How to paint balayage at home. Balayage hair coloring: features, technique (56 photos)

You enthusiastically look through magazines with photos of hairstyles of stars and think - “maybe I should dye my hair like that?” Doubt whether such a coloring will suit you, how it will look, and in general - whether it will work ... Fashionable words now - shatush, ombre, bronding beckon you with their mysterious names. Well, then, it's time to talk about how balayage hair coloring is performed, what it is and how to care for it.

Balayazh is a beautiful and sonorous hairdressing term that came to us from France. Literally, we can translate it as "baking". The meaning of this coloring is to create the effect of strands burnt out in the sun. Technically, visually, this technique is very unusual, requires a creative approach of the master, gives fresh impressions, new sensations to you - as a direct participant in this action.

We are tired of classic highlights, juicy chocolate shades, expensive blondes. I want something new and fresh. Here we remember that there is a good old balayazh staining technique. There are many disagreements, disputes around this coloring. Each stylist means something different by this term. Let's remember that everything new is a well-forgotten old. Balayazh was popular once upon a time, then forgotten, and now it is returning to us, having found a new breath.

Balayage hair coloring is suitable for many girls, it will also suit women of any age. But let's not rush, let's talk in detail for what and for whom this procedure is.

Why do we need balayage

Nature is never wrong - this is a well-known expression. In this case, its meaning can be comprehended completely. We have long preferred cool shades, experienced a boom in delicious chocolate flowers. We went to the other extreme - blonds, all shades and levels of depth of tone. And what do we have?

Every girl knows for sure that when you paint in a very dark color, the skin often looks paler. You have to adapt, use different tricks in makeup. The same with light colors - you have to fight either with the pallor of the skin, or focus on the eyes or lips. We recall the rule of the golden mean and that there is balayage hair coloring. This method is a good way out of the situation, this coloring is very convenient, one might say, universal. Ideally, it is performed on natural hair.

The main work occurs only at the tips. We get, if the balayage staining technique is done correctly, a smooth stretch of color, from dark or natural to any shade of light. Natural hair blends perfectly with eye color, skin tone, you do not look pale or colorless, because nature has thought of everything!

Light ends and the right shade for toning will complement the beauty already created by nature, give freshness and enthusiasm, plus it is very fashionable. This method also works on dyed hair. The result is interesting, and there can be a lot of options for such work. The master necessarily works with different shades to create volume, play of color, gentle transitions and highlights.

Balayazh helps to solve a lot of problems regarding the volume, the silhouette of the haircut, growing roots. Perfectly refreshes the face. Naturalness is now in trend - the main principle of this method. A well-executed balayazh dyeing technique kills two birds with one stone - it saves time and does not damage the hair.

Benefits of staining

  • For those who do not want to part with the length of the hair, coloring allows you to refresh the haircut and give it new accents, thanks to the color transition.
  • By correctly placing the highlights, you can correct the oval of the face. Accentuate the texture of the haircut
  • Balayazh refreshes the face, which means it will be relevant for middle-aged women. Gray hair can be tinted as the roots grow. Light ends, especially if the haircut is short, make the roots less visible. In fact, you can paint less often than with monochromatic staining.
  • Looks good on curly hair. Even a sharp transition in color will be softened by soft curls. If desired, we straighten the hair and get a completely different hairstyle. A more graphic balayazh staining technique allows you to change the image very effectively.
  • Not all hair is involved in the work. Dye, lightening powder are applied only to the ends of the hair. This is the biggest advantage of this technique.
  • Hair is not wrapped in foil, there is no need to keep it under the climazon. That is, we do not create additional conditions to accelerate the chemical reaction. The work of the brightening composition takes place in a natural way. This means that the quality of the hair suffers minimally. This is another big plus.

Disadvantages of staining

  • It does not always look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. This can happen for two reasons. The first is that the transition is made very abruptly or it simply does not exist. On straight hair, if you do not style it with tongs or brushing, it will look rough. The second reason is that if balayage hair coloring is done on previously dyed dark hair, the ends may turn out red, or dirty red.
  • Daily styling is required. Yes, there are no miracles. Balayazh looks expensive, spectacular only with styling. Ideally - on curls. But you can also just twist the ends with brushing. If this is not done, you will get the effect of roots grown on the floor of the head.
  • Balayage hair coloring is best done by an experienced master. The technology for doing the work is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You need to consider the texture, quality, type, length of hair, haircut. In fact, the technique is selected individually
  • Sometimes, before applying the dye, it is required to perform a pile, to achieve special effects. A brightening composition is applied to the pile, and this can adversely affect the quality of the hair. Very often the ends have to be trimmed as a result.

We recommend that you carefully weigh the pros and cons. Photos of stars with natural flowing curls are the work of a large number of professionals, appropriate care and styling. Are you ready to pay $ 1000 for the work of a master of this level? There is a myth that balayazh is a color for the lazy, but, alas, this is far from the case.

Modern balayage

Modern stylists and technologists have revived, breathed new ideas, colors and meaning into this coloring. The balayage coloring technique in the interpretation of the Loreal brand is very interesting. They were among the first to revive and actively promote this method. A wide variety of dyes, personal coloring techniques, care and special styling tools allow you to create trendy looks. The effect of burnt hair, "beach styling" is a new look from the guru of hairdressing.

Modern materials, the individual approach of the master will help you create an image that reflects your mood and essence. It is very important to color the clarified tips in pink, blue, lilac, green (malachite) shades.

The massive popularization of balayazh hair coloring has given rise to corresponding professional products. You will find yourself at the height of fashion by purchasing special colored hair crayons or toners. They are applied very easily, washed off in 1-2 washes. The composition of these products does not penetrate deep into the hair, does not affect their structure, quality. Gives the image a zest, very to the face of young girls. Looks impressive on brunettes, especially blue shades. Pink strands go well with shades of blond. Yes, yes, it is also relevant for hair dyed in one tone, and not just for balayage.

Over the long years of its existence, one of the most popular hair coloring techniques has not lost its relevance, on the contrary, it has received a new life in various variations. Shatush, ombre and finally balayage. All three trends of recent years are somewhat similar to each other. Shaded Roots, Blends and Color Stretch, look stylish, give the strands a fashionable naturalness, and the hairstyle dynamism.

Name "balayage" translated from French as "revenge". Indeed, the work of the master with a brush when applying a coloring composition to the hair resembles wide sweeps of a broom.

When dyeing balayazh, the ends of the hair and strands are highlighted with color, starting from the middle. The composition is applied in the form of the Latin letter V. First, the sides of the selected strand are painted over, and then its ends. Two or three shades are used, "flowing" into each other. Color transitions can be sharp or smooth, without clear boundaries.

