When the belly appears during the second pregnancy. At what week of pregnancy does the belly start to grow?

It would seem that a woman carrying a second child should not be worried about anything at all: all the tests are already familiar, the upcoming delivery also does not seem so terrible, and breastfeeding is recognized as the most pleasant procedure in the world. But, it was not there: pregnant women again begin to be tormented by new questions, and sometimes they arise due to numerous rumors, myths and conjectures that do not have the slightest scientific basis.

Some of them, including when the belly begins to grow at the second fertilization, will be studied and debunked right now.

Is the belly growing faster?

In most pregnant women who are overtaken by a second pregnancy, the stomach does grow a little faster.

This is not at all associated with an increase in the reproductive organ.

  1. It’s just that the uterine ligaments remained slightly stretched after the previous gestation, the anterior wall of the abdomen relaxed and lost its elasticity, which is characteristic of nulliparous ladies.
  2. It is because of this that discrepancies may arise between the period of gestation a woman is in and the intensity with which her belly grows.
  3. It turns out that the pregnant reproductive organ, additionally loaded with amniotic fluid, deviates forward under its own weight, creating the appearance of a rapidly growing abdomen.

It is worth noting that during the initial fertilization, the woman's tummy usually becomes pointed and raised high, while the second time it is already saggy and not so elastic. Because of this, it becomes difficult to independently determine whether the fetus has descended and prepare for delivery in time.

Movements should be earlier

It is widely believed among mothers that the second fetus begins to move much earlier than the first.

This helps obstetricians more accurately set the date of previous births.

In fact, the stages and intensity of intrauterine development have a specific duration, and nothing can affect them. And the fact that movements become more noticeable during repeated gestation is explained quite simply: the mother already remembers these sensations, does not confuse them with gas formation or colic.

The second baby is always bigger

It is believed that the second and each subsequent pregnancy ends with the birth of an increasingly strong and massive child.

Yes, such a statement has the right to exist, and the fetus can indeed be 300-500 g heavier than its predecessor. In particular, this applies to male fetuses.

Why doesn't this happen during the first birth?

It's simple: the mother's body is already ready for the upcoming metamorphoses, it is set up for the upcoming gestation, and is ready to give the embryo all the accumulated necessary substances in sufficient volume.

The second pregnancy can be "not noticed"

It also happens that a secondarily fertilized woman does not even suspect what exact gestation period she is at. And all because conception can go unnoticed due to a series of troubles, worries, a lot of new responsibilities, stress, neurosis, postpartum amenorrhea and other circumstances.

It is likely that even the best pharmacy pregnancy test will give a negative result, especially if breastfeeding or postpartum hormonal disruptions occur.

  • Of course, if the belly is growing and the test is still negative, a visit to the gynecologist will mature by itself.
  • But the whole interesting thing is that with repeated fertilization, the belly begins to increase much faster, this makes it possible to have an abortion on time.
  • Why this happens, we described above: the anterior abdominal wall has become more stretched and less elastic, which means it stretches faster under the weight of the fetus.
  • The bearing of twins proceeds in a special way. The reproductive organ is ready to stretch more than the first time, which means that both embryos will develop and grow comfortably.

Will the caesarean be repeated?

If the first gestation ended with the unnatural birth of a child, then the likelihood of re-experiencing surgery increases significantly. This is especially true for those women who decide to give birth a second time six months to a year after the first resolution of the burden.

  1. The fact is that the scar on the reproductive organ simply does not have time to tighten and strengthen to the fullest, and the weight of the new fetus makes it thinner and weaken the adjacent uterine walls.
  2. In a situation where a woman decides to become a mother again a couple of years after the first conception, the likelihood of giving birth naturally becomes more real. Again, before the expectant mother, there is a need to clarify the condition of the scar on the uterus, and obtain the appropriate medical permission for normal childbirth.

Delivery during the second pregnancy: what is it?

