How to get a Libra man (04/12/2016). How to Win a Libra Man - Tips

Libra men have a subtle nature, are charming, polite, do not like loneliness. Representatives of this sign of the horoscope are friendly and courteous in communication, often making a very good impression on others.

Only a patient woman knows him. First of all, you need to become a kind and faithful friend to him, create a warm atmosphere of communication. The Libra man does not like the increased attention of fans, but seeks to achieve the location of a woman himself, this gives him self-confidence.

No need to be stingy with compliments - this will help charm the man of this sign. Tell me, then, for example, have not met such an interesting and attentive person for a long time. This will help the representative of this constellation to boldly proceed with the further development of your relationship. It should be remembered that Libra is quite balanced and calm. Therefore, you are unlikely to have.

A Libra man in love is a born romantic. With him, you will feel like Libra is able to make a very vivid impression on a woman who will respect and appreciate him. Men born under this sign have a very delicate aesthetic taste, are a little spoiled and even capricious.

Such a chosen one? Good manners, erudition, a perfect figure, tasteful clothes - that's what will help you. In his eyes, you must become bright, charming and almost flawless so that he can be proud of you! If Libra has impudence, rudeness, an unpleasant smell, any insignificant trifle - all this irritates and infuriates the man of this sign. Order, a sense of style and good taste are a prerequisite for a representative of this sign.

The Libra man is very popular with the beautiful half of humanity, because. his actions, in some way, are similar to "female". He can be unscrupulous, easily late for a meeting, promise something and not deliver. If you want to live with such a person, you need to be calm about this, be kind and affectionate, because this is necessary for Libra.

Libra-man how to win such a zodiac sign, because in his soul he is a soft, timid, shy person. It is difficult for him to occupy leadership positions, they require important decisions and high activity. In relationships, he will not be able to become a leader, so he will have to take the initiative into his own hands, even in the field of sexual relationships. Perhaps you yourself will have to imperceptibly propose to him, Libra will appreciate this.

Libra man how to win his favor and live with him for many years? To do this, you must always remain interesting, seductive and attractive for him. Otherwise, any painted blonde with extended nails will be able to take him away, and he will leave without noise and scandal, without hesitation, leaving his fighting girlfriend, with whom he has lived for many years. The Libra man will easily and diplomatically explain that you are people of different categories and it is better to leave, maintaining only friendly relations. In order not to lose such a chosen one, it is necessary to remain perfect in everything. You will not only have to cope with household chores 100%, because. Libra men are not at all adapted to domestic work. But if, despite all these difficulties, you still want to keep such a chosen one near you, you need to use the following tips.

The Libra man is used to enjoying beauty in all its manifestations, so it’s not worth forbidding him, it’s best to praise his impeccable taste. Also, you don’t need to load him with housework, but you yourself remain attractive, well-groomed, or “damn” cute - this will help not only win the Libra man, but also keep him for many years.

Modern girls are ready for a lot to get the man they like in their networks. Often, in developing a strategy, ladies take into account, since he can tell a lot about character, preferences and other useful information.

How to conquer a Libra man?

Representatives of this sign are creative individuals who love everything beautiful and perfect. They are popular among the female population, so you need to know some secrets to stand out from the crowd.

  1. An important rule that should be observed in dealing with such men is that they do not like any restrictions in their lives.
  2. To become close to Libra, you need to remember all the important dates and congratulate him on all the holidays.
  3. Understanding how to conquer a Libra man, it is worth remembering such a characteristic as strangeness in behavior, which can occur in different areas of life. A woman should normally perceive such manifestations of character.
  4. It is necessary to understand and accept his creative nature, so you will have to understand the preferences of a man in music, poetry, etc. Get ready for the fact that you will have to go with the chosen one to various concerts, exhibitions and other cultural events.
  5. Libra loves to be in charge, so it is important for them that the girlfriend agrees with their opinion and does not argue. Here you can use the trick - to agree and do it your own way.
  6. If you are wondering how to find an approach to the Libra man, then it should be noted that such representatives of the stronger sex do not like to be criticized and point out shortcomings.
  7. Women who want to be close to Libra should be prepared that in relationships they will often have to take the initiative and take matters into their own hands. Such men are cautious and rarely admit their sympathy, because they are afraid of being rejected.
  8. You must be calm and consistent in your words and actions. Scales do not tolerate temper and nervousness.
  9. Again returning to a creative nature and love for beauty, it is worth mentioning that representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to see a stylish and elegant woman next to them.
  10. In the sexual life of Libra, experiments are attracted, but the monotony quickly bothers and repels. For them, it is important that the partner was liberated and constantly stimulated, for example, with beautiful lingerie, a suit from a sex shop, etc.

