When, after the eyebrow tattoo, the color is established and appears. Why your eyebrow tattoo did not show up Eyebrow tattoo when there will be a natural color

A well-groomed and stylish woman always attracts attention. Keeping track of your appearance and paying attention to details is not easy, but the result is worth it! A beautiful hairstyle, well-groomed hands, make-up make you stand out from the crowd. Now every girl should add eyebrow care to this list. After all, eyebrows, matched to facial features correctly, can not only refresh, but also hide the real age.

It is up to you to decide whether you need a tattoo. The natural beauty of the eyebrows today is the exception rather than the rule. Many draw them daily with a pencil, use gels, paints, and fondants. Tattooing or permanent makeup is a modern solution for a fashionista. Usually it is done for a long time - from several months to several years.

Benefits of permanent makeup:

  • expressive eyebrows give the face charm and grace;
  • the correct form emphasizes the beauty of the eyes;
  • the pattern applied to the skin is not washed off for a long time;
  • after tattooing, time is saved on makeup;
  • women suffering from the absence or poor growth of hairs manage to create the illusion of natural eyebrows.

Contraindications and testing

Before permanenting, be sure to study the information about the master. Find out what materials he works with, what experience he has. To do this, see everything with your own eyes - look at the certificates, photos of clients before and after the procedure. A good specialist will offer to test before the procedure.

Contraindications to this procedure:

  • malaise;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • the period of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy.

On the how long does it take to paint

The master will tell you how long permanent makeup is designed for. If natural ingredients are used as a coloring matter, they will fade in six months. When applying professional paints, the period is extended to several years.

Gradually, the colors become dull, the contours are erased, so a correction by a specialist is required. Before the procedure, check with the master in how many months to expect changes.

Features of stuffing technique

In cosmetology, there are several types of stuffing. They differ in application technique:

1. Shading method. It looks rather rough, unnatural, like after a pencil;

2. Hair method. This is a drawing of each hair, the drawing is close to the natural look. The master can make a European or oriental subspecies of permanent makeup.

  • with the oriental hair method, the eyebrows cannot be distinguished from natural ones. Each hair is drawn. The work is considered artistic;
  • the European method is also the drawing of each hair separately. But the length of the hairs is the same size, and the angle of inclination is the same.

3. Makeup in technology 3D combines two methods: hair and shading.

Eyebrow color options

Before choosing the type of stuffing, you need to decide what the shape and shade will be.

When choosing the color of the eyebrows, remember that they should be combined with the tone of the skin and hair. It is important to choose the right dye for your skin type. The period of manifestation and brightness after tattooing will depend on this.

The skin is divided into four types:

  • summer - swarthy;
  • winter - light;
  • autumn - grayish;
  • spring - light with elements of its own pigmentation.

In some cases, a thinner is used when applying paint, in others it is not.

In the salon, customers are offered paints of different colors: natural, saturated, unusual, simpler.

Popular shades:

  • brown;
  • mocha;
  • graphite;
  • chocolate;
  • grey;
  • terracotta.

Experienced cosmetologists have selected the most successful combinations of shades of hair and eyebrows, so the palette looks like this:

  • brown colors are suitable for goldilocks;
  • gray shades are suitable for girls with ashy hair;
  • red - terracotta or chocolate;
  • dark-haired - brown, dark gray.

Recovery period

After the procedure, the recovery period begins.

It is divided into several stages:

  1. First 3 days after the procedure. Puffiness, redness, lines are bright, the shade is darker than planned. This is due to the vascular reaction and possible skin injuries during tattooing.
  2. Within a week after permanent makeup. The appearance of crusts on the surface of the eyebrows. This is the most dangerous period. It is necessary to protect the place from infection, lubricate with special lubricants, do not steam when bathing, do not rip off.
  3. Healing and discoloration for 7-10 days. When, after peeling the skin, the crusts came off, you can see a change in color from saturated to light.
  4. After two weeks or a month, the tattoo is completely restored and the result of permanent makeup appears. If the brightness and symmetry at this stage are not satisfactory, a correction is carried out.

