Consultation for educators “Interaction with parents on teaching preschoolers the rules of the road. Teaching children traffic rules and road safety in the dow Consultation for teachers system of work on traffic rules

Organization of pedagogical work with preschoolers on the prevention of children's road traffic rheumatism in MBDOU CRR - d / s No. 21 p. M. Gorky

Every year the intensity of traffic on the roads of Russia is increasing, and at the same time the number of traffic accidents is increasing. Of particular concern is the increase in the number of affected children. Therefore, an important role in the prevention of injuries on the roads is played by the familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road.

Children often cause traffic accidents: they run out onto the roadway, ride a scooter or bicycle onto the road, break out of the hands of their parents when crossing the street and try to run across it. Sometimes adults do not hold the child by the hand, and he crosses the intersection on his own.

The main causes of child road traffic injuries are ignorance and violation of traffic rules, improper behavior on the street and child neglect. Children, left to their own devices, do not pay due attention to the dangers on the road. They still do not know how to fully control their behavior, are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. Danger can be avoided only by teaching children the Rules of the Road from an early age.

In our kindergarten, a system has been developed for the prevention of road traffic injuries and the study by preschoolers of the rules of the road alphabet, which are considered as an integral part of the upbringing of the general culture of the child.

This work is carried out in accordance with the plan, which is drawn up for the academic year. It is important to note that not only teachers and pupils are involved in this process, but also parents, as well as representatives of social institutions.

aim work is the formation of skills of safe behavior on the roads.

To achieve this, several tasks:

  • create conditions for the conscious study by children of the Rules of the road;
  • to develop in children the ability to navigate in a different environment;
  • to develop in preschoolers the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;
  • educate children to be literate pedestrians.

The solution of these problems is carried out through the following forms of work:

  • Games (role-playing, didactic, mobile)
  • Reading fiction
  • Holidays, entertainment
  • Target walks
  • Excursions
  • Conversations
  • Observations

These are specially organized gaming sessions of the cognitive cycle, meetings, conversations with traffic police officers, traffic monitoring, excursions, targeted walks, viewing illustrations, books, albums, drawings depicting streets, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs, sayings; guessing riddles, crossword puzzles; educational, educational, role-playing, outdoor games; holidays, leisure activities, competitions, registration of a corner according to the Rules of the Road, dramatization games, etc.

Road traffic injury prevention work includes three directions:

  • Work with children
  • Working with parents;
  • Working with teachers.

When organizing work on the prevention of road traffic injuries in the preschool educational institution, the tasks of the senior educator include providing methodological support for teachers.

Teachers need to know rules of the road for pedestrians and requirements for traveling with a group of children on the streets, roads and in transport.

To do this, seminars and consultative events are held for them. Such as

  • consultation for teachers “Educating children with safe behavior skills on the streets and roads””
  • Review of traffic safety corners in groups
  • Organization of the exhibition of children's drawings "The alphabet of pedestrians"

Work on familiarization with the rules of the road is based on an integrated approach. Educators conduct thematic game classes with children in groups, consolidating the knowledge gained in various activities.

And an important role is played by the creation of a special development environment. After all, it is impossible for children to explain the rules of the road on the fingers without using posters, models, didactic games. In our kindergarten, each group is equipped with a safety corner.

Also, the attributes for the development of a role-playing game according to the rules of the road must be on all walking areas. (these are the buildings of trucks and passenger cars)

For each age group, an approximate list of games-activities is compiled to familiarize oneself with others, develop speech, visual activity, and design.

The next very effective form of work with children is targeted walks.

Targeted walks are aimed at consolidating the knowledge gained by preschoolers in the classroom in groups. In each of the age groups, targeted walks provide for their own tasks, approximate topics and frequency. The main topics of targeted walks are: "Getting to know the street", "Observation of the operation of a traffic light", "Observation of transport", "Pedestrian crossing", etc.

And, of course, the most accessible form of familiarizing preschoolers with the rules of the road is a game.

One of the most favorite forms of work with children is holidays and entertainment.

The effectiveness of this work largely depends on the positive example of adults. Teachers should not only take this into account in their own behavior, but also pay considerable attention to working with parents. It is important that parents realize that a child cannot be required to follow any rule of conduct if they themselves do not always follow it. There must be mutual understanding between the teacher and parents.

The following are possible directions of work of teachers with parents:

  • organization of meetings (general and group);
  • familiarization of parents with the work of the kindergarten in this area (open classes, special expositions, exhibitions of children's drawings on the topic);
  • organization of various events with the participation of parents (including using their professional experience as a medical worker, police officer, traffic police officer, fireman);
  • familiarization of parents with the results of children's education (open classes, various general events, information in the "corners of parents").

Careful consideration should be given to the participation of parents in the activities. A separate parent meeting should be devoted to this, at which parents will be familiarized with the basic measures to ensure the safety of their children on the streets.

