Cool congratulations on the day of the tanker. Comic congratulations on the day of the tanker

On the second Sunday of the first month of autumn, September 13, 2020, Tanker Day will be celebrated in our country. It is celebrated by tank crews and tank builders, cadets and teachers of specialized educational institutions.

Send your colleagues, friends and relatives short SMS congratulations on Tankman's Day in verse or prose.

Poems for congratulations on Tankman's Day

I wish you on Tanker's Day
Easy service without problems!
True friendship, happiness to everyone!

Thanks to guys like you, our troops are invincible! Happy Tanker Day!

To the glorious defender of the Motherland - my sincere congratulations on Tankman's Day!

Short congratulations on the Day of the tanker

We have selected for you SMS congratulations on the Tankman's Day in verse and prose. What is the best way to congratulate the Tankman's Day? Choose any greeting you like and send to your family and friends.

Today we congratulate the tankers,
Reliable, most valiant men!
Keep your sacred heritage
Thank you family from the bottom of my heart!

We are calm for the future of the world.
Let the enemies bypass
After all, this is power, might and strength -
Our shock battalion is armored!

There is military equipment in the army arsenal,
With which neither Bentley nor Ferrari can be compared.
Who fought in a tank will proudly tell you -
For the tank, there is a road where the tanker points.

Today we congratulate the guys on the Day of the tanker
And we wish them to hit targets in the bullseye.
Your armor is strong and your tanks are fast.
Let the whole country honor you: today is Tanker Day!

Today is a holiday, Tanker's Day,
Come on buddy, pour three hundred grams
And remember the military service,
His own division.
Although we did not burn in the tank,
We dealt with technology!
Congratulations to everyone with whom we served,
With whom they were friends - they didn’t grieve,
All of you health, guys,
You are the backbone of our country!

Congratulations on the Day of the tanker
And I wish you
Gave money three hundred thousand
For excellence in shooting.
And today is Tankman's Day
A reason to pour white
But do not get into the tank
So that the house does not catch on.

Happy Tanker Day - congratulations in prose

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the tanker! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you that you always have a wonderful mood, that no anxieties and sorrows touch you, that life gives you reasons for joy! Let fate give you many pleasant surprises!

Happy professional holiday! For your contribution to the defense of our country, for your firmness and courage - gratitude to you from your compatriots and love from your loved ones! Peaceful days to you and good health, faithful comrades and devoted girlfriends!

Congratulations on Tanker's Day! Let fortitude of spirit, love for the Fatherland and fidelity to duty be your faithful companions. I wish you good health, easy service, reliable associates, peace, prosperity and all other blessings! Happy holiday!

congratulations on the day of the tanker

Formidable war machine
Relentless Commander,
You wouldn't be in a hurry to retire!
Your uniform is spotless
Saved by the thorny
Honor and valor you are yours ...
Happy Tanker Day!
Be always in line!

Tanker - you are our knight in iron armor,
Let the mechanisms work
We wish you good health and strength,
And so that you enjoy life!
Let there be flowers in the tank tower today,
Let hearts instead of shells,
May all your dreams come true brightly
And happiness will always be happy!

We love you not for cars,
And the power hidden in them.
We love you because you are men,
And your strength is in combat everyday life.
Let banknotes be valued in the world,
And you were born for glory!
You have a special front of work!
Motherland needs tankers!

For such a machine
Almost no barriers
Let the tanker
There will be no barriers.
Let him any
The stranger will be happy!
May good luck be with him
It will be nicer!

Thunder rumbles, the earth shakes
This is our tanker rushing!
He is a hot guy, a patriot in his soul,
The enemy won't get away from him!
We knew a lot of good tankers,
Such as in Russia, the earth has not seen:
We wish you health, strength and happiness,
Congratulations to real men on this day!

Happy tanker day!
We sincerely wish you
Be strong, brave, cheerful!
Honestly serve the motherland!

Be loved and love!
Live a happy life!
Never lose heart!
In battles, win honestly!

Tank - all-terrain vehicle,
He will always find a way
There are no obstacles in his way,
Do not find us bolder guys
Than brave tankers,
Brave guys well done,
Waiting for the parade
Happy tank day guys!

Always on guard
Steel cavalry.
Russia sleeps peacefully
Full of confidence in you.
And Tanker Day again
The country is celebrating.
Happy holiday, buddy
For you, to the bottom!

Tanker's day is coming
Celebrates his country
Our peace is protected
We don't need a war!