Why sometimes not color is taken

For a month after the tattoo, you should not worry why the color that you wanted does not appear. It is necessary to give the body time for the pigments to “digest” and the inflammation to decrease. During this time, the shade is set.

During the period when the shade appears, the intensity can determine how your body affects its absorption. So, too oily skin can reject the dye, and pigmented skin can affect the color of the tattoo.

Removal features

To completely remove the pattern, you will have to use a peeling cream or a laser.

Laser removal is a more serious procedure. It should be carried out by a high-class specialist who has many good reviews and extensive experience.

Complication in the appearance of reddening of paint

The red pigment of the eyebrows is due to a large amount of iron oxide, which gave undesirable pigmentation. If the pigment is plant-based, it will gradually disappear without the intervention of the master.

Permanent eyebrow tattoo: what color to choose for blondes

Can you change your appearance by changing the color of your eyebrows? An experienced cosmetologist will be able to carry out a tattoo and choose a shade for blondes. The main rule of a beautician is to choose colors for 2-3 tones darker than the client's hair.

But for blondes, the rule is full of exceptions, and it often turns out that the lighter the hair of the client, the darker the masters do the tattoo. But platinum blondes can only afford black or dark gray tattoos if they want to look good.

How to choose the color and shape of the eyebrows for a bright look, glossy magazines can tell blondes.

By the way, remember that if the picture brightens, it needs to be corrected by henna shotting.

Of course, you wanted bright eyebrows, which is why you went for a tattoo. But bright doesn't mean black as night! This is how tattooing seems to you now, but do not rush to be upset! Maybe too little time has passed and soon the excess pigment will come out, or maybe you will have to make some efforts. In any case, too dark permanent makeup is fixable!

When to evaluate the result

Immediately after the procedure, the color of the eyebrows will be darker than planned, but subsequently the eyebrows will lighten to the desired shade.

This will happen on the fifth day. During the first week after the session, the skin heals, then the crusts go away. After that, the color will change.

It will be possible to finally evaluate the result of the tattoo only a month after its application. If the pigment has faded too much or is unevenly distributed, a correction will be required.

Why does the color change

The color changes for several reasons:

  • under the skin, the paint mixes with the lymph and darkens from this;
  • During the procedure, the paint gets not only under the skin, but also on it. Persistent pigment remaining on the surface of the skin looks darker by several tones. It will go away with the crusts after healing.

During the healing process, a new layer of renewed skin cells forms at the site of the tattoo. Through this layer, the pigment appears lighter.

After the crusts go away, it will be possible to evaluate the first results. However, after that, the color will brighten even more.

How much will the effect change?

How much the color of the pigment changes depends on the individual characteristics of the client: the condition and density of the skin, the metabolic rate and other factors.

In young girls, the change can be quite strong (up to a couple of tones). The older the woman, the slower cell renewal and metabolism, the thinner the skin. Minimally, the eyebrows will become lighter by half a tone - a tone.

In some cases, after the discharge of the crusts, the pigment is not visible at all. It will reappear before the end of the month.

Sometimes different areas of the skin can react differently to the pigment. Because of this, the eyebrow tattoo can brighten unevenly, and a correction will be required.

The color cannot change completely after healing. It will lighten up anyway. This is a natural process of cell renewal after damage.

Part of the paint will go away along with dead skin particles (crusts) during the healing process.

Is it possible to lighten a tattoo

Even if you did the procedure with a good master, something can go wrong. If a month after the first procedure, the result still does not suit you, do not be upset. Still fixable.

In the cabin

A month after the first session, a correction is prescribed. The repeated procedure will allow you to correct the shape, fill in too lightened areas and adjust the color.

You can lighten the tattoo later. To do this, the master uses a laser or a tattoo remover. Another option is to prick a lighter pigment over the old one.


You can lighten your eyebrow tattoo a little at home. For this, the following methods are used:

  • chemical peels (for example, glycolic acid);
  • exfoliating products, scrubbing, gommage;
  • exposure to bright sun;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution (a few drops in a glass of water, apply for 15-20 minutes);
  • castor oil (apply to eyebrows daily).

