When should you call an ambulance during pregnancy? Paid ambulance for pregnant women Ambulance transportation to the hospital.

Pregnancy is a time of excitement, anxiety and joyful anticipation, and it's great if your pregnancy goes without a single health complaint. But this is far from the case for all women, since few of us today can boast of perfect health - both general and reproductive, many have miscarriages, abortions, infertility, inflammation of the appendages and many other health difficulties. And if the long-awaited conception and pregnancy has come, then any alarming symptom can disturb you, and severe pain, blood on the linen or other dangerous symptoms can be a reason to call an ambulance. When, in situations of illness in a pregnant woman, can one stay at home and lie down in bed, contacting a local gynecologist or therapist, and when do you urgently need to call an ambulance and immediately call doctors and be hospitalized? If this is your first pregnancy, these questions can be extremely relevant, and women who have a baby who is not the first also need to know what health problems require immediate medical attention.

When should you call an ambulance?

The reason for calling an ambulance can be various health problems, these are various obstetric pathologies that can threaten the normal course of pregnancy and require inpatient treatment. But not always pregnancy problems can be associated with obstetric problems - these can be acute surgical pathologies, such as "acute abdomen", appendicitis or other processes. It can also be exacerbations of a chronic pathology that a woman had before pregnancy and could affect the child and the further development of pregnancy. In addition, it is worth calling the "Ambulance" in case of any serious symptoms that occur during pregnancy and disturb the well-being of the expectant mother, but the pathology listed above is the most common, and women in many cases simply do not know how to behave correctly - wait for improvement condition at home or consult a doctor, or call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Emergency obstetric pathology.

During pregnancy, special emergency conditions can occur that threaten the life and health of the unborn baby and often the mother herself. Obstetric bleeding becomes especially dangerous during pregnancy - this is the release of blood from the genital slit during any period of pregnancy, during the birth itself or after them. The discharge of blood can be of varying intensity - from insignificant, bloody and spotting, to heavy bleeding with clots or scarlet blood. In addition to bleeding, other dangerous symptoms may be present at different stages of pregnancy - pain in the lumbar region, pelvis, abdomen, weakness with dizziness, problems with fetal movements.

Why can there be bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy? There may be several reasons for this - first of all, this is the onset of a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage, this occurs at a time when the fetus cannot yet be viable outside the womb, up to about 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, typical complaints from a woman will appear - the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes even very strong, cramping in nature, the appearance of pain, at first not abundant spotting, and then increasing bleeding. In addition, the tone of the uterus rises sharply, which leads to rejection of the fetus. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance and before her arrival you need to calm down, go to bed and take an antispasmodic - "Papaverine" or "No-shpu", two candles or two tablets.

Another cause of bleeding can be placenta previa - this is when the placenta, contrary to its normal position, is attached to the cervical region, blocking the exit from the uterine cavity. Placenta previa often gives symptoms of bleeding, and they can be frequent, repetitive and quite abundant and dangerous. As such, there may be no other subjective symptoms in placenta previa. The main complaints of women with placenta previa will be spotting that occurs suddenly, without pain and spasms, they can occur and stop for a while, but then they again arise of varying strength and duration.

If any bleeding occurs, the most correct action would be to call an ambulance and immediately hospitalize. Before the arrival of the doctors, it is necessary to take a comfortable and horizontal position of the bed, calm down, put a pillow under the pelvic area so that the legs and buttocks are elevated.

Premature detachment can also occur with a normally located placenta. This is too early, before the birth of the baby, placental abruption due to various circumstances. This condition is very dangerous, especially if more than a quarter of the placenta exfoliates - this can quickly disrupt the baby's well-being and the mother's condition. The main complaints of the mother in such cases include pain in the lower abdomen in the second half of pregnancy, or
during the first stage of labor. There is also hypertonicity and severe tension of the uterus, dizziness and severe weakness, bleeding from the genital tract.

