Consultation for educators ecological games. Consultation for educators "Games on ecology in kindergarten

Educator Esina Marina Aleksandrovna

MBDOU kindergarten "Squirrel" Tambov, Tambov region

When a child communicates with nature, a contradiction often arises. On the one hand, they are very interested in plants and animals, love them, on the other hand, they show cruelty and indifference. So, children tear off the wings of insects, tear apart earthworms. Due to a momentary whim, children break branches of trees, shrubs, tear in armfuls and then, without regret, abandon flowering plants, trample lawns. At the same time, children do not regard their actions as a manifestation of evil.

Why is this happening? This is due, first of all, to the ignorance of preschoolers of the rules of interaction with objects of nature.

On their own, it is difficult for preschoolers to see, for example, the manifestation of plant life, to understand that they, like other living beings, breathe, eat, move, and multiply.

Therefore, adults come to the aid of the child, and in the kindergarten, of course, there is a teacher who will help the child understand all the diversity of the world around him.

Firstly, she tried to be the bearer of ecological culture herself and, through her behavior and actions, created an example of interaction with nature, an indifferent attitude towards it, demonstrated the necessity and significance of everything that happens in front of children.

Secondly, she taught children to empathize and instilled in them an emotionally positive attitude towards nature. After all, emotions play a big role in the perception of nature, its beauty and originality, as well as in showing sympathy for those who are in trouble, and he is like a child. "charging" our emotions. Therefore, every time, at any opportunity, I admired natural objects and phenomena, found even the most unattractive, at first glance, object of nature and admired it. For example: she was surprised at the blue sky, white clouds and bright stars, a beautiful moth and a long worm, grass breaking through the asphalt, etc. She admired the good deeds of people, felt joy from the well-being of a living being, and tried to "infect" these children. Be sure to insert a poetic word if possible, and a poetic word will always leave an indelible mark in the heart of a child.

Thirdly, in no case should it be allowed that the interaction of the child with nature has a negative connotation.

And if an adult does not pay attention to this, children get used to dividing natural objects into beautiful and ugly, necessary and unnecessary, and, accordingly, build their attitude towards them. As a result, instead of accumulating positive emotions - surprise (for example, how interesting the grasshopper has adapted to the environment), empathy (for example, a bug in trouble)- the child acquires the experience of an indifferent or even heartless attitude towards objects that, in his opinion, are unpleasant.

The next moment is the introduction of children to work.

Labor activity should be regular. It is important for the educator to involve every child in it, since work in a corner of nature or in a kindergarten site contributes to the development of observation and curiosity, inquisitiveness in children, arouses their interest in natural objects, in human labor.

In the process of labor in nature, children develop knowledge about plants, about animals. (appearance, needs, modes of movement, habits, lifestyle, seasonal changes). Children learn to establish a connection between the conditions, the way of life of an animal in nature and the ways of caring for it in a corner of nature.

In the implementation of environmental education, I tried to follow an integrated approach, which involves the relationship of research activities, modeling, music, fine arts, physical education, games, theatrical activities, etc. It is this approach, in my opinion, that carries out the greening of various activities of the child.

Working with parents.

A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They act like the adults around them.

Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it. For example, it is difficult to explain to children that nature should be protected if the parents do not do it themselves. And the different demands made in kindergarten and at home can cause them confusion, resentment or even aggression.

I work with parents in the form of meetings (general and group) with the aim of informing parents about joint work and stimulating their active participation in it. I invite them to classes, hang out a lot of visual material, publish booklets on the topic of preserving and protecting nature.

Now let's consider the question, how should this activity be organized in different age groups in order to realize its leading motive - the education of the principles of ecological culture among preschoolers - and achieve specific goals?

At the early preschool age, children in joint activities are more observers than practical performers, and yet it is at this age that the pattern of interaction with nature is of decisive importance: children hear and absorb the affectionate conversation of an adult with animals and plants, calm and clear explanations about , what and how to do, see the actions of the educator and willingly take part in them. For example, when inviting children to participate in watering indoor plants, the teacher says something like this: “Let's go to the window, look at our plants, talk to them and water them. (Go to the window.) Hello flowers! How are you feeling? Not frozen, not dried up? (Looks at the plants.) No, everything is in order - you are green, beautiful. Look how good our plants are, how nice it is to look at them! (Touches the earth in a pot.) Dry land, and plants need water - they are alive, they cannot live without water! Let's water them" . The teacher gives each child a watering can, in which there is some water, waters everything himself, saying: “Spark, we will pour a lot of water into your pot, drink as much as you want and grow further - we will admire you!” The participation of children in this joint activity lies in the fact that they listen to the teacher’s speech, observe his actions, hold watering cans, serve and receive them, fill them with water together and put them in their place. The educator in front of the children and together with them takes care of the plants - this is an example of interaction with nature. Education as a didactic task is not in the foreground, it turns out by itself, naturally, in the process of joint practical activity.

In the middle group, the teacher and children act together, although the priority belongs to an adult, which is expressed in the formula: “I do - you help me, you are my assistants. We take care of our pets together!”

In older preschool age, the independence of children is growing intensively, it becomes possible for them to be on duty in a corner of nature. The adult and the children change roles: the children do everything themselves, and the teacher helps them (it does not matter that the help at first can be very large). The teacher necessarily notes all the achievements of the children, praises them for their independence, confidence and initiative. Teachers who do everything themselves and do not give preschoolers the opportunity to observe and participate in the creation of normal conditions for the inhabitants of living corners, the room of nature, the site, develop in children indifference, callousness and inattention in general to life as a unique value.

Here, in my opinion, are the main conditions that are necessary for the ecological education of children.


"Didactic games of ecological orientation on a walk"

The natural world is rich and diverse. But the intensive economic activity of a person constantly makes changes to it, violating the ecological balance.
environment. Therefore, it is so important to constantly take care of its protection.

In our country, nature conservation is a matter of national importance. But in order for everyone to realize the significance of this nationwide cause, it is necessary to instill in a person from childhood a love for the nature of his native land.

Of all the diversity of the natural world, plants and domestic animals are the most accessible to children for direct observation. In the process of getting to know them, preschoolers develop a love for nature, a desire to care for animals, and grow plants.

In educational activities, while working in a corner of wildlife and on a site, on excursions and walks, the teacher reveals to children the diversity and beauty of the world around them, introduces them to the various properties and qualities of plants, and forms elementary concepts about the flora and fauna. A more active assimilation of knowledge is facilitated by the emotional attitude of children to what the teacher is talking about.

Didactic games are of particular importance in familiarizing preschoolers with nature. Solving the tasks set in the didactic game, the child learns to isolate individual features of objects, phenomena, compare them, group, classify according to certain common features, features. Children learn to reason, draw conclusions, generalizations, while their attention, memory are trained, arbitrary perception develops. When solving a game problem, you often need to explain your actions, and this contributes to the development of speech.

However, the educational value of didactic games cannot be reduced only to the development of mental abilities and the expansion of the child's horizons. Content
games as a whole have a great influence on the formation of the child's personality, his aesthetic development.

In familiarizing children with nature, it is useful to use didactic games with natural material. It can be vegetables, fruits, leaves of trees and shrubs, flowering herbaceous and indoor plants.

Vegetables and fruitswell known and interesting to children. Babies are attracted to their shape, color, size, taste, smell. Since many vegetables and fruits keep throughout the year, they can be played with in a variety of ways for all age groups, regardless of the season.

Houseplants - obligatory inhabitants of the nature corner of the kindergarten. They are convenient to use in games, primarily because for almost half of the year in the middle lane trees and shrubs are deprived of green cover and cease to attract children. Most indoor plants remain green all the time, and some bloom in winter.

In spring, summer, autumn, the plant world attracts the child's attention with rapid changes, colors, smells. Highlighting similarities and differences
plants, children begin to distinguish trees, shrubs, flowers, memorize their names.

To make it easier for children to learn about the distinctive features of plants, it is good to use leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and bark for games.

Didactic games with natural material can be carried out in natural conditions, in the open air and in a group room. Games in the forest, in the park, in the meadow do not require special equipment, but when choosing a place to play, it is necessary that there are plants in the meadow, in the square, with which the teacher wants to introduce the children, in addition, they must be available to the children for observation .

However, playing games in natural conditions has its own difficulties. First of all, this is the fact that children are easily distracted, switch their attention to foreign objects, people, etc. Therefore, the educator must think over interesting game actions, take all the children to solve a single problem.

If the game is played indoors, natural material is placed so that children can clearly see the distinctive features of each object (color, size, shape) and all the details.

There are two types of didactic games with natural material: plotless and plot.
Games in which all children perform one or two similar actions are plotless. If, in a game, actions according to its rules are performed by the corresponding participants (roles are performed), and the content reflects a certain plot, then these are plot games. Such games require some knowledge, the ability to apply them in the appropriate situation. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct them with children of the older and preparatory groups for school.

In the course of didactic games, children of different preschool ages, through repeated repetitions, learn the amount of knowledge in accordance with the program.

When planning a game with natural material, the educator must remember that its content is consistent with the changes taking place in the surrounding nature. For example, games related to the purchase of seeds are best played in spring, and with harvesting - in summer and autumn.

The sequence of the games is given in accordance with the gradual complication of didactic tasks, taking into account the level of children's ideas about different groups of plants. Sometimes the same games in different versions are recommended for children of different ages. They become more complex due to the increase in the number of plants, more diverse rules and game actions.

The teacher himself can come up with various options for games: introduce additional tasks into them, new roles, enrich them with information about the nature surrounding children.


AT about the second youngest It is best to introduce didactic games with natural material to a group using vegetables and fruits already familiar to children. With the help of an educator, children will master the ability to distinguish objects, highlight their individual features, and find similar ones. To make it easier for children to distinguish one fruit and vegetable from another, for the first games, materials should be selected that are sharply different in characteristic features, and then gradually add similar ones. For example, for
to distinguish by touch, it is better to first take carrots, cucumbers, apples, beets. And then you can offer fruits and vegetables similar in shape: an orange, a lemon, an onion, or others.

Conducting didactic games with children 4-5 years old - middle group - take into account the increased level of knowledge of the children, experience in solving the proposed tasks.

The complication of games is expressed in an increase in the amount of natural material, in the requirement to perform game tasks more independently, and also in the fact that children
they themselves must control the correctness of the task.

A slight complication of the task is also introduced into the content of knowledge about indoor plants: children are required to more accurately determine the color of the leaves, with the name
shades (dark or light green leaf)

When planning games, the educator should provide for their gradual complication. It will be easier to make a game plan if the teacher preliminarily outlines
didactic tasks of games as their difficulty increases. For children of the second younger and middle groups, these tasks can be as follows:

1. Find items by similarity. The plant world surrounding the child is diverse. To better navigate it, children should be able to distinguish individual objects from the surrounding nature. It is easier to teach them this in games (first with vegetables and fruits, and then with houseplants, trees and shrubs).

