How to straighten your hair with an iron for a long time. How to straighten your hair with a flat iron

In order to reduce the possible aggressive impact, it is necessary to choose the right iron. The most important thing is the material from which its plates are made. The safety of hair straightening depends on this directly.

Metal plates severely damage hair, so you can use such a device no more than four times a month, it is impossible to use it every day.

Ceramic plates are more gentle on hair. Irons with such a coating are considered good for home use and belong to the middle price category.

The highest quality, practically not harmful to the health of the hair, are plates with tourmaline and ion-ceramic coating. Such devices are considered professional and therefore they are more expensive.

It is very convenient if the iron has a temperature controller, because hair of different lengths should be straightened at different temperatures. Bangs - at a gentle temperature, the rest of the hair - at a higher temperature.

Features of straightening hair with an iron

More than twice a week, thermal hair straightening is dangerous. You can damage the structure of the hair very much, and they will become faded and begin to thin.

It is very useful to use special thermal protectants designed to protect the hair, especially if it is dry and brittle.

In order to create a voluminous hairstyle, it is necessary to straighten only the outer strands and ends of the hair. In this case, the volume is preserved and smoothness is given to the hair.

Wash your hair before straightening, as dirt and residue from styling products will harden your hair, which is very unhealthy. If there is no opportunity to wash your hair, then the temperature regime should be chosen as minimal as possible.

It is not recommended to straighten wet hair, while it is damaged and instead of smooth and silky hair, lifeless and thinned hair will turn out. When using heat protectants, you need to wait until they are completely dry or dry them with a hairdryer.

Hair should be straightened by dividing it into small strands in width, equal to the width of the iron. The smaller the strand, the better the effect.

You should not keep the iron in one place for a long time, the risk of burning your hair is very high. A few smooth movements from top to bottom are enough. After you can use varnish to fix the result.

If the hair is still damaged, you need to stop using the iron for a while and carry out therapy with various restorative hair masks.

An iron is a universal hairdressing tool: with its help, you can both curl your hair and straighten it, but you need to do it correctly.

How to straighten your hair: where to start

The path to straight strands begins in the store. Here is a small list of things that will come in handy for an effective procedure.

Balm or mask

If your hair is curly, be sure to use a special leveling balm. It is applied to wet curls and immediately washed off with water.

The mask will have to be held longer (the duration of action depends on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the product), but the hair will also be more deeply saturated with useful substances.

Preliminary procedures are necessary in order for the styling effect to be preserved for a long time. This is especially true with high humidity.

Sprays and mousses

They will help straighten curls and special sprays. They are applied immediately before the procedure. Some products contain additional thermal protection, while others simply smooth out frizz.

The main advantage of mousses is protection from getting wet. Wet hair immediately regains its former shape, so it is important to keep it dry.


It is difficult to completely straighten curls using only a comb with a hairdryer. However, using brushing while drying will make it much easier to work with the iron later on.

Pry the strands with a comb and “pull” from top to bottom. In the same direction, blow a stream of warm air from a hair dryer.

Choose brushes with natural bristles, they are most effective when straightening.

Hairpins or rubber bands

When straightening your hair yourself, you will need to divide it into several parts. To fix the curls, use small crabs or small elastic bands.


How successful straightening with an iron will be depends largely on the tool itself.

If you are just going to buy it, pay attention to the coating of the working surface, the presence of protection against overheating and the overall convenience of the design.

The most popular material for heating plates is ceramics.

Devices with additional coating are more expensive, but, for example, silver ions will make the strands smoother and shinier.

Flat ironing: choosing a heat protectant

Whatever material you choose, avoiding overheating is quite difficult, so thermal protectants are needed for any styling, especially for straightening with an iron. They are shared:

According to the method of application:

  • Needs to be washed off with water

Thermal protection can be included in your shampoo, conditioner or conditioner. Vitamins E and B5 protect the hair from overheating. Protein and green tea extract also help a lot.

If your cosmetics already contain such nutrients, you can not use additional products.

  • No need to rinse

How to straighten curly hair

The more curls curl, the longer it will take to warm them up. Accordingly, you will need a stronger remedy, such as a mask or nourishing serum. To even out small curls, you can get by with a light spray.

How to straighten your hair with an iron: step by step instructions

To simplify your task and get the desired result, proceed in stages:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo;
  • Apply a balm or mask and rinse thoroughly with water after the end of the procedure;
  • Dry the curls well with a towel;
  • Apply straightening aids (mousses, sprays, etc.) and thermal protection;
  • Dry the strands completely with a hair dryer (use brushing!);
  • Divide the hair into two parts - upper and lower (if its volume is large enough, increase the number of parts to 3-4);
  • Pin the upper part with a hairpin, carefully comb the bottom;
  • Separate a small strand from any side convenient for you and process it with an iron until it is completely straightened (run the heated plates several times along the strand from top to bottom). Continue the procedure with each subsequent curl;
  • When the bottom row is finished, carefully gather it with an elastic band and unravel the top row;
  • Repeat all for the next row;
  • Use a strong hold hairspray to keep your style in place for a long time.

