How to fasten your own bracelet. How to wear bracelets - all the secrets of exquisite jewelry


Try to gently slip your hand into the already fastened bracelet. If it fits freely around the wrist, elegantly hanging from it, this technique may well work - then you will be able to avoid problems with the daily fastening of the lock. But if the bracelet gives in with difficulty, do not try to pull it on at any cost - you can break the thing.

The easiest way is to fasten the retractable lock. Your task is to stick a flat rod into a rectangular part and fix it until it clicks. Put the bracelet on your left hand, placing the unfastened part on the inside of your wrist, turned up. With the middle finger of your right hand, press the fixed part of the latch, and with your thumb carefully move the lock rod, directing it to the open part of the latch. Try to move it along with the skin - so the metal does not slip off. After inserting the rod, press it so that it enters the latch until it stops. Pull the zipper to make sure it is fastened securely.

Bracelet s in the form of a ribbon or ring, equipped with a loop, are fastened in the same way. Before putting it on your hand, try out the lock by securing it several times. It may be necessary to expand the loop for convenience. Unclench it with a chopstick or fingers if the metal of the bracelet is soft. Do not use metal tools that can scratch the lock. If the loop is too loose, squeeze it slightly, otherwise the bracelet will open spontaneously.

Having conveniently adjusted the loop, try on the bracelet. Zip it on the backside stock up. Try to fix the loop by laying it with the connector up and holding it with your middle finger. Move the fastening ring to the loop and, lifting it, put it on its end. You can do otherwise - holding the ring, put a loop on it. In this method, hold it with the connector down.

The most difficult option is a chain bracelet with an English lock. Smooth links glide over the skin, and the lock requires fixing with two fingers at once. To fasten such a thing, secure the free edge of the bracelet with tape, gluing it to the skin. Fix the bracelet itself with one strip, and the lock ring with the other so that it does not move. Use the index and thumb of the right hand to open the slot of the lock and hook the fixed ring with it. Make sure the clasp is closed and remove the tape. In the same way, the bracelet is attached when unfastened.

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Not a single women's box is complete without jewelry and jewelry, among which bracelets take pride of place. A modern girl can afford to have several of these things, because one piece of jewelry on her wrist is not enough for a stylish look.

To prevent this from happening, it is enough to remember a few rules that relate to how to combine bracelets correctly. And the first thing to learn: this fashion trend is not suitable for all girls. If you have wide wrists, it is better to limit yourself to one piece of jewelry that most favorably masks some massiveness of the hand.

If the brushes allow you to experiment, then feel free to get down to business. Here you have to learn how to play. Alas, the general rules for the combination will not allow you to immediately find the best option. The main limitation concerns the selection of bracelets in the same style: not the best solution, it often looks just boring. On the contrary, try to find unexpected contrasts. Choose bracelets of various textures, made of materials opposite in hardness and other parameters, contrasting patterns and colors.

Your own taste and experience will tell you the right decision, so do not be afraid if you make mistakes at first - you will learn over time to catch the line between bad taste and perfection. The main thing is not to give up your hands, but to decorate with bracelets.

You should not combine bracelets that belong to different seasons - for example, it is better to leave plastic for the summer, and heavy stones look brighter in winter. Also be careful with silver and gold jewelry: it is better to leave them the right to dominate your image.

Otherwise, one easy rule applies: the less monotony, the better!

The peak of popularity of accessories and jewelry has led to numerous questions about the compatibility of the elements of the image. Leader among them - how to wear bracelets? Ladies are interested in every nuance: on what hand, in what quantity, for what styles.
Non-classical solutions of bracelets are a separate category: magical, healing, copper or jewelry for legs. For each of them, certain canons of socks are provided, which provide answers to all the above questions. But it is worth immediately noting the fact that, adhering to the rule “what is convenient is fashionable”, many ladies consciously refuse trend requirements, preferring experiments and free combinations. The most tricky question: how to wear a watch with bracelets, which is why the list of “bracelet etiquette” recommendations begins with it.

How to wear a watch and a bracelet: together or separately?

And a watch on the arm, and a bracelet on the arm. What is the best way to combine them together or still wear them apart? One hand or different? The answers are contradictory.

