Breast massage: how to develop the thoracic ducts and drain milk after childbirth? Performing breast massage during feeding to increase lactation Breast massage to increase milk.

Before the birth of a child, expectant mothers are most worried about how the fetus develops inside and how the birth will go. However, when the most long-awaited and difficult day is behind, a lot of new worries fall on the woman. There are many questions about breastfeeding. Of course, the best option for the baby is natural feeding, but for this it is very important that the woman in labor does not have stagnation of breast milk.

Causes and signs of stagnation of milk after childbirth

Stagnation of breast milk in medical practice is better known as lactostasis. This phenomenon is quite common in the postpartum period and gives the woman and the newborn a lot of inconvenience.

The first signs that milk has stagnated in the breast are:

  1. Hardened mammary glands. The chest swells, it becomes like a stone. Seals resembling lumps are felt in it.
  2. Feeling of fullness in the chest.
  3. Soreness. Touching, even minimally, the breast with stagnant milk in the ducts can cause a woman to have a severe attack of pain.
  4. Uneven flow of milk during pumping. From some ducts there is a normal flow of milk, while from others it is released drop by drop, or not at all.

If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, then on the next day symptoms such as:

  • elevated temperature;
  • reddened chest;
  • the inability to painlessly touch the mammary glands.

Such stagnation is more often observed in the first month after childbirth. The danger is the subsequent development of mastitis, an inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the mammary glands. This disease requires antibiotics, sometimes surgery is necessary.

The main reasons that can provoke stagnation of milk in the breast are:

  1. Irregular attachment of the baby to the breast.
  2. Change from colostrum to milk. This process occurs 2-5 days after the birth of the baby. At this time, the flow of milk is very strong, but its amount may not meet the needs of the baby, and the feeding rhythm has not yet been established.
  3. Incorrect technique of applying to the chest. Women who have become mothers for the first time, like the child himself, do not yet have sufficient experience in this matter.
  4. Weak sucking reflex. Many babies are born weak and their mouth has not yet developed, as a result of which they do not completely empty their breasts when feeding.
  5. Neglect of pumping. Until breastfeeding has improved, the woman needs to decipher before feeding.

How can you deal with the problem?

Lactostasis is a serious problem that requires immediate treatment, since the health of a woman and a child depends on it. The surest and most natural way to eliminate stagnation of the mammary glands is to apply crumbs to the chest more often. Babies remove the formed lumps and are able to quickly drain the problem breast.

It is important that the baby is in the correct position when feeding. He should rest his chin on the place where the seal is felt, then it will go away very quickly.

In addition, even if a woman has already begun to have a fever, this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. However, not always the mother has the opportunity to put the baby to the breast more often. In this situation, she needs to know how to properly develop her breasts with her hands or with a breast pump.

Expressing milk is another good way to fix the problem. The procedure should be carried out in stages:

  1. Warm shower or chest wash with warm water. As a result, local blood circulation improves and the expansion of the ducts of the mammary gland is stimulated.
  2. Pre-massage. Both mammary glands must be gently massaged. Movement should be smooth without strong compression.
  3. Pumping. Gently squeezing the chest, you should express milk, carefully listening to your own feelings.
  4. Cold compress. After carrying out such a manipulation, it is advisable to apply a ten-minute cool compress to the chest area.

Cold compresses between feedings for 20 minutes, applying a broken cabbage leaf, low-fat cottage cheese or cakes of flour and honey to the chest will also help to stop the pain.

At a temperature or severe pain, you cannot try to knead the chest with your hands on your own. You need to seek help from specialists.

Massage technique

An excellent way to develop the mammary glands so that milk comes in, as well as to prevent congestion, is a special massage. The video shows how to properly follow the technique of massaging the chest to achieve the proper result. However, it is even better when the procedure is performed by a knowledgeable person, or at least a qualified specialist will teach this woman.

The technique of competent massage, aimed at improving the discharge of breast milk, consists in observing the following rules and sequential actions:

  1. Stroking. Any procedure should begin with the preparation of the breasts. To do this, you just need to briefly stroke them from all sides.
  2. Kneading. After that, you need to carefully knead the chest with gentle movements of the hands.
  3. Directed stroke. Each breast must be stroked from the periphery to the nipple. This improves bleeding and milk flow.
  4. Compression. The chest is gently lifted up and squeezed from above with the second hand. Here you need to observe moderation and control the compression force.