2. Find items by word-name. Children know few names of plants, often use the generalized word "flowers" or "trees". It is important to fix in them
memory names of familiar objects, help learn new names.

3. Select individual features of plants. At the same time, preschoolers learn more about the representatives of the plant world, they develop the ability to generalize the impressions received.

4. Recognize objects with the help of one of the senses (by touch, taste, smell) and name them. Solving this problem will allow children to get to know each other better.

with signs and qualities of objects of the plant world.

5. Group objects on an external basis (color, shape). Practicing in grouping objects, children reinforce the knowledge gained earlier.

6. Find the whole by parts. Completing this task will give children the opportunity to better know the constituent parts of plants, their signs.

7. Find plants according to the description of an adult. By learning to do this, preschoolers will be able to better see the hallmarks of plants, learn to think abstractly.

In games with children of the fifth year of life, a new didactic task is introduced, the solution of which is aimed at educating children in the ability to describe objects of the plant world. At first, children do this with the help of an adult, then more and more independently. The task becomes more complicated in the following sequence: first, the children name the signs, answering the teacher's questions; then several children jointly compose a description, and one guesses it, and only after that one child is offered to independently list the distinguishing features of the object.

When organizing didactic games with natural material in the younger group, you need to pay attention to the fact that all children actively participate in the game, so that each child has some task, so that everyone gets a role.

You can invite the baby to repeat the action just performed by another child. This is usually fun for the kids.

During games, it is necessary to acquaint children with generally accepted terms, their use in speech. Toddlers must learn to operate with such concepts as "color", "shape", "size". The teacher should give an example of the correct use of these words.

From the younger group, it is necessary to teach children to use the generally accepted definitions of the characteristic properties, qualities, signs of objects and phenomena.

During the game, younger children show a desire to examine the object well, to play with it. Such interest can be used to introduce

child with some features and properties of objects. So, if the children, say, paid attention to the shape of an apple, you can invite them to roll it like a ball,

pat to determine if it has a smooth surface.

After playing with vegetables and fruits, you can treat the children to one of them, while paying attention to the fact that all fruits and vegetables have a taste: “Tell me how

in your mouth?" (Sour, bitter, sweet.) Treats make kids even more interested in such games.

The desire to play with leaves and flowers is often aroused in preschoolers by the desire to decorate a group room, their dining table, to give a bouquet to adults, younger children. When conducting such games, it is necessary to teach children to take care of plants, to teach them not to pick flowers unnecessarily.

From early childhood, the child sees various vegetables and fruits around him. Gradually, he remembers their names, begins to find acquaintances among them. However, kids have almost no idea about the individual signs of plants, even familiar to them. Therefore, in games with children of the second younger group, it is necessary not only to clarify the names, but also to help the kids highlight and determine the properties and qualities of various vegetables and fruits.

In the middle and group, children know more about vegetables and fruits than toddlers. Therefore, games to distinguish between vegetables and fruits can be omitted. The task "find by name" is given only if children are introduced to new plantsmi or if not all of them have assimilated some plants. Children are offered more complex tasks to identify and correctly identify the signs and qualities of vegetables and fruits. You can enter tasks to find objects by smell.

Find something to show.

Didactic task . Find an item by similarity.

game action . Search for an object shown and hidden by the teacher.

Rule.You can't look under the napkin.

Equipment.On two trays lay out the same sets of vegetables and fruits.

Cover one (for the teacher) with a napkin.

Game progress.The teacher shows for a short time one of the objects,
hidden under a napkin, and again removes it, then offers the children: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it is called.” Children take turns doing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin are

Note. In the future, the game "can be complicated by adding vegetables and fruits that are similar in shape but differ in color. For example: beets, turnips, lemons, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, etc.

Find something to call.
First option .

didactic task. Find an object by the word - name.

Game action. Search for "hidden" vegetables and fruits.

Rules.You can search for an object in a vase that matches the shape or color of the named vegetable or fruit (for example, beets, turnips, radishes; oranges, tomatoes, apples, etc.). You can't look at all the vases.

Equipment.Spread vegetables and fruits along the edge of the table so that their shape and size can be clearly seen. It is better to take vegetables and fruits that are the same in size, but of different colors (several apples, pears, etc.), of different sizes with a constant color (carrots, beets, cabbage).

Game progress.The teacher offers one of the children: "Find a small carrot and show it to everyone." Or: “Find a yellow apple, show it to the children”; "Roll the apple and tell me what shape it is." The child finds an object, shows it to the other children, tries to determine the shape. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher can name a bright distinguishing feature of this vegetable or fruit. For example: "Show me a yellow turnip (black radish)." Etc.

Second option.

Vegetables and fruits are placed in vases of various shapes - spherical, oval, elongated. In this case, the shape of the vase should correspond to the shape of the
subject. Children are looking for the named item.

Third option.

The game is equipped and played in the same way as in the first two versions. Here the task is solved - to fix the coloring of objects in the memory of preschoolers.

Vegetables and fruits are laid out (hidden) in vases of different colors in accordance with the color of the object.

Guess what's in the hand.

Didactic some task.Learn the subject with the help of one of the analyzers.

game action . Running to the teacher with an object recognized by touch.

Rules.You can't look at what's in your hand. Need to know by touch.

Game progress.Children stand in a circle. In the hands behind the back, the teacher lays out vegetables and fruits. Then he shows everyone any of the vegetables. Children who have the same in their hands run up to the teacher on command.

Note.The game is recommended for children 3-4 years old

A wonderful bag.
First option.

Didactic task. Find out the subject of help from one of the analyzers.

Game action. Search by touch for a hidden object.;

Rules.You can't look into the bag. First you need to determine what is in the hand, and then show the item to everyone else.

Equipment.For the first games, vegetables and fruits are selected that differ sharply in shape and detail, then more similar. Small bag (opaque).

Game progress.The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag and asks to observe what he will do. Then he offers one of the guys: “Find by touch, without looking into the bag, what you want. Now tell me what you got." Or you can ask: "Find what I will say (call)." All children take turns doing the task.

Note. Subsequently, when the game is repeated, the bag is filled in advance. Children should not see what is hidden there.

Second option (for children of the middle group).

didactic task. Recognize an object by touch according to the listed signs.

Game progress.The teacher lists the signs that can be perceived by touch: shape, its details, surface, plane - and asks: "Find in the bag something that looks like a ball, but with a long tail, hard, not smooth." The child, according to the description, searches and finds beets.

First, vegetables and fruits, which differ sharply in shape, are lowered into the bag. When repeating the game, objects can be selected similar in shape, but different
other signs.

Guess what you ate.

Didactic task . Find out the subject with the help of one of the analyzers.

game action . Taste Guessing:

Rules.You can't look at what's put in your mouth. Gotta chew with your eyes closed and then say what it is

Equipment. Pick up vegetables and fruits, different to taste. Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. On the table in the room where the children are sitting,
lay out the same items for control and comparison.

Game progress.Having prepared fruits and vegetables (cut into pieces), the teacher brings them into the group room and treats one of the children, having previously asked
close his eyes. Then he says: “Chew well, now tell me what you ate. Find one on the table."

After all the children have completed the task, the teacher treats all the children with fruits and vegetables.

Note. In the future, you can invite children to name the word taste sensations. The question should be asked in such a way that in cases of difficulty, children can choose the appropriate name to determine the taste: “How did it feel in your mouth?: (Bitter, sweet, sour.)

find,what I'll tell you about.

Didactic task. Find items according to the listed signs.

Andthunder action. Guessing the plant from the description of signs.

Rule.You can name recognized vegetables or fruits only at the request of the teacher.

Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that all the children can clearly see the distinctive features of the objects.

Game progress.The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher offers one of the guys: “Show it on the table, and then name what I told you about,” If the child completed the task, the teacher describes another
object, and the task is already performed by another child. The game continues until all the children have guessed the item according to the description.

Describe, I'll guess.

didactic task. Select and name the characteristic features of the subject in response to questions from an adult.

Game action. Riddles for adults.

Rules. It is impossible to name what is described. Answer the teacher's questions clearly and correctly.

Equipment.Vegetables and fruits are laid out on the table. The teacher's chair is placed so that the plants are not visible to him.

Game progress.The teacher tells the children: “From the vegetables that are on the table, choose one. I will ask what it is, and you answer. Just don't say its name. I will try to guess from your answers. Then the teacher begins to ask questions in a certain sequence: “What is the form? Everywhere, like a ball? Are there pits? What colour?" Etc.

Children answer questions in detail. After the children talk about the characteristic features of the subject, the teacher guesses riddles.

Describe, we will guess.
First option .

Didactic task . Describe objects and find them by description.

Game actions

Rule.Give a detailed description. clearly in the correct order.

Game progress. The child (leader) goes out the door, and the rest of the children make up a description of one of the vegetables or fruits. When the driver returns, one of the guys talks about the characteristic features of the object that needs to be recognized and named.

Second option.

The teacher invites one child to make a riddle - to describe a vegetable, for example, beets, so that the children know what he is talking about. The teacher warns the driver that you don’t have to look at the hidden object for a long time, as the children can see what he is looking at and immediately guess. It should be recalled the sequence of description: first you need to talk about the form, its details, then about the density, color, taste.

Note.The last two games are recommended for children 4-5 years old.


Indoor plants are less familiar to younger preschoolers than vegetables and fruits. They often use household generalizing definitions: “flowers”, “flower”, not knowing the exact name of this or that houseplant.

Children of junior and middle groups in the classes on familiarization with nature and in games should learn:

1. Names of indoor plants (for the younger group - 1-2, then 2-3 more names are added in each group);

2. The structure of indoor plants: be able to determine their structure, comparing with familiar objects of the plant world: “like a tree”, “like grass”.

3. Know the parts of plants: .

Highlight stems; the teacher introduces the word stem into the active vocabulary of children gradually, replacing it first with the word branch;

Be able to describe the leaves: round, long - oval (like a cucumber); coloring (green); magnitude (pain shie , small); surface sheet (smooth, non-smooth);

Be able to talk aboutcolors:the name of the coloration within the primary colors, the number on the pedicel (many, one).

In order for children to better learn this knowledge, the sequence of tasks in games with indoor plants needs to be changed compared to the previous group of games.

First of all, children need to be shown that indoor plants are different from each other. The first tasks (“find the same” finding objects by similarity) will help the teacher
find out which of the children distinguishes between plants and which does not. Then you should draw the attention of the kids to the most noticeable distinguishing features of some plants. In games, they are given the task of finding plants according to the description of an adult. The solution of this problem enables children to pay attention to the shape, size of the leaves; coloring.

Conducting games with indoor plants, the teacher calls them, at first without requiring the children to know the names. And only after some games, the children are given the task of finding a plant by name.

