How tall is a 2 year old.

At this age, you need to be more attentive and patient with the child, as your baby becomes more active and strives for independence and independence.

Your child already knows...


83.2-99 cm.
11.2-16.5 kg.
47.5-53.0 cm.
48.2-57.3 cm.
84.1-98.4 cm.
11.4-16.2 kg.
47.0-52.0 cm.
48.0-56.8 cm.

Physical development of a child at 2 years 6 months

The musculoskeletal system of the baby is becoming stronger and more perfect, physical activity continues to increase. There is further development of the muscles of various parts of the body. In young children, the large muscles of the shoulder, forearm, and lower extremities develop first. Further, intensive growth of the muscles of the hands begins. And although at 2.5 years old a child can already perform delicate work with his fingers (draw, sculpt, and so on), you should not overload him too much, since the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the hands is still being formed.

Indicators of the physical development of babies at this age are very individual and different authors give different data.

According to the centile tables of the distribution of body length and weight, average values ​​​​for babies 2.5 years old can be distinguished.

Average body weight:

  • For boys - 12.5 - 15.5 kg;
  • For girls - 12 -14.5 kg.

Average body length at 2 years 6 months:

  • For boys - 87.5 - 94.8 cm;
  • For girls - 87 - 93 cm.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 2 years 6 months

At this age, the will, character, ways of communication of the child with the outside world begin to form especially actively. This is a very important and difficult period for both the child and the parents. It is very important to find the "golden mean" between permission and prohibition.

Motor skills of a child at 2 years 6 months

At this age, the baby likes speed and competition, as he already knows how to walk fast enough, run, go up and down stairs.

Many kids already know how to jump on two legs, not only up, but also moving forward. Holds balance well, walks confidently on tiptoe. Can stand on one leg for a few seconds.

Ball games become more difficult, so the baby can hit the ball with one hand, throw it with both hands from the chest, from below, from behind the head. Can catch the ball with both hands if it is thrown at close range.

He climbs the stairs not only with a side step, but also alternating legs (that is, he puts one foot on each step).

Cognitive development of a child at 2 years 6 months

Kids really like to play with various designers, cubes. Many people love to draw and sculpt. The child knows the main parts of the body (at least six), 4-5 colors, orients in 4-6 geometric shapes (cube, brick, ball, prism, cylinder, cone).

At this age, the child may be interested in playing together with other children in both mobile and role-playing games.

At 2.5 years old, kids can get very involved in the game. Ira are becoming more and more diverse and complex.

Can collect a pyramid of 4-8 rings in descending order (does this after your show). Builds towers from 7-10 cubes. After being shown to adults, he can build more complex figures (locomotive, pyramid, bridge). When playing with inserts, it inserts figures well into the desired holes or corresponding shapes.

After two years, the activity of studying the environment increases markedly, but parents should remember that the baby has not yet formed a sense of understanding of danger and caution.

Therefore, it is very important at this age to begin to explain to the child that there are dangerous objects in the world (the danger of fire, sharp objects, heights, street transport, homeless animals, and others).

Emotional development of a child at 2 years 6 months

  • The child is increasingly trying to imitate adults - talking on the phone, trying to turn on the TV or other household appliances. He likes to help his parents turn on and off various appliances.
  • Subtle and complex emotions continue to develop and increasingly manifest, such as: tenderness, pity, sympathy, resentment, disagreement, longing, envy, desire for communication, joy, pride and others.
  • The kid is able to understand jokes, shows his own sense of humor.
  • The behavior and nature of communication with the interlocutor may differ, depending on the attitude and sympathy of the child. Divides people into "good" and "bad".
  • The baby's emotions are an open book, he has not yet learned to hide and control them. So the baby is very happy if something works out for him, when he is praised and encouraged, and sad, upset, angry if something does not work out, if he is scolded or not satisfied with him.
  • At this age, there is still a strong attachment to parents and loved ones, but the baby can already hold back tears when parting.

Speech development of a child at 2 years 6 months

The child actively participates in the general conversation, understands well what is at stake. From time to time he inserts his phrases and words into the general conversation.

The child's speech is improving more and more, the baby is increasingly talking using simple sentences consisting of 3-4 words. There are still substitute words and simplified words in speech, but the baby already uses almost all parts of speech.

Increasingly, the question “why?” appears in the child’s speech. and your baby is gradually turning into a "why".

Household skills of a child at 2 years 6 months

Your baby at this age should be able to eat with a spoon and drink from a cup on their own.

Can independently put on simple things of his wardrobe and shoes with simple fasteners.

If earlier you showed the baby how to properly wash, comb, brush teeth, wash and dry hands, then at 2.5 years old the baby can do these hygiene measures (except for brushing his teeth) on his own (but still under your supervision).

He asks for a potty, while he himself can take off and put on his pants.

Child care at 2 years 6 months

Nutrition for a child at this age is 4-5 times a day.

The baby also needs daytime sleep - about 2 hours. Even if the child does not like to sleep during the day, then at least just lie down quietly. At this time, you can read (tell) him a tale, sing a calm song. Such a holiday is better than none.

Try to regularly visit the fresh air, at least once a day, 2-2.5 hours. And if the weather permits, the more the better.

Teach your child about hygiene. Wash your child every day in the morning and evening, brush your teeth, wash your hands with soap before every meal and after the street.