What Not to Do

The main thing not to do is to try to speed up natural processes.

You can not tear off the crusts, they should move away on their own. If you try to "help" them, the pigment may come off in places.

It is impossible to paint eyebrows in the first days after the tattoo, so you can bring the infection. It will no longer be up to beauty and the right tone.

Do not try to independently influence the color of the eyebrows within a month after the procedure. They will brighten up on their own. If you take extra measures to do this, the color will be unpredictable.

How to get the perfect shade

First of all, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a master and a salon. Customer reviews matter. Please note that most of the photographs are taken immediately after the procedure, so the tone and pattern is not quite what it will be in the end. It is good if the master has a portfolio of works with photos taken 2-4 weeks after the first procedure.

The tone is selected depending on the tone of the skin and hair. So, for blondes, the ideal color is one or two shades darker, and for brunettes, it is close to the hair color.

To improve their facial features, many girls resort to permanent makeup. The result of such a procedure lasts for a long time, but many girls are interested in the question: “How long does it take for a tattoo to take on its final form?”. In this article, we will answer this common question.

How long does it take to recover

First of all, it should be noted that immediately after the procedure, the place where the permanent makeup was made will be red and slightly swollen. Therefore, do not be afraid and panic. This effect will disappear in just a day. After that, a small crust forms on the surface of the skin. Gradually, it will peel off, but in no case should it be torn off or scratched. Otherwise, you can spoil the work of the master and harm yourself. Today Permanent makeup is a low-traumatic procedure, as modern salons use good equipment and special tools. If you want to find a good studio, then Tatu-Art is at your service.

The healing process lasts about five to seven days, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the quality of care. It is worth noting that during the healing process, the color will not be bright and dull, but there is no need to be upset, because after a few weeks you will see an excellent result. In the end, the color acquires brilliance and saturation. As a rule, a month later, the master appoints a correction to correct all errors and shortcomings. After that, the result will last for three to four years. Some masters advise to make a correction once a year.

How to take care of a tattoo?

Permanent makeup for the first time in a few weeks requires careful care, otherwise, trouble may arise. As already mentioned, you can not rip off the resulting crust. If you disobey, then a scar may appear on the spot. In addition, the color may lose its saturation and the master will have to correct your mistakes. Also, tattooing must be lubricated with special ointments and antiseptics. All products are applied in a very thin layer using ordinary cotton swabs. Permanent makeup in Moscow is of high quality.

Also, experts do not recommend visiting the solarium, saunas and swimming pool for at least twenty days. Not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight. In places of permanent makeup, peeling and applying greasy creams should not be done. Do not use different maxi. Refrain from decorative cosmetics. Wait for the recovery process to complete completely. Some advise using a pharmacy bodyagu, which speeds up the metabolism and flushes out excess particles of pigment.

If you have done permanent makeup on the lips, then be especially careful. First of all, consult with a specialist and indicate if you have a tendency to herpes. Many of the fair sex can suffer greatly due to this infectious disease after permanent makeup. It is for this reason that it is better to use special preparations against herpes.

Why is there no color after eyebrow tattoo? This question may be asked by girls who have recently undergone the procedure, who are still in the process of recovery. Permanent makeup is a great way to save yourself the hassle of applying makeup every day and get great results right away. However, the process of applying the paint, as well as the subsequent period of rehabilitation, raises a lot of questions for many that need to be sorted out in order to get the effect that was expected.

Skin color types for makeup

In order not to wait for the color to appear after healing, wondering if it will match what you want, you need to competently approach its initial choice. It is best to make this choice based on the type of woman.

Cosmetologists highlight four main types, it is they who predetermine the time after which the desired tone will appear.

  1. Winter: the lightest, the most saturated shade will quickly appear here. At the same time, it is easy to fix it using less saturated tones.
  2. Spring: soft, containing more pigmentation, can influence the shade that has got inside the epidermis. The shade is able to completely change, so it is important to strictly follow the care measures, and after the expiration of the rehabilitation period, go for correction.
  3. Summer: appearance is characterized by dark skin, so its pigmentation is small. Type requires careful selection of pigment. The color may take a long time to set, and an additional procedure is often required after complete healing.
  4. Autumn: has inexpressive, gray features. Here it is important to choose the right color of the coloring composition. The selected tone is pre-tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the skin, most likely it will look darker than it is.