Traditionally, watches and bracelets should be worn separately. The reasoning is as follows:

  1. The bracelet is worn on the "leading" hand. Right-handers - on the right, left-handers - on the left. Since the dominant hand is more active, the bracelet involuntarily draws the eye to the graceful wrist, effectively accentuated by the decoration. The watch is worn on the opposite hand.
  2. Watches and bracelets do not match. A very controversial point, since modern fashion does not prohibit wearing bracelets with watches and even welcomes them. But it is recommended to adhere to the stylistic unity of accessories and choose products in the same color or material.
  3. Opposites attract. A complex ornate bracelet is matched to a strict watch and vice versa - spectacular watches require laconic decoration. Hands are different.

Among the arguments "watches and bracelets" there is often information about the effects of products on the energy points of the wrist, which, with the "correct" selection, are stimulated to the same extent, providing intensive work for both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. If this question is fundamental, then yes - it is worth wearing watches and bracelets on different hands. If not, then as you like and how convenient!

"Bracelet etiquette" is very rich in rules and nuances - each woman decides to adhere to them or not individually. Some of them make you think about the canons of the formation of a stylish bow, others cause an ironic smile. But in any case, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with them:

  1. The bracelet should be placed on the arm freely and comfortably. A product with an elastic band or with stones - tightly fits the wrist, chains or hoops - hang freely, but do not fall. The recommended distance from the hand to the jewelry is approximately 1 cm.
  2. No need for excess. More than 20 bracelets on one hand are no longer perceived as a stylish accessory, but look careless and sloppy.
  3. Sleeves. In the question of how to wear bracelets on the arm in the presence of long-sleeved clothes, it is noted that lush frills and decors on the cuff exclude the presence of jewelry. A strict sleeve looks great with a bracelet, which can be on the skin or over clothes.
  4. Accents. When combining bracelets of different types, one or two are considered the basis of the composition - they are brighter, larger, more effective - while others set off the main products.

  1. There are not many bracelets. Each outfit, occasion or season dictates its own characteristics in the question of how to wear bracelets on your hand. Therefore, the richer the assortment of jewelry, the easier it is to choose the best solution.
  2. Minimum other embellishments. It is considered good taste when a lady wears two items from a set: a bracelet and earrings, a bracelet and a ring.

How to wear bracelets: consider everything

Of course, you can thoughtlessly replenish your collection of bracelets by buying all the items you like, but this is unreasonable and irrational. There are simple recommendations on how to wear bracelets on your hand, which give a general direction of choice according to the style of the future owner, her age and build.

For example:

  1. The older the lady, the more massive the bracelets on her hand are allowed.
  2. The thinner the wrist, the more elegant the jewelry.

The second point is a revelation for many, since I want to do the opposite, but in this particular case it is better not to deviate from the canons. Moreover, this does not exclude the use of precious metals as the basis of jewelry. In the question of how gold bracelets are worn, this rule is more effective than ever. A massive gold item will emphasize the status and elegance of a wide wrist, and a thin thread will look great on a thin hand.

Bracelets and styles

The most important question in a fashionable bow: how can you wear bracelets with office outfits, evening, and other trends. Everything here is quite simple and is based on the general mood of the chosen image - it is strict, cheerful, business or festive.

To make it easier to navigate with what and how to wear a leather bracelet, gold or stone, we suggest learning a few rules for choosing jewelry for the image:

  1. for bracelets - conciseness. Of the shades, it is better to choose strict mother-of-pearl, beige, chocolate, gold, silver, in some cases a tree is also suitable. Forms are calm, sustained. It is better to refuse "baubles", magic items and stones.
  2. Cocktail dresses are good with precious metals. But there is a nuance here, how to wear a gold bracelet correctly! The product must be narrow, it is allowed to combine several jewelry made of the same metal. Silver is perfect for many outfits.
  3. A summer romantic look is hard to imagine without a bracelet. It is advised to choose among frivolous products made of shells, mother-of-pearl, plastic. Different shades and decors are allowed.
  4. Casual. In the question, how to wear a rose quartz bracelet, the answer is simple - with urban-style clothes, selected in a color scheme suitable for the accessory. Almost any decisions on massiveness, decor, material are allowed here.

