Blue clay face mask for oily skin. Blue clay for the face: useful properties, application

A woman should always be well-groomed. It does not matter how old she is, what social position she occupies. It is good if it is possible to visit beauty parlors regularly. It doesn't matter if it doesn't. will serve as a good alternative to professional procedures. Set up a beauty parlor at home.

Types and benefits

Clay (loam) is a sedimentary rock, powdery in a dry state. When mixed with water, it acquires a viscous structure. There are several types of natural product depending on the ratio of mineral components. In cosmetology, its various types have different properties from each other.


Improves blood circulation, which saturates tissues with oxygen. Aligns color, whitens, eliminates greasiness, dries. Cleans pores, adsorbs polluting particles. It has antiseptic properties, reduces wrinkles, improves elasticity.


Loam is known for its antiseptic properties. It contains a large amount of aluminum, calcium, zinc, manganese, silicon, silica.


It is formed from volcanic rock, which is rich in iron, copper, silicon. Excellent helps to achieve the effect of lifting, toning the epidermis. Used for rosacea. Can serve as a shampoo.


It is formed by mixing the two previous ones, combines the properties of both, but in a milder form. Due to this, it does not dry out the skin, narrows enlarged pores.


Contains a lot of potassium and iron. It also cleanses the face, absorbs impurities, oxygenates.


It contains calcium, aluminum, sodium, iron, silicon, zinc and silver. It is the content of the latter that determines the shade. This is a super tool for equalizing tone.


It is also a volcanic rock, composed of quartz, magnesium, iron, calcium, carbon. It is oily in structure, thanks to which it helps to reduce wrinkles, eliminate flabbiness of the epidermis.


It will help in restoring the regulation of the sebaceous glands on the face and head.

It should be said that masks for oily skin are made on the basis of water, herbal decoctions. With dry dermis - on a milk basis.

Indications and contraindications

The product is used to restore the health of the epidermis, head, body, and even ingested. The main indications for the use of a cosmetic mask with a blue clay product:

  • Acne disease, the presence of acne.
  • Psoriasis, boils, rashes with eczema.
  • Scars, burn marks.
  • Allergic rash.
  • Dark spots.
  • Flabby epidermis and dermis.

There is only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the components.

Secrets when applying a mask

Before starting the procedure, clean the front surface, steam it. For this purpose, prepare, for example, a decoction of chamomile. Wait for some decrease in the temperature of the broth, take a towel, cover it over a bowl.

When using a body powder paste, use a scrub first. You will achieve an enhanced effect if you first use a massage brush. After applying, wrap the problematic part of the body with cling film.

Prepare the mask in a non-metallic bowl, stir with a non-metallic spoon. This will avoid the reaction of the elements of the periodic table with each other.

The consistency of the cream-mask at the exit should resemble sour cream. Apply the paste evenly, do not touch the eyelids.

Lie down, relax, try to lie down in silence, without disturbing the facial muscles. Keep the paste no longer than 15 minutes, so as not to overdry the dermis. After rinsing off, apply cream.

Do a similar session every week. A repeat in three days is possible, subject to a good response of the body.

Homemade Blue Clay Facial Mask: 10 Recipes

Recipe with vegetable oil

You will need:

  • Clay.
  • 10 grams of honey.
  • An egg, namely its yolk.
  • Olive oil, until a thick mass is formed.

First of all, stir the loam and honey. Then attach the rest of the components. Soak for a quarter of an hour, after washing off the mass, apply cream. Has cleansing properties.

With lemon

You will need:

  • Juice of one lemon.
  • 20 grams of blue product.
  • The pulp of one apple.

Mix everything, apply to the skin. With intolerance to citrus, the remedy is contraindicated. The tool has an excellent whitening effect, evens out age spots.

Mixture with kefir and yolk

You will need:

  • 15 g of clay.
  • Yolk.
  • Kefir - a couple of spoons.

Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency, apply on the front surface. It is preferable to finish rinsing off the paste with cool water. The mixture perfectly nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, the effect is noticeable instantly.

Cooking method with rice flour


  • Rice flour.
  • Clay substance - 15 grams.
  • Water. It is possible to use mineral water.