The birth of a second heir is strikingly different from what had to be experienced the first time:

  • A woman does not have to endure long training contractions;
  • The harbingers of forthcoming childbearing will be much clearer and more intense;
  • The uterine cervix opens at a time, which brings a sharp and quickly subsiding pain to the woman in labor.

Ideally, the second fertilization should be a planned and measured act.

It is important to take into account all the nuances and circumstances, to study possible differences from the first gestation, and to exclude possible risks.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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What do you associate with a pregnant woman? Of course with a huge belly, in which the baby is located. However, in the first pregnancy, the growth of the abdomen often occurs at the very latest gestation. And if you have a second pregnancy, when does the belly appear? Earlier, later or the same?

As a rule, such questions may arise in connection with the visibility of an interesting situation for other people, or as a result of checking whether the second pregnancy complies with accepted standards. The interest is understandable and if you are going to make assumptions about how to find out the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the belly, at least after having two children, you will already have some statistics. And finally, this issue should be clarified in order to know by what date this time it is worth taking care of clothes for pregnant women. There are many reasons for wanting to receive this information, and we will try to convey the necessary information as fully as possible.

The rate of growth of the abdomen in the first pregnancy

What causes the belly to enlarge during pregnancy? Of course, not only because of the growth of the baby, although this is also important. In addition, the timing of the growth of the uterus itself, and the amount of amniotic fluid, and the physique of the woman herself also matter.

In the first pregnancy, the beginning of an increase in the abdomen occurs approximately in the fourth or fifth month, this is approximately 16 or 18 weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, in slender women, the position during this period becomes obvious if the clothes fit the body, but more magnificent young ladies can “hide” almost until they go on maternity leave, or rather until 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy. And although the growth rate of the uterus in women with different physiques is identical, the visual effect is very different. What does the growth of the abdominal circumference during pregnancy generally depend on?

What determines the growth of the abdomen

As a rule, several factors are important for the growth of the abdominal circumference. It is they who affect both the number of centimeters added in volume and the visual component.

  • Baby sizes. If the child has a strong physique, which is easily diagnosed by ultrasound, the size of the pregnant belly will be somewhat larger. As the baby grows, so does its habitat, and, accordingly, the belly of the expectant mother.
  • The size of the uterus itself. Throughout pregnancy, it increases evenly, and if before pregnancy the weight of this reproductive organ does not exceed 60-100 grams, then by the end of the process of bearing a child, the uterus already weighs about 900-1200 grams, which is almost 10 times more.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid. The increase in their volume is very uneven, and different women may have different amounts of amniotic fluid.

It would seem that all the reasons for the growth of the abdomen are rational and understandable. However, there are differences in that the second pregnancy, when the belly appears, will develop according to the scenario of your first experience.

Features of the growth of the abdomen in the second pregnancy

After the first birth, changes occurred in the woman's body that cannot be changed. It is these factors that will influence the course of the second and subsequent pregnancies. This fact also applies to the problem of the growth of the circumference of the abdomen, transforming into two patterns:

1. On average, the growth of the abdomen is noticeable almost a month earlier, respectively, and the people around you will be able to notice your interesting position in a shorter time. This is due to the fact that after the birth of the first-born, the uterus is enlarged. She never shrunk back to her original state, and that's okay. That is why the tummy will start to bulge already from the twelfth week, if the pregnant woman has a thin physique. But you can captivate others a month earlier with such an exciting activity, how to find out the sex of the unborn child by the appearance and shape of your stomach.

2. In addition, the stomach itself becomes lower than its position in the first pregnancy. Indeed, the previous time, the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, as well as the ligaments were greatly stretched, which means that they became weaker and were not able to hold the baby in a higher position. This has its advantages - it becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe, she suffers less from heartburn, and a minus - more pressure on the pelvic bones and lower spine. A good bandage can save the situation.