Benefits of the balayage technique

Most modern fashionistas believe that traditional coloring is yesterday. Many people are bored with hair that looks like a wig, so dyeing and lightening using several shades at once has been at the peak of fashion trends for several years. Balayazh has the following advantages:

Suitable for owners of hair of any length;
Fits well with any look and style from extravagant to classic;
Gives hair visual volume and shine;
Good for thin and unruly hair;
Does not require frequent color correction, except when coloring is done on a short haircut;
Allows you to correct facial imperfections, for example, hide a heavy chin or too wide cheekbones, overly rounded cheeks.

This technique also has its downsides. Compared to traditional coloring or highlighting, balayazh takes more time, and it will not be so easy to perform the procedure yourself at home.

Shatush, ombre, balayazh - is there a difference?

The trends of the last few seasons, coloring techniques, and balayage, at first glance, do not differ from each other. Each of them gives the hair a natural effect of burning out in the sun, in all there is a contrast between the roots and tips. To the layman's eye, there is no difference. But a good specialist knows that these are not the same thing.

When coloring the balayage, the ends of the hair are also lightened. However, unlike the shatush technique, the composition is applied to the entire zone, that is, the lower part stands out more clearly. In this balayage is similar to ombre. However, the shades used in the first case are closer to the natural hair color. In addition, balayage uses vertical rather than horizontal coloring, which results in more blurred transitions of shades. Thus, we can say that balayage is a cross between shatush and ombre.

Video - what are the differences between balayage, ombre and shatush techniques

As already mentioned, balayage technology involves changing the color of only half of the hair. But this is a simplified diagram. In practice, there are several variations of staining. The difference lies in the color transitions, they can be sharp or subtle. Coloring is subjected only to the ends of the hair or strands almost completely. The choice of colors is also unlimited: it can be shades that are close to natural, or bright, almost contrasting.

Who suits balayage

Since the technology is considered gentle, the masters recommend balayazh to owners fine and porous hair. They are distinguished by insufficient volume, lack of shine and brittleness. Coloring can solve all three problems at once. The happy owners of long, healthy and lush curls do not need to choose, any of the techniques is perfect for them: shatush, ombre or balayage. But on short haircuts, the last option will look the most advantageous.

It should be noted that balayage coloring is aimed primarily at giving expressiveness to the hairstyle. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance by making a suitable haircut or carving. On curled curls, balayage looks simply luxurious. Well suited for this dyeing technique are also haircuts with a “ladder” of various lengths.

Short hair owners they can choose a classic bob with graduation and effectively emphasize individual strands at the face and at the back of the head. This technique will give visual volume to the hairstyle, in addition, the traditional classic will look more modern. By the way, this option is suitable not only for fans of elegant haircuts, but also for extraordinary people. Color will allow you to place the necessary accents.

Balayazh on blond hair

Natural shades look the most organic on fair-haired beauties, not too different from the natural color of the hair: golden, wheat, light amber, light blond. In this case, the transition looks as restrained as possible. Fans of more unconventional solutions can be recommended:
✓ All shades of copper;
✓ Caramel;
✓ Light walnut;
✓ Coffee with milk;
✓ Silver - ash blond.

golden-haired ladies they can also use balayazh coloring to revive the hair color, give the hairstyle extra volume. Of course, on light strands, lightening will practically not be noticeable, so for those who want to slightly change the image, it is better to choose tones that are slightly darker than the natural shade. To give visual volume and shine, "platinum blond" is suitable.

Balayazh on light brown hair - photo

Balayazh on dark hair

Brunettes and brown-haired women prefer balayazh dyeing technology, since the results of the experiment are best seen on dark hair. In addition, you can create any images by simply choosing the right color. Bold women of fashion will prefer brightness and contrast, elegant ladies will choose the effect of light sun glare in their hair.

A romantic, gentle look allows you to create coloring using golden, honey, caramel shades. Brunettes will suit the colors of chocolate and coffee. Shades of gray hair with a silvery sheen look especially noble on raven-colored hair.

Fans of bright style will prefer shades autumn foliage or Burgundy wine, old bronze. With a bright color, you can shade strands almost along the entire length, or simply emphasize the tips. In any case, the hairstyle will look non-trivial.

Balayazh on dark hair - photo

Outrageous lovers they prefer trendy looks, with neon-colored tips. The palette here is huge: from lemon to ultramarine or sea wave. Undoubtedly, this option is more suitable for a young lady, emphasizing her youth and courage.

How to make balayage at home

There is nothing supernatural in coloring balayazh, having some skills in coloring and lightening, you will quite cope with this task. But it will be difficult to dye your own hair from the back. Therefore, you will need the help of a second person.

For staining, you need to prepare:

1. Paint of suitable shades;
2. A brush for applying the composition;
3. Mixing containers;
4. Comb with a long tail;
5. Hair clips;
6. Protective gloves and peignoir;
7. Thin cling film, pre-cut into large rectangles (15x30).

We proceed to staining, observing the following sequence:

1. Prepare everything you need, dilute the paint and cover the clothes with a peignoir;
2. Fix the bulk of the hair at the top, separating the “lower tier” in the temporal and occipital parts;
3. Divide the hair into separate strands, their width (2 - 4 cm) will depend on the density of the hair, the more hair, the larger the area that is processed at a time;
4. Apply paint of a lighter tone along the edges of the selected strand, shading it with short vertical strokes, move from bottom to top, then brush the tips thickly;
5. Paint over the middle with an intermediate shade;
6. Cover the dyed strands with a film to separate them from the next row of dyed hair;
7. In this way, gradually process the entire mass of hair.

Balayazh at home video

For a smooth transition of color that provides curls with a natural look, fair-haired young ladies are recommended to use two colors of paint, the first is lighter than the base shade of hair by 2 tones, and the second by four. The lightest one will go to the edging, and the darker one will go to the center.
If the natural color is not too expressive or you need to hide the gray hair, dye your hair in a tone close to your natural shade (a little darker or lighter), and after a few days do balayage according to the above scheme.

Balayage coloring photo

Do not forget that coloring, even gentle, is still the effect of chemicals. Use restorative masks, special balms and shampoos for subsequent care. The color of dark hair, as needed, can be refreshed with tint compositions.

The modern language of hairdressers sometimes resembles the negotiations of alchemists: shatush, degrade, balayazh ... For those who are “out of touch”, it can be oh so difficult to understand a heap of fashionable novelties and terms! How, for example, balayage differs from classic highlighting? How will it look on long, buzz cut or curly hair? Is it possible to repeat this curious technique at home, or is it better not to even try? Let's try to answer these questions, and at the same time draw up detailed instructions for reproducing the fabulous "solar coloring" in your own kitchen. Why not?

What is balayage

Those who call coloring with the effect of sun-bleached strands a relatively young technology are not entirely right. It originated almost half a century ago in France, where it experienced its first rise to the peak of popularity, reigned for some time on the heads of European fashionistas and eventually receded into the shadows. However, in recent years, the undeservedly half-forgotten way of turning a boring monophonic hair into a sunbeamed one again declares itself, so loudly that neither Hollywood divas nor ordinary "earthly" beauties ignore it. Moreover, there are more and more varieties of "burnt" coloring! And this one is one of them.