So, at the meeting, it is important to remind parents that bright clothes help the driver

see the child. Conversely, the baby is difficult to notice if he is wearing faded clothes. It is difficult for a child to see what is happening on the street if a hood is pulled over the eyes or an umbrella covers the view. Children need to be taught how much danger they are in when they are not visible. To make it easier to see the child on the street, he must be dressed in neon-colored clothes with reflective stripes or special reflectors. Modern children's clothing (jackets, overalls) usually already has reflective patches, as well as many toys, badges, stickers on children's backpacks.

Information stands for parents of children of different ages contain recommendations on teaching traffic rules and behavior on the street. This will be another occasion to remind parents of the importance of this topic and discuss it with the child on the way home.

One of the interesting forms of work with parents is their participation in competitions and exhibitions.

In order to analyze the system of work on teaching children the rules of the road, to evaluate the work plan of teachers and the subject-developing environment, educators can use specially designed questionnaires.

They gave the guys a warning:

"Learn urgently

Driving rules!

To not worry

Every day parents

To calmly rush

Street drivers.

Y. Yakovlev

Experience in using active methods of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road

Advice for educators.
In our city, the number of traffic accidents is increasing: according to statistics, every tenth victim of an accident is a child. More often this is due to non-compliance with traffic rules: it is difficult for a child to understand what traffic flow is. Children often suffer from a lack of understanding of the danger posed by a car.
How to ensure the safety of our children?
The organization of work on the prevention of road traffic injuries in preschool institutions plays an important role in solving this problem. It is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of the road, to form their skills of correct behavior on the road from early childhood, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most durable: the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need.
Purpose: Preservation of life and health of children, prevention of child road traffic injuries. Learn to follow the basic rules of the road.
Tasks for educators:
1. Using a variety of techniques and methods to optimize
work with parents of children to study and consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road.
2. Generalize and expand children's knowledge of the rules of the road.
3. Strengthen the material and technical base for work in this area.
Content of traffic safety corners in groups
In the first junior group, children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machine consists of. Learn to distinguish red and green colors. Consequently, in the play area should be:
set of vehicles;
illustrations depicting vehicles;
red and green circles, pedestrian traffic light model;
attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport);
didactic games "Collect a car" (from 4 parts), "Put the car in the garage", "Traffic light".
In the second younger group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors, get acquainted with the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway". Therefore, to the items available in the traffic safety corner of the first junior group, you should add:
pictures for the game on the classification of modes of transport "What passengers ride on." "Find the same picture";
the simplest layout of the street, where the sidewalk and the roadway are indicated;
traffic light layout.
For middle class kids new will be a conversation about a pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and the roadway. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the green traffic light for pedestrians lights up and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red light is on - a prohibitory traffic light. When the green signal for drivers lights up and allows the movement of cars, the red signal flashes for pedestrians. In the corner of road safety must be:
traffic light layout with switching signals;
didactic games "Find your color", "Assemble a traffic light";
on the model of the street it is necessary to draw a pedestrian crossing.
In the senior group children learn a lot about traffic. It is at this age that an acquaintance with such large and complex topics as "Crossroads", "Road Signs" takes place. Consequently, in the traffic safety corner should appear:
layout of the intersection, it is desirable that this layout was with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street;
a set of road signs: information and guidance - "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop", warning signs - "Children", prohibition signs - "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycle traffic is prohibited", prescriptive signs - "Pedestrian path", "Bicycle path", priority signs - "Main road", "Give way", service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point";
didactic games "What do the signs say?", "Guess the sign", "Where is the sign hidden?", "Crossroads", "Our street".
Besides, children of the older group are introduced to the work of the traffic controller. This means that there should be schemes of gestures of the traffic controller, the attributes of a traffic police inspector: a baton, a cap.
In the preparatory group, the guys meet with problematic situations on the roads, the knowledge of children about traffic rules is already being systematized. The content of the corner is more complicated:
a file cabinet of “dangerous situations” is being assembled (an impromptu TV set can be made to show them);
a window for issuing driver's licenses is organized for those who have passed the exam on traffic rules.
The use of various forms, methods and means of familiarizing preschoolers with the rules of safety on the street
It is possible to acquaint preschool children with traffic rules through all types of activities. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior on the street can be carried out during the classes.
In the classroom for the development of elementary mathematical concepts, it is necessary to create conditions for mastering the rules of the street with the differentiation of spatial directions, to teach children to use plans, diagrams, models. Activate children's interest in tasks that reflect real - game and everyday - situations, create conditions for their solution.
In speech development classes, it is necessary to use various methods and techniques to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior.
Particular attention should be paid to games that promote the development of speech:
- “Pick a sign”, “Pick up an action”, “Say a word with the right sound”, “Come up with a sentence”, “Make a riddle about transport”, “Good - bad”, “Form an adjective from a noun”, “I know five ...” , "We compose a fairy tale", "Road words", etc.

