Makeup for every day. Beautiful and easy make-up for every day

It is rare that a modern woman allows herself to appear in society without makeup. Of course, in the everyday version, this is a minimum of cosmetics: slightly accentuated eyes and lips, a light tone and a blush. After all, it should preserve the natural look of the face as much as possible, adding only a subtle touch of freshness and brightness.

Makeup for every day

Everyday make-up is a rather delicate issue. After all, it should look so organically as to become simply invisible to prying eyes. At the same time, it is designed to focus only on the natural beauty of a woman. And, probably, a conversation about such a delicate matter should start with typical mistakes in creating everyday makeup.

Many women sin by abusing tone, especially its quantity. But not always in the direction of excess: sometimes it is not enough. Of course, if the skin condition is good, then the minimum amount of foundation should be applied. But if the skin looks bad, then you need to use more tones. However, it is necessary to mainly mask places with obvious shortcomings, and not cover the face with tonalka like plaster.

Light tone, shaped eyebrows, a little mascara and lip gloss - and you will already feel more confident

As for the method of applying the product, it does not really matter: let it be a sponge, brush or just fingers, the main thing is to get the effect of the thinnest film even with fairly dense makeup. It is also important to be able to successfully choose a shade of tone. After all, by deliberately or mistakenly choosing a darker color in contrast with the whiteness of the skin of their own face, women get too noticeable makeup. And if on the face he is not very embarrassing, then the line that separates the white skin of the neck and the darkish tone of the face is very striking. Not only is it not very beautiful, but sometimes it looks like the face is just dirty with something. But the tone color must necessarily match the skin tone. So, if you, like most Slavic women, have a slightly pinkish skin color, then the shade of the tone for it should be selected in the same range, which requires only your attention.

It is also impossible to get makeup if it is incorrectly matched in tone or powder is applied. After all, its main purpose is to eliminate shine, as well as to correct minor skin problems: acne, capillaries, age spots. Especially in the presence of such flaws and the need to veil irregularities and other imperfections of the skin of the face, matte powder becomes simply indispensable. Also, when using a bold tone, you have to use powdering, which will protect against shine.

Today, there are many new formulas for a tone that does not need to be powdered, as it can perfectly adhere to the skin and not give shine. Before applying the powder, it is better to use a foundation, this technique helps to adhere the powder particles to the skin.

It is important to be able to distinguish the effect obtained from two different types of powder: loose - fixes the cream, and compact powder gives a highly pigmented effect. And when it is applied to a base with a greasy texture, age spots appear on certain areas of the face. Choosing the type of powder is an important nuance that must be considered when creating a successful make-up.

Any makeup will look extremely bad on unkempt, painful skin. So you should start with a thorough daily facial skin care. All traditional procedures for cleaning, nourishing and moisturizing it are not empty fun, but extremely important actions. They will help not only to preserve the blooming appearance of the skin, but also to make everyday makeup a light painterly touch in a beautiful portrait, and not a greasy daub on sandpaper.

Women do it best. And if some women generally neglect this part of the make-up, considering the natural color of their eyelashes and eyelids to be quite saturated, then most of the fairer sex have to paint on the edging of their beautiful eyes. And over the years of daily training, this process is brought to automatism: shadows are applied with practiced movements, eyeliner is drawn and eyelashes are painted - and as a result, the eyes enlarge and acquire a soft sheen.

For everyday eye makeup, use shades of neutral shades.

But the subtleties of this case also exist, for example, with the color choice of shadows. Of course, in everyday make-up of shadows there should be a minimum amount. But even the most discreet color requires the possession of a certain technique for drawing shadows. For example, for pearlescent shadows, shading is important both directly above the upper eyelashes and under the eyebrow. And for matte shadows, shading is required in the crease of the upper eyelid. Many women use these shadows for eyeliner instead of a rough contour, and in daytime makeup it looks more organic.

Often, women apply moisturizer to the skin around the eyes, and then eye shadow, which leads to uneven application of makeup, eye shadow rolling and the effect of dirty eyelids. Even if for some reason you do not have enough time to wait until the cream is absorbed, you can lightly powder your eyelids before applying the shadows. By the way, subsequently the same powder on the eyelashes will make them much more lush and fluffy, and also prevent them from sticking together. But as for the eyeliner, then it requires jewelry accuracy of application, which is acquired after a certain training. Remember: an abundance of mascara with blue eyeliner looks pretty vulgar and rude.

Also, do not get carried away with eyeliner, especially on the inner eyelid, for owners of narrow and small eyes: this will make them visually even smaller.

Makeup for the impending century. Shape eyebrows and apply eye shadow base

Apply a neutral shade of shadow on the entire upper eyelid and draw an inter-lash line

Now you can draw a thicker arrow, but not too thick

Bring the lower eyelid to the middle with brown shadows

Day makeup for the impending century is ready

It should become especially masterful when applying mascara. In order to avoid mistakes, in addition to accuracy in this process, one must learn to distinguish between types of carcasses. When applying lengthening mascara, you need to act like this: first apply powder, then the first layer of mascara, let it dry, then the second, pause to dry, and then the third layer. This mascara contains a lengthening component - fiber, which requires complete drying of the previous layer of cosmetics, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved.

In make-up for every day, it is not necessary to paint the eyes - it is enough just to emphasize their expressiveness with well-groomed eyebrows, brushing them with a thick brush. Also, if the eyebrows and eyelashes are too light, then they can be tinted and light shadows applied to the eyelids. And if an inferior dream affects the expression of your gaze, then your eyes must definitely be tinted. But only carefully, without much enthusiasm for rich shadows. In this case, it is quite justified to use body shadows that are applied to the upper eyelids. And the use of a high-quality and neatly blended corrector will help mask circles around the eyes and inner dark corners.

If you have beautiful expressive eyebrows, then it will be enough just to make up your eyelashes

It is also important to consider that depending on the level of illumination, the complexion also changes. Therefore, it is appropriate to enhance a gentle morning make-up for dinner with a small amount of color with rich notes. For example, you can revive the complexion with a darker colored powder with a light beige tone. And if in the morning the eyes were not tinted, then by noon it's time to do it. A light eyeliner near the lash line with a very thin, almost imperceptible arrow, the contours of which are important to blend evenly, will also be appropriate. And to emphasize the expressiveness of the look, mascara applied in a small amount to the tips of the cilia will help.

Light everyday options

Standard makeup can not do without lipstick. It should not be catchy, but only giving the lips a delicate natural shade. But first, you should even out the contours of the lips with a concealer, the color of which should be about half a tone lighter than the skin around the lips themselves. This will make your lips just perfect, even when using rich lipstick colors.