Massage should be done regularly. The best time for the procedure is in the morning and before bedtime. Quality breast care also plays an important role. It should be washed with warm water every time before and after feeding and wiped dry. When cracks form on the nipples, they are recommended to be lubricated with baby cream.

There are situations when, after childbirth, the nipple remains not convex enough. Initially, you need to eliminate this problem, which can be dealt with with the help of massage. To this end, the nipple is gently pulled back with two fingers and massaged. You need to repeat the procedure regularly for several approaches a day.

The birth of a baby and the period of breastfeeding place a great responsibility on a woman. Mother's milk is a source of nutrients and vitamins for the health and development of the baby. For nursing mothers, it is important to monitor the diet so that the quality of milk does not deteriorate, follow the rules of hygiene, and take care of the breasts. Breast massage during feeding is a simple manipulation that is performed to improve lactation. It prevents stagnation of milk, relieves pain and tension in the mammary glands, and even improves their elasticity. What are the benefits and how to properly perform different types of breast massage while breastfeeding?

Breast massage, which is done during breastfeeding, is useful in that:

Since massage with GV prevents congestion in the mammary glands, it is also an effective prophylactic against fibrocystic mastopathy. It is worth paying special attention: during breastfeeding, massage should be performed exclusively in classical techniques. Such a variety of it as lymphatic drainage is prohibited at this stage, since it contributes to the outflow of toxins that can penetrate into milk and harm the health of the child.

Breast massage for lactation is desirable to do immediately before feeding. So the baby will receive the required amount of milk, and for the mother, feeding will be comfortable and almost painless. Massage procedures will not take much time. It is enough to perform them daily for 3-5 minutes for each mammary gland.

Massaging movements must be soft and gentle so that during the procedure the woman does not experience pain or discomfort. Massage during breastfeeding involves the use of the palms: fingers should not squeeze the chest in order to avoid discomfort and damage to the skin.

The procedure is performed sequentially: first one is massaged, and then the other breast. When massaging, it is important to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. The chest needs to be processed not only from above, but from all sides. They begin to do this from the center, gradually spreading movements to the edges. Those areas of the mammary glands, touching which causes the greatest discomfort, are given special attention.

During lactation, massage can be performed using oils for the procedure - for example, almond, olive or castor. They need to generously lubricate the palms and start massaging. Before performing a breast massage to increase lactation, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and lightly wash your chest. Soap or any other detergents should not be used, warm running water will suffice. Wiping your breasts with a towel is also not worth it - there is a risk of skin irritation. If necessary, it is better to use neutral liquid soap for washing, and to wipe the breasts, take soft wipes.

How to massage if milk stagnates?

Therapeutic massage for a nursing mother should be done when milk stagnation (lactostasis) is observed, caused by blockage of the ducts. In addition to this procedure, you will also need to pump.

Before you start doing breast massage, useful for nursing mothers, you need to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream or one of those oils that were mentioned earlier. This is done in order not to damage or irritate the skin of the chest.

It must be remembered: the movements should be light, stroking, kneading and rubbing. Increased pressure is excluded!

The massage technique is as follows:

  • First, light circular strokes of each breast with the palm of your hand are carried out. It is better to start from the upper part of the chest, under the collarbones. At this point, apply the most pressure (moderately!). As the palm moves towards the nipple, its intensity should weaken;
  • Then, with stroking movements of the fingertips, “draw” lines in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipple;
  • After that, they move on to light massaging the nipples. They need to be gently grasped with the thumb and forefinger and gently pulled to the sides. The occurrence of pain or discomfort indicates the need to reduce the pressure that the fingers put on the nipple;
  • Next, the nursing should tilt the body forward, relax, gently shake the chest with your hands. Thanks to this manipulation, the milk will move closer to the nipples, which will facilitate the subsequent feeding process;
  • You can complete the massage to increase lactation by taking a warm shower. In this case, a not too powerful jet of water should be directed to the mammary glands and sequentially perform rotating movements clockwise.