In the classroom for fine arts and design you can carry out individual and collective work on the topics: “Our city”, “Transport on the streets of the city”, “Our favorite kindergarten”, “Way home”, etc. Also, exhibitions are held in the kindergarten: “The ABC of a Little Pedestrian”, “Hello Pedestrian”, “Transport”, etc.
Forms, methods and techniques of working with children.
1. Verbal:
* oral presentation (acquaintance with new knowledge on the topic, facts, events);
* conversations: “Dangerous situations on the street and the road”, “Cars on our street”, “And if the traffic lights disappear?”, “What is the road for?”, “Where can you play on the street”, “Who are pedestrians and passengers? ”, “Rules for crossing streets and roads”; learned to compose creative stories - “If all the signs were mixed up?”, “What would happen if there were no traffic rules?” and fairy tales - “Once upon a time there was a traffic light”, etc.);
* reading works of art such as: S. Mikhalkov "Traffic Light", M. Plyatskovsky "Traffic Light", A. Severny "Three Wonderful Colors", Y. Pishumov "ABC of the City", "It's just such a sign ...", V. Golovko "Rules movement”, I. Gurina “Malyshkin traffic light”, “Naughty pedestrian”, V. Suteev “Naughty cat”; S. Mikhalkov "My street"; V. Berestov "About the car"; E. Moshkovskaya "I will also be a driver"; T. Shiposhina "Bus"; S. Mikhalkov “If the light turns red…”);
* compiling stories and fairy tales, riddles, memorizing poems.
2. Visual:
* presentation of Internet resources "Road signs", "What parts does the road consist of", "Modes of transport"; educational cartoons "The road alphabet of Aunt Owl", "Smeshariki. Rules of the road”, etc.);
* work with illustrations on the topic;
*excursions, observations (observations of transport, the behavior of people on the roads);
3. Practical:
*performing various creative works on this topic (creating a layout with children with design elements from paper and appliqué, placing the necessary road signs, adding transport; designing an album of route sheets “My Road to Kindergarten”, etc.);
* application of the acquired knowledge in role-playing games ("Driver and pedestrian", "On the way to kindergarten", "Journey through the city", "Polite passengers", "Bus", "Pedestrian on the street").

Working with parents.
According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, part 3.1. point 8 - work with families (legal representatives) should take into account modern approaches to the interaction of a teacher with parents.
The main trend is the use of effective forms and methods.
-information stands, folders-movers, distribution of booklets,
- consultations, conversations,
- joint creation of a subject-spatial developing educational environment in which parents assist in the preparation of practical material for the center "SDA"
- parent meetings, conversations with the participation of traffic police inspectors such as: “Why do we need traffic rules”, “Street discipline is the key to pedestrian safety”, “Typical cases of child injuries, measures to prevent them”, etc.
-master classes, where parents are introduced to the amount of knowledge and skills offered for children (traffic rules, traffic signals; zebra crossing; duties of pedestrians, passengers).

Galina Romanova
Consultation for educators "The system of work according to the rules of the road"

Children are the most vulnerable participants traffic. It is the negligence of close people responsible for the child, neglecting traffic rules causes many tragedies. In order to avoid trouble on road, we teachers need to conduct systematic work in this direction both with preschoolers and parents.

Teachers need to know Traffic Laws for pedestrians and the requirements for movement with a group of children through the streets, roads and transport. Teachers should remember that in the process of teaching children traffic rules cannot be limited to verbal explanations. A significant place should be given to practical forms learning: observation, excursions, targeted walks during which children learn by doing rules for pedestrians, are watching road traffic reinforce previously acquired knowledge. It is also advisable to organize a discussion of possible dangerous situations, drawing on the personal experience of children, cases from life.

In order to analyze work system for training traffic rules, it is necessary to evaluate the developing environment of groups, planning work:

Enrichment of the spatial subject-developing environment

Security Corner

Didactic games

Board games

Illustrative material

Educational literature for children in the book corner

Making a corner of visual activity

Visual information for parents

AT "Security Corner" for preschoolers, visual, interesting to preschoolers, artistically designed materials should be presented.

For example:

Children's drawings on safety topics traffic, useful for memorizing color illustrations from fiction and methodical literature, small posters depicting dangerous and obligatory (as an alternative) safe traffic situations;

Separate illustrations for comparing transport and pedestrian traffic lights, pedestrian traffic lights, pedestrian crossings ( "zebras", underground, aboveground);

Illustrations known to preschoolers road signs, correct and incorrect actions of pedestrians(for children to determine whether the actions shown in the pictures can or cannot be performed).

Organizing work according to traffic rules, it is necessary to involve parents in it pupils. To do this, you need to consider their participation in ongoing events. A separate parent meeting should be devoted to this.

One of the effective methods work with parents is the design of information corners.

Such stands and corners should be displayed in a conspicuous place. The material presented at the stands can be distributed according to headings:

"Attention, children!"

"What are the dangers road to kindergarten»

"For you parents!" or "Information for Parents"

AT "Security Corner" for parents can be placed following:

“Information about all preventive measures taken in the preschool security institution traffic(games, contests for the best drawing, developmental and educational classes for the study rules safe behavior on the street, memorizing poems, guessing riddles, showing cartoons).