First of all, if similar symptoms are detected, you need to call the ambulance, and until she arrives, immediately go to bed, calm down, roll over on your left side, urinate, put an ice pack on the lower abdomen, do not eat or drink, since in the hospital, there will most likely be a need for emergency surgery. The operation requires anesthesia and it will be better if the stomach is empty.

In case of acute pain in the abdomen during pregnancy or bleeding from the genital area, it is necessary to lie down, this is an indication for immediate hospitalization in the obstetric department of the hospital, in no case should it be abandoned. With heavy bleeding, we are talking about minutes, so they take the woman to the nearest department or maternity hospital and only in a supine position on a stretcher. It’s not worth driving through traffic jams yourself, especially while driving. The pregnant team of doctors on duty is urgently handed over and an immediate examination and operation, if necessary, is scheduled.

If there is a daub?

When bleeding, women usually worry more than when bleeding is not abundant. If small discharges appear on the underwear, women treat them more calmly. In the third trimester, such phenomena can be with softening of the cervix and are not always dangerous, but only a doctor can decide how serious everything is in your case. In any case, such discharge should be the reason for going to the doctor and examination. You can go to the antenatal clinic on your own or come to the emergency department of any maternity hospital, or you can call the ambulance, especially if there is still quite a long time before the birth. Before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to calm down and go to bed, putting ice on the lower abdomen and taking the position "on the left side."

If pain occurs.

During pregnancy, a woman may periodically be disturbed by pain in different areas of the abdomen and back. In the first twenty weeks, pain may occur of a short-term aching or stabbing character in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, which is explained by the active growth of the uterus and sprain, and abdominal pain may also occur due to intestinal gas or constipation, which occurs due to a weakening of intestinal tone. walls. All these changes are associated with hormonal changes. They are mild and do not pose a threat to health. The situation is more complicated with pains that occur as a symptom of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages - they can be aching in nature, as before menstruation, they radiate to the sacral region and may be accompanied by daubing or signs of bleeding.

In the second half of pregnancy, pain may occur due to an increase in the load on the spinal muscles, feet or lower back. But, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back or an increase in the tone of the uterus with the manifestation of pain may indicate the onset of labor and the threat of premature birth. If the pain is not strong, it is worth talking to the doctor of the antenatal clinic. If the pain is intense, blood appears on the linen, immediately call an ambulance and go to bed, take antispasmodics and tincture of motherwort or valerian.

In no case should you take any hemostatic drugs, painkillers like "Analgin", "Baralgin", except for "Papaverine" in candles or "No-shpa". When severe pain appears, you should not go to the doctor on your own or lie at home and endure - this way you can lose precious minutes of time. If you have a doctor's phone number, before the ambulance arrives, call him and describe the symptoms, listen to his advice. But do not go online for advice and also waste time. Tomorrow we will continue talking about emergencies during pregnancy.

The newborn transportation service works around the clock!

Pregnancy is a wonderful time not only for the expectant mother, but for the whole family. Everyone is looking forward to the birth of a child. If this moment has come outside the hospital, then you need to call an ambulance. Why is it better not to transport a pregnant woman in a car? Because childbirth should take place under the supervision of a specialist. Obstetricians will be able to help if something goes wrong. Proper transportation of a woman giving birth is an important condition for a successful outcome, it is a guarantee that everything will be fine with both mother and child. An ambulance will deliver a woman giving birth to a specialized LU with a maternity hospital, where she and the child will be provided with medical care and services. We often see in films how a caring friend or relative takes the heroine to give birth in his car. This is not the best way for a pregnant woman to move, especially if childbirth has already begun. It is better to call an ambulance, which will arrive in 10-15 minutes, than to risk the life of the mother and child. Why transporting pregnant women by car can be dangerous? You don't know what might happen along the way.

Our advantages

We have been working around the clock since 1995!

