How to remove scratches from leather shoes. How to get rid of scratches on patent or leather shoes at home? The cat scratched the boots what to do

Leather is a sensitive material, so from time to time you have to remove scratches from leather shoes, especially after long walks along poorly landscaped streets.

It is known that our roads, including the sidewalk part, leave much to be desired almost from the moment of laying. It is this circumstance that most often causes damage to the skin on shoes. However, this factor is not the only one:

  • scratches can be found even on a new, unworn pair, it is obvious that they are caused by a manufacturing defect;
  • careless handling and improper care should not be discounted, which also spoils the appearance of leather shoes;
  • you can scratch your shoes by accident, which is called out of the blue, for example, on a curb or a step.

In any case, the defect must be eliminated, otherwise it will accelerate wear and soon you will have to think about buying a new pair.

Effective ways

There are enough ways to remove scratches from leather shoes. The most effective are rightly considered professional, available mainly to specialists. However, special formulations and folk methods that allow you to solve the problem at home are more popular.

Olive oil

This method is recommended for masking minor scratches, and it captivates with its accessibility. It is enough to wet a cotton pad with oil and rub it in a circular motion on damaged leather shoes. After an hour, you need to check the results of processing, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Shoe polish

Shoe cream is another tool that effectively removes scratches. The procedure is similar to the previous one. We take a little cream on a cotton swab and wipe the scratch with it until it disappears completely. But first you need to choose the right shade of cream for the color of leather shoes. If a noticeable contrast is found after treatment, the cream should be removed immediately with a clean, damp cloth and the procedure repeated with a composition of a different color.


Minor damage to the skin can be removed with an adhesive method. To do this, you will need a rubber adhesive based on natural rubber or a similar product made specifically for leather. Suitable options may be the popular Moment or the proven BF 2. It is not recommended to use glue with acetone in the composition. First, the scratch is treated with glue, after drying, it is covered with a masking cream of the appropriate shade.

Nail polish

A type of scratch on the skin is a badass. With such damage, nail polish copes well. It is recommended to use its colorless versions or to match the shoes.

The varnish is applied with a match or a toothpick, then the teaser is gently pressed and held for about 4-5 minutes. Traces of damage are masked with collodion or glue, covered with restorative paint to match the color of the product.


Using a marker is one of the most unreliable methods. But it is well suited when the problem needs to be solved urgently and temporarily. It is enough to take a marker of the appropriate shade, and paint over the area with a defect.


Waxing helps to cope with defects of medium complexity. The restoring agent in this case is a special shoe wax, but you can get by with its bee analogue or paraffin from a melted candle.

First you need to heat the wax, then carefully fill it with a scratch on leather shoes. After that, the repair site should be polished with a flannel cloth. If necessary, the product can be tinted with a cream matched in color.

Liquid skin

Another name for this professional tool is a water-soluble polymer. It is able to handle a wide range of damage, from scratches to tears and cuts. The polymer is not limited to camouflage, it can be used to restore leather shoes and other products made from this material.

To mask minor defects, it is enough to apply the product in a thin layer, press lightly and smooth with a sponge. After drying, the boots can be worn. Restoration will require a more complex procedure.

  1. First you need to check the nature of the damage and estimate the amount of work. If only the outer layer is damaged, one layer of polymer can be dispensed with. When the scratch reaches the base, you will need several layers.
  2. After that, it is necessary to clean the edges of the defect, you can use nail scissors or tweezers. Then the area is gently rubbed with a soft abrasive, without much effort.
  3. Before applying liquid skin, the restoration site must be degreased with alcohol or a special agent.
  4. Liquid skin is applied evenly over the entire damage, so that the transition from the edge of the polymer to the whole skin is imperceptible.
  5. 15 minutes after application, when the polymer dries, the area should be polished and treated with cosmetic milk or balm.

With the right choice of color and consistent implementation of the recommendations, the shoes will be completely restored. You can wear it after 24 hours, when the product is completely dry.

How to remove scratches from patent leather shoes

For these purposes, it is recommended to use shoe wax or a polymer specially designed for patent leather. The restoration procedure is the same, with the only exception: careful polishing of the restored area with flannel or velvet will be required. Minor damage is masked with glossy varnish or cosmetic pencil, but in this case, the masking will have to be updated periodically.

Regardless of the chosen method and the degree of scratch, the procedure is carried out only on thoroughly cleaned and dried leather shoes. This will ensure that the desired result is achieved even at home.

