How to choose a sling: an overview of models and tips. The Right Baby Sling Baby Sling Review

A mother with a “strapped” baby can now be seen anywhere: both in the capital and in a small town. Sometimes you can still find the opinion that this way of carrying a child is a harmful modern trend. The debate about which is better: a stroller or a sling will probably never end. However, historically, the tradition of carrying a child in a special sling appeared much earlier than rolling in a stroller.

Contrary to all kinds of criticism, carrying a baby on oneself is physiological and safe, therefore it is suitable even for newborn crumbs. True, not all positions and means of carrying are suitable for babies. Read more about what slings are and what are the features of carrying for newborns, read below.

Why does mom need a sling?

The question is reasonable, because strollers have entered our lives so thoroughly that the baby in the arms of the mother is already perceived as something exotic and strange. Nevertheless, the sling has many advantages, and all of them are quite significant for both the mother and the baby himself.

  • A mother with a sling is much more mobile than a mother with a stroller. She is not afraid of steps and the lack of a ramp, narrow doorways and heavy doors. Even unaccompanied public transport trips become available when you opt for a sling.
  • The sling frees mom's hands: it seems that the baby is with the mother, and the mother has both hands free, she can easily pay at the checkout in the store, lead the older child by the handle, hold the bag.
  • The sling is convenient not only for a walk, but also at home. With a baby on them, many mothers successfully cope with all household chores: they wash the dishes and the floor, cook, hang out the washed clothes. At the same time, the baby does not need to scream heart-rendingly in the crib, calling for adults. In the hands of his mother, he is included in household chores and is always aware of what is happening around, and this is interesting and informative for the baby.
  • The children themselves, who are in bodily contact with their mother most of the time, are more calm and balanced, they sleep better and give parents much less trouble than babies separated from their mother by the side of a crib or stroller, and experiencing constant anxiety about this.
  • It is very convenient to breastfeed in a sling, and you can do it almost anywhere on the go.

Slings for newborns

There are quite a lot of all kinds of carriers for babies, but not every one of them can be called a sling, since this word itself means a fabric sling without any fasteners. So, for example, "kangaroos" and ergo backpacks are not slings, although in the understanding of the average mother, these carriers also belong to slings. It is not a sling and a hipsit (a carrier that is attached to the reeds of an adult and allows you to carry grown-up babies on the hip in the “sitting” position). Slings are 3 types of baby carriers, and all of them are suitable for carrying children from birth:

Each type of sling has its own characteristics: putting on, fixing, the position of the child, the load on the mother - all this is very different. As a result, the same sling can be convenient for some purposes, and completely inconvenient for others.


The fabric is almost 2 meters long, 60-70 cm wide. Metal rings are attached to the strip of fabric from one end, the other end is free. The free end is passed through the rings and fixed by them, as a result of which the sling takes the form of a closed circle. A sling with rings is put on over the shoulder, forming a “hammock” for the baby in front.


  • Sling with rings is very primitive in use, even a beginner slingo mother will master it.
  • Convenient in hot weather, because it does not involve dense wrapping with several layers of fabric.
  • Easily adjustable, allowing you to change the position of the child.
  • It allows you to get and shift the baby without disturbing him: it is enough for the mother to loosen the rings and “emerge” from the sling.


In a sling with rings, the load on the shoulders and back of the mother is distributed unevenly. Of course, the shoulders should be rotated regularly, but even in this case, walking in a sling with rings for more than 2 hours in a row is not recommended.

How to choose a sling with rings:

  • Rings are a very important element of a sling. They should be metal and large enough (about 10 cm in diameter). Only with this combination, the fabric slides well between them, allowing you to easily adjust the position, and is securely fixed.
  • For a newborn baby, it is better to choose a 100% cotton sling. The fabric should not be too elastic so as not to stretch under the weight of the baby and fix the position of the baby well. In addition, the fabric should not be too slippery. The best option for a newborn baby is coarse calico or waffle fabric.
  • For newborns, it is better to use a sling with foam sides: they support the head better.

Where and when is convenient:

Great for indoor and outdoor use as it is very easy to put on and take off and adjust, but for short wear. The limitation is due to the uneven distribution of the load.

Video instruction for a sling with rings:


A sling scarf is a fabric 3 to 6 meters long and 45 to 70 cm wide. . A newborn baby in a sling scarf can be worn both in the cradle position and vertically in the fetal position.


  • The wrapping technology of the sling scarf is such that mother's back does not suffer from uneven load.
  • The design of the scarf allows you to use different winding options, and, accordingly, wear the baby in different positions.
  • A sling scarf fixes the baby better and supports the fragile spine, so for the child himself, being in a scarf is more useful and physiological.


  • For safe use, a sling scarf requires certain skills. Videos with examples of winding a scarf can be found on the Internet, but mom will have to spend some time and effort to learn all the tricks and be able to bandage a scarf even without a mirror and cheat sheets.
  • Due to the design features, a sling scarf is not so easy to bandage in the "field" conditions. If you do this on the street, the ends of the scarf will touch the ground and get dirty.
  • In hot weather, a sling scarf is not very comfortable due to the multilayer winding.

How to choose a sling scarf:

  • Success in mastering and using a sling scarf is 100% dependent on its material. In particular, from the weaving of threads and elasticity. The composition of the best option for newborns would be 100% cotton. The fabric should stretch in the transverse and diagonal direction. In this case, the sling scarf fits the baby's body well and correctly distributes pressure on the mother's back.
  • The width of the scarf depends on its elasticity. The better the fabric stretches, the smaller the width is acceptable. So, a sling scarf made of elastic fabrics can be 50-60 cm wide, and from non-elastic fabrics - up to 70 cm.
  • If the manufacturer produces scarves in different sizes, it is better to use the size chart. The maximum length of the scarf is 6m, but for sizes 42-44 this length is a lot, the ends of the scarf will have to be wound around the waist, creating extra layers.

Where and when is convenient:

After the sling scarf is fully mastered, it is convenient both at home and on the street. There is no time limit for carrying a baby in a sling scarf, there are no restrictions for the mother, so a sling scarf is the most convenient sling option for a newborn.

Video instruction for winding a sling scarf:


May-sling is similar in design to an ergo-backpack, but due to the long straps and the absence of a frame, it is more physiological. In fact, it is a square or rectangle with long straps extending in all 4 directions. The two lower straps are wound around the mother's waist, and the upper ones pass through the shoulders, cross on the back, and are also fixed at the waist. A newborn baby is in a May-sling with tucked-in legs, in the fetal position.