7 days a week, 365 days a year, at any time of the day or night, we are ready to help you, provide medical care at home or hospitalize you in a hospital.

Arrival of the brigade 5-10 minutes

Our ambulance stations are located in almost every major city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Our time is not limited

Unlike the state ambulance, the time spent with the patient by our teams is not limited. We can spend 24 hours with you if needed.

Only experienced doctors and paramedics

There are only paramedics and ambulance doctors with serious work experience and academic degrees in the MCSPM state, which is why the prices for our services can be Higher than those of competitors.

Comfortable cars

All ambulances of the MCSMP are equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Commission of the Customs Union.

Hospitalization in a hospital

By prior arrangement, we can provide the service of hospitalization of the patient in the hospital that he chooses. Inform your wishes to the dispatcher when ordering.

The best specialists of the International Center for Emergency Medical Care (ICMC)

If the birth starts on the way, what will be the next steps? Of course, if there is no other transport, then you need to use a passenger car. But it is safer for the expectant mother to be transported to the hospital in a prone position, accompanied by a doctor and a midwife. Because in case of incorrect location of the fetus or open bleeding, specialists will provide their professional assistance and save the life and health of the unborn child and his mother. Transportation of pregnant women to the maternity hospital should take place in a specialized vehicle. Especially when it comes to preterm birth or pregnant women who have had difficult births in the past. Hospitalization of pregnant women in the maternity hospital is also necessary in cases of injuries, since any, even a minor injury, can lead to the onset of labor. Even if the injury is not severe, received in an accident, and the woman says that everything is fine, and no visible damage has been detected, hospitalization in a SP car is mandatory. At the same time, in the JV car, a woman should ride lying down or reclining, depending on the specifics of the injury. You need to call an ambulance even if the pregnant woman has swallowed smoke. This can be very dangerous for a child. You need to go to the hospital immediately. Arriving doctors will carry out inhalation with moist oxygen. This is very important for the baby in the womb, because he, too, is a victim of carbon dioxide produced by a fire. A woman can sit or lie on her side during transportation to the hospital, depending on her condition and the recommendation of the doctor.

In case of poisoning, toxins can affect the fetus, so hospitalization is required. The rules for transporting pregnant women in this case are as follows: the woman lies on her side, with vomiting this will exclude the possibility of choking. Pregnant women need extra attention because they are carrying a new life. In an emergency or minor injury, an ambulance should be called. It is undesirable to transport a pregnant woman in a car, because urgent medical care may be needed on the road, and any stressful situation can provoke childbirth. The medical transport has all the equipment to take a rapid birth, and a cradle for transporting newborns. If the need arises in case of complicated births and transfer to a specialized facility, newborns will need to be transported. In this case, it is impossible to transport a child in a car. It is necessary to order transport with an incubator (special cradle) for babies. This equipment maintains the temperature and is equipped with sensors for monitoring vital signs. If there are complications, then transportation of fancy children in a car is contraindicated. The child should be under the supervision of specialists and receive timely assistance.

Warning signs during pregnancy for immediate medical attention or call an ambulance.

During pregnancy, there are often conditions in which a woman needs medical attention. Sometimes, when you feel unwell, it is difficult to know what to do: call an ambulance immediately or wait and make an appointment with your doctor. Sometimes such indecision can turn into serious problems. In practice, there are a number of symptoms that should not be neglected. Each of them can be a manifestation of a pathology in which it is necessary to immediately hospitalize a pregnant woman in a hospital. Consider these symptoms and related pathologies.

Anxiety symptoms during pregnancy

Bleeding- one of the most common reasons for pregnant women to go to the ambulance is various bleeding associated with pregnancy or diseases of the reproductive organs.

Obstetric bleeding is discharge mixed with blood or blood released from the genital tract of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth or in the postpartum period. The intensity and duration of such bleeding can vary greatly depending on the cause that caused them - from scanty blood smears on underwear, to heavy and prolonged bleeding.

