Beautiful valentines for your loved one. Best DIY Valentines Ideas

Notes, SMS, flowers and gifts, soft souvenirs, cards with wishes and pictures for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) ... Agree, it's not easy to find the best way to congratulate your soulmate on Valentine's Day. And is it worth it to choose? Valentine's Day is the case when there are never too many emotions. Feel free to use your imagination and turn romantic plans into reality. And if there is sorely not enough time for grand gestures, do not despair. You can open your feelings to your beloved or beloved either by a combination of all possible surprises, or by one short message. For example, a beautiful electronic picture with a cool inscription or a funny congratulation. For a boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, best friend or bosom friends, any manifestation of your feelings will be pleasant. Even if it is downloaded for free from our portal for Valentine's Day.

The best pictures for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 to your beloved

Postcards and pictures, nicknamed the symbolic word "valentines", are given on February 14 by all lovers to their chosen ones. Such congratulations have long become traditional in our area, but not everyone knows that this interesting tradition began in the distant 15th century. It was then that the Duke of Orleans sent his wife love notes from captivity, later recognized as valentines. Today, not only guys open their feelings to girls in such a romantic way. Women also choose the best Valentine's Day pictures for their loved one to once again remind them of their affection.

If you are looking for suitable pictures for your beloved boyfriend for Valentine's Day, the best ones are located in the next section.

Funny pictures of your beloved Happy Valentine's Day February 14

The celebration of Catholic St. Valentine's Day (our Valentine's Day) has another grand background. According to her, a certain Valentine, who was one of the first Christians of the Roman Empire, paid for his "outlandish" faith with a sentence of death. While spending his last days behind bars, Valentine fell madly in love with the warden's daughter and secretly handed over to his beloved a note with explanations of feelings. At that moment, the tradition began to send lyrical messages, colorful cards and funny pictures to your beloved on Valentine's Day. Of course, having reached our days, the rite has undergone many changes, but its essence has remained the same. Today, like hundreds of years ago, guys in love, men and grandfathers give their beloved ladies flowers, gifts, paper valentines and funny pictures in electronic format.

Collection of pictures for your beloved girl on February 14 Valentine's Day

Greeting pictures for Valentine's Day 2018 to her husband

Love is the kindest, brightest and warmest feeling on Earth. Everything that surrounds us in this world is created exclusively with love. It is filled with nature. And people, feeling this, begin to sincerely and infinitely love their relatives and friends. Do not forget on Valentine's Day to congratulate with a cute picture the one who shared your feelings for life - your beloved husband. Unlike friends, colleagues and good neighbors, the spouse shares with you not only joys, but also sorrows. So, it deserves the most real congratulations. The best greeting pictures for Valentine's Day to her husband are collected in the collection below.

The best options for pictures for your beloved husband Happy Valentine's Day

Interesting pictures for wife on Valentine's Day (free download on February 14)

If the gift to your dear wife has already been bought, the cake has been prepared, and the flowers are hidden in a secluded corner of the apartment, the only thing left is to download and print an interesting picture for your wife for free on Valentine's Day. Agree, without such a small, but very traditional touch, the congratulations look incomplete. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today: interesting pictures for your wife on Valentine's Day can always be downloaded for free on our website.

Gallery of interesting pictures for wife on Valentine's Day for free download

Pictures for Valentine's Day to a friend with poems or wishes February 14, 2018

Not everyone is good at speaking! Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to express to a loved one exactly what is warming in the soul. At such moments, any congratulatory speeches sound awkward, and the intentions of originality fail even at the start. Pictures for Valentine's Day to a friend with poems or wishes will once again come to the aid of bad speakers. They are charming both externally and in terms of semantic content, so they will definitely please the recipient. In addition, cute pictures with good wishes and short rhymes for Valentine's Day for a girlfriend do not have to be bought in a trading tray. You can download congratulations for free in our next section.

A collection of greeting pictures with wishes and poems for a friend on February 14

Funny pictures from February 14 to friends with short inscriptions

There is something unusual in the holiday of all lovers: bright and pure, tender and reverent, sincere and even spiritual. But at the same time, February 14 is filled with joyful moments of long-awaited meetings, humorous souvenirs for friends, funny wishes for loved ones and funny pictures with short inscriptions. After all, love is not only a subtle lyric of spiritual intimacy, but also a living joy of spending time together, the ability to understand and accept each other, to cheer up and cheer up even in the most difficult moments. Do not be too serious, choose funny pictures from February 14 to friends with short inscriptions, amuse your company with funny thematic humor.