Roughly speaking, balayazh means lightening the ends of the hair with almost no effect on their main length and roots. Another thing is that "tips" is an indefinite concept. Depending on the wishes of the client, they can be either a couple or two dozen centimeters. And if you try to put it in more detail, then the technique that allows you to light a small personal sun in your hair came into being from two other popular coloring methods - ombre and shatush.

What is the difference between him, shatoush and ombre

The word “balayage” itself can be translated as “ride” or “revenge, brush away”, which very accurately reflects the essence of the technology. Having pre-treated the tips, the master with easy, light movements “waves” the brush over the client’s hair, pulling the paint of 1-2 selected shades into separate strands with strictly vertical strokes. Moreover, the thickness and location of each next curl that “fell on the brush” is chosen arbitrarily - the balayazh does not tolerate strict symmetry and marked color boundaries. By this, by the way, it differs from ombre, which prefers “transverse” coloring, when the color is applied to the entire mass of hair, and the transitions from, for example, dark roots to a bright middle part and brightened tips are more or less noticeable.

Summer is the best time for "sunny" coloring

In addition, for ombre, any color is allowed, up to the most catchy, while balayage requires choosing shades that are close to the natural tone of the hair. Here he is more like a shatush with his desire to give the curls depth and color, while maintaining the effect of naturalness - so much so that even some stylists confuse these techniques. The difference is really small, it is no coincidence that both methods are equally called hair painting. However, the shatush is made on pre-combed curls, due to which the color overflows are more refined and soft. In the technique, bouffant is used only for short haircuts and for completely different purposes, and in all other cases they affect only the top layer of smoothly combed strands, without trying to penetrate into their depth.

Technology Benefits

  • Although formally balayazh is a type of highlighting, it does not require the use of foil and a warming cap. In most cases, staining takes place in free air, and the process itself takes less time.
  • Only the tips of the hair are exposed to the most intense effect, while the roots most often do not participate in coloring. Therefore, balayage is considered a gentle technology that can be used on problematic, dry or thin hair. Unless, of course, the situation is not completely catastrophic.
  • Separate highlighted strands give the hairstyle volume and lightness without artificiality.
  • Balayazh can afford owners of haircuts of any length.
  • Due to the fact that the roots retain their natural shade, there is no need to often look into the salon. One visit every 3–4 months is the normal practice.
  • You have a chance to try something new without resorting to radical changes.

Who is hair painting suitable for?

On “clean” blondes, lightening will look slurred.

Balayazh can be safely called a universal technique. Unlike ombre, which looks too eccentric on brunettes or bronding, which is lost on curly curls, it successfully falls on dark, light, short, long and curly curls. Only an attempt to introduce this interesting technique to very blond hair, which is pointless to additionally lighten, can end in failure.

Balayazh does not disassemble and age - both very young girls and adult ladies can afford it. The whole mystery is to choose colors according to the type of appearance and tone of hair. The “I want a hairstyle like Jennifer Lopez” option will not work here.

  • A winter woman with pale skin, blue or gray eyes and black or dark chestnut hair will suit dark hazel and deep coffee and chocolate tones. Look for an espresso color or a bright chestnut that is slightly more pronounced than your "personal" hair tone. In addition, brunettes can be advised to use eggplant color on the main length of the strand and catchy burgundy or even red on the tips.
  • Spring ladies with light, slightly blushed skin, blue-green or hazel eyes and light curls will have honey-wheat shades, delicious caramel and amber. For highlighted ends, you can use ash and beige blond.
  • Girls of the Summer type have olive skin, blond or ashy hair, and eyes are most often gray in color - blue-gray, gray-green, grayish-brown. On such beauties, light shades of hazelnut, tinted with pearl or ashy tips, look good.
  • The colors of autumn "saffron mushrooms" with golden dark skin and bright eyes of green, golden brown and gray-blue hue, naturally - copper and bronze! With it, a real fire will burn on your head, scorching the hearts of the opposite sex. The already mentioned hazelnuts, caramel and chocolate are also good.

But it is better to make the final decision only after consulting with the master, a mirror and a sense of taste.

Photo of application methods for dark, red, blond and blond hair

Long curls or a haircut - it's up to you Add color to dark hair The length of the clarified tips can be any Balayage will create a truly summer mood Blonde or brunette? Irrelevant! Balayazh will decorate your hair with sun glare Do you want to add a twist to your look? No problem! Often the master brightens only the top layer of hair

Step by step preparation

Regardless of whether you decide to entrust your head to the experienced hands of a master or want to master the complex technique of coloring on your own, you still have to turn to the hairdresser. Balayazh is done on a ready-made, professionally made haircut, which will allow you to emphasize the beauty of the colorful strands that effectively spread over your head and fix the result for a long time.

The choice of haircut depends only on your desire, and even on the shape of the face, but just in case, take note: all sorts of “cascades” and “ladders” greatly benefit from using this technique.

Stop washing your hair two days before coloring. The thinnest greasy film formed during this time will protect the hair and skin from the action of the paint. Finally, right before dyeing, the hair must be combed very carefully, from the tips to the very roots.

Salon coloring techniques

What exactly will happen in the salon if a professional will “paint” your hair?

Short haircut

  1. First of all, the strands are strongly combed along the entire length, giving them the appearance of a disheveled hedgehog. For greater reliability, the structure will be fixed with varnish.
  2. A sheet of foil with paint applied to it will be applied to the ends of the hair provocatively sticking up, and the master will definitely make sure that it does not get on the roots.
  3. Once the desired time has elapsed, the foil is removed and the hair is thoroughly washed. Whether tinting will be done after this depends on the client's idea and the length of the hair. What is good about balayazh is that it looks great even on the shortest haircuts, on which the master simply has nowhere to roam with a brush.

Medium length hair

  1. Well-combed hair with a comb with a long tooth is divided into segments and tied into ponytails.
  2. Part of the hair at the roots, which should not come into contact with the paint, is wrapped in foil.
  3. Everything that remains “free” will be covered with a coloring agent using a soft sponge and brush, and after a while the paint will be removed.

Long curls

Balayage is called hair painting for a reason.

  1. The hair is thoroughly combed, the tips lighten.
  2. Then, under each strand chosen for coloring, they will sequentially put a strip of foil or a special film and apply the desired shades to the curl with a brush, stretching them to the intended length. The film is needed here to protect the part of the hair from the dye, which should preserve the natural color.
  3. After the measured time, the hair is washed, dried and styled. Balayage is often done in two stages: lightening the tips with complete removal of paint and subsequent toning.

Fast and effective gelatin hair mask:

Balayazh coloring at home: instructions

If you're new to hairdressing, don't challenge yourself with half a dozen different shades. Try one, maximum two colors first.

Stock up on an unnecessary T-shirt or towel in advance to cover your shoulders. This is a mandatory item, as there will be a lot of spots. And gloves, plenty of paper or cotton strips to separate the dyed strands, a brush, a plastic comb and of course the dye itself will not interfere.

