How to look older at 16. How to look older than your years

Many teenage girls and girls in their 20s and 25s want to look older. Such a desire is characterized by a cute appearance, behavior or even style of clothing. In most cases, such a problem is faced by office workers, whose decisions require a certain tact. They are taken lightly, because the appearance does not inspire confidence. To remedy the situation, you need to resort to some tricks, which we will talk about today. So let's get started.

Step #1. Avoid fancy clothes

It's no secret that clothes characterize a person, so it makes sense to start reincarnation with a wardrobe.

  1. Ditch the teenage clothes, go shopping for more "mature" things. In the usual boutiques for children, you will get a low-quality blouse, top or trousers, while in the department for adults, linen or silk shirts, natural jeans, and beautiful underwear are weighed.
  2. Get rid of the girlish ways, stop wearing funny bags, clothes with cartoon characters or overly colorful pants. Avoid clothes that look cute. This wardrobe includes pleated blouses, stockings, miniskirts, jeans with Mickey Mouse, etc.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to sporty style, abandon it completely. Eliminate baggy pants and T-shirts, prefer leggings and a T-shirt that supports the chest. Do not wear sneakers all the time, choose older moccasins.
  4. Do not wear a T-shirt or sweater with logos all over, give preference to plain polo shirts, sweaters in restrained shades, blouses with a brooch or rhinestones.
  5. If until now you've been wearing loose-fitting clothes that completely hid your figure, it's time to change your habits. Get tight-fitting black trousers, they will visually make your legs longer. Choose a top (blouses, jackets, sweaters, etc.) that will suit your body type.

Step #2. Pay attention to shoes

You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, consider this fact.

  1. Buy shoes, sandals, boots only in quality stores. Give preference to products made of genuine leather, firstly, they are durable, and secondly, they look chic.
  2. Give up sneakers made of fabric, bright sneakers, cheap slates. When meeting and meeting, the opponent will first of all pay attention to the shoes, if it is “flashy”, this is wrong. For this reason, color plays an important role, it can be black, beige, brown or red.
  3. If you have never worn high heels until now, you should change your habits. Visit an Italian shoe boutique, choose the most chic pair with a thick heel about 8-10 cm high. Practice walking at home, then go out into the world. In the summer, wear beautiful sandals or ballet flats.

Step #3. Change your hairstyle

Intricate haircuts or hairstyles like cute pigtails gathered at the back of the head, ponytails and even dreadlocks give a childish look. There is no single version of an adult haircut, it all depends on the characteristics of the face (setting the eyes, facial contours, jaw line and cheekbones).

  1. To look older, dye your hair brown, chocolate, or another dark shade. Do not carry out the procedure using bright colors, they look ridiculous.
  2. Maintain a conservative hairstyle, no need to shave the temple or braid the entire surface of the head. Visit a hairdresser with the words “Please choose a hairstyle that takes into account the structure of my face. I want to look older." The master will take into account the wishes and give practical recommendations.
  3. If you have medium length hair, keep it in a bun or a low ponytail. You can also create an elegant short haircut that adds 2-3 years in age.
  4. Break the habit of wearing cute headbands, putting decorative flowers in your hair, or pinning your hair with cartoon clips.

Step number 4. Put on your makeup

Very often you can meet young girls who look much older than their years due to the right makeup.

  1. Find video makeup courses on the Internet, pay attention to the lessons on applying cosmetics specifically to your face type.
  2. Use smokey-eye makeup, highlight your eyes with dark eyeliner, draw arrows. Discard bright and pearlescent shadows that look vulgar.
  3. Use concealer to mask acne and possible breakouts. Apply foundation to your face, then powder and cover your cheekbones with blush.
  4. Don't paint your nails with girly colors (shades of pink), make it a habit to visit the nail technician every month. Tidy up your eyebrows: remove excess hairs, choose the optimal bend, taking into account the features of the face and the fit of the eyes.
  5. Paint your lips with lipstick, not gloss, highlight the contour with a pencil and blend it. When applying makeup, focus on only one detail: eyes or lips. If you chose the first option, paint your lips with hygienic colorless lipstick in addition. In the case of the second option, line your eyes with a pencil and apply mascara to your eyelashes, nothing more.

Step number 5. Develop confidence and tact

Maturity is characterized by a person's confidence. Even if you are dressed as expected, a hunched gait or slurred speech will speak for itself.