They can occur at any stage of pregnancy and when they appear, the patient most often feels general malaise, dizziness, fainting or severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may occur.

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy:

1. Spontaneous miscarriage or abortion- such a pathology can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but the highest risk is during the first three months of pregnancy, at which time, for a variety of reasons, pregnancy is threatened by interruption, fetal rejection begins, placental discharge, which can provoke miscarriage. This is accompanied by the following symptoms: discharge with blood or bright scarlet blood from the genital tract appears, the woman feels acute pain, there is hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus - the stomach “hardens”.

Any manifestations of the first signs of a miscarriage are a reason to urgently seek medical help, and before the arrival of the ambulance, it is completely at rest, do not get up and take 1-2 tablets of antispasmodics (no-shpa, metacin or a suppository with papaverine). With timely medical care, the chance of maintaining a pregnancy increases.

2. Placenta previa- a gynecological pathology in which the placenta is attached to the place where the fetus exits the uterus. This arrangement does not interfere with the normal growth and development of the child, but greatly increases the risk of bleeding.

The symptoms of placenta previa are unexpected bleeding or spotting that occurs in the background of complete well-being after the twentieth week of pregnancy. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, while waiting for the doctors, lie on your left side and try to give the lower half of the body an elevated position - put a pillow or something soft under your hips.

3. Premature placental abruption- "children's place" is the connection of the unborn baby with the mother, if this connection is not violated in time, there is a serious threat to the bearing of the child. The risk of such a pathology increases in the last months of pregnancy, the first signs of a threatening placental abruption are a pain symptom, bleeding from the genitals, weakness, uterine hypertonicity, contractions may occur.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance until she arrives, try not to make unnecessary movements, lie down, put an ice pack on your lower abdomen, and do not eat or drink.

Any, as well as discharge from the genital organs with an admixture of blood in a pregnant woman, is a sign of a serious obstetric pathology that possibly threatens not only the life of the unborn child, but also the life of the pregnant woman. Such symptoms are a clear indicator for emergency hospitalization in the gynecological department. While waiting for the ambulance for pregnant women, you need to stop any kind of activity and be completely at rest.

Pain syndrome

Very often, bearing a child is accompanied by various pain sensations, this is due to physiological changes caused by hormonal changes for bearing a child. These symptoms are not always pathological. But it is necessary to clearly distinguish between situations in which pain is just an unpleasant symptom of a normal pregnancy or a sign of serious health problems in a pregnant woman and her child.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the occurrence of mild pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back - lower back, in the abdomen or in the enlarging mammary glands is considered normal.

Such unpleasant sensations are associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the organs and blood vessels, with sprains, with the restructuring of the mammary glands. They are short-term, not too intense and pass quickly.

If the pain is severe, cramping, does not go away for a long time, has arisen in the genital area, uterus or in the lumbar region, this condition requires qualified medical care and you need to take care of your health without delay.

If very strong pain occurs, it is recommended to call emergency care, and before the doctors arrive, go to bed and take antispasmodics - no-shpu, metacin, suppositories with papaverine.

Headache during childbearing may be one of the first sign of preeclampsia. An ambulance should be called if there are signs of pathology such as severe pressing pain in the temples or the back of the head, darkness in the eyes, flickering of "flies" or multi-colored spots before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure, unmotivated excitement or depression. All these are signs of developing preeclampsia - a special pathological condition of pregnant women requiring immediate medical intervention. In addition to headache, with preeclampsia, there is a strong increase in pressure, edema appears, and protein is detected in urine tests. In more complex cases, a strong aggravation of the general condition of the patient, short-term stunning or loss of consciousness, and the occurrence of convulsive movements are possible. With the onset of such symptoms, it is urgent to call an ambulance for pregnant women. Before the arrival of doctors, the patient should be laid in a dark room, in complete silence, to alleviate the condition, give an elevated position in bed and monitor the patient's condition. If the doctor prescribed drugs that lower blood pressure, you can take them before the arrival of the ambulance.