Before gloss or lipstick, a pencil should be applied over the entire surface of the lips, for example, a truffle color. And for those who cannot deny themselves the pleasure of emphasizing the juiciness of the lips, we can recommend rich shades of cherry, cranberry or raspberry-colored lipsticks or glosses - which is natural, and appropriate in natural makeup! However, don't overdo it...

Also, many women line their lips with a beige corrector, powdering their surface and covering them with a layer of soft light lipstick or even a colorless gloss. But closer to noon, they cover the lips with a more saturated color of lipstick, however, nevertheless, a natural shade.

Apply a lip balm to the lips, then apply a white pencil in the center of the lips

Clearly define the borders of the lips

Blend the liner and apply a natural lip gloss

No need to resort to outdated methods such as edging the lips with a brown contour and mother-of-pearl lipstick. After all, given the texture of modern glosses and lipsticks, you can not use a pencil at all. Fans of this method of creating makeup can use a pencil, the color of which perfectly matches the shade of lipstick and the lips themselves. Moreover, a pencil of a lighter tone will soften the contours of the lips, while a darker one will emphasize them. You can choose what is more interesting and necessary for you.

Brunettes can use brighter lipstick, otherwise the lips will be completely lost against the background of other facial features.

And the last secret: after emphasizing the line of the lips with a pencil, you can powder it and apply lipstick. With such a powdered lip contour, lipstick will not spread for a long time. This method can be advised to ladies older than the “Balzac” age, but it is generally undesirable for young girls to use lip pencils. You should also not experiment by applying lipstick to the edges of the lips, because this results in the effect of a child's mouth smeared with candy.

Scarlett Johansson natural makeup

Exotic beauty Adriana Lima can do without makeup at all

Mila Kunis shows us a great daytime make-up

The most will look fresher if you add a little, in the very measure, blush. On the skin of our compatriots, pink blush looks great, as well as a tan color. Well, brown blush will not allow women's skin to have a rested, glowing look from the inside, but on the contrary, they make the skin more oppressed, giving it an earthy tint. Therefore, it is important to consider that the use of a range of brown blushes can imperceptibly change the direction of makeup, and in an effort to appear younger and fresher, you can artificially age yourself.

It remains only to draw the conclusions that we got:

  1. Firstly, in daytime makeup, great restraint is expected, as well as emphasizing the natural natural skin tone.
  2. According to the technology of everyday make-up, mandatory morning and evening hygiene procedures are assumed to cleanse the skin of the face, remove fatty secretions that have accumulated during the day or night.
  3. After cleansing the skin, a moisturizing and nourishing base is applied to it, which, among other things, helps to more even and beautiful distribution of makeup over the face. The remaining cream, which has not had time to be absorbed, is removed with a napkin.
  4. Now comes the turn of foundation, which is designed to even out the contour and color of the skin of the face, as well as masking minor skin problems.
  5. With the help of a small layer of powder, the foundation acquires a natural tone, and the shine of the skin is hidden.
  6. The case is small - a minimum amount of decorative cosmetics.

1. Hide dark circles under the eyes 2. Do contouring

3. Hide minor imperfections 4. Apply blush

In this article, we will give instructions on how to properly make natural, light, beautiful face makeup for every day at home, show videos and photos. The inconspicuous make-up trend has not lost popularity for many years. With it, you can emphasize the advantages, hide the flaws and look great in any situation: at work, study, gala evening. Despite the apparent simplicity, such an image does not tolerate ill-conceivedness and negligence.

To get a successful result, you need to have high-quality cosmetics and be able to apply the perfect tone, since it is the basis of everything in this business. It is also important to choose and create the right emphasis on one of the parts of the face so that inconspicuity does not turn into fading.

What is the name of natural gentle daytime makeup, its types

Such a make-up has its own name. Most often you can find the definition - nude or nude. This word is also used in the description of individual decorative means. For example, lipsticks, shadows, masking creams. It means the most natural colors. This look includes long, fluffy eyelashes, radiant skin, a slight blush, and fresh lips.

In short, this is natural beauty. Such a make-up can be conditionally divided into everyday and festive. The second is most often done by brides. It differs only in the properties of cosmetics. For a celebration that lasts all day, it is better to choose resistant products.

Also, the daily make-up is classified according to color types. For girls of cold and warm colors, you will need different palettes. You will also learn about the selection of the desired range from our article. Another sign by which two types of nudes are distinguished is an accent. It can be done on the eyes - arrows, smokey ice or on the lips - with red lipstick. Let's talk about the main life hacks and rules that are relevant for natural makeup in general.

Secrets of natural makeup

A few recommendations from stylists will help create a beautiful image.

  • Choose one dominant. Remember that if you want to divert attention from some part of the body, you should not apply a bright color to it. For example, if you need to hide your neck, lips are indicated with a transparent gloss or balm.
  • Color your eyebrows evenly and neatly. They are responsible for youth and wide-open eyes. Choose a tone that matches your hair or is slightly darker.
  • Don't overuse blush. Their task is to give a light, healthy pink shade to the cheeks.
  • Use soft or damp sponges to blend foundation. So it will better hide the bumps and be distributed evenly, last longer.
  • Be sure to prep your skin before applying cosmetics.
  • Paint with light correctors those parts of the face that you want to enlarge, bring closer. For example, the area around the eyes.
  • With dark pigments, on the contrary, move away what needs to be hidden, reduced. Together with contrasting ones, they are good for creating relief.
  • Apply the base on the cheeks towards the ears, along the massage lines. Move smoothly to the neck so that there is no sharp transition if the palette contrasts with your coloring. It is also needed on the lips and eyelids.
  • Avoid clear strokes, it is important to carefully blend all the borders.
  • Give preference to matte shades. Natural make-up does not accept mother-of-pearl or sheer gloss.

How to do makeup in natural tones for every day photo step by step

You will need a regular set of cosmetics. It should include: foundation, concealer, corrector, powder, blush, lip gloss or tint, shadows, pencils, sponges and, if necessary, brushes. As for the palette, it is important to choose colors that are as close as possible to your natural ones. Makeup artists are advised to rely on the following scheme.

Selection of gamma for nude, depending on the color of the appearance

Girls with the type of summer and winter can use cold pink, lilac, white shades. Young ladies with a spring and autumn type are more suitable for warm colors: peach, salmon, beige. You can also rely on other characteristics of appearance. For example, hair, skin and eyes.