Massaging the breast, the mother must necessarily control the force of pressure.

You can massage the breast even with direct feeding of the child. It is advisable to do this if the chest is already empty, and the baby has not been satiated. Feeding should be interrupted for a few minutes and light stimulating massage movements around the mammary glands should be performed.

Do not forget: massage during breastfeeding is not a strictly mandatory procedure. But, if the lactation process is difficult for a nursing woman or she experiences chest pains, simple massaging movements will help normalize this.

Massage to increase milk supply should not be done unless there are feeding problems. The complex described above is not suitable for preventive purposes!

So, the answer to the question of whether breast massage can be done depends on the condition of the mother and the amount of milk that the newborn needs.

How to do prophylactic massage?

Preventive massage is different from therapeutic massage. It will be useful even if everything is in order with lactation.

You need to execute it like this:

  • Gently stroke the chest with multidirectional movements over the entire area;
  • Massage the mammary glands in circular or zigzag movements, using the fingertips;
  • Knead, lightly squeeze and press;
  • To carry out vibrational movements, that is, quickly and sharply, but with moderate pressure, acting on the chest with your fingers.

What other ways can you increase lactation?

When breastfeeding, in order to increase lactation, you can not only do a massage, but also perform special stimulating exercises. Both procedures can be combined.

Exercises are performed as follows:

The technique of self-massage of the breast for nursing mothers is really effective and helps the mother to endure the lactation period less painfully. Do not be zealous when performing a massage: the main thing is moderation.

From the first days of life, a newborn baby needs mother's milk. The benefits of breastfeeding are to protect the baby's body from infections and viruses due to the immune component, prepare the digestive system for coarser food, and provide the child's body with all the necessary nutrients and trace elements.

Breast massage for lactation allows both to normalize the process of milk arrival in women after childbirth (during the recovery period of its production), and helps to stimulate its flow in nursing mothers.

Anatomical and physiological features of the mammary gland

During pregnancy, the main stages of the restructuring of the female body occur. It should be noted that this also applies to the mammary glands. The breast noticeably increases in size and grows in the first and third trimester, although the processes in tissues and structures aimed at preparing for breastfeeding go on throughout pregnancy. This is due to a change in the hormonal background and an increase in blood supply.

In the first days after childbirth, during feeding, colostrum (thick yellowish-white discharge) is noted from the breast, which contains all the substances bypassed by the child's body. Within 2 - 3 days, the period of milk arrival begins: the breast fills up, swells, increases in volume, and the discharge becomes less thick and lighter.

Hello doctor, are there any methods of breast massage so that milk comes immediately?

Expert answer:

Hello. In order for milk to come, breast massage for lactation should be performed regularly and correctly. You should not expect this to happen after the first procedure, but you will feel that the milk begins to flow. Use a combination of several techniques (breast shower massage, stroking, nipple massage, breast lift) to achieve the desired effect faster.

Indications for the use of breast massage for lactation

Breast massage for lactation before and after childbirth, as well as during breastfeeding, has several goals:

  1. Allows you to prepare the nipples and breasts of a woman, which is a good prevention of cracks.
  2. Indirectly affects the production of milk, increases its flow.
  3. It is aimed at improving the blood supply to this zone, which helps to increase the tone of the chest.
  4. If the massage is carried out correctly, then the outflow of milk is established, and, consequently, the likelihood of mastitis decreases, which is especially effective for lactostasis.

How to do breast massage for lactation: the secrets of successful implementation

Before doing a massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands, examine the chest. If the skin of the mammary glands is not changed, there is no increase in temperature, there are no painful sensations, then you can proceed to the procedure.

If the mother is breastfeeding, then it is better to massage immediately before feeding!

The duration of the session averages from 3 to 7 minutes up to 5 times a day. Sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil are used as moisturizing oils. It is forbidden to use various synthetic oils and creams, as their components can pass into breast milk. There are two types of massage depending on the purpose:

  1. Massage to improve lactation.

Is it possible to carry out breast massage to enhance lactation at home?