You can bathe a child in the cold season 1-2 times a week, in hot weather it is recommended to rinse the baby daily (to prevent prickly heat).

To strengthen the immune system and for the harmonious development of a child at 2.5 years old, a sufficient motor regimen and hardening procedures are needed.

Baby food at 2 years 6 months

At this age, many babies switch to 4 meals a day, and the child's diet is increasingly approaching an adult.

And although the baby is already big, it is still necessary to adhere to certain feeding hours. For example: 8:00 - breakfast; 13:00 - lunch; 16:00 - afternoon tea; 19:00 - dinner. In this case, the last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Compliance with the diet contributes to good digestion, increases appetite, and normalizes the digestive glands.

At this age, it is necessary to replace liquid and semi-liquid food with a denser one (to stimulate the chewing skill). Gradually introduce boiled cereals, vegetable and cereal casseroles, stewed vegetables.

For full growth and development, a child of 2.5 years old needs about 1400-1500 k / calories, 50-60 grams of protein (of which 70% should be of animal origin); 50-60 grams of fat (of which about 10 grams of vegetable origin); 210-220 grams of carbohydrates.

In the diet of a child of 2.5 years old, there should be dairy and sour-milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, curds, mild cheeses, sour cream, milk).

The amount of meat in the diet is gradually increasing to 120 grams per day. It can be beef, veal, rabbit, lamb, chicken, lean pork. Useful offal, such as the liver, tongue, heart. For a child of 2.5 years old, meat can be cooked in the form of steam cutlets, stews, fried minced meat.

At this age, it is permissible to give the child occasionally milk sausages in a small amount.

The child's diet should also include fish dishes.

The amount of vegetables and fruits can reach up to 400 grams per day. You can give garden greens (parsley, green onions, dill, spinach, lettuce).

Babies can already be given noodles, vermicelli, but you should not get carried away, as they are rich in carbohydrates.

To improve the taste properties, you can add sugar, it is recommended no more than 40 grams of sugar per day.

Of the sweets at this age, you can give: cookies, marshmallow, marmalade, jam, marshmallows.

Even at this age, care must be taken when introducing a new product. It is necessary to give a new product in a small amount and in the morning to follow the reaction of the child's body.

Necessary examinations at 2 years 6 months

At 2 years 6 months, you need to visit a pediatrician. The doctor will measure the height, weight of the child, assess whether his parameters and skills correspond to his age. If necessary, he will give recommendations on nutrition, gymnastics, hardening of the baby.

How to play with a child at 2 years 6 months

At this age, story games become more complicated, the baby can perform 2-3 consecutive actions in the game. For example, the doll walks, eats, then goes to bed; the car leaves the garage, picks up the load, returns to the garage, etc. It is very useful to encourage the child to use substitute objects in the game, for example, a cube instead of bread, a stick instead of a thermometer, etc.

At 2.5 years old, a child can enthusiastically play alone. During such games, try not to distract or disturb him, so as not to destroy (not invade) this little world that he created. It is very important for the development of fantasy and imagination of the child.

If it is difficult for a child to come up with the plot of the game on his own, help him. In the process of playing together, the child, as a rule, begins to actively participate and come up with new actions and activities for the characters.

At this age, games in which the child tries to portray various animals are useful. Ask the kid to show an evil wolf, a tiger, a bunny, a kind kitten, a sad dog, a cheerful bird. This helps the baby develop imagination, as well as understand and control their emotions. You can play with the baby in turn, first you guess the animals for him, and then he tells you.

For the development of speech, it is useful to imitate the sounds of various animals and objects (how does a rooster, a chicken, a frog, a dog, a pig, a cat, a cow say? What sound does a steam locomotive make, a clock? How does a car buzz? How does an alarm clock ring? And so on).

Continue to play with your child in educational games and games aimed at developing fine motor skills (pyramids, cups, manuals with geometric shapes, puzzles, cubes, lacing).

Develop his creative abilities - draw, sculpt, make applications.

Teach your child to work, so as a game, you can invite the child to sort out purchases, put things in their places, help hang clothes, water flowers, and so on.

The kids really like the following game: take a pillowcase from a pillow (or another suitable bag) and put various objects into it (a doll, a car, a toothbrush, a spoon, a ball, a cube, etc.). Ask the child to put his hand there and determine by touch what lies there. You can arrange a competition and guess the items in turn.

For kids of this age, many different teaching aids are sold. These are books with stickers, interesting tasks that help in the development of the baby.

If you are planning to send your child to a kindergarten, then from the age of 2.5 it is useful to start accustoming him to the routine, daily routine and diet that is followed in a particular kindergarten. Try to provide the baby with sufficient communication with peers, at least on the playground. Also pay attention to strengthening the immunity of the baby. This will facilitate easier and faster adaptation of the child to new conditions.

Other related information

  • Baby development at 6 months

  • Child development at 2 years 9 months

  • Child development at 3 years old

Each child lives according to their individual program of growth and weight. However, there are statistics that give an idea of ​​what the average weight of children is like. Also, there are recommendations from doctors who offer optimal values ​​for height, weight, and their ratio.

We compared the data obtained by statistical means and the recommendations of doctors, it turned out that they practically coincide with a difference not exceeding 3%.

So, the data given in the table are the optimal values ​​\u200b\u200bof the height and weight of the child. Please note that the values ​​for boys and girls are slightly different.