Children of the middle group already have some idea of ​​​​houseplants, so more complex tasks can be introduced into their games with this material, for example, they can offer to find plants according to the description of an adult. Then you need to repeat the tasks that help the children describe the plant themselves. Thus, the teacher will draw the attention of preschoolers to the distinctive features of individual indoor plants,
their structure. When conducting games with objects of the plant world, it is necessary for the teacher to name them as often as possible.

Games with the task of "find a plant by name" are more difficult than games with vegetables and fruits,therefore, they are held after the children learn about plants.

What changed?

Didactic task

game action . Search for a similar item.
rule. You can show a recognized plant only at the signal of the educator, after listening to its description.

Equipment. Identical plants (according to3-4) are placed on two tables.

Game progress. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables, describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same on another table. (You can ask the children to find the same plants in the group room.) .

The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.

Find the same

Didactic task . Find items by similarity.

game action . Children find changes in the arrangement of objects.

Rules. It is impossible to look at how the teacher swaps plants.

Equipment. Placed on two tables3-4 identical plants in a certain sequence, for example, ficus, flowering geranium, asparagus, fragrant

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to consider well how the plants stand and close their eyes. At this time, he swaps the plants on the same table. And then asks the children to rearrange the pots as they are standingor before, comparing their arrangement with the order of the plants on another table.

After some repetition, the game can be played with one set of plants (without visual control).

Guess the plant from the description.

Didactic task

game action . Search for an object by a riddle - description.

Rule.You can show the plant only after the teacher's story at his request.

Equipment. For the first games, several indoor plants (2-3) with noticeable distinguishing features are selected. They are placed on the table so that all the children can clearly see each plant.

Game progress. The teacher begins to talk in detail about one of the plants. First, for example, he notes what it looks like (“like a tree”, like “grass”), then asks to say if the plant has a stem. The teacher draws the attention of children to the shape of the leaves (round, oval - like a cucumber, narrow, long), the color of the flowers (primary colors), their number on the pedicel. The first description is given at a slow pace, so that the children can see and consider everything that the teacher is talking about. Having finished the description, the teacher asks: “What plant did I tell you about?” Children point to a plant and, if they can, name it.

You can invite the guys to find in the group room all the plants that are similar

to what has been described.

Where did the matryoshka hide?

First option.

didactic task. Find an object according to the listed signs.

game action . Search for a hidden toy.
rule. You can’t watch where the teacher hides the matryoshka.

Equipment. 4-5 plants are placed on the table.

Game progress. The children are shown a little matryoshka, which "wanted to play hide and seek with them." The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the toy behind one of the plants. Then the children open their eyes. “How to find a matryoshka? the teacher asks. “Now I’ll tell you where she hid it.” And the teacher says what the plant looks like behind which the matryoshka “hid” (on a tree, grass), describes its stem, leaves (shape, size, surface), flowers, their number, color. Children listen and then point to the plant and name it.

Second option.

Matryoshka "hides" behind any plant in the group room.

Find a plant by name.
First option.

Didactic task . Find a plant by word-name.

Game actions. The search for a named plant.

rule. You can’t see where the plant is hidden.
Game progress. The teacher calls the indoor plant in the group room, and the children must find it. First, the teacher gives a task to all the children: “Who will quickly find a plant in our group room that I will name?” Then he asks some children to complete the task. If it is difficult for children to find the named plant in a large area of ​​​​the room among many others, the game can be played by analogy with the previous ones, that is, put the selected plants on the table. Then the search for a plant in the room will become a complicated version of the game.

Second option.

You can play a game using a toy that the teacher or

one of the children will hide (see the game “Where did the nesting doll hide?”), But instead of describing the houseplant near which the toy is hidden, you can only give its name.

What was missing?

Didactic task . Name the plant from memory (without visual control).

game action . Guess which plant is missing.

rule. You can’t watch which plant is being harvested.

Equipment. 2-3 plants well known to children from previous games are placed on the table.

Game progress. The teacher invites the kids to see which plants are on the table, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one plant. When the children open their eyes, the teacher asks: “Which plant is gone?” If the correct answer is received, the plant is put in place, and the game is repeated with another object.

Note. The above games are recommended for children 3-4 years old.

Describe, I'll guess.

didactic task. Find a plant according to the description of an adult.

game action . Guessing plants by a riddle-description. "

rule. First you need to find a plant that will be told about, and then name it.

Game progress. The teacher describes one of the plants in the group room. Children must find it according to the description, and if it is familiar to them, then name it.
Those plants whose names the children do not yet know, the teacher calls himself.

When describing, generally accepted terms should be used: “leaf shape”, “color of flowers”, etc. This will help children highlight the distinctive and general features of the plant.

Find something to talk about.

Didactic task . Describe and name the signs of the plant in response to questions from an adult.

game action . Drawing up a "riddle" for an adult.

Rules. It is impossible to name the plant being thought of. Answer questions correctly.

Game progress. The teacher sits facing the children, with his back to the houseplants on the table. The teacher asks one child to choose and show the children a plant, which he will then have to recognize from the description of the children. The teacher asks them questions about the presence of a stem, the shape and color of the leaves (names shades of green), about the surface of the leaf (smooth, uneven), about whether there are flowers, how many are on the branch, what color they are. For example: "What does it look like - a tree or grass? The trunk is thick, straight? The leaves are large, like a cucumber? Dark green, shiny?" Having recognized the plant, the teacher names and shows it.

The game can be repeated.

Guess, we'll guess.
The first option:

Didactic task. Describe items and find by description.

Equipment. 3-4 plants are placed on the table.
game action. Guessing and guessing riddles about plants.

rule. Describe the plant without naming it.

Game progress. One child goes out the door. He is the leader. Children agree on which plant and what they will talk about. The driver returns, and the children describe their plans to him. After carefully listening to the story, the driver should name and show the plant.

Second option.

The teacher invites one of the children to describe a plant standing on the table. The rest should recognize the plant from the story and name it.

Sell ​​what I call.

Didactic task . Find an item by name.

Game tasks. Performing the roles of buyer and seller.

Rules . The buyer must name the plant, but not show it. The seller finds the plant by name.

Equipment. Pick up indoor plants, field and garden flowers. Unfold and place them on the table.

Game progress. One child is a seller, the rest are buyers. The buyers name the plants they want to buy, the seller finds them and issues the purchase. In case of difficulty, the buyer can name the signs of the plant.

Note.The last three games are recommended for children of the middle group.

These games can be played with the plants of the site.


When organizing games for children of the second younger group to recognize trees and shrubs, the teacher must remember that the kids have an idea only about individual parts of these plants, they do not know their general appearance, distinctive features. Therefore, recognition games should be started by attracting the attention of babies, primarily to leaves that have a pronounced shape (leaves of oak, maple, chestnut, mountain ash, acacia, etc.)

Gradually, tasks should be introduced in which children learn that the same leaves grow only on certain trees; they are offered to find the same leaves as they saw on a familiar tree.
In order for children to fix the appearance of some trees in their memory, it is necessary to enter tasks for finding plants according to the description of an adult. This will help teach children to find trees by one of the parts they know (by leaves, trunk) and by name.

For children of the middle group, tasks in games of this type become more complicated: the number of plants that children need to know increases, game actions become more diverse (children find similar "leaves from each other, etc.). At the same time, they replenish knowledge about the parts of plants, learn to name them , list "characteristics ..

Find a sheet to show you.

Didactic task . Find items by similarity.

game action . Running children with certain leaflets.

rule. Run (“fly”) on command is possible only for those who have in their hands the same sheet as the teacher showed.

Game progress. During the walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and offers to find the same one. The selected leaves are compared in shape, note how they are similar and how they differ. The teacher leaves each leaf from different trees (maple, oak, ash, etc.). Then the teacher raises, for example, a maple leaf and says: “The wind blew. The leaves flew like this. Show how they flew. Children, in whose hands maple leaves, are spinning, and at the command of the teacher they stop.

The game is repeated with different leaves.

Find the same in the bouquet sheet.

Didactic task. Find an item by similarity.

game action . Search for a similar item.

Rule.Raise the sheet after the teacher calls and shows it.

Equipment. Pick up the same bouquets from 3-4 different leaves. The game is played while walking.

Game progress. The teacher distributes flowers to the children, Ta who leaves for himself. Then he shows them some leaf, for example, a maple one, and offers: “One, two,
three - show such a sheet! Children raise their hand with a maple leaf.

The game is repeated several times with the rest of the leaves of the bouquet.

Such a leaf, fly to me!

Didactic task . Find items by similarity.

game action . Run up to the teacher at his signal.

rule. You can run to the teacher only on a signal and only with the same sheet as the teacher has in his hand. .

Equipment. Pick up leaves of maple, oak, mountain ash (or other trees common in the area) that are sharply different in shape.

Game progress. The teacher picks up, for example, a rowan leaf and says: “Whoever has the same leaf, come to me!”

Children examine the leaves received from the teacher, who have the same in their hands, run to the teacher. If the child made a mistake, the teacher gives him his sheet for


Find a leaf

Didactic task . Find the part of the whole.

Game actions . Search for an item.

rule. You can search for a leaf on the ground after the words of the teacher.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to carefully examine the leaves on a low tree. “Now try to find the same ones on the ground,” says the teacher. - One, two, three - look! Who found it, quickly come to me. Children with leaves run to the teacher.

Find something to talk about.

Didactic task . Find items according to the listed signs.

game action . Search for an item by description.

rule. You can run to a recognized tree only at the signal of the educator.

Game progress. The game is played outdoors. The teacher describes the tree (the size and color of the trunk, the shape of the leaves), names and describes the seeds and fruits. He then asks the children to guess what tree it is. The one who found out should run up after the words of the teacher: “One, two, three - run!”


Find your home.

didactic task. Find the whole item by part.

game action . Search for a "house" on a specific basis.

rule. You can run to your “house” only on a signal. The leaf in the hand and the leaves on the tree should be the same.

Game progress. Leaves of different trees are given to children in the park or in the forest. All children are "bunnies". So that the rabbits do not get lost, the "mother hare" gives them leaves from branches,
of which their house is made. Everyone jumps, runs around the clearing, and at the signal: “Everyone is home, the wolf is close!” - they run to their house - under a certain tree. The game can be continued if the children change leaves - “move to a new house”.

With middle-aged children, a game with the fruits and seeds of trees can be played in a similar way.

Who will quickly find birch, spruce, oak.

Didactic task . Find a tree by name.

game action . Running to the named tree (competition "Who will find the tree faster").

rule. You can run to the named tree only on the command "Run!".

Game progress. The teacher names a tree that is well known to the children and has bright distinctive features, and asks to find it, for example: “Who will find the birch faster? One, two, three - run to the birch! Children must find a tree and run to any birch growing in the area where the game is being played.

