Oatmeal mask for problem skin. Why are oatmeal face masks good and how to use them correctly? Action on the epidermis

An oatmeal face mask is a universal remedy that is suitable for any type of skin: dry, oily, combination and even problematic. Thanks to additional components, an oatmeal face mask can significantly expand the range of its healing effect on the epidermis.

What is the benefit of an oatmeal face mask? The main secret of the success of an oatmeal-based mask is due to the fact that this product contains a huge amount of useful substances: magnesium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, chromium, vitamins B and E. Oatmeal helps to cope with a variety of problems, as it is able to cleanse, nourish, tighten, rejuvenate the epidermis, smooth wrinkles, and even improve skin color.

Recipes for making oatmeal face masks are characterized by great variety. The use of any additional component will make the healing effect diametrically opposite, therefore it should be selected taking into account the type of skin.

  • An oatmeal face mask for normal skin types will preserve its natural freshness and purity.
  • When a girl has oily skin, it will help get rid of shine, narrow enlarged pores, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Dry skin will receive the missing nutrition and hydration.
  • For sensitive skin types, the mask will eliminate signs of peeling, itching and redness.
  • Oats will help remove impurities on the skin, cleanse acne pores and get rid of blackheads.
  • It will provide effective help with age-related changes: the epidermis will become more elastic, elastic, toned.
  • How should a face mask be applied?

How to make an oatmeal mask?

First of all, you need to properly prepare the base of oats. Depending on the recipe for making oatmeal, you will need standard oatmeal, oatmeal, bran or flour.

You should take 2 tbsp. l. the necessary product, pour boiling water so that the water can completely cover the flakes, insist for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, additional ingredients are added to the finished oatmeal, or it is used in its pure form.

The main rule for achieving a positive result from the use of masks is to prepare the skin. All actions should be carried out with clean washed hands. The face needs to be cleansed and steamed so that the pores expand and the active substances of the mask penetrate deep into the epidermis. This can be done with a warm compress: moisten a piece of cloth in warm water or a decoction of medicinal herbs and apply to the face for several minutes. Do not use too hot water, because it greatly expands the blood vessels. This is definitely recommended for people who have dilated blood vessels on their faces.

The mask should be applied in a thin layer in the direction from the center of the face to the periphery. The skin around the eyes is pre-lubricated with cream, and the mask is not applied to this area.

Bran based masks

A cleansing bran mask will help smooth out fine lines and rejuvenate the skin. At its core, bran is a husk that will perfectly fulfill the role of a scrub and have a cleansing and tonic effect. Recipes for oat bran masks differ slightly in their ingredients depending on skin type. For example, with a normal skin type, bran is cooked in water, with dry skin in milk, and with a fatty type, 3% hydrogen peroxide. The slurry is applied with light massaging movements on the front part and washed off with water after 3-5 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure daily before going to bed, then the skin is lubricated with tonic.

For oily and aging skin, we offer an excellent facial mask with bran, lemon and egg white. The protein is whipped with 1 tsp. lemon juice, bran is added, all ingredients are mixed well. This mask will help saturate the skin with oxygen. With its help, you can also cleanse by adding ground lemon zest to the mixture. It will have a light scrubbing effect, improve blood circulation and increase tone.

Bran can be prepared independently from oats. To this end, you just need to grind it, separate the husk from the flour and use it according to its intended purpose.

