisition:

  1. The fragility of the device, especially with careless handling.
  2. The need for frequent battery replacement.
  3. The inability to adjust the power of aspiration.
  4. Absolute uselessness in case of thick discharge from the nose.
  5. Nozzles and the reservoir are easily removed, washed and disinfected. The main thing is not to forget to do it immediately after the procedure.

vacuum type

Devices of this type have recently appeared on the market. This is a silicone tube with removable tips. One of them is inserted into the baby's nose, the other is attached to a special device that creates negative pressure. As a result, in 15 seconds, the mucus from the small nose is effectively sucked out and settled in a special container.

Many parents consider such a device to be the best, as it:

  • practically does not break;
  • safe and effective;
  • allows you to adjust the suction power;
  • easy to disassemble and wash.

True, some manufacturers recommend using a conventional vacuum cleaner as an apparatus that creates a vacuum, and this is not always convenient. In addition, kids are often frightened by the loud noise of the unit and flatly refuse the frightening procedure.

The same principle of operation underlies the operation of portable medical aspirators, such as AMP - MP - 1, with the help of which fluid is removed from the upper respiratory tract of newborns and resuscitation is carried out or emergency medical care is provided.

Manual type

The aspirator in the form of a syringe has been known since the time of our great-grandmothers. This primitive device is a rubber pear and a soft tip inserted into the baby's nose. Despite its simplicity, this mechanism is very popular among modern parents, thanks to:

  • ease of use: just squeeze the rubber container and insert the tip into the baby's nose;
  • straightening, the syringe, along with air, also draws in liquid secretions;
  • practicality in care: the device is easy to clean and can withstand boiling;
  • availability: the price of such an aspirator is quite low, and you can buy it at any pharmacy;
  • economy: no additional parts required.

But with this device you need to be careful:

  1. Due to the lack of restraints, the tip can penetrate too deep into the nasal passage and cause injury to the baby.
  2. The opacity of the pear makes it impossible to control the amount, color and consistency of the pumped out contents.
  3. It is better to choose an aspirator with a wide neck or a detachable one. Such models are easier to wash and dry, and thus prevent the development of harmful microorganisms inside the pear.

famous brands

Taking into account the feedback from parents, you can make a kind of rating of the popularity and demand for children's nasal aspirators.

Mom and dad give the first place to the Otrivin baby mechanical type apparatus. Cheap and effective, it is used both for the treatment of acute conditions with excess mucus and purulent discharge, and for prevention. The model involves the withdrawal of liquid secretion along with air through the outlet tube. Additionally, you will have to buy replacement nozzles and foam filters. The attached instruction describes in detail the entire algorithm of the procedure, which must not be violated. Store the device in a sealed package, preventing it from drying out or freezing. If you want to purchase a similar model, but cheaper, opt for an aspirator "Asterisk Baby 0+".

"Pigeon" - a Japanese device developed in conjunction with the best otolaryngologists. The sucked secret accumulates in a special receiver and, thanks to a special design, does not fall back into the baby's nasal cavity. The outlet tube is so flexible that the procedure can be carried out at any angle. Additional filters are not required. The kit includes a special case for storing the device.

B.Well WC-150 ("Clean nose")- This is an automatic aspirator that runs on batteries. Many parents note the handy shape and ease of use. There are only two buttons on the panel. The upper one turns the device on and off, the lower one, with a note, starts the musical accompaniment. Nozzles of different sizes allow you to adjust the depth of penetration into the nasal cavity. The device can be easily disassembled into its component parts, cleaned and washed.

The famous Italian company "Chicco" also did not ignore nasal aspirators, creating its own version. A soft pear and an anatomically shaped nozzle - everything is simple and clear. Elastic materials do not injure the mucous membrane of a small nose, they are easily compressed. Of the noted inconveniences - the need to press down the second nostril during the procedure and low efficiency in the fight against thick snot.

A pediatrician will help you choose the right aspirator that is ideal for your child. He will also explain how to use the device correctly in order to alleviate the condition of the baby and do no harm.

How to work with an aspirator?

Carefully read the instructions that came with the device. It will vary depending on the type of construction. But the basic provisions are the same for all types.

Preparatory stage

Before use:

To overcome the fear of an unfamiliar procedure, older children need to be psychologically prepared. Explain to the baby what and why you will do. Perform aspiration on yourself. Give the child the opportunity to hold the device in his hands, examine it and “clean” the doll’s nose.

Carrying out the procedure

The quality of aspiration largely depends on the condition of the child. It is better to take a newborn in your arms: feeling the warmth of the mother's body, he will behave calmer. Now let's get down to business:

Children's doctor Komarovsky warns of extra caution when using nasal aspirators. After all, even a professional device with soft nozzles and limiters in inept hands can turn into an instrument of torture. The mucous membranes in the nasal cavity of a child are very delicate, they are easy to injure during cleaning. If such a nuisance nevertheless occurred, and bleeding began, tilt the baby's head forward, and press the affected nostril with your finger against the wing of the nose.

Indications and contraindications

You should not immediately take on the aspirator if the baby has a slightly runny nose - in this case, the body itself must cope with the problem by training immune defenses. But the absolute indication for the use of the device is an abundant liquid discharge from the nose of a viral, infectious or catarrhal etiology, in which the child:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • disturbed sleep and feeding;
  • anxiety and whims are observed.

It is worth aspiration when the nasal passage is clogged, and there is little discharge, especially if they form against the background of poor general health, high fever and weakness. But in this case, the procedure will require mandatory preliminary softening of a thick or dry secret.

It is important to know that this seemingly harmless manipulation has a number of contraindications. These include:

The procedure should not be abused. Frequent use of an aspirator can lead to a violation of the microflora of the nasal cavity, drying out and thinning of the mucous membranes. It is worth using the device only as needed, in the acute period - no more than 3 times a day, before feeding and sleeping, strictly following the instructions and precautions. Only in this case, your baby's breathing will become easy and free.