  • For brunettes, brighter pigments are suitable. Choose from coral, rosé brown, caramel, silver, blue, plum, lipsticks. It is good to use a bronzer, black mascara.
  • Light-skinned blondes, depending on the color, are matte creamy, orange-red, muted purple, cherry, brown, gray nuances.
  • Owners of red curls need very gentle, translucent tones. All pastel, coffee will do. If the redhead is copper, try brick, terracotta shades, some berries.
  • For fair-haired women, both cold and warm options from those listed above can be suitable.

For different eye colors

  • Greens. Calm purple, nude, honey, cream, pink, bronze and other pigments for spring and autumn colors.
  • Brown. Gold, dark brown, caramel, plum, copper, chocolate nuances.
  • Blue. Coffee, red-brown, red-orange, walnut, white, powdery, graphite, lilac.
  • Grey. Coppers, yellows, pastel pinks, peaches and all of the above.

How to apply natural makeup step by step

Making a make-up is important to carry out in daylight. Artificial lighting can distort colors and the image will not look as intended. Visage includes several steps. First and foremost is always the preparation of the skin.

  • Cleanse your face with skin care products: scrubs, lotions, tonics.
  • Be sure to apply a nourishing cream, lip balm and moisturize the area around the eyes.
  • Wait until the product is absorbed.
  • Remove excess with a paper towel.

Ready! Now you can proceed to the next step.

Natural makeup for every day: step by step photo

Another important step is to create a base for a make-up. Use a primer first. It will fix the layer of makeup and hide the bumps. This coating is moisturizing and mattifying. The first option is suitable for dry skin, the second - for oily skin. Then comes the turn of masking pigments.

  • Lightly pat under the eyes with a light or other suitable corrector. Yellow neutralizes bruising. Put a few dots or draw lines in the form of a triangle. Blend the borders to go beyond dark circles.
  • If there are other imperfections, they also need to be covered with concealers. Redness removes green, yellowness - lilac, freckles and spots - pink.
  • Moisten the sponge and paint over the face with the selected base. Create a thin layer.

Even tone is ready! Let's move on to other features.


They are applied in small quantities on the apples of the cheeks, the bridge of the nose and, if necessary, on the forehead on the sides. Draw with a soft brush from the middle of the cheekbones to the temples. In the case of this cosmetic product, it is better to underdo it than overdo it, as red cheeks will look too contrasting against a light background.


Pick up a powder pencil and with short, jerky strokes, carefully emphasize the natural shape and color. Draw strokes where there are gaps. The darker the hair, the brighter you can choose tones. Blondes and red-haired girls can pay attention to graphite, gray, brown nuances. Fix the result with a transparent gel.

How to do natural eye makeup

Paint over the eyelids with the selected shades with a brush, do not leave clear boundaries between the shadows. There are three rules for a competent combination of pigments:

  • Apply the most saturated sample to the outer corner.
  • Muted - in the middle.
  • Light - in the inner corner.

A tired look can be refreshed with white eyeliner. Just circle the lower eyelid along the line of redness. The same effect can be achieved with a highlighter. Put highlights under the eyebrows or in the area next to the nose. Expressiveness will be added by neat arrows of a color suitable for the color of the exterior. They are appropriate in both daytime and evening make-up. The final step is a layer of mascara.


In nude makeup, lipstick and pencil are usually not used. Enough translucent gloss. If you decide to focus on this area, use all the necessary tools and tools. It is important that the shade of the eyeliner matches the main sample.

  • You can visually increase the volume if you apply a lighter pigment in the center, and then carefully shade.
  • This effect is provided by a highlighter dot above the Cupid's arc and the drawing of borders protruding 1 mm beyond the natural contour.

The final stage is fixing with a transparent, transparent powder. Just gently run the sponge over your face. Your natural make-up is ready! If desired, you can quickly and easily turn it into a bright one. To do this, just add another accent.

  • Skin that is too pale in certain lighting conditions can create an unhealthy look. Therefore, try to use pigments one tone brighter than your natural one. Remember that they are also applied to the neck and décolleté.
  • Stick blush is better than loose blush. They are convenient to paint, they are more resistant and easier to transform for a festive evening.
  • The liveliness of the image will give relief to the face. It doesn't have to be flat. To do this, combine two colors of powder: lighter and darker. For those areas that need to be selected, you will need the first option. For those who want to hide - the second.
  • Don't forget to carefully shade the borders.

And the last, no less important tip is to regularly take care of your face. Moisturize it every day, cleanse, tone and drink enough water. So you can keep the set of masking tools to a minimum.

How to choose a tinted nude cream for problem skin

There are several factors to consider when buying.

  • A quality product always has a homogeneous structure. It's not too runny and not too thick.
  • A dense consistency will block the pores, create discomfort and harm the face. Such a base can be suitable for a photo shoot or an evening event. For everyday life, choose a light fluid or emulsion.
  • Be sure to read the ingredient label on the tube. It should not contain essential oils at all or they are present in a minimal amount.
  • Purchase a sample with hyaluronic acid and UV protection. This is especially true for "snow whites".
  • Stop at products that narrow the pores and contain bactericidal substances. For example, tea tree extract.
  • Try to choose a product that prevents shine.

Winter and summer foundation: is there a difference

In the cold season, makeup artists are advised to give preference to oil-based and silicone-based versions. If your skin is prone to dryness, choose a base with moisturizing ingredients. In summer, you will need a composition with SPF protection and a light consistency.

Correction of the type of face with the help of nude

Natural style does not involve sculpting and contouring techniques. But it is designed to emphasize the dignity of appearance, and even with a modest palette, some imperfections can be hidden.

  • A too oblong face is easy to round by adding a dark color under the hairline and on the edge of the chin. Then put highlighter on the temples and sides of the jaw.
  • The round shape visually narrows if you darken the temporal zone and cheekbones. Luminous highlights on the chin, under the eyebrows, on the back and nightlight of the nose also visually stretch.
  • The angularity of the “square” will be smoothed out by a shaded hiding concealer on the sides of the forehead, lower jaw and apples on the cheeks.

Examples of an inconspicuous make-up: photos and videos with step-by-step application

This image has been popular for many years. He is loved by many girls, he is suitable for any age and appearance. The main thing is to choose the right palette and carefully apply it in the right amount. We have put together a small inspirational selection with successful examples of everyday makeup.

Now you know all the rules and life hacks of natural makeup. It remains to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. To do this, you need high-quality cosmetics. You can find everything you need at affordable prices in the First Moscow Customs Store. The site presents a variety of brands, all products have certificates. Consultants work for you, who will answer any question and help you choose the right product.