  1. It is important to understand that there is a certain difference between condescending behavior and confident behavior. Do not try to put yourself above others, stop showing off purchases or achievements, behave maturely and with restraint.
  2. Do not raise your tone to the interlocutor, speak clearly, loudly enough, but not squeaky. Do not forget to use words of gratitude, when asking for help, say “please”, when you get what you want - “thank you”.
  3. Learn to listen and hear your opponent, do not interrupt. Ask appropriate questions, do not try to turn the conversation on yourself. Have non-committal conversations about the weather, animals, relatives. Do not gossip, remain neutral in controversial situations.

Step number 6. Learn to stand up for yourself

  1. In cases where the opponent shows disrespect for you, politely ask to stop. Try to force others to respect you, be open to dialogue (even conflict), do not hide behind your back and do not agree. Do not insult the interlocutor, do not hide behind irony or sarcasm, this is a sign of weakness.
  2. For example, during the conversation you were interrupted, politely make it clear that you have not finished the speech, and then continue. Be able to correctly argue your own decisions, accept criticism only from close people.
  3. Try not to notice the mistakes of others, learn from your own mistakes. If the person hurt you, let him know about it. Do not swear, do not return evil for evil.

It's easy to look mature with a few tricks. Choose clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure, pay attention to shoes, they must be of high quality. Do a beautiful make-up using foundation, blush and powder. Develop vocabulary, be confident, keep conversations simple.

Video: how to look older than your age

We chose Andrey Gubin as a testing ground for the experiment. All these years we have copied his style and habits, and in his music the secret codes of the Universe are hidden.



“The main sign of a respectable gentleman (in addition to the mortgaged estate) is a strict model haircut,” the expert says. It has a limited number of modifications and is convenient because it does not need styling: the shape of the hairstyle is set only with scissors and is not disturbed by gusts of wind or blows with blunt objects. In addition, this service (of course, with varying degrees of virtuosity) will be provided to you in any district hairdresser, having understood perfectly.

According to the expert, "steel-rimmed glasses turn even a loser from a culinary college into a co-owner of a respected law firm." If you do not wear glasses, then get yourself one by consulting with an optometrist. Needless to say, expensive brand steel glasses will give you even more, ha ha, points at a business dinner.

A clean-shaven face says little about your personality. Today's established men let loose curly stubble (a custom borrowed from Hispanic gangsters). “In addition to the fact that the stubble is carefully cut, it must have a clearly defined pattern,” the expert clarifies. The same applies to mustaches and beards: they should not resemble wild thickets, but a noble park of the Baroque era.

“The darker the skin, the older the person’s face seems,” says Yulia to the approving rumble of millions of stylists. In addition, frequent trips to the solarium dry out the skin, which further increases your visible age. Just don't overdo it or you'll turn into a mummy.

A tie (if it is worn on a shirt, and not on a naked body) indicates your attention to conventions, which is a sign of either a mature husband or just a bore. Although sometimes it's the same.

Bad idea

Artificial gray hair. Natural gray hair does not have pigment, so artificially aged hair will look like foppery and provocation.

Mustache with a brush. A mustache in the form of a massive cornice above the mouth opening looks appropriate only in a set with a crystal owl and the title of "Lifetime member of the connoisseurs club." Without these accessories, you will look older, but not smarter.



“There are a lot of youth hairstyles, and almost all of them, unlike “adults”, consist of a haircut and styling,” Yulia explains. The more styling gel, varnish and paint involved in your hair sculpture, the more you look like an informal with nothing to talk about except snowboards and marijuana.

Find some plastic glasses, preferably with brightly colored details, and put them on your nose. Do not be surprised that now you often hear the mocking exclamation "Hipster!" behind the back. Bright cheap glasses look younger; in addition, according to Julia, a thick frame is a kind of mask that hides bags under the eyes, wrinkles and your wise adult look.

Yes, stubble again. But young people do not align the contour of the stubble, leaving it to grow as it will all over the face. “However, in your case, carelessness must be feigned: the length of the stubble must be carefully regulated, otherwise you will look overgrown, not young,” the expert warns.

Losing a few pounds seems to be the only really useful thing in this whole masquerade. After 30, your metabolism slows down, and your hamburger is equal to a Big Mac lunch in terms of consequences.

Bad idea

Piercing. If you pierce your nose or cheek, you will get a few minutes of hellish pain, a few hours of moderate pain and suppuration, but you will not look younger for a month.

Temporary tatoos. If a tattoo is inadvertently washed off simply by getting orange juice on it, then this, as they now say, is not at all cool.