Find a couple!

Didactic task . Find an item by similarity.

Game actions. Looking for a similar item.
Rules. Look for a pair only on a signal. The pair is made up of children who have the same leaves.

Equipment. Leaves "3-4 trees according to the number of children.

Game progress. The teacher gives the children one leaf at a time and says: "The wind blew, all the leaves flew." Hearing these words, the children begin to run around the playground with leaves in their hands. Then the teacher gives the command: “One, two, three - find a couple!” Everyone should stand next to the one who has the same sheet in his hands.

Find a leaf, like on a tree.

didactic task. Find the part of the whole.

Rule. You need to search on the ground only for the same leaves as on the tree indicated by the teacher.

Game progress. The game is played in the fall on the site. The teacher divides the group of children into several subgroups. Each offers a good look at the leaves on one
from trees, and then find the same on the ground. The teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." The kids start looking. Then the members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for. The team that gathers near the tree first wins. .

All at home!

Didactic task . Find the whole by its part.
Game actions. Finding your "home" on a certain basis.

rule. You can run to your “house” only at the signal of the teacher.

Equipment. Leaves of 3-4 trees (according to the number of children).

Game progress. The teacher distributes the leaves to the children and says: “Let's imagine that we went on a hike. Each group set up a tent under a tree. in your hands
leaves from the tree under which your tents are. We are walking. But suddenly it began to rain. "Everyone go home!" At this signal, children run to their tents, stand next to
the tree from which the leaf.

To check whether the task was completed correctly, the child is offered to compare his leaf with the leaves on the tree to which he ran up.

Note. The game can be played with leaves, fruits and seeds, or only fruits and seeds.

Find the tree according to the description.

Didactic task . Find an item by description.

game action . Guessing plants by description.

Rule.You can search for a tree only after the teacher's story.

Game progress. The teacher describes the trees familiar to the children, choosing from them those that have subtle distinguishing features (for example, spruce and pine, mountain ash
and acacia).

Children must find what the teacher is talking about.
To make it interesting for the guys to search by description, you can hide something near the tree (or on the tree) they are talking about.

Guess, I'll guess.

Didactic task . Describe the subject for an adult.

game action . Guessing a riddle to the educator.

rule. It is impossible to name the intended tree.

Game progress. The teacher becomes his back to the trees. Children must ask him a riddle - describe the tree, answering the questions of the teacher. He asks: “What is the trunk of the tree? (Tall, fat.) What color is he? Then he is interested in the shape, density, color of the leaves and, finally, whether the tree has fruits and seeds, what they are called, what shape and size they are. According to the answers of the children, the teacher guesses what kind of tree they thought of.

Note. With questions, the teacher draws the attention of preschoolers to specific features of the plant, helps them to see. Desirabletherefore, ask questions in the same sequence, take your time with guessing the riddle, so that the children have time to highlight as many of the hallmarks of the tree as possible.

Guess, we'll guess.

didactic task. Describe the tree and recognize it from the description.

Game actions. Riddles and riddles.

Rule. You need to describe the tree without naming it.

Game progress. The teacher divides all children into two subgroups. The guys from the first team choose a tree and agree that they will talk about it. They then describe the tree to another subgroup, who must recognize and name it. When the task is completed, the subgroups change roles: now those who guessed guess the riddle.

Run to the house, which I will name.

didactic task. Find an item by name.

game action. Running (with dodge) to a certain subject.

Rule. You can’t stand near the same tree for a long time.

Game progress. The game is played according to the type of "Traps". Any of the children. They appoint a trap, all the rest run away from him and save themselves near the tree named by the teacher, for example, near the birch. Children can run from one birch to another. The one who is caught by the trap becomes the leader.

When the game is repeated, the name of the tree ("house") is changed each time.


When organizing games for older preschoolers with natural material, special attention should be paid to the ability of children to use generally accepted terminology when determining the characteristic properties, qualities, and signs of plants. Children 5-7 years old should be taught to more fully and accurately describe the observed plants.

Before children 5-7 years old, it is necessary to set more complex didactic tasks that require the ability to isolate individual parts of plants, compare them, combine similar ones, and establish a sequence of changes as they grow and develop.

What tasks are solved in the process of didactic games with older preschoolers (senior and preparatory groups for school)?

  1. Find an object using one analyzer (by touch, by taste, by smell). The fulfillment of this task requires children to be able to operate with individual features (shape, density, surface) of objects and their qualities.
  2. Describe objects and find them by description. This task is complicated by the fact that children describe objects that are perceived not only visually, but also with the help of touch.
  3. Find the whole by the part and the part by the whole.
  4. Make a whole out of parts. These tasks require children to know the external
    the type of plant parts, such as leaves and fruits (seeds), aboveground and underground parts of plants.
  5. Group items by location.
  6. Group objects according to their use in life. The task is complicated by the fact that the signs underlying the groupings cannot be perceived by the senses. In order for children to be able to solve the tasks, it is necessary to replenish their knowledge about already known plants.

7. Establish a sequence of stages of plant development. This is the most difficult task. To fulfill it, children must know the changing external
signs of objects of the plant world and learn to associate them with a certain period of plant development. .

Older preschool children should know the following about houseplants:

1. Name of plants. Children should know and operate with 8-10 names of indoor plants (2-3 names are learned in each group). Here we refer
and the names of different species of the same family (for example, geraniums, begonias, tradescantia, etc.).

2. The structure of plants. Children should be able to identify indoor plants by morphological features: “like a tree”, “like a bush”, “like grass”.

3. Parts of plants:

- stems;children should note the presence or absence of stems, their structure (upright, hanging, curly), show the features of each type;

- leaves;- determine the shape - round, oval, belt-like, whole, cut, etc .; coloring - shades of green, coloring of the upper and lower leaf plate, color heterogeneity (spotting, striping); size - use more accurate gradations in the definition: small leaves, large, medium size (in comparison and as a constant feature); leaf surface - smooth, fleecy ("in the hairs"), shiny - not shiny; leaf density and thickness;

- flowers;know the name of the color in colors and shades, the structure of some, their number on the pedicel.

4. The origin (homeland) of some plants, the dependence of appearance on the place of growth (cactus, etc.).

Senior preschoolers should be able to use their knowledge, apply it in a new situation. Will help teach them this plot didactic
games, the game actions of which are the image of plot-role relations, and the content reflects the life of nature, the work of man in it. Exactly
such games should be played with children of the senior and preparatory groups for school. To solve the tasks set in them, children must have a fairly high level of knowledge about nature, be able to solve several didactic tasks at the same time.

An important place in such games is occupied by the plot. It makes the cognitive task more exciting, and this, in turn, increases the mental activity and independence of children in achieving their goals.

The plot game reflects a certain life situation, its re-creation in a different way encourages children to mobilize knowledge, apply it to solve problems.
game and didactic tasks. The more interesting the situation, the more it captures the child, the higher his mental and creative activity, the better knowledge is acquired. Moreover, not only the performers of individual roles become more energetic, more independent, but also all the children who follow the progress of the game and control the correctness of the task.

Some story games can be combined into series related to a specific theme. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the intended program content, as well as the fact that a series of games should be associated with such patterns of natural life that are accessible to the understanding of preschool children.

Here is how, for example, the acquisition of new knowledge about vegetables and fruits is reflected in a series of games. First, the game “Shop “Seeds” is played. Children distinguish and name the seeds of different vegetables, describe how to sow them, depending on the size. Then, in the game-dramatization "Edible - inedible", preschoolers specify which parts of vegetable crops a person uses for food. In the games "Vegetable store". And the "Cannery" determine the ripeness of vegetables and fruits by clearly visible signs (color, size, density) and decide in what form and where to store them for the winter. And finally, the children are offered the game “Shop “Vegetables - Fruits”, during which they clarify how vegetables and fruits get to the buyer.

In some narrative didactic games with natural material, several tasks can be included at once, depending on the content, the presence of a certain number of roles in the game. These tasks can be very diverse: from the simplest to the most complex. For example, in many games it is necessary

need to know and describe plants, their parts according to external features. But at the same time, it is no longer necessary to rely on the word-name, as in the younger and middle groups, but on the description of the object, listing its characteristic features and properties. Recognition and naming is also complicated by new material for games. For example, in the game "Shop" Seeds "it is proposed to recognize and name a plant by unfamiliar material - seeds of vegetables and flowers. Children, of course, often see them, but usually do not pay attention to whether plants have them, and often do not know their purpose.

W assignments can be more complex. For example, on the basis of external signs, it is required to establish the qualitative state of an object, to connect changes in external qualities with internal ones, and on this basis to draw conclusions and conclusions. So, when determining the degree of maturity, one must take into account the various external signs of ripening in different vegetables and fruits: some have pronounced changes in color, others in size, density, etc. Based on such observations, the child must group vegetables and fruits according to the degree of maturity, think about how best to use them, recycle.

Even more preparation is required from preschoolers to group objects without relying on their external features, since they can suggest options for combining plants into groups (by place of growth, storage methods, and use in everyday life).

All these complex mental operations are performed by children by performing game tasks. Some of these tasks are repeated in several games, with slight changes. So that children do not lose interest in the same actions, it is necessary to come up with new interesting situations, goals, roles. For example, the task for grouping vegetables and fruits, seeds of vegetables and flowers required to enter
a new role - the store manager He must prepare the store for work so that vegetables and products prepared from them can be bought in the vegetable department,
in fruit - fresh and dried fruits, jams, juices.
In the "Seeds" store, you need to prepare two departments: "flower seeds" and "vegetable seeds"

The grouping task is included not only when playing the role of a director. For example, each customer in the game “Vegetables and Fruits Store” must first name the department (vegetable, fruit), and then describe what he wants to buy. In the game "Shop" Seeds ", the buyer names his specialty ("gardener",
"florist") and only then selects and describes the desired seeds.

In connection with the complication of didactic tasks in the games of older preschoolers, the role of the educator in the game also increases. He must constantly monitor how
children fulfill their roles, tactfully direct the game, prompt in cases of difficulty. But, while helping to complete the task, he should in no case do
anything for them himself, to deprive children of initiative. For example, if children find it difficult to group vegetables, you can ask an additional question: "Where does it grow?" Along the way, to clarify that vegetables grow in the beds, fruits - in the garden on trees, bushes. After this clarification, the children will easily cope with the task.

Questions that clarify and activate children's knowledge help to group items according to the method of storage: “Do red tomatoes lie for a long time and do not deteriorate?
What about cucumbers? And the beets? When composing questions, the teacher relies on the knowledge that the children have gained in everyday life: “What cucumbers are there in winter? What kind of cabbage do we eat
in winter?

Sometimes it is good to use visual control. For example, in order for children to group seeds correctly, on the back of each box with seeds, an image of the corresponding plant or part of it familiar to the children (flowers, fruits) should be placed. This will help isolate the seeds of individual plants, and then decide where they grow.