To be done in 15 minutes… Such a difficult task is faced by every modern girl in the morning when she tries to create an attractive make-up. In our hectic pace of life, when every minute counts, it is not always possible to be in all its splendor. In a hurry to go to work or school in the morning, but wanting to look perfect, girls put on awkward makeup and go about their business. Throughout the day, they continually correct their make up, eliminating morning imperfections. But it is very important for every girl to have a presentable appearance, how to be? How to create the right daily makeup in the morning in such a small amount of time and still be stunning all day long?

What do we know about makeup? Any make-up is created in order to emphasize all your advantages and hide unpleasant appearance flaws. Proper everyday makeup should not resemble a mask with a layer of plaster, it should be light, barely noticeable and of course attractive. And of course, it should take as little time as possible to create it. To make a beautiful makeup for every day, you must familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

What is needed to create beautiful makeup for every day?

  1. Ideal skin, which will be completely free of imperfections: redness, pimples, age spots, dark circles, bags under the eyes. To bring the skin of the face in perfect condition, you must take care of proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, sound sleep, as well as drinking enough fluids. In addition to all these daily procedures, you should exfoliate the skin of the face once a week, and then make nourishing masks. Don't forget to apply daily cream, day and night, according to your skin type.
  2. Of course, a set of good cosmetics and tools. If you decide to update your cosmetics set, then stop your look at cosmetics from the professional series, with these tools you can create high-quality daily makeup, the condition of which you do not have to worry about. An equally important detail is a set of necessary tools that meet the high quality of materials.

Necessary cosmetics

In addition to the standard set: mascara, shadows, lipstick and blush, you should have some other cosmetics:

  • Cleansing tonic - with the help of it you will remove all impurities from the skin and give the face a matte tone.
  • Face cream (day) - in order for the make-up to fit perfectly, it is necessary to apply a face cream immediately before the make-up procedure.
  • Foundation - when choosing this product, opt for creams that are light in texture, such as CC cream. It combines 2 necessary effects - care and toning of all skin imperfections. As for the color, it should ideally match your natural skin tone.
  • Concealer - it is indispensable for eliminating imperfections such as: pimples or dark circles. By applying a little concealer on a visible flaw, you will make it less noticeable to others.
  • Powder - it should have a light, crumbly base, it is this powder that will help maintain the durability of the make-up without weighing it down.
  • Contra eyeliner pencil - its color is selected based on the type of your appearance. If you are a blonde, then it is better to give up the black contour pencil, and opt for brown.
  • Eyeshadow palette - the more colors it includes, the more variations of everyday makeup you will have. In the palette of shadows, there must be dark and light shades.
  • Mascara - when choosing a mascara, be guided by what effect you need from its application, lengthening, maximum volume or just separation and rich color. Blonde girls, do not choose black mascara, it does not always suit you. For you, the best option would be brown mascara.
  • Eyebrow pencil or eye shadow - the color of these products should be a tone darker than the color of your hair.
  • Lipstick - its color must be chosen based on the color of your hair. You can opt for a matte texture, glossy or lipstick with particles of mother-of-pearl or sparkles.

Girls, if you are creating daily make-up, then opt for a range of light, calm shades. A riot of rich colors is inappropriate in everyday makeup, better leave it. Light make-up for every day is a make-up imperceptible to others, which makes your look gentle and light.

make-up toolkit

With a set of necessary cosmetics, we have completely figured out. To create a flawless daily make-up, one cosmetic is not enough, you must have a set of special tools. Every girl who decides to master the art of makeup should purchase a professional set of tools:

  • - it includes a brush for foundation, corrective agents, powder, several different brushes for applying shadows, a brush-comb for eyelashes and eyebrows, a brush for applying shadows on eyebrows, a brush for lipstick.
  • Sponge - it is necessary for a thorough distribution of the tonal foundation. If you are allergic to the hairs from which makeup brushes are assembled, then the sponge will become an indispensable tool. Your cosmetic bag should contain at least 2 sponges.
  • - without it, it is impossible to make an adjustment to the shape of the eyebrows, and perfect eyebrows are a very bright detail in the image of any girl.

Remember that all these tools require proper and timely care. To keep the tool as clean as possible for as long as possible, put it in a special case or box after use. All brushes, brushes, combs should be washed when visible contamination forms. This also applies to sponges.

We create makeup for every day

So, let's move on to how to make the right perfect makeup for every day at home:

  1. We clean the skin with a tonic and a small cotton pad. After this procedure, the skin will become dull.
  2. Apply your usual day cream for face skin care. This will help nourish the skin with moisture and make it velvety.
  3. Now you need to start masking the flaws with the help of concealer. We apply it to all areas that require correction with a special brush.
  4. Having finished the masking procedure, proceed to applying the main tone. The foundation will help you with this, the foundation must be applied with a brush or a soft sponge.
  5. To fix the tone on the face, lightly powder it with powder, paying special attention to the T-shaped zone.
  6. Now you need to highlight the perfect eyebrow line, apply a little shadow or pencil on the hairs and comb them well.
  7. To make a simple eye makeup, it is enough to apply graceful arrows to the eyelids with a contour pencil in a shade that suits you.
  8. Simple eye makeup can be done with the help of shadows alone. Apply one tone all over the eyelid and the eye makeup is ready. Of course, you can make a heavier version of makeup for every day, you can combine light arrows and several shades of shadows in it.
  9. The last chord in eye makeup is mascara, we apply mascara in 1-2 layers, no more.
  10. The line of lipstick, if you have done a full eye makeup, then it is better to give up colored lipstick, apply lip balm or a colorless gloss on your lips. If your daily eye makeup is done modestly, that is, arrows on the eyelids or just eyelashes are highlighted with mascara, then you can safely afford colored lipstick, but its color should not be flashy.

We select simple makeup for every day for all eye colors

For green-eyed beauties

It requires some care in choosing a color, it should not be too bright, as well as merge with the iris of the eyes.

  • For green eyes, shades in purple are ideal, ranging from delicate lilac to dark eggplant.
  • Unusual will be everyday makeup for green eyes with purple mascara on the cilia.
  • As for lip makeup for every day, lipstick should be a warm shade of the palette.

For brown-eyed beauties

Must be made in warm, delicate range of colors.

  • A warm tone on the face, gentle shadows for brown eyes, the color of lipstick in everyday makeup for brown eyes, can undergo slight changes and become brighter, for example, a wine shade.
  • For owners of brown eyes and pale skin color, everyday makeup is suitable, where silver and purple shadows and berry-colored lipstick are used.

For blue-eyed and gray-eyed beauties

And also gray has some features. The owners of blue and gray eyes have the ability to change the color of the iris, depending on the mood, lighting, clothing and, of course, the makeup itself.

