Which playpen is better to choose for a child and why is it needed. Does a child need a playpen? What is a playpen?

Most parents have a delusion that the playpen is a completely useless and even unnecessary thing. But it's not. Let's see why arenas have earned such a reputation. Why are playpens needed, how and when to use it for a baby, what to look for when choosing? Experts will help us with this.

First of all, the arena is an indispensable means of safety both at home and at a party or in nature. Using the playpen, the mother can not worry about the child when she takes a shower or, for example, is busy in the kitchen. Parents visiting friends or relatives can be sure that their child is protected from injuries, burns, cuts, electric shocks, the risk of swallowing something inappropriate. He will not catch an intestinal disease (not all friends or relatives will agree to disinfect floors and other surfaces before your arrival). Manezh is your reliable assistant in such difficult parental work.

So your child has grown up. He already knows how to sit, stand up or crawl. And you thought about purchasing an arena. Unfortunately, YOU are LATE with the purchase. In order for the baby not to perceive the playpen as an encroachment on his freedom and limitation of research, it is necessary to buy the playpen almost immediately after birth and gradually accustom the baby to it. Your baby should be aware that the playpen is an integral part of his life, and that cute "piece of the house" where he is comfortable and interested in spending time.

It is necessary to start accustoming the child to the arena before the child can sit down on his own. Put the baby in the playpen for just a few minutes and leave alone. At the same time, toys must be in the arena, which he can only find here and nowhere else. Do not give your baby toys from the stroller playpen or other place. After 5 minutes, transfer the baby back to the crib. Do not leave your newborn in the playpen for a long time. Gradually, the baby will understand that he spends certain periods of time in the arena, that his mother has not forgotten about him and will definitely return.

Very carefully increase the interval the child is in the playpen. Your little man should feel that his mother did not abandon or punish him, but left in order not to interfere with his play with his "exclusive" toys intended only for the playpen. For example, in some playpens models, additional play mattresses with a special set of games for your baby are provided. This will only increase interest in the playpen and attract the child with unusual content. And mom (or dad) will definitely return as soon as he has played enough.

Your child will not perceive the playpen as a punishment or a "jail" to get out of as soon as you start putting him in the playpen as early as possible. You will avoid tantrums and scandals, keep a calm emotional atmosphere at home when using the arena in the future for a grown child.

Do not forget that babies are very impressionable. They quickly rejoice at something new, then they also quickly get tired of it. Playing in the arena will help the baby to get additional impressions. He will get tired physically faster and, accordingly, fall asleep faster and more soundly.

Never use a playpen instead of a crib and vice versa. The child must be clearly aware that the bed is a place to sleep, the stroller is a place to walk, and the playpen is a place to play. If the child starts playing in the bed, then she will cease to be associated with him as a place to sleep. Or if you regularly allow your baby to fall asleep and wake up in the playpen, he will no longer perceive the playpen as his favorite place to play. Ultimately, this will make it very difficult for you to put your baby to bed when it's time for rest.

As for the amount of time that your baby should be in the arena, there is no clear regulation. This question is purely individual and depends on the temperament of your child, his character. Some especially active kids can withstand only 15 minutes, and calm children can play in the arena for an hour. But even these minimum 15 minutes will help mom a lot, free up her time for personal and household chores. In this case, the mother will be sure that her child is safe. There is another plus. When the child gets used to the playpen, even if for a short period of time, then you can safely put him in the playpen several times a day - for example, before and after a nap. And never leave the child in the arena against his will: if he asks his mother to hold him, then you can’t force him to be in the arena by force.

Formally, playpens can be used until your child reaches a weight of 14 kg. But if you find that the baby is already trying to get out of the arena on his own, then you should immediately stop using it.

How to choose the right arena

In order to choose an arena that meets all the criteria of quality and safety, as well as suits your personal requirements, you need to understand the main types and forms of arenas.

There are two types of playpens: simple playpens and playpens-beds. You can use the crib function only for the first 3-4 months after the birth of the baby. For example, in the country and at a party: you don’t need to look for a separate place for your child to sleep, you can simply transform the playpen into a bed.