Completing game tasks requires children to be able to draw conclusions and draw conclusions. To check their correctness, the teacher invites the children to motivate their decisions and actions. Thus, preschoolers learn the correct construction of evidence. For example, during the game "Edible - inedible" (according to the fairy tale "The Man and the Bear"), the children of the older group offered fruit trees for the peasant to plant, so that he would take "tops" for himself. The educator with the question “What will grow next year?” and “What will the bear ask for?” leads the children to the conclusion that the garden sa you can't reap : the bear learns that apples are delicious, and will always ask for “tops” for himself. We must tell the children that it is better not to plant trees in this game, because they grow for a long time. Motivation for actions, decisions
leads children to more conscious performance of game tasks.

Before playing with children of older groups, it is good to have a conversation in order to find out and clarify the knowledge necessary for this game. This will help children understand the game
task and complete it more consciously.

The children of the preparatory group already know a lot about trees and shrubs, indoor plants, vegetables and fruits. But they encountered plants more often, mainly in the spring-summer and autumn periods, and therefore they know the leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds well. But in winter it is difficult for children to recognize the trees and shrubs they know.

To replenish the knowledge of the children, it is necessary to play games with natural material in winter. But since at this time of the year the most characteristic signs of plants disappear, it is necessary to return to games with simpler didactic tasks: invite children to find objects according to the description of plant parts, etc. At first, games are played on the group’s site: here it will be easier for children to recognize plants or remember where the trees that they met in the summer grow. Gradually, games are organized during an excursion outside the kindergarten, so that children learn to distinguish and recognize trees and shrubs well.

When organizing didactic games with children of a preparatory group for school, the educator needs to take into account the fact that children not only learn new knowledge in the game, but also compare their successes with the successes of their comrades more actively than before. The teacher can help them with this by strengthening the element of competition in games. For example, a child who has completed a task is given a chip - flowers or leaves drawn on cardboard.

At the end of the game, when summing up the results, the one with the most chips can be awarded the title of “expert of nature” or some other. At the beginning of the game, the teacher can indicate to the children what exactly should be taken into account when evaluating each other's answers (quality, completeness of the answer, compliance with the rules). All this will increase the interest of children in

games, the desire to clearly complete the task. -

But when introducing an element of competition, it is necessary to ensure that the children achieve the best results in a fair fight, help each other to cope with the task. Better,
if not one child wins, but the whole team, so that everyone earns chips not only for themselves, but also for the sake of a whole group of children. It is necessary to select such games where each child could prove himself.

After a lesson under the guidance of a teacher, you can invite the children to organize a familiar game themselves. At the same time, they must be reminded of the respect
to nature, pointing out that by preserving plants, they preserve the beauty of their beloved clearing, their land.


FROM children of the senior and preparatory groups for school, games with vegetables and fruits are organized starting in the fall, from the beginning of the school year. Although the tasks in them are quite difficult, the children are to some extent prepared for their implementation: they see what they are doing at home with vegetables and fruits, and they themselves take part in the work of adults (sorting vegetables and fruits for pickling, for jam, canning). In addition, in autumn there is always a rich selection of natural material for a variety of games.

The sequence of games is determined by gradually becoming more complex didactic tasks and the amount of knowledge that children must learn. So, at first, games are played to recognize objects by one sign (taste, shape, touch). Then the teacher introduces a more complex task that requires knowledge of the parts of plants - to make a whole out of parts. To describe an object, you need to know how it looks, what qualities it has, and be able to correctly define them in a word. And finally, the most difficult task is to determine the degree of maturity of vegetables and fruits (given to preschoolers after learning about the change in the external signs of plants as they ripen).

Tops and roots.
First option .

Didactic task . Make a whole out of part.

Game actions . Finding your mate.

Rules. You can search for your “top” or “root” only on a signal. You can’t pair up with the same child all the time, you have to look for another pair.

X od game. In while walking after harvesting in the garden, the teacher divides the children into two groups. He gives roots to one of them (onions, turnips, carrots, potatoes, etc.), the other - tops of tops. “All the “tops” and “roots” are mixed up. One, two, three - find your partner! At this signal, all children pick up a mate.

Second option.

"Tops" (or "roots") stand still. Only one subgroup of guys runs around the playground. The teacher gives the command: "Roots", find your "tops"! Children should become so that the tops and root are one.

The correctness of the task can be checked by the “magic gate” (the teacher and one of the children), through which all couples pass. So that interest in the game does not fade away and children gained knowledge about different plants, it is necessary to invite them to exchange tops and roots several times.

Note.With the children of the school-preparatory group, the game is played in the garden before the start of the harvest. Children are divided into several groups, each is given root crops that will be cleaned. Then the teacher offers one or two subgroups: "Roots, find your" tops "in the garden!" The rest monitor the correctness of the task.The game is repeated until the children of all subgroups try to find the tops.

Guess, we'll guess.

didactic task. Describe items and find by description.

Game actions. Guessing and guessing riddles about plants.

Rules. Give the description in the accepted order: first talk about the shape, then about the color, taste, smell. You can't name an item when describing it.

Game progress. Vegetables and fruits lie on the edge of the table so that all the children can clearly see the details of their shape,color unevenness.

First option.

One child goes out the door, he drives, and all the rest prepare a description of any plant. The driver needs to guess and name something, ohwhat the children said. The teacher can remind or invite the children to remember the sequence descriptions: form, its details, coloring, surface, taste.

Second option.

The child describes the object, and the other recognizes it from the description. To the one who talks about a vegetable or fruit, the teacher suggests not to constantly look at the subject he is talking about, otherwise the rest will easily guess.

The postman brought the sprinkles.

Didactic task . Describe objects and recognize them by description.

Game actions . Drawing up riddles (descriptions) and guessing the subject.

Rule.You need to talk about what you received without naming the subject.

Equipment. The teacher puts vegetables and fruits one by one into paper bags, and then places them in a box.

Game progress. The box (parcel) is brought to the group. The teacher says: “Today the postman brought us a package. It has a variety of vegetables and fruits. The teacher gives several children a package and asks them to look into them. “And now, without naming what is there, tell in turn what you received in the package, but so that everyone can guess.” The children name the vegetables and fruits according to the description. The guessed items are placed on the table.

At the end of the game, you need to treat the children and ask them to name exactly the taste sensation, its heterogeneity (sour, sweet and sour, sweet, etc.).

Guess what's in the bag.

Didactic task . Describe the signs perceived by touch.

Game actions . Guessing by touch an object.
Rules. Choosing an object, you can not look at it. Describe by feeling with your hands.

Equipment. Vegetables and fruits of characteristic shape and different density (onions, turnips, radishes, beets, tomatoes, plums, apples, pears, etc.) lie in a bag.

Game progress. The teacher reminds the children that they know the game "Wonderful Bag" and says that it can be played in a different way. “The one to whom I propose to get an object out of the bag will not pull it out, but, having felt it, will name the characteristic features.” The teacher invites one child to his place and asks to complete the task. The child tells, all the children name an object that they have not yet seen, after which the child pulls it out of the bag and shows what is in his hand. The named item is not put back into the bag.

mature - not With matured.

Didactic task . Determine the ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

game action . Search for a couple.

rule. You can search for ripe or unripe only at the signal of the educator. .

Equipment.First you need to select vegetables and fruits with bright signs of ripeness, expressed in color. For example, tomatoes, plums, apricots, etc.
When repeating the game, you can offer fruits (vegetables) with less noticeable signs of ripeness. For example, apple, pear, etc.

Game progress. The game can be played as mobile. The teacher distributes ripe vegetables and fruits to half of the group of children, and unripe ones to the rest. On a signal, the children are looking for their mate, i.e., a comrade who has the same object in his hands, but of a different degree of maturity. During the game, children change vegetables and fruits several times in order to better recognize the signs of ripe and unripe vegetables and fruits.

Edible - inedible

Knowledge content . Remind the children that vegetables are grown for food. For some, the above-ground part - tops, is used for food, for others - the underground - roots. On the eve, read the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear” to the children, and then invite the children to remember its content: the man and the bear decided to plow and sow together, and divide the harvest in half. The cunning man always chose the edible part (tops
or roots), depending on which vegetable was sown, and gave the rest to the bear.

Didactic task . Select plants used in nutrition.

Rules. You can’t name fruits and berries, since they are sown for more than one year, and it will be easy for a bear to find out which part is edible. A man should choose for sowing such vegetables that he gets the edible part.

Equipment. On the table are vegetables and fruits with edible roots (carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, onions, etc.).) and with edible tops (cabbage, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, etc.).

Game progress. The teacher calls two guys. One of them will play the role of a man, the other - a bear. A peasant offers such vegetables for sowing, so that he
got the fruit, and the bear - tops or roots that do not eat. For example, he says: “We will sow radishes. I'll take the roots in the fall." The bear, on the other hand, chooses for himself another part of the plant that is not eaten: “I have already taken the roots before, they are tasteless (the last time they “sowed”, for example, cabbage). I'll take it now."

When the game is repeated, new children are chosen for the same roles.

Children on a branch

Didactic task . Pick up objects according to belonging to one plant.

Game actions . Finding your mate.

rule. You can search for a pair only after the signal.
Game progress. The game can be played as mobile. Children are divided into two subgroups: one is given leaves (“branches”), the other is vegetables (“children”). On a signal: “Children, find your “branches”!” - everyone is looking for a pair, that is, it becomes so that the objects of his and his friend coincide in belonging to the same plant.

The correctness of the choice is checked by the "magic gate" (a teacher and a child or two children). The gate is closed (raised hands are lowered) if the couple has completed
assignment is wrong.

When the game is repeated, the children change leaves and fruits.

What's first, what's next!"

Didactic task. Determine the degree of maturity of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

Game actions. Search for your group.

Rule. You can search for your place among your comrades only on a signal.

Equipment. Vegetables and fruits (4-5 names) of varying degrees of ripeness. For example, a tomato is green, starting to blush - brown and red.

Game progress . The teacher distributes vegetables and fruits
children and invites them to "confuse". On a signal: "Find your vegetable!" - children, in whose hands vegetables and fruits of the same name, gather in groups. And inside

each group, they should become so that it can be seen what is first, what is then, that is, follow the sequence of ripening - from unripe to ripe. wins
the link that - will gather quickly and stand in the correct sequence.

During the game, children change objects several times.

Vegetable store.

Knowledge content . Remind the children that collective farmers grow vegetables in the garden, and fruits in the gardens. The harvest is brought to the city and stored in vegetable stores. Some vegetables and fruits are harvested fresh for the winter (potatoes, onions, carrots), others are salted (cucumbers). Children should know that there are vegetables that are kept both fresh and salty (for example, cabbage). Vegetables and fruits that are kept fresh should be sorted out frequently, sluggish, wrinkled ones should be removed.