A selection of funny pictures with inscriptions for friends on Valentine's Day

Pictures for Valentine's Day funny and comic for the former

On Valentine's Day, it is customary not only to congratulate loved ones with valentines, but also to open one's feelings to new lovers and forgive old grievances to the former, sending funny and comic pictures to the mail and mobile. If your previous relationship left an unpleasant aftertaste, finally get rid of it. Choose from a selection of suitable Valentine's Day pictures funny and funny for your ex and send to the recipient with a clean soul and a huge "hello"!

Options for comic and funny pictures for the former for the holiday of February 14

Beautiful pictures of Happy Valentine's Day for screensaver and desktop

For the romantic holiday of all lovers, I want to dilute everything around with bright colors. This will help garlands of paper hearts, casually hung around the room, fresh flowers in pretty vases, cute figurines for bookshelves and beautiful pictures of Happy Valentine's Day for the screensaver and desktop on your home PC. Set one of the thematic images as a background image on your computer, smartphone or tablet and plunge into the world of quivering feelings and the most unexpected emotions at least for a short time. Choose the best picture, download for free and enjoy the most beautiful desktop screensaver.

Beautiful pictures for Valentine's Day for your desktop or screensaver

Pictures for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) are practical and versatile. They are given to loved ones instead of valentines, sent as congratulations to friends and distant relatives, they decorate the desktop of the computer and put on the screen saver in the mobile. Beautiful and funny pictures with inscriptions for a boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife for Valentine's Day do not even have to be bought or ordered. They can be downloaded for free on our website in any quantity at a convenient time.

Today we will tell you how to make DIY valentines using the best ideas. Master classes on making valentines with your own hands will help you make a beautiful and unforgettable gift for your soulmate. On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give valentines to those you like or to whom you have love feelings. We have made an excellent selection, in which we have collected the best ideas, master classes and the highest quality and most understandable videos on creating do-it-yourself valentines.

Get inspired and create colorful cards for your family, loved ones and friends on February 14!

Valentine's card

Cut out a rectangle from the gift box.

From the notebook we cut out several leaves, slightly smaller than the cardboard, round the corners.

On a sewing machine, we sew the middle

Writing a love letter

We sew buttons on the front and back sides, write the text of your favorite song on the cover (well, or something else, we chose the text from the song Katy Perry - Teenage Dream), tighten it with strings.

Valentine card "I love you"

We bend the cardboard. Cut out a heart from fabric. We sew it to the cardboard. We sign by hand.

Valentine's card "We are together"

We will need:

1) A sheet of cardboard with a cut out window

2) Polaroid photo card and cut out a heart in it, or a sheet of paper: make a photo card out of it and cut out a heart

3) Series of photos

Attaching a photo to a postcard with adhesive tape

Sticking a Polaroid photo on the first page

Valentine's card made of paper and floss threads


Valentines hearts

How to do:

How to do:

1) We cut out hearts of 3 sizes from beautiful paper (large, medium, small)

2) To give the hearts a little sophistication, draw a line along the edges (with a pen, pencil or chalk)

3) To give the common heart volume, we fasten the hearts with adhesive foam.

4) Bend the corners

5) You can leave it like this, or you can make a general application as in the first picture

Scrapbooking: valentine with a secret

Do-it-yourself valentine's voluminous

Volumetric Valentine "Heart"

They are made very simply, it takes us no more than 20 minutes (it's all together: confetti, envelopes and valentines themselves)

Let's make some coffee for a more festive look

Full instructions and templates below!

DIY quilling valentines

big valentine

Valentine card "You Are My Favorite"

little valentines

Origami heart-box

* Detailed master class in the article: " «

Beautiful valentines do it yourself

Unusual valentine

Original valentines

We will need:

  • 1) cardboard or colored paper (you can print colorful patterns on the printer)
  • 2) glue stick
  • 3) scissors
  • 4) white paper
  • 5) handle

1. Cut out multi-colored circles (in order for them to turn out even, put the cup on a sheet of paper, circle, cut it out).

2. Gently fold your circle in half so that one end slightly overlaps the other. Apply some glue so the circle doesn't fall apart.

3. We find the center of the opposite end and fold it so that the paper of the top and bottom are in contact.

4. Connect the sharp ends together until the valentine looks like a fortune cookie.

5. We write wishes for Valentine's Day and put them in our valentines. One piece will not be enough, so go to step 2 and continue to do as much as you need.