Expert answer:

Hello. You can carry out breast massage to enhance lactation at home. However, it should be remembered that in case of unpleasant or painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. You can individually choose a program from the described techniques, based on your own feelings.

5 stages of breast massage to improve lactation

Light massage movements make stroking the chest in several directions:

  • from the center of the sternum to the armpit,
  • from the base of the breast to the nipple,
  • around the areola.

Repeat this combination 5-6 times!

  1. Hands are placed on the mammary glands in such a way that the nipples fall on the center of the palm, so the chest is lifted up 9-10 times.
  2. Two hands (one above, the other below) cover the chest, make light circular movements clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat 5-6 times.
  3. The nipple is clamped between the thumb and forefinger, make light rotational movements.
  4. Breast massage shower. Standing under a warm shower, you should direct the stream (the pressure of water should be light and not cause discomfort) in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipple. Up to 5 times for each breast.

The expected correct effect of this procedure is the absence of pain in the mammary glands when a sufficient amount of milk arrives. If milk appears at any stage, then it is worth interrupting the massage and feeding the baby. The remaining techniques should be postponed until the next feeding.

How to do breast massage while breastfeeding?

Expert answer:

Hello. Breast massage during feeding should be done immediately before feeding. Try each of the techniques separately, note those in which you feel the arrival of milk. Combine effective techniques.

  • They begin massage with lactostasis, as well as massage with lactation, with stroking, during which moderately painful areas of compaction are noticed, the skin over them should be of normal color, there should be no swelling and fever.
  • They try to massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification without resorting to physical effort. In this case, it is not the intensity of pressing or rubbing the zone that is important, but the duration of the work. The predominant massage movements should be considered circular in the area of ​​compaction, which alternate with light ones directed from the base of the breast to the nipple, the frequency of their repetitions should reach 10-15 times. If you experience intense pain or any other undesirable reactions, you should stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

According to the latest recommendations, gynecologists oppose expressing milk after each feeding, as this method in some cases can lead to trauma to the outflow tract. In individual cases, with an increased tendency to lactostasis, mastopathy and mastitis in history, the attending physician may advise expressing excess milk that has come.

  • Massage of the breast with a shower is contraindicated in lactostasis, as it can involuntarily cause it.
  • Dry heat is applied to problem areas a few minutes before the massage. Usually this role is played by an ironed diaper or handkerchief. The temperature of the applied object should be no more than 1 degree higher than the body temperature so as not to cause a burn and not stimulate the inflammation processes in this area. The use of heating pads, compresses is contraindicated, as it can provoke the development of mastitis.
  • Massage of the nipples with lactostasis is not carried out, since the reason for the process lies in the violation of the outflow of milk through the excretory ducts located in the thickness of the mammary gland, so stimulation of the nipples is meaningless.

If a painful infiltrate appears in the thickness of the mammary glands (the pain does not subside after feeding), a sharp deterioration in the general condition (weakness, lethargy), an increase in body temperature to 39 and above, not associated with a cold or any chronic disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When is it contraindicated to massage the breast

Contraindications to breast massage for lactation are:

  1. Abundant and normal milk production in the absence of lactostasis. In this case, further stimulation of an increase in milk production can lead to both the appearance of areas of milk stagnation, and in the future become the main cause of the development of mastitis.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the skin, breast. Improving blood supply in this area in the presence of even minor pustules can contribute to the spread of inflammatory agents in a woman's body up to sepsis. In cases where the infection enters the baby's intestines with breast milk, the failure of the immune system can manifest itself either as a severe form of dysbacteriosis or a non-specific immune response with the further development of secondary immunodeficiency.
  3. In the presence of any neoplasms (in cases where breastfeeding is not prohibited), massage is contraindicated before consulting a mammologist, since increased blood circulation can provoke the progression of the disease.
  4. With mastitis, the procedure is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to further spread of the process and its progression up to phlegmon of the mammary gland.
  5. At the end of breastfeeding, all actions aimed at ensuring that milk arrives should be excluded, and first of all this applies to massage.
  6. In case of serious chronic diseases from all organs and systems, breast massage is not recommended, as this can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of a woman and threaten her life.

How to do breast massage so that milk comes? I tried several methods, performing them every other day, but did not feel the effect.