  • If you want to emphasize the heavenly blue of blue eyes, then apply a pearl-blue shade on the eyelids, and it is better to choose a lipstick from a natural range or completely abandon it.
  • As for makeup for every day for gray eyes, it is better to give up shadows in it, and decorate your eyelids with beautiful eyeliner and mascara, make lip makeup not too catchy, this is such a fairly simple makeup.

We hope that you understand what the correct daily makeup is, in what colors it is performed and what kind of tools and cosmetics are needed for it. Using our little tips, you can easily master makeup at home, and you can create unique images for every day in 5-10 minutes!

Video: Do-it-yourself makeup for every day

A neat make-up that matches the type of face, skin and occasion transforms the fair sex in a matter of minutes.

At the same time, an uneven line of foundation, too dark blush or crazy arrows give the opposite effect.

In this article, we find out how to do makeup at home correctly, not spend a lot of time on it and always look fresh.

The basics of makeup for women of any age are the same - the right make up is designed to emphasize the naturalness and beauty of the face.

And if at 18 it’s enough to paint over the cilia and line the lips to look perfect, then after 30 or 40 this is just not enough.

Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for aging yet.

To hide all the flaws of the face and emphasize the dignity, you will need a good foundation, concealer, the right shades of shadows and lipsticks, eyebrow pencils and a lot of all sorts of devices.

Where to start?

Make your own perfect makeup!

How to do daytime makeup at home - step by step photo

Step 1: Cleanse and Moisturize Your Face

The main rule is to apply cosmetics necessarily on a clean one.

After washing, a cream according to the type of epidermis is suitable for this:

  1. Mattifying effect- for oily skin
  2. Oily with intense hydration- for dry
  3. Simple moisturizing- for normal

Our skin needs regular hydration.

Step 2: Apply makeup base

Let the cream soak in and apply the base for makeup.

The base or primer acts as a kind of barrier between cosmetics and the epidermis.

It contributes to the even distribution of funds, increases their value.bone and makes the colors more saturated. Choose a primer according to age and skin type.

First of all, we apply the base

Step 3: Refresh your eyes with concealer

After the base comes the turn of the concealer - it is needed to hide dark circles and.

The color of the concealer should match your skin tone and foundation.

Ideally, it is better to purchase two products of the same brand. Too light circles will immediately give out your desire to get rid of them by all available and inaccessible ways.

How to properly apply concealer

Step 4: fix the result with foundation

Initially, we perform a small sculpting of the face, depending on the shape.

Which parts should be lightened with a highlighter, and which ones should be darkened, is schematically shown in the figure below.

The scheme of sculpting all types of faces

When the cream is completely absorbed, lightly powder the face with translucent powder to add a matte finish to the skin.

Choose foundations with a light texture

The foundation should ideally match the color of the skin, as too light or dark tones will make the face look like a mask.

The funds must also be applied to the neck and décolleté area, otherwise the difference in shades will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Powder is applied mainly to the T-zone

Step 5: draw the eyebrows

Drawing eyebrows is one of the basic conditions for an ideal make-up.

You can give them a beautiful shape with a brown pencil and shadows of the appropriate shade.

However, you first need to remove excess hairs and cut too long.

Eyebrow drawing step by step

Tip: when choosing cosmetics, it is imperative to take into account not only skin tone and face shape, but also color. Makeup should be refreshing, not doll-like, so it's best to avoid contrasting color shifts.

Step 6: apply blush

If you do not know how to correctly determine the place of application of blush, smile slightly and make light strokes on the resulting dimples, blending the product to the temples.

Don't Use Bronzer Instead of Blush

To make the tone even, it is better to apply blush with a continuous movement with a brush made of natural materials.

Do not forget also that when choosing a blush, it is also necessary to take into account the skin tone.

Often girls use bronzers instead of blush, but it is important to understand that there is no brown blush in nature - pink, coral, red - yes.

Bronzer is useful for darkening some areas of the skin.

Tips for choosing the right shade of blush

Step 7: Emphasize the beauty of the eyes

When choosing a shade, you should focus on the appropriateness of makeup - a black / brown pencil and shades of 2-3 light shades are suitable for daytime.

It is better to give preference to matte, since mother-of-pearl is reliably a thing of the past.

We shade the line with a pencil - the eyelashes will thus appear thicker, and the look will be expressive.

The pencil line should not be thick, otherwise the makeup will look vulgar and sloppy.

Step-by-step diagram of the correct eye makeup

Never use black eyeliner for the inside of the eyelid, highlight it exclusively with a light shade. Otherwise, the eyes will visually decrease.

The shadows themselves are applied with an applicator or brush. The table below will help you figure out the shades that suit your eye color.

We apply light shadows on the inside, dark ones on the outside. The final step is ink.

When choosing it, also focus on the type and thickness of the eyelashes and refuse to stain the eyelashes on the lower eyelid so as not to look older than your age.

How to choose shadows for eye color

Tip: cold shades of shadows are suitable for creating a unique evening look.

Step 8: lipstick or gloss?

Applying lipstick or gloss is the final step in makeup.

Close to natural, but not too pale shades will help to emphasize the beauty of the lips: coral, peach, pink or light berry.

Choose lipsticks and glosses in natural shades

Glitter can also be used to create classic daytime makeup.

How to choose the right shade of lipstick

Step 9: Make your makeup last longer

The task of any make-up is to hold out for several hours. To do this, you will come to the aid of a fixative for an evening out and thermal water for a daytime one.

Step 10: Proper Makeup Remover

Moreover, the rules of makeup in adulthood remain the same as in 30 or 35 years. The composition of the funds changes somewhat.

With age, it is recommended to approach the choice of cosmetics more carefully.

Everyone knows that after 35 years, the skin begins to actively fade, so buy cosmetics created specifically for women.

You need to start everyday makeup at home for women over 40 with the application of an anti-aging cream and after a quarter of an hour proceed to the basic manipulations.

Step 1:We apply a primer that helps fill in wrinkles and uneven skin, making it smoother.

Step 2:even out the texture of the face with a foundation with a matting effect.

Step 3:We mask circles under the eyes with a corrector.

Primer, concealer and foundation will help you achieve the perfect tone

Tip: The corrector application line should resemble an inverted triangle.

Step 4:Let's move on to sculpting. To do this, you need a powder or bronzer a shade darker and a highlighter.

Highlight the cheekbones, hairline, chin, wings of the nose and forehead in accordance with the type of face and the scheme from the previous section.

Step 5:apply blush on the protruding parts of the cheeks.

Step 6:draw eyebrows.

Step 7:on the upper eyelids we apply the base under the shadows so that the main color lies more evenly and looks saturated.