Tattoo techniques for different types

The time when the color appears , depends on what exposure technique the master chose to create makeup. It can be all sorts of techniques:

  • hardware;
  • manual;
  • hair;
  • with shading;
  • with different types of lines (oblique, straight);
  • 3D, 6D.

The master, having found out what type, warm or cold, the appearance of the client belongs to, selects the color, as well as the technique of its application. It is important to take into account the density of the vascular network, the thickness of the skin, the age of the woman.

The age criterion is taken in order to hide existing imperfections (scars, wrinkles, stretch marks). The presence of irregularities, acne on the skin of a girl also plays a role, affecting the healing time.

The full manifestation of the result can be assessed approximately two to three weeks after visiting the salon. When a woman has already undergone previous cosmetic procedures, such as the introduction of Botox, this period may be lengthened and the first results will become visible only after a month.

Healing periods and care

The recovery period requires a woman to pay increased attention to her own appearance. The end result of eyebrow tattooing and the duration of their healing depend on how much she will follow the recommendations of the beautician.

The introduction of pigment into the subcutaneous period is an invasive intervention in the functioning of the body, therefore it is traumatic for the epidermis.

The recovery period is divided into four successively developing stages:

  1. Primary healing of the wound surface: secretion of the ichor, redness, swelling, crusting. This period lasts up to three days.
  2. Gradually, the skin returns to its natural appearance: the disappearance of redness, the cessation of lymph secretion, the contraction of the epidermis, a feeling of dryness. Lasts up to a week. Now it is especially important not to touch the eyebrows, not to scratch them, so as not to accidentally tear off the resulting crust. It must fall off on its own.
  3. Lasts up to 15 days from the moment of exposure. It comes after the formed crusts begin to fall off. By this time, restrictions on washing, bathing in the bath are removed. But from visiting the bath while you need to refrain.
  4. The final stage: the period of its onset depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. Continues until the expiration of a month from the moment the tattoo was made. It is at its end that the complete healing of the superciliary arches occurs and you can see the final result.

At each stage of the recovery process, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations given by the beautician.

It is forbidden:

  • sauna;
  • bath;
  • washing;
  • swimming pool;
  • solarium;
  • open sun;
  • sea ​​water;
  • scratching, touching;
  • use of cosmetic products and decorative cosmetics.

It is necessary to comply with such care activities:

  • the use of an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin);
  • soaking the ichor with a cotton swab;
  • the use of healing compounds (Rescuer, Solcoseryl, Bepanten).

After the expiration of a month, after permanent makeup of the eyebrows, it is necessary to maintain a neat appearance of the superciliary arches. Now a woman can and should carry out such manipulations:

  • plucking unwanted hairs that appear outside the eyebrow lines;
  • cutting your own too long hairs with scissors;
  • tinting (when, over time, the pigment begins to lose its intensity);
  • the use of sunscreen cosmetic products to protect the pigment from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

When will the end result appear?

When a month has passed after the tattoo, a woman can relax a little, because you can stop following all the recommended rules. By this time, the eyebrows have already recovered, the result of the permanent will not change.

If a woman sees any errors in the work of the master, or the consequences of her own incomplete compliance with the restoration recommendations, she is sent for correction. Most often, problems arise due to the fact that the woman, on her own, forcibly removed the crust. The result of such actions will be blurring of the lines, partial loss of tone in some areas.

All the shortcomings noticed, the cosmetologist eliminates during the corrective manipulations. If the results do not completely satisfy the woman, it may be worth considering not to go for correction to the same master. Perhaps his experience and knowledge is simply not enough to do high quality work. There is one way out, to find a new specialist, based on the reviews of people you know, and then carry out corrective measures (or complete removal and application of a new coating) with him.

You need to visit the correction in any case, even if the result is completely satisfactory. In bright light, the beautician can find subtle flaws in the pattern and eliminate them.

