How to sew a men's tie - instructions and video. Do-it-yourself tie pattern: a model with an elastic band and an aristocratic self-tie bow tie How to sew a cool tie

Almost the main component of a children's holiday attire. Thanks to the elastic band, it is easy to use, and the little gentleman himself can wear a tie in kindergarten or school. Do not rush to buy this festive accessory - a tie with an elastic band can be easily and quickly sewn from unnecessary remnants of fabric that can be found in the house.

Necessary materials for sewing a tie:

  • a small piece of silk fabric (thin costume is also suitable)
  • a piece of lining, preferably in the color of the main fabric
  • interlining
  • threads
  • scissors
  • chalk or bar of soap
  • gum (you can take a hat)

  • Pattern and tailoring of a tie with an elastic band:

    We make a tie template, transfer the pattern to cardboard. According to this pattern, the tie turns out to be narrow, if you need a wide tie, the pattern must be increased accordingly by the required amount. Save the template - it may still be useful for sewing other ties.

    We cut out a piece of silk according to the template, adding allowances of 0.7 cm on all sides, the same piece of non-woven fabric, the tip of the tie from the lining.

    We glue the interlining to the wrong side of the main part with an iron and a damp cloth.

    Fold the tie and lining right sides inward and stitch at a distance of 0.7 cm, cut off the allowances in the corners.

    Fold the tie lengthwise and stitch along the long side at a distance of 0.7 cm.

    Turn the tie inside out and iron through a damp iron.

    Making a tie knot. We cut out a strip of fabric with a length equal to twice the length of the top of the tie + an allowance of 0.7 cm on both sides, a width of 7 cm, cut out the same part from non-woven fabric and glue it on the wrong side of the strip.

    We fold the strip face down, grind the sections, screw in, the stitching seam should be in the middle. We cut the side sections of the strip at an angle.

    Fold the strip again and grind the side cuts.

    We measure the elastic band along the child’s throat, make a small margin so that the elastic band does not press, connect the ends of the elastic band into a ring.

    We put a knot on the front side of the tie, on top of the elastic band, as shown in the photo, we connect it with a single line. We pull the tie through the knot, straighten it, it is ready.

    The tie has long ceased to be the subject of an exclusively male wardrobe. Ladies love to wear it. Sometimes, for a certain image, a girl needs a tie of a specific shape and color, but there is nowhere to buy it. This article presents patterns for accessories of various types: a long one with an elastic band and a self-tie butterfly.

    The oldest tie in the world

    The word "tie" came to us from the German language: halstuch literally translates as "neck scarf". The latter was indeed the prototype of the accessory.

    The oldest ties were found in China. In the 70s, it became a real sensation. Chinese peasants who were digging a well found an amazing burial place - the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi, who ruled around 220 BC. e. According to tradition, the ruler in China was buried along with his army. Qin Shi Huang did not want to destroy his loyal subjects and ordered copies of the soldiers and their horses to be made. In the tomb, on the necks of the mock-ups, the first semblance of ties was found.

    Elastic band tie

    But is it so difficult - a pattern of a tie with an elastic band? Let's figure it out.

    • We draw a pattern as shown in the photo. Fold along the "fold" line.
    • Cut out the template. Then turn it over and mark the place where the lining will be.

    • At the end of the manipulation, the pattern (tie) should look like this.

    • We lay out the pre-ironed fabric. We cut the tie along the oblique.

    • Take a piece of interlining and glue it with an iron. This is necessary so that the accessory retains its shape. We turn the corner and sew.

    • Fold the tie along the fold line and sew.

    • The workpiece must be turned out and ironed.
    • Measure the width of the top of the tie. If necessary, trim it with scissors.
    • Cut out the knot: we need a strip equal to twice the width of the top of the accessory, plus a small seam allowance.
    • The part must be reinforced with non-woven fabric.
    • Fold it in half and sew.

    • Turn and iron so that the seam is in the center.
    • Smooth it back and cut off the unnecessary.
    • We lay out the knot with a trapezoid and sew on the elastic.

    • We put the tip of the tie into the knot and straighten it beautifully.

    As you can see, the tie pattern with an elastic band is very simple. In order to create an accessory, you will need basic seamstress skills, fabric and a sewing machine.