Before and after photos: pay attention to how young the right make up is

We apply the shadows ourselves, after which we draw the lash line with a pencil and complete the eye makeup with mascara.

Step 8:We outline the lips with a wax pencil, then cover with the desired shade.

Using a lip contour pencil is a must for women over 40.

Older women must use a lip pencil

This is a quick and effective way to emphasize their shape and prevent lipstick from spreading over the wrinkles in the corners.

Tip: if you want to use red lipstick for an evening out, choose a calm eye makeup, since two accents in one look are unacceptable.

Photo tip on how to apply red lipstick for a gala exit

How to do makeup at home - 10 mistakes that make us older

Regardless of how old you are, 30 or 55, using these tricks will not beautify your appearance:

Too much cream- plus a few years and an additional emphasis on wrinkles. Instead of heavy dense foundations, favor liquid vibes.

Mascara on lower lashes- will not make the look more expressive, but will emphasize wrinkles.

Tint only the top lashes

Dark shadows applied all over the eyelid- Firstly, they remained in the deep 90s. Secondly, they also age.

Wrong lipstick color- if you have naturally thin lips, fashionable rich colors will make them even thinner.

In this case, it is better to apply lipstick just above the natural contour.

Choose the right lipstick

Lower eyeliner- will make your eyes not look like the huge eyes of the heroines of Japanese cartoons, but, on the contrary, visually reduce.

Huge eyebrowsthat do not match the color of the hair, completely spoil the makeup. If you color your eyebrows, their tone should be one tone lighter than the natural color, but not 5 darker.

Neglect of corrector- with the help of foundation alone, it will not be possible to mask dark circles and make the look fresh.

Use corrector

Why do you need powder?To hide mainly in the T-zone. When there is too much powder, it visually makes the skin dry and emphasizes wrinkles.

Freehand Arrows- if you can’t draw even arrows, this does not mean at all that you will have to say goodbye to them forever.

Try drawing them with a simple plastic card or purchase a special liner.

Buy an arrow liner

Rejection of the primer- shadow bases With it, you do not have to complain about how quickly the shadows "drain".

If there is no desire to spend money on a primer, you can replace it with a regular foundation.

Apply a small amount of the product on the eyelids and let dry, then proceed to the actual shadows.

Makeup should highlight your natural attractiveness.

As you can see, with our tips and photo tips, daily make up will not take you too much time.

A few more tips on how to do makeup at home, you will learn from the video with a step-by-step description:

It is difficult to find a woman (girl) who goes out without decorative cosmetics. After all, it allows you to hide the flaws that everyone has: age spots and fine wrinkles, pimples and stale color, bags and dark circles under the eyes, short eyelashes and colorless eyebrows, etc.

Either beauties with a bright, oriental appearance, or ... lazy people can do without it. For everyone else, makeup for every day is simply necessary to look decent in any place - be it an office or a regular store.

However, many do not know how to distinguish between everyday and festive make-up, sometimes creating too pretentious and vulgar looks with a lot of bright and shiny makeup. Our task today is to learn how to avoid this mistake.


First you need to understand what features everyday makeup has, what exactly distinguishes it from evening or festive. By adhering to certain rules for applying it, in a short time (no more than 15 minutes) you can create a light, natural look that will hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of appearance in daylight.

It may seem too easy until you get down to business. After all, here you have to take into account many nuances and little things that will require scrupulousness and perseverance in achieving the ultimate goal.

Here are the very little tricks that will turn you into a home makeup artist:

  • the palette should contain only natural, muted, pastel colors;
  • no sequins and glitters;
  • the use of a minimum amount of cosmetics - its traces on the face should be barely perceptible;
  • attention is focused on only one part of the face - either on the lips or on the eyes;
  • application time - no more than 15 minutes;
  • suitable for regular, daily use;
  • the created image should be unobtrusive, natural.

If daily makeup is applied in accordance with these recommendations, it looks organic, natural and very light, unobtrusive. He will decorate your face at a business meeting, and during a walk, and on a romantic date, and even at home, if you want to please your husband with your grooming. With him, others will never notice flaws in appearance in the form of very short eyelashes or small pimples.

At the same time, they will not think that you are too fond of decorative cosmetics, since it will hardly be noticeable. So that you can more clearly imagine the differences between a make-up for every day and a festive () make-up, this table will summarize all of the above.

Additional Information. For makeup for every day, you need to choose the right pastel shades, which include: ivory, beige, coffee with milk, pale gray, lavender, pearl gray, pale blue, olive, sand, mustard, honey gold, pink, copper-red, etc.


Some mistakenly believe that make-up for every day is very boring, as it will have to be constantly repeated. After all, this way you can turn into a gray mouse, which is unremarkable.

In fact, everyday makeup ideas can be completely different. Everything will depend on its functionality, what it is intended for: for office everyday life or a business meeting that is very important for a career, for an ordinary walk or a romantic date, for shopping or maintaining home attractiveness?

In addition, you will choose a palette for an outfit that you probably change daily. So the make-up will be completely different.

  • Light

If you are not in a hurry to work or to a meeting, a light make-up for every day will help out, with which you will look like a queen at home. It is not necessary to apply layers of makeup here: it will be enough to mask the most problematic areas (pimples and) with concealer or highlighter. The top can be powdered. One-layer brown mascara and translucent lip gloss - and a weightless, very natural image of a seductress is created in just 5 minutes.

  • Business

Office (business) make-up for every day is needed to create perfect grooming - with it you will look, as they say, “from the needle”. Gives confidence, perfectly refreshes. It involves the use of only high-quality, durable cosmetics that can stay on the face all day and not fail even under adverse weather conditions.

  • Quick

If you need a quick makeup for every day, focus on light (described above). But to spice up your look and make it more expressive (if you're heading to work), add blush, foundation, beige eyeshadow, and a matte lipstick. It will take a little longer, but the result will look much more impressive.

  • Base

If your morning starts with a headache, how to make up, develop a basic make-up for every day to suit your appearance. Sit down once and review the entire color palette that is necessary for your color type.

Decide on cosmetics: will you use shadows or eyeliner, limit yourself to lipstick or add shine, do your eyebrows need additional coloring or leave their natural shade, is contouring justified for your appearance? By answering these questions, it will be easier to create new everyday looks based on a basic make-up, changing only minor details in it.

  • Fresh

Despite everyday life, fresh makeup for every day gives the skin freshness and radiance, makes the eyes shine in a new way. It uses soft, translucent tones, a natural palette. Attention is focused either on the eyes - this is done with the help of mascara with the effect of false eyelashes, or on the lips - using a light contour and gloss.