How to win a Libra guy and keep him?

Many in vain believe that after several successful dates, the heart of a lover is conquered forever, since such men are fickle and can drastically change their minds and attitudes. It is important not to be an open book for him and constantly leave room for a riddle. To build strong, a woman must be ready at any time to support her partner and give him good advice.

Many men born under the sign of Libra are interested in sports, and if their woman understands his favorite football team or accompanies him with pleasure to a basketball game, then this will be a huge plus in the relationship. As you know, common interests bring together. Understanding how to win a man under the sign of the zodiac Libra, it is worth mentioning their love for tasty and beautifully served food. Next to such partners, you must constantly remember your femininity and monitor your appearance. If a woman wants to build a strong relationship with a representative of this sign, then you should prepare and come to terms with the fact that a man will constantly look at other “females”, but this by no means means treason. Libra goes to the left only when they lose interest in their chosen one.

People born under the sign of Libra love harmony and balance in everything. The Libra man is a gallant gentleman, an incorrigible romantic. He treats any woman equally with sincere reverence, regardless of her age and social status. To better know how to win a Libra man, you should study the mores of the people of the nineteenth century. The Libra man seems to have come out of that era. He adores a woman just because she is a representative of the weaker sex. Without hesitation, he will let the girl go forward, open the door in front of her, give her a coat, kiss her hand. It is as easy and natural for him as breathing. The Libra man loves fine things. He dresses like a dandy - elegant and tasteful. Let his wardrobe not burst with abundance, but the clothes that are always have a perfect look.

However, not every woman is able to wonder how to conquer a Libra man, and there are good reasons for this. The Libra man is not confident in himself, cannot make an unambiguous decision and constantly hesitates. Therefore, such a man needs a woman completely opposite to him - confident, knowing what she wants, able to quickly solve life's problems. This does not mean that she should be aggressive, conflict, vulgar - not at all - only a reasonable, calm and serious girl will win the heart of a Libra man. Waiting for him to step forward first is not worth it. For him, this is a difficult problem and he can only accept or reject the impulse of a woman. However, her increased attention should not be too intrusive - this can push him away.

This man loves to visit cultural institutions. Theaters, museums, libraries - here he feels comfortable and at ease. Acquaintance in these institutions has a great chance to continue the relationship. The Libra man does not neglect the gyms, but here he is more interested in athletics, acrobatics, and sports, where there is aggression and rudeness (boxing, wrestling), repels him. In order for a Libra man to fall in love with a woman, it is not enough for her to be just beautiful - he is interested in spiritual qualities and inner harmony. His girlfriend should be creative, support his romantic feeling, share his life position. This man is very vulnerable, does not tolerate ridicule and criticism in his address. If he meets just such a woman on the way, he will surround her with warmth and adoration.

It seems not at all a difficult task how to tame a Libra man, but how much tact and patience the "tamer" will need. This man is very fickle, his mood can change several times a day. In the morning he is gloomy and silent, and in the afternoon he showers his beloved with gifts and compliments. His wife will have to take care of all household chores and at the same time remain a sweet and attractive woman. The Libra man is very trusting, so serious transactions cannot be entrusted to him - he will be deceived. He will often have to make decisions for him, because he himself is not able to make the final choice. But he has innate justice and will never leave a person in trouble. His house will always be open to numerous friends.

But he will protect his family until his last breath. Home for him is not just a name, here he finds peace, care, protection. He is an excellent father who will be happy to work with children. It is not difficult for him to go to meetings, take the child to circles and to the section, and this, one must agree, is worth a lot. It is always interesting with him - an excellent conversationalist and a cheerful entertainer - he will be able to lure anyone. With his manners, gallantry, the Libra man can charm any woman. And it remains for her to make a choice, whether she can make him a couple, whether she has enough strength to match his ideal, and whether she needs it.

Are the stars able to help arrange a personal life? Do all representatives of the same zodiac sign have similar character traits and temperament? What to do if you like a Libra man? How to win such a gentleman?

General characteristics of men born under the sign of Libra

Almost all the representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign are easy to recognize by their non-standard thinking and a special vision of the world. They are able to see beauty in places unexpected for those around them, they are rather romantic natures. Spontaneous ideas and decisions are not alien to them. A rich, vibrant life, communication and movement - this is what every Libra man really loves. How to win and keep such an active representative of the opposite sex? First of all, understand for yourself that a person born under this sign will always analyze everything that happens around and his companion in particular. In addition, despite the outward cheerfulness and ease of communication, Libra is very vulnerable and touchy. Want to know what Libra men love? The answer is simple - attention to one's own person, admiration on the verge of reverence. They need to be constantly praised and criticized as little as possible. If you have managed to express your displeasure with the person of your loved one, get ready for a long atonement.