  • It is easy and simple to put on, mastering the May-sling is much faster than the sling scarf.
  • It looks aesthetically pleasing and neat, does not involve many layers.
  • In the May-sling, the load on the mother's muscles falls evenly.


  • A newborn baby can only be in a May-sling in an upright position. The position in which the baby is on the mother is generally safe, but not always convenient for the mother and child. It is impossible to shift the baby to the cradle position in a May-sling.
  • Compared to a sling scarf, the straps of a may sling are thinner and can cause discomfort by cutting into the shoulders.

How to choose a May Sling:

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

  • Be sure to pay attention to the width of the straps. The wider the straps, the more comfortable it will be to wear the May Sling. It is better if the straps are padded with padding polyester. In any case, the width of the straps must be at least 14 cm. In addition to the fact that thin straps can cut into the shoulders, they twist and interfere with normal tying.
  • May-sling fabric requirements are not so high. The fabric should be strong and not stretchy. The presence of synthetics in the composition is quite acceptable if the crumbs are not allergic to it.

Where and when is convenient:

For newborn babies, May-sling is convenient “on the way out”: a trip to visit, a clinic, a short walk. Basically, this type of sling is recommended for children older than 4 months.

Video instruction for May-sling:

Avid sling moms believe that ideally it is better to have slings for all occasions, because different carrying options are convenient for different situations. Moreover, such mothers have slings of different colors to match their entire wardrobe. It turns out that a sling is not only a device for carrying a child on oneself, but also an element of the image of a modern young mother.

Sling Backpack and Fast Sling

In addition to the actual slings, there are other types of carriers for children: the so-called sling backpack and fast sling. As it was written earlier, these devices are not inherently slings, because a sling is just a fabric bandage, and both of these carriers have frame elements, fasteners, etc. However, modern mothers use the word "sling" in relation to any kind of carriers.

Both in a sling backpack and in a fast sling, the child can only be in a sitting position with legs apart. That is why both carriers are not recommended for babies under 4 months old. The minimum requirement is that the child must confidently hold the head and be able to lift it while lying on the stomach, that is, the neck muscles must be developed ( See the article about). It is better if the baby not only holds his head, but sits on his own ( See the article about). The fact is that the back support in both carriers is regulated by the tension of the straps and rarely any of the mothers can set the correct tension. You can tighten the slings too tight or, conversely, weakly. Incorrect tension of the straps loads the baby's spine inappropriately for his physical capabilities. All this dangerously affects the formation of vertebral bends and at an older age can manifest itself as a curvature of the spine.

Ergo backpack or sling backpack


Wide tight straps that can be placed on the back both parallel to each other and crosswise. A back with a head restraint, tucks, rollers. A wide padded belt wrapping around the waist and hips of the mother. It is fastened with plastic fastexes, it is possible to adjust the tension of the back.


  • Divides the load between the back and hips, so that the mother does not have to bend under the weight of the baby.
  • Allows you to carry the child face to face, behind the back and on the hip.
  • Easy to unfasten and fasten, so getting in and out of the child will not be any problem.
  • Suitable even for children 2-3 years old.


  • Sufficiently voluminous compared to carrying other types and designs.
  • Due to the presence of a frame and dense fabric, it can be hot in summer.

How to choose:

When choosing a sling backpack, you should mainly focus on the manufacturer's recommendations and the parameters of the child. All manufacturers indicate the recommended height, weight, age of the baby.

Where and when is convenient:

Thanks to its design, the ergo-backpack is convenient for long-term carrying of a child, and it is perfect for older children.

Video instruction for the use of the ergo backpack:


It is very similar to the May-sling, but it is fixed in a different way: the May-sling has long straps and a belt that are tied to a regular knot for fixation, a fast-sling has short straps and a belt that fastens with fastexes.


  • It is very easy to use: it is easy to put the baby in and out of the fast sling.
  • Lightweight and takes up little space, it is better ventilated, so it is more comfortable to carry a child in it in hot weather.


  • The possibilities of carrying the child (only facing you) and adjusting the position of the straps (only crosswise) are limited.
  • Due to the narrow belt, the entire load falls on the back, so it is not recommended to wear a child in a fast sling for a long time.

How to choose:

When choosing a fast sling, it is important to pay attention to the strength of all fasteners. The straps and belt must be lined with padding polyester. By the way, a fast-sling can be sewn to order, and skilled craftswomen will master the production themselves.

Where and when is convenient:

Best used for not too heavy kids. Great for summer. It is also better to limit the time of continuous wearing so as not to provoke back problems.

Video instructions for using the Fast Sling:

Planning to buy a sling for a newborn? Don't know how to do it? We are always ready to help! Check out our product range and make your choice!

Let's figure it out! Why do you need a sling at all?

  • Mom with a sling becomes much more mobile. She does not have to carry a stroller everywhere. With slings, you can not be afraid of steps and the absence of ramps, heavy doors and narrow openings. If you have a sling, traveling by public transport will never be a problem.
  • The sling allows you to free your mother's hands. A woman can go shopping, do various household chores. In this case, the child will always be with her.
  • Sling is universal. It can be used both at home or away, and on a walk and even on a journey. The baby will always be with you! You do not have to use special carriers and other devices.
  • The sling allows the baby to actively develop. The baby will always be with mom. This means that he will be able to cognize the world around him.
  • The sling is the most useful for the child. A baby who is in close contact with his mother will grow up balanced and calm. It has already been proven that the use of slings can improve the sleep of a newborn.
  • The sling is ideal for breastfeeding your baby. The feeding process can be carried out anywhere and at any time.

The main types of baby slings

All ergonomic carriers can be divided into 2 groups:

Sling with rings

Such models are a piece of fabric about 2 meters long and 60-70 cm wide. Metal rings are fixed on one end of the sling. The other end remains free and is threaded through these rings, fixing in a special way. A sling with rings over the shoulder is put on. Thanks to this, a kind of cradle for the child is formed in front.

Models with rings have a lot of advantages.

Among them:

  1. Ease of use. A sling with rings can be used even by a mother who does not have special skills. Parents do not have to master complex windings.
  2. Ease of use. Ring sling is comfortable even on the hottest days. This is due to the lack of windings. In addition, you can get the crumbs at any time, shift it to the crib. The baby won't wake up.
  3. Ease of adjustment. Thanks to this, you can constantly change the position of the crumbs.

Not without a sling with rings and shortcomings. They are due to the fact that the main load falls on the back and one shoulder of an adult, it is not distributed evenly. Sling with rings is difficult to use for long-term wear. Such a carrier is more suitable for short-term wear, up to half an hour.

How to make a choice?