Oatmeal or cereal masks

  • An oatmeal mask for dry skin at home with the addition of honey can work a miracle with the epidermis, since this recipe combines 2 miraculous ingredients that have a cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing effect. To steamed oatmeal, add 1 tsp. slightly warmed honey and mix well. Oatmeal mask should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • A homemade oatmeal and milk face mask is best for dry, sensitive, and irritated skin. The milk recipe for a cosmetic product includes 1 more ingredient in the form of 1 tsp. carrot juice, thanks to which the epidermis is enriched with vitamin A. The gruel is applied for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • A tightening oatmeal face mask with the addition of olive oil and sour cream will provide the epidermis with vitamins B, E, improve turgor and effectively moisturize it. With its regular use, skin rejuvenation will be visible to the naked eye. The preparation of the mask takes very little time. Oatmeal or cereal should be ground, pour hot water or milk. After swelling of the mass, add 1 tsp to it. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  • A homemade oatmeal and baking soda mask will help get rid of blackheads and pimples. This is an effective method of caring for problem skin, with which you can not only cleanse the epidermis, but also remove inflammation. To prepare this remedy, you will need 1 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Both components are mixed, water is added until a dense mass is obtained, and the gruel is rubbed into the skin. Duration of application - 20 minutes, frequency - no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Recipes for an oatmeal anti-wrinkle mask may vary slightly depending on skin type. The main ingredients include the use of the following components: 1 banana, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. With oily skin, instead of sour cream, it is better to take kefir, which will help get rid of oily sheen. With dry epidermis, olive oil should be taken instead of sour cream, which will moisturize the skin and prevent flaking. All components are mixed, and the slurry is applied to the face. The mask should be done regularly, every 2-3 days and at least 1-2 months.

Oatmeal masks

An anti-aging face mask with oatmeal, honey, milk, whipped protein and lemon juice will help improve skin tone, tighten pores and reduce wrinkles. Due to this composition, a kind of skin tightening occurs, which becomes more elastic, elastic, healthy and radiant. To get it, you need to mix all the components in equal proportions. The gruel is applied to the front part for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

An oatmeal and potato mask will help tighten the skin and make it more elastic. For this, 1 tbsp. l. flour mixed with 1 tbsp. l. warm mashed potatoes and diluted with milk until a creamy consistency is obtained. If desired, you can add a little kefir or yogurt to it. The mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. To achieve the desired result, the mask must be done regularly, at least 1-2 times a week for a month.

In the absence of oatmeal, oatmeal can be prepared independently from oats. To do this, it must be ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a powdery consistency.

Every woman should choose her own recipe, which can best help her skin look clean, beautiful, healthy and radiant.

Hello, friends!

I suggest you bring beauty and look younger for the New Year. To do this, you just need to regularly make an oatmeal face mask, the recipe of which I will offer you.

Of course, there are many recipes for oatmeal masks, both from oatmeal alone, and with different additives. An oatmeal mask with honey is very popular, an oatmeal mask with kefir is made, with milk and others. I will elaborate on some.

But I especially want to highlight among them my favorite mask with oatmeal and lemon, which brings many benefits to the skin of the face. Yesterday I also tried to add one interesting ingredient, the effect is amazing!

Why are oatmeal masks so popular? An oatmeal mask is useful due to the trace elements contained in oatmeal, such as potassium and magnesium, iron and silicon, iodine, fluorine, chromium, selenium, as well as vitamins B, E, A and K.

Therefore, oatmeal face masks have a complex effect: they cleanse the skin, remove blackheads, moisturize, nourish, soften, refresh, rejuvenate, smooth out fine wrinkles, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

And it's pretty easy to cook them. Moreover, we always have oatmeal, but we cook from it.

Depending on other foods and preparations available at home, you can try different recipes. I prefer simple ones, when you don’t have to cook anything and wait a long time. Mixed on the face.

How to make and apply an oatmeal mask

First of all, as before applying any mask, you need to cleanse the skin of the face. How to do it right, which ones to use, we have already said.

So, we tie our hair with a scarf and proceed to the procedures.

After cleaning, it is desirable to steam the skin. You can also sit over a basin of hot water that has just boiled, but I like to just put a towel soaked in hot water on my face.

After steaming, the pores expand and the effectiveness of the mask will increase.

For oatmeal masks, we choose good quality flakes, not those that quickly boil soft. They should not be in our life at all.

Pre-grind the cereal in a coffee grinder into flour. With flour, make a mask faster, and for sensitive skin, this option is most acceptable. But some recipes also use whole oatmeal.

We start with the nose and cheeks, then on the forehead and neck. Remember that masks cannot be applied to thin sensitive skin under the eyes. You can apply a little cream under the eyes.

We relax, sitting in an armchair or lying on the couch with pleasant music.

Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.