Table of weight and height of infants by age
Year + MonthBoyGirlMonth
The weight
The weight
Birth3,60 50,0 3,40 49,5 0
1 month4,45 54,5 4,15 53,5 1
2 months5,25 58,0 4,90 56,8 2
3 months6,05 61,0 5,50 59,3 3
4 months6,70 63,0 6,15 61,5 4
7,30 65,0 6,65 63,4 5
6 months7,90 67,0 7,20 65,3 6
Seven months8,40 68,7 7,70 66,9 7
8 months8,85 70,3 8,10 68,4 8
9 months9,25 71,7 8,50 70,0 9
10 months9,65 73,0 8,85 71,3 10
11 months10,0 74,3 9,20 72,6 11
year + monththe weightgrowththe weightgrowthmonths
1 year exactly10,3 75,5 9,5 73,8 12
1 year, 1 month10,6 76,8 9,8 75,0 13
1 year, 2 months10,9 78,0 10,1 76,1 14
1 year, 3 months11,1 79,0 10,3 77,2 15
1 year, 4 months11,3 80,0 10,6 78,3 16
1 year, 5 months11,5 81,0 10,8 79,3 17
1 year, 6 months11,7 82,0 11,0 80,3 18
1 year, 7 months11,9 83,0 11,2 81,3 19
1 year, 8 months12,1 83,9 11,4 82,2 20
1 year, 9 months12,2 84,7 11,6 83,1 21
1 year, 10 months12,4 85,6 11,7 84,0 22
1 year, 11 months12,3 86,4 11,9 84,9 23
year + monththe weightgrowththe weightgrowthmonths
2 years exactly12,7 87,3 12,1 85,8 24
2 years, 1 month12,8 88,1 12,2 86,7 25
2 years, 2 months13,0 88,9 12,4 87,5 26
2 years, 3 months13,1 89,7 12,5 88,4 27
2 years, 4 months13,2 90,3 12,7 89,2 28
2 years, 5 months13,4 91,1 12,9 90,0 29
2 years, 6 months13,5 91,8 13,0 90,7 30
2 years, 7 months13,6 92,6 13,1 91,4 31
2 years, 8 months13,8 93,2 13,3 92,1 32
2 years, 9 months13,9 93,8 13,4 92,9 33
year + monththe weightgrowththe weightgrowthmonths
2 years, 10 months14,0 94,4 13,6 93,6 34
2 years, 11 months14,2 95,0 13,7 94,2 35
3 years exactly14,3 95,7 13,9 94,8 36

How to use the table

How much should a child weigh? In the left column, look for a line with the text 1 year. On the right will be weight in kilograms (boy 10,300 / girl 9,500) and height (75.5 / 73.8) in centimeters.

Weight Estimation

The deviation of the child's weight within 6-7% of those indicated in the table is the absolute norm.

A greater weight deviation of up to 12-14% indicates a tendency to overweight or underweight.

Weight deviation over 12-14% indicates a slight overweight and underweight.

A weight deviation of more than 20-25% indicates overweight and underweight, perhaps in this case a small nutritional correction will be useful, carried out solely on the recommendation of a doctor.

For a more accurate weight estimate, use our or professional centile tables, or.

Growth estimate

The deviation of the child's growth within 3% of those indicated in the table is the absolute norm.

With a growth deviation of more than 10%, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

For a more accurate estimate of growth, use ours.

Adequate assessment of the height and weight of the child

In general, the indicators of the norm for each child are different. Approximately 10% of children will have weight and height indicators outside the proposed assessment range and for them this will be the norm.

The weight of the child should be monitored first of all in order to detect any nutritional problems in time. For example, if a child abruptly stopped gaining weight or reduced it for no apparent reason, this is an indicator that some problems have arisen. Thus, for a complete analysis, it is necessary to know the history of the weight and height of a particular child.

Controlling weight and gain also helps to evaluate the optimal nutrition for the child: adjust to a certain diet, switch to a new mixture, normalize the consumption of porridge.

When assessing the weight of newborns, it must be remembered that during the first week of a child's life, a natural weight loss of 5-8% is normal.

You may be interested in:

  • Ideal weight calculator for adults.
  • How much should you weigh on average for a person aged 2 to 20 years.
  • Calculator of norms of physical development for children.

By this age, many children master the potty, learn to eat neatly themselves. The child can listen to the explanations of the adult, some children begin to ask questions.

Newborn baby

The main thing that a newborn needs is bodily contact with the mother, warmth and breastfeeding. These needs will be the most important throughout the entire neonatal period - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are weight gain from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to keep the head in the supine position and eye contact with the mother.

Baby 2 months

A two-month-old baby is very sociable and mobile: he smiles at his mother, reports his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with might and main, sometimes hitting a suspended toy.

Baby 3 months

In a three-month-old baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Baby 4 months

At 4 months, most children can roll over and are increasingly interested in the world around them: their vision acquires an "adult" quality, and their hands are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month-old baby is preparing to crawl - spins around the navel, rolls. May be interested in adult food. Often the first tooth is on the way.