When choosing a sling with rings, pay attention to:

  • The rings themselves. They are the most important element of the sling and must be durable. Plastic products will not work. Pay attention to slings with aluminum and large rings with a diameter of about 8-12 cm.
  • The material used to make the sling. Well, if the model is made of 100% cotton. This material is quite elastic, but it does not stretch. The fabric does not slip.
  • The presence of boards. Do not try to buy a sling with foam sides. Bars are not required to support the head of a newborn well - a good scarf fabric is enough

In what situations can a ring sling be used?

The presented models are ideal for use both at home and on the street.

Sling scarf

Such models for newborns are a canvas with a length of 3 to 6 meters. The width of the models is 60-70 cm. In this sling, the baby can be carried in front of you, behind your back and even on your hip (both vertically and horizontally).

The main advantages of the presented models for a newborn include:

  1. Uniform load on the mother's back. Carrying a baby in a sling will not cause discomfort and pain.
  2. Possibilities for carrying the baby in slings in various positions.
  3. Safety for the newborn. The sling allows you to secure the baby in the most comfortable and correct position for him.

The disadvantages of a sling scarf are small.

To use a sling scarf, you need to acquire some winding skills (although it is enough to master just one simple “cross over the pocket”). It is not always possible to quickly pull the baby out of the winding. In addition, rewinding on the street is often difficult because the scarf is long enough that its tails can get dirty on various surrounding objects.

How to make a choice?

When choosing a sling-scarf, pay attention to:

  1. Scarf type: woven or knitted. Knitwear stretches in all directions, it is soft and light, but not universal, because. after about six months it becomes very difficult to carry a child for a long time. In addition, knitwear is hot for the summer. Its big advantage is its low price.
    A woven scarf can be with different compositions and patterns, it has special characteristics of thread thickness and weaving density, unlike knitwear, it stretches only in a diagonal direction. Therefore, in such a scarf, it is most comfortable to wear a child for a long time, and also to ensure the most ergonomic position of the baby, similar to the position on the hands.
  2. Material. For newborns, we recommend choosing a 100% cotton sling with a low thickness and density, or cotton with bamboo. This fabric will be soft and gentle for use from birth.Size. Be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations.

In what cases and when can a sling scarf be used?

The models presented in our assortment are convenient both at home and on the street.

May sling

The May-sling resembles an ergo-backpack, but unlike it, the May-sling does not have a frame. Thanks to this, the carrier can be used for newborns. May-sling is a square or rectangular piece of fabric with straps on 4 sides. The lower ones are wound around the mother's waist, and the upper ones pass through the shoulders, crossing on the back, and are fixed in the lower part of it. The baby is in a May-sling in a frog pose.

The main advantages of such models include:

  1. Ease of putting on.
  2. Versatility: the ability to use at any age and climate.
  3. Uniform distribution of the load on the body of an adult.

This sling also has some disadvantages. Among them:

In a May Sling, the baby can only be in an upright position. The pose is absolutely safe for the baby, but not always comfortable for the mother.

May-sling is slightly less comfortable for long-term wear compared to a scarf.

How to make a choice?

When choosing a May-sling, be sure to pay attention to:

  1. Possibility of adjusting the width and height of the back to ensure the correct position of the child of any age and weight.
  2. Fabric.. The best May Slings are made from scarf fabric, i.e. fabric, which was originally produced for a sling scarf - they are much softer and more comfortable to wear for a long time.
  3. The presence of a hood - it will allow you to pull the head of the child during sleep, and can also be used as a headrest.

Where and when to wear?

May-sling is convenient for use outside the home. Models are suitable for walking, going to visit, a clinic, a store, etc. You can use a May-sling from birth.

Sling backpack

The presented backpacks are distinguished by wide dense straps and a back with rollers, tucks and headrests. To keep the backpack on the body of the mother, the products are complemented by a wide dense belt. It fastens with plastic fasteners. If necessary, the tension of the back of the backpack can be adjusted.

The advantages of such a sling include:

  1. Uniform distribution of the load on the body of an adult. Using a backpack, mom will not bend under the weight of the crumbs.
  2. Possibilities for carrying the child in various positions. The backpack allows you to place the crumbs facing you and on your hip.
  3. Ease of use. The backpack zips on and off easily. Thanks to this, you can quickly put the baby in the sling, easily pull him out in any situation.
  4. Versatility. Backpacks can be used to carry even enough adult children (up to 2-3 years).

The proposed backpacks have a number of disadvantages.

Among them:

  1. Insufficient adjustment flexibility compared to woven carriers. A backpack is always a specific shape given by the manufacturer, therefore not very recommended for children under the age of independent sitting, even with tabs and inserts.
  2. The high density of the material used. In summer it will be very hot with a backpack.

How to choose a backpack?

When choosing backpacks, consider:

  1. Ergonomic position of the child's legs: they should be spread in the frog position (letter "M") and not allow the position "facing the world". IMPORTANT! Hanging baby legs and facing the world are not ergonomic carriers, harmful to the baby and uncomfortable for the adult!
  2. Weight and other features of the child. Manufacturers produce slings of various sizes.
  3. Materials used. The fabric must be without the use of synthetics, which can cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs.
  4. Price. A quality backpack cannot be cheap.

Where and when to use a backpack?

The backpack can be used both at home and on the street. The presented products are suitable even for long walks.

fast sling

This sling is similar to the May-sling, but is fixed differently. Such models have a belt and short straps, which are fastened with special fastexes.

The presented slings differ:

  1. Ease of use. You can put your baby in the sling easily and quickly. Removing it won't be a problem either.
  2. Small weight.
  3. Ease. The slings are breathable. Thanks to this, they can be used even in the hottest weather.

Unfortunately, the presented models also have some disadvantages.

These include:

  1. No strap adjustment. They can only be worn crosswise.
  2. Narrow belt. For this reason, the entire load is distributed on the back. It is not recommended to wear a baby in such a product for a long time.

How to make a choice?

When choosing a fast sling, pay attention to:

  1. The strength of all fasteners. The best models of famous brands are created using the most reliable materials and are connected with double seams.
  2. The presence of synthetic winterizer in the straps and belt. Thanks to him, you can eliminate the risks of rubbing the skin, squeezing blood vessels.

When to use a fast sling?

The best fast sling is suitable for not very heavy children. You can use the product in both cold and warm seasons. It is better not to wear a fast-sling for a long time. Otherwise, you can just tear your back.


How to choose a sling?

Need the best sling backpack or any other model?

Just tell them about:

  1. Your goals - where and for how long are you going to carry the baby?.
  2. The age of your child.
  3. The season in which you plan to use the product.
  4. Available skills.
  5. financial opportunities.