Surgical pathologies

Situations in which a person may need urgent medical attention can occur at any time and in any place. During pregnancy, the risk of such problems is somewhat higher than in any other.

In order not to harm the child and his mother, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible and try to remain calm.

"Acute Belly" is a collective term that unites a whole group of various diseases and pathologies of internal organs that occur in the abdominal cavity. Such conditions develop very quickly and for the patient to recover, it is necessary to immediately deliver her to a surgical hospital for surgical intervention.

Symptoms of such surgical pathologies are severe cutting or dull pains in the abdominal cavity, their intensity increases over time, in addition, there are signs of disruption of the digestive tract - nausea, vomiting, there may be a restriction of muscle mobility of the anterior abdominal wall, stool retention. In addition to the above signs, the general state of health is greatly deteriorating - the patient feels severe weakness, dizziness, her skin turns pale, sweat is strong and blood pressure drops.

Often there may be signs of inflammatory changes in the abdominal cavity - an increase in body temperature, increased breathing and heart rate.

A variety of diseases, both related to the female reproductive system and related to the pathology of internal organs, can cause the development of such a surgical pathology:

1. Ectopic pregnancy- occurs in case of improper attachment of a fertilized egg - not in the uterine cavity, but in the abdominal cavity or fallopian tube. Such an egg can develop for some time, but then its development stops and spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Such a pathology becomes the most common cause of the development of "acute abdomen" in pregnant women. With the development of pregnancy outside the uterine cavity, a pregnant woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen, there are no regular menstrual flows, vaginal discharge with blood impurities appears. With a developing ectopic pregnancy, complaints can be minimal - mild pain and spotting. An interrupted ectopic pregnancy becomes the reason for placing the patient in a hospital. In this case, a rupture of the fallopian tube or other tissues may occur. This provokes severe pain - there is a "dagger" pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of blood from the genitals. A woman feels a sharp deterioration in well-being that occurs due to symptoms of internal bleeding - severe weakness, possible fainting, pressure drop, pain shock.

2. Rupture of the uterus- such a pathology occurs after surgery on the uterus - caesarean section, removal of tumors, excision of the uterine angle after removal of an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms of such a pathology are a change in the shape and contours of the abdomen, severe pain in a certain place, with palpation, you can feel the edges of the gap and cicatricial changes.

3. Torsion of an ovarian cyst- the occurrence of such a complication is possible in the presence of formations in the ovaries. A cyst is a benign formation in the ovary, which is a cavity with liquid, if the cyst is attached to the ovary with the help of a "leg", then there is a risk of torsion of the cyst, while blood supply is disturbed, blood vessels are compressed and tissue death begins. This causes severe pain, which can be provoked by any physical activity, sexual intercourse or nervous strain. Scanty vaginal discharge also appears, and other symptoms of intoxication may be present.

4. Violation of the blood supply to the myomatous node- if a pregnant woman was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, as the fetus grows, compression of the vessels that feed this formation is possible, this leads to disruption of the blood supply to the fibroids and the occurrence of constant dull pain in the area of ​​​​uterine fibroids.

5. Acute appendicitis- can occur at any time, up to 75% of cases of acute appendicitis in women who are expecting a baby occur in the first months. Clinically, the disease is manifested by a standard set of symptoms - pain in the epigastrium or in the lower third of the right side of the abdomen. On examination, you can notice a strong tension in the abdominal muscles. If help was not provided on time, nausea, vomiting, and a rise in body temperature join.

6. Acute cholecystitis- an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder, it often develops in pregnant women, about 10% of all pregnant women suffer from disorders in the gallbladder, but most often the disease does not require medical attention. In case of exacerbation, the patient is tormented by severe pain on the right side, irridating to the scapula and right shoulder, indomitable vomiting, which does not bring relief and deterioration in the general condition of the patient. In such cases, it is also necessary to contact the ambulance specialists.