Baby 6 months

At 6 months, they begin to introduce the baby to new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are just trying to tear their bodies off the floor. Some master sitting before crawling. Many stand up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for it with a glance. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well, can get up with support from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The kid can stand and step over, holding on to the support. There is a "tweezer grip" - the child can now take objects with the thumb and forefinger. Gums and teething teeth need increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many babies take their first steps. The kid is fascinated by picking up items in boxes and scattering them, closing and opening lids.

Child 11 months

At 11 months, many children begin to walk and master the actions with objects that correspond to their purpose: the doll is put to bed, goods are transported by car. Some children have their first words.

Child 1 year old

A one-year-old baby understands and fulfills simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, manipulates with a pyramid, cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child actively and varied moves, knows how to run. Learns to use a spoon, knows how to drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, it almost stops in weight gain and growth.

Child 1.5 years

At a year and a half, the baby speaks about 40 words, the first sentences may appear. Interested in books - looking at pictures, turning pages. Learns to use pencils, begins to master dressing skills.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby is usually already oriented in simple shapes and colors, watching with interest the children playing (“playing nearby”). Can finish the last words in familiar verses.

Child 2 years old

By this age, many children master the potty, learn to eat neatly themselves. The child can listen to the explanations of the adult, some children begin to ask questions.

Child 2.5 years

At two and a half years, children begin to say "I" about themselves. The kid can learn to ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, draw and sculpt from plasticine with pleasure.

Child 3 years old

A three-year-old child can dress and wash independently. Communicates with other children in the game, can follow simple rules. Very inquisitive and seeks independence.

The child is 2 years old. What can he do? Steps over several obstacles in alternating steps, maintains balance while walking on a board lying on the floor. Outdoor games for children 2 years old can include jumping, running, throwing the ball and rolling it down the hill.

Height and weight of a 2-year-old child, data of domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children aged 2 years WHO data

Child care 2 years

Potty training is usually completed by 2 years of age. The kid asks for words or signs, some take off their pants themselves. The pot is used for its intended purpose for large and small cases.

Cognitive development of a child at 2 years old

The difference between objects in shape, size, color:
A 2-year-old child correlates the configuration of a three-dimensional geometric figure with a planar image; imposes on the sample (lays out inserts of different sizes or shapes into similar holes on the board).
Oriented in three or more contrasting sizes (collects a triple matryoshka and other liners after the show).
Assembles a pyramid in descending order of size from four (five) rings of contrasting values ​​(after display).
Oriented in three or four colors; some names; picks up the sample.
Begins to recognize the weight, texture, temperature of objects (heavy, light, soft, hard, cold, warm).
A two-year-old child draws vertical, horizontal, rounded, short and long lines within the sheet. Name what he draws.

Game actions (plot-display) in children 2 years old:
Shows ingenuity: he takes out (catch) the toy he likes with a net from the water. He performs several consecutive game actions or solves the game situation himself after presenting the game material, being in a problem situation (feeds the doll if there are dishes nearby; builds a garage if there are cubes and a car nearby). Uses replacement items. A child at the age of 2 performs two consecutive plot actions with a toy (cradles, feeds the doll; carries, loads the car):

  • at the request of an adult, without showing,
  • by imitation.

Imitates the action of a close adult (household). "Role" does not take.
Constructs familiar buildings for small toys from cubes (fence, house, path, chair, sofa, table, etc.)

  • at the request of an adult
  • according to the pattern
  • on one's own.

The development of a 2-year-old child allows him to play with the same toys next to his peers.

Socio-emotional development of children at 2 years old

Emotional, active, active state.
Well adjusted with independent skillful actions, with a positive assessment of an adult.
Stubborn, demanding the unlawful, insisting on his own.
Dissatisfied, refuses to act on a failed attempt.

Shouting, gesticulating, naughty:

  • if you do not want to comply with the request of an adult,
  • imitating a loved one, another child,
  • to attract attention.

Naughty, angry at restriction of movement, in response to the rude tone of an adult.
Refuses to communicate (hides) with an unfamiliar adult.
She cries for a long time when her mother leaves, when frightened, when offended.
Smiles, gesticulates, looks into the eyes to get the attention of an adult or another child, expects praise.
Shows vivid emotions when communicating with loved ones (facial expressions, exclamations, movements).
Smiles, uses emotionally colored speech when playing together with children.
Takes pleasure in self-pronounced syllables, words.
Emotionally interested in music, singing, small folklore forms, outdoor games, the attitude towards them is differentiated (active movements, looseness, enchantment, lethargy).
Enthusiastic about entertainment, including games.
Demonstrates emotional memory in familiar situations.
He watches cartoons and TV programs for children with interest.

Emotionally anticipates results:

  • own action,
  • adult actions.

Empathizes, sympathizes with a crying child, an elderly person, takes care of animals, plants:

  • like an adult,
  • on their own initiative (rarely).

Emotionally restrained, able to wait a little (after an explanation from an adult). Calmly refers to the instructions: "Collect toys", "this is possible", "this is impossible". Understands the words: "good", "bad".

Speech development of a child 2 years old

Speech comprehension:
Understands a short story (without showing actions) about familiar events (about what he did on a walk).
Answers questions about these events. Performs up to three tasks (take, take, put). "Sorries", "helps" at the request of an adult. Knows (shows) the names of the details of the face (lips, teeth, tongue, forehead, ears, cheeks, etc.) and body (arms, legs, back).