09/30/2018 1 1 352 views

Most people have faced the question in their lives: how to remove scratches from patent or leather shoes. Unfortunately, no one is immune from such a problem. No matter how carefully you wear shoes, at any moment factors beyond your control can intervene, and damage will appear on the skin. To preserve the neat appearance of shoes, a huge number of special tools have now been invented, but they are not a panacea.

There are different ways to deal with scratches on shoes that you can use at home. However, if the shoes are expensive, new, and the damage is deep enough, it is better to give the shoes to a specialist for restoration.

Causes of scratches

Scratches and cuts on a pair of shoes can appear for various reasons:

  • friction of the sole of one shoe against another;
  • walking on uneven pavement or on unpaved terrain;
  • damage in contact with a curb, a stone, a piece of glass and other foreign objects;
  • poor quality of the product, too rough dressing.

Before you start experimenting with different masking methods, evaluate the depth of the defect. Swipe right and left on the scratch. If the unevenness is felt in two directions, then the damage is not too deep, perhaps it affects only the paint layer. If the roughness is felt only in one direction, then the defect is deep enough and it will not be easy to deal with it.

How to get rid of scratches on leather shoes?

When starting to rescue shoes, the first thing to do is to properly prepare the shoes for further manipulations. Use thin nail scissors to remove the protruding pieces of skin along the edges of the scratch, but do not throw them away - they can still come in handy. Then thoroughly rinse and clean the shoes, and then degrease the damaged area with ethyl alcohol or specialized shoe products.

shoe cream

It will help cover up superficial scratches on the skin and on the heel.

  1. Apply a little cream of a suitable color to the damaged area with a cotton swab so that it carefully paints over the defect.
  2. Then blend it with a special brush.
  3. Apply the cream completely to the entire pair of shoes so that the scratched area does not stand out.

felt-tip pen

Also able to hide shallow damage. You can also use a marker or soft pencil.

  • Choose a marker of the appropriate shade.
  • Carefully paint over the scratch with it, without going beyond it.
  • It is also advisable to treat the shoes with shoe cream, even its colorless version will do.

It is relevant for deeper defects that are difficult to disguise.

  1. Find the right color polish. If this is difficult, then a transparent option is suitable, it also looks good on white shoes and black shoes.
  2. Dip the tip of a toothpick into the polish.
  3. Lubricate the recess with it and press the edges of the scratch with force. In order not to stain your finger, protect it with a cloth.
  4. You can wipe off excess polish with an acetone-free polish remover. Just make sure to test in an inconspicuous area first.


Glue "Moment" will also help to close a deep defect.

  • Apply some glue to the toothpick in the same way.
  • Spread the top torn part and the base to which it should adjoin.
  • Press firmly on the glued area.
  • Treat your shoes with care products.

Special shoe wax, beeswax, and an ordinary wax candle can save shoes.

  1. Lightly melt the wax to a soft consistency.
  2. Using a brush or cotton swab, apply it to the scratched area.
  3. Let dry and buff the area with a flannel cloth.
  4. On colored shoes, the trace of wax will be noticeable, so it will need to be masked with shoe cream.

"Liquid skin"

This is a shoe remedy that can be purchased in specialized stores. It can repair even deep damage.

  • Choose the right shade.
  • Apply with a cotton swab to the scratch and smooth out.
  • After 10 minutes, polish with a soft cloth and apply cream.
  • It is possible to apply several layers, the deeper the defect, the more layers will be required to level it.
  • You need to wait a while after each application so that the product dries well.

How to remove scratches on patent leather shoes at home?

It is more difficult to fix damage on patent shoes so that it is imperceptible than on ordinary shoes. Sometimes shoes still have to be sent in for repair.


A regular stationery eraser will help mask a small scratch. By the way, this method is suitable not only for patent leather shoes, but also for white sneakers.

  1. Gently rub the injured surface with the eraser in one direction.
  2. We remove its traces with alcohol applied to a cotton pad.
  3. Dry the varnished surface with a soft cloth.
  4. We process shoes with vegetable or vaseline oil or apply a special agent for the care of patent leather.

Covers scratches of various depths and shapes. You just have to repeat the whole procedure a couple of times a month, or even more often. It all depends on the quality of the varnish and the features of the operation of the shoe.

  1. Lacquer of the appropriate shade is applied to the defect.
  2. If it is wide enough, then we glue the pieces of skin cut off by us in advance from above.
  3. Carefully press them to the surface through the fabric.
  4. We are waiting for complete drying.

Nail polish remover

Suitable only for masking shallow damage.