    Do not forget that such a tie can only be worn in an informal setting. The accessory is considered an alternative to the classic form that needs to be tied. A tie with an elastic band is suitable for boys, women and men in the composition. For special occasions, as well as in the business world, it is customary to wear classic models.

    Now let's move on to the bow tie. Sewing a model in the shape of a bow is easy even for a schoolgirl. This does not require a tie pattern.

    Let us dwell on a more complex form - a self-tie butterfly.

    Types of self-tie butterflies

    There are several types of such accessories:

    • Butterfly is a classic of the genre.
    • Large Butterfly is a chic formal option. The tie is slightly wider than the classic one in width, but completely repeats its shape.
    • Modified Batterfly is a modified form of the first variant. The waist of such a butterfly is slightly narrower than that of a classic accessory. As you know, it was worn by Winston Churchill.
    • Batwing is a butterfly shape that differs from Butterfly in that it lacks a "waist". When untied, it resembles a bat.
    • Batwing - Diamond Point - a mixture of classic shapes. The size is the same as the Batwing and the waist is the same as the Butterfly.

    DIY bow tie: pattern

    In this master class, you will learn how to create a classic-shaped accessory.

    Tools that you need to prepare for work:

    • pattern;
    • scissors;
    • sushi stick/pencil/knitting needle;
    • sewing machine.


    • interlining;
    • the cloth;
    • fixture.

    Let's take a step-by-step look at how to sew a tie with your own hands:

    • The pattern for each person is built individually. Take the necessary measurements and build a pattern according to the diagram. Cut it out and pin it to the fabric from the inside out.

    • Trace along the contour, making a seam allowance (7 mm). Cut out the detail.
    • We put the workpiece on the fabric and pin it with hairpins. We cut out three more such details together with allowances. There will be four in total.
    • We also cut out four parts from non-woven fabric.
    • We glue the non-woven blanks to the fabric with an iron.
    • We sew the parts, folding them face to face, leaving a small hole for turning out. Before turning the workpiece, cut off all excess fabric and corners. You can also make several cuts at the fold points.
    • Turn the bow tie inside out with a long object. Close the hole with a hidden seam.
    • Velcro can be sewn or glued to the ends of the butterfly.

    How to tie a classic bow tie

    Earlier, we examined how a bow tie (self-tying) pattern is built. Having sewn such an accessory, you need to know how to tie it correctly. You can see the step by step diagram below.

    This information is useful for both men and women. Moms of teenage girls, strong advice: teach your daughters to cope with such accessories - princes do not wear butterflies on an elastic band!


    An elegant piece of clothing makes the image spectacular, complete. Making a fashion accessory on your own is not very difficult, whether it's a bow tie, a pioneer tie or a classic men's version. As a result of painstaking work, an exclusive model is obtained, which is not inferior to custom-made accessories.

    How to make a tie

    For work, you will need a piece of fabric 1.35 m long and lining material 14x15 cm for the back side. It is better to duplicate an insufficiently dense canvas along the entire length so that the finished accessory keeps its shape. In this case, you will need a lining fabric equal in size to the base material. Before sewing a tie, the fabric must be washed, dried to avoid shrinkage and gently ironed. A tie pattern can be drawn along the contour of an old thing or printed for free from the Internet.

    Sewing ties involves processing corners. This is important, because the slightest error can spoil the appearance of the accessory. There are two ways to finish the bottom edge of the product. The first option requires drawing two lines inside out. A line closer to the cut is needed for attaching the lining. The second line is the fold. The lining is attached to the front side of the main part, attached with pins. Then you need to lay a straight seam across the corner, turn the product inside out, iron. Next, the sides are built up, turned out, ironed again.

    The second processing option involves drawing two lines denoting the boundaries of the finished corners. The pattern is removed from the base, transferred to the lining fabric. Then the corners are ironed according to the markup. The parts are aligned with the front sides, fastened with pins. It is important to follow the exact match of the elements. Next, a line is sewn from corner to edge. The product is ironed. After checking the correctness of the applied lines and angle, a second line is made. The product is turned inside out, ironed.