Active speech (up to 200-300 differently pronounced words):
Uses sentences of two or three words when communicating with adults and children, when ascertaining, in requests.
Phrases are not formatted. Begins to use adjectives and pronouns, prepositions, adverbs. Can refer to himself in the third person.
Finishes quatrains in familiar verses, sings along. In two or three sentences, he tells what he sees at the moment. Asking questions. Name the objects in the picture:

  • at the request of an adult
  • independently (comments).

Lightweight words are replaced by correct ones. Gives an assessment of himself: "good", "big", "beautiful". Says: "goodbye", "bye", "thank you", "hello" in individual pronunciation.

Household skills of children 2 years old

Eats carefully, without spilling.
When washing, rubs palms, part of the face.
Dry off with the help of an adult.
He dresses independently (pulls on socks, a hat, shoes (with a little help from an adult)). Partially undresses.
Knows the place of clothes, shoes, dishes, toys. Uses a handkerchief (when reminded). Controls physiological needs.

Every mother knows that after birth in a children's clinic, doctors measure the height and weight of her crumbs every month. Indicators must be recorded in the medical card and analyzed. Thus, doctors have in their hands a clear dynamics of the development of the baby in two main parameters. What is the meaning of these measurements? Anthropometric data of children help to diagnose various diseases and pathologies in the early stages of their development.

From birth, it is important to observe the dynamics of the development of growth and weight of the baby.


Height and weight indicators for children - why are they needed?

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There are generally accepted norms of height and weight for each age. Any deviation from these standards becomes the first wake-up call, signaling that something is wrong with the baby. Doctors determine a failure if, with good nutrition, the baby does not gain weight well. This can be a signal of developing anemia, rickets, diseases of the endocrine system and immunodeficiency. Too small growth can be a consequence of a lack of growth hormone in the child's body. Being overweight with a moderate diet will be an occasion to check the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Each child develops individually, so small deviations from the norm are acceptable. Significant, uncharacteristic for children changes in these two indicators will help doctors not only know about the presence of a problem, but also indicate where to look for it. Timely diagnosis helps to prescribe therapy in time and avoid consequences.

Which tables to focus on - domestic pediatrics or WHO?

Until the beginning of the 90s, doctors were guided by the old standards, which had previously been adopted by WHO, when measuring indicators. At this time, the World Health Organization carefully studied outdated standards and drew disappointing conclusions.

It turned out that many anthropometric norms were greatly overestimated. Based on these data, medical specialists in many countries could draw incorrect conclusions about the lag in the development of babies. The consequence of this was the feeding of children with mixtures, which as a result could provoke obesity.

In parallel with the WHO standards in Russia, the use of domestic schedules was practiced, which were compiled on the basis of statistical data in our country. The data in them turned out to be more accurate and helped to make fewer errors. In 1993, WHO carried out a series of statistical analyzes and updated anthropometric data for children. They set new standards that remain relevant to this day.

Features of the first year of a boy's life

Everyone knows that the first years of life are the most important for the baby. They predetermine its further development. In the period up to a year, the child grows at an incredible rate at which the human body never develops again (see also:). It is extremely important for parents to be responsible for the health of the baby during this period - both physical and emotional. Experts divide the age of crumbs up to 1 year into two periods:

  • neonatal period;
  • infancy period.

The first lasts exactly 28 days from the date of birth, and the second comes to replace it and ends exactly at one year old. The neonatal period is considered the most difficult, because babies are born with not yet fully formed internal organs and tissues.

In the first days from birth, pediatricians pay attention not only to weight and height, but also to the general health of the baby.

These 28 days will be spent by a small life on adaptation in the big world and the final formation of his fragile organism. Pediatricians during the neonatal period pay special attention not only to height and weight, but also to coordination, motor functions, fine motor skills, skin condition, and social activity.

Weight norms for boys up to a year

Age, monthsBody weight, kg
Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
Newborn2,1 2,5 3,4 4,4 5
1 2,9 3,4 4,1 5,8 6,6
2 3,8 4,3 4,9 7 8
3 4,4 5 5,6 8 9
4 4,9 5,6 6,3 8,7 9,7
5 5,3 6 6,8 9,3 10,4
6 5,7 6,4 7,4 9,8 10,9
7 5,9 6,7 8,1 10,3 11,4
8 6,2 6,9 8,5 10,7 11,9
9 6,4 7,1 8,9 11 12,3
10 6,6 7,4 9,5 11,4 12,7
11 6,8 7,6 10,1 11,7 13
12 6,9 7,7 10,6 12 13,3

The smaller the child, the faster he gains weight (as a percentage), and by the first year of life, a boy can weigh from 8 to 13 kilograms (see also:)

The table shows the average values. Low and high body weight is not critical, since it depends on many factors, among which a special place is given to living conditions, genetic predisposition and type of nutrition. When the coefficients strongly deviate from normal, specialists may prescribe studies to exclude developmental pathologies.

Breast growth up to a year

According to experts, the baby should grow by 25 cm in the first year, but this figure is highly averaged. It is influenced by a combination of the following factors:

  • Food. If the baby receives the necessary amount of nutrients and trace elements, he will grow in accordance with generally accepted norms.
  • Heredity. Naturally, tall and large parents also have slightly larger children, and in growth they can add more than their peers.
  • Pathologies and diseases. This factor can slow down growth. As we mentioned above, lack of growth hormone, rickets or anemia can slow down the development of the baby.