"Brief information with explanations about some psycho-physiological and age-related features of the behavior of preschoolers, typical mistakes in their behavior on the street."

Related publications:

Parents about the rules of the road Parents for children are a model of behavior on the streets and roads. No training will be effective.

Consultation for parents "Teaching preschoolers the rules of the road in the family" Consultation for parents on the topic "Teaching preschoolers the rules of the road in the family" Each parent must teach in a timely manner.

Advice for parents "What to read to children according to the rules of the road" What to read to children according to the rules of the road Every year, traffic on the streets of big cities and small ones becomes more and more lively.

Advice for parents on the rules of the road "Baby and the road" Advice for parents. SDA - Rules of the road. Topic: "Kid and the road" Purpose: To form children's knowledge about the rules of the road.

Advice for parents on teaching children the rules of the road CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS on teaching children the rules of the road Causes of children's road traffic injuries 1. Inability.

Advice for parents on the rules of the road Advice for parents on the rules of the road "The safety of children is in our hands" Each of you wants to see your child.

Advice for parents on the rules of the road "Rules of the road everyone should know!" Dear parents, how to teach a child to behave correctly on the road? It would seem that it is very easy, you just need to introduce him to.

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1 Guidelines for educators on teaching children the rules of the road. Each educator should know the rules of the road well in order to competently conduct educational work with children and parents, to ensure their own safety. 1. Pedestrians are allowed to walk only on sidewalks, keeping to the right side 2. Where there are no sidewalks, you need to walk along the edge of the carriageway, along the left side of the road, towards traffic in order to see moving vehicles and move to the side in time 3. Pedestrians are required to cross the street only stepping on pedestrian crossings with marked lines or a “pedestrian crossing” sign, and not at intersections with unmarked crossings along the sidewalk line 4. Before entering the carriageway in two-way traffic, you must make sure that it is completely safe. 5. It is forbidden to cross the path for moving vehicles, get out of the traffic onto the carriageway 6. In crossing places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must cross the street only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission (when he turned sideways to us) 7. In places where crossings are not marked and where traffic is not regulated, pedestrians must in all cases give way to oncoming traffic. It is forbidden to cross the street near a roundabout or a sharp turn 8. Groups of children are allowed to drive only on the sidewalk, no more than two rows (children walk holding hands). An escort with red flags must be in front and behind the column. 9. It is allowed to transport children only in buses, the doors and windows of which must be closed. On the windshield have an identification sign "Children". one

2 Cycling (scooter, rollerblading) in the city Ask the children which of them has a bicycle, scooter, roller skates or skateboard, who has ever ridden on them. Ask them to tell you where, in their opinion, you can ride, and where you can’t, what rules you need to follow. It is also advisable to organize a discussion of possible dangerous situations, drawing on the personal experience of children, cases from life. It is necessary to consider three types of situations: 1. Dangerous for the children themselves if they ride a bicycle, rollerblading on the carriageway of a street or yard 2. Dangerous for pedestrians (for example, you can run over, push, spray a pedestrian with water from a puddle) 3. And finally, situations associated with falls, injuries. As a result of the conversation, the children should firmly learn the following rules: 1. You can only ride a bicycle (roller skates) on the sidewalk; you can not go to the carriageway of the street or yard. 2. When riding, children should behave correctly towards passers-by: sound the horn in time, take precautions (slow down, avoiding small children, women with children, the elderly) 3. in case of bruising or injury when falling from a bicycle, scooter you should immediately contact an adult for first aid. 2

3 The content of the program for teaching the rules of the road with preschoolers. 3-4 years Content of the work: 1. Vehicles characteristic of our area, their name. 2. Parts of a car, truck. 3. Rules of the road: Behavior on the street Behavior in public transport Traffic lights Developing environment: 1. Layout: sidewalk, roadway, traffic light. 2. Steering wheels 3. Attributes for the didactic and role-playing game "We are pedestrians" 4. Didactic game "Collect a car", "Traffic light". Fiction: S. Mikhalkov "Traffic light", "Bunny cyclist" "The street makes noise" 4-5 years Content of the work: 1. Knowledge of public transport, familiarity with freight transport. 2. Street knowledge: roadway, sidewalk, intersection, pedestrian crossing, safety island. 3. Road signs: no signal allowed, medical aid station, food service station, gas station, pedestrian crossing. 4. Rules of the road: pedestrian crossing the street, behavior in public transport, what the signs say. Developing environment: 1. Layout: crossroads, zebra, safety island. 2. Large and small road signs. 3. Pictures for the classification of modes of transport 4. Folding book for parents "What children should know about the rules of the road" Job content: 5-6 years 3