  • First, we conduct a test: we apply a little liquid to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe. If the color and structure of the coating are not affected, you can proceed to further steps.
  • Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and run it over the crack.
  • Let dry.

cosmetic pencil

A soft pencil for eyelids, eyebrows or lips is suitable for covering small and shallow defects.

No matter how hard we try after buying a new pair of shoes to keep it looking great for a longer time, all the same, ugly scratches will suddenly appear on it. Of course, now there are a lot of care products, but not everyone knows how to remove scratches from shoes.

How to remove scratches from leather shoes?

Proceed like this:

  • Carefully cut off any protruding pieces of leather in the damaged area. To do this, use small sharp scissors.
  • Next, you should clean the surface, use fine sandpaper, or a polishing buff for manicure. Grind carefully so as not to damage the shoes at all.
  • Wipe the shoes with alcohol, this is necessary to remove dust and grease from the surface.
  • After that, you can apply a layer of liquid skin to the damaged area.
  • Leave the shoes in the processed form for 10 minutes, then carefully polish the shoes.

Important! If the damage is large, then liquid skin should be applied in 2-3 layers. Allow the shoe to dry thoroughly before applying another layer of leather.

What to do if a small tear appears on the shoe, in which case superglue or ordinary transparent nail polish will help you. Proceed like this:

  • Apply a small amount of varnish or glue to a toothpick.
  • Apply the product to the damage, as well as the back of the tear.
  • Wrap a clean piece of fabric around your finger and press the glued area with your finger.
  • To make everything stick well, press your finger for 3-5 minutes.
  • If there is a small scratch left, fill it with superglue or collodion.
  • On the damaged area, you can apply several layers of paint, a suitable color, so you hide the defect.

Important! You can remove scratches from thin leather shoes with Moment, BF-2 glue or collodion. You can use similar materials. If glue gets on your clothes, you can use the instructions for removing glue from clothes.

How to Remove Serious Scratches on Leather Shoes

Try applying wax. For this, both special, finishing and ordinary beeswax are suitable. If you do not find these types of wax, then use a paraffin candle. Shoes should be processed as follows:

  • Heat up the wax;
  • Gently apply wax to the damaged area;
  • When finished, rub the shoes with a soft flannel cloth.

Important! If the shoes are colored, then the treated area should be painted over after the procedure with a suitable color.

How to get rid of mechanical damage on patent leather shoes

No matter how hard you try, even the smallest damage is noticeable on patent shoes, and over time, patent leather becomes tougher and cracks form on it. Proper care will help to avoid this, so you should follow a few rules for caring for lacquer products:

  • Patent shoes should not be brushed, so as not to harm its structure.
  • You can only process lacquer products with soft napkins or velvet.
  • Lacquered items should not come into contact with water.

Important! If your shoes get wet, wipe them dry immediately with a soft cloth.

  • Patent leather does not tolerate too high and low temperatures, it must be worn at a temperature not higher than 25 C and not lower than -5 C.
  • Do not expose varnished products to chemicals such as solvents, alkalis, acids, petroleum products and household chemicals.
  • Wipe your shoes in a timely manner with a soft cloth soaked in glycerin or petroleum jelly. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil to any of these products in order to improve the effect.

Important! If you followed all these rules, but scratches appeared, then use the methods listed below that will tell you how to remove scratches from shoes.

Method 1 - soap

To restore the surface, you need:

  • Dissolve mild soap in warm water;
  • Soak a cotton pad in soapy water;
  • Wipe patent leather with a cotton pad;
  • Remove soap and dirt with a damp cloth;
  • Wipe the product dry;
  • Dry the product until completely dry at room temperature;
  • Cover the damaged area with nail polish, apply one layer of a suitable color.

Method 2 - pencil

How to mask small cracks on patent leather shoes, for this, take an eyeliner or a simple colored pencil, apply a pencil neck to the damaged area and rub gently with a soft cloth. Choose the color of your pencil.

Important! When a lacquer item is damaged down to the skin itself, the leather itself must be repaired first, and then the lacquer film needs to be treated. If the damage is severe, it is better to take the product to a workshop for professional repair.

How to remove scratches from leather

Leather is a great material that can "bond" so restoring the surface of leather goods is a very easy process. To mask scratches or deeper damage on leather products, experts advise using "liquid skin".

Important! This tool is ideal for repairing - leather sofas, raincoats, jackets, car seats and other leather products. Which have roughness, scuffs and cuts. It is based on a heavy-duty polymer.