Dreadlocks. Dreadlocks, that is, tangles of hair, which until recently seemed to be the squeak of advanced youth, are now associated with reggae, hippies and alternative rock - in short, with junk. In addition, you can get rid of them only by practically shaving your head.

We chose Andrey Gubin as a testing ground for the experiment. All these years we have copied his style and habits, and in his music the secret codes of the Universe are hidden.



“The main sign of a respectable gentleman (in addition to the mortgaged estate) is a strict model haircut,” the expert says. It has a limited number of modifications and is convenient because it does not need styling: the shape of the hairstyle is set only with scissors and is not disturbed by gusts of wind or blows with blunt objects. In addition, this service (of course, with varying degrees of virtuosity) will be provided to you in any district hairdresser, having understood perfectly.

According to the expert, "steel-rimmed glasses turn even a loser from a culinary college into a co-owner of a respected law firm." If you do not wear glasses, then get yourself one by consulting with an optometrist. Needless to say, expensive brand steel glasses will give you even more, ha ha, points at a business dinner.

A clean-shaven face says little about your personality. Today's established men let loose curly stubble (a custom borrowed from Hispanic gangsters). “In addition to the fact that the stubble is carefully cut, it must have a clearly defined pattern,” the expert clarifies. The same applies to mustaches and beards: they should not resemble wild thickets, but a noble park of the Baroque era.

“The darker the skin, the older the person’s face seems,” says Yulia to the approving rumble of millions of stylists. In addition, frequent trips to the solarium dry out the skin, which further increases your visible age. Just don't overdo it or you'll turn into a mummy.

A tie (if it is worn on a shirt, and not on a naked body) indicates your attention to conventions, which is a sign of either a mature husband or just a bore. Although sometimes it's the same.

Bad idea

Artificial gray hair. Natural gray hair does not have pigment, so artificially aged hair will look like foppery and provocation.

Mustache with a brush. A mustache in the form of a massive cornice above the mouth opening looks appropriate only in a set with a crystal owl and the title of "Lifetime member of the connoisseurs club." Without these accessories, you will look older, but not smarter.



“There are a lot of youth hairstyles, and almost all of them, unlike “adults”, consist of a haircut and styling,” Yulia explains. The more styling gel, varnish and paint involved in your hair sculpture, the more you look like an informal with nothing to talk about except snowboards and marijuana.

Find some plastic glasses, preferably with brightly colored details, and put them on your nose. Do not be surprised that now you often hear the mocking exclamation "Hipster!" behind the back. Bright cheap glasses look younger; in addition, according to Julia, a thick frame is a kind of mask that hides bags under the eyes, wrinkles and your wise adult look.

Yes, stubble again. But young people do not align the contour of the stubble, leaving it to grow as it will all over the face. “However, in your case, carelessness must be feigned: the length of the stubble must be carefully regulated, otherwise you will look overgrown, not young,” the expert warns.

Losing a few pounds seems to be the only really useful thing in this whole masquerade. After 30, your metabolism slows down, and your hamburger is equal to a Big Mac lunch in terms of consequences.

Bad idea

Piercing. If you pierce your nose or cheek, you will get a few minutes of hellish pain, a few hours of moderate pain and suppuration, but you will not look younger for a month.

Temporary tatoos. If a tattoo is inadvertently washed off simply by getting orange juice on it, then this, as they now say, is not at all cool.

Dreadlocks. Dreadlocks, that is, tangles of hair, which until recently seemed to be the squeak of advanced youth, are now associated with reggae, hippies and alternative rock - in short, with junk. In addition, you can get rid of them only by practically shaving your head.

Do you want to know how a girl looks older than her age? Read the article, but do not apply all the recommendations, because some of them are sarcastic, and therefore they are harmful to your health. But a few tips can be applied, so we will list them. We understand that some girls look so youthful that they are not taken seriously. And sometimes you need to look older than your years, for example, when it comes to business and money, and constant business negotiations.

How a girl looks older than her age - read our article.