Mix, apply, get a clean face. Flour not available, use regular rice. Take a few tablespoons of it and grind it to a state of flour in a blender. The effect is predominantly cleansing.

With tea tree essential oil


  • Three to four drops of essential oil.
  • Water.
  • Clay - half a spoon.

We mix everything, apply evenly, withstand, rinse with cool water. Acne and allergic rashes, rashes with eczema and psoriasis are noticeably reduced.

With rosemary oil


  • 4 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Mineral water.
  • clay substance.

Great for helping to overcome acne.

With yogurt

Have to take:

  • Loam powder - a tablespoon.
  • Two spoons of yogurt.
  • Mineral.

We get a viscous homogeneous paste. Suitable for dry skin, the cosmetic product quickly helps to saturate the skin with everything it needs.

Method of preparation in the presence of mimic wrinkles


  • 20 gr. loam.
  • Crushed sea buckthorn berries - 20 grams.

We mix all the ingredients, add some water, we get a thick slurry. We wait a quarter of an hour, wash off. An excellent anti-aging agent thanks to the combination of antioxidants with sea buckthorn berry acids.

With aspirin

What will be required:

  • Clay - 1 tbsp. l.
  • 5 g honey.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid - a couple of tablets.
  • Vodichka.

The resulting substance is applied evenly. The tool fights acne and inflammatory elements, is indicated for furunculosis, favors the speedy disposal of dead cells.

With tincture of calendula

  • Clay powder - a tablespoon.
  • Calendula tincture - 5 g.
  • Lemon juice.

You need to prepare a mixture of ingredients. Indication: use in the presence of multiple and single inflammatory elements.

Versatile, suitable for every girl. We should not forget that the product will serve as an excellent assistant in getting rid of stretch marks and cellulite. Remember, the cosmetic mixture can be safely applied to the hair and head.

The office of a professional beautician at home is ready. More than a dozen quality personal care products are at your disposal.

What recipe did you like?

Knowledge about effective ways to care for facial skin is passed down by women from generation to generation. And although the possibilities of modern cosmetology are more than extensive, nevertheless, “grandmother's” means for maintaining beauty enjoy the same trust among the fair sex. The experience of using natural products in home cosmetology has shown that in terms of their effectiveness they are in no way inferior to expensive purchased products. Cosmetic clay known to many young ladies has a truly miraculous effect on the skin of the face. Among the abundance of varieties of this natural material, blue clay deserves special attention. If you have not had a chance to try such an excellent remedy for yourself, we suggest filling the gap and getting to know it better. From our article, you will learn about the cosmetic properties of blue clay, indications and contraindications for its use, and replenish your personal piggy bank with recipes for effective blue clay face masks.

Blue clay for the face: cosmetic properties, indications and contraindications

Blue clay is a rich source of trace elements and mineral salts. Silicon, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, nickel, chromium, cobalt, radium, phosphorus, zinc and other substances contained in it are of paramount importance for the health and beauty of our skin. The use of blue clay is shown primarily to owners of problematic and oily skin. Face masks based on it contribute to the achievement of such goals:

  • skin toning and refreshing;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • deep cleansing of pores;
  • elimination of black spots, acne, age spots;
  • healing of existing wounds on the skin and removal of irritation;
  • getting rid of peeling;
  • softening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • release from toxins and toxins;
  • increased metabolic processes in the skin;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • skin disinfection;
  • improvement in skin color and texture.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude about the indications for the use of face masks based on blue clay:

  • skin aging;
  • decrease in firmness and elasticity;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • allergic rashes on the face;
  • freckles;
  • enlarged and contaminated pores;
  • burn marks, scars;
  • acne disease;
  • tired, beriberi-prone skin.
As for contraindications, the only obstacle to facial skin care with blue clay can be individual intolerance to this product.