Expert answer:

Hello. In order for breast massage for lactation to be effective, it should be done every day. Alternate different techniques, combine shower massage with stroking techniques, use nipple massage. Try to do this procedure before each feeding.

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For successful breastfeeding, it is often not enough to know only the physiology of the procedure, the technique of execution, and the correct feeding postures. Even experienced mothers with many children encounter all sorts of problems, such as,. And to cope with the disease that struck the breast of a nursing mother, massage will help. If in the first stages of the disease you can cope on your own, then in advanced cases you need to contact professional massage therapists. How to do breast massage - you will learn in our article.

Breastfeeding is different for every woman. Excess or lack of milk leads to chest discomfort. To relieve tension, doctors recommend massaging the bust, and it is worth starting immediately after childbirth.

The benefits of such procedures are obvious:

  • Massage with light movements relaxes the chest muscles and stimulates the mammary glands.
  • The correct, correctly executed massaging process will help eliminate stretch marks and sagging breasts.
  • Massage facilitates the flow of milk from the breast.
  • Helps to avoid clogging of blood vessels (lactostasis), through which colostrum flows, and subsequently milk.
  • It improves blood circulation in the breasts.

The procedure can be prescribed to almost any nurse: subject to all the rules for massaging the chest, no side effects or allergic reactions occur. There is definitely no such unambiguously positive recommendation for various kinds of drinks that improve lactation.

Types of massage

Among the many options for breast massage, there are four main techniques:

  • General. Its second name is light. Doctors recommend with a lack of milk in the first weeks of feeding, as well as in the prevention of lactostasis.
  • Therapeutic. It is prescribed and performed by specialists when it was not possible to avoid stagnation of milk in the breast. Compared to the classical one, it is more intense, because its function is to break the clogged vessels.
  • Lymphatic drainage. Experts do not recommend it to nursing mothers because the procedure removes waste products of cells, toxins that enter the bloodstream - and, as a result, breast milk.
  • Unconventionally dotted. Originally from Eastern countries. It is based on knowledge of certain areas of the human body. Point touches to the area of ​​concentration of nerve endings improve the process of secretion and discharge of milk. To bring the procedure to life, the presence of a massage specialist is required.

How to properly massage your breasts

Preparation for the procedure

In fact, learning self-massage is quite simple, you must follow all the recommendations. And act in a strict order.

  • First, rinse your breasts and nipples, wash your hands with soap and water. Remember - your hands must be warm! The touch of cold fingers to the chest constricts the blood vessels, respectively, the milk flow becomes more complicated.
  • Lubricate the hands and chest with a small amount of oil. The main thing to remember is that the nipples and the skin around them do not need to be processed.

It is believed that the most comfortable position for massage is sitting or reclining in a chair, you can put a thought or a roller under your back. It is advisable to set a mirror in front of you and observe the process so that, if necessary, you can adjust the massage.

  • Place one hand under your chest, holding it. The second one will work. Massage with light circular movements in the direction from the base of the bust to the nipple.

Note! The entire process should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

  • After the massage, rinse in warm water. The shower jet is carried out in a circle from the base to the nipples.

If you feel pain during the massage, the rules for the procedure may not be followed. These symptoms also indicate the presence of lactostasis or mastitis in the early stages. In this case, you need to contact the specialists - they will explain in detail how to do a breast massage.

massage oils

They are used to improve the sliding of hands on the surface of the skin. But in addition to the convenience of a technical nature, oils nourish the skin, saturating it with vitamins, and promote the healing of microcracks. They also stimulate milk production.

  • Vegetable - olive, sea buckthorn, castor, jojoba, peach.
  • Essential - anise, eucalyptus, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile.

Be careful during the massage! Keep oils away from the nipple and areola. A foreign, non-mother's smell can cause the baby to reject the breast and turn into allergic dermatitis for the baby.

First of all, you need to get tested for allergens. In sensitive places (on the bend of the elbow, armpit, under the knee, on the wrist), drop the oil and leave for 30 minutes. If there is no itching or burning, then you can safely use it.