Experts will quickly offer you a suitable model.

Klyuykov Sasha, 6 years old

It is customary to call slings a number of fabric slings of different design for carrying small children on oneself.

Most psychologists say that children who are "riding their mothers" for the first year of their lives have a very strong basic sense of security and grow up calm and self-confident. Pediatricians also have nothing against slings, but at the same time, they emphasize the need for their correct use.

You can’t wear the baby for more than 2-3 hours, and you shouldn’t put him face forward, because in this position the child’s spine will be without support and, as a result, the legs may diverge incorrectly. The sitting position should resemble the “Turkish” version, when the weight is directed not only to the spine, but also to the legs and hips. Particular attention should be paid in this matter to babies who cannot sit on their own. In the supine position, the sling is very similar to the position of mother's hands. The back and head are supported along the entire length, which is a must for the age of up to two months!

Why do you need a sling, you ask?! There are so many beautiful strollers in the stores! In response, I will suggest that you once drag a stroller with a child onto a transitional bridge over the railway tracks, make a trip with a couple of transfers in the Moscow metro and get to a children's store located on the third floor in a shopping complex without an elevator and escalators.

For those who are still not convinced that I was right, I can hand over a child with colic / teething / confused day and night, and offer to calm the baby, while cleaning the house and cooking dinner ... Well, I will finish with a simple truth: there are children who refuse dealing with wheelchairs. Basically. And, generally speaking, there are quite a few of them - ready to sob for hours in a personal children's "transport", demanding to be picked up.

Inexperienced mothers who decide to carry a child on themselves sometimes make a big mistake - they acquire a sling even before the birth of the child, having heard enough of the stories of their friends who have already given birth. And when the baby refuses to sit in a sling, they get upset and begin to think that their child is not like those who happily fit into a bag.

The fact is that the same type of sling cannot be suitable for a very small baby and an older baby at the same time. Hence the tears of the child when trying to seat him in what may not yet suit him.

Megabytes of data about types of slings, history, theory and practice of sling-wearing (along with tons of articles of varying degrees of reliability about the only true ways to nurture a Happy Slingo) are easy to find on the net. All slings have one thing in common - how the child fits in them. The child does not hang out, leaning on the perineum, he is cozy and comfortable.

Which sling to choose

The sling must be chosen based on the weight of the child, the larger it is, the less the fabric should stretch. In addition, the hotter it is outside, the thinner material the sling should be made of. Of course, in summer, preference should be given to models made from natural fabrics. Also keep in mind that the fabric should stretch well in width and almost not stretch in length.

Conventionally, slings can be divided into three groups:

Sling scarf

They come in different lengths and widths. They are cuts of fabric up to 6 meters long - knitted or woven. From the outside, they seem very difficult to use - the mother wraps this fabric around herself in a certain way and places the child in the resulting "nest". In fact, you can learn the art of winding a sling in just a couple of attempts - with the help of an experienced person in this matter or by watching photo or video instructions, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

Sling scarf consultants advise as the best option if the mother plans to wear the baby for a long time and in large quantities. The child can sit and lie in it, tightly fixed with several layers of fabric. The sling scarf is tied around the mother, forming a pocket in which the baby is located. It seems difficult at first. But, according to experienced slings, even when carrying a child on their backs, they spend no more than 30 seconds tying. Of course, you need to adapt and then this process will reach automatism. You can wear a sling scarf on one or two shoulders.

From the experience of my friends and my own, a scarf is the most convenient device for carrying both a newborn and a heavy child. A properly wound scarf perfectly compensates for the weight of the baby and evenly distributes it, allowing the child to be worn in many ways. According to my feelings, the scarf easily gives odds even to the Very Cool Kangaroo (pronounce it with pathos, fall on your face at the sight of the price tag).

Slings of this type are sewn from knitwear and non-stretch fabric. And although knitted ones are easier to tie and adjust, it is better to start wearing this type of sling from a non-stretch fabric. The fact is that the larger the child, the more the knitwear will stretch. In addition, you don’t particularly vilify it in the heat, the greenhouse effect is guaranteed. In a fabric sling-scarf, it will be easier in summer, although it will still cause a little discomfort due to the tight fit around the body. But the safety of the baby comes first, so you have to be patient. With sufficient skill, you can carry a child on your hip.

Of course, putting a baby in and out of a sling scarf is not so easy for beginners, this requires practice. Therefore, for long trips with children, it is best to use the "Asian" model - a May-sling, reminiscent of a "kangaroo" (more on that below).

Sling with rings

This group of bandages, which are worn over the shoulder, obliquely. Accordingly, the weight of the child is not distributed between the shoulders, back and lower back, but is concentrated on one shoulder of the parent. Although manufacturers claim that with proper use there can be no discomfort, in fact, the moment when it becomes difficult still comes, especially for those who suffer from long-standing back problems. However, this sling is good in a situation where you move in short dashes, or your child is still very small, or you carry him on your hip, or he often asks to be on the ground and then back on his arms.

A baby in a sling with rings can be worn from birth. It is comfortable both as a “cradle” position, and in a sitting and upright position. In a sling with rings, the baby can be in front and on the mother's thigh. The tension of the fabric between the rings allows you to tightly fix the baby. In this type of baby sling it is comfortable to breastfeed. It is also good in that it is easy to put a sleeping child to bed without waking it up. However, you must be prepared for the fact that the ring sling does not free your hands. It is necessary to constantly hold the lying crumb with one hand. In other words, there will be no freedom of action.

Sling with rings is selected by size. On sale they are large and neutral colors, which will be comfortable for dad to wear.

Recently, large scarves have also become fashionable, with which, many years ago, mothers tied babies to themselves. There are many different ways to tie a scarf, which depend on the age and weight of the child, the physical capabilities of the mother.

Sling with straps

Such slings are more like modern "kangaroos" for babies. This group includes many devices whose designs are borrowed from different peoples of the world. This includes both slings, consisting of a rectangle of fabric with four straps, and backpacks for carrying children, which differ from the “kangaroo” in the way the child is seated - the baby wraps his legs around his mother.

My sling is an improved version of a scarf sling. Do not confuse with kangaroo! May-sling is much physiological.

May-sling is a rectangle made of dense fabric, designed to support the back of the child. Four long straps are sewn into the "back". The upper straps are tied at the mother's waist. The upper straps are thrown over the mother's shoulders, crossed, brought back, crossed again behind the child's back and tied at the mother's waist.