Recommendations for using homemade blue clay masks

Compliance with simple, but at the same time mandatory rules for applying clay face masks is a kind of guarantee of the effectiveness of the procedures. Pay special attention to the following recommendations:

  1. A clay mask is applied to previously cleansed and steamed skin. To do this, it is enough to wash with warm water with the usual cleanser.
  2. It is advisable to sift the clay before using it in masks. Thanks to this, it will not clump and will lie on the face as evenly as possible. Remember that clay is absolutely incompatible with metal. For the preparation of masks, only glass or ceramic dishes are suitable.
  3. If you want to increase the effectiveness of the mask, supplement the recipe with one of these components - milk, herbal decoction or non-carbonated mineral water.
  4. Dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin of the face requires the inclusion of a few drops of any cosmetic oil in the clay mask.
  5. Due to the fact that clay is able to tighten the skin, facial movements during the mask are undesirable.
  6. Since clay has the ability to draw dirt and dust out of the pores, it is necessary to wash off the mask in the following sequence: first with ordinary running water, and only after with soap or cosmetic.
  7. The correct completion of mask procedures is the application of a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin.
  8. The systematic use of blue clay in masks (2-3 times a week) is the key to beautiful and healthy facial skin.

Blue clay face masks: effective recipes

Blue Clay Anti-Aging Mask Recipe

In addition to blue clay, the following herbs are present in the recipe of this mask: chamomile, lavender, sage and lime blossom. Mix 2 tsp. each of the herbs and add a little boiling water to the resulting mixture. Ready gruel should be infused for 10-15 minutes. Then add so much blue clay to it that the final consistency resembles liquid sour cream. At the next stage, divide the mass into 2 parts, put one of them in the refrigerator, and heat the other in a water bath. Next, take 2 small pieces of gauze and spread warm and cold masks on them separately. Alternately apply compresses on the face and hold for 5 minutes. To protect the eyelids, use cotton pads soaked in lime infusion. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Blue Clay Purifying Mask Recipe

Pour a few tablespoons into the container. clay and fill them with a little mineral water without gas. After the clay has completely absorbed the liquid, and this will happen after 10-15 minutes, mix it well, adding the following components in turn: egg yolk - 1 pc., rosemary and tea tree oil - 1 tsp each. Keep the finished mask on your face for 15 minutes. Then remove with warm water and nourish your face with cream.

Blue Clay Peeling Mask Recipe for Oily Skin

Dilute 1 tbsp. clay 20 ml of alcohol and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice. If you need to make the consistency less thick, add a little mineral water without gas to the composition. Spread the mask evenly over the skin of the face, and after 5 minutes massage it well with light circular movements.

Blue Clay Brightening Mask Recipe

Mix in one container blue clay - 3 tablespoons, lemon juice -10-15 drops and vodka 30 ml. Keep the mask on your face until it is completely dry (usually it takes no more than 20 minutes). At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water. Such a mask not only brightens the skin of the face, but also provides its deep cleansing.

blue clay mask recipe for dry skin

Pulp a mixture of the following ingredients: blue clay - 1 tbsp, liquid honey - 1 tsp, fresh lemon juice - 1 tsp, boiled water. Apply the mask to your skin and walk around with it for 20 minutes. To wash off, use cool water and do not forget to wipe your face with a slice of lemon.

Mask recipe for problematic and oily skin

To cleanse the skin and reduce acne, a blue clay mask - 2 tablespoons, mineral water - 2 tablespoons is suitable. and rose oil - 2-3 drops. The duration of the mixture on the face is 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with room temperature water.

Universal mask for all skin types from blue clay

Twice a week, heal the skin of the face with a mask based on the following components: blue clay - 1 tsp, kefir - 2 tbsp. Please note that the finished product should be of a homogeneous consistency and without lumps. After the mask dries on the face (after 10-15 minutes), gently massage the skin with wet fingers and wash with warm water. The action of the mask is aimed at updating the epidermis, deep cleansing and skin lightening.

Clay Nourishing Mask

Grind the pulp of one tomato with a blender and add 1 tbsp. blue clay. Nourish the skin with a mask for 20 minutes. To wash off, you will need warm milk.

Blue Clay Hydrating Mask Recipe

To prepare the mask, use blue clay - 2 tbsp. and any cosmetic oil (olive, peach, sea buckthorn, almond, avocado, jojoba, grape seed, etc.). The duration of the mask is 30 minutes.