Important! Breastfeeding mothers should use essential oils with caution. The dose is half that allowed for an adult. It is strictly forbidden to massage the mammary glands with the addition of oils of basil, nutmeg, juniper, rosemary.

Preventive massage

Based on the name, it is easy to understand that the massage procedure for the female breast in this case is prescribed to prevent diseases associated with stagnation of milk, or in case of its shortage in the first postpartum days.

Important! Preventive massage is done slowly and smoothly.

The general scheme of how to do breast massage is presented here:

  • One palm is slightly below the collarbone, supporting the chest. The second - working - rests on top.
  • With smooth strokes in a circle, move from the base of the bust to the nipple.
  • Then move on to the décolleté area - slowly and gently stroke the chest from top to bottom.
  • Lean forward and shake your breasts slightly - the milk outflow will be activated.
  • Also gently knead and slightly pull the nipples - this will help to avoid unwanted cracks.
  • Complete the session with a hydromassage - take a warm shower.

It is believed that proper breast massage is an effective adjuvant that improves milk flow. And it is preferable to other options (for example, tea to enhance lactation) because at the time of massage, metabolic processes in the mammary glands are accelerated, which significantly improves milk flow.

Doctors recommend starting preventive massage on the second day after childbirth. And first it is worth massaging the upper back and neck. The procedure is performed while sitting, so you should seek help from relatives.

Problems with mastitis and lactostasis

A common problem of nursing mothers is the appearance of stagnation of milk in the breast. If you do not consult a doctor in time at the first symptoms of channel blockage (lactostasis) and miss the moment, stagnant milk leads to tissue inflammation - mastitis.

The causes of painful swelling of the breast can be:

  • breast swelling;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • compaction in soft tissues;
  • mammary gland injuries;
  • increased production of breast milk;
  • anemia of the mother, due to the iron resource wasted during pregnancy and childbirth
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing, which leads to squeezing of the chest;

It provokes the development of lactostasis and mastitis in a nursing mother by improper and infrequent application of the baby. Obstetricians recommend constantly putting the baby to the breast, as well as expressing the rest of the milk so that it does not stagnate.

Dangerous signs of breast disease, which you need to pay attention to:

  • During lactation, a minimal amount of milk is secreted or it has disappeared altogether.
  • Pain in chest and armpits.
  • Strongly compacted chest with a bright venous pattern.
  • Painful reaction to touch the swollen parts.

If a young mother has noticed these symptoms, then as soon as possible it is necessary to seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment, tell you how to properly massage the breasts for her recovery.

How is the procedure carried out

  • At first, it is almost weightless to stroke the breast from the base to the nipple.
  • Stroke in a spiral in the same direction. The pressure should be slightly increased.
  • Massage the nipple with twisting movements.
  • From the periphery to the center, stroke the chest in a straight line, increasing the pressure.
  • A thorough massage is needed - develop inflamed areas of the mammary glands, but avoid sharp painful touches.
  • And finally, take a warm shower.

Important! Massage on your chest should not exceed the limit of 8 minutes. The procedures will be correct, after which there will be a complete softening of the mammary gland.

The final point should be breastfeeding. Make sure that the painful areas of the chest of dust are strictly under the lower jaw of the child - it is in this place that active sucking of milk occurs. After - necessarily the remains of milk. This will clear the clogged channels.


  • Forget about a hot shower and even more so a bath. Avoid overheating of the mammary glands.
  • You can not limit the drinking regime.
  • Be sure to have a balanced diet rich in B vitamins (iron) and C.
  • In no case should you stop breastfeeding, even if symptoms of milk stagnation appear.
  • Daily massage of the shoulder and chest glands will relax the muscles tense during the day.

And, of course, go to the hospital in a timely manner for an examination, even if the cause for concern seems minimal. Obstetrician-gynecologists will definitely tell and show how to properly massage the breasts of nursing mothers.

The lactation period is different for every woman. Some have a lot of milk, others may have very little. One of the effective ways to solve the problem of milk deficiency and breastfeeding is to massage the mammary glands. It significantly increases blood circulation, strengthens the mammary glands. If you do it every day, stagnation of milk in the chest does not threaten, and you can get rid of dense lumps in a week. It is not difficult to do massage, besides, it helps to improve overall well-being, relieve anxiety and relax.