  • Stylish

Young girls and business women will surely love stylish everyday makeup that pushes the boundaries of prohibitions. It allows you to use slightly sharper defined, darker shadows, lip contouring and gloss for them. But the main thing in this concept is style. All shades should ideally fit not only into your color type, but also harmoniously shade the beauty of the chosen outfit.

A truly beautiful everyday makeup cannot be boring and monotonous. Each time you can bring new, fresh notes into it, take different ideas, options, varieties as a basis. For this, it is not necessary to consult a professional makeup artist, which costs a lot of money. You can always do it yourself, given the color type of your appearance and the chosen outfit.

Here you will have to rely primarily on the color of the eyes and hair. Shadows that will look perfect with green eyes will not work with brown at all. Without these nuances, it is impossible to look organic.

More about what types of makeup are, and what are their features, in our article on.

On a note. Stylish makeup for every day can initially take much longer to apply than the promised 15 minutes. After all, it requires a more careful selection of the color palette. But he has one plus: he allows you to highlight the eyes and lips at the same time, which is not allowed with everyday make-up.

By eye color

In make-up for every day, it is not permissible to make multiple accents, so most often women highlight the eyes as the most expressive part of the face. Still, there is a field where you can swing: choose mascara (lengthening, voluminous, twisting), tint your eyelids and even make barely noticeable, modest, but still arrows.

The main thing is that the palette of all cosmetics chosen for this fit into the general color type and beautifully sets off the natural color of the eyes. We are learning how to choose an everyday make-up for him.

For brown-eyed

  1. Makeup for every day for brown eyes should be minimal so as not to cross the line between everyday make-up and festive.
  2. Ideal shades for blush would be coral or berry. By prohibition, pink and neutral beige.
  3. Lipstick - saturated, but the most natural color.
  4. It is better to choose the color of the shadows according to the shade of the eyes (see the table below).

Summing up all of the above, brown-eyed beauties can be advised to take the following makeup palette for every day, depending on their hair color:

Stylists and makeup artists advise brown-eyed beauties to do makeup for every day in a style that looks beautiful against the backdrop of their bright, exotic appearance.

For the green-eyed

  1. Everyday, but beautiful makeup for every day for green eyes requires an obligatory emphasis on their mysterious and attractive power.
  2. are made out with shadows, wax or a brown pencil.
  3. For make-up, a pastel palette is ideal: sand, pearl gray, light chocolate, olive.
  4. Mascara and eyeliner - brown. Black is allowed only for brunettes.
  5. If the mascara is applied in 2 layers, the eyeliner should be ultra-thin, almost invisible. If in 1 layer - the arrows can be marked more clearly.
  6. Blush for everyday makeup green-eyed is better to choose brick, terracotta, peach shades. Pink will make the face doll-like and unnatural.
  7. Lipstick choose warm shades - berry or coral.

As for the shadows under the shade of green eyes, you can take into service the following data:

And in no case do make-up for every day with care in emerald shades, which are inherent in the festive make-up and only “splash” your original eye color.

For blue-eyed

  1. To create a gentle, delicate look, everyday makeup for blue eyes involves the use of light textures and light shades.
  2. Any bright and saturated shades are strictly prohibited here.
  3. Even the makeup base should be translucent.
  4. Eyebrows are combed and fixed with colored (necessarily light) wax. You can apply powder or shadows on top.
  5. Wide-open, big blue eyes do not require eyeliner and can be done with modest brown or black mascara. The rest will have to use a felt-tip pen or a pencil to point ultra-thin arrows to “open” the look.
  6. Shadows and eyeliner are selected from a smoky palette: brown, gray-blue, gray, faded blue, golden, olive.
  7. Ink - brown, dark gray.
  8. Shades of blush and lipstick can be combined with each other: as part of a make-up for every day, they can be muted pink, peach, berry, pinkish-beige.

For grey-eyed

  1. Makeup for every day for gray eyes is not much different from make-up for blue-eyed beauties.
  2. A silvery palette of shadows suits them perfectly: gray, metallic, wet asphalt, smoky.
  3. Shadows - light beige, pink, peach. Eyeliner - dark taupe, anthracite.
  4. Mascara - black, in 1 layer.
  5. The blush is hazel.
  6. Lipstick - pale plum or light beige.

All these application techniques, the described sequence of actions will allow you to create a quick and expressive everyday make-up that perfectly emphasizes your natural eye color. With it, your image will be flawless at work and at home, on a walk and a business meeting. When they look at your face, people will understand that you have a sense of taste and your own style.

A modern girl needs only this to look 100% even on weekdays. If you also manage to take into account the color of the hair, this will already be the height of perfection.

Basic schemes and popular eye makeup techniques, about this - in.

Curious fact. There are people who are diagnosed with heterochromia, a condition in which the eyes are of different colors. Women with this anomaly find it more difficult than others to apply everyday makeup to make it look natural and natural, because their appearance is too bright and conspicuous.

By hair color

To create the perfect makeup for every day, you need to consider hair color. If a brunette chooses a palette a little darker than she should, she runs the risk of looking too expressive, since her appearance in itself is catchy and bright.

A blonde, having settled on an overly light color scheme, can become, without exaggeration, a pale toadstool, since her natural colors are too transparent and colorless. So look for intersections of make-ups under your eyes and hair.


A small instruction will help blondes to master the usual makeup for every day, which will make their image even more airy and gentle:

  1. Align the entire surface of the face with foundation.
  2. Lighten the skin around the eyes with concealer.
  3. Powder up.
  4. Make cheekbones more expressive with blush.
  5. Engage in shading.
  6. Outline the eyebrows with a gray-brown pencil. On top - a transparent gel for fixing the shape. Highlight the bend with a light beige.
  7. Work on the upper eyelid with a vanilla shade.
  8. Highlight the outer corners of the eyes and the crease with matte brown shadows. Blend.
  9. On the lower eyelid along the growth of the cilia from the outer corner to the middle, apply the same shadows.
  10. With a chocolate pencil, draw a thin arrow on the upper eyelid.
  11. Focus on the inner corners and lower lashes with a white pencil arrow.
  12. Apply brown mascara - the only suitable makeup for blondes for every day.
  13. Correct the oval of the face with a bronzer, pointwise applying it to the cheekbones, temples and corners of the lower jaw.
  14. Outline the lips with a beige (you can pale pink) cosmetic pencil, cover them with lipstick of the same shade.