Blue clay scrub

Ingredients: clay - 1 tbsp, oatmeal flakes - 2 tbsp, curdled milk or whey - 1 tbsp, egg yolk - 1 pc. Before mixing the components, grind the flakes with a blender or meat grinder. Having covered the entire face with the finished mass, gently rub the skin for a minute. The next 10 minutes go about your business with a mask on your face. Use warm water to remove it. This clay scrub can be used 2-3 times a week.

Photos: Yaostrov, Novosibirsk

One of the most useful and affordable facial skin care products is cosmetic blue clay. It is sold in every pharmacy in its pure form, or as a ready-made mask. The healing properties of this remedy have been known for centuries.

This “building material of beauty” can solve many problems: hide visible lack of sleep and fatigue on the face, remove the second chin at home, help get rid of dots on the face, remove wrinkles on the forehead, and this is not all that blue clay is useful for the face. .

Natural sea blue clay: its action, properties and benefits

Thanks to the special compounds in this raw material, the famous aristocratic color appeared. The radium contained in it removes toxins and radionuclides from the body, which is very useful for residents of megacities and industrial areas.

Like blue, it does an excellent job of combating pigmentation and sagging of the skin of the face and body. This material is widely known for its antiseptic and bactericidal properties. In ancient times, it was used as a medicine for many infectious diseases, patients took inside pieces of the mineral.

Properties of blue clay:

  1. Opposition to cancer(both benign and malignant).
  2. Lotions of this mineral are widely treat rheumatism, arthritis, and other diseases of the bones and joints.
  3. For anemia, ulcers, cirrhosis or diseases of the genitourinary system, traditional healers advise taking clay inside, first it must be crushed and sifted in the sun.
  4. Helps restore skin elasticity, fights even with old stretch marks.
  5. Hairdressers widely use it in the fight against dandruff and baldness, to stimulate hair growth and restore their volume and vitality.

Many diseases and problems can be cured at home by a simple effect of clay on the surface of the skin:

But, like any cosmetic product, it has its contraindications. It is not recommended to clean the skin with clay-based products if the skin is inflamed or has obvious wounds. Wraps against cellulite are prohibited in case of varicose veins of the legs, the use of clay inside is excluded in diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, the thyroid gland.

Blue clay masks

  1. Well proven apple mineral blend, this nourishing blue clay facial mask helps combat dry skin and loss of firmness. Grate one apple, combine with 2 tablespoons of the mineral and add a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix the mixture until smooth and apply to the skin until completely dry. Leave on face for 30-40 minutes, then rinse gently with hot water.
  2. Moisturizing mask beauty preparation is extremely simple and fast: two tablespoons of blue clay are mixed with any cosmetic oil of your choice: olive, peach, pink; We apply the potion to the problem area and hold for half an hour. This tool helps to cope with black dots well and thus it is also possible to take care of the lips in the cold season.
  3. A mixture of clay and mineral water can serve as an excellent tool for increasing elasticity and improving blood circulation in the epidermis. We mix one part of the mineral with two parts of water, apply a thick layer on the entire surface of the skin, avoiding contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. Wash off after 40 minutes.
  4. With the help of clay, you can not only nourish your face, but also get rid of such unpleasant things as acne scars or enlarged pores. Now in beauty salons, the service of almond peeling for oily facial skin is widespread, which can be done at home.
    For such a chemical effect, you will need 2 tablespoons of blue clay (cambrian is best, but any other will do), 1 spoon of almond oil, clove extract, black pepper and cinnamon, all in a few drops. We mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply with a sponge on the face with light massage movements. Do not press, lightly wipe the skin, pay special attention to the T-zone (nose, forehead, cheeks) or chin, depending on the problem area. We continue these movements for five minutes. Rinse off with warm water and make your favorite nourishing mask.
  5. Egyptian Hydrating Mask. For this remedy, which, according to legend, was used by Cleopatra, we need milk and clay (2: 1). Stir gently and apply a thin layer. Hold for about 20-30 minutes and wash your face. Can be applied every day.
  6. There is another recipe, all the ingredients are the same, but tea is added a spoonful of honey and a couple of drops of lemon oil. Normal thickness layer is applied for 15 minutes. After that, to improve blood circulation, we wash ourselves first with hot water, and after cold, repeat several times.
  7. Enlarged pores will help overcome astringent mask from blue clay. 1 egg (protein), not a steep clay mixture (sour cream condition) and a spoonful of lemon juice. Keep on the face for 20 minutes, for a quick effect, apply two to three times a week.
  8. Good from oatmeal with minerals. Half a teaspoon of honey is mixed with half a spoonful of lemon juice, added to clay porridge and placed in a water bath. Apply to the face with a sponge or gauze bandage.
  9. A similar recipe: add parsley (finely chopped), olive oil and lemon juice to the porridge. We keep it on the face for 15 minutes.