Playpens come in different shapes, but the best option is rectangular models that take up less space than round or polygonal ones. Rectangular arenas are compactly folded into a bag-case, they are convenient to store and transport.

It is advisable to choose an arena with legs to provide protection from drafts. If the bottom of the playpen is at a level of 10-15 cm from the floor, you will protect the child from.

Structural stability is also of great importance. All playpens are equipped with additional metal legs in the middle, in addition to the traditional four at the edges, which prevents tipping. Even if the child stands on the edge of the playpen, his weight will be evenly distributed and the playpen will not tip over.

It should be noted that all the playpens do not have sharp corners, are well fixed, and the latches and metal parts are hidden from the child by special plugs or casings, which provides additional safety.

Folding playpens and playpens-beds are the best solution for parents who often travel with the baby, visit relatives, friends, like to spend time in the country or simply do not want to give up picnic trips.

In addition to folding, there are also wooden arenas. They can be installed permanently in the children's room or living room. These arenas have some drawbacks. First, the child may hit a rigid structure. Secondly, if the distance between the slats is not chosen accurately, the baby’s handle or leg may get stuck between them. Thirdly, there is a risk of getting a splinter if the quality of the wood or its processing leaves much to be desired. In addition, the hygienic treatment of a wooden arena will take you much more time and effort than cleaning a folding arena from dirt. Therefore, in addition to functions, stability and shape, it is worth paying attention to the hygiene of all materials that are used in the manufacture of the arena.

All playpens are easy to use. You will not spend a lot of time and physical effort to expand or fold the arena. Specialists in any store will show you how to do it in 5 minutes.

Be careful when choosing a playpen and remember that everything that surrounds your baby must be safe!

Good day to you, dear readers! Manufacturers of children's goods offer us more and more new inventions. Swing chairs, all kinds of mobiles, transforming beds... What is really worth spending money on? Which products are beneficial and which are harmful? And does the child need a playpen?

What is a baby playpen?

Recently I wrote about how necessary the baby is. And now let's look at the situations in which the arena will be useful or harmful.

This invention is somewhat reminiscent of a baby crib. Only without a mattress and a little wider. It is used to limit the freedom of movement of the baby. Simply put - so that you don’t crawl anywhere, don’t drop anything, don’t hit anywhere.

Usually the playpen is very light, it can be constantly transferred from room to room and taken with you to the country. In some situations, it is almost irreplaceable.

Benefit or harm?

It can be unequivocally said that in the arena there is no benefit for the child. And even there is some damage. However, it can be of great benefit to the mother... For example:

  • mom can while the little one is playing in the arena;
  • mother can leave the baby in it for one minute and quickly visit the toilet;
  • a mother can keep a baby there, coming to the country house and other places where there is no adequate children's space.

However, all these pluses are real on one condition: the child agrees to voluntarily sit in the arena!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how your baby will react to the idea of ​​​​putting him in such a “box”. Perhaps it will be easy to play there for 40 minutes. Perhaps - immediately raise op. Perhaps - today he will play, and tomorrow he will raise an op. Unpredictable!

Therefore, if you are going to spend an impressive amount on the playpen, be prepared for various options for the child's behavior.

And what is the harm of the arena?

Baby care experts believe that crawling is the best development for a toddler under a year old. It is quite natural for a child to explore the world around him, to explore space. And if we limit it in this, we slow down its development.

Of course, it matters how long your child sits in the arena. Ten minutes a day will not give any negative consequences. But still, it is important to use the arena only in extreme cases, when without it it does not work at all.

Active children, in whom the instinct of exploration is very strong, will not suffer because of the playpen. Just because they won't let you keep them in a cage like that.

And if your child is calm enough, be careful with such devices. Passive children who start crawling late, move little, like to sit in one place - they need to be stimulated, interested in exploring space. And do not limit. For them, on the contrary, it is necessary to scatter something interesting on the floor so that they move more.

Alternative to arena

Can be used in place of an arena in many cases. If you need to take a break or clean up for a while, you can just as well put the baby in a crib. There is only one minus - the bed cannot be constantly moved, you cannot put it in the kitchen.