  1. Foundation for brunettes as part of everyday makeup should be golden or olive-beige. It should not be light, but saturated shades are useless here. Terracotta is definitely not suitable. To smooth out the contrast of black hair and pale skin, you should take ivory.
  2. Eyebrow pencil should be in the same tone as the hair color. The lines should be clear and neat, but not too harsh. Fixing unruly hairs with gel or wax is quite acceptable.
  3. For a make-up for every day, brunettes will use shades of brown, lilac, any pink shades, except for peach.
  4. If the hair is blue-black, black eyeliner is allowed in make-up for every day. In other options, you can consider brown.
  5. For the contour of the lips, it is worth taking a bronze pencil. And lipstick of a brownish-pink hue (and always matte) is better to shade with a brush (we wrote about the right choice of brushes, as well as which one is needed for what).

Brown-haired women

  1. The danger of makeup for every day for redheads and owners of hair with different shades of brown, is to balance between naturalness and vulgarity. It is worth adding a little more red color to the lipstick or making the eyeliner slightly greasy - and there can be no talk of an ideal image for everyday life.
  2. Foundation should go hand in hand with your natural skin tone.
  3. Eyelids bronze or chocolate pencil.
  4. Brown mascara on eyelashes lays down in 1 layer.
  5. You have to be very careful with lipstick. It is recommended to opt for a colorless lip gel. Better focus on the eyes.

The choice of shadows for brown-haired women is better to focus on the color of the eyes:

These tips will help you create the right makeup for every day, depending on the color of your hair. And you need to take into account not the original, but the one that you have at the moment. If you are naturally blonde, but have now dyed your hair black, look for everyday make-up ideas for brunettes. After all, others perceive exactly the palette that they observe here and now.

So be consistent and careful when choosing one or another option. And, of course, each individual part of the face, when applying daily makeup, will have to be given special attention.

It is interesting. Usually the image of a burning brunette suggests incredible passion, expression, unbridled jealousy, and a sharp mind. Makeup for every day is able to smooth out all these extreme character traits and allows black-haired beauties to appear in a completely new role - gentle and charming.

For individual parts of the face

To make beautiful makeup for every day, it is not enough to learn the general rules for applying it. A tasteful palette and well-placed accents are far from all the cornerstones of this art. Here it is very important to pay special attention to each part of the face and be able to emphasize the advantages in a favorable light and disguise the disadvantages.


  1. Washing procedure with the use of cleansers: milk, foam, gel, etc.
  2. Moisturizing and degreasing with tonic or lotion.
  3. Application or make-up base.
  4. Masking defects (pimples, redness) on the skin with a corrector.
  5. Lightening dark circles under the eyes with concealer.
  6. Applying cream.
  7. Powdering.
  8. Emphasizing the cheekbones with blush. They should be soft for makeup for every day. 1 light layer will be enough.
  9. Check if you have blended all the borders well with a brush.


  1. Regularly correct the shape of the eyebrow in accordance with the oval of the face.
  2. They need to be brushed well.
  3. The bend can be emphasized with powder or a soft pencil.
  4. The result is fixed with gel or wax.


  1. For everyday makeup, mascara is a must.
  2. It is advisable to apply it only in 1 layer, a maximum of 2.
  3. It is desirable to refuse shadows, but if makeup for every day is impossible without them, they should be of the appropriate palette: beige, pale pink, light brown.
  4. A little secret: in order for the make-up for every day to be beautiful, despite its pastel range, take light shadows - for the upper eyelid, and gradually darken them towards the outer corner of the eye.
  5. As for arrows, they are even more undesirable than shadows. But if you can’t go out without them, follow at least some recommendations: they should be ultra-thin, almost invisible, only the upper eyelid can be brought down, the color of the pencil should be soft and muted (brown, for example).


  1. For a business or stylish make-up for every day, the contour of the lips can be outlined with a pencil, which will almost match the color of the lipstick.
  2. After that, they are painted with the appropriate pastel shade.
  3. Glitter is not required at all. On the contrary: everyday makeup will only benefit if it remains matte on the lips. If you still really want it, it should be translucent, match the shade of lipstick and contain a minimum amount of sparkles and shimmering particles.

Always start your make-up with skin basics. Then focus on the eyes. The final touch is unobtrusive undertones on the lips. This is how light everyday makeup is created quickly and without hassle, surprising others with its naturalness. Finally, we offer you a universal application technique that will suit any color type.

Useful advice. If at any stage of creating everyday makeup there are problems, you can always find training or demonstration videos on the network. Look for those on which make-up is done by professionals, and their clients match the color type of yours. Then you definitely can't go wrong.

Step-by-step instruction

If you need a simple makeup for every day without any tricks and too careful selection of the color palette, use the universal technique. It takes a minimum of time, does not require supernatural efforts, but the result is modest, refined and noble.

With such a make-up, you can go to a business meeting and please your husband at home:

  1. Washing (using foam), cleansing (wiping with lotion), moisturizing () is the base of the right makeup for every day, with which you should start your morning.
  2. Alignment of the relief of the face with a base (colorless, matting) and foundation (using a sponge or brush). You need to start from the center and distribute funds evenly, not forgetting the neckline.
  3. Powder lightly. Walk over the face with a special wide brush for blending.
  4. Make 1-2 smears of matting blush on the cheekbones. They are matched to the skin tone and should be slightly lighter than the foundation. With good powder blush, with - liquid.
  5. To eliminate all abrupt transitions, smile. This will allow you to see and mask all the roughness.
  6. Light sand shadows are in harmony with any eye color and are almost invisible. With a brown pencil, mark the crease on the movable eyelid and shade it. There should not be any sharp transitions between shades.
  7. Golden eyeliner - ultra-thin, barely visible, only along the contour of the upper eyelid. Arrows - only in case of emergency - very neat, short, not conspicuous.
  8. Brown mascara - 1 layer. In 2, only owners of very thin, rare and short eyelashes are allowed. On the bottom row, this tool can not be applied at all.
  9. We form an oval of the face with a bronzer: for makeup for every day, it is enough to apply it in a small amount under the cheekbones, on the chin and along the entire contour of the face.
  10. For the durability of makeup on the lips, you can first apply foundation, then powder. After that, their contour is slightly outlined with a rich peach pencil. Matte lipstick is applied in a soft peach color. Glitter is not required.

Each girl is able to independently make everyday makeup beautiful and cute, so that it looks organically within the framework of the created image. The main thing is to leave bright, defiant colors and shiny glitters for evening and holiday make-ups. Otherwise, you may be perceived incorrectly in society as too frivolous a person.

Today, the trend is naturalness and naturalness, which must be adhered to in order to look modern and fresh. The era of bright red lips and black bold arrows on half a face has irretrievably sunk into oblivion and you should not bear the imprints of this archaism.