For greater effectiveness of the masks, we recommend mixing them not with water, but with herbal decoctions, such as sage or chamomile. During relaxation-clay procedures there should be no facial expressions, the mask should be frozen in one continuous layer. For girls with dry or very sensitive skin, it is especially recommended to add a few drops of cosmetic oils to any clay-based mask.

Facial clay masks have a reputation as a particularly effective and affordable way to care for and maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Among different types of clay, blue is recommended for oily and combination, as well as for aging skin.

Clay is amazing in its ability to quickly transform the skin, give it a healthy glow and blush. Just one express cosmetic clay mask before an important meeting or date will refresh the skin and tone it up. Well, if you want more significant and permanent effects, you need to apply masks regularly at least 2 times a week with short breaks.

Blue clay is extracted from the salt lakes of Siberia, and there is only one Russian company that exports this clay to all countries of the world.

Benefits of blue clay for the face

As expected, the benefits of clay lie in its composition, namely the blue variety is especially rich in minerals that strengthen cell walls, increase tone, and speed up metabolism.

Composition of blue clay. Its characteristic color is the result of a mixture of elements such as zinc, silicone, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and kelp. Blue clay is rightly considered the most valuable in the world due to its anti-aging properties, anti-wrinkle efficacy, skin aging as well as acne.

Blue clay is used in the treatment of many diseases, including some forms of cancer. In clinics in Germany and Sweden, blue clay is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, gastritis, alopecia, migraine, mastopathy, and impotence.

The effect of blue clay on the skin of the face:

  • The main advantage of blue clay is its ability to cleanse pores and remove toxins from even the deepest layers of the skin.
  • Destroys bacteria due to its antiseptic properties;
  • Stimulates the renewal of skin cells;
  • Rejuvenates the skin, tones, improves elasticity;
  • Removes excess sebum and regulates its production;
  • Improves metabolism in the cells of the epidermis;

  • Accelerates blood microcirculation and therefore improves the health and appearance of the skin;
  • It has an amazing ability to make the skin firm and elastic.

Of course, the effects after the mask can be observed immediately after rinsing, this is the main plus of clay, it starts working immediately. But in order to achieve a more permanent result, you need, firstly, to make poppies regularly, and secondly, to use additional ingredients that suit your skin type.

Blue clay face mask - indications for use

Despite the fact that blue clay is just perfect for oily and combination care, it is also safe to use in masks for all skin types.

The results of blue clay masks are best seen there are the following problems:

  • oily skin and acne;
  • aging skin
  • small wrinkles
  • dull complexion
  • comedones and blackheads
  • small wounds, burns, cracks

When it comes to the indications and contraindications of a particular mask, always pay attention not only to the main ingredient, but also to additional ones. So, in addition to clay, sour cream or olive oil is added to the mask for dry skin, for very oily skin, lemon juice or yogurt for normal skin.

The healing properties of blue clay have been known for a long time, and given the availability of this cosmetic, clay can be safely called one of the best ingredients for masks. When the action of others has to wait for months, or you may not wait, miracle masks with clay will always help to quickly and noticeably improve the condition of the skin of the face.

The Best Blue Clay Facial Mask Recipes

Perhaps, let's start with the fact that masks can be invented and made independently. You only need to know the rules for selecting ingredients.