It should be noted that even the presence of timely and proper eyebrow care after tattooing cannot be a guarantee of obtaining the desired effect. There are cases when the body actively rejects the injected pigment. Therefore, the result is not obtained. In any case, to understand this, you need to wait a month for the tissues to heal and get the big picture.

A woman should remember that the final result depends not only on the skill of a specialist, but on how correctly the client followed the recommendations given to her, as well as on the characteristics of her body. It should be remembered that all troubles can be easily corrected with the help of a correction or a repeated permanent.

One of the most popular questions is how eyebrows heal after tattooing. The result of performing permanent makeup depends on the technique used, the oiliness of the skin, and subsequent care. Immediately after the procedure, the color is saturated, gradually it subsides and becomes half as bright.

At first, the ichor will stand out, so the body reacts to injuries after punctures.


It is necessary to disinfect the dermis to avoid infection. Next comes the crust. Dried particles must fall off on their own, otherwise the pattern will lie unevenly, scars will remain. At the time of healing of the dermis, you should exclude visiting the bath or sauna, you should not swim. The skin can tighten, then it should be smeared with a moisturizer.

After the layer comes off, the lines look pale. This is natural and the color will show over time. Deficiencies in the form of gaps are eliminated during the adjustment. Before going outside, you need to use a protective sunscreen so that the paint does not fade.

Usually, after complete healing, adjustment is required. On dry skin, the pigment stays better. To maintain the effect of tattooing for a long time, you should avoid deep cleansing of the skin with peels in the eyebrow area. After the wires are completely healed after re-adjustment, no special care is required.

How does an eyebrow tattoo heal?


The procedure for introducing paint under the dermis to perform permanent makeup of the eyebrows involves injury, despite the fact that the paint is not injected into the deep layers. Eyebrow tattoo healing, and rehabilitation is long. During this, it is required to avoid swimming, sunbathing, steaming the skin.

Healing by day lasts approximately 10-14 days. Full recovery takes about 30 days, then a second adjustment is needed. The exact period of eyebrow healing varies by day depending on the person's immunity, age, and type of dermis.


In total, there are several stages of healing. After the tattoo is done, the beautician applies a healing ointment. Further, this action is performed at home every few hours. During rehabilitation, it is forbidden to rub the skin and wipe the area with a hard towel. Usually the healing time is 2 weeks. At this time, crusts appear and disappear.

On the first day, swelling and redness are noticed. These body reactions are natural. The shade of the tattoo is too bright, there is a slight soreness. Normally, the swelling should subside after 48 hours.


On the 4th day, the pain becomes less intense, crusts appear. They cannot be torn off on their own. When they completely come down and the pigment appears, you can evaluate the result.

Puffiness should go away in 2 days, however, if it is accompanied by severe itching and does not go away, you should consult a dermatologist. There is a possibility that after applying the tattoo, an allergy to the paint will appear. Its symptoms are prolonged swelling and redness, itching and burning, swelling in the eyebrows and eyes.

Most often, the master before the procedure explains how to properly care for the arcs. In the early days, especially careful care is needed, since an infection can get as a result of piercing the skin. On the first day, blood and ichor are released. This reaction of the body is natural, it protects against the ingress of bacteria. You can not press and rub your eyebrows, because if too much ichor comes out, the paint is washed out with it.

To remove the lymph, a soft sterile napkin is used. Lines can be disinfected using special solutions. The disinfectant must not contain alcohol. Rubbing is carried out up to 6-8 times a day. To relieve swelling, wound healing creams are used, which the cosmetologist advised. To soften the skin when crusting, Vaseline or a special moisturizing ointment is used.


Apply the product with a cotton swab, after washing your hands.

After applying the tattoo, pain may occur. If the skin is sensitive, you can drink an anesthetic drug. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should consult a doctor. Antihistamines are usually prescribed. On the first day after the tattoo, you can not wash your face with water. Do not sleep with your face on the pillow.

With proper care on the second day, redness becomes less intense, swelling decreases. A crust starts to appear. It consists of lymph, blood and leaked pigment.