Simple option using one color:

  • Separating a strand from the main mass of carefully combed hair, thickly treat its tip with a brightening composition, and then quickly, with vertical movements, apply strokes of paint along the length, not forgetting to put a strip of fabric or paper underneath. Remember that the color does not need to be stretched to the very roots, and the strand does not need to be dyed through!
  • The next curl should be a little thicker or thinner than the previous one, and the paint is stretched a little higher or lower along it. Your job is to be natural. not mathematical precision.
  • In the same way, process the entire head, paying special attention to the strands coming from the crown and on both sides of the face: they usually burn out first. Wait for the time indicated in the instructions, wash off the paint and rinse your hair with warm water and lemon juice.

If you decide to use 2-3 shades, break the coloring into 2 parts. Start by lightening the tips and, after washing off the brightening composition, start toning.

Video: How to make balayazh at home

Unfortunately, the voice-over of video materials is in English, however, the method and scheme for staining are covered in great detail.

And the second option with a more "artistic" drawing of the strands

Precautionary measures

  • No matter how gentle the coloring is, it still affects the structure of the hair. Therefore, it is better to leave very dry, discolored, damaged strands with split ends alone for a while and help them recover with a series of strengthening masks and taking vitamin complexes.
  • Purchase quality paint that will not cause allergies or irritation. Do not save on your health, go to the company store!
  • Even first-class coloring agents have a far from harmless effect on the skin and hair. Therefore, do not ignore the advice about gloves and a two-day refusal to wash your hair. And right before you take up the brush, generously smear the cream on your forehead, temples and neck along the hairline.

If you do not break the lightening and toning into two stages, you need to act very quickly. It is recommended to keep the paint on the ends of the hair for 15 to 30 minutes, and you need to meet this time, otherwise you can forget about the natural shades.

  • Keep your hair away from high temperatures. Bath, sauna and sunbathing without a wide-brimmed hat is not for you.
  • Make moisturizing masks: both ready-made and “own production”.
  • Use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.

With strict observance of all the rules, you will not need to update the resulting shade of hair for three or even four months.

Balayazh painting - how and what kind of technique is it? Balayazh is a special dyeing technique in which the master clarifies individual strands to create a bright color contrast on the hair. Balayage differs from the shatush technique in that it can cover a large “area” for clarification. For example, in the shatush technique, no more than half the length is taken; with balayage, lightening begins much higher.

Also, do not confuse balayage with the equally popular ombre. When performing an ombre, the border of the color transition from dark to light is more pronounced, that is, the transition point remains even. Also, color staining is more applicable to ombre, for example, pink or purple ends for blondes and so on.

Is it possible to dye your hair at home in this style?

Hair coloring in the style of balayage yourself, is it possible? Do-it-yourself home painting using balayage technology requires special efforts. It is necessary to be careful when working with paint, as well as to think over the tones that will be as close as possible to the original color, because the balayage coloring technique uses only three tones of lightening.

What is needed for this?

How and what to do coloring? In order to dye your hair in the balayage style at home, we should have at hand:

  • Gloves.
  • Comb with fine teeth.
  • Hairpins or silicone rubber bands.
  • Sponges and brushes.
  • Paint and highlighter.

Although balayazh is a technique for coloring the tips, it is still recommended to lubricate the neck and ears along the hairline with a greasy cream to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as skin staining. You can also protect clothes with a special hairdressing cape, if any, or just with an old towel.

How to prepare?

Next, we move on to preparing the hair. Since we do not affect the scalp, then whether your hair will be washed or not - it does not matter. At this stage, the main thing is to comb them properly, otherwise they will become tangled during the dyeing process, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly do the procedure for yourself or someone

A simple and quick technique for dyeing short curls

Technology for dyeing short hair (step by step), which you can do yourself at home:

For medium length

How to do balayazh on medium length hair step by step? In this coloring option, in addition to items from the standard set of a home hairdresser, you will also need foil.

DIY painting technique:

Watch a video about dyeing medium hair using the balayange technique:

For long strands

ADVICE: For dyeing long hair, it is better to ask a friend for help, as tangles are possible on the back of the head.

How to dye your hair using balayage technique for long hair:

Watch a video about hair dyeing with balayange technique for long hair:

How to toned?

If, after lightening, an unpleasant yellow tint remains on the hair, then getting rid of it at home is quite simple. There are a lot of yellowness neutralizers, such as tinted shampoos, special balms, etc. Sometimes manufacturers put them in boxes for clarifiers.

There is also a budget way to tint bleached hair at home.. For this we need:

  • Balm "Tonic" purple hue.
  • Balm for hair.

It is necessary to dilute the "tonic" and your usual balm in proportions of 1: 1 and leave it on your hair for 3-5 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse your hair thoroughly.

Approach responsibly to the choice of "Tonics": the balm should be exactly purple! All shades of cold blond initially have just such a shade. In order not to be mistaken, it is easier to ask the seller to open a bottle of tonic in front of you. If it is lilac or deep purple - this is what we need. Don't mess with blue! Otherwise, you will get "green" on your hair. To be safe, it is better to try the tonic on a separate strand: this will help you regulate the exposure time of the balm and the intensity of the color.

Watch a video about tinting hair after lightening:

How to independently make a color in one tone?

It also happens that modern and fashionable coloring gets boring over time. Do not despair and take scissors to cut off the boring clarified ends - they can be easily painted over at home. For this we need:

It is best to take a dye with a low ammonia content so as not to harm the hair.

Lightening hair is the removal of colored pigment from them.. So, if we removed it and want to repaint, then it is necessary to “hammer” this pigment into the hair again. Therefore, you will have to repeat the staining procedure after about once a week. On average, 3-4 stains are enough for the pigment to adhere well to the hair.

Technique for performing and applying paint step by step (for the first staining):

  1. We begin to apply the coloring composition to the tips, gradually rising up to the roots. After we have applied paint to the bleached areas of the hair, let it stand for 10 minutes and gently comb the hair.
  2. Next, tint the roots to even out the color. Leave on for 30-40 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  3. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a balm for colored and damaged hair.

For subsequent staining: repeat the same thing, but do not touch the roots. The time of action of the coloring pigment is 20-30 minutes.

Life hack how not to ruin your hair

How do they save hair and what do they do after dyeing so that they do not split or deteriorate? If, after lightening, your ends are split and look inappropriate, then you can lubricate them with castor oil or fish oil. Only very little, otherwise the effect of dirty hair may turn out.

Also, after staining, you can make a resuscitating mask of colorless henna and vitamin E. Henna must be diluted in accordance with the instructions (usually 1: 1) and add a few capsules of vitamin E. Leave the mask for 40-60 minutes, rinse with hot water after the time has elapsed. . Henna will help restore damaged hair structure, and vitamin E will provide the necessary trace elements.


IMPORTANT: If your hair has been subjected to frequent lightening and dyeing, as well as dull, lifeless and split, then it would be better to refuse dyeing at home.