4 1. Acquaintance with prohibitory and prescriptive signs. 2. Studying the work of the traffic controller 3. Forming in children the ability to freely navigate the road 4. Fix the rules of conduct in public transport. Developing environment: 1. Layout: different types of intersections 2. Prohibiting and prescriptive signs, traffic controller gestures. 3. Attributes for s-r games: wand, caps, hats-cars. 4. Did. games: “Smart signs, “What are the cars”, “What does it say” Fiction: N. Nosov “Kiryusha gets into a bind” 6-7 years Content of the work: 1. Teach children to follow the rules of the road 2. Fix the rules of conduct on street: Walk only on sidewalks and footpaths, keeping to the right side Correctly cross the street at crossings, do not play on the carriageway Developing environment: 1. Layout with different types of intersections 2. Albums "Different types of transport" 3. Didactic games "Guess what sign”, “What the traffic controller shows”, “What people drive”, “Modes of transport”, “Find and name”. Fiction: 1. N. Nosov "Car" 2. Yurlein "Curious Mouse" 3. Konchalovskaya N "Scooter" Guidelines to help the educator on the rules of the road Causes of traffic accidents 4

5 The most common causes of traffic accidents: 1. Entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully examining it before crossing the roadway, carefully examining it with a turn of the head and control the situation on the left and right while driving). 2. Leaving the roadway due to a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or inspecting the roadway before exiting due to bushes or snowdrifts). 3. Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that the entire free area is a place to play). 4. Walking on the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have a habit of walking along the roadway, most often with all sorts of violations). For the most part, there is no malice. A number of factors influence the behavior of children on the road, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special significance of the age characteristics of children: Physiological that are of interest to him. 2. The child's field of view is much narrower than that of an adult, the field of view of the child is much smaller. At the age of 5, the child is oriented at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is approximately 1/10 of the field of view of an adult. The rest of the cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite. 3. The reaction in a child is significantly slower compared to adults. Much more time is needed to respond to danger. It takes an adult pedestrian about 0.8 1 sec to perceive the situation, think it over, make a decision and act. The child needs 3-4 seconds for this. The child is not able to stop immediately on the run, so he reacts to the signal of the car with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, while an adult needs only a quarter of a second. 4. Reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven. 5

6 Psychological 1. Preschoolers do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of forward movement of vehicles (i.e. the child is convinced, based on similar movements from the microcosm of toys, that real vehicles can stop as instantly as toy ones). The separation of play and real conditions occurs gradually in the child at school. 2. The attention of the child is focused on what he is doing. Having noticed an object or a person that attracts his attention, the child can rush to them, forgetting about everything in the world. Catching up with a friend who has already crossed the road, or picking up a ball that has already rolled away is much more important for a child than an oncoming car. 3. The child is not aware of the responsibility for their own behavior on the road. He does not predict what consequences his act will lead to for other road users and for him personally. Their own safety in traffic, especially at pedestrian crossings, is often underestimated by them. How to develop road safety skills in preschoolers. When talking about the causes of road traffic accidents involving children, we often come across the word “habit”. As a rule, we are talking about negative habits, or rather the absence of positive ones. A habit is a person's behavior, fixed by repeated repetition. The habit of stopping in front of the roadway, inspecting it to the left and right with a turn of the head, crossing the road only in a set place, taking care of one's safety can only appear as a result of daily, painstaking work, when the theoretical knowledge on traffic rules acquired by children is necessarily fixed by numerous, systematic practical repetition . If every day, approaching the roadway, you say to the child: “Stop, road!”, then stopping will become a habit for him. If you always, after getting off the bus, lead the child to the pedestrian crossing, then such a route will become familiar to him. Given the age characteristics of children, the presence of positive habits is a vital phenomenon for them, otherwise it is called the skills of safe behavior on the road. To develop a positive habit, it is not necessary to lead the child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes. 6

7 So, in the first junior group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors. At the same time, children can be explained that red and green colors correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. The red signal prohibits movement, and the green one allows (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with little men). When conducting the game "Red Green", the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you must stand, and if the green one turns your head left and right, and then walk. This is how the habit of looking around before entering the roadway is fixed, even at a green traffic light. In the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with various types of vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The guys are looking at illustrations depicting cars, watching transport while walking. They already know that vehicles have different "dimensions". Here it is appropriate to work out the child's ability to "see" a large vehicle (standing or moving slowly) as an object that can hide danger. Using various illustrations, visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such objects on the road themselves (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, in the course of practical exercises, develop the habit of leaving because of obstructing objects, carefully looking around. Talking about the purpose of route vehicles, the teacher introduces the children to the rules of conduct in public transport, subsequently consolidating the knowledge gained in practice. The ability to behave properly in public transport should become a habit. In the middle group, reinforcing the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway", children get acquainted with the places of movement of cars and people, work out the skill of walking on the sidewalk, adhering to the right side). New for them will be a conversation about a pedestrian crossing, its purpose. Children should learn to find it in illustrations in books, on layouts. After that, the children should be explained the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it (stop at some distance from the edge of the carriageway, carefully examine the carriageway, turning your head to the left and then to the right, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road on the right). Both in the middle group and further in the senior group, it is necessary to regularly practice the skills of crossing the carriageway during practical exercises. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground 7