How to straighten your hair with a flat iron without damaging it

Even with the use of all the proposed means, sooner or later, the use of ironing will have a negative impact on the hair.

You can determine if the hair is damaged by the condition of their tips. Having found an unpleasant phenomenon, go to your hairdresser for an extraordinary haircut. You should not regret it - forked ends spoil the appearance of the styling.

To delay going to the salon for as long as possible, read the recommendations on what not to do when straightening with an iron:

  • Do not straighten your curls more than twice a week. Frequent use of the flat iron can lead to brittle and dry hair;
  • If you have a thermostat, do not switch it above the 120 degree mark;
  • Do not hold the iron in one place for more than 2-3 seconds, move smoothly along the strand with the same intensity;
  • If you're using Teflon or metal-coated flat irons, steer clear of any cosmetics that won't wash off with water. Otherwise, the tool will quickly become dirty and become unusable;
  • Do not style on dirty curls: heating plates can become greasy and work worse;
  • Do not use the iron on damp or wet strands (with the exception of special models of the tool with a built-in drying system). You risk damaging their structure and burning your scalp.

Proper straightening of the curls will not only create a new image, but also give the hair a healthy look. Under the influence of an iron (with a properly selected coating), the strands become soft, smooth and shiny. To maintain the effect for a long time, do not forget to nourish your hair, use thermal protection and modern care products.

The structure of the hair includes a special layer - cortex, consisting of special hydrogen bonds. It is these connections that are responsible for what our strands will be - straight or curly.

Under the influence of high temperature, the hydrogen bonds of the cortex are destroyed and the curls become straight.

Overview of funds

At first, after straightening, the hair lies perfectly, but as soon as the humidity level rises (for example, it started to rain), the styling loses its ideal shape and immediately turns into the previous curly, naughty mop.

Experts have found a way to save hairstyles - cosmetics that are designed to facilitate the styling process, as well as keep the smoothness and shine of elongated hair for a long time.

These can be attributed sprays and lotions with nourishing and moisturizing properties.

Before styling apply lotion or spray to damp hair, spread it along the entire length with a comb. Wait a few minutes until completely absorbed, and then use a massage brush to give the strands the desired shape.

After straightening with an iron, you can apply a little gel or conditioner - this will additionally fix the hairstyle.

Serum- an innovative tool designed for very curly strands that are difficult to style. In view of its high efficiency, serum is used in a more gentle styling procedure than heat treatment, since interaction with high temperature can lead to unexpected consequences.

Learning to use the styler

Frequent heating and overheating of the hair can negatively affect their structure and health. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly stretch the curls so that the styling remains for a long time.


  • Apply a small amount of thermal protectant to clean, damp hair.
  • dry with a hair dryer (they should become dry);
  • divide into several parts, separate the upper part from the lower;
  • start stretching with an iron from below, gradually moving to the top;
  • try to stretch the strands with one movement of the styler

A few tips.

To straighten your hair well and correctly with an iron, do not hold it for a long time in any area - this will help to avoid overheating of individual strands.
If you want to maintain natural volume, then when straightening, keep the strands at right angles to the roots. Additionally, you can use a tool for volume.
After the procedure, comb your hair and fix the styling with gel, wax or varnish.

Video instruction

This video will clearly show how to properly and quickly stretch your hair with an iron and master all the secrets of chic styling.

What can not be done during installation?

Stretching with an iron has some nuances.

For example, you can not use a hot iron on wet hair, as it can overheat and scorch.

It is also impossible to align strands abundantly lubricated with gel or spray. There should be little cosmetic product, and it should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.

Do not forget about the inadmissibility of frequent use of the styler for straightening. Otherwise, you will damage the structure of the hair, which will make them more naughty.

Do not straighten already stretched hair with an iron with serum!

If you often use a straightener to straighten your hair, then you have come across a situation where the curls do not want to straighten out or twist again after just an hour. The reason is the improper handling of the device or in the device itself.

Align only clean and dry hair

Thermal exposure to wet hair leads to serious damage to their structure, and after complete cooling, the strands still become wavy. It is better to dry the curls in the air, without using a hair dryer. If this is not possible, after washing, dip them with a towel, and only then treat them with 90% hot air.

Before using the straightener, the strands must be completely cool after the hair dryer.

When washing your hair, use shampoos and conditioners with a smoothing effect. When straightening your hair with a flat iron at home, use a moisturizer to prevent the high temperature of the straightener from making it dry and brittle like straw.