Regarding the shape of the abdomen, one can also say that if during the first pregnancy it is sharp and high, especially in women with a narrow pelvis, then later during the second pregnancy it becomes somewhat pendulous, gentle. This can confuse those who believe in fortune-telling about how to find out the future sex of the child by the appearance and roundness of the abdomen - if for the first time everyone suspected you had a boy, then in the second pregnancy you will often be promised a girl. The stomach falls a second time also much later.

How early does the belly appear: statistics

If we analyze the statistics, then women noted that the second pregnancy, when the belly appears earlier, is more noticeable to others. But when evaluating the changes in their own body, the majority of women noted that the noticeable appearance of the abdomen was 4-6 weeks earlier compared to the first pregnancy.

Variants of the norm and deviations from it

In addition to the natural desire to know if you have a second pregnancy, when the belly appears, there are objective reasons for obtaining this information. And this is not at all the way to find out the sex of the unborn child. Most likely, the growth of the abdomen will be of interest to your doctor to assess the normal course of pregnancy.

You remember that for the first time, doctors regularly measured the length and circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter tape. This was done in order to assess the rate of increase in the uterus and compare it with the standards of the available period. Deviation from these norms can indicate both emerging problems and the individual characteristics of the woman's body in general and the course of this particular pregnancy in particular.

That is why if the growth of the uterus corresponds to the established period, then the appearance of the abdomen should not disturb you in any way in terms of your health and the health of the baby. Grow big!

Many women who have one child are interested in the question: when does the stomach begin to grow when the baby is re-bearing? Even doctors cannot give a definite answer. But there are some factors that affect the appearance of the abdomen, and when it becomes visible to others. This issue worries not only multiparous, but also women for whom pregnancy is a new feeling. And this is understandable, because it is always interesting what awaits you in the near future.


The optimal time for registration is 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. Starting from the moment of registration, every two weeks it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, who each time will conduct research to compile the dynamics of the development of the child in the womb. It is especially important to visit a gynecologist when sensations unknown to you appear.

One of the most important points is the measurement of the uterus and abdominal circumference. By these sizes, you can determine the approximate weight of the baby, its development. An important indicator is the correspondence of all the figures obtained in the study to the set gestational age. Otherwise, additional examinations may be prescribed or a referral to a hospital to determine the causes and surgical treatment may be given. Do not neglect visits to your doctor. It has been scientifically proven that the belly begins to grow from the 16th week of pregnancy, or from 4 calendar months. However, this period is approximate, since the following factors influence the active growth of the abdomen:

  • The position of the child. If the fetus is attached to the back of the uterus, the belly will appear later and will not be as big as if the fetus is attached to the front.
  • Volume of amniotic fluid. With polyhydramnios, the abdomen is much larger than in women with a normal amount of fluid in the uterus.
  • Fat layer of a woman. In slender females, the belly appears faster than in women with a small layer of fat, which does not contribute to the appearance of rounded outlines characteristic of pregnancy.
  • Stomach fullness. After eating and with bloating, the stomach visually becomes larger.

Very often, expectant mothers confuse two concepts: the growth of the abdomen and the growth of the uterus. For example, the growth of the abdomen may occur as a result of improper eating behavior and directly depends on the growth of the fat layer, which has nothing to do with bearing a child. At the same time, the growth of the uterus is activated from 15-17 weeks of pregnancy. Starting from 19-20 weeks, its size reaches the volume when it is almost impossible to hide the fact of pregnancy.

You should not expect that at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy you will have a tummy. If the "navel" is already visible at this time, you should think about your eating behavior. But if the tummy began to be visible at such a short time, this is the first alarm signal that the tone of the uterus may appear. This is not very good for such a short period of pregnancy. In such a situation, professional qualified advice is necessary. As a rule, all these symptoms are easily removed during a stay in a hospital.

Determining Factors

Before you start worrying about how actively your belly starts to grow if you have a second pregnancy, and compare your condition with the points below, it is worth noting that every woman is unique, and every pregnancy is a priori unique. So, what affects the growth activity of the abdomen?