    How to sew a men's tie with your own hands

    To make an elegant men's accessory, you will need fabric, lining material. In addition, you will need:

    • thin threads in the color of the main fabric;
    • tailor's scissors (you can take ordinary, well-cutting material);
    • sewing machine or needle (if the production will be done manually);
    • sharp pins;
    • tape measure;
    • iron, ironing board.

    How to sew a classic accessory? Your actions:

    1. Cut out the main part from a dense canvas according to a cardboard template. If a solid part is not obtained, a connection of the components will be required.
    2. Cut a blank for a loop along an oblique - a strip of 4x6 cm. Fold the rectangle with the front side inward, pin it with pins.
    3. Stitch along the center of the strip. Turn out the element, iron.
    4. Pin the seam on the main piece.
    5. Stitch the cuts, iron the allowances.
    6. Work on the corners.
    7. Insert a dense base, straightening the corners.
    8. Fasten the part with pins in the center.
    9. Lay out a note.
    10. Secure the edges of the allowances with pins.
    11. Lay a hidden seam in the center.
    12. Sew the loop to the back side, grabbing only the top layer of the fabric with the thread. The element is needed to hold the short end.
    13. Fasten the edges at the narrow and wide ends of the product.
    14. Lay a stitch over the loop, 1-1.5 cm. The bartack will protect the product from deformation when threading and pulling out the end.

    How to sew a children's tie with an elastic band

    An accessory that does not need to be tied is convenient for boys of school age. The pattern of the product consists of the main part, the knot, the front part of the elastic band, the lining corner. The size of the product varies depending on the height of the child. To sew a tie for a boy with an elastic band, prepare:

    • pattern;
    • fabric 40 by 40 cm;
    • interlining;
    • threads to match the main fabric;
    • gum;
    • sewing machine;
    • pins.

    How to sew a tie for a boy? Your actions:

    1. Cut out the main part, placing the pattern along the oblique.
    2. Duplicate the part with interlining.
    3. Fold the element along the fold line, sew from the inside out.
    4. Turn the workpiece out, iron it with an iron.
    5. Measure the width of the top.
    6. Cut a strip with a length of 10 cm or more. The width of the part is twice the measured top.
    7. Duplicate the element with interlining.
    8. Fold the strip in half, sew inside out.
    9. Turn out the part.
    10. Sew the element so that you get a knot.
    11. Cut out the front of the elastic from the fabric. Sew on the sides with an elastic band.
    12. Connect the base to the knot.
    13. Sew the fabric part to the top allowances.
    14. Pull the base through the knot.
    15. Install the adjustment hooks on the elastic band.

    DIY ribbon tie

    An elegant accessory serves as a decoration for a special occasion. To sew an accessory for a girl yourself, prepare:

    • satin ribbon 4 cm wide;
    • brooch, rhinestones, half beads;
    • lace 4 cm wide;
    • hot glue;
    • lighter;
    • scissors.

    Do-it-yourself satin ribbon tie is done like this:

    1. Measure and cut blanks for the ponytail: one piece 26 cm long, 3 ribbons and 3 lace strips 15 cm each, 6 parts 13 cm each.
    2. Fold the 15 cm long ribbons in half along with the lace, work the edges.
    3. Fold the remaining elements in half. Burn the edges carefully.
    4. Fold the ponytail, attaching short elements to the longest ribbon.
    5. Cut out blanks for the bow: 1 piece 30 cm, 4 ribbons 28 cm each and 4 laces of the same length, 1 ribbon and lace 25 cm, 1 detail 15 cm.
    6. Fold and glue the elements so that the shorter parts are in front.
    7. Sew the stripes.
    8. Glue the blank with a brooch.
    9. Attach the base with a pin.

    Video: how to sew a tie with your own hands

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    Who said that a tie is a men's accessory? Things have been different for a long time now. A few centuries ago, a daring and beautiful woman defied public opinion by tying a man's tie around her neck with an unusual knot. Since then, this detail of men's clothing has gradually lost its narrow focus, migrating to the women's wardrobe.

    Nowadays, finding a women's tie in clothing stores is quite simple. They are sold in a large assortment, which both facilitates and complicates the choice of the desired model.

    But, before you buy a tie, you need to decide what kind of costume it will become, what feature in the image of a woman should be emphasized - rigor and efficiency or sexuality and tenderness. Oddly enough, being originally masculine, the tie magically emphasizes the femininity of the lady wearing it.