How to do:

Valentine card "Love heart"

We will need:

  • Colored strips of paper 5 mm wide
  • A4 paper for valentine and envelope
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive tape or tape
  • Paper heart diagram and paper envelope diagram (download and)

How to do:

  • 1) Print out the paper heart template. We used plain white paper, but you can use any color paper. Cut it out with scissors or a knife.
  • 2) Cut out 14 paper strips 5mm wide.
  • 3) To prevent the heart from bunching up, use duct tape
  • 4) Trim excess
  • 5) Print out the template for the envelope. Cut it out and glue it on. The leftover paper can be used to make confetti.

How to do:

  • 1) Circle a credit card on a cardboard, cut out the base
  • 2) Cut a heart out of paper, attach it to a piece of felt, circle it with a pen, cut it out
  • 3) Sew the heart to the base with a needle and thread
  • 4) Write nice words

DIY unusual valentines

Volumetric valentine-box

You can say 2 in 1, and a valentine and you can put a gift inside (some sweets, for example).

Valentine "Happy Valentine's Day"

Simple valentine with buttons

* Detailed master class in the article: " «

Do-it-yourself valentine for a guy

Such a heart will perfectly decorate the festive table, show your love and give a romantic atmosphere.

* Detailed master class in the article: « »

DIY valentines video

Scrapbooking style valentine

Hairpin — Valentine Kanzashi

Origami valentine on a stand

Tree with 3D Valentines

A tree with valentines with your own hands will help create a romantic atmosphere.

To make such a tree, we need:

  • pink paper
  • shiny braid
  • birds (sold in any art stores)
  • branches
  • white spray or acrylic paint
  • white jug or vase

How to make a tree:

  • first you need to collect several branches in a bundle (not one or two, but several, since too rare branches on our tree will not look very attractive), we cut the branches to the same length
  • cover the branches with paint - either spray or acrylic
  • we evenly distribute the birds on the branches and fasten them either with clothespins (often sold complete with birds), or we tie them with a ribbon

  • for 3D valentines, we need hearts cut out of pink paper, which are cut as follows: one to the middle of the top, the other to the middle of the bottom. Then we insert the hearts into each other through these slots, stretch the ribbon - 3D hearts are ready

  • hang valentines evenly on all branches

Russian lovers of all ages celebrate Valentine's Day by giving gifts and cards to their beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, girlfriend, sending SMS. Valentine on February 14, 2018 will surprise your soulmate to tears if she is the best and most beautiful. There are several theories about the origin of this holiday. Someone considers Valentine's Day a false holiday, which was created to enrich businessmen on gullible citizens, or simply "strangers." And for some, giving cards has become a good tradition from childhood. One way or another, most young people consider February 14th a special day that needs to be spent in an unusual way. It is believed that the culprit of the holiday is the priest Valentine, who, contrary to the will of the emperor, married military men in love with their brides. As a result, the priest was sentenced to death, and as it became known later, Valentine himself fell in love with the daughter of the head of the prison. Before his death, he wrote her a letter that became the prototype of the modern Valentine. According to another version, the holiday has pagan roots and originated from the ancient Roman Fertility Day, which was celebrated on February 15th. In celebration, rites of sacrifice and orgies were performed. Now Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. For example, in France on February 14 they give jewelry and romantic trips for two, the British give plush toys, and in Wales they carve wooden spoons. Italians give each other sweets with confessions, hazelnuts in chocolate. There are also very interesting rituals. For example, in the Netherlands, a woman herself approaches a man and asks him to marry her. If he does not agree, then he should give his girlfriend a dress. In Iceland, bonfires are lit on this day, and nudists marry in Jamaica.

Valentine card for a boyfriend or husband on February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day has not bypassed most countries of the world, and this is not surprising, because it is so important for lovers to have a special day of the year to express feelings in a special way. Everywhere in the world on February 14, valentines are given to boys and girls. A Valentine's card for a guy on February 14, 2018 can be sweet or frank, romantic, funny, funny or sad. Everything depends on the mood.

Options for beautiful valentines for a boyfriend or husband

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.

So what if I'm a wife?

Until now, I am tenderly in you,

As always, in love.

Hugs and kisses,

And thank you for everything.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Honey, I love you!

Favorite! I congratulate you on Valentine's Day and wish that our feelings, like white doves, soar high, high in the sky and never part!

On Valentine's Day
There is reason to congratulate you!
After all, you are a loved one!
Made me a sweet life forever!