Didactic task . Select and group items according to how they are used in everyday life.

Rule.Distribute vegetables and fruits for storage so that they do not spoil and are preserved in winter and spring.

Equipment. Three tables are arranged in a row: on one - vegetables and fruits prepared for shipment to the vegetable store, on the other two - receiving points
vegetable stores. One table is designed to receive fresh food for storage (on the "sign" - vegetables stored fresh - potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), on the other they will put what will be salted (on the "sign" - a barrel with cucumbers or something). Prepare "containers" for storage" for the transportation of vegetables and fruits (boxes, cans, trolleys).

Game progress. The teacher says: “The collective farmers have grown a big crop for all of us. It must be preserved so that everything is enough until next autumn. They put vegetables and fruits for this in the vegetable store. Then the teacher with the children distribute and clarify the roles in the game: some of the children will be receivers, the rest will be collective farmskami. "collective farmers" bring the harvest, and "receivers" determine the method of storage; The "receiver" must tell why he selects vegetables and fruits for a certain storage method.

Shop "Vegetables - fruits".
First option .

Knowledge content . Remind the children that in cities they buy vegetables and fruits in stores. Children should know the characteristic external signs of vegetables and fruits, be able to name them. Tell preschoolers that fresh vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut, cucumbers are brought to the store from the vegetable store. Ask if there are compotes, juices, dried fruits in the store, what they were made from, how they were processed.

Didactic task . Group items by category. Describe and find plants by characteristic features.

Rules. Describe the purchase without naming it. .

Equipment.Prepare signs "Vegetables", "Fruits" with the image of some plants. Equip display cases and counters on two tables.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play the role of director, sellers, buyers.

The store manager must prepare everything for work: distribute goods into departments, sort out salted vegetables, processed fruits.

Buyers describe what they want to buy, name the department where the product they need is sold, say what it is made of and how it is prepared. The seller names the purchase and issues it to the buyer.

Second option.

Knowledge content. Have a conversation with the children about the fact that vegetables and fruits and all that are prepared from them are bought in the store. They are brought there from the vegetable store and from the cannery. They buy food in the store for preparing various dishes. Tell what vegetables and fruits needed for borscht, soup, vinaigrette, compote, etc. Recall the external signs of vegetables and fruits and their names.

didactic task. List the features of the object, find it by these features. Group fruits and vegetables according to how they are used.

Rules. The director must say where the products were brought from and distribute them to departments. The buyer must describe what he wants to buy and name the place of growth, as well as select everything necessary to prepare the desired dish. The seller recognizes the product from the description and says in which department it can be

Equipment. Signboards of two departments: "Vegetables", "Fruits". Showcases, products.

Game progress.Assign children to the roles of drivers, store director, buyers, sellers. Drivers bring products from the cannery and vegetable store to the store. The director prepares the store for work: distributes the brought products into departments: vegetable, fruit; name the place of processing of fruits. Buyers describe the purchase: they say they want to buy, and they name the places of growth of what they have chosen; select and describe all the products needed to prepare some dish: borscht, soup, etc. The seller finds the goods, names the purchase and the department, receives “money”, issues the purchase.

Shop "Seeds".

Knowledge content . Tell the children that every plant has seeds. To acquaint them with the appearance of the seeds of the most familiar vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.). Remind preschoolers some ways of sowing large and small seeds (one per hole, one per groove, “pinch”). Children should learn that gardeners grow vegetables, and flower growers grow flowers.

Didactic task . Group plants by place of growth and use in everyday life. Describe objects and find them by description.

Rules.The director must sort the seeds into departments without naming them. The buyer needs to be told who he is by profession (florist, gardener), describe the seeds and the plant that will grow from them, the method of sowing the seeds.
The seller must issue the purchase, trying not to use the hint (drawing on the box).

Equipment. Signboard with drawings and inscriptions: "Seeds of vegetables", seeds in matchboxes pasted over with cellophane; a set of small pictures
plants whose seeds are in boxes (you can depict only one part that is most familiar to children: a root crop, a flower).

Game progress. The teacher appoints, at the request of the children, the roles of director, sellers and buyers. The director prepares the store for opening: he puts up signs, lays out the seeds in departments. Sellers take their places behind the counter, buyers come to the store. Some of them are flower growers, the rest are vegetable growers. Each
the buyer names his profession and then describes the seeds and the plant that will grow from them, names the method of sowing. The seller must recognize the seeds by their
story, name the purchase and give it to the buyer.

The director (and all children) control the correctness of the task.

Canning factory

Knowledge content . Tell the children that vegetables and fruits are processed at the cannery for further storage. Fruits and berries are used to make jams and juices. Vegetables are canned for soups, salads, fruits and vegetables are sometimes dried to prepare various dishes. Before being sent for processing, vegetables and fruits are sorted. The ripe ones are selected for juices.

Didactic task . Determine the ripeness of fruits by external signs (color, size, density), group vegetables and fruits according to the degree of ripeness.

Rules. It is possible to distribute vegetables and fruits among the workshops only by correctly selecting and explaining which of them are ripe and which are not. Determine what juices can be made from, what can be preserved or sent to dry.

Equipment. On three or four tables they put "signs" of shops: dried fruits, juices, canned food, jams. Instead of signs, you can put ready-made products on the tables: dry compote, tomato juice, canned vegetables or fruits, jam.

Game progress. Children play the roles of manager and workers. The warehouse manager issues products and distributes them among the shops depending on the degree of maturity: the most ripe - for juice, ripe soft ones - for jam, ripe dense ones for compotes, the rest - for drying. He tries to select the products correctly and give precise explanations to the workers which fruits to take and which not, to which shop they should be taken. Workers select and sort vegetables and fruits, remembering the instructions received and focusing on the sign. The rest observe and check the correctness of the tasks, evaluate the work.


Conducting games with indoor plants in the senior and preparatory groups for school, the teacher teaches children to find common signs of all plants (parts)
and the distinctive features of each of them (the structure of the stems, shape, color, surface, size of the leaves, the presence of flowers, their color, quantity). Children are offered to give a fairly complete description of plants. For example, when talking about leaves, they should note their shape, the color of the upper and lower leaf plate., surface. The main tasks in games with this material are to describe the plants and find them according to the description, remember the names of the plants.

Find what I'll describe.

Didactic task . Find a plant by description.

game action . Search for a plant by description of distinctive features.

rule. You can name a plant only after its description.

Equipment. 5-6 plants, of which there are several names of the same family, but of different species, for example: fragrant and zonal pelargonium, variegated begonia
and royal, tradescantia zebra and green, etc.

Game progress. The teacher arranges the plants so that the children can clearly see the features of each of them. Then he describes the general features of plants of the same name (say, Tradescantia), after which he names the distinguishing feature of each plant.

Children listen carefully to the teacher's story. Then he invites one of the guys to show the plant and name it.

Guess what plant.

Didactic task . Describe an item and recognize it from the description.

Game actions . Guessing and guessing riddles about plants.

Rules.You can name a plant only after describing its distinctive features. Describe in order.

Game progress. Plants are in their usual places. The teacher offers

one of the children to choose one of them and describe it so that all the children know and can say what kind of plant it is. The teacher reminds preschoolers of the sequence of description: first of all, it is necessary to say whether there is a trunk and branches. Then remember what they are (stand straight, curl, hang down, thin or thick), describe the leaves, their shape, surface (smooth, non-smooth), color (dark, light green, variegated, with stripes, spots). Next, stop at
whether there are flowers, how many are on the pedicel, how they are colored. When the children guess the plant, you can invite them to find plant representatives in the group room
of this type.

Where is the plant hidden?
First option.

didactic task. Remember the location of objects, find changes in their location.

Game actions . Search for changes in the arrangement of plants. . "

Rule.You can’t watch what the teacher cleans.

Equipment.For the first game you need 4-5 plants, for the next - up to 7-8.

Game progress. Indoor plants are placed on the table in one row. All the children sitting in a semicircle are asked by the teacher to carefully examine and remember the plants and their location, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher changes the plants in places (at first two plants, and then two or three). “Now open your eyes and say;
what has changed, he suggests. What plants have been rearranged? Show me where they were before. (Children show.)

Second option.

One plant can be removed, and the rest moved so that it is not visible which plant is gone. Children must name the hidden plant.

Note.For children who have difficulty in the game, the teacher helps to organize it. To do this, he offers 2-3 guys to play separately from everyone. Children's chairs (4 - 5 pieces) are placed in a circle, on each of them there is a plant. One child stands in the middle and guesses, the other rearranges the plants. (Children should be advised to handle the plants carefully.)

Get to know the plant

Didactic task . Find a plant by name.

Game actions . A competition to see who can find the plant the fastest.

Rules . Having found a plant, you need to explain how you recognized it.

Game progress. Plants (several species of the same family) stand in their permanent places. The teacher tells all the children: “I will name a houseplant,
and you have to find it, show it and tell it by what sign you determined it. Whoever does it faster will get a chip. To the one who collects more chips, at the end of the game we will assign the title: "Connoisseur of Nature",

Note.A similar game is familiar to older preschoolers: they played in the middle group. Then 3-4 plants with sharply distinctive features were included in the game. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, the child is asked to find a plant from 8-10 and indicate the characteristic feature by which he identified it.

Shop "Flowers!"
First option.

Didactic task . Describe, find and name objects according to characteristic features.

rule. Name the department and describe the plant, without saying what it is called.

Game progress. Houseplants are arranged on the table so that the children can clearly see each one. This is a flower shop. Buyers (children) do not name the plant they like, but only describe it. The seller must recognize and name it, and then issue the purchase.

At the beginning of the game, the teacher can play the role of a buyer himself and show a sample description, recalling the sequence: is there a stem, and what kind is it (upright, hanging, etc.), what shape are the leaves, how they are colored, what surface they have, density, are there flowers "how many of them, what color they are. Then the teacher himself describes the plants.

In the future, the game can be complicated by selling plants in the store that are different in place of growth, you can enter the role of a director distributing flowers
by departments, offer the buyer to name the department: wild flowers, garden, indoor plants, and then make a description of the plant.

Second option (for children of the group preparatory to school).

Knowledge content . Children should learn that flowers in the flower beds, indoor plants are grown for beauty. Flowers are given to people for the holidays, when
are going to visit. Flowers bring joy. You can buy them at the flower shop. Tell that flowers are field, forest, garden, houseplants are grown at home. They have different stems, leaves, flowers.

Didactic task . Group plants by place of growth, describe their appearance.

Rules. The buyer must describe, without naming, the plants he wants to buy, indicate where the flower grows. The seller needs to recognize the plant, name it and issue a purchase.