But if you are competent in your house, hang blockers on cabinets, stick “soft corners”, remove all fragile things somewhere far away – you don’t need a replacement playpen at all. Let the child crawl freely around the apartment. What could be better?


Yes, there are situations in which the arena can be very convenient. And there are children who do not resist games in the arena. This invention is not useful for the baby, but it can help out a young mother.

However, no one will tell you how your baby will react to the arena. It is very difficult to predict whether you will use this purchase.

This thing is not something necessary and irreplaceable. Most families do not need a playpen at all. However, you may have your own circumstances. You may not be able to secure the space in the kitchen in any way. Or you have a renovation in your apartment, the house is not suitable for crawling.

In such extreme circumstances, it is better to try to use the arena. In other cases, it is better to buy something for child development and not to restrict his freedom.

Review of the mother, who came in handy playpen:


Pediatricians and psychologists are categorically against the fact that the child spends all the time in the arena. Psychologists believe that it delays the mental development of the child, since the baby is deprived of the opportunity to explore the world around him, and pediatricians complain that the playpen limits the baby's mobility, thereby delaying his physical development.

When can a playpen be useful?

Of course, it is more useful for a child to crawl around the apartment, and not spend all the time in the arena!

But often it is impossible for a mother who does not have assistants not only to do household chores, but even to wash, eat and go to the toilet. Because a baby left unattended can get into trouble. Being inside the arena, the child is protected from domestic dangers, and you can devote at least a few minutes to yourself or household chores, being sure that nothing will happen to the baby during this time.

In addition, it can be used as a crib at a party and while traveling.

What to look for when choosing a playpen?


The height of the arena is usually 80-110 cm. But even a high arena cannot be used for longer than 1.5-2 years, as the child will learn to get out of it.

If the walls of the arena are mesh, then you need to give preference to a pastel-colored mesh, which is less tiring for the eyes than a dark or bright mesh. The cells of the grid should be small so that the baby's finger does not get stuck in them.

The walls of the arena made of wooden or plastic rods do not soften the blow in the event of a collision.

However, do not forget that if you try to protect the child as much as possible from all falls and bumps, you can do him a disservice. Because if the baby hits the wall of the arena and does not feel physical discomfort, then he will not avoid collisions, and someday he may be seriously injured.

In the arena, the child will learn to stand on his feet, so there must be rigid racks or rings attached to the frame in order to be able to hold on to them.


The larger the floor area of ​​the arena, the more spacious it is for the baby, but it is also necessary to take into account the size of the room in which he will stand.

The cover should be waterproof and easy to clean.


The playpen must be strong and stable so that the baby does not roll over with it, trying to get out of it.

If there are wheels, then there should be locks to lock them in place.

The playpen should not be covered with varnish or paint, as the child will gnaw on its edges, and the paint may get into his mouth.

No details should protrude from the walls and floor, and smoothed corners will protect the baby from injury.


Well, if the playpen is foldable, then it can be moved from the room to the kitchen or bathroom, or taken on a visit and travel.

The locking mechanism must securely fix the arena in the open state, preventing its spontaneous folding.

I emphasize once again that the playpen is needed not so that the child spends all the time there, but in order to give you a few minutes for urgent matters.

Reading 7 min. Views 645 Published on 07/14/2019

In the first year of a child's life, every day brings something new. You don’t have time to look back, as a baby, who just yesterday couldn’t roll over, strives to roll off the couch.

One of the ways to provide a safe space for the grown baby to play is a playpen. Who needs it more - the child, or his parents to ensure the safety of the baby - let's see.

Advantages of the arena

Pediatricians do not advise turning the crib into the main place for games, it should be associated with sleep in a child. Yes, and the baby is torn from a boring bed to explore new spaces.

It is possible to let the fidget “free float” around the apartment only under constant supervision, for which parents do not have time. Playpens for kids will help to resolve all contradictions.

Benefits of a playpen for a child

The playpen for a child is something new and curious, providing him with a new degree of freedom.

Mobile models move easily around the house, and the baby can be next to mom in different rooms, even if she is busy.

In a well-equipped playpen, a child can not only fiddle with toys, but also learn to stand up and step over on their own, holding on to comfortable sides.