7. Acute pancreatitis- Occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. The main symptom of the disease is an acute, sudden onset girdle pain or pain in the upper abdomen, severe nausea and vomiting, and a sharp rise in body temperature.

8. Perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer- if before pregnancy a woman was diagnosed with inflammation or ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach or intestines, there is a risk of bleeding from damaged vessels or the formation of a hole in the wall of the organ - perforation. With such a pathology, there is a very strong dagger pain, fainting, weakness, vomiting with blood is possible.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, in all the cases described above, it is required to ensure the complete rest of the pregnant woman, put her on the bed and not give any painkillers and in no case eat or drink until the doctors arrive. It is allowed to take antispasmodics - no-shpy, metacin - 1-2 tablets. Do not try to make an enema or wash the patient's stomach on their own. It is also not recommended to take painkillers or laxatives - this can greatly distort the clinical picture of the disease and complicate its further diagnosis.

Somatic diseases

Almost every person has certain pathologies in the work of internal organs, and for women, during pregnancy, the risk of developing an exacerbation of these diseases increases, which can lead to complications during pregnancy.

1. Renal colic- occurs when there is a violation of the outflow of urine from the organs of uropoiesis. The reason for this delay in urination may be the formation of a kidney stone, chronic diseases of the urinary system. During renal colic, the patient is tormented by very severe pains in the lower back, the pain is very strong, occurs suddenly and becomes more intense over time, in addition, the general condition of the patient is disturbed - swelling, headache, nausea and vomiting may occur. Before the ambulance arrives, you can’t take liquids, you need to try to calm down and, if necessary, take antispasmodics - no-shpu, papaverine.

2. Attack of bronchial asthma- Provoke an attack of bronchial asthma can be physical exertion, nervous shock, eating an allergen or other reasons. There is shortness of breath, the patient's breathing is noisy and wheezing, she is tormented by a feeling of fear and anxiety, a panic attack may occur.

Before the arrival of doctors, you need to seat the patient, unfasten tight clothing, open the window, lower your hands and feet into hot water. Perhaps the use of inhaled forms of the drug to relieve swelling and spasm.


Even if the expectant mother has been preparing for the onset of labor pains and has been looking forward to this moment, unexpected signs of impending labor can be taken by surprise and cause panic.

You need to contact an ambulance when regular labor occurs or after amniotic fluid breaks.

Regular labor pains are repeated every 10-15 minutes, last at least 10-15 seconds and their intensity and frequency increase all the time. If regular contractions appear at least once every 15-10 minutes, with a frequency of 20-10 seconds, or if the water breaks, you need to call an ambulance, and before they arrive, try to calm down and collect the necessary things.

Check the availability of all documents - an exchange card, passport, birth certificate, insurance policy or contract for childbirth.

While there is time, you need to collect or check the availability of things necessary in the maternity hospital - socks, diapers, pads after childbirth, panties after childbirth, towels, toilet paper. hygiene products, a bathrobe, slippers, a nightgown are usually given out there, but if they allow it, you can also have your own, a notebook and a pen, bepanten cream, drinking water, a pack of cookies and, of course, all documents). To prepare for childbirth, a woman in labor needs to cut her nails, remove jewelry, remove hair and remove hair from intimate places. It is not recommended to eat, it is better to drink some tea, juice or compote.

Before going to the hospital for childbirth, a woman will have to repeatedly use the services of an ambulance. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for this, both financially and psychologically.
Be sure to take care of clothes, as well as some important things. But, it is important to know those moments when you cannot do without the help of specialists.

Emergency calls for bleeding

Most often this situation refers to obstetrics. Blood is secreted from the genitals during and after pregnancy. The amount of discharge may be different and depends on the period of maturation of the fetus. Often they are accompanied by pain, dizziness, often weakness.