    A feature of a women's tie is its boundless practicality, while in a men's image this detail emphasizes only seriousness. A business meeting in the office or a party at a club with friends - a women's tie will be appropriate in almost any case.

    It is very easy to sew a tie yourself. To do this, it is enough to have basic skills in sewing and have a desire to replenish the wardrobe with such an unusual thing. All you need to sew a tie is a fabric, a pattern, scissors, threads, a sewing machine, if desired, an appliqué.

    A tie pattern for every taste can be found on the Internet or use the drawing below, adjusting the dimensions for yourself, and almost every home has everything else.

    The tie pattern is universal (suitable for both men and women) and consists of two parts:

    Attention! An error was made in the drawing: on the bottom part, instead of the second number 7 (7--- 7 ---3.5---3.5), you should set aside 45-50 cm. The standard length of the tie varies from 145 to 150 cm. Be careful!

    A tie is not only a stylish accessory, but also a great gift for any holiday, especially if it is sewn with your own hands. How to sew a tie yourself can be found in our

    I used to think that sewing ties- it's complicated, but after I decided to sew a tie, it turned out that it was much easier than I thought!

    Immediately I would like to make a reservation that I had to learn to sew a tie myself, but this does not mean at all that the method that I propose is artisanal.

    In order to learn and find out what is tie sewing technology, had to look into one quality worn tie.

    What do you think? This is how we learn - we unpick and study the latest innovations in the field of technology 🙂 No one will tell you how it is done - everyone is patented.

    One more moment. The corners of the tie can be processed in different ways. In this post I will not describe how to do this - it will be in the following posts.

    Described here all tailoring and sequence without end processing.

    The technology for sewing ties is as follows:

    1. We take a thick canvas and cut it out clearly according to the tie pattern. He will give it shape and not let it wrinkle.
    One-piece part, most likely, will not work, because. you need to cut at an angle of 45 degrees, so cut with a joint and connect it later.

    2. Now we are preparing a loop.
    To do this, cut a strip of fabric along an oblique, about 4 cm wide. Fold this strip with the front side inward and chop off with pins.

    3. We lay a line in the center of this strip.

    4. Turn right side out and iron.

    6. We grind and iron the seam allowances.

    From the front side:

    7. Now we put the base of the canvas in the tie, straightening the corners.
    The canvas should hold tightly in the corners!
    Pierce with pins in the center.

    8. We sweep, thereby fastening both parts, and take out the pins.

    9. And now a very crucial moment is coming!

    Many will not understand why it is forbidden do like this:

    Those. Stitch the inside of the tie and turn it inside out.

    At first, I didn't understand it either. Although, when opening the old copy, I saw that it was sewn by hand. But I wanted to finish everything as soon as possible 🙂
    But, as I was once again convinced that "if you hurry, you will make people laugh."

    I scribbled so, turned it out, and gasped!
    The tie is cut obliquely, and therefore its threads are a very complex system. If a little up and down, left and right, then oblique creases begin. It looked very sloppy and bad.
    I had to redo it the way it was done on a branded shop and time-worn sample.

    And we do this:

    We fix the edges of the allowances on the base with pins, and we pin the middle with pins with an overlay seam. Then we hem it in secret so that the filing is not visible.

    10. Now we need to sew on a loop that will keep the short end inside from involuntarily peeking out from under the top.

    To do this, at a distance, approximately (it is better to visually try on and look at the “body”, it depends on how long the tie should be), 30 cm from the bottom of the wide side, mark the location of the loop.

    We sew the loop by hand, not through and through, but capturing only the top layer of fabric and you can also have a canvas.

    We pin the second side with a pin so that the loop is not sewn tightly, but that there is a gap for the narrow end of the tie (we also sew by hand).

    11. Now we fasten the edges together at the narrow end of the tie.

    And at the wide end we make the same bartack.

    And so closer you can see what kind of fastening.

    12. We also make a backtack in one stitch over the loop. Approximately 1-1.5 cm higher.
    This is necessary so that the tie does not break, when the inner end of the tie is constantly, then threaded, then pulled out.

    13. We worked hard and here it is - a tie with your own hands!

    And again, tailoring a tie is nothing complicated.