There is always a big risk of damaging the hair, and if it is already damaged, then I have every chance of simply remaining in your hands after lightening. In such cases, it is still better to trust professionals who will choose a more gentle way of coloring for you, as well as give a lot of advice on care.

How to care after the procedure?

After dyeing, the most weakened part of the hair is the ends.. They will need to be trimmed once every one to two months. This will help hair restoration and better growth. Revitalizing masks are also recommended. It is necessary to use special shampoos for colored and damaged hair.

Favorably on bleached hair will affect the use of oils. For example, burdock oil is suitable for both oily and dry types, nourishes the hair and makes it enriched with vitamins. After washing, the hair can be rinsed with a decoction of nettle, oregano, plantain or sage herbs.

What to do if the result is not what you wanted?

With home staining, the color may turn out not at all what you expected.. How to fix a bad balayazh?

  • If the lightening turned out to be darker than planned, then you can apply the coloring composition again, but for 5-10 minutes.
  • If you wanted a darker color, you will have to tint. Take the paint of the desired shade and leave the same for 5-10 minutes.
  • The hair turned yellow - we remove the yellowness with the help of a purple tint balm as described above.
  • The hair turned green - the "green" from the hair is neutralized by the red pigment. Take a copper-colored coloring composition and hold for about 10 minutes.

Watch a video about fixing an unsuccessful balayanj:


Balayazh is not at all such a difficult hair coloring technique to perform, as it seemed at first glance. The main thing is the strict observance of all instructions and recommendations of specialists. But if you still doubt your own abilities, then it is better to postpone home coloring and trust professionals. Beauty requires sacrifice and, you see, it is better to pay for quality work than to ruin your precious hair.

An article on the topic: "balayage at home. step-by-step instructions for beginners. tools and tools" from professionals.

Do you want to change your look by trying one of the beautiful techniques on yourself, but can't find the time to go to the salon? Learn how to make balayazh at home and become beautiful without any effort.

Staining features

Balayage (from English - “balayage”) is a simple and quick technique that allows you to get a beautiful effect of slightly burnt strands. With this method of coloring, the curls are picked in random order, so the result looks very natural.

Advice! To determine the number and location of the strand for coloring, remember how your hair most often burns out.

The easiest way to do balayazh on blond hair. First, they do not need additional clarification. Secondly, even if you don’t get perfect transitions, then it will not be so noticeable on light hair. But when dyeing on dark hair, you will need to try at least twice as much - they will have to be lightened, and only then dyed.

In salons, balayazh is performed with the participation of 2-3 tones. They do not have to refer to the natural color palette. If you want a radical change, feel free to use blue, purple, green. Of course, with such a coloring, you are unlikely to get the effect of burnt hair - the result will be different, but still very stylish. For those who prefer naturalness, we advise you to choose the following tones:

  • Beige;
  • cognac;
  • Champagne;
  • Chocolate;
  • Walnut;
  • Light brown;
  • Caramel;
  • Coffee;
  • Chestnut.

In the salon version, two shades are used (main and lighter) with a very blurred border. In this case, the ends of the hair are completely highlighted, and the vertical strands - only 2/3 of the length.

Important! The most common mistake is the wrong combination of shades. Do not forget that they must be either warm or cold. It is impossible to combine heat and cold in one hairstyle!

How to choose the right color?

Having decided to dye your hair using the balayage technique, choose the right color. To do this, you need to take into account belonging to the color type.

  • Spring - light brown or blue-green eyes, fair skin with a blush, blond hair. We advise owners of such an appearance to take a closer look at amber, wheat, honey, beige, caramel and ashy shades;
  • Summer - gray eyes with green, brown or blue splashes, ash or blond hair and olive skin. Most of the cold tones, tinted at the ends with pearls or ashes, suit summer girls;
  • Winter - gray or blue eyes, pale skin, black or dark brown hair. Representatives of the winter color type are ideal for coffee, chocolate, walnut, bright chestnut, eggplant, red, burgundy, espresso;
  • Autumn - green, gray-blue or golden brown eyes, swarthy golden skin and red hair. Bright autumn girls should better look at chestnut, chocolate, bronze, caramel, walnut and copper shades.

Advice! Copper shades fit perfectly on light brown hair, while unexpected colors look extraordinarily beautiful on dark hair - blue, yellow or lilac.

Balayage for short hair

Balayazh toning for short hair does not require any special skills. We are sure that with this detailed instruction, you will easily cope with this simple task.

You will need:

  • Comb with frequent teeth;
  • clarifier;
  • Dye;
  • Towel;
  • Shampoo;
  • Foil;
  • tassel;
  • Balm.

How to do it right:

  1. Comb the strands strongly so that the ends stick up.
  2. For greater reliability, fix the finished structure with a strong varnish.
  3. Get your bleach ready.
  4. Lubricate pieces of foil with it and attach it to the combed ends. In this case, you need to make sure that the coloring composition does not get on the roots of the strands.
  5. Remove foil from hair and rinse thoroughly.
  6. Now prepare your paint.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  8. Use a balm.

On a note! This painting option looks just fine even on the shortest haircuts - on a square, pixie and bob.

Balayage for medium length hair

Coloring balayage at home for strands of medium length is even easier than the previous version.

You will need:

  • Comb with rare teeth;
  • clarifier;
  • rubber bands;
  • Dye;
  • Container for mixing compositions;
  • Towel;
  • Shampoo;
  • tassel;
  • Sponge;
  • Balm.

How to do it right:

  1. Comb well.
  2. Divide your hair into separate segments. Tie each in a ponytail with a silicone rubber band.
  3. Get your bleach ready.
  4. With the help of a kitchen sponge, you need to coat the tails, moving down from the rubber bands.
  5. To make the border soft, make a couple of strokes above the level of the rubber bands. This should be done with a brush, holding its tip perpendicular to the hair.
  6. Wait for the right time - 10-15 minutes (the exact timing is indicated on the packaging for a particular product).
  7. Rinse tails with water.
  8. Now prepare your paint.
  9. Lubricate the light areas with a tinting composition.
  10. Wait for the right time - up to 20 minutes.
  11. Now cut off all the rubber bands.
  12. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  13. Use a balm.

Important! Remember, balayage coloring should not be done more than 4 times a year!

Tips to help you color your hair using the balayage technique:

See also: how to make a stylish balayazh on dark hair - 5 tips

Balayazh for long hair

How to do balayazh at home if the hair is very long? In this case, you need to go in a completely different way.

You will need:

  • Brush;
  • Comb with a long thin tip;
  • clarifier;
  • Dye;
  • Foil;
  • Container for mixing compositions;
  • Towel;
  • Shampoo;
  • tassel;
  • clamps;
  • Balm.

How to do it right:

1. Comb well.

2. Separate part of the hair with the thin tip of the comb.

3. Stab the rest with crabs or a clip.

4. In the separated part, you need to select a few strands. Their width can be very different, but not thicker than 2 cm. Curls near the face should be even less - 0.5-1 cm.