In addition, the baby is safer here than in the crib. The arena has higher sides, so it is more difficult to get out of it. For a child who is unsteady on his feet, you can choose a model with soft walls, in which the flopped baby is insured against blows.

Benefits of a playpen for parents

Every parent of a small child is familiar with the feeling of anxiety for a grown up mobile child. It is worth leaving the room for a minute - expect surprises, because the crib is no longer safe. If mom does not have assistants, a playpen for her is a great way out.

It gives the mother the opportunity to take the baby while she is busy with the housework. The child is constantly in front of the mother, she can talk to him while doing cooking or cleaning. You can even leave the room for a while.

Possible disadvantages of the arena

It must be remembered that this is still a limited space. And if the child spends all his free time from sleep in it, this will prevent him from fully developing. The child needs space to crawl and, he needs to expand the living space.

Even more, he needs communication with his family, their hugs and kisses. Therefore, even if the baby does not require freedom, you need to find time during the day to play with him outside the arena. Yes, and when the baby is “in custody”, you need to communicate with him. You can talk with him, sing songs, play - for example, children really like to throw out toys and then demand them back.

Staying in the playpen all the time can lead to the fact that the child will begin to protest violently against attempts to seat him inside. A situation is possible when he dislikes the arena from the very beginning and categorically refuses to stay in it.

We can talk about the child's readiness for such a move if he is able to calmly play in the crib for at least 15-20 minutes, and does not raise a roar when his mother comes out for a minute. If he is used to constantly sitting on his hands, then get ready for long persuasion and a protesting roar.

Arena selection rules

Safety, safety and more safety! Do not buy products from local craftsmen, even beautiful and cheap ones.

The baby will spend most of the day inside, crawling, flipping, rocking and even chewing on the playpen. You must be sure that the racks will not loosen, a nail will not come out of nowhere, and the device will not turn over.

Safety regulations

What to look for when choosing:

  1. Inspect the bottom carefully so that there are no gaps in which the leg can get stuck - for example, between the mattress and the side.
  2. Pay attention to the side walls. If they are made of wooden rods, then the opening between them should be narrow enough so that the baby cannot get through. And at the same time wide enough so that a leg or handle cannot get stuck there.
  3. In this regard, walls covered with mesh or other fabric are safer - provided it is strong and of high quality tension. In the case of a grid, pay attention to the width of the cells in which the baby's fingers can get stuck.
  4. Children's playpens should be made of environmentally friendly materials. Pay attention to the paint, the material of the parts (built-in toys, pockets, etc.), lining, mattress on the bottom. Keep in mind that the child will gnaw on everything that he can reach.
  5. Be sure to match the height of the sides with the growth of the baby. Convenient models with adjustable height, in which the bottom can be lowered as you grow. If there is no adjustment, estimate the height of the sides - it is advisable to take it with a margin, “for growth”.
  6. Be sure to check the stability of the structure, because the child will not sit there like a good boy. The arena must resist, even if the child gets naughty.

Types of arenas

Manufacturers offer a large number of models, so you need to decide in advance which variety will best fit into your home.

Classic arenas

The arena-mesh with walls made of translucent mesh has a simple design and budgetary cost. The solid base is covered with oilcloth fabric, under which a soft layer is laid. This is a foldable playpen, it is easy to assemble and carry. These models include the popular playpen babyton.

Arenas made of wooden rods also have a simple design. They can have a height-adjustable bottom covered with a mattress. There are complicated models that can be transformed, divided into sections, changing the size of the playground.


This multifunctional model consists of two tiers. The upper, removable tier is a sleeping place, the lower tier is an arena.

Many manufacturers compose their models with changing tables, additional containers for things (drawers, shelves, hanging pockets), game elements on the sides, mosquito nets, sun visors and other devices.

The playpen bed is very convenient when there is not enough space in the apartment, as well as for trips - for example, to the country.

Arena screens

This modern variety resembles a designer. This is not a playpen in the classical style, but protective sectional furniture. This design is often designed for several children, and may resemble a tent or a house, even an "apartment". In addition to walls, the kit may include doors and a roof.