  • Number of previous pregnancies. At the first experience of bearing a child, the stomach begins to grow actively, starting from the 20th week. In the second and all subsequent pregnancies, the belly begins to grow much earlier. Scientists have found that this happens due to the fact that the abdominal muscles are no longer so strong and resist less.
  • Individual features of the constitution. For example, women with a narrow pelvis “round” earlier than those with wide hip bones. Due to the lack of space, the baby begins to grow forward, which is the explanation for the early rounding of the abdomen.
  • Fetal attachment. In cases where the baby is fixed on the back wall of the uterus, the growth of the abdomen is less noticeable than in the case of attachment of the fetus to the front of the uterus. At the same time, the amount of amniotic fluid affects how the stomach grows.
  • hereditary predisposition. This factor is not decisive, but may influence. Therefore, if there is an irresistible desire to find out how long your stomach will appear, ask your mothers and grandmothers.
  • Weight gained since the beginning of pregnancy. Due to the active set of fat in the waist area, it may seem that the stomach has grown. Also, weakened abdominal muscles contribute to active growth, especially during the second pregnancy.
  • Infant height and weight. If the ultrasound shows the baby is actively growing, the belly will grow quickly and appear early enough. There is an opinion that if at the end of the term a pregnant woman has a big belly, this means that a large baby will be born. In fact, this opinion is incorrect, since the woman's complexion, the width of her thigh bones, the amount of amniotic fluid and the place where the baby is located play a significant role in the size of the pregnant woman's belly.


Many women believe that the second pregnancy will be easier than the first, and the third - easier than the second. In fact, everything is much more complicated. The only more "simplified" factor is the psychological side of the issue. A pregnant woman is already ready for toxicosis and other not-so-pleasant moments. Therefore, when a second and subsequent pregnancies occur, it becomes easier for a woman to cope with the psychological burden. Therefore, you should not expect that all the processes associated with pregnancy will proceed faster.

A great danger lies in wait for women who are expecting a child, already having a one-year-old baby. Pregnancy with a short break can have a negative impact on the health of the mother, as the body has not had time to recover from previous births. It is the lack of trace elements, vitamins, as well as the presence of nervous shocks that can affect the growth of the abdomen and the development of the fetus.

If you are expecting a second child, remember that the birth process is faster than the first, but this does not mean that it will be easier. Therefore, if you are worried about childbirth, it is best to take special courses where you will be taught not to be afraid of this natural process.

The most pronounced symptom of pregnancy is an ever-growing tummy. The first signs become noticeable in the second trimester, and by the end of the third trimester, the tummy takes its final size. Many women who are pregnant for the second time are interested in the question, when does the belly appear during the second pregnancy - earlier, later, or the same as the first time?

Often, women note that the growth rate of the tummy during the second pregnancy is somewhat different and, as a rule, the volume of the abdomen increases faster. This is due to the loss of elasticity of the uterus and stretching of the peritoneal ligaments, which hold the uterus with the fetus worse. But before predicting the growth rate of the abdomen, you need to take into account many factors:

  • figure type. In thin women, the belly during the second pregnancy will be more noticeable. But if a pregnant woman has a powerful muscular corset, a rounded tummy becomes noticeable only in the second half of pregnancy.
  • Number of embryos . Obviously, a multiple pregnancy will cause a rapid increase in the abdomen, especially if this is the second pregnancy. But it is too early to look for traces of an increase in the abdomen in the second week of pregnancy, the only thing that can be seen is its slight induration.
  • woman nutrition. If during the first pregnancy a woman was very scrupulous about her diet, then after becoming pregnant for the second time, she can relax somewhat and gain excess weight. Hence the large fetus, fat deposits and a noticeably protruding belly.
  • Genetics. If the first pregnancy ended in the birth of a strong man, it is likely that in the second pregnancy the fetus will be large, which will lead to early growth of the abdomen.