You need to wash it off first with a cotton swab and warm water, and then wash it with cool water.

If after the mask there is a feeling of tightened skin, then you need to apply a nourishing cream.

The regularity of oatmeal face masks is usually 2 times a week. For especially sensitive skin, you can do it less often.

And it is desirable to make an oatmeal mask from the same ingredients in a course of one month.

Well, now, finally, we have reached the recipes.

Oatmeal mask with honey

1. The easiest way: mix two teaspoons of oatmeal and the same amount of honey. If the honey is thick, it must first be melted by holding it in hot water.

I can’t personally say anything about the effectiveness, since I have an allergy to honey and I don’t make such masks. But there is no doubt that honey is a wonderful remedy and the benefits of the mask are enormous, there are so many vitamins!

Oatmeal, along with honey, nourishes the skin and rejuvenates.

2. To an equal amount of ground oatmeal and honey, add a spoonful of olive oil. Mix and apply on the face.

This mask has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and tonic effect. Suitable for any skin.

3. Add kefir to oatmeal and honey and get an excellent tightening mask, especially useful for aging and tired skin.

First, stir oatmeal in a tablespoon of kefir, then add honey. Mix, apply, wash off after 15 minutes.

Oatmeal wrinkle mask

An excellent mask with a rejuvenating effect, again based on honey. But instead of olive oil, it is proposed to take linseed oil, which smoothes the skin very well and fights wrinkles.

To prepare the mask, you need two or three teaspoons of oatmeal (not ground), pour 30 ml of boiling water and let it swell for 10 minutes.

Then add a teaspoon of honey and linseed oil.

Oatmeal mask for blackheads

This mask is really easy to make. As in the previous recipe, pour boiling water over oatmeal, cool slightly, mix well and apply on face. After a few such procedures, you will see that the black dots have decreased.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

For oily skin, I suggest making an oatmeal mask with kefir. I really like it, like any kefir masks in general.

Preparation of the mask: pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with kefir. It needs quite a bit to make a thick slurry when mixed. The mask is ready, then, as usual - apply, hold, rinse.

After the mask of oatmeal and kefir, the skin is perfectly cleansed, oily sheen is eliminated.

You can also make such a mask for oily skin: instead of kefir, add egg white to oatmeal.

Oatmeal mask for dry skin

Pour oatmeal (one spoonful) with hot milk. After 10 minutes, the resulting warm porridge can already be used as a face mask.

The mask not only cleanses, but also perfectly nourishes the skin.

Other options for masks: you can mix oatmeal with sour cream, vegetable oil or egg yolk.

Rejuvenating mask with oatmeal and lemon. My review

Many years ago I read this recipe for an oatmeal face mask. And since then, for me, the concept of a face mask is associated primarily with oatmeal.

To be honest, often, every week, I just don’t do masks. But sometimes, when I boil potatoes, I leave a little for the mask. In summer, I spread strawberries on my face and other berries.

But, if you decide to make a complex of rejuvenating and nourishing procedures, then it is definitely always oatmeal masks with lemon juice.

I prepare the mask as follows: I grind two teaspoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, squeeze lemon juice into this flour. It needs so much to make a slurry, it should not be very thick, because this mask dries quickly and will be difficult to apply.

I'm going to put it on my face right now. I keep 15 minutes. Then I wash off and apply the cream, as the skin after this procedure becomes very dry and tight.

I want to leave a review about the use of this oatmeal mask. Why did I choose her?

Yes, because such a mask gives all the effects in the aggregate, which I listed above. It whitens and nourishes, and eliminates black spots, and oily sheen and fine wrinkles disappear. The skin becomes so smooth, even, fresh, beautiful.

If you make such a mask regularly, then in a month you will not recognize yourself, you will look 10 years younger! And these are not just beautiful words, this is a fact!

For dry skin, you can add a spoonful of any vegetable oil to the mask. Then there will be no feeling of tightness.

What is famous for oats?

This cereal includes in its chemical composition the most necessary elements of the periodic table for the human body: manganese, iodine, potassium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc and others.

Oats are rich in vitamin groups, are the best supplier of fiber, carbohydrates and proteins.