8 mark the carriageway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child should approach the pedestrian crossing, stop at some distance from it, carefully inspect the roadway, turning his head to the left and then to the right, making sure that there is no traffic, go to the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and with middle of the road on the right. All actions of children should be brought to automaticity, correct behavior at a pedestrian crossing should become a habit. In the senior, then in the preparatory group, children should get a clear idea that the rules of the road are aimed at preserving the life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to comply with them. It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like the smallpox vaccine, only on a mental level. Recommendations for equipping road safety corners in groups of preschool educational institutions. eight

9 The content of traffic safety corners in groups should be determined by the content of classes for studying the rules of the road with one or another age category of children. So, in the first junior group, children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines are made of. Learn to distinguish between red and green. Therefore, in the play corner should be: A set of vehicles Illustrations of vehicles Red and green circles, a mock-up of a pedestrian traffic light. Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.) Didactic games "Collect a car" (from 4 parts), " Put the car in the garage”, “Traffic light”. In the second younger group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors, get acquainted with the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway". Therefore, to the items available in the traffic safety corner of the first junior group, one should add: Pictures for the game for the classification of modes of transport “What passengers ride”, “Find the same picture”. The simplest model of a street (preferably a large one), where the sidewalk and the carriageway are indicated. Model of a transport traffic light (planar). For the children of the middle group, a new conversation will be about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and the roadway. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the green traffic light for pedestrians lights up and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red prohibitory traffic light is on. When the green signal for drivers lights up and allows the movement of cars, the red signal flashes for pedestrians. In the traffic safety corner, there must be: A model of a traffic light with switching signals, operating from a battery Didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble a traffic light” A pedestrian crossing must be drawn on the model of the street. 9

10 In the older group, the guys learn a lot about traffic. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such large and complex topics as "Crossroads", "Road Signs". Therefore, in the traffic safety corner there should appear: A layout of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety, to practice the skills of safely crossing the roadway at the intersection. It is desirable that this model be with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street. Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational and indicative "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus and (or) trolley bus stop"; warning signs "Children"; prohibition signs “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; prescriptive signs "Pedestrian path", "Bicycle path"; priority signs "Main road", "Give way"; service signs "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point". It's good to have small signs on stands for layout work, and larger signs on stands for creative role play. Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street” In addition, for children of the older group, they are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. So in the corner of the road traffic police there should be diagrams of gestures of the traffic controller, the didactic game “What does the rod say?”, Attributes of the traffic police inspector: rod, cap. In the preparatory group, the guys meet with problematic situations on the roads (the so-called road "traps"), the knowledge of children about the Rules of the Road is already systematized. The content of the corner is more complicated: A card index of “dangerous situations” is being collected (you can make an impromptu TV or computer to show them) A window for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam is organized. In all groups, it is good to have a flannelograph for simulating situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics. Recommendations on the maintenance of corners for parents on the prevention of DDTT. The main purpose of creating a road safety corner is to explain to parents that they are the main link in question 10

11 teaching children the rules of the road. It is from their actions that it depends how firmly the child will master the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is their behavior that is decisive when a child chooses “his own style” of crossing the roadway. Making out such a corner, the teacher must make parents his main allies in teaching kids the complex alphabet of roads. It is important here to show parents the seriousness of the problem, to identify situations that often lead to tragedy, to explain in what cases and why children feel uncomfortable on the road. The corner can be designed as follows: 1. A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30*65 cm). 2. A set of components, each of which is designed to accommodate separate information 3. Folding book To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example: “The price of haste is your child’s life” “Attention, we are your children!” "The child has the right to live!" “It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of a child’s life” Given the important role of parents in teaching children the rules of the road, a corner for parents should contain: 1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city 2. Causes of road traffic accidents involving children 3. Recommendations to parents on teaching children safe behavior on the road. 4. A list and description of games aimed at consolidating the existing knowledge of the Rules of the Road in children 5. Children's stories about their behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents 11

Consultation “What the educator should know about traffic rules” “What the educator should know about traffic rules” Prepared by: educator Kontsova G.V. 3-4 years 1. Vehicles characteristic of our area, their name.

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1 Contents 1. General information ..... 3 2. Plan-schemes of preschool educational institutions: 2.1. The location of the preschool educational institution, the ways of movement of vehicles and pupils ..6 2.2. Organization of traffic in the immediate vicinity

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1. Which persons are classified by the Rules as road users? A Road workers, drivers, passengers. C Pedestrians, drivers, passengers. C All listed persons. 2. What rules does a person obey,

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Teach your child how to be safe on the road. Dear parents! In accidents with children, the adult is always to blame. Teaching children safe behavior on the road is largely up to you. accustom

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Dear parents! Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Especially the example of dad and mom teaches disciplined behavior on the road not only to your child,

Considered: at a meeting of the pedagogical council, protocol 1 dated 08/29/2016 I approve: head of the MDOU 1st kindergarten 4 "Batueva N.I. Educational program Knowledge of the rules of the road of the Municipal

ALL-RUSSIAN ACTION “SAFE ROAD. LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN AND PARENTS. What parents need to know about the peculiarities of children's behavior on the road, taking into account their psychophysiological conditions of development. "Children are not

Long-term work plan for traffic rules in the younger group "Sun" for 2017 2018 Purpose of work: 1. Mastering by preschoolers the initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street. 2. Build skills

Teachers' Council on the rules of the road in the preschool educational institution: "Happy road from kindergarten to home threshold"

Target: to systematize the knowledge of teachers about the rules of the road, to develop practical skills in the application of these rules, to create conditions for interaction with society to prevent road traffic injuries among pupils of preschool educational institutions.