Interesting! Scientists have long established a pattern: the baby is somewhat ahead of its physical development and is gaining 400-500 g more than during the previous pregnancy. Hence the more prominent belly.

You can see the rate of increase in the uterus in the photo of the abdomen during the second pregnancy:

Second pregnancy: when the belly begins to grow

When a woman is carrying her first child, the rounding of the abdomen is not noticeable for a long time. It begins to grow actively after the 12th week, and pregnancy becomes apparent closer to the 20th week. In the second pregnancy, a distinct relief of the abdomen appears between 13-18 gestational weeks.

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy is often rounded, since the uterus is already somewhat stretched, and the abdominal wall is no longer elastic. But everything is individual here: in women with a good athletic shape, the growth rate and shape of the abdomen can be the same as during the first pregnancy.

Belly growth during the second pregnancy - statistics

Observation of pregnant women made it possible to notice the following pattern:

  • During the second pregnancy, the belly grows faster for a month. The main reason is the physiological increase in the uterus after previous births. In some women with a lean physique, the tummy is noticeable as early as 12 weeks. A faster rate of growth of the abdomen and muscle weakness forces the woman to wear a bandage sooner.
  • The belly with repeated conception appears faster and is often located low. This is due to the fact that the pelvic floor after the first birth is stretched, and the uterus falls below the previous level. So, you can see that with the first-born, the tummy proudly towered and was pointed, and with the second conception, it sagged somewhat. You should not be afraid of this, because such a phenomenon is normal and even has its advantages: in the later period, a woman will not have shortness of breath and heartburn.
  • In addition to the rapidly growing tummy, women during repeated pregnancy notice the first movements of the baby much faster. If during the first pregnancy, movements occur closer to the 19th week, then during the second pregnancy, they are already noticeable between 15 and 17 weeks.

Belly during the second pregnancy: variants of the norm and deviation

Interest in the rate of growth of the abdomen during the second pregnancy arises not only among women, but also among obstetricians and gynecologists. Despite the physiological characteristics of the growth of the abdomen, the doctor, by assessing its circumference in accordance with the gestational age, excludes possible deviations from the norm.

First of all, the doctor evaluates the growth rate of the fetus, and then the approximate volume of amniotic fluid. Fears can cause too big belly in the second pregnancy. To detect pathology, a woman can be sent for an ultrasound. With the help of the study, polyhydramnios, overweight of the fetus, cystic drift and other pregnancy disorders are excluded.

The doctor has no less fear if the stomach is smaller during the second pregnancy. When the circumference of the abdomen is below normal, a woman may have oligohydramnios, impaired placental blood flow, intrauterine growth retardation, preeclampsia.

Second pregnancy: stomach ache

There is an opinion that the second pregnancy is easier. Signs of toxicosis are less pronounced, the body is not so painfully experiencing hormonal changes, and the birth itself proceeds faster.

But quite often, women note that their stomach often pulls during their second pregnancy. This happens in the second half of gestation, when the mass of the fetus is already significant. Since the uterus is located lower compared to the previous case, the fetus presses harder on its fundus and bladder. This causes mild aching pain and frequent urination. However, similar symptoms may be present in a woman with a first pregnancy. This problem can be solved with the help of a tightening bandage.

Important! If you have a second pregnancy and your lower abdomen hurts, first of all you need to go to the doctor and make sure that everything is in order with the baby, because any pain can indicate many pathologies that lead to termination of pregnancy.

When the belly drops in the second pregnancy

In order for the birth to take place correctly and without injuries, before the onset of labor, the uterine fundus descends. This allows the baby to take a comfortable position and soon be born. In primiparous, the tummy drops 3-4 weeks before delivery. If a woman has a second pregnancy, prolapse occurs closer to childbirth - in 2-7 days.

Comparing first and second pregnancies is subjective and often erroneous. Therefore, you should not focus on the rate of growth of the abdomen and the time of its descent before childbirth. The best way out is to regularly visit the doctor and discuss with him all the questions that interest you.