  • Dry skin mask ingredients- avocado, honey, sour cream, cream, egg yolk. vegetable oils - olive, grape, peach, argan oil and wild rose.
  • For oily and combination skin- fruit purees, lemon juice, herbal decoctions - from chamomile or nettle, egg white.
  • For normal skin- yogurt, honey, oatmeal, pumpkin, strawberries, eggs, banana.
  • For skin whitening- lemon, cucumber, potato, melon, parsley.
  • Acne Ingredients- herbal decoctions, aloe, aspirin.
  • For skin rejuvenation- sea buckthorn, yeast, kefir, starch, vitamins A and E in oil, or aevit, cocoa .

So, using the ingredients that are right for your skin and are most accessible to you, you can make a new face mask every night that will be no less effective than any other purchased product.

  • Basic blue clay mask

Suitable for normal and oily skin. A few tablespoons of blue clay are mixed with water, herbal decoction or milk to make a mass with the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mask on a cleansed face in 2 layers and keep for 15 minutes. For a better effect, it is recommended to moisten a piece of gauze in water and apply on top so that the mask does not dry out longer.

  • Masks for dry skin

Take 2-3 tablespoons with a slide of blue clay, place in a container and add additional ingredients of your choice:

  1. A spoonful of rosehip oil and egg yolk
  2. One tablespoon of sour cream and honey
  3. A spoonful of olive oil and a spoonful of mashed avocado

We choose one version of the mask, which is the most available at the moment, mix it with clay, if necessary, add a little water to get the desired consistency. Next, apply the mask on a cleansed face and hold for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

  • Masks for oily skin

Blue clay is just perfect for oily skin and in its pure form, however, you can enhance the effect of the mask if you add a few more active ingredients. For example:

  1. Grapefruit or lemon juice - 1 spoon for a cleansing and whitening effect.
  2. Egg white if the pores are enlarged, plus a decoction of chamomile, which has a bright anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Strawberries or other seasonal fruits.

We chose the desired version of the mask components, mixed everything with clay and the mask is ready. Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

  • Acne mask

The basic mask of this clay works great against acne, and if you add aloe juice or even a store-bought aloe vera gel, then expect an amazing effect. Both of these ingredients have a good habit of acting almost instantly, so that after applying such a mask, redness and inflammation on the face will noticeably decrease. To prepare the mask, simply mix aloe juice with clay, so that a mass that is convenient for application is obtained. Keep the mask for at least 15 minutes, rinse with cool water, then lubricate the face with aloe gel or rosehip oil.

You will say that oils are not suitable for oily skin. How else can you! Our task is not to dry the skin, but to cure acne. Rosehip oil is very light, absorbs instantly and gives the skin the right nutrition.

Check out some very good tips on how to get rid of acne. Here I am with the video blogger Sonya, I completely agree.

  • Anti-aging masks

Blue clay already has quite strong anti-aging and toning properties, but if you add ingredients such as sea buckthorn puree, yeast, aevit, kefir or cocoa powder, then the effect will not be long in coming.

The recipe is also extremely simple - 2-3 tablespoons of clay are mixed with a few drops of aevit, and then 1 spoon of one of the above anti-aging ingredients is added. Apply the mask in 2 layers and keep for 20 minutes. Washes off with cool water.

Blue clay masks are considered one of the most effective home remedies for maintaining the beauty of facial skin. We will share with you the best recipes for such masks for different skin types, as well as tell you what and who will benefit from procedures using this clay.

What are the benefits of such masks and what kind of skin are suitable?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of clay for female beauty. Clay in the form of a powder is actively used in cosmetology - both in salon procedures and at home. It has the most valuable mineral composition, which has a magical effect on our skin. Contains phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, iron, zinc, manganese, sodium and many other useful trace elements.

Depending on the color, clay has certain properties for our skin. Clay of blue color effectively affects fading aging skin, helps to get rid of wrinkles. Such face masks make the skin more elastic and toned, saturate it with a mass of useful substances and start all metabolic processes in the epidermis. And in addition to this, they even out the complexion and eliminate signs of fatigue.

And blue clay masks are excellent for problem skin types, clearing it of blackheads, pimples and blackheads. Clay normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and perfectly cleanses the pores, providing an antiseptic effect. With its help, you can even get rid of post-acne, age spots and scars.