In addition to all these useful components, oats are also an antioxidant that cleanses the body, and hence the skin, from many toxic substances that bring a lot of negativity both for health and appearance.

For the natural beauty of the skin, good functionality of the stomach is important. Oatmeal helps the entire gastrointestinal tract, leads to the activation of metabolic processes and, by cleansing the body, rejuvenates it from the outside.

Benefits of oatmeal face masks

The benefits of masks from this cereal have long been known, their beneficial cleansing effect has been appreciated since ancient times.

The effect of oatmeal on the skin?

Oatmeal heals the skin, restoring and maintaining its water balance. It is known that the skin, devoid of moisture and vitamins, begins to become irritated, a rash or peeling occurs on it.

Oats will help cleanse the body not only from the inside, it works great when used externally. Oatmeal gruel will free the skin of toxins and allow it to breathe.

A mask of oatmeal, crushed in a blender, makes the skin younger, is a cure for some dermatological diseases. Oats will soothe the areas of inflammation and anesthetize them.

Coarsely ground, slightly steamed, it will relieve the skin of dead cells, working like a scrub.

The main advantage of the oatmeal mask is its versatility, it is great for both oily and dry skin.

Homemade "oatmeal" facial skin therapy

There are many extremely useful products in nature, and they cannot be replaced by artificial additives and preservatives, which are present in abundance in purchased cosmetics.

Not only that, chemical components do not have real benefits, they can also adversely affect the skin, causing allergic reactions. But using other products donated by nature along with oatmeal, you can achieve excellent results in smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating the face.

Probably, it will not be difficult for anyone to apply one of the proposed masks - this is quite inexpensive, and it will not take much time.

Anti-inflammatory mask

For this mask, no additives are needed, just oatmeal gruel made with boiled water is enough. It should be on the face for about twenty minutes, then you need to wash it off with not very cold water. It is better to do this procedure every day or every other day.

Mask for cleansing the skin

For her, you will need products that are in any home - this is oatmeal, lemon, soda and kefir.

Mix juice with kefir 2:1 and separately one and a half large spoons of oatmeal with ¾ tablespoons of baking soda. Next, pour this liquid into a dry mixture, make a composition acceptable for spreading on the skin. In the process of mixing soda and sour juice, a reaction occurs with the separation of gas bubbles, they clean the pores, and the oatmeal absorbs and retains dirt until washed off with a pre-prepared chamomile broth.

Composition for getting rid of acne and blackheads

To treat this fairly common and very unpleasant phenomenon on the face, boiled oatmeal flakes are suitable.

When the porridge has cooled, it must be applied pointwise to problem areas on the face. A quarter of an hour will be enough, then it will be very good to wash yourself with a decoction of chamomile.

Skin rejuvenating masks

1. To smooth wrinkles and for skin elasticity, a mask of this composition is suitable: honey, lemon juice, almond and jojoba oil are added to oatmeal in the form of flour, kneaded until a homogeneous mass and applied to the skin.

After 15 minutes, they wash themselves with a warm decoction of green tea, then with boiled water.

2. Pour 1/3 tbsp into oatmeal. milk, leave to swell. Then you need to drop ten drops of lemon juice into the mixture - and the composition is ready. It should stay on the skin for up to half an hour.

After rinsing, you can immediately see the initial result. If the mask is applied regularly, real skin rejuvenation will not take long.

This recipe is suitable for aging skin, women after forty

1. In crushed cereal (1/3 cup is needed), pour 20 grams of beer and a small spoonful of avocado puree. The mask should be on the face for 15 minutes, then it is removed with green tea. This extraordinary composition extremely effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

2. Pour boiling water over a large spoonful of oatmeal, after swelling and cooling, add a spoonful of natural sour cream, then apply to the skin. Then, after 20 min. it is washed off with warm water. Elastic skin is guaranteed!

Oatmeal mask with instant effect

The mask will help to put your face in order in a short period of time, for example, you have an unexpected meeting, but there is a catastrophic lack of time.