The advantages of a May-sling: it is not hot to use in the hot season, you can even carry a heavy child without harm to the spine. On sites selling May-slings, it is indicated that they can be used from the birth of a child, hugging the baby as tightly as possible and spreading his legs like a “frog”. However, slingomams advise using this type of sling only from the time when the baby begins to confidently hold the head and his spine gets stronger. The most optimal age is from 4 months.

In the May-sling, the child is only in an upright position. You can carry the baby both in front and on the back. In the second case - from 6 months.

One of the varieties of May-sling is the so-called "fast-sling", or "octopus sling". It differs in that the upper straps do not cross on the back of the child, but are “snapped” to the side edges of the back with fastex fasteners. Putting on a "fast sling" is faster and easier than a May sling. The position of the child in the fast-sling is also only vertical.

The Japanese sling onbuhimo (onbuhimo) looks like a mai sling. It differs only in that instead of the lower waist strap it has rings. If the upper straps of the May Sling cross behind the back of the baby, then in the case of onbuhimo they are passed through the rings and tied.

In Korean podegi slings (podeagi, podegi) children are usually carried on their backs. Podegi looks like a long wide apron, however, its “belt” is located not at the mother’s waist, but under the armpits. The child is put on the mother's back, covered with a sling, the shoulder straps are crossed on the mother's chest, then under the baby's hips over the fabric and tied at the mother's waist.

Sling Benefits

The advantages of slings are obvious - where the stroller will not pass, and the car seat will not fit, the baby will crawl on his mother, and nothing will happen to him. The sling gives you a pair of free hands, and it is much easier to carry a baby in a sling than in your arms. I will say more: you can breastfeed your baby in a sling, and no one will notice anything. The sling will also help out when the child is naughty or unwell. Again, you can have a whole collection of slings in different colors to match your eyes, jacket, T-shirt, and a special camouflage sling for daddy: let him proudly vilify the heir.

Sling Disadvantages

There are also downsides, of course. Let's face it, the price of some branded slings is quite comparable to the cost of a walking stick. In addition, you will immediately want to buy a coat, jacket and poncho especially for the slingomam, as well as special booties for the baby sling and something else just as important.

In short, sling manufacturers are just as cynical and just as hungry for your money as all other manufacturers of goods for children. In addition, you will have to dress yourself and the child in a completely different way, otherwise you will simply sweat under the layers of fabric. It's hot in a sling in summer, whoever assures you otherwise! Even if the sling is woven in a special way from environmentally friendly hemp, three layers of any fabric plus a warm baby pressed against you will quite successfully fulfill the role of a heating pad! Well, it’s purely girlish - with a child in a sling (especially if the baby sleeps sweetly) you can’t do great shopping, don’t try on shoes and clothes to your heart’s content ...


Perhaps more interesting than the species diversity of the sling family is the classification of those who use them.

"Sling-we-have-not-went-mom" honestly buys a sling on the recommendation of a girlfriend and either tries to use it a couple of times, or does not even get it out of the package. In any case, she does not succeed, and with a pure soul she tells everyone that this device did not fit her child.

"Sling User" on the contrary, she tries, and she succeeds. She easily combines a stroller and a sling and treats the latter as a convenient tool in some situations.

"Slingo fashionista" collects an extensive collection of slings in different colors to always look your best. No one will definitely take her for a beggar or a gypsy - her toilet is always exquisite, even if a 12-kilogram toddler is used as an additional "accessory".

"Slingoexperimentator" also has a lot of slings, but she is driven by the desire to find even more cool and comfortable than all those already available. At some point, she despairs of finding the ideal and sits down at the sewing machine herself, conjuring over patterns from the Internet. It is this mother who knows exactly which fabric from Ikea is best suited for slings of the “cheap and cheerful” category.

"Trembling Slingomam" devoutly believes in the sling and in the benefits of it. Able to sob all day if the child wants to walk with her legs - because she misses the baby so much!

"Sling Fanatic" elevates the use of a sling to the rank of a life philosophy. He dreams of burning all the strollers at the stake of the Inquisition. She is quite capable of coming up with a "false sling rejection" in her child and overcoming it. She is horrified at the sight of toy strollers that babies play with - her child will receive only a baby sling for her dolls and bears! He is friends exclusively with slingomams, stops communicating with more traditional mothers. Sincerely feels sorry for children in wheelchairs, considers them mentally retarded and / or seriously traumatized. Able to leave her past job and specialty for the tailoring of slings, or their courier delivery and training for beginners. He retrains as a "sling consultant" and goes to teach the people.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sling consultants and activists! However, the sling fanatic is distinguished by true intransigence in matters of carrying children.

Security measures

When wearing a sling, it is very important for a mother not to forget that the baby is on it. Sling consultants urge to be very careful when passing through doors, in stores between shelves, in public transport. When the baby is in a sling and there is a threat nearby, cover your main wealth with your hand, protect the baby from everything that can harm him.

Despite the benefits of wearing a sling, there are times when it is better to opt for a stroller. For example, if a mother arranges a shopping march and her hands will be occupied with shopping bags. This means that the proper protection for the baby will not be provided. The use of a sling is strictly prohibited in ice. You should not carry the baby on you if the mother is pregnant again. Also, the sling is not the best choice when walking with an already grown child and crumbs. An older kid prefers active games, and his mother will not be able to keep him company. In this case, it is preferable to arrange a walk with a stroller for the safety of both children.

The cost of slings is quite democratic - from 700 rubles. Exclusive models of stunning beauty in colors from 2500 rubles are also offered.

If you opt for slings, purchase products only from reputable manufacturers. It is approved by pediatricians. Beware of fakes. After all, they can very easily cause irreparable harm to the health of your child.

2 The best slings for bathing 3

Recently, on the street, it is increasingly possible to meet a mother with a baby in a sling. This is a kind of device for carrying a child, which has been used since antiquity. Unlike modern hipsuits or ergo backpacks, the sling is also suitable for newborns. The fabric construction is a scarf or bandage that holds the baby without the help of mother's hands. It takes the form of the child's body, allowing him to stay in a comfortable and safe position for a long time.

The main advantages of slings:

  • Close proximity to the mother allows the child to feel more relaxed.
  • Ergonomic shape is safe for the spine.
  • Frees up mom's hands and makes her more mobile.
  • Provides comfort while breastfeeding.

Slings vary in shape, fabrics, and design. There are four main types in total.

  1. Scarf - reaches a length of 6 meters and has many winding options. Used up to 3 years of age.
  2. My-sling is a square with several straps attached to the mother's waist and back, evenly distributing the load on her muscles.
  3. With rings - is a small hammock that is attached to metal circles. The length of the fabric is two meters.
  4. Pocket - designed for newborns and older children. Can change the position of the child (horizontal, vertical, etc.).