We wish that in the world,
Children's laughter rang out
So that everyone forgets grief
Waiting for everyone only success.

After all, tankers are our pride,
Everyone dreamed of becoming
I don't know the word timidity
And the tanker cannot be broken.

Well, if the enemy comes,
That tankers are on the alert,
Not sparing all the shells,
We will fight back the enemy!

On Tankman's Day, let them honor the brave
And confident in the strength of fighters,
So fearless and very skillful,
The most faithful country fellows!

I congratulate you at this hour
May your path be smooth and clear.
I wish you happiness, joy, peace,
The strongest and strongest tanker!

Happy tanker day
Brave and tough guys
Let the armor be reliable
your war horses.

I wish you strong caterpillars
A tank full with a top,
Let every bush on the march,
Each ditch will be a sign.

You are a reliable defense
You are the armor and power of the country,
On Tanker's Day I wish
You do not know the roads of war.

Happy tanker day
Strong and tough guys.
Let life only get better
Joyful and merrier.

Let the huge cars
What a calling you have become.
A talisman will be in life
Protect from troubles and dramas.

Steel horses are obedient to you,
Indestructible, strong armor,
Happy tanker day, through the noise of engines,
I congratulate you today.

Formidable force, pride of the Fatherland,
You are not afraid of off-road
I wish you happiness in life
And save the country from war.

All our tankers know
They are feared and respected.
Will break any reservation
Their big iron horse.
Congratulations to everyone in the helmet
And we wish you success.
To always go forward
And victory awaits you there.
So that there are no obstacles in life,
You serve the Fatherland valiantly.

Tankers are nice guys,
Thank you for your courage!
Are you ready to take over
To inflict damage on enemies!

May you have enough strength for everything
Let health not let you down!
And so that the danger does not threaten,
May God send you good luck!

Happy tanker day, brave guys!
Do not take courage like that,
Brave, brave soldiers -
Mountains of muscles and daring to become!

Let the armor of the tanks be strong,
Indestructible, solid, persistent spirit,
Military bearing, posture,
And also - a reliable friend nearby!

Have you seen an optimist?
Celebrates Tankman's Day.
Brave guy, fighting,
He is a good soldier!

We wish him
Don't be alone.
Faithful to find a girlfriend -
Get yourself a wife.

Tank, like a strong machine,
Rushing forward, like a beast.
Raising you
May it carry you always, everywhere.

May good luck sitting next to you
Gives you loads.
Let fate take care
Young guys people.

We wish you impenetrable armor,
Let the love of relatives keep you from troubles,
Keeps from accidental misses,
We wish happiness not to end!

We wish you strong, reliable friends,
Do not know the fire of steel batteries,
We wish you peace and tranquility
And only training battle!

The professional holiday of tankers and tank builders in Russia is celebrated on Sunday, September 9, 2018. The date is not annual, as Tanker's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. You can congratulate the former and present military personnel of the tank troops by sending cool SMS or pictures.

The Russian armed forces can boast of the composition of their tank forces, and this applies not only to technology. Tankers are the main striking force of the Ground Forces, possessing a powerful means of combat.

Poems, poems and songs are dedicated to their strength and courage, and you can congratulate them on their professional holiday on September 9, 2018 using cool SMS. Tankers are not deprived of a sense of humor, and some of them are not averse to making fun of brothers in spirit.

Don't be afraid of mud tanks
They should fight in the war
And tankers - well done,
All great fighters!
So that the authorities do not scold,
A star fell on the shoulder strap!
In order for the service to run smoothly,
Let the girl wait!

You were, sidekick, a red punk,
The horses were very wet,
And now you're driving a tank
You put on a black helmet!
The whole party for your holiday
We send SMS to you.
Everything is serious: to congratulate,
Respect kidan!

They say that the tank is deaf,
I just don't believe the rumors
I know there are no better tankers,
All such pure souls,
Brave, brave and courageous.
They have an important day today.
Who serves as a civilian,
Congratulations to everyone in the tank!

Funny pictures with Tankman's Day

On the Day of the Tankman, veterans of the tank troops, active servicemen of the armored and mechanized troops, as well as specialists from tank building plants, including designers, engineers and technicians, receive congratulations from officials, colleagues and relatives.

After the war, front-line victories were remembered by parades of tank troops, and now such events are held, but mainly in megacities. The importance of tankers for the history of the country remained just as honorable.