For the mask, you need ground oatmeal, diluted to a gruel with freshly squeezed orange juice + a small spoonful of honey. After kneading, apply to the skin for 15 minutes. While the mask is working, brew chamomile tea - it's great for rinsing. The result will surely please you.

More useful face mask recipes

1. Oatmeal flakes soaked in white grape juice, combined with egg yolk and olive oil (two tablespoons) will give a wonderful mask for rejuvenation. It perfectly smoothes superficial wrinkles.

2. A mask of one small spoon of cornmeal and oatmeal, olive oil, and even better - sea buckthorn oil. The duration of the procedure is literally 15 minutes.

The mask of oatmeal and cornmeal is universal and suitable for all skin types, helps to smooth wrinkles and relieve inflammation, if any.

3. Honey, olive oil and sour cream are good for whitening and refreshing the skin, as additives to oatmeal. Of all the components you need to knead a thick gruel. Twenty minutes for the procedure is enough.

4. Low-fat kefir is a great addition to oatmeal and honey. The composition has a beneficial effect on the structure of the skin of the face. It makes it moist, supple and fresh.

5. Anti-aging, refreshing, cleansing and whitening mask with the addition of oatmeal, egg white, salt and lemon juice for oily skin. For dry, instead of salt, take sugar, and replace the protein with yolk. The mass must be whipped and gently rubbed into the skin, then left to dry and rinse.

6. An oatmeal mask with the addition of ground coffee, which is kneaded in boiled water, gives a tonic, cleansing and smoothing effect on the skin.
It works like a scrub, so it needs to be gently rubbed in for 3-5 minutes.
7. You can diversify masks with fruit, berry, vegetable additives - this will give an energy boost to cellular rejuvenation of the skin. Mix oatmeal with apples, bananas, pumpkin slices in a blender. The resulting puree will give an effect after being on the face for about half an hour. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure more often - only then the result will be stable.

8. The mask, which is based on strong brewed tea, tones and refreshes, gives a rejuvenating effect and gives a light tan tone. Green tea acts as a cleanser by working as an oatmeal-enhancing antioxidant. The flakes are kneaded with strong tea and applied to the face. It can be washed off after 20 minutes.

The usefulness and nutritional value of natural masks will appear and give a lasting result only after their regular and long-term use. It must be remembered that artificial cosmetic formulations also do not give an instant effect, but sometimes they act on the skin detrimentally and can cause irreparable damage to it.

An oatmeal mask always brings only benefits to the skin of the face. The main thing is to choose the right components accompanying the cereal, follow all the recommendations for preparing the mixture at home and withstand the specified time interval. There are a lot of recipes for such compositions, so a suitable option can be found regardless of skin type.

The benefits of oatmeal face masks are obvious due to a number of properties of the main component:

  • Cleansing action provided by dietary fiber.
  • Saturation with B vitamins, without which high-quality tissue regeneration is impossible, activation of the development of new cells, production of collagen and elastin fibers, active metabolism and blood circulation at the cellular level. They also protect the skin from the negative effects of external factors, including weather conditions.
  • Rejuvenation, due to the presence of vitamin E or tocopherol, which helps slow down the aging process, cell renewal. Vitamins E and H help eliminate sagging cheeks and the formation of a second chin due to a violation of lipid-carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Toning the skin and restoring its freshness due to magnesium and vitamin PP.
  • Antiseptic action under the influence of manganese, cobalt, zinc present in oatmeal.
  • Elimination of stagnant processes and activation of blood circulation due to copper and iron.

As you can see, a homemade oatmeal mask is a unique opportunity to provide the skin with all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Expected Action

You can understand how real the benefits of oatmeal are by the following predicted impact:

  • Flakes applied to dry skin help to eliminate itching, peeling, return a natural shade and natural radiance.
  • If there is a problem of rashes or acne, this is a great way to cleanse the pores, remove impurities that have accumulated in them, and dry the inflamed areas.
  • If the skin is prone to oiliness, the mask becomes an agent that removes oily sheen, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, and narrows pores.
  • In the case of mature skin, oatmeal is used to prepare a rejuvenating mixture that eliminates fine wrinkles, smoothes deep wrinkles, and improves skin elasticity.