The benefits of blue clay

Such clay can be found in any pharmacy - in the form of a fine powder, which must be diluted with other active ingredients. Below we present a selection of blue clay face masks - they are easy to prepare and available to everyone at home.

Rejuvenating blue clay face masks

  • Butter with egg and honey. Combine all additional ingredients in a separate bowl: 1 small spoon each of sunflower / olive oil and natural honey, as well as egg yolk. Pour 1 dessert spoon of clay to them, and mix everything well. We apply the mixture on the skin of the face, leaving it to act for a quarter of an hour.

  • With sour cream. Take 1 tablespoon of blue clay and fat sour cream (preferably homemade) and mix until a homogeneous and fairly thick mass. Apply the mixture on the surface of the face, wait 10 minutes and rinse with water.

  • With herbs. In this mask, you can use any herbs for aging skin - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort or dry mint leaves. Take 1 dessert spoon of herbs and pour 50 ml of boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and let steep for 10-15 minutes. Then 1 tablespoon of clay powder should be diluted with the resulting decoction to a very liquid state. Take clean gauze, making incisions on it according to the shape of the face (including for the eyes, nose). Saturate the workpiece with the resulting liquid and apply to the surface of the skin for 15 minutes - until it begins to dry.

  • With aloe. You will need 1 tablespoon of clay powder and 1 dessert spoon of aloe juice (you can often find it in pharmacies). Mix the ingredients until you get a very thick creamy mixture and dilute it a little with clean water. Spread the mask over the surface of the face, leaving it to act for 15 minutes.
  • With protein. It is necessary to dilute 2 tablespoons of clay with clean water (about 15-20 ml). And with gentle movements, stir in the pre-whipped to dense peaks, the protein of one egg into the mass. Keep the mask on the skin for 15 minutes and wash off.
  • With cucumber. Again, mix the clay powder with drinking water until the density of fatty sour cream. We also take ½ fresh cucumber, peel it, grind it on a medium-sized grater and send it to the clay mixture. We also add 1 capsule of vitamin E to the mass and mix the components well. Apply the mask to the surface of the skin, setting the timer for 15 minutes.

Recipes for problem skin

  • With rice flour. Mix 2 tablespoons of blue clay with the same amount of rice flour. Gradually pour clean water into them until you achieve a density like a regular mask. Spread the mixture in a thick layer over the surface of the face. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

  • With tea tree oil. 3 drops of this oil should be added to 30 ml of low-fat sour cream, stirring until evenly distributed. Pour 1 teaspoon of clay powder to the components and stir the mass again. Spread the mask over your face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • With rosemary. Take 1 tablespoon of clay and dilute it with a little water to make a smooth and thick mask. You also need to add rosemary oil to the mixture - 5 drops. Mix again and apply the mass on the surface of the skin of the face. Exposure time: 15 minutes.
  • Coffee mask. You will need finely ground brewed coffee - 1 tablespoon. Combine it with the same amount of clay powder. Slowly pour in the water until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. Apply it on the skin and complete the treatment after 15 minutes.

Important! Since the clay, as it were, “pulls out” all the toxins and toxins from the epidermis, at first you can observe a greater number of rashes. Then the skin will clear up.

Masks for pigmentation and post-acne with a whitening effect

  • With lemon. Take 3 tablespoons of clay and pour 1 tablespoon of vodka into it. Stir until smooth. Squeeze the juice from a lemon to make 1 teaspoon. Pour the juice into the clay mixture, stir again and apply to the surface of the skin. Exposure time: 15 minutes.

Another good recipe
  • With badyaga. Mix all dry ingredients - 1 dessert spoon of badyagi and 1 tablespoon of clay. Pour a small amount of water into them until a liquid slurry is obtained. Also add 3 drops of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide to the mask. The mask is applied to the skin and kept for 10 minutes.

  • With fruit acids. Add a little milk to 2 tablespoons of clay - until the consistency of a very thick mask. Also pour in 1 tablespoon of juice (freshly squeezed) from a green apple. Leave on skin for 15 minutes.