Comb thoroughly before straightening

Before straightening the hair with an iron, they must be carefully combed so that there are no tangled knots and creases. This is especially true for owners of curly curls.

Use a comb in tandem with an iron: guide along the length with a brush, and then with a straightener. Comb through all the strands between heat treatments and keep them taut during processing to straighten the curls. The result will be more resistant than straightening without a comb.

The comb itself must be clean, pre-wash it and degrease it. If this rule is not followed, creases will form during installation. At the site of the nodule, under the influence of a hot device, the structure will be broken.

At best, the hairs will split, at worst, they may fall out.

Apply heat protectants

Frequent use of the straightener and hair dryer harms the hair structure. To prevent this, use special sprays, mousses, serums. Hair straighteners with an iron protect the strands from moisture loss, nourish them and neutralize the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Pay attention to the temperature range that is indicated on the packaging of the thermal protective product.

Wait until the strands are completely dry before treatment. If you use a hair dryer to speed dry, apply a protective agent after washing your hair.

Correct temperature control

A flat iron heated to 360-450°C dries out the hair and makes it lifeless. It is best to work at 150-200°C and choose the temperature based on the type and condition of the hair. If they are healthy and thick, and you use a high-quality thermal protective agent, then the device can be heated up to 200 ° C, if thin - no higher than 150-165 ° C.

If the roots are thicker, stronger, and the tips are thin, dry, different temperature conditions are needed to straighten them. To create root volume, heat the device to the maximum, but process the main length at a lower temperature.

Wait for the device to heat up to the desired temperature, and then proceed with the installation. If the planes warm up unevenly, then the strands will begin to curl in a few hours.

The shorter the hair, the smaller the width of the iron

The devices have different plate widths. For long hair, the working surface of the iron should be wide, and for short hair, it should be narrow. The thicker the hair, the wider the straightener should be. Recommended ratio of hair length, hair density and ironing plate width:

  • shoulder length- 2-2.5 cm;
  • to the shoulder blades, but not very thick- 2.5-3 cm;
  • thick, slightly below the shoulders- 3-4 cm;
  • long and thick- from 5 cm.

Start straightening from the back of the head

The result of straightening directly depends on the order in which the strands are processed. It will be easier to align the strands if you start the procedure from the back of the head. This helps to create an even volume throughout the head. Secure the extra strands with a clip so that they do not accidentally fall into the iron.

Processing is carried out exclusively from the roots to the tips, and not vice versa.

After the back of the head, straighten the strands at the crown. Do not hold the device for a long time in one place, make movements with the same speed and pressure. Straighten the root area, lift the hair up. Lastly, treat the strands around the face.

Separation into strands up to 2 cm

If you grab too large a strand when working with an iron, the temperature effect will be uneven. The strands that are in the middle will not warm up and will not be smoothed out. You will have to iron in one place several times, and this worsens the condition of the hair structure. It is better to divide the strands into as thin as possible - no more than 2 cm.

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Perfectly straight and smooth hair - this is the styling that will suit any outfit. This hairstyle can be an evening option, and styling for every day. The master in the salon will do everything quickly and efficiently. Each strand will be like a mirror. But if there is no mood and money for a salon? How to straighten your hair with an iron yourself? The action of each straightener is based on the treatment of strands with high temperatures. No wonder in colloquial speech it is often called an iron. They came up with this method of laying at the beginning of the twentieth century. Simon Monro invented and made special straightening tongs. But they constantly had to be heated manually. Only decades later were such devices powered by a network or battery invented. Now any girl can buy a tool she likes and turn from a curly beauty into a stylish lady with straight, neat strands.

The mechanism of action of the iron is very simple. Due to excess moisture in the hairs, they begin to twist, and the iron frees them from oversaturation with water molecules. When hair loses excess moisture, it straightens. If there is no time to wait until they do it themselves, you can use a special tool. And if the curls are curly, you can never wait for the moment when they are completely straightened. This is where the iron comes to the rescue. How to straighten your hair with an iron? It all starts with the right approach to choosing a brand and model. It is unlikely that you will use it every day. Therefore, if you choose a good, high-quality tool, it will become your faithful assistant for a long time. It will be a pleasure to use it, and the process itself will be relaxing.

Actions step by step

All girls want their hair to remain healthy, despite daily styling. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations and use protective cosmetics. The procedure for performing actions if you need to straighten your hair yourself:

  1. We wash our hair with shampoo.
  2. Apply heat protectant to damp hair. We are waiting for three minutes.
  3. We dry with a hairdryer.
  4. We comb the hair, divide it into several parts, pinning each.
  5. Select the desired temperature on the iron.
  6. Let's take the first part. Apply the prepared spray all over the curl.
  7. Using a comb with a ponytail, select a strand three centimeters wide; We carry out on it, without stopping, from the roots to the tips.
  8. We do the same for the remaining parts.
  9. We fix the styling with varnish.