Equipment. The shop is arranged on several tables. Separately, you can arrange wild, indoor, garden plants, depending on whether
what sign will be put in the basis of the grouping.

Game progress. Children play the role of sellers and buyers. To buy, you need to describe the plant that you have chosen, but do not name it, but only say where it grows. The seller must guess what kind of flower it is, name it and the department in which it stands (forest, wild, garden flowers, indoor plants), then he issues a purchase.

Roles may change during the game.

Note. Similar to the games with indoor plants placed in this section, you can organize games with flowers that are best played while walking in the kindergarten area. These games are built taking into account the motor activity of children and are carried out as mobile games (such as "Traps", "Find a Pair", etc.).


Getting acquainted with trees and shrubs in games, children gradually memorize them, learn to find the distinguishing features of different plants, name individual parts of plants, common external signs. Therefore, program tasks are gradually becoming more complex: from finding a plant by name to an increasingly complete description of objects, their selection according to their belonging to a certainspecies and selection of a plant from a group of others on the basis of characterthorny external signs.

The games of children of older preschool age are also complicated by what children calla larger number of trees and shrubs (up to 6-7), the distinguishing features of which they should know.

Guess what our house is

didactic task. Describe trees and find them by description.

Game actions . Making and guessing riddles about trees.

Rule.You can name a tree only after the description.

Game progress. The game is played in the forest, park, square. A leader is chosen from a group of children,
The teacher divides the rest into two subgroups. Each subgroup chooses a tree for itself, describes it to the driver, and he must recognize the plant and name the “house” in which the children “live”. For example, children say in chorus: “Guess what our house is, we will tell everything about it.” Then one of them gives a description: he names the color of the trunks, recalls the height of the tree, the shape, size of the leaves, fruits and seeds (the teacher, if necessary, recalls the sequence of the description).

Who lives where.

Didactic task . Grouping plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs).

Game actions. Run away from the fox.

Rules. Search for a house after the signal. Finding the right home.

Equipment. Masks of foxes, hares, squirrels.

Game progress. The game is played during an excursion to the forest, park. The teacher says to the children: “Now let's play. You will be squirrels and bunnies, and one of you will be a fox. Squirrels are looking for a plant on which they can hide, and bunnies - under which they can hide. During the game, the teacher helps the children clarify that squirrels live and hide in trees, and
there are no hares at home, they hide in the bushes. They choose a driver - a fox, give him a fox mask cap, all other children - hare mask caps and squirrels. Bunnies and squirrels run across the clearing. On a signal: "Danger - a fox!" - squirrels run to the tree, hares - to the bushes.

Whoever completed the task incorrectly, the fox catches those. .

Note. It is desirable that everyone has the appropriate masks, they will serve as a control for counting how many squirrels and how many bunnies the fox has.

To the named tree - run!

Didactic task . Training in quickly finding the named tree.

Game actions . Run away from the driver to the named tree.

Rules. The teacher often changes the name of the plants. It is impossible to stand near the named plant for a long time. You can run to different trees of the same name.

Game progress.The game is organized as a mobile game, such as "Salok". The teacher explains that the driver can only catch those children who are not standing at the named tree. The teacher first names those trees that have bright distinctive features, then those that are similar in appearance. For example, poplar and aspen, yellow acacia and mountain ash, etc. All children should listen carefully to which tree is named and, in accordance with this, run across at the signal “One-two-three - run!"

First option.

Didactic task . Find the way by the names of familiar plants.

Rules. Do not show the direction of the path with your hand, call the landmarks exactly. .

Game progress. The game is played while walking in a park or forest. The teacher offers one or two children to be the leader. They are given the task of choosing a new
a place for walking, outline a path to it and select noticeable landmarks (large trees, shrubs). Then, when this task is completed, the facilitators must explain the way to the entire group of children. It is necessary to name two or three trees or shrubs familiar to everyone, their well-marked signs. For example, the leader says: “You need to reach a very large spruce, turn right from it, from there go to two large birches, having caught up with them, turn right again. Behind the hazel
there will be a clearing for a walk.

Second option.

The game is played in the same way, only find the shortest way to your favorite clearing, explain it to all the children.
Third option .

Didactic task . Describe the appearance of plants and find them according to the description.

Rule.Describe landmark plants without saying what they are called.

Game progress. The game is played in the forest. One leader is chosen who outlines the route of the walk and explains where everyone will go and how to find the way. Leading
selects landmarks: 3-4 plants well known to children, describes them without naming them, explains where and where to turn. All the rest, according to the description, determine the landmarks, name them and look for the way along them.

You can choose two leaders, make two trips, and all the children will compare which of them chose the best place for a walk.

The game is played like a mushroom hunt. The host explains which forest they will go to, how to find the way there.


Didactic task . Name the characteristics of plants. Select the parts you need.

rule. You can collect seeds only those that the teacher calls.

Game progress. The game is played in the forest. The teacher selects foresters who will go around their sites and check if everything is in order there. The rest of the children are students. They came to help the foresters collect seeds for planting new forests. Each forester chooses one type of seed to collect. For example, he says: “There are a lot of oaks growing on my plot. Let's get some acorns." The forester can only describe the tree without naming it. Schoolchildren look for seeds, collect them and show them to the forester. The winner is the one who scored more seeds and did not make a mistake.

At the same time, two or three foresters and the same number of groups of schoolchildren can be singled out, who will tell each other about their work in the forest. (If possible, you can hand over the collected seeds.)

Find a tree by seeds

Didactic task. Find the whole by the part.
Game action. Running towards a specific subject.

Rule. You can run to the tree from which the seeds are on a signal.

Equipment. Seeds and fruits of trees and shrubs that are preserved in winter: linden, various types of maple, ash, mountain ash, etc.

Game progress. The game is played in winter. The teacher distributes the seeds to the children and asks everyone to move freely around the clearing. At his signal, everyone runs to the plant whose seeds are in their hands.

So that children do not confuse ash and maple seeds, draw their attention to the distinguishing features: ash flyers (separate “spatulas”), and maple seeds are fastenedin pairs. After the game, you can consider other distinguishing features of these plants: the color and structure of the branches, size, surface, color of the buds.

Note.Games for recognizing trees and shrubs in winter are more difficult to organize: children find it difficult to independently determine the distinguishing features of each plant and name it accurately. Therefore, games at this time of the year should be carried out, starting with simpler tasks in them (as in the games "Find what I'll tell you about", "Find out by name", etc.) Here the educator plays an active role: he names the characteristic features of plants, emphasizing the originality of the color of the trunk, the shape and size of the kidneys, the location of the branches, etc.

Advice for educators on the topic:

Prepared by:

Simaeva Anastasia Nikolaevna

Eagle, 2016

"Ecological games for children of senior preschool age"

The exacerbation of the environmental problem in the country dictates the need for intensive educational work to form the population's environmental awareness and culture of nature management. The first link in the system of lifelong education is preschool education. Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him.

The main activity of a preschooler is play. According to L.I. Grekhova: “The game as a cultural phenomenon teaches, develops, educates, socializes, entertains, is the formation of spiritual needs and the disclosure of the creative potential of the child ...”

Through play activities, relying on universal norms of morality, we introduce children to the correct perception and attitude to environmental problems. The game is unusually informative, it introduces children to the world around them and “a lot”, tells the child. Everything in the game seems to be "pretend", but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child's imagination, there is a lot of real: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings, experiences are always genuine, sincere. Games are of great importance in meeting the cognitive needs and interests of children in environmental education. They develop attention, visual memory, hearing, smell, which makes it possible to more fully perceive the surrounding world of nature. Therefore, along with other methods of educating ecological ideas: visual (observation, looking at pictures, demonstration of models, etc.), verbal (stories of the educator and children, reading fiction and cognitive literature, conversations), the practical method is becoming more and more widely used. , which includes a game, which allows the educator to clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bnature and its laws, deepen knowledge by establishing connections and relationships between individual objects and natural phenomena, brings the acquired knowledge into the system, exercises preschoolers in applying the acquired knowledge.

Games of an ecological nature can be divided into subgroups: didactic games, games-classes, subject games, board-printed games, word games, outdoor games, creative games of a natural history nature.

Didactic games-games with rules that have ready-made content. These are different lotos, making a whole out of parts (tree, insect, animal), games for classifying, describing objects, recognizing them by taste, smell, shape, color, size and other factors necessary for the life of representatives of flora and fauna.

Didactic games according to the nature of the material used are divided into desktop-printed, subject, verbal.

1. Subject games are games using various objects of nature (leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, vegetables). For example: “Tops are roots”, “Confusion”, “Wonderful bag”, “Taste it”, “Find a tree by a leaf”, “Find the same leaf”, etc. All these games contribute to the development of sensory sensations, the ability to group plants by belonging, by their place of growth and other features.

2. Board-printed games of an ecological nature are various lotos, dominoes, split and paired pictures. For example: "Zoological loto", lotto with modeling elements "Know your picture", "Vegetables - fruits", "Who moves how"; games for the classification and generalization of objects: “Seasons”, “The Fourth Extra”, “Who Lives Where?”, “What Grows Where?”; “Whose mother?”, “Who will be who?”, “Who lives in the house?” etc.

3. Word games of an ecological nature are games that contain a variety of knowledge that children have and the word itself. They are held to consolidate knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects of nature. In some games, knowledge about nature is generalized and systematized. Word games develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, coherent speech. For example: “Who flies, runs, jumps?”, “What kind of bird is this?”, “Say a word”, “What kind of animal is this?”, “Come up with a riddle”, “When does it happen?”, “It happens, it doesn’t happen "," Guess who I'm talking about? etc.

Children are very fond of outdoor games of a nature history nature. These games are associated with the imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life. For example: “A mother hen with chickens”, “Mice and a cat”, “Wolf and sheep”, “Who lives in a house”, “Day and night”, etc.

4. Of great importance for the development of children are creative games related to nature. In them, preschoolers reflect the impressions received in the process of classes and everyday life. The main feature of creative games is that they are organized and conducted by children on the initiative of the children themselves, who act independently. During the game, children learn about the work of adults in nature (work on a poultry farm, greenhouse, cowshed, etc.), the process of understanding the importance of adult work is underway, and a positive attitude towards it is formed. The educator chooses the role of an observer in order to find out what knowledge is sufficiently mastered by the children, which should be clarified. Here it is good to use natural material for various crafts (roots, cones, knots, moss, dried flowers, leaves, seeds, fruits).

Creative games include such games as "Connoisseurs of Nature", "Field of Miracles". Such games develop memory, thinking, resourcefulness, logical thinking.

Raising the younger generation to be environmentally literate is one of the factors that determine the preservation of life on our planet. Forming an environmentally literate personality in a preschooler, the task of the value of life and its protection, including its habitat, is put in the first place. The game plays an important role in the upbringing, education and development of children. The game brings to education endlessly new stories and themes from the life of nature, man and his activities. Replacing a boring, mundane activity with a game, we have a chance to solve the problem, consolidate it, and then use our knowledge in life.