Libra man: how to win and keep?

Despite all their selfishness, men of this sign prefer women who want to admire. A life partner must not only be beautiful, but also be fluent in several unusual skills and talents. Get ready for the fact that the Libra man will be proud of his relationship with you and brag at every step, of course, if you manage to convince him of your own uniqueness. Be prepared that an interesting interlocutor and a gallant gentleman will eventually show himself not from the best side. Libra men are prone to involuntary mood swings, bouts of apathy, or even manifestations of aggression. In such situations, the best solution for a woman is to remain calm and supportive. Such a strategy is sure to be appreciated by any Libra man in love. If it came to an open confrontation, and there was a verbal conflict - do not take it to heart. Men under this sign in the heat of the moment can say a lot of unnecessary things and take their words back in half an hour.

What will be the relationship with a man born under the sign of Libra?

Decide for yourself whether to be happy or upset if you think that your destiny is a Libra man. How to win it, you already know, but what to prepare for later? Keeping it will not be so difficult, Libra does not like change and does not tolerate loneliness. However, the desire to amuse his pride and feel freedom sooner or later can push him to betrayal. However, even having a mistress on the side, the Libra man is unlikely to destroy the family on his own. The end of the relationship is very difficult for them, even if both parties have no interest, and the woman takes the initiative, Libra will try to find a way to make peace and fix everything to the last. However, in exceptional cases, representatives of this sign really make good husbands - this is rather a matter of compatibility.

Let's look at the next sign of the Zodiac and find out what astrologers and psychologists answer the question "How to please a Libra man?" Are you in love with such a man? Well, no wonder: this is a charming and incredibly attractive man in every way! A man striving for absolute harmony in everything, an esthete and a lover of beauty. Charming women with his behavior and appearance, a magician in bed and a subtle diplomat who knows how to find an approach to any young lady, regardless of her age .. Yes, he is the Libra man. You didn’t even notice how after meeting him you managed to fall in love? No wonder - such is the amazing property of Libra men: voluntarily or involuntarily, fall in love with the fairer sex.

Since this happened, we begin to look for the key to his heart.

To please him, you must first study his character, find out what attracts him in women and what he does not like. Let's take a closer look at the Libra man and try to understand him.

In truth, the Libra man himself does not know what kind of woman he needs - today he likes one, tomorrow others .. So everyone has a chance. It's a good news. There is also a bad one - you will never be sure that if he likes him today, he will not dislike him tomorrow. Such they have, Libra has a rebellious nature, constantly subject to doubts and disappointments. Because of this, indecisive and fickle. In general, if you deal with a Libra man, get ready for his eternal hesitation in making decisions. No wonder the symbol of this sign is Libra.

But if such a man is in love, be sure that the “victim” will not even have time to come to his senses, as he will be entangled in a web woven by Libra, from which it will be almost impossible to get out!

Libra Man

they know how to get others to do what is beneficial to them. And so diplomatically that people do not even understand how it works! They naively believe that Libra is very easy to control and are surprised to find out after a while that they themselves “dance to the tune” of Libra.

Libra men are incredible aesthetes!

They look for beauty in everything around them. Therefore, most of them are artists, sculptors, musicians, designers. And at home everything is very beautiful and clean, which delights the guests.

internal struggle

with himself does not allow Libra to make decisions quickly and is the cause of low self-esteem. But he carefully hides these internal throwings from those around him and shares his doubts only with his closest friends. Which he has very, very little. There are plenty of friends, acquaintances, but he is close to only a few of them.

Not forgiving yourself for your own mistakes

Libra man does not forgive them and others. And all because of the overestimation of others, from relatives to lovers.

Libra hates injustice in any manifestation, they have a very thin, vulnerable soul. Which, by the way, often leads them to same-sex love. But they carefully hide such an attraction, fearing the condemnation of others, on whose opinion they are very dependent.

What woman do these men first of all pay attention to?

The appearance of a woman

Libra is not indifferent to the external beauty of a woman. Moreover, clothing plays a secondary role. With great pleasure, the Libra man will get acquainted with a stylishly dressed woman, but if in front of him is a beauty with an excellent figure, but not dressed fashionably and not stylishly, he will still “bite” on her. If only there was no search in appearance towards kitsch and excessive brightness. Pastel calm colors are most preferable. Well-groomed skin of the face and hands, clean hair with a neat hairstyle, beautiful manicure and healthy teeth - this is quite enough to arouse Libra's primary interest.