If you want to straighten only the ends, then you need to apply special products only to the middle of the strand and iron from there.

Choosing the right device

Plates for devices can be made of various materials. It can be metal, ceramics, tourmaline, titanium and even silver. The most budget models are made with metal plates. But this option is the worst. These irons are very damaging to the hair. The metal plates heat up unevenly, and some of the hair may be burnt, while the other part is normal. The harm is that the hair becomes dry, split and weak. The best option is antibacterial silver coating. Devices with such a coating even improve the condition of the hair. A huge minus is their high cost. A device with a ceramic coating will be a worthy purchase. The ideal combination of affordable price and acceptable quality make thousands of girls choose it. Ceramic plates heat up evenly and move along the strands without burning them. Such an iron heats up to the required temperature for a long time, so you need to plan styling in advance. Insert the plug into the outlet and quickly start using it will not work.

If it is possible to spend money on a quality iron, then you should choose a tourmaline or ion-ceramic coating. Negative ions of tourmaline stone crystals heal curls. Ion-ceramic plates make strands more shiny and beautiful due to the presence of charged particles. There are also appliances in which one plate is ceramic and the other is marble. This is also beneficial for the health of the hair, as the marble plate takes away the remaining heat and does not allow the hair to stay hot for a long time. When the hair is short, a flat iron with narrow plates is suitable, and if it is long, you should choose a wide one. With the help of wide plates it will be possible to straighten a thicker strand. Curling tongs with rounded plates help to curl the ends of the hair in or out as desired.

It is better to choose professional-grade rectifiers, rather than household ones. They heat up faster and are designed for intensive use. With a temperature control, it is easy to adjust to the individual characteristics of your hair. The temperature maximum is usually two hundred degrees. At this temperature, there is no need to re-treat the strand. The curl straightens from the first time, retains the desired look for a very long time. Such high temperatures can cause serious damage to thin hair. Therefore, owners of weakened hair need to straighten their hair at a lower temperature, for example, at one hundred and fifty degrees. There are various special nozzles, for example, corrugation. Such attachments allow you to create perky hairstyles quickly and professionally.
A few simple rules will help you perform the straightening procedure yourself and maintain the effect for a long time.

  1. Special thermal protective agents must be applied to the entire length of the hair.
  2. Do not straighten wet hair. Maximum - slightly damp, and preferably completely dry.
  3. You need to move from top to bottom, from the roots to the tips.
  4. Do not stop in one place for a long time, smoothly go through the entire strand at a time.
  5. Pay special attention to after-straightening care, for example, make restorative masks.

Thermal protective cosmetics are very diverse and effective. It is necessary to select them individually, taking into account your type of hair and their structure.

Hair health care

If you regularly dry with a hair dryer, it is also advisable to use special products. Cosmetics containing proteins, vitamins E and B and green tea extract are especially useful for hair. The unique properties of these components will protect the hair and make it more attractive. On the packaging, they usually write how to apply the product, for whom it is intended, and whether there are natural substances in the composition. There are two types of products: those that need to be washed off and leave-on.

  • Foam or mousse is used not only to fix the hairstyle and volume, but even for protection. Foam is generally suitable for all hair types.
  • Economical sprays with moisturizing effect wrap each hair and close the moisture inside the hair. Panthenol in the composition of the product regenerates, softens and moisturizes the hair. Exhausted and dull hair revives with regular use. Visually there is a thickening of the hair.
  • Masks quickly saturate the hair with nutrients. The desired effect can be achieved by applying a mask from the middle of the hair, gradually descending to the ends. You need to keep it for at least ten minutes, and preferably fifteen or twenty. Usually they can be used no more than once every seven days. Minute masks can be applied more often. It is better to combine them with products that do not require rinsing.
  • There are also shampoos that prepare hair for heat styling. Such shampoos, in combination with other protective agents, retain water deep inside each hair.
  • Balms will help reduce delamination of the ends of the hair. They are applied to wet hair, and then quickly washed off.
  • At the same time, various serums can have several positive effects. You can make your own from natural ingredients or buy them. You can use them every day. They can consist of essential oils or tinctures. Often they are made from almonds or aloe. Chamomile decoction is easy to prepare yourself. If you add lemon juice, orange oil and ten drops of boric alcohol to it, you get a delicious spray. You can make your own honey mask with milk and ylang-ylang. This mask should be kept on the head for at least half an hour. Some make a mask according to an extraordinary recipe. They take a quarter cup of liquid soap, add the same amount of aloe juice, then add a third of a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply it to wet hair. Rinse with cool water.