Literature In: Preschool education. 1972. - No. 5; Babina R. Traffic light lessons; Stepanova E. To preschoolers about the rules of the road; Izvekova N. Rules of the road; newspaper "Good Road of Childhood" (No. 4 (118) 2006, No. 15-16 (106-107) 2005, No. 23-24 2004, No. 13 2005, No. 21 (111) 2005).

The plan of the teachers' council:

1. Statistical information about the accident (message from the head of the preschool educational institution).

2. Business game.

3. Creative task for the teachers' council:

- Drawing up long-term plans to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road.

4. Development of the decision of the teachers' council.

1. Statistical referenceabout traffic accidents

Traffic police officers carry out a huge preventive work to prevent children's road traffic injuries. But despite this, the number of accidents is growing.

Therefore, work must begin with kindergarten children and their parents and continue in schools. I will give a comparative analysis of road accidents for 20 ... and 20 ... years. The newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” will help me make it.

On the roads of Russia for 20 ... years ... children and ... children were injured. Among the victims are ... a pedestrian child, ... passenger children, ... cyclist children. Let me remind you that all children under the age of 18 are considered children.

The situation with children's road traffic injuries remains extremely dangerous and difficult.

In our region (city, district, region) in 20.. years, children died and ... children were injured. Among the victims are ... children-pedestrians, ... children-passengers, ... children-cyclists, and... children-drivers.

2. Business game(organized by senior teacher)

To systematize your knowledge of the rules of the road, let's play with you. I propose to play our game in the form of a competition between two teams. Teams will choose a name for themselves, come up with an emblem in the form of a new road sign and begin to compete with each other. The winning team will receive a reward - new literature on traffic rules.

Team crest protection

The jury evaluates all competitions on a 5-point system.

Road signs

Each team is given 10 signs, they must name them. Who will do it faster?

Guess the riddle

For the first team:

1. Scooped up the wind

white wing,

You and me to ride

Taken to sea. (sailboat)

2. Here is a riddle, like a bird,

Flying in the blue sky

Cities, seas, borders

At the riddle under the wing. (Airplane)

3. Where you need a hundred shovels,

I'm happy to work alone. (Excavator)

4. He goes - the wave flogs.

Grain is flowing from the pipe. (Combine)

5. He flies, but not a bird,

He buzzes, but not a wasp.

Can hang in the air

Like a big dragonfly. (Helicopter)

6. Miracle bird - scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket)

For the second team:

1. I grew up in the forest

In silent silence.

Now I carry you.

On the blue wave (Yacht)

2. Our friend is right there.

He will drive everyone in five minutes,

Hey, sit down, don't yawn

Departing ... (Tram)

3. Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with the people here,

They run along the streets. (Underground)

4. The locomotive was without wheels,

Here is a miracle steam locomotive:

Hasn't he lost his mind?

Went straight to the sea! (Steamboat)

5. Walks during the day and in the evenings,

He walks here and there...

And with both hands

Holds wires tight. (Trolleybus)

6. Strong man on four legs,

In rubber boots

straight from the store

He brought us a piano. (Truck)

7. The green eye will light up.

So we can sit down. (Taxi)

Reminder for a young hiker

Cross the carriageway only at the pedestrian crossing. And if there is a traffic light at the intersection, only its green light.

Before entering the roadway, stop to observe the road and in no case cross it without making sure that you are safe.

Do not play near the roadway, directly on it, as well as at public transport stops.

Do not enter the carriageway because of a stopped car or other obstacles that restrict visibility.

Do not cross the roadway in front of nearby vehicles.

Memo to parents

Without adults, your children cannot go out on the road.

You need to cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing, with a green traffic light.

The road is for cars only and the sidewalk is for pedestrians only.

You can not cross the road in an unspecified place and in front of nearby vehicles.

Standing trackless transport must be bypassed from behind, and rail transport - in front, along a pedestrian crossing.

Never violate traffic rules in the presence of a child.

Glossary of definitions

The teams are given words, and they need to make up their own definitions for these words.

A car is a wheeled vehicle with its own engine for transporting goods on trackless tracks.

A bicycle is a two-wheeled or three-wheeled riding machine driven by pedals.

Road - a way of communication, a strip of land intended for movement.

Movement - riding, walking in different directions.

Transport - moving vehicles for special purposes.