What happens in the mammary glands after childbirth

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts increase significantly in size. Its appearance also changes: the size of the nipple and areola increases, they become dark in color. The skin becomes thinner, slightly bluish, blood vessels are visible. Stretch marks may appear, which will initially be pink in color, and then turn white and may last for a lifetime.

The younger the girl, the more elastic the tissues of her mammary glands. If, after childbirth, due attention is paid to the breast, then at the end of the lactation period, the breast will quickly restore its previous shape.

To avoid such a phenomenon as lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary glands), it is very important to empty the breast in a timely manner, and the main assistant in this is the child himself. With untimely emptying, the chest becomes large and dense, even painful. In some cases, the body temperature rises, the general condition worsens. It is for this reason that it is so important to develop the chest and establish breastfeeding as quickly as possible.


The main advantage of breast massage to increase lactation is that it can be used by all women who feed the baby, without exception. But various medicinal herbs, even the most effective, can not be used by everyone.

Massage is not only an effective tool for breastfeeding, but also an excellent prevention. During the massage, it is recommended to use special oils that reduce the risk of stretch marks, which look rather unaesthetic.

Depending on what goal is set, each woman chooses for herself the appropriate option for breast massage: preventive and therapeutic.

Massage technique

It is very important that the movements are as light as possible, rough movements and strong pressure are unacceptable. This can lead to the fact that the breast will not give milk. Massage should bring only pleasant sensations, relax. You need to do it before you start feeding the baby: this will significantly improve the outflow of breast milk.


Preventive massage is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Put the palm on the upper chest so that it is slightly below the collarbone.
  2. 2. Make circular stroking movements, gradually moving in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipple.
  3. 3. During the massage, the chest should be periodically washed with warm water.

Cold chest during lactation - what is dangerous and how to treat?


This option is used if a woman has any problems during breastfeeding. Thanks to therapeutic massage, pumping will become much easier, blood flow in the tissues will improve, their tone will increase, lactostasis will resolve much faster.

Therapeutic massage includes the following:

  1. 1. Each breast should be lightly stroked with the palm of your hand. At the base of the gland (under the collarbones), press, and as you approach the nipple, reduce the pressure. The movement must be in a spiral.
  2. 2. Make a straight line with your fingers from the base of the gland to the nipple. Repeat the same movements from different points of the base of the gland to the nipple.
  3. 3. Take the nipple with the index and thumb, begin to gently massage it.
  4. 4. Standing, bend forward and shake your chest, but only very carefully.
  5. 5. In the shower, massage the mammary glands by directing a jet of warm water at them, making rotating movements. Gently pat your chest dry with a soft towel.

With lactostasis, stagnant areas of the mammary glands should be given special attention. Each seal needs to be massaged with light movements for a longer time. Circular movements for a few minutes will be very effective.

If there are no problems with lactation, you should not unnecessarily do therapeutic massage. The preventive technique will be more correct and effective.

Massage rules

The basic rules that will allow you to do breast massage correctly:

  1. 1. It is important to understand that manipulation of the mammary glands increases oxytocin and milk flow, and this causes discomfort in the chest and can lead to stagnant processes.
  2. 2. Hygiene procedures are required before the massage. Hands should be washed with soap and rinsed with warm water. It is not recommended to use alcohol solutions. If there is no access to water, alcohol-free baby wipes can be used.
  3. 3. Light massage movements directly during the feeding of the baby make it possible to make the return of milk more intense. To do this, you need to interrupt feeding for a couple of minutes (you can give the baby a nipple for now) and lightly massage around the gland. This will relax the milk ducts, respectively, milk will be more actively secreted. Such self-massage is especially recommended if there is a feeling that the baby does not empty the chest completely.
  4. 4. Breast massage for lactation should take no more than 5 minutes.
  5. 5. In most cases, after warming up the mammary glands, a rush of milk will be felt, so you need to feed the baby or express milk.
  6. 6. Overcrowding of the mammary glands for a long time should not be allowed.

The effectiveness of breast massage for lactation is difficult to overestimate. This will help a young mother to solve many breast problems during breastfeeding and after its completion.