If a child has a complete and balanced diet, he grows and develops in accordance with generally accepted norms.

Normal height for a male child under 12 months of age is shown in the table:

Age, monthsHeight, indicators in cm
Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
Newborn44,2 46,1 49,9 53,7 55,6
1 48,9 50,8 54,7 58,6 60,6
2 52,4 54,4 58,4 62,4 64,4
3 55,3 57,3 61,4 65,5 67,6
4 57,6 59,7 63,9 68 70,1
5 59,6 61,7 65,9 70,1 72,2
6 61,2 63,3 67,6 71,9 74
7 62,6 64,8 69,3 73,5 75,7
8 64 66,2 70,6 75 77,2
9 65,2 67,5 72 76,5 78,7
10 66,4 68,7 73,3 77,9 80,1
11 67,6 69,9 74,5 79,2 81,5
12 68,6 71 75,7 80,5 82,9

Child development from 1 to 10 years

Over the course of ten years, a child's body undergoes amazing changes. He switches to a full-fledged diet of an adult, his body begins to prepare for a difficult adolescence and hormonal explosions.

The older the child, the less rigid the standards for his anthropometric parameters become. During this period, genetics begins to manifest itself strongly, which causes deviations from the norms.

Weight indicators

The boy's body weight is a labile indicator that quickly responds to changes: nutrition, physical activity, diseases accompanied by weight gain or weight loss. WHO has created special schedules for the development of a child up to 10 years of age, according to which children must fall into the so-called "corridor" of indicators - in this case, the baby develops correctly.

Weight chart for boys under the age of 10:

AgeBody weight, kg
Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
1 year6,9 7,7 9,6 12 13,3
1 year 3 months7,4 8,3 10,3 12,8 14,3
1.5 years7,8 8,8 10,9 13,7 15,3
1 year 9 months8,2 9,2 11,5 14,5 16,2
2 years8,6 9,7 12,2 15,3 17,1
2 years 3 months9 10,1 12,7 16,1 18,1
2.5 years9,4 10,5 13,3 16,9 19
2 years 9 months9,7 10,9 13,8 17,6 19,9
3 years10 11,3 14,3 18,3 20,7
3 years 3 months10,3 11,6 14,8 19 21,6
3.5 years10,6 12 15,3 19,7 22,4
3 years 9 months10,9 12,4 15,8 20,5 23,3
4 years11,2 12,7 16,3 21,2 24,2
4 years 3 months11,5 13,1 16,8 21,9 25,1
4.5 years11,8 13,4 17,3 22,7 26
4 years 9 months12,1 13,7 17,8 23,4 26,9
5 years12,4 14,1 18,3 24,2 27,9
5.5 years13,3 15 19,4 25,5 29,4
6 years14,1 15,9 20,5 27,1 31,5
6.5 years14,9 16,8 21,7 28,9 33,7
7 years15,7 17,7 22,9 30,7 36,1
8 years17,3 19,5 25,4 34,7 41,5
9 years18,8 21,3 28,1 39,4 48,2
10 years20,4 23,2 31,2 45 56,4

Children of the same age cannot have the same weight (everyone has different genetics, nutrition, physical activity, health), but there is a weight table, in the "corridor" of which everyone must fall

Growth rates

Growth is a stable parameter for the development of a baby. It determines both the length of the body and the formation of the systems and functions of the body, the increase in organs in size. This indicator is considered the best criterion for determining the state of health of the child. A slow increase in the length of the skeleton contributes to a decrease in the rate of development of the brain, muscles, etc.

Indicators for a baby aged 1 to 10 years are presented in the table:

AgeHeight, indicators in cm
Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
1 year68,6 71 75,7 80,5 82,9
1 year 3 months71,6 74,1 79,1 84,2 86,7
1.5 years74,2 76,9 82,3 87,7 90,4
1 year 9 months76,5 79,4 85,1 90,9 93,8
2 years78,7 81,7 87,8 93,9 97
2 years 3 months79,9 83,1 89,6 96,1 99,3
2.5 years81,7 85,1 91,9 98,7 102,1
2 years 9 months83,4 86,9 94,1 101,2 104,8
3 years85 88,7 96,1 103,5 107,2
3 years 3 months86,5 90,3 98 105,7 109,5
3.5 years88 91,9 99,9 107,8 111,7
3 years 9 months89,4 93,5 101,6 109,8 113,9
4 years90,7 94,9 103,3 111,7 115,9
4 years 3 months92,1 96,4 105 113,6 117,9
4.5 years93,4 97,8 106,7 115,5 119,9
4 years 9 months94,7 99,3 108,3 117,4 121,9
5 years96,1 100,7 110 119,2 123,9
5.5 years98,7 103,4 112,9 122,4 127,1
6 years101,2 106,1 116 125,8 130,7
6.5 years103,6 108,7 118,9 129,1 134,2
7 years105,9 111,2 121,7 132,3 137,6
8 years110,3 116 127,3 138,6 144,2
9 years114,5 120,5 132,6 144,6 150,6
10 years118,7 125 137,8 150,5 156,9

Observing the dynamics of a child's growth, it is possible to give adequate criteria for assessing his health.

How does a boy develop from 11 to 18 years old?

The period of puberty for children is difficult: secondary sexual characteristics develop, hormones are actively produced, there is a change in voice, stretching of bones, an increase in the penis and scrotum. Boys gain weight more intensively due to the increase in muscle mass.