Other bracelets: from magic to healing

The bracelet is a piece of jewelry. But not only decoration. And not only on hand. Three types of products are distinguished by separate categories of accessories:

  1. medical - copper, magnetic;
  2. magical - shamballa, "mood control";
  3. on foot.

They are characterized by their own characteristics: from "how to wear a bracelet on your leg" to "how to make a Shambhala bracelet yourself." The answers to these questions are rich in detail, but it is worth highlighting at least the main thing.

  • How to wear a copper bracelet and how to choose it. The product must have a weight of at least 50 grams and non-connecting ends. They wear a medical accessory for 12 hours a day, changing clothes from one hand to another about once a month. As the surface oxidizes, the product is cleaned and stopped wearing in case of an excess of copper in the body - a taste of metal, nausea.
  • How to wear a bracelet on your leg. It all depends on how the owner herself relates to the decoration - just a decorative little thing or an element of female sexuality. This determines the type of product. As for the rest, leg bracelets are not worn in business-style bows, with tights or stockings.
  • Shamballa bracelets - how to wear? An original category of accessories with a special energy. It is considered more a talisman than an ornament, and is selected in color according to the owner's zodiac sign. There is an unwritten rule that the bracelet must have an odd number of beads - 9 or 11. A combination of several bracelets created to attract good luck in different areas is allowed.

A very interesting article from YaMa, I think it will be useful to many)

Bracelets are a favorite piece of jewelry for many women. But sometimes trying to fasten the bracelet on your own turns into such torment. What if there is no one around to help? You can, of course, not wear bracelets, or is there still a way to deal with a “naughty” clasp?

For example, you can use a clasp to help hold one end of the bracelet in place while you use your other free hand to fasten the clasp. This "helping hand" costs $10.

Such devices, designed to help in the fight against fasteners, are produced by several foreign companies. They differ in design and price. But the principle of operation of these devices boils down to one thing - to fix one end of the bracelet so that the second free hand can fasten the lock without any extra effort.

This is such a cute little thing that costs $20.

There are also more budget-friendly options, like this $5 “clothespin stick.” But it is not suitable for products made of soft metals - gold and silver, or coated products, as it can scratch it.

These "magic sticks" are also used to fasten the zipper at the back of the dress.

The following attachment makes it easy to fasten your bracelet/watch with one hand. It has a one-way clip to hold one end of the bracelet/watch while fastening. Its cost is $7.

Instead of a clothespin, this product has a hole finished with a sponge and a metal clip. The device is suitable for jewelry that requires a delicate attitude. Its cost is $10.

Another device that plays the role of a "third hand". After use, it can be folded into a box that fits easily in a handbag or clutch. The cost of this "miracle" is $40.

You can also make a device yourself that helps fix one end of the bracelet when fastening, and use it for your own pleasure. For example, here is a hook with a wire loop. The creator of this device spent 21 cents and a little personal time to make it.

First, the hook is threaded into the loop of the fastener, then the ring of the device is put on the finger, and now the lock can be easily fastened with the second hand.

And three more simple ways to help you easily fasten a bracelet that do not require special material costs.

The first way is to use thread.

You need to thread the ring.

We clamp the thread with your finger, now the bracelet is fixed.

And the zipper is easy to fasten.

We remove the thread, and the job is done.

The second way is to use a paperclip.

Unfold the paper clip into an S shape. Insert the end of the paper clip into the last link of the bracelet, hold it with the fingers of the same hand, and close the clasp with the other hand. Then take out the paperclip and you're done.

The third way is to use tape or a band-aid.

Glue one side of the bracelet to your wrist, a little further than the clasp. Now that the bracelet is in place, it is very easy to catch the elusive clasp and fasten it. Don't forget to peel off the tape/tape. Of the disadvantages of this method, there may be sticky marks on the bracelet and irritation on the skin from adhesive tape / patch.

Thank you for your attention and I hope this information is useful to someone!

P.S. The information is taken on the Internet from open sources.

If you know any way to easily fasten the lock, then write it in the comments, highlight it in bold and insert pictures for clarity.

from comments
And I always press my hand with the bracelet to the furniture (the edge of the table, shelf, closet, which is nearby) so that only the very tip sticks out. And with the other hand I fasten the clasp. It is convenient because it can be implemented anywhere, except for an open field.