Such devices have many advantages for both the baby and his parents. There are situations when such a method of carrying is simply necessary. A mother whose baby is in a sling can easily go shopping, do household chores and breastfeed in convenient places. The rating of the best manufacturers will help you quickly and accurately determine which brand of sling is right for you. When allocating places, we took into account the reputation of the brand, priority areas of production, the use of natural materials, safety control, the opinions of orthopedic pediatricians and real feedback from parents.

The best sling scarf manufacturers

A special elastic fabric with a length of 3 to 6 meters allows the baby to be in it, both in the fetal position and in a horizontal position. Wraps in front, on the hips or behind the back. It is considered especially safe for the baby and is used from birth. The sling scarf is also convenient because it is suitable for children up to two or three years old. Evenly distributes the load on the mother's back, relieving pain during long-term carrying of the child in her arms. However, fast and correct winding requires skill and experience. In order for a scarf to fulfill its function, it must be made of suitable materials and meet all technological requirements. Our rating includes the best sling scarves from trusted manufacturers.


Better load distribution
Country: USA
Average price: 3,999 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The American company BOBA Family has been producing comfortable and reliable baby carriers for about 10 years. The main idea of ​​this young family company is to develop and produce a convenient and practical accessory for parents who prefer an active lifestyle. The owners are proud that the design of the fabric windings has been tested on the wearing of their own children, which guarantees its ergonomics, comfort and high quality. Today, the most popular model of the brand, which can be bought in domestic stores, is the Boba Wrap sling scarf. This physiologically correct and durable carrier allows you to safely move a child from 1 month to 3 years old (maximum weight - 16 kg), and the optimal combination of cotton and spandex in the material provides excellent elasticity and the ventilation necessary for the baby. In their feedback, customers also noted the excellent external qualities of Boba products - original slings with a geometric pattern can decorate the image of any fashionable mom.

Advantages of Boba models:

  • simple winding;
  • beautiful appearance.
  • Flaws:

    • a small range of models.


    Most Popular Models
    Country: Norway
    Average price: 5 899 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    Unique sling scarves from the Scandinavian manufacturer ELLEVILL, made from 100% natural materials, quickly gained immense popularity all over the world, including Russia. The company was founded in Norway in 2007 by a mother of three, who experienced first hand how important it is to use the right carrier to make everyday life easier for a woman and ensure the healthy development of her baby. As a result, hand-crafted slings using traditional Norwegian technology have become the benchmark in the maternity and baby category. Versatile and stylish, the brand's models are exported to more than 20 countries around the world, turning an increasing number of young parents into loyal fans of babywearing.

    Elleville Zara sling scarves do their job perfectly. Carrying your baby in them is very comfortable and, most importantly, safe. Depending on the models, the composition of the fabric includes a combination of organic linen, cotton, silk or bamboo. All products are distinguished by a large assortment of designs and colors - from plain to tricolor. Beautiful ethnic ornaments make the carrier attractive in appearance, and elongated bevels allow you to build neater and more convenient knots in windings.

    Advantages of Elleville Zara sling scarves:

    • high-quality natural materials;
    • unusual stylish design;
    • resistance to washing, ironing, etc.

    Product disadvantages:

    • high price.

    Comparison table between sling and ergo backpack

    Product type



    The baby is in close tactile contact with the mother

    It is possible to use from the first days of life

    Lots of winding options

    Supports the female pelvic organs

    Can you breastfeed your baby discreetly?

    Large selection of material and design

    Easy care - machine washable


    Difficulty of self-fixing, especially for a beginner

    Gives a load on the back and shoulders of the mother

    If the child is in the wrong position, there is a danger of curvature of the spine

    When worn on hot days, the baby may be uncomfortable due to several layers of fabric

    Ergo backpack

    Just put on

    The child can be carried in three positions (front, side, back)

    The soft back provides comfortable support for all parts of the baby's spine

    Existence of additional pockets "for trifles"

    Great for long walks

    Not suitable for newborns and children of the first months of life

    Sufficiently large weight and dimensions

    Small selection of manufacturers

    High price


    The best sling scarves of our own production at an affordable price
    Country Russia
    Average price: 1,990 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    TM "Kengurusha" is one of the best Russian companies engaged in the development and production of their own models of sling scarves. Recently, the range of the brand consisted exclusively of products made from 100% organic cotton - a soft and comfortable material that does not cause allergic reactions and allows the baby's skin to breathe. Now the company has launched the production of carriers made of knitted fabric of excellent quality, which has higher performance, stretches better and provides comfort from the first days of the baby's life. A wide variety of colors, interesting design solutions (collections "Classic", "Style", "Comfort"), the ability to carry not only newborns, but also older children (slings are designed for a load of up to 12 kg) and excellent reviews from mothers allow us to name the brand "Kengurusha" is the leader of our rating in terms of the totality of positive characteristics.

    Advantages of sling-scarves "Kengurusha":

    • optimal cost;
    • safety and environmental friendliness of the material;
    • stylish design.


    • not detected.

    The best manufacturers of May-slings

    May-sling is considered a safe analogue of an ergo backpack, due to the lack of a frame, it is suitable for newborns. It has the shape of a square or rectangle with four straps extending from the corners in different directions. Conveniently tied at the waist. Putting on a May-sling is quite simple, it does not take much time. But in such a carrier, the baby can only be in an upright position, which is not always convenient. Assumes an even distribution of the load on the back of the mother.


    Best price
    Country Russia
    Average price: 1,449 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Chudo-Chado is a Russian brand of goods for newborns and preschool children. This is one of the first companies in the domestic market, which began to produce and sell slings of its own tailoring. Since 1999, the brand's products have been in stable demand not only within the Russian Federation, but also in the countries of near and far abroad. All products produced under this logo are original and have been developed by our own designers in collaboration with the country's leading pediatricians. Carriers "Miracle-Chado" regularly take first place in prestigious competitions as the most ergonomic, safe and functional products for children.

    The "Childhood" model is designed for use from the first days of life up to 3 years of age. Bright colors, beautiful patterns and patterns are available in large quantities (10 spectacular images are available). 100% cotton provides softness and comfort for the baby. It is also convenient for mom to wear this sling due to the wide straps and simple design. The low price is another argument in favor of the Miracle Child. The average cost of a product does not exceed 2,000 rubles, which makes it possible to purchase a carrier even for those parents who are a little tight on funds.

    Advantages of May-Sling "Miracle-Chado":

    • affordability;
    • suitable for a beginner slingomam;
    • baby's skin breathes due to natural materials.


    • With frequent washing, it can quickly lose color.