Under the influence of hormones, the child does not control his mood. In the period from 11 to 12, the first changes in the body begin. At 13, 14, 15, teenagers are at the peak of their hormonal explosion. By the age of 16-17, and for some only by the age of 18, the situation gradually stabilizes.

The dynamics of the weight of a teenager

The body weight of a teenager should be monitored in the same way as the average weight of a small child. Nutrition during this period should be as varied and complete as possible. The child's body is being rebuilt, which means that he needs more "bricks" for such a construction.

At the age of 11-13, the metabolic process accelerates in adolescents; at 14-16, changes in weight are possible due to hormonal changes. By the age of 17-18, body weight is kept at a set level and may increase / decrease depending on physical condition, nutrition and sports.

The weight parameters are listed below:

AgeBody weight, kg
Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
11 years26 28 34,9 44,9 51,5
12 years28,2 30,7 38,8 50,6 58,7
13 years old30,9 33,8 43,4 56,8 66
14 years34,3 38 48,8 63,4 73,2
15 years38,7 43 54,8 70 80,1
16 years44 48,3 61 76,5 84,7
17-18 years old49,3 54,6 66,3 80,1 87,8

It is worth remembering that under the influence of hormones during this period, drastic changes in weight are possible, up to exhaustion or fullness. With such problems, you should contact specialists, because ordinary diets or overfeeding will not be able to help.

We didn’t have time to look back, and your baby is already two years old. During this time he learned a lot, grew up and got stronger. Now this is no longer a helpless toddler, but a little helper and an independent (well, almost independent) person.

Your child already knows...


79-94 cm.
10.3-15.7 kg.
47.0-52.3 cm.
47.6-56.4 cm.
79.4-92.7 cm.
10.5-14.9 kg.
46.0-55.1 cm.
47.8-55.6 cm.

Physical development of a child at two years

At two years of age, the movements of the child become more coordinated,

The indicators of the physical development of a child at this age are very individual, since they depend on many factors (heredity, race, type of constitution, the presence or absence of concomitant pathology, the nature of nutrition, and others).

At the age of up to 10 years, the indicator of the required body weight is calculated on average by the formula:

10.5 kg (average body weight of a child at 1 year old) + 2 x n,

Where n is the actual age of the child (in years).

Average body weight of a two year old is:

for boys - 12 - 14.5 kg;

for girls - 11.5 - 13.5 kg.

Growth by 2 years is on average:

for boys - 83 - 88.5 cm;

for girls - 82.5 - 87.5 cm.

At two years old, a child should have 20 milk teeth.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 2 years old

The kid is already 2 years old, what should he be able to do and what skills should he have?

At 2 years old, the child boldly steps over obstacles, maintains balance when walking on a narrow board. Eat and drink independently.

Motor skills of a child at 2 years old

The kid runs well, jumps, crouches up and down the stairs, steps over obstacles. Very mobile and active.

Can hold a pencil, knead and pinch off plasticine.

Can make movements at the request of an adult.

Cognitive development of a child at 2 years old

Your baby should already be able to distinguish objects by shape, size and color. Thus, a 2-year-old child can correlate the configuration of a three-dimensional geometric figure with a planar image. Well oriented in at least three contrast values. Can collect nesting dolls, pyramids, caps after the show.

Oriented in 3-4 colors, finds them on request, some can name.

The drawing skill is being improved - the child can draw horizontal, vertical lines of different lengths (short, long) within the sheet. Can tell what he drew.

The kid is becoming more and more smart, substitutes a chair, if you need to get something, he can catch the toy he likes out of the water with a net. It can perform several consecutive game actions, use substitute items in the game.

At two years old, babies are very fond of imitating the actions and behavior of a close adult. Most often, these are ordinary everyday situations.

During the game, the child can build familiar buildings from cubes (a house, a fence, a garage, a chair, a table, and others).

Emotional development of a child at 2 years old

  • During the day, babies are usually active, active state.
  • The child likes (he rejoices) when he succeeds in the intended action, also when adults praise him.
  • Many kids at two years old become stubborn, vigorously insist on their own.
  • In case of unsuccessful attempts, they refuse to act, they may express dissatisfaction.
  • To attract attention, he can gesticulate, act up and even scream.
  • Reluctantly communicates with strangers, may generally refuse to communicate with them.
  • When the mother leaves, she can cry for a long time.
  • Knows how to be offended, loves praise.
  • Actively shows emotions when communicating with loved ones.
  • When communicating with children, he smiles, gesticulates, expresses emotions with facial expressions and speech.
  • Interested in music, singing, outdoor games, dancing.
  • I like to watch cartoons, children's programs.
  • At two years old, the baby becomes somewhat emotionally restrained. So, the child can wait a bit after the adult explains.
  • The kid is already able to understand such concepts as "good", "bad". Calmly treat the instructions and requests of an adult: “collect toys”, “come to me”, “this is not allowed”, and so on.

Speech development of a child of 2 years

Toddlers at two years old understand a short story about familiar events. Can answer questions about these events (for example, what the child did at a party or on a walk).

Can perform up to three simple tasks, regrets, helps at the request of an adult. Knows well the names of body parts, can show on request.