A pedestrian is a person walking.

Hitchhiking is a sport, traveling by passing cars.

A bus is a multi-seat vehicle for transporting passengers.

Race - fast movement, riding.

An inspector is a person who is in charge of inspection.

Inspect - to check the correctness of someone's actions.

A wand is a short stick with which the traffic controller gives instructions to vehicles, pedestrians ”(Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language).

History of transport and signs

1. In front of the players are drawings of a potter's wheel, a wooden disk and a log. Question: which of these objects was the prototype of the wheel? (Log)

2. What do you think, what material were the first wheels made of and on what type of transport? (On wagons; made of wood, baked clay and bronze)

3. One Englishman, looking at a hose with pouring water, made a discovery. What did he invent, the name of the inventor?

(Englishman Denlop in 1888 invented rubber tires for a bicycle)

4. How was the movement of the car accompanied on the streets of England?

(Ahead of the car was a man with a red flag during the day, at night - with a red lantern in his hands)

5. Luxurious cars and carriages belonged to rich people. A special place among the transport was occupied by government crews. Rulers are often assassinated. In the last century, 550 kings, prime ministers and presidents of different countries died from assassination attempts. After the death of which of the rulers: President Lincoln, Chancellor Wilhelm, Emperor Alexander II and King Henry IV, bulletproof glass was invented?

(After the death of the French king Henry IV, such glasses were installed in the royal carriage)

6. The first 4 road signs adopted by the International Convention in Paris in 1909 are shown in the figure. What could they mean?

Beware the signs!

What sign can be indicated by such words:

1. “Hurrah! Lessons canceled!

2. "Balls without rollers"

(Traffic regulation)

3. "Do not walk on the piano"


4. "The treasure of the cat Leopold"

(Road works)

5. "Sleep, my joy, sleep"

(Beeping is prohibited)

6. "Winds and miles, running away into the distance, You sit down and just press the pedal" (Intersection with a bicycle path)


List the modes of transport, the root of which contains "kat". (skating rink, boat, scooter)

Solve the problem

6 people got off the bus. Three of them crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing, two went around the front of the bus, and one remained at the bus stop. How many people entered according to the traffic rules?

(One. You have to wait until the bus leaves the stop, and only then cross the street)

The Wolf was driving to the Fox in a car on the left side of the road. He was stopped by a traffic police inspector and ordered to pay a fine. What rule did the wolf break?

(Vehicles are allowed to drive on the road, keeping to the right)

Creative competition for employees of preschool educational institutions

Meeting with a traffic light

Everyone without a doubt

adult and child

Must comply with traffic rules

Of course, from the cradle!

Early in the morning we are together

I'm going to kindergarten with my mom.

On the way I jumped

And he ran away from his mother.

I hear my mother yelling: “Stop!

It's dangerous out there, dear!

You see, the traffic light is standing,

The red light is on,

He walk across the road

We do not order you.

If the red light is on

Everything around then stands.

Yellow light replaces red

Get ready, wait

That's when the green is lit -

We can safely go.

Traffic light:

All who walk the earth

Must remember me.

So that there is no trouble -

You learn all the rules!

Zhurba E.V.

Tale about traffic rules

One simple story

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe we ruled

We want to tell you.

We all remember them from childhood,

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe from the cradle

We will remember them.

One simple boy

Or maybe a girl

Decided on the road

Play a little.

But suddenly a car is driving

Or maybe not a car

Or maybe a bus

Or maybe a foreign car

The cool one went by.

The child was scared

Of course I got lost

And the ball rolled away -

And right under the tram.

Don't run, don't jump

Don't stand, don't yawn

And on the road

You better not play!

Mother talking with child

Mother explained to her son

The mother of the son instructed:

keep the law simple

The red light is on - stop!

Yellow will tell the pedestrian:

Prepare for the transition.

Green light - go

There are no obstacles ahead.

If you're just walking

Look ahead anyway

Through a noisy intersection

Walk carefully.

Cars run fast here

Be careful, dear friend.

You look around and without worries

Go down to the underground passage.

The son listened

nodded his head,

And he asked his mother a business question:

- How do you know everything?

Are you my mother?

- Taught diligently

All the rules are mine.

- Now I remember, mom, I

All your instructions.

And I will keep now

All traffic rules.

And I will be careful

Remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.


He is silent, does not speak,

Everything is on the street.

His eyes are burning

Three multi-colored wheels.

The traffic light is our true friend,

Protects life around.

When the red light is on

He tells you to get ready.

If the yellow light is on

Tells you to be careful

And the green light will flash

So we have to go ahead.

Pedestrian, pedestrian

Remember about the transition.

Know that only the transition

Save us from the car.

The traffic light said: "Friends,

You can't play outside!"

You have to listen without argument.

Traffic light instructions.

Creative group of MDOU kindergarten "Rodnichok": Astakhova S.V., Baranova L.I., Elzhova N.V., Kroshneva, O.M., Reznikova L.I., Saprygina E.M.