You can get benefits even if you just make a decoction for wiping (from two tablespoons of cereal and a liter of water). As for masks, oatmeal becomes most effective if it is pre-grinded. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed before applying the composition.


  • Problematic skin.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin.
  • Too active work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Enlarged and polluted pores.
  • Pronounced aging of the skin with the appearance of fine and deeper wrinkles.
  • Tired appearance, loss of skin freshness.

As for contraindications, we can talk about them only if an allergic reaction develops to one of the components that complements oatmeal.

Best Recipes

1. With clay and lemon juice.

Especially effective for blackheads and acne. Add a tablespoon of clay (blue, black or green) and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the oatmeal base. After mixing, the composition is applied to the skin and left to dry completely. The procedure is repeated twice a week for 30 days.

2. With honey and butter.

This recipe is especially for dry skin. For deep nutrition and moisturizing of the face, honey (one tablespoon), sour cream (teaspoon) and butter heated to a softened state are added to the flakes filled with hot milk. The duration is about half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

3. With avocado.

To restore tenderness and beauty to the skin of the face, you can mix oatmeal with the pulp of an exotic fruit at home at the rate of two tablespoons of flakes crushed into flour for half of one avocado fruit. A face mask is made after preliminary steaming of the skin. After applying the composition for 3 minutes, a light massage is carried out along the corresponding lines and the mixture is left for another quarter of an hour. For washing take mineral water.

4. With kefir or juice.

Especially effective for excessively oily skin. As the reviews confirm, using a recipe with kefir at home, it is possible to quickly narrow the pores and eliminate excess sebum. To do this, oatmeal is poured with freshly squeezed juice (both fruits and berries can be used) or kefir with a low percentage of fat content. After insisting, the gruel is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. Then the face is washed with warm water and wiped with a suitable lotion.

Anti-aging compounds

To prepare a rejuvenating mask that helps eliminate wrinkles, the finished oatmeal is combined with olive oil (a teaspoon), the yolk of one egg and a couple of drops of rosemary ether. After mixing, the mixture is applied to the skin and left for half an hour, washed off with warm water. In conclusion, be sure to use an anti-aging cream that activates the smoothing of wrinkles.

The beer and persimmon recipe is especially popular in winter. Flakes brewed with boiling water (proportion 3: 1) are combined with egg yolk, a tablespoon of beer and a similar amount of persimmon pulp. After mixing, the mass is applied to the skin and left for a quarter of an hour. For the best elimination of wrinkles after the procedure, successive washings with warm and cool water are carried out. If desired, replace the persimmon in the rejuvenating composition with a pear or grapes.

The third option for a rejuvenating mask that quickly corrects wrinkles at home is a combination with potato starch. To effectively smooth out wrinkles, nourish and soften the skin, add starch diluted in two tablespoons of mineral water to oatmeal brewed with milk (take one tablespoon). Then pour a teaspoon of the available oil (olive, wheat germ) and put in a water bath to thicken. The mixture should be applied warm. After drying, wash off with warm water.

Active skin cleansing and elimination of inflammation

  1. The scrub is made from oatmeal, liquid honey and kefir. Especially useful for dry skin with hypersensitivity. The composition is prepared by combining lightly ground flakes (a tablespoon is enough), a couple of tablespoons of kefir and a teaspoon of honey. After mixing, apply to the skin and make a light massage for 7 minutes, then keep the mass for about 10 minutes. In the presence of normal skin, honey and kefir are supplemented with a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  2. Homemade mask with baking soda and flakes helps to quickly minimize the appearance of acne. Flakes infused with water are combined with a teaspoon of soda, mixed well and applied to the face. After drying, the composition is washed off with warm water.
  3. Tea tree can replace soda. To prepare such a face mask at home, oatmeal filled with warm water (you need to wait for a mushy state) is combined with 5 drops of oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice. The duration of action is 15 minutes.
  4. Another alternative to soda is the combination of aloe juice and jojoba. The components are taken in the amount of a teaspoon and 15 drops, respectively, and combined with an oatmeal mixture. Thanks to such a home mask, not only inflammation is eliminated, but also a fungal infection, the effects of dermatitis, psoriasis.