Libra men hate rudeness in any of its manifestations. Foul language, rude manners, inability to stay at the table are repulsive to such men. He will not stop communicating with you, but you will forever remain just an acquaintance for him. Forget about love.
He also does not tolerate any coercion in relation to himself, he reacts to it extremely painfully.


Any new woman for a Libra man will always be the “first” (despite the fact that in reality she may be the 300th in a row!) You will have to patiently wait until you have passed the romantic period of courtship that he will impose on you. Flowers, sweets, timid first kisses ... The Libra man rarely immediately “drags” the young lady to bed, he himself needs to plunge into the beauty of courtship. Whether that's good or bad for you is up to you. In any case, do not rush him, everything will be in due time.


How to please a Libra man? Show maximum tact in relation to him and to his entire world order, try to fit into the world he built without violating its harmony. Become not just a partner, but a like-minded person for him. The friend he misses so much. Do not get tired of praising his merits, but at the same time forget about any criticism of him. Libras hate it when someone criticizes (even rightly!) their actions or decisions. They also do not like it if a woman is superior to them in some way.

Tip: never under any circumstances criticize Libra's mother. They do not forgive anyone for this. And even if such criticism does not lead to a break in relations (which is more than likely!), then Libra will ALWAYS remember it. Even after many many years, when the mother herself passes away .. Better find out more about Libra's mother and copy something from her. By demonstrating this to your man later, you will multiply the chances of strengthening a serious and long-term relationship with him!

Be patient and restrained

Accept the fact that the Libra man knows the answers to all questions and has his own (of course, the only correct!) Opinion on any situation in life. This is due to his constant desire for harmony in everything, in search of a rational grain and logic. And do not try to convince him (see the previous tip), just put up with it. And agree with him when he, in a tone that brooks no objection, will indicate to you in which particular dress you will accompany him to the next party with friends.

beauty in everything

Libra cannot live without the beauty around them. Everything around them should be pleasing to the eye. Get used to seeing only the beautiful in everything, well, meet these criteria yourself. No chipped cups, no darned clothes, no mess in the house. A woman chosen as a companion by Libra, in their opinion, should caress her eyes even after waking up after a stormy night of love with him and while maintaining unsmeared makeup on her face and hairstyle on her head.

Looseness in sex

There is probably no more experienced and sensual lover than the Libra man! He loves sex, deifies it and is ready to experiment endlessly in search of the perfect sex. This is still the same constant search for harmony and ideal, in which Libra has been all his life. So a long bright intimate relationship with him is definitely guaranteed to you until the very old age and without any Viagra. From their partner, Libra expects a complete understanding of their desire for experiments and new proposals in love games. Boring monotonous sex will quickly lead to the fact that Libra will easily find satisfaction in their craving for new sensations on the side. So do not be shy and plunge headlong into any carnal pleasures with the Libra man. By the way, BDSM and other perversions Libra does not accept. But Libra welcomes beautiful sexy lingerie with indescribable delight!

How to please a Libra man. Conclusion

The last thing you can advise a woman who dreams of a strong long-term union with a Libra man is to forget about jealousy ... Men of this sign have been looking for the only one who will fully correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal woman all his life. Do not be surprised and do not be indignant when you learn that before you he had several dozen (and often hundreds!) Relationships with other women. He seeks and does not find, since it is unlikely that there is a woman in nature, knowing whom he will exclaim: “Stop, moment! You are wonderful! .. He can even maintain friendly relations with all his "ex", without thinking about new intimate relationships with them. And the women who used to be next to him never take offense at the fact that they had to leave - Libra is so charming and tactful, even when parting. So do not be jealous, but try to make him perceive you, albeit not as an absolutely ideal woman, but very, very close to this very ideal. Then no new women will interest him.

Want to make sure you can build a serious relationship with him? Come in.
I wish you success and I believe that everything will work out for you!

As always, I propose to laugh at the end of the article:

“Two mice met in the forest:
-Hi friend!
-Hi! Are you so joyful?
- Met a new guy!
-Congratulations! And what is he like?
- Oh, he's so handsome! The coat is smooth, gray, the eyes are black, the antennae are such .. the paws are tender, the wings are behind ...
-Stop! What are the wings on the back?
- Well, such big, leather ..
- What are you, girlfriend, quite already? It's a bat!
-What are you doing!? Here is the goat! And he lied to me that he was a pilot! ... "

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