Valentine's card for February 14, 2018 to my beloved husband with short congratulations in verse

If you really want to congratulate your beloved husband on Valentine's Day, this can be done by reading short poems. Although the holiday is traditionally considered the day of lovers, couples who live together for a long time congratulate each other with no less pleasure, because, as you know, falling in love is a temporary phenomenon, and sincere love lives forever. Valentines for February 14, 2018 to her beloved husband with short congratulations in verse are presented below in the photo.

Options for valentines with congratulations for her husband

My only man,

Happy Valentine's Day

I congratulate you

Admire and love!

Being with you is such happiness!

Bad weather is not terrible with you.

On Valentine's Day I say:

"Darling, I love you."

On Valentine's Day
My beloved husband, I wish
So that love is the reason for everything
Happiness inspired the heart!

So that love is for all the answers,
To save the soul
From sadness, blizzards, wind!
Know that I love you!

Valentine's card for February 14 - congratulations via SMS with jokes

Comic congratulatory valentines by SMS on February 14 have become another tradition of Russian people, because on this day lovers are always in a good mood. Valentine's card on February 14 and congratulations via SMS with jokes usually do not oblige you to anything and are rather friendly signs of attention, therefore, if you wish, you can even send them to your ex-lover.

Cool valentines for sms congratulations

A flock of valentines from the sky

Scattered around the house.

On Valentine's Day

I wish you love.

Honey, today I deposited 5,000 passionate kisses, 3,000 romantic dreams and 2,000 sweet thoughts in your heart. If you miss me, take them off your account!

I shout to the whole Universe - I love you!
And: I modestly add - congratulations!

On Valentine's Day

Everyone falls in love around -

Be bolder and bolder

Be hot like an iron.

Come, catch, try

Just don't shut yourself up.

Cool and beautiful valentines for a girlfriend or girlfriend on February 14, 2018

Cool valentines for February 14, 2018 are suitable for girls and girlfriends with an excellent sense of humor. It is enough to send such a funny postcard to win over the object of your adoration. Pictures and funny valentines for a friend or girlfriend on February 14 will create a real miracle on this day.

Options for the most beautiful valentines for a friend from February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

I send congratulations.

You, dear friend,

Very, very much I love.

The value of friendship cannot be measured

It is impossible to describe in words.

You can only really believe

That I love you.

How we are inseparable with you

Only you and I know.

May the day be the best

the brightest for you.

I congratulate you on Valentine's Day!
Let the person you love
Every day is hot, admiring
The whole century speaks about love!

Let him hug you passionately
Burns with passionate kisses!
Appreciate let and always understand
Respect, protect, protect!

The Church does not consider St. Valentine's Day a holiday, and does not consider the Saint himself to be the patron of all lovers. Many people consider the holiday to be crazy or a business project designed to exploit the feelings of young people in order to extract a certain amount of money. Therefore, in contrast to those who make a fuss on February 14, there are those who protest against the holiday by sending anti-valentines to each other.

Anti-valentine with jokes

The best valentine on February 14 for a girl or wife

Valentine's Day is an unusual holiday, therefore, in order to surprise your girlfriend or wife, you need to try to find the best congratulations and valentines for your beloved by February 14th. You can arrange a real celebration for her with balloons and flowers under the windows, or make the holiday quiet and cozy by spending the evening at a romantic dinner with flowers and chocolate. The best Valentine for February 14 for a girl or wife is one that is written from the heart and touches to tears.

Options for beautiful valentines for a wife or girlfriend

Beautiful eyes, exciting lips!

Laconic, charming, passionate ...

Passionate men adore you,

And the rest ... just crazy!

You are the fairy of my house
Family life inspiration
Not hearing your laughter
I fall into a daze.

My wife, my love
Today, on Valentine's Day,
I want to congratulate you!
You will forever be my love!

Everyone decides for himself how to relate to Valentine's Day, because it is impossible to forbid people to express their feelings, even for money or via SMS. Valentine on February 14, 2018 will continue to delight young and not so women and men, remaining the most relevant gift for spouses, girls and girlfriends.

Everyone loves to receive unusual valentines, but not everyone knows who started this tradition.

According to one version, the first valentine was sent by a certain Duke of Orleans, who was in prison and, out of boredom, scribbled love messages to his wife. According to another, valentines were “invented” by a young girl who wrote a letter to her lover in 1477 with a request to prove her feelings and a promise to get a dowry from her mother.