Oatmeal and oatmeal are very useful not only for breakfast. It is also a great ingredient for our rejuvenating and healing treatments. Cosmetics prepared at home from improvised materials can be an excellent alternative to factory-made creams and masks, which contain substances that are not only useless, but also harmful to the skin. Moreover, many folk recipes do not require the use of "exotic" ingredients that are difficult to find on the shelves of ordinary stores. So, an oatmeal face mask will help you make your skin young and healthy, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and its preparation will not require a serious investment of time and effort.

Mask recipes for different skin types

1. Nourishing and purifying oatmeal mask for dry skin

If you have dry skin, an oatmeal face mask with milk is the perfect beauty treatment for you.

Ingredients: oatmeal, milk

Method of preparation: pour a small handful of flakes with milk so that it slightly covers the flakes, wait 10-15 minutes until the flakes are soaked, and then apply the resulting slurry on your face for a quarter of an hour. For greater effect, when applying and removing the mask, the face can be lightly massaged. Such a tool not only nourishes the skin, but also deeply cleanses the pores.

2. Oatmeal mask for normal or combination skin

If you are the owner of normal or combination skin, a slightly different face mask with oatmeal will help you moisturize and soften it.

Ingredients: oatmeal, yogurt, olive oil, honey (liquid)

Method of preparation: mix a tablespoon of cereal with yogurt. In the resulting homogeneous mixture, add a spoonful of olive oil with honey, it is desirable that the honey is liquid. Mix all the ingredients well, and then apply the resulting mixture on your face for 10-20 minutes. Rinse afterwards with room temperature water. Such a mask will help moisturize your face, restore freshness and beauty, and also cleanse your skin well.

3. Oatmeal mask for acne

The following face mask will help you get rid of acne and other imperfections of problem skin.

Ingredients: oatmeal, hot water

Method of preparation: for the preparation of this recipe, in addition to the flakes themselves, you will not need any other ingredients. Simply soak a tablespoon of oatmeal in hot water, let it soak, and then apply to your skin. The effect of such a mask will be only if you do it at least 2-3 times a week.

4. Purifying oatmeal mask and soda

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1-2 tbsp. kefir or any fermented milk product

Method of preparation: mix oatmeal and a spoonful of soda, and kefir with lemon juice in two separate bowls. Then mix all the ingredients together, the mixture should have the consistency of low-fat sour cream. Cleanse the skin, slightly steam it with hot water, then apply the mask on the face (avoid the area around the eyes and lips). After the mask dries, remove it from the face, moisten the rest of the mask with water again and massage the cheeks and forehead. Rinse off the mask with warm water, and then wash again with cool water.

Recipes for oatmeal masks for wrinkles

1. Oatmeal anti-wrinkle mask at home

Ingredients: oatmeal, linden honey, egg white

Cooking method: lightly heat a tablespoon of linden honey (a little less is possible), add a spoonful of oatmeal and beaten egg white to the honey. Hold the resulting mass on your face for about 20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

4. Simple Oatmeal Salt Lifting Face Mask

Recipes for oatmeal face masks with tightening effects are quite diverse. One of the simplest is the following.

Ingredients: oatmeal, salt, boiling water

Cooking method: pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of boiling water, then add a quarter teaspoon of salt. Mix all ingredients well and apply on face. Wash off with room temperature water after 10 minutes. To make this remedy effective in fighting acne, use a teaspoon of baking soda instead of salt. The beneficial properties of soda are great, but it is especially recommended to use it for problematic dermis, since soda not only relieves it of acne, blackheads and blackheads, but also eliminates dryness and flaking, stabilizes the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.

5. Anti-Wrinkle Oatmeal Lifting Mask

An oatmeal mask is a universal remedy for dealing with various problems of our dermis. It is suitable for both dry and oily skin, reduces wrinkles, whitens the face and tightens pores.