Their appearance is typical for:

  • complications with the placenta. In this case, even normally located, it can be separated from the attachment point. Most often occurs in the last stages of pregnancy. Before the arrival of the doctors' car, it is recommended to place the patient in a supine position, do not give her food, put ice on the lower abdomen;
  • abortion initiated by the woman herself. Up to a certain point in the development of the child, women spontaneously, unwittingly, can terminate the pregnancy. Frequent uterine contractions and heavy bleeding are recorded. Before the arrival of specialists, it is recommended to put the patient to bed and give pills that reduce the number of uterine contractions;
  • placenta previa. Often this substance is attached near the exit from the uterus. Blood begins to stand out profusely in the second half of the pregnancy. However, it can begin suddenly, without any pain. Best of all, before the arrival of a team of doctors, put the expectant mother on her left side and raise her pelvis.

Somatic diseases

An ambulance should also be called in the presence of somatic diseases. Most often it is renal colic or bronchial asthma. Most often, damage to internal organs can cause premature birth.

During childbirth

Calling a team of specialists will also be needed in the case when a woman is due to give birth soon. The beginning of this process is the separation of amniotic fluid and the appearance of contractions.

In any case, during pregnancy, one should prepare for such situations when a woman is taken to the hospital. Therefore, all the necessary things must be collected and ready for transportation to the ward in a short time.

When to call an ambulance for a pregnant woman

Throughout pregnancy, situations may arise when a woman needs urgent medical attention. Therefore, she must clearly know for what signs an ambulance should be called, and when you can just go to the doctor.

A pregnant woman may have many times the thought of calling an ambulance, and often it does not even depend on the fact that she has serious reasons for this, but simply because of a bad mood or because something seemed to her. Pregnant women are very suspicious. But it may also happen that on another day, when a pregnant woman is in a good mood (correspondingly, everything around is painted pink), she does not pay much attention to serious symptoms and does not seek help in a timely manner. Therefore, every woman who is expecting a child should clearly know when she should seek help from a doctor, and when this should no longer be expected and an ambulance should be called.

You should contact the obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic if you are concerned about:

Nausea, vomiting and salivation in the first three months of pregnancy;

Frequent dizziness and even fainting during sleep in the last months of pregnancy;

Constipation and heartburn;

Hemorrhoids or convulsive twitching of the calf muscles;

swelling in the legs, especially if they increase;

Often headache and nausea;

Aching pain in the lower back;

Frequent painless urination;

Often disturbed by convulsive contractions in the uterus;

The fetal movement activity suddenly changed.

You should call the therapist at home (he must be told about the pregnancy) if:

ill with the flu or any cold or infectious disease;

Frequent painful urination with fever or not;

Exacerbated chronic disease, which was already before pregnancy.

An ambulance should be called if:

At the very beginning of pregnancy, there was a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and sudden weakness;

There was bleeding from the genital tract, even mild;

Any severe abdominal pain;

Vomiting, nausea, fever;

Severe sudden swelling of the legs, arms, face, or a rapid increase in existing edema;

Very severe headache with nausea and vomiting in the second half of pregnancy;

Headache with visual impairment (for example, fuzzy and blurry objects, flickering flies before the eyes) in the second half of pregnancy;

Twitching of the muscles of the face, neck, upper limbs;

Pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy, a feeling of tension in the uterus, weakness, dizziness;

Regular painful contractions with an interval of 15 minutes in the last weeks of pregnancy;

Drainage of amniotic fluid;

Bloody discharge from the genital tract in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, a pregnant woman needs to go to bed, do not eat. You can drink water or juice. Since you may have to go to the hospital, do not forget to take all the necessary documents with you: passport, exchange card, birth certificate, insurance policy.

A chapter on how to prepare for a joyful event, as well as how to prepare a future father, about traditional and non-traditional schools of motherhood, about partner and home births, about choosing a maternity hospital and when to go there.