Such a constructor can be assembled in several versions, each time creating a new play space for children. Models are often made without a bottom, but a mattress may be included in the delivery.

Inflatable playpens

Ideal for a cottage or outing.

Made of durable vinyl, these inflatable playpens are comfortable for babies, easy to clean and easy to store. They come in fun colors and low prices.

Top playpens

It is not difficult to buy a playpen for a child, the market offers a huge variety. We bring to your attention the models that have won the right to be called leaders.

Their common disadvantage is the high cost, but still it is worth considering them in order to navigate the varieties of arenas.

Playpen screen Edu-play BR-7317PCT

Playpen made of multi-colored plastic with an area of ​​116 cm 2. It consists of several panels, including a securely closing door.

Educational toys are built into one of the panels. Elastic plastic and lack of sharp corners guarantee the safety of the child.

Playpen 4moms Breeze

The presence of a hanging cradle-cradle allows you to use it from the first days of a baby's life. Can function as a crib, changing table and playpen.

The bottom is adjustable in height. The frame is made of metal-plastic, the walls are tightened with a mesh. It is very easy to assemble and disassemble, when assembled it looks like a tube.

Foldable playpen Chicco Lullaby Baby

The cozy arena is made of metal-plastic and textile. Adjustment of a bottom on height, one side removable is provided. Playing area 106 cm2.

You can attach a hanging bed for a baby to rest. In addition to it, the kit includes a changing table, a mattress, an organizer for things, hanging toys, a carrying bag for the assembled arena.

Inflatable playpen Bestway 52221

The inflatable frame made of durable vinyl has transparent mesh windows.

The playpen is decorated with funny musical toys. Area - 109 cm 2. To prevent accidental deflation, special valves are built in.


A well-chosen high-quality playpen can make the life of a baby more interesting, and the life of parents - easier.

But the choice must be approached consciously, taking into account all the pros and cons. We hope the article will help you with this.

For the baby, the playpen becomes a new space that he can explore. The playpen holds a lot of toys. The child will be happy to take his old friends there with him and will be happy with new toys. Many models are equipped with special rings, holding on to which the baby learns to stand up and sit down. In mesh walls, it is safer to fall, unlike the hard sides of the bed, which can cause injury. It is difficult to fall out of the arena or get out without assistance. In it, you can be next to your mother, for example, in the kitchen while your mother is cooking, and not be left alone in the crib.

But at the same time, the arena is a very limited space. A long stay in it can interfere with the development of crumbs, which already knows how to crawl or walk well. Even if the child plays calmly and does not act up, you should not leave him there longer than you really need.

Not every child agrees to spend time in the arena. Some children can occupy themselves for a long time, crawl, get up, play, throw toys over the side and demand them back. Others express loud indignation at any attempt to place them in the arena and do not agree to spend even a minute in it. Then this piece of furniture quickly turns into a large basket for toys or non-ironed linen.

Whether your son or daughter will like a new place to play is impossible to predict in advance. If your child enjoys playing in the crib for at least 20 minutes and remains calm when mom leaves the room, he may also like the playpen. If your baby spends most of the time in the arms of their parents and cries as soon as they lose sight of adults, it is better to refuse to buy.

Playpen for mom

If a mother with a child is at home alone all day, without assistants, the playpen can be a real salvation for her. Wash the floors or calmly drink tea, iron the baby's things or look at the Internet, cook dinner or do homework with the older child - free minutes for the baby's mother are necessary. If the baby sleeps a lot in the first months, daytime sleep becomes shorter with age.

Mom can be in the same room with the child and go about her business while the baby plays in the arena. Folding playpens are easy to move from room to room and set up where they are needed. Mom can even leave the room for a few minutes, knowing that the child is safe.

There are a huge number of different models of playpens in the stores, and you can easily find the right device for functions and budget. The compact folding mesh playpen is suitable for a city apartment when there is a need to move the playpen from room to room. A collapsible wooden structure is used when it is necessary to enclose part of the room for the baby. The playpen bed is ideal for cottages and travel. A cheerful inflatable playpen will give a lot of happy minutes to the crumbs.