5. Prepare a clarifier and coat them thoroughly, stepping back from the root zone 3-4 cm.

6. Massage the dyed hair with your hands a little so that the composition is better absorbed.

7. Wrap the strands with foil.

8. Separate the new part of the hair and repeat the process.

9. Perform the procedure on the remaining segment.

10. Wait 15 minutes.

11. Remove foil from hair and rinse with water.

12. In exactly the same order, tone the areas of clarified hair. Apply paint, starting at the tips and gradually moving up. Touch the hair lightly, as if stretching the color. Remember, the more casual and relaxed your movements are, the more beautiful the effect will be.

13. Wait 20 minutes.

14. Wash your hair with shampoo.

15. Use a balm.

Advice! For those who are going to paint the strands on their own, we want to give one piece of advice. If your hair is thick, apply with a sponge. On thin and sparse strands, it is more convenient to work with a brush.

It is interesting! Why choose balayazh and what are its advantages over other types of staining

Precautionary measures

The balayazh technique is considered gentle, but this does not mean at all that you will no longer have to take care of yourself. Here is a list of rules with which you can restore your hair in record time.

  • Rule 1. Do not dye very dry, split and bleached hair. First, take a course of restorative masks (store and homemade), drink vitamins.
  • Rule 2. Balayage-style coloring should be carried out only with high-quality paints from trusted manufacturers. Only in this case it is possible to avoid irritations, allergic reactions and other unpleasant consequences.
  • Rule 3. Even gentle products do not have a very good effect on the hair. What can we say about products with a brightening effect ?! That is why you should not wash your hair two or three days before painting. The fact is that sebum serves as a reliable protection and, moreover, the paint will lie on it evenly.
  • Rule 4. When staining, you need to take care not only of the curls, but also of the skin. Be sure to grease the hairline with a greasy cream, and put on special gloves on your hands.
  • Rule 5
  • Rule 6. To wash your hair, use cosmetics with the appropriate mark.
  • Rule 7. Regularly make moisturizing, regenerating and nourishing masks.
  • Rule 8. Protect your hair from cold and heat - wear hats, scarves, use a special spray with high UV protection.
  • Rule 9

Rule 10. Before washing your hair, lubricate the ends with oil and keep for half an hour.

See also: How hair coloring is done in balayage style (video)

You will be interested in: How to dye the ends of your hair at home

Each representative of the fair sex at least once tried to dye her hair. Whether this experience was successful or not, coloring with modern paints gives a well-groomed and natural appearance to the hair. The paint industry is constantly evolving and changing. Almost every season we learn that the masters in the beauty salon offer to try something new, especially in modern hairdressing salons in such a big city as Moscow.

Following the fashion of the capital, women in such big cities on the map as Tula, Izhevsk, Rostov, Voronezh, Ufa, Kazan, etc. were able to refresh their hair in modern ways.
Everyone who is at least a little interested in fashion trends has heard about such methods of coloring as highlighting, ombre(ambre), sombre, shading, booking, toning, coloring etc. To refresh the image, it is recommended to try balayage, which is well suited for blondes and brunettes.

Balayage hair coloring

Literally, "balayazh" means "to sweep away." Actually, the technique of applying paint is fully consistent with its meaning. With this technique, the effect of burnt hair is created. The dyeing process begins with the tips, then the paint is applied to the roots, and the master sweeps it gradually along the entire length with a special brush. This results in a smooth color transition. This technique looks most advantageous on a shade of blond color. Less often you can see balayazh on dark hair and balayage on light brown hair - photo, since this type of coloring does not look so impressive on dark shades. Highlighted chestnut curls can often be dyed darker or lighter.

This type of staining is recommended to be done at least once by a good master. Further, you can refresh the color at home. We can safely say that balayage - one of the most gentle ways of coloring, since it is performed without foil.
This method also has types that differ from each other in the way paint is applied. But the purpose of each create the effect of natural sun glare. Among brown-haired women, bronding is especially popular. This type of staining makes it possible to look like a celebrity, because you can make beautiful, natural colors, additional volume and relief are created.

The classic way creates smooth transition from dark to light. For technique, only a difference of three tones is used.

Shatush- technology for creating the most natural effect of burnt hair. Works well on both light curls and black. The master divides the hair into thin strands and combs each of them. The paint is applied with light strokes to create a natural look. It should be borne in mind that applying paint to straight strands is different from applying to curly curls.

Balayazh on dark hair - photo for inspiration

On the dark curls look interesting technique of Venetian highlighting. At home, it is unlikely that it will be possible to apply paint so carefully. This is a gentle method of coloring, as it is done without foil. The paint is applied with a brush along the entire length or in a certain part of the head. The main thing in this method is a creative approach to creating a pattern on the hairstyle.

Balayazh on fair hair - photo

On light one of the balayage techniques looks beautiful on curls - California highlighting. The goal is to achieve a smooth transition from dark roots to light ends. Among the techniques are also known types such as degradation, flame- smooth color transitions from dark to light.

Dyeing for short hair

The shorter the haircut, the more experienced the master should be. Indeed, on long strands, the inaccuracies of applying paint are not so clearly visible, as on short hairstyles such as bob, elongated caret. The same applies to painting in the style of balayage - coloring with bangs. Front bangs are constantly in sight, so any errors will immediately be evident.

Balayazh - coloring at home for beginner hairdressers

Dyed hair in the style of balayage requires the master to have certain skills in handling paints. In addition to being careful when working with the material, the specialist should think carefully about the tones of paints for a certain color of hair. After all, they should be as close as possible to the original color in terms of color type.

If painting is done on our own, on the table we will need:

  • gloves;
  • crest;
  • hairpins;
  • sponge;
  • dye.

First, comb the curls well. We put on gloves and start mixing the paint. Combed hair should be divided into even four parts and secured with hairpins. We process the ends of each of the strands with paint so as not to touch the rest of the strands. We stand the time, as indicated by the instructions. Rinse gently from the ends and treat with balm. This is a way to color your own long curls. For shorter ones, you should ask for help.

There is another scheme to paint yourself, without leaving home. It’s good to make a color on elongated and medium length (up to the shoulders) hair on your own.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • collect strands in high beam;
  • without observing a clear boundary, apply to tips clarifier, (we do not touch the roots in any case);
  • for good color contrast on dark curls need 9% oxidizing agent;
  • ends with oxidizing agent wrap in foil for 15 minutes;
  • wash your hair and dry it(the tips will be reddish);
  • since the color is terrible, the ends must be tinted;
  • gentle paint is selected and applied to the ends up to 15 minutes;
  • after shampooing it is recommended to apply revitalizing mask.

Of course, the effect may not be quite the same as after the salon. But, if you learn, you can save a lot on salon procedures, the cost of which many can not afford.