Target: to develop the creative potential of parents, their competence in the field of environmental education, to show by examples how, with the help of environmental games, children can be taught to preserve and protect nature.

Opening speech:

Man and nature... This topic is very relevant in our time, since the activities of people sometimes have a detrimental effect on the environment, flora and fauna, unfortunately, situations bordering on environmental disasters are not uncommon.

Taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children, the ecological education of children in kindergarten is based on a game basis, with a large inclusion of different types of games.

A variety of games with ecological content not only introduce the child to the world around them, but also help to form a system of social values ​​focused on caring for nature.

I would like to dwell a little on the importance of ecological games.

  • Ecological games also have a great influence on mental development. Children learn to reason, draw conclusions, generalize, while their attention and memory are trained.
  • Also, in the process of ecological games, vocabulary is enriched: children learn the names of animals, birds, plants, insects, learn to describe their appearance, characteristic features.
  • Ecological games also contribute to the development of mathematical thinking - the child counts the required number of objects (For example, the game "Collect the bumps in the basket"), compares them in size and shape, orientation in time improves (the game "What first, what then?").

Today, at the consultation, I would like to give a closer look at various environmental games. And so that you use this information in the future in life - play them with your children - at home, on walks, in the forest, on vacation, our meeting today will be held in the form games. That is, today you will be active participants in the gameplay.

  1. Chain game.

I name an object of animate or inanimate nature, and each player names one attribute of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, a “squirrel” is an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc. Word options for the game: Pine, butterfly, cloud, hare.

  1. Game yes no.

All questions in this game can be answered only with the words "yes" or "no". The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on what object of living or inanimate nature we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where this animal lives, what it is, what it eats. We will answer him only with the mentioned words.

  1. Association game.

Participants take turns naming objects of nature, flora and fauna connected by any association, thus building an associative chain.

  1. The game "Tops-roots".

The host calls or shows the vegetables, the players make hand movements: if the vegetable grows on the ground, in the garden, the children raise their hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the hands are lowered down.

  1. The game "Protect nature"

Pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, a person, the sun, water, etc. are laid out on the flannelograph. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to a person, to plants, etc.

Final word: I hope that all the participants of our gaming consultation will play with their children not only at home, but also on walks, in transport, on a picnic, on the beach, etc. (parents are given memos with the rules of the games they played).

Reminder for parents

"Games of ecological content"

Chain game. In you name an object of animate or inanimate nature, and the child names one of the signs of this object, then you name the sign, then again the child so as not to repeat.

For example, an object of wildlife "squirrel" is an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc.

Game yes or no. All questions in the game can only be answered with the words "yes" or "no". The child thinks of some animal (plant). You ask where this animal lives, what it is, what it eats. The child should answer only two words "yes" or "no". After guessing, the players switch roles in the game.

Association game. In this game, an object of nature, flora and fauna is guessed. An adult and a child take turns calling a word associated with some association with a given object, then the player, whose turn is already saying the word that he associates with the last word that sounds in the game. Thus, an associative chain is built in the game. Example: fly-warm-heat-sun-summer-holidays-zoo-elephant.

The game "The Fourth Extra". You name 4 objects of nature, the child needs to find an extra object and justify his choice.

  1. hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;
  2. rain, snow, cloud, dew;
  3. rose, dandelion, carnation, tulip;
  4. cow, wolf, sheep, rabbit;
  5. wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;
  6. butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
  7. spruce, birch, apple tree, aspen;
  8. fox, pig, elk, boar
  9. grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, may
  1. forest, park, grove, taiga.

The game "Tops-roots". You name the vegetables, the child makes movements with his hands: if the vegetable grows on the ground, in the garden, he raises his hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground, he lowers his hands down.

Game "Take care of nature" . The parent offers to remove something from our world, for example, the sun, clouds, rivers, forests, etc., and the child must tell (you can help) what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no named object on Earth.

Game I know. You name the child a class of natural objects (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child says: “I know five names of animals:” and lists (for example, elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer). Similarly, other classes of objects of nature are called.

The game "Bird, fish, beast." You throw the ball to the child and say the word "bird". The child who caught the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example, "sparrow", and throw the ball back. Similarly, a game is played with the words "beast" and "fish".

The game "Earth, water, air." The parent throws the ball to the child and names the object of nature, for example, "term". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. In response to the word "dolphin" - the child answers "water", to the word "wolf" - "earth", etc. Another version of the game is also possible: the parent calls the word "air". The child who caught the ball must name the bird. In response to the word "earth" - an animal that lives on earth: to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.

The game "Flies, swims, runs." The parent names the object of wildlife to the children. The child must depict the way this object moves.

For example: at the word "bunny", the child jumps; at the word "crucian" - imitates a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depicts the flight of a bird.

CONSULTATION FOR EDUCATORS "The use of didactic games in the environmental education of preschoolers"

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for children.
Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies fluttering over them, beetles, birds, animals, as well as falling snow flakes, streams and puddles.
The endless and diverse world of nature awakens in children a keen interest in the environment, curiosity, encourages them to play, artistic and speech activity. Impressions received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime, and often affect a person's attitude to all living things.
Watching a small bug crawling on a tree branch or blade of grass, raindrops knocking on a window, you can teach a child to notice phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, to establish the simplest connections between them. Children form specific ideas about the life of plants and animals, the need to create favorable conditions for their growth and development, they develop an interest in nature and the ability to admire it at different times of the year, in any weather.
“It is necessary that a child, starting from an early age, get used to evaluating his actions not only by their immediate effect, but also by their consequences, i.e. evaluate the present in light of the future. Only with such upbringing of the younger generation… the future of humanity will be in serious hands,” Professor M. Kamshilov wrote.
The perception of nature helps to develop the moral qualities of the child - cheerfulness, emotionality, a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals and plants.
A kid who loves nature will not thoughtlessly pick flowers, ruin bird nests and anthills, or offend animals.

Various forms and methods of work are used to increase the effectiveness of environmental education. One of the methods is ecological games.

Ecological games are:

  • role-playing;
  • didactic;
  • imitation;
  • competitive;
  • travel games.

"Grow a new plant"

Target: to consolidate ideas about the various methods of plant reproduction; arouse interest in upcoming plant growing activities.

Material: pictures depicting vegetable and flower crops (potatoes, onions, peas, begonia, tradescantia, tulip, nasturtium) and cards with seeds, bulbs, tubers, leaves corresponding to various methods of plant propagation; chips, emblems.

Game actions:search and display of the necessary pictures.

Game rules:be careful, find and show the desired picture.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to be in the role of vegetable growers and gardeners and grow the plant themselves. “But before starting work,” the teacher says, “you need to get permission. And it is issued only to those guys who know what various plants are grown from. Next, the teacher shows pictures with plants, and preschoolers should show cards depicting the methods of their reproduction. Whoever completes the task correctly gets a token.


Target: to interest children in environmental activities.

Material: chamomile flower made of paper; tasks for children are written on the back of the white petals (for example: “Collect garbage”, “Sweep paths”, “Dig up the ground near trees and bushes”, “Weed a flower bed”, “Plant flowers”).

Game actions:Tearing off the petals from the chamomile, the children perform certain labor assignments.

Game progress

The game can be played during a labor landing, a raid, or during a regular walk. The teacher informs the children that they need to put things in order on the site or on the territory of the kindergarten (park). A chamomile flower helps to distribute tasks between children, on the petals of which tasks are written. Preschoolers are divided into small microgroups of 2-3

person, approach the chamomile, tear off the petals, and the teacher reads to them the task that is written on

petal. After that, they tell how they will carry out this or that task (what tools they will need, where they will start working, etc.) without harming living objects.

"What Animals Miss"

Target: arouse in children an interest in animals, in activities to care for the inhabitants of a corner of nature.

Material: tablets with the image of animals of a corner of nature and their place of keeping (a cage with a parrot, a terrarium with a turtle, a cage with a hamster); pictures depicting various conditions for animals (clean sand, dirty sand, a jar of clean water, a jar of muddy water, a feeder with grain, leaves, grass), chips, a screen.

Game actions:determination of missing conditions for animals.

Game rules:be attentive, describe the optimal conditions for the life of animals.

Game progress

Playing children sit at tables. The teacher has a screen on the table, behind which there are tablets with the image of a cage with a parrot, a terrarium with a turtle, a cage with a hamster. The teacher behind the screen changes any conditions for a bird or an animal. For example, pictures depicting clean sand, clean water are inserted into a special pocket on a tablet with a bird cage, but the picture of a feeder with grain is removed. Children should carefully examine the cage and determine what conditions the bird is currently lacking.

Or, for example, instead of a picture of a jar of clean water, a picture of muddy water is inserted, in which feathers and husks float. Preschoolers should determine that it is urgent to pour clean water, birds do not like dirty water. The child who first and correctly determines the missing condition for an animal or bird receives a token.


Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the methods of planting fruit and berry crops; develop an interest in planting.

Material: a playground with a designated "garden" area.

Game actions:"planting" bushes of strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries.

Game rules:start "landing" at the signal of the educator.

Game progress

Children agree on who will be "strawberries" and who will be "currants", "raspberries", "gooseberries". They move freely around the “garden” site, and at the signal of the educator “Start planting!” the guys squat on the site at such a distance from each other, as required by the rules for planting fruit and berry crops (currant, raspberry, gooseberry bushes away from each other, strawberries closer).

The game "Food chains of the reservoir."

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge of the food chains of the reservoir.

Rules of the game : The teacher offers silhouettes of the inhabitants of the reservoir and asks the children to lay out who needs whom for food. Children lay out cards:

mosquito - frog - heron

worm - fish - seagull

algae - snail - cancer

duckweed - fry - predatory fish

The game " Food chains in the forest.

Target : Consolidate children's knowledge of food chains in the forest.

Rules of the game : The teacher distributes cards depicting plants and animals and offers to lay out food chains:

plants - caterpillar - birds

plants - mouse - owl

plants - hare - fox

insects - hedgehogs

mushrooms - squirrels - martens

forest cereals - elk - bear

young shoots - elk - bear

Games of ecological content help the child to see the uniqueness and integrity of not only a certain living organism, but also the ecosystem, to realize the impossibility of violating its integrity, to understand that unreasonable interference with nature can lead to significant changes both within the ecosystem itself and outside it, consciously fulfill the norms of behavior in nature. Based on this, it can be assumed that didactic games of ecological content provide not only the effectiveness of preschoolers mastering the ideas about the rules of behavior in nature, but also their observance in real interaction with nature.

The game plays an important role in the environmental education of children. With its help, preschoolers form systems of basic ecological concepts and develop a consciously correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena.