Abstract of the lesson on the manufacture of New Year's toys. Summary of the lesson “Toys for the Christmas tree

Program content
1. Learn to decorate a Christmas tree toy using painting elements: lines, strokes, dots, using the non-traditional drawing technique “tamponing”, drawing with cotton buds. Develop the ability to analyze and compare, draw conclusions.
2. To develop artistic and creative abilities, aesthetic taste, cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of their people.
3. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, comrades, to argue your answer.
preliminary work: making Christmas tree decorations from salt dough, talking about Christmas tree decorations.
Equipment.For the educator: projector, multimedia board , Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, illustrations of vintage Christmas decorations, a table with painting elements, schemes for painting toys, video "Glassblowers", music Jan A.P. Kaczmarek- Goodbye.
For kids: dummy Christmas tree toy, watercolors, stamp pad, tampons with clothespins, brushes, cotton buds, wet and dry wipes, aprons.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
- Hello, dear guests! We welcome guests as good news. Everyone will find a place, and a kind word.
- I want to invite you to a mini-museum, guess which one.
Though not bumps, not needles,
They hang on the branches of a Christmas tree.
(Christmas decorations)
2. The main part.
- That's right, these are Christmas decorations! How did you guess?
- Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without Christmas decorations.
- Who makes Christmas decorations? (craftsmen, artists, glassblowers)
- Toys are different. Let's take a look at them in our mini-museum.
Comparison of old and modern Christmas decorations.
What is the difference between vintage Christmas decorations and modern ones? (Not so bright, most often old toys were depicted in the form of animals, people)
- What materials can Christmas decorations be made of? (Glass, Styrofoam, Plastic, Fabric, Wood)
- And when there were no these materials, how could they decorate the Christmas tree? (ribbons, rags, sweets, nuts, gingerbread, candles, cookies, etc.) (Displaying photos on the projector)
- A few years later, the craftsmen learned how to blow multi-colored glass toys. What are these masters called? (Glassblowers)
- Let's see how glass blowers make glass toys? (Show video on multimedia board)
- What should be a Christmas toy? (Smart, bright, beautifully decorated)
- Decorating a Christmas tree toy is an art! I invite you to an art workshop where we will become real artists in decorating (painting) toys. We made preparations of Christmas decorations in advance. (Children wear aprons)
- They will help us in the design of New Year's toys of the scheme.
1. First: paint the toy. Choose a color from those offered. You have boxes on the table with a sponge soaked in gouache and with the help of tampons, we apply paint. The technique is called tamponing, from the word tampon. Let's say in unison! (Tamponing)
2. Second: with the help of a brush, a cotton swab and watercolors, we draw patterns and elements.
- Let's repeat, once again in order, how you will decorate the gingerbread. (Children speak)
- And what rules should we remember when working with a brush? (Each time after applying the paint, the brush is washed. Do not leave the brushes in a glass of water)
- There are wet and dry napkins on the tables, what do you need them for? (Wipe your hands, or remove some imperfections while drawing)
- Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers:
We're not masters yet
We are still learning.
(unclenching fists)
If we try
(connection of fingers starting with the thumb)
We'll learn a lot.
(we squeeze our hands into the lock, we raise our fingers up)
- And now move the chairs closer, straighten your backs, watch your posture, let's start painting the Christmas decorations, I'll help you a little. And for a good mood, we will draw to the music. (Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Goodbye music sounds)
The children decorate the toy.
3. Final part.
- Guys, look how beautiful, bright and elegant your New Year's toys turned out to be. Now take them, put them on napkins and come to me.
- Well done, you are wonderful artists, showed all your creative skills! Now let's decorate our Christmas tree! You like? The Christmas tree turned out to be an elegant beauty! I think that you can do such miracles with your own hands for any holidays at home and in kindergarten.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Khyrkasinsk children's art school"

Cheboksary region of the Chuvash Republic

Summary of the lesson

in decorative and applied arts

for first year students


Shataeva Tamara Anatolievna

Lesson topic: making a Christmas tree toy "Snow Maiden"


Outline of a lesson on making a Christmas tree toy "Snow Maiden"

Program section: "Crafts for the New Year's holiday"

Lesson topic: "Making a Christmas toy"

Form of organization of training: lesson

Lesson type: Combined

Work form: Frontal

Teaching methods: story, demonstration, show, reproductive, partially exploratory

Target: Learn how to make a Christmas toy



- to form a cognitive interest in the study of the traditions of the New Year holiday, the history of the appearance of a Christmas tree toy;

To instill in children the understanding that a New Year's toy is not only an attribute of a winter holiday, but also a part of the history of our country;

- expand children's understanding of paper-plastic techniques to create new forms;

Practicing the skills of working with templates;


Develop cognitive skills;

To promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers;


- cultivate respect for the cultural heritage of our country;

Create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the New Year;

Lesson duration: 60 min.

Age of participants: 1st year of study (grades 2-4)

Means of education: colored paper, colored cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, felt-tip pens, threads.

Handout: Templates, cards (Reflection)

Software and hardware: Laptop, projector, screen

Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time

2. Introductory conversation

3. View video

4. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

5. Preliminary planning of upcoming labor activities:

– analysis of a product sample;

– drawing up an oral plan for the upcoming work

6. Consolidation of safety regulations

7. Practical work of children - task completion

8. Conducting physical education

9. Analysis of children's work, summarizing the lesson

10. Reflection

11. Cleaning jobs

Lesson progress

Organizing time

Guys! Today guests have come to us, they will see how we work, what we have already learned, and what we will do in this lesson. Let's say hello to them.

Hello! They sat down quietly.

opening speech

Guys, what time of year is it?

That's right, winter. Zimushka-winter. So affectionately called in the Russian people the most severe time of the year. But I think that for all of us, winter is still a joyful, long-awaited and beloved time.New Year is the most beloved, wonderful family holiday. A holiday with magical transformations and gifts from Santa Claus. The time of the New Year holidays is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of each year with the onset of winter cold. “What is the New Year?”, “Who invented it?” “What are New Year's toys for?”, “What are Christmas toys?” and “How did our ancestors decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?”

Earlier in Rus', only 200-300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with a vegetable from the garden, which, of course, was silvered and gilded. Of course it was potatoes. Then people learned how to make glass balls. The art of making them was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed down by masters from generation to generation. These balls, sprinkled with silver and gold dust, were very expensive and could only be afforded by a few. All sorts of goodies-sweets were hung on the Christmas tree: sweets, apples, nuts - each country has its own New Year's decoration. And how much joy the opportunity to pluck, cut something tasty from the Christmas tree caused in the children! And there was gingerbread too! Previously, in Rus', even in rich families, children did not

they ate sweets randomly, every day, and received sweets for the holiday in a bag or hung on a Christmas tree and received as a prize. Glass decorations appeared only in the 19th century in Germany. According to one legend, it happened quite by accident. Once upon a time there lived a master glass blower. And when it came time to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money for either sweets or nuts. But how could he leave his children without a holiday? The master thought, thought, and finally came up with. After waiting for the children to fall asleep, he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of toys out of the glass: apples, sweets, gingerbread - and all this sparkled, shimmered and sparkled. They say that the children liked these decorations so much that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! The master's idea turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable, and then became a tradition. And Christmas decorations began to be made of paper, wax, cotton wool, and foil. Interior decoration for the New Year is a very exciting, but at the same time responsible process, and in order to make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, I want to decorate my house. There is one beautiful tradition that came to us from Western countries - to hang a Christmas wreath on the door. Of course, you can buy a wreath in the store, but it's more interesting to make it yourself. Guys, I suggest you make a Christmas wreath from fragrant coniferous twigs that will fill your home with a pleasant aroma. According to folk traditions, the Christmas Wreath should appear in the house four weeks before Christmas. Every Sunday before the holiday, a candle is inserted into it, each of which symbolizes a certain bright feeling: love, faith, hope and friendship. And also I want to invite you to make a Christmas tree decoration for the guardian angel's Christmas tree. The figurine of an angel is traditionally associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Teacher: Guys, you have decided on the choice of a souvenir?

Presentation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Really underNew year full of miracles, everyone is in a joyful, wonderful mood, everyone is waiting for gifts and meeting guests. And it so happened that our lesson takes place on the eve of this wonderful holiday. Do you know thatNew year - This is the oldest and most popular of all the existing holidays on Earth.

Do you guys loveNew year ?

Why do you love him?

What New Year's traditions do you observe in your family?

Well done! Very well! You are all wonderful, you know what this holiday cannot do without. And which of the following is the most important, without which the New Year

Don't want to meet?

Of course the tree!

What decorations can you decorate a Christmas tree with?

Where can I get toys for the Christmas tree?

Is it possible to make toys yourself and decorate the Christmas tree with them?

Guys, which of you have already guessed what work you have to do at the lesson today?

Let's formulate the topic of our lesson together.

Topic: "Making a Christmas toy"

We're really going to do todayNew Year's decoration for the Christmas tree.

Demonstration of the finished toy "Snow Maiden"

Preliminary planning of upcoming labor activities

Before starting work, let's decide what material we will make crafts from?

That's right, paper.


(Children answer)

To get the job done, we need to make a verbal plan.

Drawing up a verbal action plan:

Selection of the necessary material and tools;

Let's corrugate a sheet of paper (first you can decorate the sheet);

We fold the sheet with an "accordion" and with the help of glue and a strip of paper we fasten it just above the middle (we get the body);

In the upper part of the "accordion" we will make two cuts;

Bend two side strips in different directions (these will be hands);

Straighten the middle strip (this will be the neck, we will glue the head to it);

With the help of templates, circle the head and cap;

We will draw a face (we design it at our own request);

Connect all the details and glue the loop;

A reminder of safety rules when working with cutting tools.

Practical work

Let's get to work. Remember what the "working man" rule says - "Take care of your tools, save materials, always think about how to do a better job."

The teacher monitors the posture, the correct performance of operations. Encourages, corrects, reminds about the rational use of the material.

In the middle of the lesson, the teacher conducts a physical education session.(Attachment 1)

The guys continue to work, collect crafts. Help those who are lagging behind

Analysis of children's work. Summarizing

At the end of the work, the teacher analyzes the children's work:

Let's see what we got?

Have we achieved our goal? Did you complete the task?

Are you satisfied with the result of your work?

What was the most difficult part of your job for you?

What was interesting?

At the end, the teacher addresses the children:

Well done guys, good job. Today you learned how to make a Christmas tree toy - "Snow Maiden". Now you have a Christmas decoration created by your own hands, and this work, no matter how skillfully it is done, will always be one and only. After all, it left traces of your fingers and the warmth of your heart! I am sure that you will be happy to decorate your beautiful Christmas tree with it.


I can work independently;

I can work with the help of a teacher;

Understood nothing;

(colored squares).

How will you leave the lesson?

The children answer.

I wish you all a Happy New Year! And now, put your workplace in order, the lesson is over.

Application 1

Physical education minute

We turn the mill forward,

And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward)

We'll all bow down

It's like jumping into a pool. (Bend forward)

And then we bend back

Let's have a good break. (bending back)

And it's time for us to jump

We haven't jumped since morning. (Jumping in place)

Step on the spot in confinement

This is also an exercise. (Walking in place)

Jumped, stretched -

Here we had a good rest. (Children sit down)





lesson held

in the arts and crafts studio

"Magic Ribbon"

    Type of lesson "thematic"

    The topic of the lesson "DIY Christmas decorations»

    Lesson duration 45 minutes

    2 year of study Age of children 9-12 years old.

Snegur Tatyana Ivanovna

Teacher of additional education

MBU DO "House of children's creativity No. 4 of the city of Orel"

Additional general education

(general developmental) program of the studio of applied arts "Magic Ribbon"


Topic: "Christmas decorations with their own hands"


learn: work with a ribbon, create an image, work correctly with scissors;

develop: interest in creativity, imagination, creative thinking;

bring up: love for New Year's traditions, perseverance, painstakingness, the ability to complete the work begun to the end.

Planned results

Cognitive learning activities

1. Perform universal logical actions:

Perform analysis (feature extraction);

produce synthesis;

Choose the grounds for comparison, seriation, classification;

Establish analogies and causal

– investigative connections;

line up

logical chain of reasoning.

Regulatory learning activities

1. Make a plan for the implementation of a creative task;

2. Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, when

necessary, to correct errors;

3. Learn to determine the degree of success of your work, evaluate the work.

Communicative actions

1. Communicate your position to others, mastering the techniques of monologue and dialogic speech;

If necessary, defend your point of view,

arguing it.

Learn to back up arguments with facts;

3. Learn to be critical of your own opinion;

4. Listen to others, try to take a different point of view, be ready to change your mind;

Target:- make a Christmas tree toy from ribbons

Lesson type:- combined

Type of lesson: - lesson practice

Teacher Tools and Materials:

Illustrations of New Year's toys with the use of ribbons (Snowman pr. No1, Santa Claus pr. No2);

Step-by-step table. ex. No3;

- Christmas decorations;

Music for physical minutes, New Year's music for the practical part.

Tools and materials for students:

Ribbons of three colors;

Lesson structure:

1. Organizational moment. 3 minutes

2. Greeting. 1 minute

3.Updating knowledge. 6 minutes

4. Explanation of the new material. 20 minutes

5. Physical minute. 1 minute

6.Practical work. 20 minutes

7. Break. 10 minutes

8.Practical work. 20 minutes

9. Analysis of work. 5 minutes

10. The results of the lesson. 3 minutes

11. Homework, cleaning the workplace. 10 minutes

12. Farewell. 1 minute

During the classes:

1. Organizational

Children prepare the workplace for the lesson,

put on Christmas hats.

2. Greeting:

Sounds New Year's music "If there was no winter"

3.Updating knowledge:

(The class is decorated with New Year's garlands in vases, there are sprigs of spruce, a silver Christmas tree is on the table. In

A teacher walks in the costume of the Snow Maiden)

Hello my family, small and big. I was in a hurry to visit you through the untrodden fields, I turned out to be just right at the lesson with you.


You are in the New Year's workshop.

I was sent to you by Santa Claus in order to help prepare for the New Year. Do you know what kind of holiday this is and how they prepare for it?

D.M. comes, decorate the Christmas tree, give

What did you do in the last lesson?

The children answer.

4. Explanation of the new material.

Yes, right. When and how did you meet

new year many years ago than then

decorated the tree. Will tell us about it

my assistant snowman.

(A student dressed as a Snowman comes out

reads the message

The 15th century was moved to September 1, and in 1966 Peter I issued a decree to consider N.G. January 1. And as a sign of a new undertaking, it is customary to have fun and congratulate each other. Peter I also indicated to decorate trees, namely in 1700. Decorated

ate apples and nuts. But one year was not fruitful, and people came up with glass balls.

presentation about vintage


Setting the task in the lesson

I show technique

run toys, kids

watching carefully and

5. Physical minute. I turn on the music

6.Practical part.

slide number 17.

The teacher points to

errors help.

will fix them.

for good luck. In the process of work, I mark each child

7. Break

8. Continued practical work

Do you guys want to look into

workshop of Santa Claus in the past, and

find out what the Christmas trees used to be

toys, and what Christmas balls look like

Yes, we want! 1,2,3,4 slide Toys on the theme of space, WWII.5,6,7,8 slide. Toys are modern.

9.10 slide. DIY toys.

Guys, the topic of our lesson is "Christmas toys with their own hands." What material can be used to make toys for the Christmas tree?


In order to find out from what material we will make a toy, guess the riddle.

Hanging pear can not be eaten. What's this?


(I open the chest and take out the Christmas tree

light bulb toys

Snowman, Santa Claus, penguin. I hang them

Our task today is to make a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb using paints, a brush, glue and a sponge.

We will need.

Light bulb, glue, braid, paint, cotton

stick, napkin, sponge.

1. Tie a string to a light bulb

2. Cover the light bulb with white paint

3. While the lamp dries, cut out a cap 10 cm, 11 cm. We fix the shape of a cylinder with a stapler.

4. Glue the hair to the cap

5. Glue the hat to the painted lamp

6. Draw eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth.

To the music, children do a physical minute.

Before you get started, review the safety rules.

Guys start practicing

Creative practical work.

1.Organization of the workplace:

Arrange items correctly on the table;

Do not take paints and brushes in your mouth;

Do not leave brushes in water;

Wipe brushes on a napkin;

After work, clean your workplace and wash your hands.

2. Fulfillment of the educational task.

(Individual teacher assistance)

9. Analysis of works:

Organization of the exhibition.


Evaluation criteria:

Productivity is evaluated by the degree of accuracy, creativity. ;

Assessment levels:

Short: the work is dominated by obvious errors, not accuracy;

Average: interesting work, done neatly with insignificant errors

High: creative, neat work

The child followed the implementation of the adopted plan. We hang finished products on the Christmas tree.

I analyze every job.

Who has the neatest job?

Who has the most original?

10. Results: Teacher:

The guys are all great today. Say what

did we learn something new today?

What have you learned?

Well done with the task. Let u

mood. Of course, today I did not come empty-handed, but with gifts.

I open the bag of Santa Claus, take out gifts and treat the children.

11. Homework,

workplace cleaning:

Children write down their homework.




Group 2, second year of study

Age of children: 7 - 8 years

Teacher of additional education:

Snegur Tatyana Ivanovna

Plan - open class

Topic: "New Year's toys with ribbons.

Target: to study the sequence technology and techniques for making a Christmas tree toy using the tape vintage technique.

Lesson type:- combined

Class type: - occupation practice


1. Form students have knowledge about making Christmas decorations using the tape vintage technique.

2. Develop creative thinking, aesthetic taste, independence in the selection of materials, tools and fixtures, broaden your horizons.

3. Educate independence, accuracy, thrift, activity, work culture, responsibility for the work performed and the desire to give joy to friends and relatives.

Equipment: flow charts, scissors, pins, hot glue.

Materials: green satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide, 0.6 cm wide, foam ball (ball diameter - about 7 centimeters), to decorate the product: various ribbons, beads, snowflakes.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Greeting, checking readiness for the lesson (tools and fixtures, satin ribbons, foam ball)

II. Induction training.

Children, what holiday is approaching?

Why do you love him?

New Year is the most beautiful and most beloved holiday among the people. Very soon, the forest beauty of the Christmas tree will rightfully reign in your homes. It turns out that in Russia before Peter I, the New Year was celebrated twice a year. March 1 - since in the spring all living things woke up, including the sun. And another new year came on September 1st. Such a bifurcation of the holiday was inconvenient, therefore, in 1699, Peter 1 adopted a decree:

“Since in Russia they consider the New Year in different ways, from now on, stop fooling people and counting the New Year everywhere from January 1, and as a sign of that good undertaking and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing well-being in business and prosperity in the family . In honor of the New Year, decorate fir trees, amuse children - ride sleds from the mountains.

Since then, people have begun to decorate their homes with green beauties and decorate them with toys. Decorating a Christmas tree is fun! When there were no such beautiful and diverse toys as now, people decorated the Christmas tree with what they had. It could be apples, nuts. Then candles, gingerbread and cookies were added to the decorations. Later, more durable jewelry began to be made: people gilded fir cones, empty eggshells were covered with the thinnest layer of metal. There were also paper flowers and skillful crafts made of cotton wool, Christmas fairies, graceful stars, butterflies and funny figurines of animals appeared from silver foil, and tinsel was made from twisted tin wires.

There is a legend that tinsel owes its birth to a good fairy: allegedly, the sorceress turned an ordinary web into sparkling silver threads and gave them to children.

A few years later, the craftsmen learned how to blow multi-colored glass balls, which decorated the thorny branches. But, unfortunately, not everyone could afford such decoration, it was quite expensive. And everyone wanted a miracle for the holiday. So they decorated the Christmas tree with foil snowflakes, felt balls, toys carved from wood, knitted mittens, and socks. After all, then many of these "decorations" could serve the children well. Not a single frost was terrible in such "decorations". Also, angels could appear on the branches. After all, each person believes that he has his own guardian angel. And, without forgetting about it, on the Christmas tree one could see angels made of fabric, paper, glass.

In addition to balls, craftsmen learned how to blow glass into other forms: cones, mushrooms, various animals and birds, vegetables and fruits, heroes of fairy tales.

III. Practical work.

And in today's lesson, we will get acquainted with a new type of needlework - a ribbon in the manufacture of Christmas decorations.

Technique Ribbons are a relatively new type of needlework for us. Some believe that this technique is a kind of origami, since the pieces of ribbons must be folded in one way or another. However, sometimes this technique is called differently - “rings”, “corners”. Like many other types of needlework, the ribbon technique has its own tricks, secrets and nuances. We will work with satin ribbons.

Before proceeding to the practical part of our lesson, we will repeat the safety rules when working with scissors:

    After completion of work, do not pull out the unused glue rod, it remains in the gun.

For work we have: satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide, 0.6 cm wide, scissors, pins, foam balls, to decorate the product: various ribbons, beads, etc.

    Analysis of the instruction card;

    Work according to the instruction card.

Current briefing - targeted rounds :

1 - bypass: check the organization of workplaces and compliance with safe working practices.

2 - bypass: check the correctness of the implementation of labor methods and the technological sequence of operations.

3 - bypass: check the correctness of the choice of sizes and the exercise of self-control by students.

Analysis of characteristic errors and their causes.

IV. Final part

So, our dear masters, we have finished making a New Year's toy. Tell me, please, what new type of needlework did you meet?


I hope that you enjoyed working, and you will teach your friends and relatives how to create beautiful New Year's toys with your own hands. I congratulate you on the coming new year and wish you creative success.

Instruction card number 1.

Safety when working with scissors:

    Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

    Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.

    Place the scissors with the rings towards you.

    Watch the movement of the blades while cutting.

    Do not leave scissors open.

    Pass the scissors rings forward.

    Do not wave scissors, do not bring to your face.

    Use scissors as directed.

    Keep scissors always in a certain place.

Instruction card number 2.

Safety when working with hot glue gun.

    Before connecting the gun to the network, check for the presence of a glue rod.

    Gun - glue connects the teacher to the network

    After 5 minutes, the glue warmed up, you can work.

    Do not touch the tip of the gun with your hands, it has a temperature of 100 degrees

    Apply a drop of glue to the ribbon and immediately glue it, because the glue cools quickly.

    We clamp the glued place with tweezers.

    Do not leave the glue gun without work - it will overheat.

    After work, the gun will be disconnected from the network, only the teacher.

    After completion of the work, do not pull out the unused glue rod, it remains in the gun.

    Wait until the gun cools down.

    Store the gun in a dry place

Instruction card number 3.

    Cut off pieces of tape 2.5 cm. 10 cm each. In total, we need 25 pieces. To make the ball colorful, we can take 3-4 types of ribbons of different colors. If you have 10 cm pieces of tape left from other crafts, you can use them.

    Now we are singeing all the segments over the candle, we are safe with fire, we are not distracted.

    We fold the “rings” of ribbons, fixing them with hot glue, while observing safety when working with hot glue.

    Glue the "rings" to the ball in a checkerboard pattern.

    What holds the ball on, insert a 0.6 cm ribbon, tie a knot at the base of the ball and tie a bow.

    The ball on the Christmas tree is ready, and to make it even more beautiful, glue rhinestones, beads, snowflakes.

Lesson summary

"Toys for the Christmas tree"

(second junior group).

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to create an image of a festive Christmas tree based on an unfinished composition (the silhouette of a Christmas tree).

Tasks: to continue the development of form and color as a means of figurative expression; continue to introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with cotton swabs; learn to distinguish colors; develop aesthetic perception, cultivate accuracy.

Preliminary work. Drawing a Christmas tree with gouache paints in collaboration with a teacher and children.

Equipment: a large sheet (drawing paper) with a silhouette of a Christmas tree, gouache, cotton buds, napkins, glue, an artificial Christmas tree, several Christmas balls, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Lesson content.

There is a Christmas tree in the group room.

Educator: Guys, today I came to kindergarten, and there is a Christmas tree on the threshold. Who do you think brought it? And here at the Christmas tree is a bag. Let's see what's in the bag: Multi-colored toys and the letter "Hello, girls and boys! I, Santa Claus, brought you a Christmas tree and toys. I'm just in a hurry about my business. You decorate the Christmas tree and wait for me with gifts. And so that you are not bored, I leave you a song. Goodbye! "Who brought us the Christmas tree? What song did Santa Claus send us? - Guys, how can you decorate the Christmas tree?

Examination of Christmas balls. - I have a few Christmas balls. What are they? (Round) What color? What is painted on them? How can you decorate a Christmas tree with them? (Hang on strings). Let's hang the balls on the Christmas tree. (children hang balls) - Do we have a beautiful Christmas tree? Only a few balls on it. Let's draw a Christmas tree and decorate it even more with balls. - Look at the tables. What are we going to draw? (In paints) And what else is on the tables? (cotton buds). Today we need them for decoration Christmas balls.

Finger gymnastics.

Our fingers will work now, let's do exercises for them.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest! This finger is for showing it off! This finger is the longest, And it stands in the middle! This finger is nameless, He is the most spoiled! And the little finger, though small, But dexterous and daring! We will hide our fingers in fists: in fists, in fists. We wave our fingers: go away, go away.

Showing the teacher how to draw balls and decorate the balls with cotton buds. (We collect paint on a cotton swab and decorate the ball). -Choose the paint you like the most. What is color? (Children decorate the balls of the Christmas tree and draw patterns with cotton swabs.) The teacher monitors, provides individual assistance) -Guys, let the balls dry, and for now we will wash the hands.

Christmas tree decoration with balls. - Have we got a beautiful Christmas tree? Do you think Santa Claus will like it?

Summary of the lesson.- What did we do today? -Let's dance a round dance for our beautiful Christmas tree and sing the song "Yolka". (Children dance, sing).