Step by step photo for balayage home painting

On the Internet, you can find many photos of the already completed coloring method, as well as step-by-step photos for home painting in the balayage style. Just a few months ago, Internet fashion and beauty publications filled out photos of highlighted, colored curls of unimaginable and extraordinary shades. Especially brightly filled hairstyles for long hair, where in the balayage was pink shade. The best combination of this color will be on white and ashy tone. Balayazh in red will look good on red hair, and blue on black.

Video lessons of balayage technique

If it is supposed to be painted at home, then it is advisable to study the video lesson of the balayage technique on the YouTube channel in Russian + description.

Be that as it may, the balayage technique - this is the most gentle way of coloring. If hair can't brag health and glitter, then this is an alternative method to put them in order.

One of the types of coloring - highlighting - is only gaining popularity over the years, which is facilitated by the emergence of new performance techniques. One of the types that are gaining popularity is balayazh - when performing this coloring, the master makes wide strokes with a brush, coloring the ends of the hair and strands starting from the middle. As a result, the hair acquires additional shine and color depth.

With this method of coloring, 2 or 3 shades are taken, which smoothly or abruptly pass into each other, without visible boundaries. Best of all, balayage will look on dark shades, so the coloring will not be so pronounced on light ones.

This is an elegant coloring. loved by many stars, and now it is appreciated by all the fair sex. Why do all fashionistas choose balayage?

The positive aspects of coloring balayage

Advantages of the balayage technique:

  • Looks good on hair of any length and on any hairstyle;
  • Suitable for any look and style of clothing;
  • Visually, the hair appears more voluminous and acquires shine;
  • It is possible in this way dye fine hair;
  • It is not required to constantly adjust the color (except for short hair).
  • Allows you to carefully change the image;
  • Suitable for all ages;
  • Looks great on dark shades.

This method also has disadvantages - this is a rather long procedure time, in comparison with conventional dyeing, and there is also the difficulty of dyeing hair in this way on your own.

Painting procedure

Balayage coloring step by step guide:

  • Dye preparation;
  • Then on hair dye is applied without the use of caps, foil, film. First, the ends of the selected strand are painted with v-shaped strokes to the roots, and then the entire length;
  • The dye is “swept away” from the roots after 15-20 minutes of application, as a result of which a smooth transition is obtained.
  • Next up is drying and styling your hair.

The dyeing process itself is very complex, so it is better to contact a qualified master. This is especially true for owners of long hairstyles. However, not everyone has the opportunity to go to salons, so you can try to perform balayage yourself. Let's take a closer look at how to make balayazh for long and short hair yourself at home.

Balayage coloring at home

But how do you make balayage at home? If a woman is determined to perform the balayage technique herself at home, should be patient, prepare everything you need and observe the proportions when staining.


  • Special comb with a metal tip;
  • Bowl for making up the dye;
  • Gloves;
  • Paint brush;
  • Blondorant;
  • Oxidant;
  • clamps;
  • Semi-permanent dye.

Step by step coloring instructions:

  1. Taking a comb, it is necessary to distribute long hair in sections: two upper - occipital zones, lower occipital, frontal, parietal and two temporal-lateral parts.
  2. Need to prepare the dye. To do this, you need to mix the blondorant with 1.8-3% oxidant. Their number should be taken on the basis of calculations, so that you can paint the lower and frontal parts of the occipital areas to the bump on the back of the head.
  3. The staining process itself should begin from the center of the lower occipital zone. You need to take a strand, pull it back, holding it with two fingers. With a quick and precise movement with the edge of the brush, apply a strip about 0.7 wide and up to 10 cm long, not forgetting about the root indentation of 1-2 cm. The width of the strip depends on the desired degree of clarification: the wider the strip, the lighter the strand will be.
  4. This strand should be removed with a spatula and a thick layer of paint should be applied over the entire width of the strand, leaving a place at the roots of about 8 cm. Next, the borders are shaded with a sponge.
  5. When all the strands located in this area are processed in the same way and using the same coloring composition, only with an oxidizing agent up to 6%, the upper occipital and temporal-lateral parts should be painted.
  6. For work with parietal zone it is necessary to apply already 6-9% oxidant.
  7. The paint is aged on the hair for 15 - 20 minutes, then washed off.
  8. Hair should be tinted to the desired shade using a semi-permanent dye and an oxidant up to 3%.

As you can already see from the description of the dyeing process, this is a rather laborious process that requires not only certain skills, but also the ability to think creatively so that all the beauty of the balayage is revealed on the hair.

Who is the highlighting method suitable for?

Balayazh is considered sparing staining method, so it is suitable for thin and weakened hair - such hair lacks shine, volume, and this coloring compensates for these shortcomings. A short haircut with coloring in this style will look great. But this technique is also suitable for curls and a “ladder” haircut. As mentioned earlier, the staining will be more pronounced on dark hair.

Balayazh on short hair

The owners of short haircuts do not have so many opportunities to radically change their style than women with long hair. And such hair coloring is the best way to help refresh your hair. Before you go to the salon, you should seriously approach the choice of a master. The big disadvantage of performing balayazh on such hair is the inability to hide the unsuccessful coloring of the strand. But if a specialist is really of a high level, then the hairstyle will look gorgeous.

On short hair, you can safely experiment with colors, because the ends can be easily cut off. But still, when choosing a color, you should focus on your color type and remember that bright strands will emphasize all skin imperfections - these can be pimples, redness, bumps. If a woman decided to dwell on just such colors, then her skin should be in perfect condition.

The peculiarity of short haircuts is that they need constant adjustment for keeping fit, so staining will have to be carried out quite often.

  1. Hair should be combed up, and the paint is applied only to the ends. If the dye gets on the roots, then the desired effect will not work.
  2. In order for the strands to hold better and not fall, you need them comb well and fix with varnish.
  3. The head is conditionally divided into squares.
  4. Stepping back from the roots somewhere 3 cm, a dye is applied to the strands.
  5. Then you need to "stretch" the dye, hairy, to the roots, not forgetting to indent from the scalp.
  6. After 15-20 minutes of exposure, the paint is washed off and a nourishing balm should be applied to the hair.


Balayage technique is the dream of many girls, but the desired result is not always achieved. To do everything perfectly, you need to know a few nuances:

  • Coloring should be finished with bangs. It should be highlighted with thin strands.
  • Those who are unsure of their abilities should separate the strands that should not be dyed. They are covered with foil or towels.
  • The dye should be applied with confident strokes.
  • Very carefully worth go to color selection. It is necessary that they not only match the shade of the hair, but also match the color of the skin and eyes. Honey and creamy shades are suitable for fair-haired ones, copper tones should be chosen for red-haired ones, caramel and walnut colors are suitable for owners of dark shades.
  • Do not try to apply as many shades as possible, two or three will be enough.
  • Balayage coloring should emphasize the hairstyle, so a haircut should be done before dyeing.
  • Despite the fact that balayage is quite nice looking paint hair still needs care. The palette gives a lot of options for coloring. This method is suitable for bold creative girls.

This technique is often confused with other highlighting methods (shatush and ombre). There is practically no significant difference between them, but an experienced master understands the main distinguishing features between them. And if he cannot explain the difference to the client, then this is an occasion to think about his competence.

With balayage, only the ends of the hair are lightened, and the composition is applied to the entire length of the hair, which distinguishes it from the shatush method. Due to this, the lower part is clearer, so it resembles the ombre technique. But with balayage, shades are used that are close to the natural shade of dyed hair. The method of applying the dye in this technique is vertical, so the transitions are smoother than with other techniques.

Balayazh has various ways of execution:

  • Only the tips can be painted;
  • The presence of a clear border in coloring;
  • Coloring strands in the face area;
  • Asymmetric coloring of the strands allows you to visually add additional volume to the hairstyle;
  • A special performance of balayazh, as a result of which, dyed hair will maximally resemble strands burnt out in the sun.
  • One of the latest fashion trends is dyeing the dark ends of the hair in bright neon shades.

Owners of dark hair love this dyeing technique, since the effect of this method on such hair is best seen. But fair-haired girls do not need to neglect such coloring, it is important to choose the right shades. If a girl has a light brown shade of hair, then it is worth choosing a dye that is closest to their natural shade: golden, wheat, honey. The transitions are not so noticeable, more restrained. If the girl is a golden-haired beauty, then the effect of lightening will be minimal, so you should choose shades slightly darker than natural, for example, platinum.

Brunettes who want to give their image more romance and mystery should give preference to golden and honey colors. If a girl wants to emphasize individuality, you can choose shades reminiscent of autumn foliage or any bronze shades.

Although balayazh is a gentle way of coloring, the hair is still exposed to chemical attack. They require quality care to keep them healthy and well-groomed. A qualified master will allow you to choose the perfect shades of hair, taking into account not only the natural color, but also the external type of your client. With the right selection of care products, maintaining the shape of the haircut, balayage will be beneficial to emphasize all the advantages of the hairstyle.

In recent years, naturalness has come into fashion more and more - this has also affected hairdressing. Behind the seeming simplicity of the hairstyle, in most cases, the work of the master is hidden.

The technique of staining in the style of balayage, which we will talk about, belongs to one of the modern fashionable highlighting techniques.

Basic principles of this hair coloring technique

Balayazh is just a kind of highlighting, in which only the ends of the hair are lightened, and the root zone of the hair is not affected.

The difference between balayazh and other similar methods lies only in the randomness and disorder of staining the strands.

Varieties and types

The photo shows a balayage on red medium and long hair.

The photo shows balayage on blond hair.

Pictured is a balayazh on black hair.

According to a hairdressing textbook, theoretically, classic balayage is performed on hair no longer than fifteen centimeters. However, hairdressers and master stylists perform it on hair of various lengths.

Pros and cons

To the undoubted pluses balayage coloring techniques include:

  • balayazh is not very difficult to make at home;
  • you can perform this coloring on almost any hair - short and medium, dark, light, red, straight and curly;
  • compared to some coloring techniques, balayage does not take so much time;
  • balayazh is suitable for both young girls and mature women - with its help it is good to paint over and mask gray hair, distract or draw attention to any part of the face, creating an emphasis on it;
  • it is not required to adjust the coloring too often after the balayage technique - regrown hair roots will look quite harmonious in a month or even more.

But there is also minuses:

  • in a salon or a hairdresser you will have to pay an amount much more than for simple dyeing or classic hair highlighting;
  • for very light hair, balayazh is more difficult to make;
  • even if you do balayazh in the salon, you have no guarantee that your hair will look the same as in the "star" photos, and that you will be satisfied with the result.

How to do balayage coloring at home - detailed step-by-step instructions with photos

Since balayazh was originally invented as a technique for not very long hair, let's look at how to do it, using the example of a short hairstyle. Moreover, the technique for performing on medium and long hair is not very different.

You will need:

  • hairdressing brush or sponge for applying paint;
  • lightening paint or the one you have chosen - it should be a couple of tones lighter than your color;
  • a pair of gloves;
  • glass bowl for paint;
  • clips or special hair clips to fix the strands;
  • a hairdresser's cape or something that will protect your clothes from possible paint splashes;
  • foil (if the hair is medium or long).

It is very good to have a plastic raincoat on the farm - due to the presence of sleeves, it is much easier to use it for self-coloring than a hairdresser's cape. And much easier to wash afterwards.

In the photo you see all 3 stages of coloring according to the balayage method. This is the preparation of the hair, the coloring itself and the final result. Let's take a closer look at the first two.

Hair preparation

Comb your hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb. Then divide your hair into sections. Some sources advise using hair mousse to form individual strands with it, preparing them for dyeing. You can do that too.

But still, it is more convenient to use small clips or hair clips like "crabs". With their help, you can certainly securely fix the strands of short hair, giving them a kind of palm trees - as in the second photo.

When dyeing on long or medium hair, it is recommended to use foil. If the hair is medium length, then the separated strands are covered with foil from the base of the hair roots - only the tip of each strand that you are going to dye sticks out.


Dilute the lightening paint according to the instructions. Now, with a hairdressing brush or sponge, apply paint to the tips of each individual strand - “palms”. Some hairdressers advise even applying paint to the tips by hand - then you still need to wrinkle them slightly so that the clarifier lies more evenly.

When dyeing on medium hair, it is recommended to use a sponge to apply the paint, and then wrap each dyed tip with foil. When working with long hair, foil is placed under each strand when applying paint for convenience. The general conclusion is that foil is not needed for short hair.

To perform balayazh on medium or long hair, foil is needed in order to isolate the dyed strands from each other and not stain those places that, according to your idea, should not be brightened.

After application, keep the paint on your hair from 15 minutes to half an hour. It all depends on how strong the effect of burnt tips you want to achieve. Then wash off the paint with warm water and shampoo. Balayazh is ready.

In what cases is it justified to do it at home, and in which it is better to go to the salon

If the balayage coloring technique did not seem complicated to you, then you can try to make balayage yourself at home. If you have experience with hair coloring or highlighting, then you are unlikely to have any difficulties.

Moreover, the technique itself assumes, in the end result, a certain randomness of the resulting light highlights at the ends of your hair. That is, no one can say that this was not intended from the very beginning. Even on the Internet, it is difficult to find a photo of the unsuccessful result of balayage.

But in Salon or hairdresser is still worth going to if:

  • you do not have skills in coloring, and you are not sure of your abilities;
  • you want to achieve not just lightening the tips, but some specific shade;
  • if you saw the result of the work of a particular hairdresser, and you really liked it, then it definitely makes sense to sign up with him.

Precautionary measures

  • Paints, and especially brighteners, have a pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction - do a sensitivity test first;
  • if the paint gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, immediately rinse them with plenty of running water to avoid burns;
  • carefully read the instructions for using the paint and strictly follow its instructions, otherwise you risk "burning" your hair.

The paint must be prepared immediately before use. You can’t store leftover paint, and it doesn’t make sense.