    2 AMAMA

    Comfortable design with height adjustment
    Country Russia
    Average price: 2,690 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The first sling from AMAMA went on sale in 2005. This creative Siberian company has successfully combined creative enthusiasm and scientific thoroughness, because the development of carriers was carried out in the Academgorodok of Novosibirsk, a place where such characteristics as safety and functionality are approached with special responsibility. This approach allowed the company to become one of the most famous sling manufacturers in Russia, and a thorough check of the strength of the fabric and accessories made their products the best for daily walks around the city and long trips with children.

    May-sling "Tabatai" from the company "AMAMA" is designed for both newborns and older babies (up to 2 years). The model has an adjustable back width, which is especially important, taking into account the constant growth of the child. Perfectly holds the neck and head, equipped with a comfortable hood that protects against gusts of wind and bad weather. Material - natural cotton.

    Advantages of AMAMA carriers:

    • extra strong double weave fabric;
    • backrest adjustment;
    • does not lose its shape and color after numerous washes.


    • rather hard surface of the material, pre-wash with baby conditioner is required.


    European quality for Russian conditions
    Country: Italy-Russia
    Average price: 4,499 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The Italian company for the production of slings presents high-quality products that meet all the requirements for premium products. Brand products are developed in Italy, and tested and manufactured in Russia, Portugal and India. High-quality Egyptian cotton as the main material, incredible visual appeal and record-breaking durability of the device are the main advantages of this brand's carriers. By purchasing DIVA MILANO products, you can be sure that their products will faithfully serve you for the entire period of babywearing.

    The popular May-sling model Diva Milano Basico is the perfect combination of unique design and high comfort. It is equally convenient to use it both on the street and in the apartment, so that you can do household chores without interference. The child feels comfortable in the carrier, and a well-thought-out design involves long-term wearing without pain and a heavy load on the mother's back.

    Advantages of the model:

    • natural fabric;
    • there is a headrest;
    • high quality and wear resistance.

    Disadvantages of May-sling Diva Milano Basico:

    • a considerable price;
    • difficult to acquire, because This model is not available in all stores.

    The best ring sling manufacturers

    Ring slings have the shape of a bag due to the fact that one end of the fabric is threaded into special metal rings attached to the other end. The maximum length is 2 meters. It has a very convenient and simple winding, which any novice slingomam can handle, and is also easily removed. The baby feels comfortable and does not sweat even in hot weather, because. the fabric wraps it in one layer. With the help of rings it is convenient to adjust the position of the child and unfasten the sling.

    3 Selby

    The Selby trademark operates within the framework of the large diversified holding Topol Group of Companies. The assortment is based on various products for the correct and comfortable development of children from birth to 4-5 years. The brand's products have repeatedly won prestigious awards at all-Russian competitions and are in stable demand among responsible parents in Russia and the CIS countries.

    An example of a high-quality product made from environmentally friendly materials is the popular Selby GO ring sling. Functional and safe, it allows you to carry the child in three different positions - reclining, sitting facing or back to the parents. Available in several colors - red, blue, green and chocolate. According to reviews, this model is quite "capricious", and is not suitable for all kids. But, if you learn how to use the carrier correctly, and control the behavior of a small fidget in it, you are guaranteed comfort from use. The price of the product is about 1,200 rubles.

    Advantages of Selby GO:

    • strong fabric;
    • ergonomic shoulder strap;
    • soft edges.

    Sling Disadvantages:

    • use requires some skill.

    2 40 WEEKS

    Elegant slings for walking and relaxing
    Country Russia
    Average price: 1,392 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The company "40 weeks" is engaged in the production of clothing and related accessories for pregnant and lactating women. The entire manufacturing cycle, from the sketch of products to tailoring and assembly, takes place on the territory of the Russian Federation, so the management can always track the quality of products at any stage of production.

    The brand offers its own model of a sling with rings to help moms, which is easy to use and has an amazing design - very beautiful patterns on a contrasting background. Moms can choose from 3 color options. Convenient and strong connection provides easy fastening and ease of adjustment. The baby is in a natural state, thanks to which he feels comfortable and falls asleep quickly. The anatomically correct position does not interfere with the correct development of the child's spine, and the delicate "breathable" fabric (a mixture of cotton, viscose and elastane) does not cause discomfort during the heat. The price of most models of the brand does not exceed 1,400 rubles.

    Advantages of slings with rings "40 weeks":

    • low cost;
    • Beautiful design;
    • comfortable shape.

    Product disadvantages:

    • not very convenient during housework.

    1 MUM"S ERA

    The best choice of accessories for natural parenting
    Country Russia
    Average price: 2,599 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    Another Russian manufacturer of high-quality walking carriers is the young brand MUM "S ERA (the year the company was opened - 2011). The trademark sells the products of Mother-Echidna LLC, and from the very moment of its formation it has been focused on the foreign market. Today, the company's products are not not only successfully sold abroad, but also delivered to domestic online stores.The company focuses on the development of devices for natural parenting, helping to maintain a strong attachment between a newborn and his mother for as long as possible.

    Universal products from the Mum's Era Casual collection are in high demand among buyers. Models are sewn from cotton fabric, they are light, compact and have a simple winding mechanism. Comfortable non-slip rings ensure the safety of the baby, and the shape of the sling itself allows the child to lie in a comfortable and correct position .The maximum load that the carrier with rings can withstand is 15 kg, which is approximately the weight of a three-year-old baby.

    Advantages of Mum's Era slings:

    • easy adjustment;
    • breathable natural fabric;
    • high quality.

    Disadvantages of the models:

    • due to the use of 100% natural cotton, the fabric can wrinkle quickly.

    The best manufacturers of sling pockets

    Sling-pocket is a unique means for carrying a child in several positions (horizontal, vertical). It looks very different from other types of slings. Their design often resembles an ergo backpack or a hammock. The child feels calm and comfortable. Some pockets are only suitable for older children. The maximum load is usually 10 kg. Such carriers are not available from all manufacturers, because. it's not the most popular type. Our rating will help you choose the best sling pocket, both domestic and foreign.

    3 Little People

    The optimal combination of excellent quality and affordable price
    Country Russia
    Average price: 1,049 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The Little People brand is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of textile products for children from birth to one year old. The brand belongs to the Golden Goose LLC group of companies, which has its own clothing production with a long history. Envelopes, blankets for discharge, transforming overalls, blankets and, of course, comfortable ergonomic slings - this is the main product range, which optimally combines bright design, convenience, functionality and affordable price. Little People slings can compete with expensive branded gizmos - they are just as safe and durable, and they are also sold at more attractive prices (on average, a little over 1,000 rubles).