The vocabulary is significantly expanding (in the baby's arsenal from 100 to 300 words). The speech contains sentences of 2-3 words. Begins to use pronouns and adjectives, prepositions.

Can talk about himself in the third person.

Name and point to objects in a picture.

Starts asking questions.

Lightweight words are gradually replaced by correct ones.

Household skills of a child at 2 years old

  • The baby eats everything neater, without getting dirty and without pouring.
  • Can wash and wash hands. Dry off with the help of an adult.
  • Can independently put on simple wardrobe items (socks, hat, shoes, scarf). Partially undresses.
  • Knows what should be where.
  • Knows how to use a handkerchief.
  • Controls his physiological needs, ask for a potty.

Caring for a 2 year old

In order for the baby to feel good and have a good mood, try to observe the daily routine.

So, it is better if the baby always eats and sleeps at the same time. At two years old, the baby is already quite enough for one day's sleep lasting 2-2.5 hours.

Teach your child about personal hygiene. The kid should wash his face daily (morning and evening), brush his teeth, comb his hair, wash his hands before eating. If a child is kept clean, then he subconsciously develops a need for it.

The baby needs to rinse his feet before bed at night, in summer this should be done daily, and in winter it can be done every other day.

Bathe the child at least once a week in warm water and soap.

For harmonious development, the baby needs daily walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, tempering procedures.

By the age of two, many toddlers complete potty training. Children can ask for both words and signs (gestures).

Nutrition for a 2 year old

The nutrition of a 2-year-old baby differs from the diet of a one-year-old baby, but he is still far from an adult diet.

The feeding regimen at this age can be four or five times a day (depending on personal preferences and family values). It is desirable that meals should be regularly at the same time and approximately equal intervals of time passed between meals.

A two-year-old baby should already have 20 teeth, so try to teach him to chew food on his own. At two years old, a child is quite capable of coping with small and not very hard pieces of food.

In the diet, you can add various casseroles (cottage cheese, cereals, meat).

Be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the child's diet, as they are a source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

You can gradually introduce simple spices and ferries (dill, parsley, celery).

Soup should be present in the child's diet at least 3 times a week. Borscht is considered the most useful, although it is recommended to cook it without tomato paste and pepper. Tomato paste is best replaced with fresh tomatoes.

Bread should be included in the child's diet every day.

From sweet babies, you can give cookies, vanilla crackers, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallow. Chocolate is not recommended as it is a strong allergen.

You can’t do without porridge, dairy and sour-milk products in the diet of a 2-year-old baby. Since they are necessary for the formation and growth of the bones of the child.

The child's menu should also include meat dishes. Lean beef, lamb, veal, rabbit, chicken, liver, fish are suitable for a two-year-old child.

At two years old, a child can be given some pickles (pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut) for appetite.

Also, at two years old, you can expand the range of drinks, offer your baby cocoa, tea with milk, jelly.

When eating, teach your child to be careful, make sure that the baby uses cutlery correctly.

Required examinations at 2 years

At 2 years old, you need to visit a pediatrician. The doctor will measure the height, weight of the child, assess whether the neuropsychic development of the baby is age appropriate. Will give recommendations on nutrition, gymnastics, hardening.

At two years, you should visit the dentist. Control tests are also prescribed: a clinical blood test, a general urine test, feces for helminth eggs.

How to play with a child of two years?

The main thing to remember is that a two-year-old child is not yet able to perceive long monotonous activities. All learning processes that develop the lesson should take place in a playful way and should not be long. In this case, a constant change of activity is recommended.

At two years old, the child is interested in drawing and sculpting, excellent! Get for him a set of good pencils (can be wax), safe plasticine, finger paints, an album and whatman paper. Let the kid develop his creative abilities.

Explore new colors and shapes with your baby.

Learn to work and do household chores. Give your child simple tasks: lay out the washed spoons, wash the vegetables, put the pots in the cupboard, throw the garbage into the bucket and others. Don't forget to praise your baby.

At this age, children are very fond of playing hide and seek. Explain to the child what to do. Let the baby hide first, and you look for him, then vice versa. You can hide the toy and look for it with your child.

It is also useful to play story games with the child, games with imitation of everyday situations.

Suitable for speech development: reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes, singing songs.

What toys are suitable for this age

At this age, children are very fond of realistic toys that are suitable for story games (toy dishes, furniture, tools, sets of a doctor, a hairdresser, a shop, and others). The main thing is that there should not be too many toys, it is better from time to time to remove the toys that the baby is already tired of, and after a while give them to him again.

Sets of fruits, vegetables, animals are well suited for teaching a child.

For the development of a child, cubes, pyramids, elementary constructors, manuals on the correct ratio of geometric shapes are needed.

At this age, you can buy dynamic toys for your baby (rolling toys, spinning top, tumbler, rocking horse, and others).

For outdoor games, you may need balls, a hoop, a gymnastic stick.

During the game, teach your child to take into account two properties of an object at once - for example, color and shape. Let them put only red cubes in one box, and green balls in another.

At the age of two, the baby actively develops independence and creative abilities. Help him, encourage him. At this age, it is so easy to discourage the desire of the baby to do something, so do not scold him for minor mistakes and mistakes. He may not succeed yet, but he tries very hard. Praise and encourage your child more often.

Other related information

  • Baby development at 4 months

  • Baby development at 3 months

  • Child development at 2 years 6 months