Ingredients: oatmeal, hot black tea, honey (1 teaspoon), orange or lemon juice

Method of preparation: pre-soak oatmeal with hot black tea. Such a face mask will be more effective in combination with honey and the juice of any citrus fruit, such as lemon or orange.

6. Oatmeal mask for wrinkles (for those over 30)

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. oatmeal, 4 tbsp. grapefruit juice, 1 tsp honey, chamomile infusion

Cooking method: mix oatmeal and grapefruit juice and let the resulting mixture swell a little, then add honey. Apply to face and wash off after 15 minutes. To achieve maximum effect and reduce the number of wrinkles, wash your face not with water, but with chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal scrub recipes for different skin types

1. Oatmeal scrub for oily skin (option 1)

You can make a scrub from oatmeal, which will become a real lifesaver for girls with oily skin.

Ingredients: oatmeal, honey, kefir

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, and then “salt” a little. Rub the resulting scrub on your face for a minute with light movements, and then leave for another 10-15 minutes so that your skin cells receive the necessary nutrients. This facial scrub will gently cleanse and moisturize your face, giving it freshness and beauty.

2. Oatmeal scrub for oily skin (option 2)

Ingredients: oatmeal, rice, kefir or yogurt

Cooking method: Grind rice in a coffee grinder, then add oatmeal to it and such an amount of yogurt or kefir that you get a kind of cream. Gently apply the resulting scrub on your face, exfoliate and leave for another 3-5 minutes. Then wash off the scrub with cool water.

3. Oatmeal scrub for oily skin (option 3)

Ingredients: oatmeal, salt, any fermented milk products (low-fat sour cream, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt) or hot water

Method of preparation: mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with a pinch of salt, add a little hot water or fermented milk products to the resulting mixture. Mix all ingredients well and apply on face. After 10-15 minutes, gently rinse with cool water.

4. Oatmeal scrub for dry skin

Ingredients: oatmeal, salt, olive oil

Method of preparation: add a pinch of salt to oatmeal (if desired, you can mix oatmeal with sea salt), add two tablespoons of olive oil or any other oil to the resulting mixture. Apply the scrub on your face, exfoliate and wash off with cool water after 10 minutes.

4. Oatmeal Cleansing Scrub for Oily, Dry, and Combination Skin

Ingredients: oatmeal, ground almonds, honey (1 teaspoon), aloe juice, hot water

Method of preparation: add the same amount of ground almonds to half a tablespoon of oatmeal, mix the resulting scrub with honey and aloe juice, dilute with hot water. Apply the scrub on your face, massage it to clear the pores, you can leave the scrub on for a couple of minutes and then wash it off with cool water.

Washing with oatmeal

Oatmeal is a truly versatile remedy, it helps to cope with almost all skin problems, so washing with oatmeal will only benefit you:

  • The skin will become soft and smooth, washing with oatmeal is especially effective for dry, flaky skin.
  • Washing with oatmeal will help you get rid of acne, blackheads and blackheads. Since washing with oatmeal can effectively remove various inflammations and narrow pores.
  • Washing with oatmeal will quickly improve your complexion, give it a blush and freshness.
  • For washing, use only natural flakes, from a good manufacturer
  • Wash only on a clean face slightly moistened with water.

What results to expect from the use of oatmeal masks

  • the skin will always be in good shape;
  • You will forget what peeling on the skin, rashes, fine wrinkles are;
  • Your skin will always have a healthy complexion;
  • not a single black dot remains on the face.

The secret of the action of oatmeal masks

The composition of oatmeal includes:

  • retinol, which promotes rapid healing of the skin as a result of microtrauma;
  • excellent skin hydration;
  • return of youth due to the action of ascorbic acid, reduction in the number of wrinkles;
  • return of skin elasticity, elimination of its dryness, acceleration of the regeneration process due to thiamine, which is part of the flakes.

The systematic use of masks based on oatmeal:

  • deeply nourishes the skin;
  • gently and safely exfoliates dead cells;
  • reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • performs massage and skin toning;
  • returns a healthy color to the face;
  • significantly reduces the sensitivity of the skin and eliminates signs of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • performs deep cleansing of the skin.