    The LITTLE PEOPLE Baby Sling looks like a comfortable hammock in which a newborn is comfortably located. This strong and reliable carrier made of durable textile fabric is put on in the form of a sling on one shoulder, which makes it possible to free the mother's hands and make the woman more mobile. The product is designed to carry children up to 9 kg (from 0 to 12 months).

    Benefits of the Little People sling:

    • ergonomics;
    • convenience when feeding;
    • low price.

    Disadvantages of the model:

    • small selection of colors.

    2 FILTS

    The best slings for bathing
    Country: France
    Average price: 2,500 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The French brand of children's accessories FILT is known, first of all, for its durable and lightweight nets for fishing, sports and tourism. The company traces its history back to 1944 of the last century and is the oldest in our rating. In addition to industrial and sporting goods, the company develops devices that make traveling with young children easier. Their original mini hammock carriers do not take up much space when folded, they dry quickly, are easily adjustable and can be used both for hiking and for conveniently bathing your baby in the shower, pool or pond.

    According to the reviews of active mothers, the Tonga sling pocket can be safely called the most popular model of the brand. It is made in the form of an elastic mesh with cells of different sizes. You can carry babies in it, starting from 5-6 months. (maximum load - 15 kg). The product is available in different colors. Depending on aesthetic preferences, you can choose a solid color sling (BLUE JEAN, BLUE JOYAN, ECRU BIO GOTS) or a brightly colored sling (Tonga RAINBOW). The average cost of goods is no more than 2,500 rubles.

    Benefits of Tonga hammocks:

    • convenient location of the child on the hip;
    • heavy-duty weaving without knots;
    • balanced load distribution.

    Product disadvantages:

    • are not on sale in all domestic stores.

    1 Wallaboo

    Most versatile 3-in-1 designs
    Country: Holland
    Average price: 4,900 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The Dutch company Wallaboo was founded in 2006 and began its activity with tailoring original muffs for newborns, which had no analogues in the market of children's goods. After such a successful debut, the range of the company was replenished with other accessories, including comfortable and high-quality slings. A feature of the brand's products is the use of innovative woven materials for sewing carriers. Soft as mother's hands and at the same time incredibly strong, Wallaboo slings will become irreplaceable helpers of responsible and loving parents.

    The 3-in-1 sling loop perfectly meets all the requirements for baby carriers. A universal device made of hypoallergenic cotton jersey can be used from any age of the baby - from 0 to 4 months lying at the breast, from 5 months sitting facing forward, and after, being in the “thigh” position. This is one of the latest developments of the company, in which the advantages of past designs and new design solutions converge in an ideal way.

    Advantages of Wallaboo slings:

    • multifunctionality;
    • inner side with soft padding;
    • resistance to repeated washings.


    • not detected.

    The best sling backpack manufacturers

    The sling in the form of a backpack is a completely new type of baby carrier that combines the convenience of traditional "kangaroos" and the physiology of slings. They do not have a rigid back, the child sits relaxed, taking exactly the position that most orthopedists recommend for the prevention of hip dysplasia. Such products are convenient for walking, you can discreetly breastfeed your child in them, rock them before bed, or simply move around the house together if the baby does not want to be left alone.

    3 SlingMe

    The largest assortment for every taste and budget
    Country Russia
    Average price: 1,999 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The Cherepovets brand of children's goods SlingMe has existed since 2010 and specializes in the production of various types of baby carriers from birth. This fast-growing brand is very popular with young parents - a large assortment of all kinds of accessories to wear, stylish product design, as well as a variety of prices make it possible to choose the perfect model that will delight both mother and baby every day.

    The collection of ergo backpacks from this manufacturer is truly impressive. It consists of several lines - "Comfort", "Premium", "AIR", "Linen". All models are of excellent quality and memorable appearance, but the most positive feedback from parents deserved carrying the Classic series. These slings fully met all expectations - they are comfortable to wear, the child takes the correct position, if necessary, you can adjust the straps for any clothing size (from 42 to 56). And the bright printed design makes the product a fashion accessory in the wardrobe of a modern mom.

    Advantages of SlingMe sling backpacks:

    • reliable fastenings;
    • the presence of a protective hood from the weather;
    • light weight.


    • not detected.

    2 Ergobaby

    Exclusive premium models
    Country: USA
    Average price: 3 390 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The American company Ergobaby Inc is today one of the leading companies in the production of premium baby carriers. Owner and chief designer Karin Frost independently developed a new concept of an ergo-backpack and sewed her first creation in the amount of 50 pieces. on a home sewing machine. This event took place in 2002, and now the Ergobaby brand is officially distributed in more than 25 countries of the world, and is in constant demand among demanding moms and dads. These slings and backpacks are happy to show off famous celebrities. The presence of brand products speaks eloquently of the good taste and high status of parents who, from the first day of life, strive to provide their heir with only the best things.

    Ergobaby Original is the same classic model that started a big production. Available in different colors, the front side is decorated with elegant embroidery. Suitable for carrying a child up to the age of three. The maximum supported weight is 20 kg. For the little ones, the backpack is equipped with a special insert for a newborn. In their reviews, the owners of the carrier most of all note the excellent quality of the material, the strength and reliability of the design, but pay attention to the large number of fakes. We advise you to carefully approach the purchase and look for the original only from trusted suppliers.

    Advantages of Ergobaby Original:

    • comfortable, stylish, exclusive;
    • the presence of a pocket and a hood;
    • natural filler - cotton-poplin.

    Disadvantages of the model:

    • due to the layer of insulation, it may not be comfortable to use in the summer heat.

    1 Manduca

    German reliability in every detail
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 10,450 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The legendary German brand Manduca is a symbol of quality for a huge number of caring parents around the world. The company, founded in 2007, produces expensive, but durable designs in which every detail is thought out - from perfectly even seams and clear prints that do not fade over time, to the environmental safety of the material and the reliability of the fasteners. Each product goes on sale in a branded cardboard box and is accompanied by detailed instructions for proper use.

    The Manduca DUO sling bag with detachable belt optimally retains all the comfort of carrying in a soft carry, but without the complex process of winding and knitting knots. Durable natural textiles of double diagonal weaving (raw materials - natural cotton and hemp threads) provide sufficient elasticity and resilience to the product, and the double fastening system helps to quickly and easily adjust the length to the weight and height of the child.

    Advantages of Manduca slings:

    • reliable fixation of the fabric in the rings;
    • reinforced wide straps;
    • head and neck support during sleep.

    Disadvantages of the models:

    • the price of a Manduca sling backpack is about 11,000 rubles.