Liquid leather will not only cope with scratches and cuts, it will also restore the product to its original shiny appearance. With this tool, you can give a new look to worn leather products. You don't need skills to work with liquid skin, the hardest part is color matching. How to use liquid leather, apply the product with a brush, at the same time create a surface relief with a dry sponge, after processing, leave the product to dry. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to apply liquid skin when cutting a sofa or other product

  • Clean the surface of the product from contamination;
  • If necessary, to obtain the exact color of the product, mix the desired colors;
  • Connect tightly the edges of the cut;
  • Apply a little with a brush;
  • Align the edges after application and leave the product to dry;
  • If necessary, apply the next layer, align;
  • Leave the product to dry.

Important! To give relief without waiting for complete drying, blot the damaged area with a dry sponge. Liquid skin sets within 10-30 minutes. It will completely freeze in a day. A day after you managed to remove scratches from the skin, you can use the repaired product.

How to remove a scratch on leather furniture with folk methods

If you find damage on new furniture, then contact the manufacturers, they will send you a special repair kit suitable for the type of your furniture and they will repair it with special tools and means. If this service is not possible, then we recommend you a folk method for repairing leather products with improvised means. You will need:

  • Olive oil;
  • Baby soap;
  • Cotton pad;
  • Cotton fabric;
  • Shoe polish;
  • Iron.

All of the above tools should be used like this:

  • Apply olive oil to the scratch;
  • Use a cotton pad with oil to treat the skin area around the injury;
  • Rub the oil into the skin in a circular motion;
  • Leave the oil to dry for an hour;
  • If during this time the scratch has not disappeared, repeat the procedure again;
  • Moisten a cotton cloth and cover the damaged area with it. Let the moisture soak in;
  • Press a warm iron onto a damp cloth. This effect will help the oil to be absorbed into the skin faster;
  • Keep the iron on for about 10 minutes;
  • Check the result, and if the chips and scratches have disappeared, leave the product to dry naturally, and if the scratches are noticeable, then the procedure with the iron should be repeated;
  • Use a cotton swab to apply a shoe cream of a suitable color to the scratch;
  • Buff the treated area with a clean cotton cloth.

Important! If the color of the cream does not match the leather product, then immediately remove it with a damp cloth.

So that your shoes always look neat and you no longer face the problem of restoring leather products, take care of them, purchase special products, do not test leather products, but you already know how to remove minor scratches and cracks from leather from our article.

It can not only give freshness to the breath, but also renew your shoes. To do this, apply a little paste on the problem area and rub. After that, wipe with a damp cloth and dry the shoes.

2. Baking soda

If toothpaste does not help, go to the second method. Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 100 ml of warm water. Using a rag, smear the scuffs with paste and wait a bit. If there is no effect, repeat the procedure. Then clean and dry your shoes.

3. Detergent for dishes

Add a tablespoon of the product per liter of warm water, lather and wash the shoes with the solution. Then, using a clean cloth, wash it again and leave to dry.

4. Nail polish remover

Unexpected, right? Apply a little on a cotton swab and rub the problem area. After that, apply baby talc or petroleum jelly on it. This method works well for patent leather shoes and tennis shoes.

5. Eraser

In addition to mistakes in a notebook, an eraser helps to remove scuffs on shoes: it is enough to rub the affected area for about a minute. The main thing - do not use a rough elastic band: it can only aggravate the situation. The ideal option is the one at the end of a simple pencil.

6. Vaseline

Another effective option for patent leather. Simply apply the gel to the shoes and rub into the fray. After that, wipe the shoes with a clean, damp cloth.

There are many reasons for the appearance of defects on the skin: it can be a manufacturing defect, damage that occurred during transportation or during improper storage. Shoes scratch easily if you hit steps or a curb.

Scratches. The most insidious enemy of leather goods! They appear completely imperceptibly, but when they appear, they attract a lot of attention. Needless to say, a small scratch can cause a huge feeling of annoyance.

What to do if you notice a scratch on the skin?
Emergency way: If there is a scratch on the shoes, it can be painted over with a marker of a suitable color.

For a more reliable removal of scratches on shoes, we will choose another method. Fortunately, today you can easily buy products for professional restoration! However, even here there are many subtleties, which means that once again you cannot do without competent advice from shoemakers.

When you notice a scratch, assess the extent of the damage. First you need to find out what exactly is scratched: only a layer of paint or the skin itself is damaged. If you find it difficult to answer, use a simple, but very valuable trick.

Run your hand over the damaged surface in one direction, then in the other, if the roughness is felt only when moving the hand in one direction, then the skin itself is damaged. If there is roughness in both directions, most likely only the paint is scratched.

Let's start the repair. Repairing shallow scratches is not difficult, you need to know a few subtleties and strictly follow them.