Be that as it may, valentines were already written in the 15th century. In the XVIII century came the peak of their popularity. These were real works of art: beautiful paper, color painting, lace undercut. In the 19th century, mass production of valentines began, and every year they became more and more impersonal.

Today, a valentine is just a card with hearts and a template phrase "Happy Valentine's Day!". But Lifehacker has compiled his own selection of valentines - for those who do not accept mediocrity and want to surprise their soulmate on February 14th.

Continuing the M&M theme, another idea for Valentine's Day is a valentine in a jar.

It's simple: decorate a jar with a twist and pour sweets into it (it is advisable to choose red, pink and white dragees to match the color of the holiday). You can decorate the jar to your taste, or you can peep the idea.

Don't have a bank at hand? It doesn't matter - use empty plastic bottles.

Flipbook Valentine

Flipbook (from the English flip - “turn over” + book - “book”) is a small (business card-sized) illustrated book, leafing through the pages of which creates the illusion of movement. Pictures "come to life", as in a cartoon.

Flipbook for St. Valentine's Day is a valuable and memorable gift. It can capture the story of your love or just confess your feelings. Flipbook can be made independently, or ordered - in a special company or from a handmade master (see).

Valentine's card for tea lovers. Take a tea bag, carefully cut it open and pour the tea leaves out of it. Then cut out a heart from the filter paper and sew it tightly with threads, remembering to pour the tea leaves back at the end. By the way, instead of tea "dust", which is often sold in tea bags, you can buy expensive delicious tea and fill bags with it.

Additional romantic touches - "tails" - hearts for bags and sugar with hearts. Details.

Lovers often ask each other a "ridiculous" question: "How much do you love me?".

This cosmic valentine will help you show the extent and depth of your feelings. Like, my love for you, dear (oh), is as limitless as the universe.

It is not difficult to make such a valentine. You will need a heart made of black paper (symbolizes space) and a round candy wrapped in surreal paper (the planet of your Love).

You can, of course, laugh - an option for a forensic expert (by the way, why not?), But, in fact, this is a very cute, if not intimate, Valentine's card.

This is an allusion to the union of a man and a woman who walk hand in hand through life. And between the lines it reads: “I will always be there. I will give you a helping hand in difficult times.

But even if your soulmate does not dig so far in search of metaphorical meanings, she will certainly appreciate your efforts. After all, to create this creation, you have to pretty smeared with paint.

This valentine will help you warm up on a cold February evening. It contains cocoa, marshmallows and other sweets to your taste.

At the same time, this is not just a sign of attention and care. Such a valentine as an invitation to a date. After all, who wants to drink hot chocolate alone? ;)

Another variation of this set.

Valentine's Day is a good time to propose. At least on this day you can need to be romantic and not be ashamed of it.

Make a beautiful box using the diagram and instructions from here, and present a ring to your beloved on February 14th. This Valentine's Day will be remembered for a long time!

Well, if you are not yet ripe for marriage, put just a small gift inside.

Share your valentine ideas in the comments.

Valentine's Day is a traditional time for love letters and notes. According to legend, the priest Valentine reconciled the quarreling lovers, helping the legionnaires write letters. Since then, the name Valentine has been inextricably linked with love letters. But, despite the commercialization of the holiday, it is customary to make valentines with your own hands, because handmade better conveys the sincerity of the donor's feelings.

So, how to make a valentine with your own hands? There are many ways!

Everyone will be delighted with a delicious valentine. Heart-shaped cookies or heart-shaped cake, waffles or cupcake - take your pick! There are a great variety of forms for baking - you can choose what suits you.

A traditional Valentine's Day cookie is heart-shaped gingerbread cookies.

And you can make hearts from puff pastry and without a shape. To do this, the dough is rolled on both sides, cut into thin pieces and slightly flattened to make famously twisted hearts, and baked in the oven.

Even with the help of crispy and fragrant toast, you can confess your love!

Even ordinary cookies can be packaged in a festive heart-shaped box - and the gift will immediately become thematic. You can buy a gift box, or you can make it yourself.

And if you break an egg in a frying pan into a heart-shaped mold, you get a “hearty” scrambled egg) Why not a Valentine? In the shape of hearts, you can bake pancakes or cut out sandwiches and waffles. Even pizza can be baked "hearty"!

Do-it-yourself original valentines are a great occasion to show imagination and handicraft talents.

Don't limit yourself to one handmade valentine. Make a lot of different ones and put them in different secluded corners of the house, then your loved one will certainly be delighted