If you give advice with humor, then they will be as follows:

  • Sunbathe as much as possible under the scorching sun (then the skin will be subjected to photoaging, and very quickly covered with a network of fine wrinkles);
  • When the summer is over - go to the solarium (ultraviolet lamps prolong the effect of the sun);
  • Try to apply moisturizing tanning gel on your face, which will enhance the effect. Spf-protection in such a gel should be no more than 15. And it is advisable to sunbathe from 12 to 15 hours, when the sun fries the most;
  • Try to walk more in dry windy weather, before wetting your face;
  • In winter, when the thermometer drops below zero, apply a moisturizer to your face and go for a walk;
  • Wipe the skin with alcohol lotion more often and do not moisturize the face;
  • Use dense tonal foundations, and even better, replace them with a concealer. From above, powder your face with coarse powder;
  • At night, never wash off makeup, go to bed right like that;
  • try to wash your face as little as possible and use moisturizing and anti-aging cosmetics;
  • Forget face peeling. Then your skin will be covered with a thick layer of dead cells, and the resulting stratum corneum will prevent the skin from breathing oxygen;
  • You don't smoke yet? You will have to smoke.
If you follow all the above tips, then do not hesitate, very soon your appearance will change, and you will look younger than your years.

Grow up fast for one-time cases

Well, now let's look at tips on how to look older, if we are talking about some one-time case. For example, you are planning a business meeting, you need to be convincing, but you can give a maximum of 16 to your face, although you celebrated your majority 10 years ago. Unfortunately, on a subconscious level, you will be perceived as a 16-year-old teenager, even if you show your passport to your interlocutor.

So that the deal for a million does not fail, we will grow up with the help of simple tips.

Let's start with the color scheme. Black color, it not only slims, but also adds severity, which makes it seem that the person is very, very adult.

Wear a deep black suit, but in order not to create a mourning mood for others, add an exceptional white shirt. Try to keep your image flawless, so take care of cleanliness in advance. On the black material, pellets, white fluff and other hints of wear and tear are clearly visible. The sticky roller copes with this. If you add cufflinks and a tie, you will look very businesslike.


The best way to hide your age is to wear gradient style glasses with tinted brown lenses. If everything is fine with your vision, buy nulls. Behind the glasses, the interlocutor will not see your eyes, so it will be difficult for him to determine the age. True, there is one caveat: notes of distrust may arise between you and the interlocutor. The fact is that a person is arranged in such a way that during a conversation he must look into his eyes, observe the reaction, and catch feedback. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and if it is closed under the dark lenses of glasses, then a person will not be able to look into the soul. Keep this in mind.

Continuing the theme of flowers, we can recommend burgundy suits. They are associated with the color of a ripe, just overripe, cherry, and not a young green. Although they won’t give you 40 years (approximately from this they begin to wear it), but you will pull on 30 years.

Colors and makeup

Combine burgundy with a white shirt - use it, otherwise overdo it, and you will look like you are all 50 years old.

Beige and gray colors also look good, so the suits will give the image a certain efficiency.

Pay attention to your accessories. They also play a very important role. For example, a few gold rings will hint to the interlocutor that you are already an adult lady who earns money herself.

As a bag, use a stylish clutch or a patent leather bag.

Also buy a diary, a notebook and a good expensive pen. Schoolchildren do not write with Parker pens, which cost several thousand rubles, so immediately take off in the eyes of the interlocutor.

Add a good adult make-up: emphasize the eyes with beige-brown shadows and black eyeliner.

Sculpt your face with special powder, highlighting your cheekbones. This will make it look more mature. Add blush and clear lip gloss.

Be sure to think about the hairstyle. Adult women make something like shells when going to a business meeting, or simply neatly collect their hair and comb it up.

You can leave your hair loose, but then you need to take care of a good volume and styling. Just loose lifeless sidelocks will not give you either solidity or age, and will undoubtedly repel the interlocutor. Your image must be impeccable if you want to look mature and solid.

Another clever hint. Usually adults and business women drive a car. If you don't have one, you can come to the meeting, turning the keys in your hands. Let it be an imitation of car keys. Put them in your bag when you arrive. The main thing is that your interlocutor has time to notice them.

Be sure to add heels. Boots or shoes made of brown leather are associated with adult natures.

More watches and bracelets! A good expensive watch is a sign of an accomplished, successful woman. The same accessories include cufflinks, purses and other paraphernalia.

During the conversation, try to be more of a listener. This is what distinguishes adults from children. Children speak insanely, as if they have a tongue without bones, while adults listen all the time and are silent. Try to ensure that only the interlocutor speaks at your meeting, and you only listen to him, and sometimes agree and give out smart thoughts. Just do not go completely into yourself, otherwise your interlocutor will think that you do not know how to speak or do not know the subject of your conversation. Everything should be in moderation: silence, and conversation, and silence.


The last tips that remain to be added will also be with humor. How does a girl look older than her age? Yes, you can grow up sharply, even grow old, if you wrap yourself in grandmother's scarves, put on felt boots, glasses with thick lenses on your nose, pick up a club, and, grumbling under your breath, slouch with the letter "Su".

Do you often hear in your direction that you do not look your age, and when buying alcohol they ask you to provide documents? Do not get upset and get hung up on this. There are ways to help you look your age.

Infrequently, we meet women who are satisfied with their age and appearance. Therefore, many female individuals after 30 years old are in search of a means of rejuvenation, but young creatures - girls of 16 years old - strive to become older. Such is the nature of a woman: first you want to be older, and then you want to return your years of youth and carelessness. There are various ways to visually change your years:

  • Growth. Height should be added, i.e. put on heels. These shoes will make you look taller and older. Don't get hung up on stiletto heels, you can also buy wedge shoes. Do not forget that the main thing is comfort. Keep in mind that shoes should not emphasize your youth;
  • Do not forget about the quality material of clothing. Forget t-shirts and tops. Get a stylish shirt or blouse that can give your image solidity. If it is impossible to cross out the top from your wardrobe, pick it up according to your figure;
  • Wardrobes should be purchased in stores for adult women, and not in departments with teenage clothes. It is better to buy a thing made of cotton, cashmere, jeans, silk or linen. Clothing made of such material will emphasize your life experience and chastity. But knitted trousers or polyester clothing, on the contrary, will give the image youth and inexperience;
  • Print. Keep in mind that the image of an adult woman is characterized by clothes with a modest print. Sometimes it is quite difficult to say goodbye to painted dresses, however, if you replace them with a dress of a classic style, the look of those around you will immediately change: for them you will become a more mature person. You should also refuse short skirts, shorts and clothes with a bright logo;
  • Nobody cancels experiments. Put on a business suit and see if this image suits you, if you feel comfortable in it. Create your own style with elements of rigor and restraint. If you need to look older than 20, wear heels and choose a more elegant dress.

There are several ways to look older:

  • Hairstyle . You don't have to cut your bangs. If the bangs are higher than the eyebrows, the face becomes more cute, childish and naive. To look older, comb your hair to the side or up. It is also important that the hair is always neatly styled, not tousled. In addition, you can cut curls. A short haircut can visually throw a couple of years. You should stop at a haircut that can give confidence: a square, or a bob haircut;
  • Laying . To make your hair always look well-groomed and healthy, use styling gel, focus on beautiful curls. Discard small bright hairpins, bows. Also, do not braid pigtails or ponytails. Do not forget that loose hair not only lengthens the face, but also makes it more mature;
  • . Makeup serves to transform a person's appearance beyond recognition. A well-chosen make will give the face wrinkles, and also emphasize the bruises under the eyes. However, do not forget that in order to look older, it is enough to make the right accent and apply makeup with the help of improvised cosmetics.

Ways to apply makeup that can make your face look older:

  • skin tone . To achieve the desired result, it is enough to tan well, because the dark color of the skin gives age. If you can’t get a tan, use a bronze-colored foundation as a base. Do not forget that the foundation is also applied to the neck so that the difference is not noticeable;
  • Brows . The wider the eyebrows, the younger you look. With age, a person's eyebrows become thinner. The base of the eyebrows should be thinner. Give them a rigid horizontal shape;
  • Eyes . Line the lower and upper eyelids with a black pencil. For a more precise effect, add matte shades of dark tones, preferably brown;
  • Lips . We all know that dark lipstick makes a woman look much more mature. In order not to visually reduce lips, do not use matte lipstick, but glitter should also be excluded from your cosmetic bag;
  • Blush . To look older, opt for brown or reddish blush. These tones emphasize the cheekbones of the owner and thereby make the owner more mature.

If it is difficult to come to terms with your age and appearance, the right makeup will make you look older and more elegant. You should not apply a lot of foundation or strongly let your eyes down, because cosmetics make the face more beautiful, but not vice versa.


How mature a person can be determined by his actions and behavior:

There are many different ways to look older, but do not forget that the best way to become an adult is to work on yourself. Do not forget that adulthood is an inevitable experience gained as a result of many years. Do not focus on the fact that you need to look older. Enjoy every minute of your youth and be proud of it. If you still want to look older, don’t give up, if something doesn’t work out, don’t freak out and don’t fall into a panic state. In any situation, remain yourself and behave like an adult reasonable person.