First, the skin must be properly cleaned from large protruding pieces. For example, if the skin has suffered from the claws of a pet. To do this, use nail clippers.
Secondly, properly smooth the surface of the scratch, using a very fine and delicate abrasive. For example, sandpaper or buff for manicure. Be very careful not to overdo it!

Next, properly clean the surface of dust and grease with the power of alcohol or use a special cleanser. Now you can start treating the scratch with a special compound.
The so-called "liquid skin" is especially popular now. This is simply an indispensable tool! Use it and you won't even remember where you had a scratch.
Attention! Choose the color as close as possible to the color of your product!
If the desired color is not in our palette, you can easily get it by mixing several shades.

Apply a layer of liquid skin. After filling the scratch, try to evenly distribute the restorative agent over the surface so that the border of the transition is not visible.
Let the product dry properly (leave for 10-15 minutes), then polish thoroughly.

If the surface has been severely damaged, apply 2-3 layers of liquid leather in succession, allowing each layer to dry.

Treat the surface with nourishing milk or balm.

If you have successfully chosen the color and carefully prepared the surface of the skin, most likely, the result will please you.

If the scratch is deep or self-repair was unsuccessful, seek help from the masters.

Scuffs. They appear gradually, and therefore it seems that yesterday the surface was like new, but today it’s scary to look at? Do not rush to get upset! Most scuffs can be successfully repaired on your own.

So, you again have to assess the degree of damage. If the paint is damaged, then the repair promises to be easy! Clean the skin with a fine abrasive. Be careful not to damage the deeper layers! Degrease the surface and apply a coat of paint matched exactly to the tone.
To do this, place a small amount of colorless shoe wax in a separate container, warm it up slightly and add a few drops of oil paint of the desired shade.

Advice! Be careful, as a rule, over time, the paint becomes somewhat lighter than it was at the time of purchase of the product. Pick the right tone by mixing the original color with white.

Apply the resulting mixture on the scuffs. Wait for complete drying. Apply more coats of paint if necessary. After obtaining the desired result, dry the product and polish. First use a polishing brush and then a soft cloth.

If your shoes are of a standard color, then you can purchase a ready-made dyed mixture for it (note that you need wax, not cream paint). After you have returned the shoes to their original appearance, use a protective water-repellent agent and carefully polish the product.

Advice! You need to take care of a thing restored in this way in a slightly different way. Clean the refurbished product with milder products - use delicate fabrics and care products. Nourishing and protective products will need to be applied to the restored skin more often than before.

Tear. If there is a small tear on the surface of the leather product, it can be repaired with superglue designed to repair leather products. For the same purpose, regular nail polish is also suitable. Nail polish can be used as a color in the color of shoes

Take a toothpick or a pointed match and apply a small amount of varnish or glue to the damaged area, as well as to the back of the torn leather film (i.e. not only to the torn piece of leather itself, but to the entire base under the tear.). Gently place the torn piece in its original place and press it with your finger, after wrapping it with a clean piece of cloth. The leather film will adhere firmly to the product in just a few minutes.

A scratch on the skin can be filled with superglue or a small amount of collodion. Then apply several layers of paint that matches the shade on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. A match or a toothpick will also help you here.

Scratches on patent leather shoes are a little more complex.
Remember that the usual black shoe cream will not help in any way, but black nail polish can come in handy. It will be enough just to cover the scratch with a brush covered with black glossy varnish.

Of course, such a "disguise" will not be able to hold out - it must be updated periodically.

Restoration of the surface of the skin with polyurethane coating . Today, such leathers are used quite often: they are very beautiful, durable enough and not whimsical to care for. However, they are easily scratched.
In this case, it will not be about restoring the skin, but about restoring the polyurethane coating. Doing this at home will not be easy, but one recommendation you can try ...
So, if the scratches are not very deep, you can try to heat the damaged surface with a hairdryer. When the temperature at the heating point reaches a certain value, the scratches can even out on their own!
Important! There are two things to remember:
First, the temperature must be very high! Be careful not to get burned!
Secondly, there is a risk of spoiling the surface completely. Therefore, before repairing damage in a visible area, try heating the polyurethane coating in an inconspicuous area.

As you can see, mechanical damage to the skin is not a reason to throw away your favorite thing. Following these simple tips, you can easily give your leather products a second life. By following these simple recommendations, you will return things to their original appearance, and they will delight you for a long time!

And if you were unable to fix the defect yourself - do not despair! Give the product for repair to professionals from the shoe workshop.
According to